February 2, 2020

St. Joseph , 7240 W. 57th St., Summit, Illinois

The Presentation of the Lord


“On this day, the faithful take candles that they will use throughout the year in their homes to to have them blessed. The candles symbolize Christ, who is this Light of the world.” Informes del Padre Bob

El 2 de febrero es la Fiesta de la Presentación del Señor, también conocida como el Día de la Candelaria. Esta fiesta es un domingo de este año, por lo que celebraremos este misterio en la misa del domingo. El Día de la Candelaria es otro nombre para la fiesta de la Presentación del Señor. Cuarenta días después de su nacimiento, María y José llevaron a Jesús al Templo para los ritos de purificación y dedicación según lo prescrito por la Torá. La costumbre de celebrar la solemnidad de la Natividad de Nuestro Salvador mediante una fiesta de 40 días de duración se basa en el Evangelio mismo. En el momento del nacimiento de Jesús, la costumbre era que la madre de un niño lo presentara en el Templo cuarenta días después de su nacimiento, junto con un cordero y una paloma como sacrificio. En el Evangelio, leemos cómo después de un período de cuarenta días, la Santísima Virgen María fue al Templo para purificarse de acuerdo a la Ley Mosaica y como también de acuerdo con la Ley Mosaica, tanto la Santísima Madre como San José trajeron a Jesús al templo para ser presentado a Dios. El enfoque está en la consagración de Jesús a Dios. El verbo "presentar" (paristanai) también significa "ofrecer", lo que evoca a Jesús siendo presentado como el sacerdote que se ofrecerá a sí mismo como el sacrificio perfecto para liberarnos de la esclavitud del pecado, sellar el nuevo y eterno pacto con Su sangre y abre las puertas a la verdadera tierra prometida del cielo. Tradicionalmente, nuestro tiempo de celebración navideña se prolonga legítimamente hasta la Fiesta de la Presentación de Cristo en el Templo. Los católicos han celebrado la Navidad durante un largo período de tiempo llamado "Christmastide”. En muchos países de Europa del Este, la Fiesta de la Presentación cierra oficialmente la celebración de la Navidad. Por esta razón, el Papa Juan Pablo II comenzó la costumbre de mantener la escena de la Natividad en la plaza de San Pedro hasta el 2 de febrero. Christmastide dura 40 días para corresponder con los 40 días de cuaresma y los 40 días de Pascua hasta el Jueves de la Ascensión. Christmastide termina el 2 de febrero, el día de la Presentación del Señor en el Templo, también llamado Día de la Candelaria. ¿Por qué la Fiesta de la Presentación del Señor también se llama Día de la Candelaria? En este día, los fieles llevan velas a las misas que usarán durante todo el año en sus hogares para que sean bendecidas. Las velas simbolizan a Cristo, quien es esta Luz del mundo. En el Día de la Candelaria, celebramos la llegada de la Luz del Mundo. San Anselmo, Arzobispo de Canterbury, hablando sobre el mismo misterio, nos pide que consideremos tres cosas en la vela bendita: la cera, la mecha y la llama. La cera, dice que es la producción de la abeja virginal, es la carne de nuestro Señor; la mecha, que está dentro, es su alma; la llama que arde en la parte superior, es su divinidad. Como escuchamos en el Evangelio el domingo pasado, Jesús es el cumplimiento de la profecía de Isaías. "Las personas que se sientan en la oscuridad han visto una gran luz, en los que habitan en una tierra eclipsada por la luz de la muerte ha surgido" (Mateo 4:16). Las velas bendecidas y encendidas en la Iglesia representan la entrada de Cristo, que es la Luz del mundo, en el Templo de Jerusalén, como escuchamos hoy en el Evangelio. La luz de las velas bendecidas representa a Jesucristo, la Luz del Mundo: "una luz para la revelación a los gentiles y la gloria de su pueblo, Israel", como Simeón oró cuando tomó a Jesús en sus brazos en el Templo. Dado que estas velas representan la Luz de Cristo, los fieles las usan en casa para diferentes necesidades y tiempos. Estas velas bendecidas a se encienden durante tormentas eléctricas, para ofrecer protección contra los rayos, evitar el mal y protección contra otros peligros. En las zonas rurales, la gente encendía estas velas como protección contra los lobos. Además, estas velas bendecidas a menudo se encienden cerca de la cama de una persona enferma y también se encienden cerca de la cama de una persona que está muriendo, para que la Luz de Cristo de la vela encendida pueda ofrecerle a la persona la gracia de Cristo, la esperanza y la paz. Además, la luz de la vela bendecida se coloca junto a una persona moribunda para ayudar a iluminar su paso de esta vida terrenal al otro lado: la eternidad. El Día de la Candelaria también fue importante en la vida de los agricultores. Una vieja canción católica en inglés decía lo siguiente: “Si es justo y brillante, / Ven, invierno, toma otro vuelo. Si Candlemas trae nubes y lluvia, / vete invierno y no vuelvas ". Entonces, si el sol brillante" eclipsa "el brillo del día de Candlemas, habrá más invierno. Sin embargo, si la luz del Día de la Candelaria se irradia a través de la oscuridad y la oscuridad del día, el final del invierno está cerca. En Estados Unidos, los protestantes reemplazaron el Día de la Candelaria Católica con el Día de la Marmota. Santa María, Madre de Dios, ¡ruega por nosotros! San José, ruega por nosotros! ¡Vivat Jesús! ¡Vive Jesús!

Z biurka Ks. Proboszcza

Drugiego lutego Kościół celebruje Święto Ofiarowania Pańskiego, inaczej: Matki Bożej Gromnicznej. W tym roku, owa uroczystość przypada w niedzielę, zatem będziemy ją celebrować podczas Mszy niedzielnej. Maryja i Józef zabrali Jezusa do Świątyni w 40 dniu po Jego narodzinach, aby poddać Go rytuałowi oczyszczenia i poświęcenia – zgodnie z Prawem zapisanym w Torze. Zwyczaj świętowania Narodzin Zbawiciela przez 40 dni pochodzi wprost z Ewangelii. W czasach Jezusa istniała tradycja, że matka brała syna do Świątyni czterdzieści dni po jego narodzinach, wraz z barankiem i synogarlicą w charakterze ofiary. W Ewangelii czytamy, że po okresie 40 dni, Najświętsza Maryja udała się do Świątyni, by poddać się oczyszczeniu zgodnie z Prawem Mojżeszowym. Równocześnie, Maryja i święty Józef zabrali do Świątyni Jezusa, aby Go poświęcić Bogu. I właśnie na tym akcie poświęcenia skupia się omawiany tu fragment Ewangelii. Czasownik „paristanai” oznacza: „ofiarować”. Odnosi się to do Chrystusa ofiarowanego Bogu w Świątyni. On Sam stanie się ofiarą doskonałą, która wyzwoli nas z więzów grzechu, przypieczętuje własną Krwią nowe i wieczne przymierze i otworzy przed nami bramy Niebios.

W naszym kręgu kulturowym, okres bożonarodzeniowy trwa przeważnie aż do Święta Ofiarowania Pańskiego. W Europie Środkowowschodniej Święto Ofiarowania Pańskiego oficjalnie kończy czas Bożego Narodzenia. Dlatego też święty Jan Paweł II zapoczątkował zwyczaj stawiania żłóbka na Placu św. Piotra od Świąt do 2 lutego. Cały ten okres trwa 40 dni, co odpowiada czterdziestu dniom Wielkiego Postu oraz czterdziestu dniom od Wielkanocy do Czwartku Wniebowstąpienia.

Święto Ofiarowania Pańskiego nazywane jest także Świętem Matki Bożej Gromnicznej z tego względu, iż w tym dniu, wierni zanoszą na liturgię gromnice, aby je pobłogosławić i potem przez cały rok wykorzystywać w domach. Świece te symbolizują Chrystusa: Światłość Świata. W dniu Matki Bożej Gromniczej świętujemy nadejście tej Światłości. To samo święto kontemplował niegdyś św. Anzelm, Arcybiskup Canterbury. W swoich rozważaniach na ten temat, duchowny zwraca uwagę na trzy części poświęconej gromnicy: wosk, knot oraz płomień. Według Anzelma, wosk (efekt pracy pszczoły) jest Ciałem Pana. Osadzony w wosku knot to Jego Dusza, zaś płomień tlący się na knocie to Jego Bóstwo. Jak pamiętamy z Ewangelii sprzed tygodnia, w Jezusie wypełniło się proroctwo Izajasza. „Lud, który siedział w ciemności, ujrzał światło wielkie, i mieszkańcom cienistej krainy śmierci światło wzeszło” (Ewangelia według św. Mateusza 4:16). Gromnice błogosławione i zapalane w kościele symbolizują wejście Chrystusa, Światłości Świata, do Świątyni Jerozolimskiej – jak to zapisano w dzisiejszej Ewangelii. Światło tych świec ma symbolizować Chrystusa: „światło na oświecenie pogan i chwałę ludu Twego, Izraela” - takimi słowy modli się w Świątyni Symeon, biorąc małego Jezusa na ręce.

Jako że gromnica jest symbolem Światłości Chrystusa, jest ona wykorzystywana przez wiernych do różnych celów. Poświęcone gromnice często zapala się w czasie burzy, jako ochronę przed piorunami oraz wszelkim innym złem. Na wsi, gromnice służą jako obrona przed wilkami. Poświęcone gromnice zapala się również przy łóżkach osób chorych i umierających, aby z tego światła popłynęła do nich łaska Boża, nadzieja i spokój. Umierającym światło świecy dodatkowo oświetla drogę ku Wieczności.

Dawniej, Święto Matki Bożej Gromnicznej było ważne dla rolników. Wierzyli, że jeśli 2 lutego dzień będzie słoneczny i bez deszczu, zima jeszcze potrwa. Jeżeli jednak dzień będzie zimny, pochmurny i deszczowy, oznacza to rychły koniec zimy. W Stanach Zjednoczonych, protestanci zastąpili to katolickie święto obchodami „Dnia Świstaka”. Najświętsza Dziewico Maryjo, miej nas zawsze w Swojej opiece. Święty Józefie, módl się za nami! Vivat Iesus! Chwała Jezusowi!

Fr. Bob’s Briefs

February 2 is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also known as Candlemas Day. This feast falls on a Sunday this year, so we will celebrate this mystery at Mass on Sunday. Candlemas Day is another name for the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Forty days after His birth, Mary and Joseph brought to the Temple for the rites of purification and dedication as prescribed by the Torah. The custom of celebrating the of Our Savior’s Nativity by a feast of 40 days’ duration is founded on the itself. At the time of Jesus’ birth, the custom was for the mother of a male child to present him at the Temple forty days after his birth, along with a lamb and a pigeon as a sacrifice. In the Gospel, we read how after a period of Forty Days, the Blessed Virgin Mary went to the Temple to be purified according to the Mosaic Law, and how, also according to Mosaic Law, both the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple to be presented to God. The focus is on Jesus’ consecration to God. The verb “to present” (paristanai) also means to “offer,” which evokes Jesus being presented as the priest who will offer Himself as the perfect sacrifice to free us from the slavery of sin, seal the new and eternal covenant with His blood, and open the gates to the true promised land of heaven. Traditionally, our time of celebration is legitimately prolonged until the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. Catholics have celebrated Christmas for a long period of time called “Christmastide.” In many Eastern European countries, the Feast of the Presentation officially closes the celebration of Christmas. For this reason, St. Pope John Paul II began the custom of keeping the in St. Peter’s square until Feb. 2. Christmastide lasts for 40 days to correspond with the 40 days of , and the 40 days from to Ascension Thursday. Christmastide ends on February 2, the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, also called Candlemas Day. Why is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord also called Candlemas Day? On this day, the faithful take candles that they will use throughout the year in their homes to Mass to have them blessed. The candles symbolize Christ, who is this Light of the world. On Candlemas Day, we celebrate the arrival of the Light of the World. St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, speaking on the same mystery, bids us consider three things in the blessed Candle: the wax, the wick, and the flame. The wax, he says, which is the production of the virginal bee, is the Flesh of our Lord; the wick, which is within, is His Soul; the flame, which burns on top, is His divinity. As we heard in the Gospel last Sunday, Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah. “The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light, on those dwelling in a land overshadowed by death light has arisen” (Matthew 4:16). The candles that are blessed and lit in Church represent the entry of Christ, who is the Light of the world, into the Temple of Jerusalem, as we hear in the Gospel today. The light from blessed candles represents Jesus Christ, the Light of the World: “a light for revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of thy people, Israel,” as Simeon prayed when he took Jesus in his arms in the Temple. Since these candles represent the Light of Christ, the faithful use them at home for different needs and times. These blessed candles are often lit during thunderstorms, to offer protection from lightning, ward off evil, and protection from other danger. In rural areas, people would light these candles as protection from wolves. In addition, these blessed candles are often lit near the bed of a sick person, and they are also lit near the bed of a person who is dying, so that the Light of Christ from the lit candle can offer the person Christ’s grace, hope, and peace. Moreover, the light of the blessed candle is placed next to a dying persons to help light their passage from this earthly life to the other side: eternity. Candlemas Day also was important in the lives of farmers. An old Catholic English song went as follows: “If Candlemas be fair and bright, / Come, Winter, have another flight. If Candlemas brings clouds and rain, / Go, Winter, and come not again” So, if the bright sun “overshadows” the brightness of Candlemas Day, there will be more winter. However, if the light of Candlemas Day radiates through the gloom and darkness of the day, the end of winter is near. In America, Protestants replaced Catholic Candlemas Day with Groundhog Day. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us! St. Joseph, pray for us! Vivat Jesus! Live Jesus!

St. Joseph School: ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL GRADS AND A Community of Faith, ST. JOSEPH PARISHIONERS EARN TOP HONORS Knowledge and Service. 5641 S. 73rd Ave., Summit CONGRATULATIONS to St. Joseph School 2018 708-458-2927 grad CYDNEY MARTINEZ for garnering a place on Mr. Lawrence Manetti, Principal the Marist High School Dean’s List for the first semester. To accomplish this, Cydney earned a grade point average of 5.0 or better. **** CONGRATULATIONS to St. Joseph School 2017 grad NINA DINON for attaining a place on the Nazareth Academy A Honor Roll for the first semester. To accomplish this, Nina earned a grade point average of 3.80 or higher on a 4.0 scale. **** We have come to the end of our National Catholic Schools Week CONGRATULATIONS to St. Joseph Parishioner celebration. The week is always a fun one as it gives us time to reflect GISELLE AYALA who earned a place on the on Catholic Education and our community and to showcase our school. Nazareth Academy B Honor Roll for the first semester. Two of the events that were new this year and quite enjoyable were our To do this, Giselle earned a grade point average of 3.33 classroom presentations of U.S. Monuments and our reception for the or higher. Ladies of the and Holy Name. It was quite enjoyable to visit a classroom recite information on Mount Rushmore, the Statue of Liberty, and Lincoln to name LADIES OF THE ROSARY a few. This is something we will want visitors to see next year. NEWS BEADS …. Our children truly enjoyed meeting the members of the Ladies of the Rosary and Holy Name and having an opportunity to share some of their talents with them as well as a chance to say THANK YOU for all All women of the parish are invited to both organizations do for our school and children. the next general meeting of the Invest in Kids Act – As I mentioned last week we have some Ladies of the Rosary general meeting $3,000.00 pledged with a month to go. Our goal was to reach $24,000.00 and still hope to do so. With the match we that would give set for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4 in St. us close to $75,000.00 which would help funding most of the families Joseph School Centennial Hall, 5641 S. that have applied. I will be holding an information session on Thursday evening, 73rd. Bring a friend! February 6th at 10:00 a.m. to discuss the Tax Credit Scholarship Program and help people through the process. Please extend the News for Our Parishioners … invitation to those who may be interested. Refreshments will be served. Reflect Retreat is hosting a weekend retreat for singles Please call the school office at (708) 458-2927 to reserve your spot. from their mid-30s to 50s looking for a renewed sense Anyone who pays income tax to the State of Illinois can benefit. of purpose and belonging. The retreat will take place Through your donation you have an opportunity to tell the State how from Friday, Feb. 28 to Sunday, March 1 at the Joseph you wish your tax dollars to be spent. & Mary Retreat House (formerly the Cardinal Stritch Visit www.archchicago.org/tcs to learn more. Retreat House), Mundelein. The cost is $215 for meals and a single room. For more information and to register, Recycling – As you will notice our Paper Recycling Bins have been call (630) 222-8303, email taken back by the company. When we first agreed to place them on our [email protected] or visit property, our school received 8 cents per pound. Over the years that ReflectRetreat.com. amount has decreased to where over the last three years it became a **** service we provided with no compensation. In November we were told New members are being accepted into the Women’s that in order for the company to continue to service the bins they would Sacred Circle being held from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, Feb. now need to charge us $50.00 per bin per month. On a tight budget this 10 at the Portiuncula Center for Prayer, 9263 W. St. was something we could not do. Francis Road, Frankfort. Each month a small group of women meets at the Port to support one another in their Queen of Hearts – We have put our Queen of Hearts on hold to efforts to walk a spiritual path in their lives. A unique determine how we can make it better and if any changes need to be theme is introduced each month. For more information made. While many of the other schools/parish experience a game going and to register, call (815) 464-3880, email an average of 26 weeks, it seems that our average is 18. [email protected] or visit portforprayer.org. We do have a plan to start up again, hopefully within the next week. **** The Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House will host a silent Thank you and have a great week. God Bless! retreat for men, Table Talk: Listening to Jesus’ Message as We Share Meals with Him, Friday, Feb. 21 to Lawrence Manetti, Principal Sunday, Feb. 23 at 420 W. County Line Road, Barrington. For more information and to register, call (847) 381-1261 or visit JesuitRetreat.org. ****

MASS INTENTIONS Monday, February 3 Weekly Collection Report

8:30 a.m. Fr. Bob/Health & Blessings/Jackie Hojnacki Weekly Parish Budget $ 9,500.00 Tuesday, February 4 Sunday Collection Jan. 26, 2020 $ 6,197.00

8:30 a.m. †Frank Kuncic/Wife Thank you for your generosity Gracias por tu generosidad Wednesday, February 5 Bog zaplac za ofiary skladane na tace 8:30 a.m. †Don & Peggy Feltz/Wedding Anniv./Family

Thursday, February 6

8:30 a.m. NO MASS MINISTERS Friday, February 7 Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020 5:00 PM. 8:30 a.m. All the Unborn Children M. Dron, N. Gregus, A. Hanchi, G. Kujawa Vocations to the Religious Life Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020 Saturday, February 8 7:30 AM 8:30 a.m. †Deceased Loved Ones Sr. Agatha, R. Kosowski 9:30 AM 5:00 p.m. †James, Anna & Jimmy Collins/Terry & Esther D. Kroll, A. Serrano, J. Sheehan, D. Yanez Collins † Ted Dubrowski/Wife 11:00 AM †Irene Dziemiela/Theresa Crisanti Slivia Alvarez, Angelica Jimenez, Paula Valdovinos. †Frank Kuncic/Wife Maria Elena Zapata †Deacon Ben & Sylvia Michalowski/Cody & ********************************************************** Anna Ray †Peggy Neligan SERVERS †Ellie & Len Wesolowski/Family Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020 5:00 p.m. Sunday, February 9 Aubree Aguilera, Alessandra Torres, Ysabel Serrano

7:30 a.m. †Joseph and Margaret Powers Kurcz Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020 †Patrick Jude Kurcz and Joseph P. Kurcz 7:30 a.m. †Lorry Bragassi/Michael Smigielski Vanessa Chavez, Melisa Pedroza, Nailah Trujillo †Kathy Koran/Pat Stanek

9:30 a.m. †Ellie & Len Wesolowski/Family 9:30 a.m. St. Joseph Parishioners Daniel Rocha, Francisco Romero, Josh VanOrt

11:00 AM Noe Cortez, Sofia Flores, Francisco Romero 11:00 a.m. People of St. Joseph ********************************************************** LECTORS 12:30 p.m. †Franciszek Olszewski Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020 †Wieslaw Kowal I zmarlych z rodziny Kowal 5:00 PM †Irena Mietus †Maria Topor N. Gregus †Jozef Leja †Kazimierz Kurzeja Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020 7:30 AM E. Dominguez 9:30 AM School Mass

11:00 AM Angelica Romero - First Reading San José, ruega por nosotros! Lula Hermosillo - Second Reading SW. Jozefie, modl sie za nami! St. Joseph, Pray for Us! ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH 7240 W. 57th Street Alicia Anderson Socorro “Coco” Martinez Summit, IL 60501 *Phil & Laura Behm Ralph Mejia (708) 458-0501 Carrie Bellini Robert J. Mercurio [email protected] John Bellini Margaret Metoyer Jack Bicigo Janet Nelson stjosephparishsummit.org Kimberly Boll Val Nolan www.facebook.com/stjosephsummit Rosemary Boncuore Ed and Alice Nowak Bruce Bryers—US Military Sharon Ott OFFICE HOURS Margaret Caron Elaine M. Pawlak 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday Maria Casillas Michael A. Pawlak Amal Centers Cassandra K. Peterson Judy Centers Iris Eliza Peterson BULLETIN DEADLINE: Stanley A. Dabrowski Leonardo Alexandros 2:00 p.m. Wednesday *Kimberly Dalton Peterson 2 Weeks Prior Dylan Davis Robert Regep Lynn L. Diaz Paul Rinaldi PARISH STAFF Rita Dombrowski Carmen Rodriguez Allyse Donarski Terry J. Scott Pastor: Rev. Robert Stuglik Jim Donarski Eileen Sheedy Weekend Celebrant: Rev. Joseph Stobba, OSA Susan Dotson Joseph J. Sparks Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Mrs. Joan Hadac Robert Erklin Abigail M. Swaekauski Adult Choir Director/Organist: Mrs. Darlene Donarski Helen Frank Aurora Rose Swaekauski Children’s Choir Director/Pianist: Mrs. Anna Dron Ray Alice Gomorczyk Kathy A. Swaekauski Polish Choir Director: Mr. Aleksander Jazowski Dan and Ann Green Scarlette Grace Swaekauski *Jose Gramada Tim R. Swaekauski Facilities Director: Mr. Vincent Slisz Silvia C. Herrera Pat Tichacek Rich S. Jandura Josephine Tipner SUNDAY MASSES Denise M. Jandura Anthony ‘Spike’ Saturday: 5:00 PM ENGLISH Chester Janeczko Van Moffert Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM. ENGLISH Millie Jercha Margaret Rolla Donald Johnstone Maria Villagomez 11:00AM SPANISH Daniel J. Keller Fred Weicker 12:30 PM POLISH Sarah A. Keller Lesley A. Werner Doug Kudwa Arlene Wilder CONFESSIONS Ted Kuldanek Pamela Wojdyla Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 PM Hank Lampke Patrick J. Woods Ken R. Lubawski Sheryl M. Woods Monique O. Lubawski WEEKDAY MASSES Steven H. Lubawski *Most Recently Added 8:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday Susanna Lubawski (8:30 AM Wednesday—School Mass During School Year) Thursday—No Mass is Celebrated

52 Pick-Up News ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL You’re A Winner! School Principal: Mr. Lawrence Manetti Business Manager: Mrs. Kim Osowiec Congratulations! 5641 S. 73rd Ave. (708) 458 - 2927 February 2, 2020 www.stjosephsummit.com M. MIKOLS www.facebook.com, then search for St. Joseph School Ticket#2456 Pk-8-Summit (Official page)

ST. JOSEPH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION BAPTISMS Coordinator: Mrs. Penny Davis Baptisms are held on the second Sunday of the (708) 458-2927 month at 2 p.m. in English and on the third Saturday of the month in Spanish at 12 p.m. HENRYK SIENKIEWICZ POLISH SCHOOL (noon). Parents who have not taken a Baptism 5641 S. 73rd Ave. Preparation Class within the last two (2) years 708-415-0458 do so before the Baptism. Classes are held MINISTERS OF CARE: on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in If you are homebound, and would like to receive Holy English in our Activity Center, 5631 S. 73rd Communion, please call the parish office to make Ave. Registration for Baptisms and Baptism arrangements. Class must take place in the rectory office prior to the event. Your Heating & QualityDEMMIS Work – Reasonable Prices Burial & Cremation Service & Resource Center Air Conditioning Experts 7300 W. Archer Ave., Summit 12401 S. Archer Rd., Lemont PLUMBING (708) 458-0208 & SEWER Sharon & Andy Jeninga Parishioners Rich Madej Best Homemade Soup in Chicago Ask for a The Most Complete Open 7 Days at 7 AM PARISHIONER • BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER Online National DISCOUNT 773.229.9208 Lic# 102246 • SALES • SERVICE Directory of 6435 W. ARCHER EMERGENCY 773.581.9300 708.420.0806 SERVICE Check It Out Today! Catholic Parishes 10% OFF w/this ad www.wantuck.net www.demmisplumbing.com

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