wlth a destructive long-rang- e fire. The Che station, witb a railroad running AILING WOMEN. The Easiest Way. fort is flanked - with numerous bat- over the station to transport heavy I wonder if there isn't some way AMERICA READY teries of rapid-fir- e guns designed for material used in the several depart- Keep the Kidneys Well and the Kid- we can get our assemblyman to advo- repelling attacks from landing parties. ments. One of the features of the sta- ney Will Keep You Well. cate good roads?" The ten and twelve inch rifles of the tion is Its pattern department and its "Give him an auto." Brooklyn Llfev fort are of the disappearing type, be- draughting rooms, where some of the Sick, suffering, languid women WHEN DOGS OF ing mounted ' on carriages which lift most important works in these lines the true 'cause of bad backs - R Wemk, Weary, Watery Kyc them Into mo- learning Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Corn-pound- ed firing position at the are perfected. and how to cure by Experienced Physicians. Con- ment wanted, the heavy rifles sinking At Newport also is located the Naval them. Mrs. W. G. forms to Pure Food and Drug Laws. Mu- back to rine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain. LOOSED the shelter of emplacements War college, one of the mottt impor- Davis, of Groesbeck, Murine In Your Eyes. JLt WAR ARE - Try Druggists, after their missiles have been sped on tant adjuncts of the naval establish- Texas, says:'' "Back- their way. ment. ; : aches hurt me so I The habit of viewing things cheer- The mortar batteries that have been As an illustration of how practical could hardlv' stand. fully, and of thinking about life hope- imbedded in Forts Adams and Greble Is the work of the college it is related 'r it Spells of dizziness fully, may be made to grow up in us Is can be reckoned as powerful adjuncts that the late Rear Admiral Sampson and slck headaches like any other habit. Smiles. Completely o the defenses of the place. For one one day visited the college after the were frequent and ne is thing, no missile from any sea-bor- close of his victorious campaign - in the action of the kid-- Time the best test. Tor over fifty with Forts Batteries can years Hamlins Wizard Oil has been the Equipped and gun reach them, and, amply pro- Cuban waters and there saw suspend- neys was irregular. most popular remedy in the tected by superb batteries of rapid-fir- e ed on the wall a large chart of the Soon after I began taking Doan's Kid- for the cure of Rheumatism, Neuralgia runs, man them Cuban coast. marks lyp - and all and inflammation. That Guard the "Back Door of the artillerymen who It bore certain ney Pills I passed several gravel pain have nothing to fear from any assault. that denoted- - the movements of . war tones. I got well and the trouble has And is no hit-or-mi- vessels. to be a Woman is considered the weaker New York" The Nation's it chance that The admiral took it not returned. My back is good and an old Great these mortar when be- chart had been bet- vessel and there is maxim to pits take they that recently prepared strong, and my general health is the weaker the vessel . come irruptive. In each is a group of for the purpose of illustrating certain ter." effect that the h thicker the Drilling Place. 16 mortars of the type, each features of the Spanish war. It Sold by all dealers. 50 cents, a box. the paint. a shell whose on the turned out, as a matter of that he Foster-MUbur- n N. Y. throwing impact' fact, Co., Buffalo. ARB YOUR. CLOTHES FADED t EW YORK. If one were to grave defect in the of coast de- ceck of any ship would be sufficient was looking at a working model that Use Red Cross Ball Blue and make then system 2 ox. 5 cents ask which port on the At- fense that the war department adopt- to send that vessel to the bottom If had been put to use two years before GOING THE PACE. white again. Large package, lantic coast has become ed the plan of requiring the militia the shell be luckily or, on the other the war in the study of an imaginary center forces of sea hand, No woman really believes that she la the most important the coast states to spend unluckily placed. campaign against Spain. In the class. for joint army and navy- ten days or more in duty within the Poor Show for Attacker. . The college is in charge of Rear Ad- homely maneuvers, which Is re- forts instead of In summer encamp If one could go down into the inner miral John P. Merrell, U. S. N-- , who N of these two forts and retired but was re- garded as being the most important ments, as had formerly been the rule. recessej? gain last September, from a strategic standpoint, which This change was for the purpose of access to the charts and plans and quested to .remain in charge until next contains the most numerous stations familiarizing the militia with the maps which are guarded there as a October, when he will be relieved by for the advancement of the science of handling of the guns, thus miser guards his gold, he would un- Rear Admiral Raymond Perry Rod-ger- s, ' big forming pe a reserve come across a chart of the U. S. N., at present chief naval mmoff Two war, and which is now the most that might be quickly util- doubtedly For Catarrh the Throat of strongly fortified, probably very few ized in case of some sudden emer- approaches to the harbor and find it intelligence officer. Years Standing. persons outside of the estab- gency. blocked off into numbered squares. I "regular And was of NOT A CURE FOR SNAKE BITES was afflicted for two years with lishments," the army and navy, could Man New Forts This Year. if he in the confidence the i At was a correct commanding officer he might be told catarrh of the throat. first it give reply. In accordance with this general but every cold I took made certain is few the and of of the system by which the gunners of Expert Corrects Mistaken Impres- Tortoise What, have you started a very slight, Quite it that very plan infantry artillery the mortar are informed of sion to Value of it worse. would even think of the leading sum- militia will this year the batteries as Whisky motor car? mer coast as man the the exact square in which their un- as a Remedy. Snail Yes, one must move with the "I followed your directions and in a resort of the Atlantic forts in Narragansett bay and I I all of these equip- ort seen target lays, or the square toward times, you know. very short time began to improve. . combining grim Mansfield, below Watch Hill. which is a a ments, and combining them on a The latter is in the New London ar it traveling, if it be under It's mistake about whisky being took one bottle and am now taking way, and the at which it is go- cure for snake bites. E. T. Baruch, Cleaning the Stage. I can greater scale than does any other city tillery district, and the men assigned speed of my second. safely say that my on to ing. The instant and almost auto- an expert on snakes and snake bites, "We hope," said the spokesman and head from ca- the eastern seaboard. Yet this is that post will be doing the same the "to enlist your support throat are cleared Just now what does- - the work under the matic means of communicating and says so. committee, at I Newport commandant of New this also be all for bad In favor of a clean stage." tarrh the present time, but still same that is the summer London that bulk legist ering intelligence might "Whisky might ' right Newport the of the state Then would no ail- "You have it," responded the theat- continue to take my usual dose for home of the fashionable will do be learned. the visitor colds, weak hearts and other I world; the troops at the Narragansett bay - mis-- rical manager, almost spring tonic, and find there is noth- Newport of cottages, villas, bathing forts under Col. Howe In June. longer wonder at the seeming impos- ments," Baruch said, "but it's a heartily. "Why, ' every one of my plays opens with a ing better." Mrs. W. Pray. 260 beaches and yachts. But, incongru- By reason of the great shortage of i girl dusting everything in sight.' Twelfth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ous sta it mav coom anr) en rnri nir na men, only six companies of coast ar may be the statement, yet Newport to- tillery are now stationed in the forts. day is one of the strongest fortified These are Companies 78, 97, 110, 117, posts, if not the strongest, on the At- 129 and 130. But that the war depart lantic seaboard, possessing a long line ment contemplates making this region of massive, grim, defenses, most of around Newport and Narragansett bay whifh have been constructed since the the chief drfll ground of the depart Spanish war, fortresses which not only ment of the east is shown by the fact guard the city and the vitally impor- that a board of army officers recently tant entrance to Narragansett bay, made an elaborate survey of the but also protect the torpedo school shores of Narragansett bay and vfccre the seamen gunners of the navy mapped out camp sites sufficiently ex- receive the final course in their edu- tensive to encamp an army of 500,000 cation, the torpedo station where these men. missiles are constructed, the naval This board also selected places training station, the Naval War col- where additional batteries could be lege, the navy wireless plant, one of placed if need be, and where signal the most powerful on the coast, and stations and searchlights could be in also the fields where mines would be stalled. Report had it that some of laid in time of war. these sites included some of those oc Defenses of Highest Order. cupied by the summer colony in the "I would not call the defenses vicinity of Ocean avenue. The report said Col. Walter Howe, so much exercised some of the land commandant of and of the owners that a delegation of these went Narregansett district. "Perhaps no de- to Washington to make inquiries at fenses are impregnable. It was once the war department. But, following thought that Port Arthur was impreg- its usual policy, the department kept woman is nable, but the result of the attacks Its plans to itself. If it ever becomes A who sick and suffering, and won't at least made upon it showed that it was not. necessary to use the sites, it will use try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's But I have no hesitation in saying that them, no matter what landlords may Vegetable Compound, is to blame for her own wretched the present defenses are thoroughly say or think. condition. efficient and adequate in every re- No Real Cause for Worry. spect." ; "Heavy firing heard oft the New There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in In the system of Atlantic coast de- England coast" was a newspaper fense the value of headline had the United States who have been benefited by this famous strategic Newport that frequent employ- of mortars from a pit at take to use it for snake bites. When and cr defenses could ment in the Spanish-America- n sibility firing old which was from roots and herbs over that guard the early days of the an unseen and it al- a person has been bitten by a poison- remedy, produced eastern entrance to the sound was war. As a matter of fact, target hitting a woman to relieve woman's was no most every time. ous snake, every precaution should be thirty years ago by suffering. long ago recognized by the military there firing there at all, but In addition to its mortar taken to prevent the venom from be- I'Uthorities. For in a military sense Newport, as well as other seaports, battery, Read what these women : entrance is the the armament of Fort Greble includes-- ing distributed through the body by say this literally back door trembled every time the report was 12-in- breech-loadin- g to New a door is neces- made. battery of the blood. Whisky is a stimulant, and If. J. " Is with, I send testimo- York, that it If had six-inc- Camden, It that my the city known ten-inc- h h pleasure only it, two it increases the circulation of the Veg-etabl- sary to keep strongly guarded. A hos- its defenses even then were rifles, three rifles, nial for liydia 12. PinklianiV Compound, hopingr.it puissant rifles, and a rapid-fir-e battery. blood, and thus facilitates the dis- may induce other suffering- women to avail themselves of the tile fleet that could force its way enough to fend off any attack that tribution of the the benefit of valuable through this entrance and past the poor Spain could have made. But Its supply of water is taken from poison through this remedy. several fortifications submarine pipes running under the body, I suffered from pains in my back and side, sick headaches, distributed along while the army and navy knew this, "Three I with no appetite, was tired and nervous all the time, and so weak I the sound might reach within striking the average citizen did not. And until west passage of Narragansett bay things always carry could stand. E. Pinkham's where the war de- me when I am hardly Lydia- Vegetable Compound distance of the metropolis and Cervera's fleet was blockaded in Santi-ago- v from Saunderstown, hunting poisonous made me a well woman- and this valuable medicine shall place a sharp-pointe- d a stick New York and Brooklyn under a ran- the average seaboard citizen was partment, under the supervision of the snakes knife, always have my praise." Airs. W. P. Valentine, 4Oi2 .Lincoln som the of man. obsessed with a notion army engineers office, last year com- of caustic and some strong cord. If Ave Camden, is'. past counting generally that what is considered most I am bitten on the leg I at once bind J. Five constitute the chain cause to . . pleted the forts, of he had worry. on the a cord above wound Erie, Pa. "I suffered for five years from female troubles, and land defenses which now e But thanks to the which complete water system any post leg with the was guard awakening and then use the sharp-pointe- d knife at last almost helpless. I tried three doctors but they did to Newport and the sound. that little war brought about and to the Atlantic coast possesses. me no good. My sister advised me to try Lydia EX. Pinkham's Fort Getty, on Fox Hill, which is and the caustic. This is a much Vegetable Compound, and it has made me well and strong. I the flank line for Fort Greble and in safer method than drinking a quart hope all suffering women will just give Lydia K. Pinkham's the west passage, is being made ready of whisky." Vegetable Compound a trial, for it is worth its weight in gold." for a two-compa- post, and has a After two years of snake hunting in Mrs. J. P. Endlich, B. F. 1. 7, Erie, Pa. battery of h rifles and a fine bat- the west Baruch returned to Kansas e Since we that all testimonials which we tery of rapid-fir- guns. City, where he formerly was em- guarantee pub- Work of Torpedo Station. ployed, says the Kansas City Times. lish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. The torpedo station at Newport is He lives at 501A Park avenue. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help the only one of its kind in America. Baruch is killer of snakes and man- these women it will other woman who is suffer- Here the seamen gunners are trained ufacturer of snakeskin waistcoats, hat- help any for the work of manipulating these bands, scarfs, cigar oases and pocket-book- s. ing from the same trouble. machines, taught how to build and He deals in venom, rattlesnake how to repair them. Here also the oil, and sells mounted skeletons to For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable submarines and the destroyer flotilla museums. Compound has been the standard remedy for "I'm in or- female ills. No sick woman does justice to customarily rendezvous for the greater away behind filling my herself who will not try this famous medicine. part of the year. ders for snakeskin novelties," he said. Made from roots and herbs, and the torpedo station lies "A waistcoat made of rattlesnake exclusively Adjoining rat- has thousands of cures to its credit. Rose island, commonly known as the hides and ornamented with the If the slightest trouble appears which torpedo station annex, where torpe tles sells for about $25. Waistcoats ie""5' you do not understand, write to Mrs. does, war heads, and other deadly made from the hides of Pinkhamj f at Lynn, Mass., for her advice it is products from the torpedo station are snakes sell for less money. free and always helpful. stored under charge of a warrant of "It requires from one to three ficer of the navy, who is under the weeks to tan a snake hide properly. I command of Lieut. Commander Bris- kill the snakes and manufacture all WHEN YOU RETIRE Come To Seattle tol, the commanding officer of the tor- the novelties I selL It is a difficult "Farmer, like other hard worked, often desire to change their environment terthey j pedo station. While the capacity of task to mount a snake skeleton prop- have obtained a competency." Editorial These are Forts Wetherijl, Adams, the great impetus which it gave to the the torpedo factory Is but 100 a year erly. Why then not seek home where rlimatr. scenery, progress! venes and other attractions Getty. Phil Kearney and Greble. They upbuilding of the navy and to. the es- at present, all departments at the tor- "A rattlesnake yields about two are all that the most fertile imagination can picture, as in the matchless Puget Sound are equipped with numerous batteries tablishment of an adequate system of station are being increased, so of venom. It about 200 Country? Here, in the wonderfully fertile Northwest, farmers are every week retiring to coast-defens- e pedo drops requires the Sound and of high-pow- rifles of coast defense, the resident of the New- time is not far distant when rattlesnakes to an ounce of progressive Puget cities, by investing in unproved city property, they not that the yield only insure thenueTves the necessary steady income, but their estates continuously mcrrasa tlie,latest model, the main armaments port littoral has no longer any need to the capacity will be 300 and more. venom. The rattlesnake has about in without their least nor h ten-inc- h value, r.Lnu worry. of and , over one-ha- lf consisting worry any sudden raid from At present the station is turning out ounce of oiL It sells for Especially is this true of investments made in Seatde'arCe-firra- i Business Property, rifles. over-se- a. Even without the aid of that Whiteheads, Bliss-Leavitt- s, and a se $2.50 to $5 an ounce, according to the which my Company places within reach of all, Wnen YOU come this summer, to arm W A-Y-- P, will , on Canonicut Island, strong right of national defense, cret torpedo known as the ilsen, but quality. SEATTLE a you want to look into this. Better let me send you full par- was begun five years ago, and is now the United States navy, the forts alone nothing can be learned of this or the "Snakes are the most dangerous in n ticulars beforehand. Please write to me now. could a d. In fighting trim, although guns are "keep at bay half dozen fleets other work which is being carried on July and August, when they are moon-eye- FRANK T. HUNTER, President, of the size of the one which caused there. When the knock-of- t whistle time when snakes are still being mounted in the batteries so In winter THE TRUSTEE COMPANY, Seattle. Wash. which adjoin it along the shore. But much uneasiness to the city and blows at the station each afternoon hibernating they shrink from three to its neighbors during the early days of the number of civilian employes who although icady for use and turned war. six inches in length. The hides of over by the engineering corps to the the Spanish come streaming out gives the appear- snakes are the most valuable and are For Pink Eye. EpIxooUo lighting branch of the army, needing Need Fear No Foe. ance of a navy yard force ending its the easiest tanned when the snakes Shipping Fever only barracks for the troops to com- The chain "of forts which has been day's work, so numerous are the civil- are killed immediately after they shed DISTEMPER t Catarrhal Fever ians are now Sure cere- and positive pvwvniU s. no roattci how lioi at .tit aure are tnf eeted plete its equipment, the fort which is strung along the. approaches to this that employed. in the late summer." , ., "wposgn. jiquia. friera on ue wngue acts on the Bloou and OLasds; expels thm to - Ijrerms from the body. Cures Distemper m Doers and gbeep and Cholera In destined be the strongest and most eastern entrance to the sound com- Made Into Torpedo Factory. Baruch has traveled with various selling- livestock remedy. juree la unppe among auman Denize of the de- - and Is a fine Kulner remedy. 60c and tl a bottle, s&and 810 a dor4Q Outthlout- - Keep important Narragansett bay prises In its martial links Forts Weth- Up to a few years ago smokeless snake shows and he is able to "ex- ti coow who will armt It forroo. Free BooiUet. Distemper, Causae has not been com- and Cures.wjpnrarapuw. mi myrnui waMiseu. fenses yet put into erill and Adams, which guard the mid powder and gun cotton were made at pose" the- tricks of the snake and to - - K SPCHN MEDICAL CO.. Crtmlai IND., U. A. mission owing a lack of mj". At dle channel; Fort Getty, oe the west- U.his station, but this work is now be- charmer.' , Bacterio t ogi t GOSHEN, S. present It is gntrded by a small ern shore of Jamestown; Fort Phil Ing done by private firms, and one of "The biting of the snake's head act of troops from Fort Adams, Kearny, on the mainland opposite, and the large buildings formerly used for and other similar stunts ;of snake A that Is used tbe same as I emote whick- will be on on 12-- or vumliia.. By tiifol vinsr frrMuuliifl .ufir kept duty there until Fort Greble, Dutch island. The this purpose is being transformed into charmers are fakes,' Baruclj said. "All in water nd aUdiiijr Mapleiue. & de.Uiua more artillerymen can be provided. It inch rifles of Fort Wetherill are so em- - j An immense steel of them are syrup i s maxie and a syrup better than Diaptr, torpedo factory. accomplished by sleight of i .old cers, I f nd :W ft was for the purpose of remedying this placed as to sveev approaches crane Is in use at the wharf front of hand." ZMEDC3 Mple.ne by pr. rtt u ie lux. bot. and rucipe book, cw ju.