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Replacenafta | #Replacenafta | #ReplaceNAFTA | #ReplaceNAFTA | #ReplaceNAFTA | #ReplaceNAFTA | President Trump: We demand that you replace the North American Free President Trump: We demand that you replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with a deal benefiting working people in all three Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with a deal benefiting working people in all three countries, not just multinational corporations. This means ending the NAFTA countries, not just multinational corporations. This means ending the NAFTA investor protections and the ban on Buy American/Buy Local procurement investor protections and the ban on Buy American/Buy Local procurement that promote job-offshoring, removing investor-state dispute settlement, and that promote job-offshoring, removing investor-state dispute settlement, and requiring that food imports meet U.S. safety rules. A new deal must only go requiring that food imports meet U.S. safety rules. A new deal must only go into effect if countries enact and enforce strong labor, wage and environmen- into effect if countries enact and enforce strong labor, wage and environmen- tal standards. Nothing to make NAFTA even worse, like monopoly protections tal standards. Nothing to make NAFTA even worse, like monopoly protections for Big Pharma, can be included. for Big Pharma, can be included. NAME NAME STREET ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE CITY STATE ZIP CODE EMAIL EMAIL PHONE PHONE President Trump: We demand that you replace the North American Free President Trump: We demand that you replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with a deal benefiting working people in all three Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with a deal benefiting working people in all three countries, not just multinational corporations. This means ending the NAFTA countries, not just multinational corporations. This means ending the NAFTA investor protections and the ban on Buy American/Buy Local procurement investor protections and the ban on Buy American/Buy Local procurement that promote job-offshoring, removing investor-state dispute settlement, and that promote job-offshoring, removing investor-state dispute settlement, and requiring that food imports meet U.S. safety rules. A new deal must only go requiring that food imports meet U.S. safety rules. A new deal must only go into effect if countries enact and enforce strong labor, wage and environmen- into effect if countries enact and enforce strong labor, wage and environmen- tal standards. Nothing to make NAFTA even worse, like monopoly protections tal standards. Nothing to make NAFTA even worse, like monopoly protections for Big Pharma, can be included. for Big Pharma, can be included. NAME NAME STREET ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE CITY STATE ZIP CODE EMAIL EMAIL PHONE PHONE .
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