And There by the Fire, JH Newman Began His

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And There by the Fire, JH Newman Began His N° 23 - New Series, June-September 2010 Supplement to L’Eco of Saint Gabriel, September 2010 Sped. in a.p. -45% art.2 comma 20/c legge 662/96 “…and there by the fire, J.H. Newman began his general confession with extraordinary humility and devotion…” (From a letter of Bl. Dominic Barberi to Fr. Antonio Testa, October 1845) INDEX Passionist Bulletin International N. 23 - New Series - June-September 2010 LETTER OF CONVOCATION OF THE XIV GENERAL SYNOD Supplement to L’Eco of Saint Gabriel, September 2010 OF THE CONGREGATION OF THE PASSION . pag. 3 XXVI WORLD YOUTH DAY MADRID, Editor SPAIN AUGUST 16-21, 2011 . » 6 General Curia A PROVIDENTIAL ENCOUNTER: of the Congregation of the Passion NEWMAN AND THE PASSIONISTS Fr. Adolfo Lippi, CP (PRAES) . » 7 General Consultor for Communications Denis Travers, C.P. J.H. NEWMAN: FROM OXFORD TO ROME Fr. Giuseppe Comparelli C.P. (DOL) . » 13 Editing and Translation of Texts NEWS FROM THE SECRETARY GENERAL Francesca Pieretti FOR SOLIDARITY AND THE MISSIONS Lawrence Rywalt, C.P. Fr. Jesús Mª Aristín, C.P. » 15 Luis Enrique Bernal, C.P. Marco Pasquali, C.P. PASSIONIST LIFE Ramiro Ruiz, C.P. News from the Configurations and the Provinces Photographs THIRD PROVINCIAL CHAPTER IN PORTUGAL . » 16 Lawrence Rywalt, C.P. MEETINGS IN MADRID, SPAIN: THE SACRED Miguel Ángel Villanueva, C.P. HEART CONFIGURATION (CSC) AND THE FORMER The Newman Centre, Rome INTER-PROVINCIAL IBERIAN CONFERENCE . » 16 Address REG PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY . » 17 Ufficio Comunicazioni ASSEMBLY OF THE PASSIONISTS Curia Generalizia OF LATIN AMERICAN (CLAP) . » 18 P.zza Ss. Giovanni e Paolo 13 TWENTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF FORMER 00184 Roma - Italy PASSIONIST STUDENTS OF THE DOL PROVINCE . » 18 Tel. Fax. 06.700.84.54 FIFTY YEARS OF PASSIONIST PRESENCE IN ECUADOR . » 19 Web Page: THE CONFIGURATION OF JESUS CRUCIFIED . » 19 e-mail: [email protected] 48TH PROVINCIAL CHAPTER OF THE PAUL PROVINCE, USA » 20 Graphics SEMINAR ON THE CHARISM AND JPIC Florideo D’Ignazio - Editoriale Eco srl (JUSTICE, PEACE AND THE INTEGRITY OF CREATION) . » 21 THE 30TH CHAPTER OF THE GABR PROVINCE, BELGIUM . » 22 Cover Logo ASSUM PROVINCIAL CHAPTER, POLAND . » 22 Loretta Lynch THIRD MEETING OF THE MAJOR SUPERIORS Cover photo OF THE CEB CONFIGURATION . » 23 John Henry Newman asking Father Dominic THE NEW PASSIONIST MISSION IN NIGERIA Barberi to receive him “into the one Fold of (report of Fr. Denis Travers, First Consultor) . » 24 Christ”. Sculpture by Faith Tolkien (1995) in Blessed LAITY Dominic Barberi Church, Littlemore, Oxford, England. MEETING OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE LAY ITALIAN PASSIONIST MOVEMENT . » 24 Final page photo John Henry Newman by A. R. Venables WITNESSES The Oxford Oratory, England FR. CARLOS LIZARRAGA ALDEA (CORI) (1919-2010) . » 25 Printing PROFESSIONS AND ORDINATIONS . » 26 Editoriale Eco s.r.l. Località San Gabriele - Colledara NEW PUBLICATIONS . » 29 64045 San Gabriele (Teramo) - Italy Tel. 0861.975924 - Fax 0861.975655 NOTITIAE OBITUS . » 31 E-mail: [email protected] THE CURIA INFORMS CONGREGAZIONE DELLA PASSIONE DI GESÙ CRISTO P.ZA SS. GIOVANNI E PAOLO, 13 - 00184 ROMA - ITALIA TEL: (39)- – FAX: (39)-06.700.8454 The Superior General LETTER OF CONVOCATION OF THE XIV GENERAL SYNOD OF THE CONGREGATION OF THE PASSION Dear brothers, women religious and laity of the Passionist Family, I send greetings to all of you on my part, and also on behalf of the members of the General Council who at this time are making canonical visitations in prepa- ration for the celebration of various provincial chap- ters. My means of this letter and according to the norms of our Constitutions at numbers 144, 145 and 146, I am hereby convoking the XIV General Synod of the Congregation. As was stated in Cuernavaca, Mexico, during the last Synod of 2008, the next Synod of 2010 will be celebrated in Rome at our Generalate of Sts. John and Paul during 20 -31 October 2010. The participants should arrive in Rome at the lat- est by Monday, 18 October in order to be able to cel- ebrate together the solemnity of our Holy Founder, St. Paul of the Cross, the following day, Tuesday, 19 October. The Synod will begin on Wednesday morn- ing, the 20th, and will conclude on the morning of Sunday, 31 October. That same evening and during the following days everyone will be at liberty to depart. The members of the Synod are those who partici- pate “ex officio” at the General Chapter or their sub- stitutes according to the Constitutions, No. 147. Therefore, these “ex officio” members are the General Curia, the Provincial and Vice-Provincial “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the Superiors, as well as the Regional Vicars of those world.” (Jn.1:29) Vicariates that are comprised of at least twenty-five religious as of the date of the convocation of the Owengo (MATAF) who is not an “ex-officio” partic- Synod. Those Vicariates with at least twenty-five ipant. Additionally, for the same reason, the follow- religious are as follows: CARLW-CORM (Kenya); ing Regional Vicars are also invited: GEMM-CORM RES-CORI (Peru); THOM-CRUC (India); VICT- (Tanzania); MATAF-PATR (Botswana/South Africa); DOL (Brazil); and DOMIN-PRAES (Brazil). and PAC-CORI (Puerto Rico/The Dominican Furthermore, since the main topic of the Synod will Republic). be that of Restructuring, the General Council decided Fr. Kevin Dance (SPIR) will present a report on that it would be opportune to invite the Coordinator his work and the steps that have been taken to make of the CPA Configuration (Africa), Fr. Michael our presence at the UN more fruitful. He will also ➥ June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23 3 THE CURIA INFORMS “May our loving mother, Mary and the Holy Family keep us and the Passionist Family united around our hearth and home on Calvary”. report on future endeavors. All of the invited guests General Chapter and the Synod of 2008, the presen- will have active voice. tation of the General Econome’s Budget and financial As is customary, I herein state what is prescribed plan, the report of the General Secretary for by our Constitutions in this regard. No. 144 states Solidarity and the Missions, and other such reports that: “The General Synod… will examine the pro- as shall be specified in the Synod Agenda, which grammes proposed by the General Chapter and eval- will be sent out to everyone concerned by September uate their implementation. Furthermore, it will sug- 19th. It will also include useful information for your gest initiatives to keep the Congregation continually travel and arrival at our Generalate of Sts. John up to date; it will propose means of settling problems and Paul. in a spirit of brotherly harmony, and will call the Regarding the matter of travel, last April the attention of the various Provinces to their duties Secretary General published a letter in which he towards one another.” invited the members of the Synod as well as the I also wish to remind you of what is stated in #146 translators, secretaries, members of the liturgical and of the Constitutions: “The members of the Synod… communications commissions, the redaction com- are free to put forward other topics for discussion.” mittee and others who will be lending their services Therefore anyone who wishes to present other pro- to the Synod, to ascertain as soon as possible whether posals or matters for discussion must send these to or not they will require VISAS to enter Italy. It is not the General Secretariat as soon as possible, but no unusual that citizens of certain countries will have to later than August 30th in order to allow for their comply with a number of formalities in order to inclusion in the definitive Agenda for the Synod. obtain a Visa, and this process often requires a signif- As is customary, we shall be studying the imple- icant amount of time. Therefore, the General mentation of the Programme set out by the last Secretariat asks that, as soon as possible, you 4 June-September 2010 - BIP n. 23 THE CURIA INFORMS research whether or not any documentation will be He is the voice of the Spirit, the one who announces required in order to complete the Visa process. the coming of Jesus and who recognizes that he is The central theme and very heart of the Synod will present among us and that we need to be virtuous in be the consideration and in-depth study of the man- order to worthily receive “the Lamb of God”. It is the date of our last General Chapter, which committed announcement of his passion: the Paschal Lamb, “the Congregation to proceed with the process of Jesus, will take away the sins of the world by his sac- Restructuring begun at the General Synod of 2004 rificial death. Everyone saw Jesus, but he “recog- and which will continue at least until the next nized” him and openly proclaimed him. John also General Chapter in 2012.” tells us that we need to have eyes and hearts that rec- In this regard I wish to restate several of the points ognize Jesus and his innovative presence among us. that were made in the Letter to the Congregation of Therefore, as a Congregation we need to enter the 11 October 2009 concerning the Process of time period that lies before us— the upcoming Restructuring: No. 13: At the General Synod of 2010 Synod— like John, not with preconceptions and prej- the results of the two years of work of the six udices, but with interior freedom, with courage, trust- Configurations will be presented together with their ing in the Spirit who guides us, and in a spirit of faith directives for the structures designed for Solidarity in and an awareness of the presence of Jesus.
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