Biggest. State X)Ope Raid Conducted in Middlesex
es Asks $25 Million for Cops, Firemeii —. 1 • -— — . ,—A : —. SEE STORY PAGE 21 Sunny and Cool HOME Mostly sunny and cool today.! THE DAILY VFPTQTFT? Clear, quite cool tonight. Sim-' By and milder tomorrow. FINAL Fags 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years iVOL. 91, NO. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1968 36 PAGES TEN CENTS Biggest. State X)ope Raid Conducted in Middlesex NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - "strike teams" of at least three The officers were ordered to The battle plan for the New they were supplied by a corn- Months of undercover work by men each, with some teams strike with military precision, Brunswick raids opened with mon source. a state trooper who posed as a having six men, depending on making all arrests at 5:15 a.m. the statement: "mission- Lt. Kell said one of the ar- drug user led today to the ar- the previous police record, if Maj. Victor E. Galassi, state to apprehend heroin subjects rested was charged in fiye rest of dozens of alleged "door- any, of the man sought. Each police investigation officer, for the unlawful sale of nar- to-door" salesmen of heroin team was given a copy of the said the largest previous raid cotic drugs, heroin and-or mar- complaints. He also said a ju- and other drugs in raids exe- complaint, a picture of the of this type was conducted in ijuana." venile with a loaded weapon cuted with military precision. man's police record, if any, Atlantic City last year in which Galassi said authorities found was arrested.
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