The Rohingya refugee crisis: a conflict amongst nations Sally Schuster De Hart.1 Abstract The Rohingya people are a Muslim religious minority that practices a Sufi-inflected variation of Islam in the Rakhine state of Myanmar. However, many of them have been displaced to refugee camps in Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia and Bangladesh amidst ongoing ethnic violence. According to the UN, the Rohing- yas are one of the most persecuted minorities in the world. In Myanmar, they live in miserable conditions where they are not allowed by law to possess land, are physically exploited through forced labor and their movement is restricted. Most Rohingyas do not have a state of their own and are subject to racial segrega- tion. This paper focuses on this Muslim minority, their identity, historical background, the refugee crisis and the international community’s effort to help them. Keywords: Rohingya, Myanmar, ethnic groups, perse- cution, religious segregation. 1 Professional in International Relations with a Minor in International Economics from Universidad del Norte. [Also Political Science and Government Student with a Minor in In- ternational Relations from Universidad del Norte]. Resides in Barranquilla (Colombia).
[email protected] 77 A C I D Í R U J D A The Rohingyas were first known as Arakanese (or Introduction D Rakhine). They are an ethnic group centered in the I L The Burmese Rohingya minority is a Muslim reli- Arakan coastal region of southern Myanmar. As th A gious minority with about 1.3 million people. They early as 4 century AD, an independent Arakanese U practice a Sufi-inflected variation of Sunni Islam.