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NOW FOR THE GAMECOCKS an* 2Ttger HE ROARS FOR CLEMSON VOL. XVII. CLEMSON COLLEGE, S. C, Oct. 26, 1921. No. e. » Clemson O MCo. Rats Win The Civils Carolina Game Furman O Championship Organize Club For Thursday Tigers Get Breaks of Game. Colbert, covered by the ends of both teams. "O" and *E" Companies in Semi- It was a brilliant moonlight night The Tigers Are Out For Beveng« Bhame, Spearman, Gilmer, Gettys, Time after time, a well-started end final*. —one of those nights in which one Lookout Gamecocks. Bradley, and McCloud Star. Sto- run would be broken up by a de- has only to gaze at the moon, breathe kum Does Great Panting. Clem- fensive end. There was hardly a After two weeks of an eliminition the forest air, and he will be literally But a few short hours remain be- »on Holds on Four Yard Line for single run made around the ends, process, "'C=., "E" and ">M" Com- overwhelmed with memories of fore the annual football classic be- Downs. Honors Even. Ends Play execpt when Harmon's shifty run- panies won the respective battalion moonlight strolls with "her." Here, tween Clemson Agricultural College, Wonderful Defensive Game. ning pegged off the Furman end in championships and then it was a hot securely insulated from anything that and the University of South Carolina Straight Football Used. Many the fourth quarter. Spearman was fight for the regimental champion- might by chance pertain to civiliza- will be a matter of history. Both Thrills to Game. Few Injuries. the leading light in this department ship, and it is no small honor to win tion or to "her" the poor chap is teams have played erratic ball, and ,♦ An ideal day, no wind, neither of the game. He withstood some such a pennant. The brand of ball haunted with visions which can never from the standpoint of the spectator, Tery hot nor cold, twenty-two men fierce attacks and spilled both inter- put up by the "rats" was A No. 1, materialize until Santa Clause per- it will be anybody's game. Clemson ready and primed for a struggle with ferers and runners. His play and is indictitive of good players for suades Madison to let him go to see started her season strong, holding many more on the side lines to sub- could hardly be improved upon in varsity in the future. her. the strong Center outfit to 14-6, atitute, and two student bodies howl- this particular. firadley's defense The schedule ran "A"—"B" "C" iSuch was the predicament of a then on the next game overwhelmed ing themselves hoarse;—this was the was also great, while Gilmer and —"ID", "E" — "F". -G"—"H", "1" disconsolate group of senior civils as P. C. by a large score. On the third letting for the Clemson-iFurman Carter did not let grass grow under company failed to respond to the on last Tuesday night they strolled game, with Auburn, she came out the annual football game on Manly Field their feet. call and did not put out a team, aimlessly over the campus. Stifled short end of the horn. The Furman last Friday. To the average spec- Stokum's Punting. do in the third battalion "L"—"M" sobs from "Red" Graham finally game is too fresh in the minds of tator the teams were evenly matched Stokum's punting was a distinct played and the winner, "M", played broke the silence. His sobs evident- followers of the grand old sport to in weight and everybody looked for- feature of the game. His longest "K" company. ly plucked a respondant cord in the need comment. ward to a great game. The spec- punt was 65 yards. Several times in After the dust settled from these emotional bosom of "Ikey" Eubanks The Gamecocks were equally of a tators were not dissappointed with the first half his long twisters stop- contests, "B" and "C" fought it out for he too sobbed. This was too rise and fall nature, starting off the the game, for from the grandstand, ped an advance by the Furman in the first battalion, "E" and "G" much for the sympathetic "Duke" season with Erskine and eased over a 13-7 victory. On the following the game had its thrills and heart- eleven. Favorable comment was in the second organization, and "K" Hooligan and within a moment he catching moments. Both teams heard on all sides of Stokum's foot- and "M" in Major John Stewarts' had joined the pair and there broke Saturday they sneaked another 7- point margin over the (Newberry In- »eem to have been training to the work. Had he attempted and com- outfit. forth upon the night air a most wierd pleted a drop-kick, it would have dians, but came back strong in their •ame point, and as fate would have Semi-finals Is C, E, and M. piercing trio of discordant voices not it, both had similiar opportunities to been a fitting complement to his at all un-like the ghostly steam third game of the season and held the strong University of North Caro- •core and both failed by poor strate- punting, but the arbiter of football After hard games, "C," "E", and caliaps. Within a moment there gy. Nobody wanted a tie. but a tie decreed otherwise, and a scoreless "M" took off the sacon, and here ensued a "free-for-all" which lasted lina eleven to a 7 to 7 tie. This wa« tie it was, or, as some newspapers a distinct surprise to the fans in view it was decreed by Fate. A timely came the real tes: or mettle. "C" until the illustrious orator, "Buck" drop-kick or field goal by either put it. "Clemson holds Furman to a and "E" played Wwft and "C" em- Armstrong's voice sounded above the of the fact that Carolina just did ease victories over the secondary team at the right moment would scoreless tie," we wonder they did erged victor coming with a rush, up-roar. "Cease thy strife brothers have hung up a different record than not add "in Furman's favor. took the lead in the first half, and lest we forget the paramount ambi- state teams. It is taken that the 7-7 , a pair of goose eggs. Spearman and Bhame. held it thruout the game, Johnson tion of our lives—that of civilizing game with U. of N. C. was the real Rhame and Spearman were the strength of the Gamecocks and that Furman Starts with Spurt. played snowbird forward, and being the world." outstanding luminaries of the game. they are not showing their strength Billy Laval must have doped it tall, was unassailable by the "E" Co. "Right you are!" murmured out that if the Tiger line and ends Rhame wore himself out in running guards. Altho stockly, little "rat" as yet .but are holding back a re-, with the ball, and when the critical "Sleepy Boy" McArn, "I move that serve to spring on the Tigers. Sol were penetrable or circleable at all Jones for the loses at guard posi- we form a club to prevent such moment came, he could not get tion and deserves credit. Bower Metzger pulled the funny stuff first he would score early before the Doc- occurances as this—that we might tor iStewart could stop the leaks. across the goal-line. However, he put up a good game at forward for shot out of the box last year and deserves every ounce of credit he destroy any thing whatever detri- that "end-lay-out-play" put the Gar- However, Furman reckoned without the losers. For the winner, Johnson, mental to our effort to civilize the her host for a while bending before gets, for it is an exceptional player Cox, Walker, Buck, and Floyd put net and Black in a position to drop- who can withstand the successive world." kick the winning three points. the fierce onslaughts of Rhame and up a brand of ball hard to beat; With "ten-second time" the civils runs that Lee Rhame did. Equally their team work and passing was Carolina is the Favorite. IChewning, coupled with a 27 yard rushed to their den in the Engineer- pass from McManaway to Carter, on a plane with Rhame's offensive, particularly good. Carolina is distinctly the favorite. ,» was John Spearman's defense for the ing Building, waked up "Dynamo," Clemson will have to come from be- the Tiger defense held and Furman Finals "M" vs "C" C. E. who was sleeping serenly on a reached high tide on the four yard Tigers. Time after time, a trio of hind if she wins the game. But if Furman backs would hurl them- After eliminating "E" company. map of Seneca, and proceeded to spirit, pluck and fight, combined line in the middle of the second form the Clemson College Civil En- quarter. After this advance the selves at ISpearman on an end run "C" went hot footed for "M", but with the physical ability of half crip- but "Long John" would fight them were overcome by a shade better gineering Club. "Oconee Joe" Moss ples can bring back the bacon to Purple Hurricane's strength was a moonshiner of the nearby "Hill spent and never again did they re- off and nail the runner. Spearman, outfit. The game was a stellar con- Tigertown, a combined feast of without fail,, stopped Furman's end test and did credit to Capt. Thomas Billy" tribe, was elected President, gamecock, flavored with bacon, will gain their dash and fierce attack, "Hard Tack" Bauman, Greenville and her backs fell back panting and runs.