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Modern Pathology VOLUME 32 | SUPPLEMENT 2 | MARCH 2019 MODERN PATHOLOGY 2019 ABSTRACTS NEUROPATHOLOGY AND OPHTHALMIC PATHOLOGY (1621-1666) MARCH 16-21, 2019 PLATF OR M & 2 01 9 ABSTRACTS P OSTER PRESENTATI ONS EDUCATI ON C O M MITTEE Jason L. Hornick , C h air Ja mes R. Cook R h o n d a K. Y a nti s s, Chair, Abstract Revie w Board S ar a h M. Dr y and Assign ment Co m mittee Willi a m C. F a q ui n Laura W. La mps , Chair, C ME Subco m mittee C ar ol F. F ar v er St e v e n D. Billi n g s , Interactive Microscopy Subco m mittee Y uri F e d ori w Shree G. Shar ma , Infor matics Subco m mittee Meera R. Ha meed R aj a R. S e et h al a , Short Course Coordinator Mi c h ell e S. Hir s c h Il a n W ei nr e b , Subco m mittee for Unique Live Course Offerings Laksh mi Priya Kunju D a vi d B. K a mi n s k y ( Ex- Of ici o) A n n a M ari e M ulli g a n Aleodor ( Doru) Andea Ri s h P ai Zubair Baloch Vi nita Parkas h Olca Bast urk A nil P ar w a ni Gregory R. Bean , Pat h ol o gist-i n- Trai ni n g D e e p a P atil D a ni el J. Br at K wun Wah Wen , Pat h ol o gist-i n- Trai ni n g Ashley M. Ci mino- Mathe ws ABSTRACT REVIE W B OARD Benja min Ada m Ta mara Giorgadze Ta mara Lotan Steven Salvatore Mi c h ell e Af k h a mi Raul Gonzalez Anthony Magliocco Souzan Sanati Narasi mhan ( Narsi) Agara m Purva Gopal Kr uti M a ni ar Sandro Santagata R o u b a Ali- F e h mi Anuradha Gopalan Jonathan Marotti A nj ali S a qi G h a s s a n All o Jennifer Gordetsky E mil y M a s o n Frank Schneider Isabel Alvarado- Cabrero Rondell Graha m Jerri McLe more Jeanne Shen C hristi na Ar n ol d Alejandro Gru Bruce Mc Manus Ji a qi S hi Rohit Bhargava Nil e s h G u pt a David Meredith Wun-Ju Shieh Justin Bishop Ma mta Gupta A n n e Mill s G a bri el Si c a Jennifer Boland Kriszti na Ha nley Neda Moata med D e e pi k a Sir o hi Ele na Brac htel Douglas Hart man Sara Monaco K alli o pi Si zi o pi k o u M aril y n B ui Yael He her Atis Muehlenbachs Lauren S mith S helley Calt har p Walter He nricks Bit a N ai ni Sara Szabo Joanna Chan J o h n Hi g gi n s Di a n n a N g J ulie Ter uya-Fel dstei n Jennifer Chap man M ai H o a n g Tony Ng Gaetano Thiene H ui C h e n M oj g a n H o s s ei ni Ericka Ol gaar d Khin Th way Yi n g b ei C h e n Aaron Huber Jac q ueli ne Parai Rash mi Tondon Benja min Chen P et er Ill ei Yan Peng Jose Torrealba Rebecca Chernock D oi n a I v a n D a vi d Pi s a pi a E vi V a ki a ni Bet h Clark W ei Ji a n g Alexandros Polydorides Christopher VandenBussche Ja mes Conner Vi c ki e J o Sona m Prakash Sonal Var ma Alejandro Contreras Kirk J o nes Manju Prasad E n di W a n g Cla u di u C otta Neerja Ka mbha m Peter Pytel Christopher Weber Ti mothy D’ Alfonso Chiah Sui ( Sunny) Kao Joseph Rabban Olga Weinberg Farbod Darvishian Dipti Kara mchandani Stanley Radio Sara Wobker Jessica Davis Darcy Kerr E mad Rakha Mi n a X u Heather Da wson Ashraf Khan Preetha Ra malinga m Shaofeng Yan Elizabeth De micco Rebecca King Pri y a R a o A nj a n a Y el d a n di Suzanne Dintzis Mi c h a el Kl u k Robyn Reed A ki hi k o Y o s hi d a Mi c h ell e D o w n e s Kristine Konopka Mi c h ell e R ei d Gl ori a Y o u n g D a ni el D y e Gre g or Kri n gs Natasha Rekht man Minghao Zhong Andre w Evans Asangi Ku marapeli Mi c h a el Ri v er a Y a oli n Z h o u Mi c h a el F e el y Alvaro Laga Mi c h a el R o h Hongfa Zhu De n nis Firc ha u Cheng- Han Lee Andres Ro ma Debra Zynger Larissa F urta d o Z ai b o Li Avi Rosenberg A nt h o n y Gill H ai y a n Li u Est her ( Dia na) R ossi R y a n Gill Xi uli Li u Peter Sado w P a ul a Gi nt er Yen- Chun Liu S a i a S al ari a T o cit e a b str a ct s i n t hi s p u bli c ati o n, pl e a s e u s e t h e f oll o wi n g f or m at: A ut h or A, A ut h or B, A ut h or C, et al. A b str a ct titl e ( a b s #). 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