VOL. XVII. CLEMSON COLLEGE, S. C, Oct. 26, 1921. No. e. » Clemson O MCo. Rats Win The Civils Carolina Game Furman O Championship Organize Club For Thursday

Tigers Get Breaks of Game. Colbert, covered by the ends of both teams. "O" and *E" Companies in Semi- It was a brilliant moonlight night The Tigers Are Out For Beveng« Bhame, Spearman, Gilmer, Gettys, Time after time, a well-started end final*. —one of those nights in which one Lookout Gamecocks. Bradley, and McCloud Star. Sto- run would be broken up by a de- has only to gaze at the moon, breathe kum Does Great Panting. Clem- fensive end. There was hardly a After two weeks of an eliminition the forest air, and he will be literally But a few short hours remain be- »on Holds on Four Yard Line for single run made around the ends, process, "'C=., "E" and ">M" Com- overwhelmed with memories of fore the annual football classic be- Downs. Honors Even. Ends Play execpt when Harmon's shifty run- panies won the respective battalion moonlight strolls with "her." Here, tween Clemson Agricultural College, Wonderful Defensive Game. ning pegged off the Furman end in championships and then it was a hot securely insulated from anything that and the University of Straight Football Used. Many the fourth quarter. Spearman was fight for the regimental champion- might by chance pertain to civiliza- will be a matter of history. Both Thrills to Game. Few Injuries. the leading light in this department ship, and it is no small honor to win tion or to "her" the poor chap is teams have played erratic ball, and ,♦ An ideal day, no wind, neither of the game. He withstood some such a pennant. The brand of ball haunted with visions which can never from the standpoint of the spectator, Tery hot nor cold, twenty-two men fierce attacks and spilled both inter- put up by the "rats" was A No. 1, materialize until Santa Clause per- it will be anybody's game. Clemson ready and primed for a struggle with ferers and runners. His play and is indictitive of good players for suades Madison to let him go to see started her season strong, holding many more on the side lines to sub- could hardly be improved upon in varsity in the future. her. the strong Center outfit to 14-6, atitute, and two student bodies howl- this particular. firadley's defense The schedule ran "A"—"B" "C" iSuch was the predicament of a then on the next game overwhelmed ing themselves hoarse;—this was the was also great, while Gilmer and —"ID", "E" — "F". -G"—"H", "1" disconsolate group of senior civils as P. C. by a large score. On the third letting for the Clemson-iFurman Carter did not let grass grow under company failed to respond to the on last Tuesday night they strolled game, with Auburn, she came out the annual football game on Manly Field their feet. call and did not put out a team, aimlessly over the campus. Stifled short end of the horn. The Furman last Friday. To the average spec- Stokum's Punting. do in the third battalion "L"—"M" sobs from "Red" Graham finally game is too fresh in the minds of tator the teams were evenly matched Stokum's punting was a distinct played and the winner, "M", played broke the silence. His sobs evident- followers of the grand old sport to in weight and everybody looked for- feature of the game. His longest "K" company. ly plucked a respondant cord in the need comment. ward to a great game. The spec- punt was 65 yards. Several times in After the dust settled from these emotional bosom of "Ikey" Eubanks The Gamecocks were equally of a tators were not dissappointed with the first half his long twisters stop- contests, "B" and "C" fought it out for he too sobbed. This was too rise and fall nature, starting off the the game, for from the grandstand, ped an advance by the Furman in the first battalion, "E" and "G" much for the sympathetic "Duke" season with Erskine and eased over a 13-7 victory. On the following the game had its thrills and heart- eleven. Favorable comment was in the second organization, and "K" Hooligan and within a moment he catching moments. Both teams heard on all sides of Stokum's foot- and "M" in Major John Stewarts' had joined the pair and there broke Saturday they sneaked another 7- point margin over the (Newberry In- »eem to have been training to the work. Had he attempted and com- outfit. forth upon the night air a most wierd pleted a drop-kick, it would have dians, but came back strong in their •ame point, and as fate would have Semi-finals Is C, E, and M. piercing trio of discordant voices not it, both had similiar opportunities to been a fitting complement to his at all un-like the ghostly steam third game of the season and held the strong University of North Caro- •core and both failed by poor strate- punting, but the arbiter of football After hard games, "C," "E", and caliaps. Within a moment there gy. Nobody wanted a tie. but a tie decreed otherwise, and a scoreless "M" took off the sacon, and here ensued a "free-for-all" which lasted lina eleven to a 7 to 7 tie. This wa« tie it was, or, as some newspapers a distinct surprise to the fans in view it was decreed by Fate. A timely came the real tes: or mettle. "C" until the illustrious orator, "Buck" drop-kick or field goal by either put it. "Clemson holds Furman to a and "E" played Wwft and "C" em- Armstrong's voice sounded above the of the fact that Carolina just did ease victories over the secondary team at the right moment would scoreless tie," we wonder they did erged victor coming with a rush, up-roar. "Cease thy strife brothers have hung up a different record than not add "in Furman's favor. took the lead in the first half, and lest we forget the paramount ambi- state teams. It is taken that the 7-7 , a pair of goose eggs. Spearman and Bhame. held it thruout the game, Johnson tion of our lives—that of civilizing game with U. of N. C. was the real Rhame and Spearman were the strength of the Gamecocks and that Furman Starts with Spurt. played snowbird forward, and being the world." outstanding luminaries of the game. they are not showing their strength Billy Laval must have doped it tall, was unassailable by the "E" Co. "Right you are!" murmured out that if the Tiger line and ends Rhame wore himself out in running guards. Altho stockly, little "rat" as yet .but are holding back a re-, with the ball, and when the critical "Sleepy Boy" McArn, "I move that serve to spring on the Tigers. Sol were penetrable or circleable at all Jones for the loses at guard posi- we form a club to prevent such moment came, he could not get tion and deserves credit. Bower Metzger pulled the funny stuff first he would score early before the Doc- occurances as this—that we might tor iStewart could stop the leaks. across the goal-line. However, he put up a good game at forward for shot out of the box last year and deserves every ounce of credit he destroy any thing whatever detri- that "end-lay-out-play" put the Gar- However, Furman reckoned without the losers. For the winner, Johnson, mental to our effort to civilize the her host for a while bending before gets, for it is an exceptional player Cox, Walker, Buck, and Floyd put net and Black in a position to drop- who can withstand the successive world." kick the winning three points. the fierce onslaughts of Rhame and up a brand of ball hard to beat; With "ten-second time" the civils runs that Lee Rhame did. Equally their team work and passing was Carolina is the Favorite. IChewning, coupled with a 27 yard rushed to their den in the Engineer- pass from McManaway to Carter, on a plane with Rhame's offensive, particularly good. Carolina is distinctly the favorite. ,» was John Spearman's defense for the ing Building, waked up "Dynamo," Clemson will have to come from be- the Tiger defense held and Furman Finals "M" vs "C" C. E. who was sleeping serenly on a reached high tide on the four yard Tigers. Time after time, a trio of hind if she wins the game. But if Furman backs would hurl them- After eliminating "E" company. map of Seneca, and proceeded to spirit, pluck and fight, combined line in the middle of the second form the Clemson College Civil En- quarter. After this advance the selves at ISpearman on an end run "C" went hot footed for "M", but with the physical ability of half crip- but "Long John" would fight them were overcome by a shade better gineering Club. "Oconee Joe" Moss ples can bring back the bacon to Purple Hurricane's strength was a moonshiner of the nearby "Hill spent and never again did they re- off and nail the runner. Spearman, outfit. The game was a stellar con- Tigertown, a combined feast of without fail,, stopped Furman's end test and did credit to Capt. Thomas Billy" tribe, was elected President, gamecock, flavored with bacon, will gain their dash and fierce attack, "Hard Tack" Bauman, Greenville and her backs fell back panting and runs. Bradley and Gilmer also put Seabrook for the winner and Capt be enjoyed by all concerned. Caro- up games that were hard to im- Harvin of the losers. These men are Police Force, Vice President, and lina has not been showing her true exhausted. "Buck" Armstrong, Sect'y-Treas. prove on at their wings. the military commanders of the hand and a surprise is expected. Tiger Line Holds. IBe it known by these authentic Cann, McCloud, and Hollohan. organizations, but their interest serv- Carolina has been fortunate and has Aftercompleting the 27-yard pass, statements hereinbefore elucidated In the line, McCloud put up the ed as a spur to their "rats." not suffered from injuries as has Rhame. by series of runs, put the that the Civils have formed a club best game for Fruman, while Cann The game was close as close could Clemson. The comparative score on ball on Clemson 10 yard line. Chew- that they might civilize the world. and Hollohan did yeoman work for De 9—8, and anybody's game until the P. C. aggregation. The Tigers ning failed to gain on the third "Hobo's Hobos" have misaculously playStewart's eleven. Cann stopped the timekeeper called it off. All tne licked the Presbyterians to the tune down and then Khame threw himself been transformed into "Dynamo's against the Tiger line three succes- plays time after time, and he and men were the stars, each playing of 34-0, while Carolina ran up 4S Broncos." sive times, but he was only able to "Butch" Hollohan lead the defense ball to the best of his ability and points against a zero on them. make six of the necessary'ten yards. when Clemson was fighting for her fighting for the rag. At the end of Wade and Edwards. first half the score was 9—0, in "M" The ball went over, and Stokum sent life on the goal line. Cann had only Grady Wade, speedy half back, recently recovered from severe in- favor, their guards playing air-tight THE CIVILS CLUB one of his beautiful punts to safety. will still be ut of the game, as will ball, and outwitting the "C" for- Furman had touched the high water juries. "Tiny" Edwards, tower of strength wards. But every dog has his day, mark and after that played on the Gettys and Hammett. in the line. Bartles is still not "Red" Gettys clearly outplayed and "C" came from behind with a ' It is indeed fitting that the civils defensive. A few minutes later the among those present, as is Big Willis, "Babe" Hammett at the keystone wonderful comeback and almost suc- hope to form an organization for Purple wearers ran the ball to the thus causing the Tigers to be minus position. Hammett has been fre- ceeded in besting "M" at the last the promotion of their chosen Pro- 15 yard line but lost it on a forward another star back and lineman. quently mentioned for all state or minute. It was particularly close, fession. It fills a long felt need in pass falling dead. The half ended Colbert Doubtful. with time nearly out, and the score this department. Efforts are being with the ball in the middle of the southern center, but 'Gettys had the "Pinkie" Colbert, who had his face Q .$ there remained only ithree- made to affiliate with the national field in Furman's possession. The best of the deal. He worried Ham- t and eye badly cut and torn in the fourths of sixty seconds to determine organization of civil engineers but first half was for the most part Fur- mett considerably and caused him to Furman game is still in no condition make a few poor passes, whfle the champs, but "M" held the foot no information as to favorable or man, with Clemson on the defensive. to play, altho Coach will have his Gettys' passing was almost faultless. to the fire and emerged victor. unfavorable advices is available at Tigers Take Offensive. hands full keeping him out of the Hammetts passing has been air-tight It was a hard and glorious battle the present writing. After the rest period of the first game. "Pinkie" is a born fighter for "C" Co. to lose, but it was taken Much interest is being taken by half, Clemson started to take the in all contests so far, but his one bad and hates to retire from a game no pass came near being the death nell in a fine spirit, which spirit had pre- the seniors in this attempt and it will initiative and combined with good matter how badly he is hurt. vailed thruout the entire series. put another star in the crown ofthe and bad luck, ran the ball to the of his team in so far as the Clemson- Sams in Columbia. 7 yard line and lost it on an incom- Furman game was concerned. Gettys Personnel of Bat champs class of '22. Professor Clarke has given much Manager 'Sams has been in Colum- pleted forward pass over the goal was also a tower of strength on "C" Co. invaluable assistance to the senior bia for the past week making innum- line, and lost with the ball her breaking up Laval's effective off- Pos. civil in this work, and a stong com- erable arrangements for the big chance of a victory. Just before, tackle play. Johnson mittee are at work on a suitable con- game. Those going on the trip are with the ball on the 15 yard line. Thrill of Contest. F Cox Coach Stewart, Ass't Coach Shaw, an attempted pass by Clemson was Many thrills of the scoreless tie stitution which will promote and Floyd G Professor Henry, together with Gil- intercepted by Waters, of Furman, made the game interesting to the maintain the dignity of the club. Buck G Professional ethics and scholarship mer, Cann, Colbert, Gettys, Stokum. and probably saved a touchdown. 7,000 spectators. Many thought that Walker G Tennant. Spearman, Burton, Wil- Ends Defensive Playing Great. Carter was loose when he nabbed a are to be promoted to the fullest ex- """"""""(Continued on page 3) The wings of both teams were well (Continued on last page) (continued on page 3) tent.

/ local talent,) thus the advertisement wasted, for there was much to be Y. M. C. A. NOTICE—Go to J. W. Martin's might be considered an article of seen and accomplised before leaving. Bible classes are still on the boom. Pressing Club for Good Quality at The Tiger news. So each and every cadet set out to More students are in classes this year Lowest Prices. Ask for Monthly enjoy himself in his own way. than were in classes this time last Rates. 9—22—4x Founded by the Class of '07. Clemson 0—Eurman 0. Who won? On the streets and in che hotels, year. The only fault with the classes saaBaaBsaaCBB That is the question. It seems now Published weekly by the Corps of cafes, and theaters tue cadets reign- is that there is no, or rather very that the question of the suprernancy Cadets of Clemson College. ed supreme. Seeing a commanding few, seniors in them. The juniors of the purple and gold or the purple figure strutting along tne street are also few. The sophomores and Official Organ of the Clemson, Ath- and white must remain status on bending a piercing stare upon all freshmen make up the largest num- letic Association and the Clemson for another long twelve months. Un- whom his glance encountered, who ber of members of the classes. At Alumni Association. less Carolina should defeat Clemson could blame the citizens for asking: present there are about 400 students SCHILLETTER'S Subscription Rates: or Furman or both, the question of "Who is that man going there? Is enrolled. This is approximately 4 0 Nine Months (Weekly) $1.50 the football championship of South he General Persbing?" "The ones percent of the student body. "Six Months (Weekly) 1.00 Carolina will remain in the same who knew would answer: "No, don't If you are not in a class, get in condition that it has for the past you know who he is? Why, that one next Sunday night. There is BAKERY Entered as Second Class Matter at two years. In view of the games man is a cadet freshman from Clem- one on your hall. The man that goes he Post Office at Clemson College, played already. Carolina stands a ' 1 son." to a class one time will almost in- CAKES AND PIES South Carolina. Tery small chance of defeat in either, However, the streets were not the variabely go back. Give the classes and so an unsettled campionship is only places where the much dreaded a trial. Everyone is invited to join \v M REDFERN Ed. and Bus. Mgr. 0 O already beginning to appear. and talked of Tigers were prowling.. one. • L. A. BOROKMEYEiR __ Co-op. Ed. Many a soft handclasp was excnang- E. B. SAVAGE Associate Editor. The Clemson-Furman game cer- ed; many a loving glance was given; WHOLESOME BREAD H. A. WOODLE Associate Editor Jfarry &. 'Wallace tainly did not lack its local color and and many a tender word of farewell * R. T. HALSTEAD Athletic Ed. AND ROLLS partainship. Six thousand people, was spoken. All round that the 'i G. D. GRIOE, ___Asso. Athletic Ed. OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER three complete student bodies, and time for departure came only too E. A SMYTHE__Asso. Athletic Ed. TAPS '22 four bands were enough to make this soon; but military discipline cares 0 0 S. A. WILLIAMIS College News one game one of the noisest games nothing for a broken heart, so fare- LATEST STYLES IN « H. E. ROBINSON__"Y" and Lit. Soc ever played in South Carolina. The wells were necessarily in. vogue. PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL J. B. ARMSTRONG Jokes supporters of each team were about It was a trainloaa of tired but Studio Two Doors North of Circulation Department BLUE RIDGE DEPOT equal in number and the colors of unbeaten Tigers who left Greenville DAIRY LUNCH J. D. WARNER Circulation MET the two teams were intermingled a little after midnight, each one vow- ANDERSON, S. C. \V M BALLENGER_Asso. Cir. Mgr throughout the sidlines, bleachers, ing to himself that he would return 11. A HUNTER Asso. Cir. Mgr. and grandstand. some later day to see the Purple and A very noticeable change was seen Gold wave triumphantly all alone THE EDITORIAL. in the rooting of the fair daughters above Manly Field. SANDWICHES of G. W. C. Last year these young THIS ISSUE Of course Greenville supports her TIGER ladies were for Furman almost with- own college, but she can also re- CAKE This issue of "The Tiger" is put out exception; but this year Clem- spect a worthy opponent. The Tigers PRESSING CLUB out under difficulties. However, we son's colors were very much in evi- enjoyed their visit; so here's to you PIES CLEANING, are told by our betters, that diffi- dence in that portion of the stands Greenville. Hat's off! PRESSING, and culties make the man, and we are occupied by the G. W. C. girls. Hats "HOT CAKES" trying to add service stripes to "The off to you G. W. C, may you turn ALTERING TECH FRESHIES PLAY CLEMSON DONE AT ALL TIMES. Tiger." The majority of the staff out in full for Clemson next, fall RESERVES have left Clemson several days ago when the question of Tiger or Hornet OWNED BY AND RUN FOR THE BENEFIT OF and only a few remain to "get the will no doubt be settled. Second String Men Lose to Georgians dope." CLEMSON ATHLETES. COFFEE AND MILK By Single Touchdown, The Game IX CONCRETE BUILDING TO THE The editor, Air. iRedfern, is not to TIGERS INVADE HORNET'S NEST Being Fiercely Contested Through- REAR OF COMMUNITY STORE o o be abused for any failures, insults, out. or shortcomings of this issue. He is Greenville Again Hears The Roar of entirely innocent. We blame only The Clemson Tiger—Tigertown The Clemson reserves were defeat- one thing on "Doc", and that is well Represented ed 7 to 0 by the Georgia Tech fresh- TNE COMMUNITY STORE, INC. YOUR TRADE INVITED the "ad" on the opposite page. He men in a close and hotly contested DRY GOODS, AND SHOES, arranged that before he checked out Did Greenville think that the old game here iSaturdaj- aiternoon. The for Columbia. Tiger was dead? Did Furman be- Jackets brought a large squad of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, We ask the indulgence of the corps lieve that he had forgotten how to players along who were bent on CRACKERS, on this poor attempt, and beg them roar? Perhaps these good people victory for they have not been beaten to bear with us. We would like to did believe this but now—what do CANDIES, and ♦ I this year. The teams were evenly I state for the benefit of a number of they say now? For ten long hours matched and while both made many FRUITS. "kickers" that "knocking" is not Greenville shook with tne roar of gains, they were unable to gain UheClemson +Prinierj/ criticism. Just criticism will be hundreds of young Tigers, and— We Solicit the Patronage of the when near the goal line except once, *—i appreciated at any time, but "Knock- but that's the story. when a pretty pass irum Godwin to CLEMSON CADETS ing" always reflects back on the man On the beautiful autumn morning Harris scored a touchdown, Harris - - Printing... who holds the hammer. We are of October 21st the people of Cal- kicking goal. Coach George Griffin more anxious to improve "The Tiger" houn were startled by the appearance and Capt Fred Saunders, the former than you are. But as long as you of a snorting engine which was doing Tech High star, were among the Southeastern LifelnsuranceCo. do not write for it, yourself at least its best to pull a long line of cars up personnel of the green jersied ag- CLIFT CRAWFORD do not spend your energy in slinging to the station. After much puffing gregation. The outstanding stars of CLEANING Greenville, S. C. the sledge but before you "knock," and twisting the coaches were finally the game were Turnipseed, Reames The Home Company supplying all A N D ask yourself this question. "Have I placed along the track with the en- and Thornton for Clemson and Har- Forms of LIFE INSURANCE, regular and special ENDOW- ever done anything to make "The gine at the north ona of the line. ris for Tech. These men were re- PRESSING Tiger" better, or have I ever written At first the citizens of Calhoun could sponsible for a large part of the MENT, DISABILITY BENEFITS. a line for it?" only wonder what the preparations Etc. team's gaining. 'THE ARGUMENT IS ALL IN THE We would also like to say for the were for, but just then a roar was The score by periods were as LOW GUARANTEED RATES benefit of some folks, that Mr. J. heard on the hills. Thfere was no T. G. Poats, Dist. Agent, follows: WORKMANSHIP" Buck Armstrong turns in some ex- doubt then; they knew that the cars Clemson Reserves 0 0 0 0—0 Spartanburg, S. C. cellent articles and material and it were to be temporary cages for the Tech Freshmen 0 7 0 0—7 G. H. Aull, Local Agent, is very much appreciated, but at the Tigers. However, not a single one Clemson Reserves 0 Tech Fresh. 7 Clemson College, S. C. same time "The Tiger" is not a comic of these animals seemed to be re- Harvey C Glenn "Y" CAFETERIA $200.00 in CASH WILL BE section and jokes must necessarily luctant to enter his cage. There Shockley RIG Carpenter UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT have a minor part in a college week- was a scramble for the cars, and then GIVEN to the FIVE PER- Jackson Lie Blissett IS NOW ly. However, good jokes are one of with a toot or two the engine pulled SONS Securing the Most Dean LT Grundy SERVING THE BEST OF FOOD the greatest assets to a weekly, and .ut. The engineer must have known Bobo RT Weaver Subscriptions to this Maga- we heartily agree that they should that he was expected to do his nest, Graham LE Saunders (c) COOKED UNDER zine. Contest opens Octo- have preference over space fillers, for the special arrived in Greenville Hollohan RJE Forrester SANITARY CONDITIONS b er 20th and Closes No- vember 21, 1921. The Let it be remembered too that this is in a very short while. Turnipseed O Jolley REGULAR MEALS—LUNCHES Regular Commission will be the beginning of this year work and Perhaps the gatekeeper did not Reames LH Harris THROUGHOUT THE DAY. Given to non-winners. the editors will make mistakes. They know what class of animals ne was Dotter RH Davis SOUTHERN HOME MAGAZINE are human beings even if there seems allowing to enter; but the gates of Thomas F Goodwin Y. M. C. A. BASEMENT Monroe, N. C. to be evidence to the contrary. We the city were flung, open, and the Refere -Padget (Washington and will try to correct our mistakes and Tigers crowded in. Headed by the Lee.) will appreciate just, helpful, criticism cadet band the Clemsonites march- Umpire—Fox (Uni. of Ga.) but we have no patience with out ed to Manly field where they took Linesman—iSmith (Notre Dame) and out knocking and w6 do no* charge of a section of the bleachers. Time of periods 13 minutes. SLOAN BROS. even worry about such knocks. The supporters of the Purple and •We are sorry that Mr. Armstrong's Gold flocked together, and when the WHEN IN GREENVILLE material wil not be on hand this Tiger team appeared the air was full We do not sell all the good Special Attention Given to week, owing to the fact that he is of shouts. BE SURE TO STOP AT THE Goods in town, BUT what in Columbia. Mr. J. A. Rearden Did the Tiger's team receive sup- WE DO SELL ARE GOOD. ordering Athletic Goods, promised to step into the breach. port from the sidelines? Well, I'll but we were informed that he fell say so! The spectators of the game only two days required. asleep and at the present writing heard the Tiger's roar ring put a- Hotel Imperial Robt. Burns Cigars, Nunnally's Candy, have no material from him. gain and again . Above all else could Rackets Restrung, G. D. Grice. Waterman Fountain Pens, be heard the cheering from the Clem- FOR MEALS. THE Arrow Shirts and Collars, son section; and when the pigskin Sweaters, On account of the seniors attend- was almost over Furman's goal line Knitted and Military Ties, ing the iState Fair, it was necessary the cries and shouts were deafening. Khaki Regulation Shirts Cafeteria AVhite Ducks, to hurriedly get out the current issue When it turned out that the game and Trousers. IS A BEAUTIFUL PLACE of The Tiger; accordingly, this copy was a tie the Tigers did mot lose Army Shoes, Special Made. carries more advertising matter than any of their spirit. iNot at all! AND PRICES ARE Bath Robes and Slippers. Basketball Shoes, Minimax Silk and AYool is customary to publish. However, the "For when the sons of Clemson fall ECONOMICAL. full page advertisement was inserted in line Hose. Tennis Rackets. in the behalf of the U. D. C.'s and We're going to win this game an- WHILE THE the D. A. R.'s who are getting up the other time " MAIN DINING ROOM advertised play for the benefit of .Five hours of perfectly good leave OFFERS ACCOMODATIONS their organizations. The cast of the in the city of Greenville: this was SLOAN BROS. play consists of several students and the thought which was now in each FOR THOSE WHO PREFER ■•°"ile on the hill (the cast being Tiger's head. iNot a minute was SERVICE A LA CARTE "THE MICROBE OF LOVE" A Bevy of Chorus Girls. Lots of Pep. Pretty Steps. Come! In College Chapel. Saturday Night October 29, 8:00 P. M.

Auspices of Local D. A. R. and U. D. C. Chapters. CHORU1S GIRLS Directed by Miss Davidson. Miss Ruth Smith Miss Beula Ferguson Mrs. Ed. Shiver Accompanist—Miss Lula Evans Miss Louise Pope Miss Haugabook Mrs. Fitzpatrick A MUSICAL Miss Sallie Corbett Mrs. Hedge Mrs. Tolstrope Production of the IWayne P. Sewell Producing Co.


Cast of Characters MUSIOAU NUMBER Priscilla Prunes , Mrs. Hunter 1. Grande Ensemble. Madame Hymen Cupid Mrs. Hoke 'Sloan COMEDY 2. I Will be Your Little Girl Chorus Lovie Long Miss Haugabook 3. We are Twenty^Five 'Spinisters By Spinisters and Chorus Ima Fraud Mrs. Pollowe By Mollie Moore Godbold 4. The Microbe of Love Madam Hymen, Cupid and Chorus Wanta Man Mrs. Blair ~>. Old Fashioned Wife Sophia Sweetgum Mrs. Marshall Comanche, Texas Between Acts Left Over Club of Lee Lillie Lonesome Mrs. Goode Arabelle Antique Mrs. Conradi Samantha Loving Mrs. Clinkscales ACT TWO—SCENE BACHELORS CLUB Hope On Mrs. Daniels Given for the Benefit of MUSICAL NUMBER Ever Ready 'Mrs. Marshall Piney Meltingheart Mrs. Bradley 1. Ensemble Bachelors Tillie Comes Miss 'Rochester the U. D. C. and D. A. R. 2. Here Comes the Married Men On the Lookout Mrs. Ludwig 3. Catch 'Em Young i. Bachelors Billy Bachelor Cadet Butler 4. The Microbe Madam Hymen Cupid and Bachelors U. B. Careful Cadet Willis Chapters of Clemson 5. They Always Follow Me. Simon Shy Cadet Garret Very Bold Cadet Martin Bobby Bashful Cadet Gaines College. ACT THREE—SCENE GARDEN PARTY Never Wed Cadet Ricker 1. Ensemble Chorus Can't Catch Cadet Coleman 2. We Can't Do Without the Men Spinisters and Chorus Hard Boiled , Cadet Ryan 3. Am Looking for a Sweetheart U. B. Careful and Lovie Long. Mr. Henpeck Dr. Calhoun 4. Sunshade Mrs. Henpeck " and Chorus Mrs Henpeck Mrs. Collins 5. The Girl in the Gingham Gown Simon IShy and dhorus. Cupids— Dorothy Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth Bradley, Phillip Pollowe. 0. A Philosopher of Old Madam Hymen Cupid and Chorus Lord Tisa Pity Cadet Ricker Admission 50c 7. In Our Bungalow Finale. Old Fashioned Wives Mrs. Hoke Sloan, Mrs. Pollowe

'M" CO. RATS WIN CHAMPION- Tuesday and Wednesday. The men Clemson or pull down from Tiger- SHIP OF REGIMENT who attended the fair were, W. E. ism? How about it? "Qie Barracks Britt, W. L. Molair, W. M. Redefrn, (Continued from first page) ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■ P. B. Waters and S. A. Williams. A cadet freshman the other day BARBER SHOP ■ ■ ■ ■ Only three men could be on the Live- had the nerve to ask a varsity player a ■ ■ ■ "E" Co. stock Judging Team so two of these who had battled with all he had a- Pos. men were left to take in the fair as Best Possible Service gainst Furman "if he played in the to Clemson Tigers |^ Bower F they saw fit. The members of the game." Such ignorance is the ex- Meredith F team were 'P. B. Waters, W. E. Britt ception rather than the rule at Clem- and S. A. Williams. The Clemson Oten C son. When questioned as to why ROOM 33. HALL NO. 1 We Have Hanks G team stood third among the teams he had not been on the field watch- W. ». PIKE, Manager Jones ® that were represented. ing practice he replied that he could "M" Co. W. E. Britt won the gold medal not recognize the players tn uniform Pos. S~*\ w • offered by the American Aberdeem- and nobody seemed to be able to tell Blount F Angus 'Breeders' Association by matt- A Complete Line F him their names. Such we fear is Bunch ing the highest score judging Aber- brQught on by bashfulness of the SPECIAL SALE Colbert C deem-Angus cattle. "rat" in asking questions, but there Martin Q- W. E. Britt won the gold medal should not be a man in the regiment . . of . . Hodges G offered by the American iShortborn who does not know every man on Fountain Pens Much credit is do to the personel Breeders' Association, for making the football squad. Take notice AND of the "Y" for their promotion of the highest score judging Shorthorn freshmen. this series of games. It is a distinct cattle. LOOSE LEAF NOTE BOOKS help toward making a better varsity. Eversharp The policy of the management of Holtzy and Fox refereed the contest PLAYING THE GAME FROM THE LEFAX NOTE BOOKS in good style and "The Tiger" takes SIDELINES The Tiger is one for the betterment Pencils this opportunity to thank them. Every one who has driven an of this paper; hence the request of NOTE BOOK FILLERS "iShorty" Schilletter, our only let- automobile has been tempted at a few days ago for pictures of in- terest. We now have another re- CLEMSON JEWELRY ter man in basketball was down look- some time to transfer the gas ac- 4*% 1 W^ 1 ing 'em over, with his eagle eye and celerator, brakes and steering wheel quest to make which we nelieve will PENNANTS pronounces them "good". Fine work to the rear seat and let the occu- prove of much value in increasing ladet Exchange PILLOW COVERS "rats" make your class a banner one pants drive from the back. Let those the quality of the paper. It is our at Tigertown, you have made a good and others, remember that as long as desire to organize a Reporters' Club. STATIONERY start, keep it up, and finish strong. the apparatus is in front, only one We want the members of this club Official man can drive at a time and that to come from the Sophomore and FOUNTAIN PENS no two men ever size up the same Freshman Classes. The membership COLLEGE CAROLINA GAME FOR THURS- situation in the same way. in this club will be strictly voluntary CAMERAS DAY To get down to the point of fact, Ail men that have had any news- paper experience, whether it was in PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Continued from first page) do not let us forget if that pass had BOOK-SUPPLY been successful over at Furman all high school, prep school, or with NORRIS CANDIES hite Hollohan, Harmon, Wray, Wil- of us would have been patting our- commercial papers, are requested to STORE turn in their names at once; also, I EVERSHARP PENCILS son, Armstrong, Webb, -Bailes, Bobo, selves on the back, and simply be- I Thornton, Dean, Jackson, Emanuel, cause it was not successful is no all other men who may desire to Sweetenburg. Zeigler, Williams, Bar- excuse or reason for any man to join this club are asked to turn in ties and the Asst. Manager Robbins. kick. The team fought nobly and no their names as soon as possible. No The Reliable Shoe Many seniors and others on exhibit one has a right to criticize it. Every- Senior or Junior will be in the club work at the Fair will be on hand, thing was done for the best and that since the staff of the paper is made L Cleveland Martin together with the innumerable sup- spirit must not be criticized. up from these two classes. The staff and Tailoring Shop It is easy to play the game from of The Tiger for the coming years OPPOSITE LIVERY STABLES. porters and alumni. the field. If we are not on the will be determined in a large manner SHOE REPAIRING, UNIFORM It will be a great game, and that THE RBXALL DRUGGIST old Tiger spirit can not be downed. squad, why not? We should not spend by the work that is done by the ALTERING, CLEANING, PRES- our time in telling others what to do. members of the Reporters' Club. ING, ETC., DONE PROMPTLY. The various teams have their LIVESTOCK JUDGING TEAM AT- ALL KIND OF SHIRTS WASH- • scrubs or reserves to develop material TENDS SOUTHEASTERN FAIR PUSH OR PULL ED AND PRESSED. SPECIAL for the following teams; therefore, ■ ■ ■ ■ AT ATLANTA Seen on Professor Rhodes' black ATTENTION TO CLEMSON board. "Does a fly push up against why not have a reserve Tiger staff ATHLETES. SATISFACTION u ■ ■ ■ or Reporters' Club? You Freshmen Five men of the Animal Husbandry the ceiling or pull down from the ceil- and Sophomores turn in your names section with Prof. Godbey attended ing." Does the writer in blue chalk CLINT TAYLOR, PROP. and the rest of us, "Push up for at once to some member of the staff.