The Research of Wild Bees and Honeybee (Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758) in the Selected Localities of Protected Area Štiavnica Hills, in 2007 and Research of their Ethology Done between 2002 And 2007


Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Nám. T.G. Masaryka 5555, 76001 Zlín, ; [email protected] Bulletin UASVM Science and Biotechnologies 71(1) / 2014, 27-35 Print ISSN 1843-5262; Electronic ISSN 1843-536X


Research of wild bees and honeybee (: ) was realized in the selected lo­ ca­li­ties of Banská Štiavnica, Banská Belá, Banský Studenec and Beluj surroundings in the Protected Area (CHKO) the Štiavnica Hills in 2007. They were 7 different localities under study with the aim to specify the qualitative and quantitative composition of the representatives of Hymenoptera order. We wanted to broaden knowledge about entomofauna of the studied localities of the protected Area (CHKO). Locality N1 is non-cut meadow south-east of Banská Štiavnica, locality N2 –desolate orchard in Kysihýbel, locality N3 –forest and deforested places with area 80x80 metres, locality N4 –surrounding of the Jasenica water reservoir at the south-west border of the village Banská Belá, locality N5 –re-cultivated dump of mudApidae to the west of Banská Belá and locality N6 – cut meadow in the village Beluj and in its surroundings. Locality N7 –rocky spur in Kysihýbel.Keywords During our study we specified 18 species of Hymenoptera ( ). Hymenoptera, Apidae Bombidae

, bee, , Štiavnica Hills, Slovakia, localities


Northern part of The Protected Area (CHKO) the More research workers investigated Hymenop­ Štiavnica Hills, which is the object of this research tera: Apidae on the territory of The Protected Area work is less examined in comparison with the (CHKO) the Štiavnica Hills, for example Beláková warmer localities of the protected area situated (1986), Smetana (1986a, b) and Beláková, Smetana farther to the south. That is the reason why our (1996). researchMATERIALS is directed AND especially METHODS to these localities. The decisive part of these researches was realized in the frame of XXI st Camp of nature Hymenoptera: Apidae protectors, whichHymenoptera: took place Apoidea, in 1985 Bombidae in Počúvadlo.. The qualitative and quantitative research It was Smetana who dedicated mostly especially­ Apis to of was realized in chosen melliferaresearch of localities in the surroundings of Banská Štiavnica, In this protected area Šafařík researched Banská Belá, Banský Studenec and Beluj in the from the view of its behavior in the period Protected Area (CHKO) the Štiavnica Hills in 2006 of swarming in the locality of the village Beluj, 17 in 6 different localities with the aim to find the kilometers Southwest of Banská Štiavnica. The species presenting Hymenoptera. We wanted to 28

ŠAFAŘÍK officinale Cirsium vulgare Rubus idaeus Cirsium eriophorum Lotus enlarge knowledge Hymenoptera about enthomofauna of the corniculatus–11 sort, Cirsium arvense–9 sort, searched localities in CHKO. Taraxacum–9 sort, officinale Ajuga–8 sort,reptans The research of was carried out sort, Galeobdolon–7 sort, montandonum –6Mentha sort, destructive methods of individual bee catching longifolia Hypericum–6 sort, perforatum –5 into entomological net in the chosen localities nera, Pulmonaria officinalis –5 sort,Trifolium of the cadastral territories of Banská Štiavnica, alpestre –5 sort, Solidago virgaurea –4 ge­ Banská Belá, Banský Studenec and Beluj in the Trifolium pratense –4 Jacea genera, pratensis period March-September 2006. Sarothamnus–4 genera, scoparius –4Veronica genera, We have chosen the following biotopes: chamaedrys –3 genera,Vicia cracca –3 meadow (1, 6), deserted orchard (2) edge of the Lychnisgenera, flos–cuculi –3Trifolium genera, repens forest (3), artificial water reservoir (4) and re- Melampyrum–3 genera, nemorosum –3 genera, cultivated dump of mud. We realized subject re­ Robinia pseudoacacia–2 genera, –2 search of Hymenoptera in accordance with the tuberosumgenera, –2 genera, decision of the Regional department of envi­ –2 genera, ronment in Banská Bystrica No. 2006/00726-Fi, § –2 genera. 334 individuals 56, paragraph 1 in legal code of Slovakian law No. According to theRubus results idaeus, of quantitativeTrifolium re­ 543/2002 based on the „Protection of nature and repenssearch, done 123 in on 2007 Symphytum we found that: officinale landscape“. Cirsiumwere recorded vulgare on Taraxacum201 on officinale, We have used the key by Pavelka and Smetana 68 on Cirsium eriophorum, 63 on , 110Mentha on (2003) to determine and other longifolia ,Echium 78 on vulgare Hypericum species we determined in accordance to Kratochvíl perforatum, 36 on Lamium maculatum, 34 on (1957). Terminology of found out species is done Cirsium arvense, 57 on, 34 on Lotus corniculatus, 47 on , 23 on after Přidal (2004). Pulmonaria officinalis, 16 on Solidago virgaurea, Examined locality № 1 is uncut meadow in 15 on Veronica chamaedrys, 13 on Trifolium surrounding of Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia. pratense, 12 on Jacea pratensis Galeobdolon Locality № 2 is deserted orchard in the forest montandonum, 8 on Ajuga reptans, 5 on Trifolium area Kysihýbel, Banská Štiavnica with apple trees, alpestre, 5 on Vicia cracca, 4, 9on on Melampyrum plum trees, cherry trees and others. nemorosum, 3 on Sarothamnus scoparius, 3 on Locality № 3 is forest area and deforested Robinia pseudoacacia, 2 on Lychnis flos–cuculi, 2 places in Kysihýbel, Banská Štiavnica. on Symphytum tuberosum. Locality № 4 in surrounding of Banská Belá presents non-forest communites spread Asperula on the slope near water reservoir with the domi­ cynanchica,Just by Betonica one wild officinalis, bee species Caltha were palustris, visiting nance of mid-high and high-grass and herbs Coronillathe following cook, Crataegus as stated monogyny, below: Eryngium convenient for feeding, for forage. campestre, Knautia arvensis, Lathyrus pratensis, Locality № 5 near Banská Belá is characterized Lathyrus sylvestris, Melilotus officinalis, Ononis spin- high-stalked grass and meadow apophyts that wasp, Polygala vulgaris, Sinapis arvensis, Solanum prefer luminous and tropical conditions on the dulcamara, Steris viscaria, Tanacetum vulgare, Thymus pulegioides, Verbascum phlomoides and Examined locality № 6 is situated in Beluj 430 Viola canina. m above sea level. It is the regularly cut meadow with high-grass-herbal community. Loca­li­ty № 7 is rocky spur in Kysihýbel, During the research we were focused on Banská Štiavnica with southern orientation the ethology of the wild surviving bees, as well. the basaltRESULTS flow. AND DISCUSSION Activity of the wild bees according to our results was influenced by several factors. One of them was a cold wind, when we have recorded only At the researched localitiesEchium in vulgare 2007 we the minimal activity of wild bees in the course of sort,sta­te Lamium a survey maculatum of plants (45 sorts) Symphytum visited by our research on the May 2, 2007. Another factor the individual bee species: –1 affecting the bees’ activity was light rain. For Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies–11 sort, 71(1) / 2014 instance we did not observe any wild bees species Apis mellifera 29

The Research of Wild Bees and Honeybee ( Linnaeus, 1758) in the Selected Localities in the course of our research on May 6, 2007 On July 7, 2007beasts. we found four therefore we see the relevance of rainy weather. nests, which were dugBombus up terrestris, with the one above- nest Influence of the windy weather on the ofmentioned Bombus hortorum wild and BombusApparently, pratorum the two acti­vity of the wild bees can be confirmed discovered.underground In nests the Bombus of hortorum by our findings from the observations on May , were 9, 2007, when we had strong windy weather Bombus pratorum ’s nest as the recorded no activity on the meadow under the material covering the bottom was used moss and Nova Strelnica (Locality N1) –at the open air space in the case of the were used the of the objective locality. needles. From these byBombus wild beaststerrestris devastated However at the edge site of a meadow habitat nests we observed the workingBombus up bumblebees hortorum near the waterside growth of a stream, where threeand in and the in case Bombus of the pratorum ten individuals. the two In the wind does not reach such intensity as on the individuals were recorded, in open-air area, we recorded eight bumblebee species. Based on these findings we have come the second nest we found three dead bumblebees. to the following conclusions: the strong wind Another activities of the bumblebees were not acts as an negative factor on the activity of a wild recorded in Apisthe time mellifera of our research. bees and that in the conditions of one habitat we Our ethological research of the European concluded that meteorological conditions affect honeybee ( ) in the conditions of their activity. Accordingly the urban environment stationary bee house in Beluj, Slovakia (Banska is also suitable for the occurrence of the wild bees, Stiavnica district), were supplemented or widen because the external temperature in the urban the observations of the European honeybee in area is higher than the temperature in a non- their natural environment –in the nature, it means urban area. For example at housing development at the localities chosen, where we paid attention Drienova in Banska Stiavnica, SlovakiaEchium we vulgare have almostalso to at that the all species. examined The localities. honeybee dominance andcurrently Vicia cracca recorded several bumblebee species. in the natural environment was very apparent For instance we have recorded on nine bumblebee species on June In the natural conditions the main activity of 6, 2007. the honeybee was pollen and nectar gathering. The activity recordedBombus in bumblebees lapidarius during Concerning bumblebees´ trophic behavior we can the unfavorable meteorological conditions was state, that the bumblebees have not been visiting recorded for example in , while all recorded sorts of plants at the researched area, the activity in another bumblebees and the other but just those stated in the tables below. From that researched species was not recorded. During the fact the bumblebees´ preference of the sorts direct observations of interactions among the is quite obvious. Accordingly is needed to add that wild bees and their living plants we have recorded not the entire wild bee species found, manifested behavior displays and way of the food acquisition. their trophic behavior. the plantOne sort from - Rhinanthus the common alectorolophus ways of the. Bombus food Some split of species found did not manifest terrestrisacquisition by bumblebees was their short visit of the trophic behavior for instance the individuals were just gallivant along or if need be only the carriedBombus out terrestris twenty interactions in five short plant visits were taken, however all data minutes what we recorded on locality 1, on 11, together create a survey which we state in this June 2006. gradually visited all paper. Correlation of the wild bees behavior to of the one-plant flowers during the mentioned the height of atmospheric air temperature and its time period and subsequently got off for the influence on the bees behavior we can characterize next flourishing plants. During the researchMeles we as the straight dependence. melesrecorded also severalVulpes bumblebee vulpes nests that have Consequently we can say that with the in­ beenSus scrofa annihilated by European Badger ( crease of the external atmospheric temperature ), Red Fox ( ) or by the Wild Boar the bees´ activity is increasing, as well. The sa­ ( ). Based on the presence of the dead me correlation holds also for the sun attitude. individuals the bum­ble­bee nests were identified. Whereby the sunbeams and the earth striking on radianceBulletin from UASVM the Animalsun higherScience and activity, Biotechnologies in this71(1) /way 2014 30

ŠAFAŘÍK Apis melli­ the bumblebees and also bee species individuals´ fera The same correlation is obvious also for the activity is considerably higher, as well. activities of the European honeybee ( ) and its behavior on the landing boards. Table 1.

Ecological indices localities 1-3

Pi Pi² Pi ln Pi Pi Pi² Pi ln Pi Pi Pi² Pi ln Pi Locality 1: Locality 2: Locality 3:

0.486 0.2362 – 0.351 0.677 0.4583 –0.264 0.364 0.1322 –0.368 0.071 0.0051 – 0.188 0.092 0.0084 –0.219 0.193 0.0373 –0.318 0.007 0.0001 – 0.034 0.009 0.0001 –0.043 0.011 0.0001 –0.051 0.010 0.0001 –0.047 0.012 0.0002 –0.054 0.080 0.0063 –0.201 0.075 0.0056 –0.194 0.040 0.0016 –0.128 0.045 0.0021 –0.141 0.007 0.0001 –0.034 0.003 0.0000 –0.014 0.034 0.0012 –0.115 0.014 0.0002 –0.058 0.012 0.0002 –0.054 0.034 0.0012 –0.115 0.017 0.0003 –0.069 0.049 0.0024 –0.148 0.114 0.0130 –0.247 0.201 0.0400 –0.322 0.021 0.0005 –0.082 0.045 0.0021 –0.141 0.003 0.0000 –0.019 0.015 0.0002 –0.064 0.080 0.0063 –0.201 0.031 0.0001 –0.107 0.014 0.0002 –0.058 0.003 0.0000 –0.019 0.003 0.0000 –0.019 0.058 0.003 –0.165

1.032 0.2880 1.519 0.930 0.4719 1.070 1.000 0.2018 1.898 Table 2.

Diversity indices and similarity index localities 1-3

S=15 S=12 S=10 N=294 N=328 N=88 D=3.43 D=2.10 D=4.96 E=0.23 E=0.17 E=0.50 H=1.52 H=1.07 H=1.90 J=0.62 J=0.51 J=0.83

Table 3.

Ecological indices localities 4-6

Pi Pi² Pi ln Pi Pi Pi² Pi ln Pi Pi Pi² Pi ln Pi Locality 4: Locality 5: Locality 6:

0.472 0.2225 –0.354 0.887 0.7870 –0.106 0.537 0.2880 –0.334 0.094 0.0089 –0.223 0.001 0.0000 –0.009 0.122 0.0150 –0.257 0.208 0.0430 –0.326 0.027 0.0007 –0.097 0.024 0.0006 –0.091 0.151 0.0228 –0.285 0.028 0.0008 –0.100 0.024 0.0006 –0.091 0.076 0.0570 –0.195 0.003 0.0000 –0.016 0.128 0.0164 –0.263 0.004 0.0000 –0.022 0.043 0.0019 –0.135 0.025 0.0064 –0.093 0.012 0.0001 –0.053 0.003 0.0000 –0.016 0.079 0.0062 –0.201 0.003 0.0000 –0.016 0.031 0.0009 –0.106 0.003 0.0000 –0.016 0.017 0.0003 –0.070

1.001 0.3542 1.383 1.001 0.7952 0.561 1.000 0.3297 1.531 Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies 71(1) / 2014 Apis mellifera 31

The Research of Wild Bees and Honeybee ( Linnaeus, 1758) in the Selected Localities Table 4.

Diversity indices and similarity index localities 4-6

S=5 S=11 S=9 N=53 N=752 N=164 D=2.82 D=1.26 D=3.04 E=0.56 E=0.11 E=0.34 H=1.38 H=0.56 H=1.53 J=0.86 J=0.24 J=0.70 Table 5.

Ecological indices locality 7

Pi Pi2 Pi ln Pi Locality 7:

0.036 0.0013 –0.121 S=8 0.071 0.0050 –0.188 N=28 0.036 0.0013 –0.121 D=3.88 0.429 0.1840 –0.363 E=0.48 0.179 0.0320 –0.308 H=1.65 0.036 0.0013 –0.121 J=0.79 0.036 0.0013 –0.121 0.179 0.032 –0.308 1.002 0.2582 1.651 Table 6.

Diversity indices and similarity index localities1. 1-6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

S N 14 11 14 10 13 8 E 667 123 428 306 1165 124 D 4.20 5.34 4.76 3.78 2.12 3.31 0.30 0.49 0.34 0.38 0.16 0.41 H 1.96 2.01 1.83 1.65 1.15 1.55 J 0.74 0.84 0.69 0.72 0.45 0.75

In research continued in the year 2007 the interval 36–59 %, wind speed was moving from 2 quantitativeTab. 7 representation of component indi­vi­ to 4 m/s and the length of sunshine varied from dual sorts at the seven localities (1–7) as following 2.6 to 13.3 hours. During the research time of bees ( ): we have recorded two rainy days during the bees 1. According to the results of the research swarm mood – June 5 and JuneApis 15, mellifera 2002, with the fo­cused on the swarming activities done in total amount of rainfall 5.6 and 9.2 mm. 2002, the following fact is ensuing: the bees 2. European honeybee ( ) is after swar­ming mood seems to be most intensive the debouching able to place also the empty hives in the second decade of May, at the end of the third what we prove by evidence, that we recorded the decade of May and in the first half of June 2002. occupation of the four empty hives with the bee We have recorded in the time from May 14 to the frames in the bee house on June 1, 2002. June 15, 2002 globally nine swarms. The average 3. In 2003 the 6 swarms we had recorded air temperature during the bee swarming activity in the interval May 15 to June 16, what is about was 20.1°C, average air humidity came to 50 %, the 3 swarms less in comparison to the 2002. The average wind speed reached the rate 2.8 m/s and bee swarms flied out in temperature interval the average length of the sunshine was 10.5 hours, 10.6–22.2°C, the relative air humidity was moving and the temperature variances varied between between 30 and 49 %, the wind speed was from 16.7 and 25.3°C, relative air humidity varied in 2 to 4 m/sBulletin and UASVM sunshine Animal Science length and Biotechnologies from 5.0 71(1) to / 2014 7.5 32

ŠAFAŘÍK Table 7.

Qualitative and quantitative survey of figured out species of wild bees and honeybee at examined localities in 2007 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. N P Apis mellifera 143 222 32 88 1152 7. Bombus terrestris 21 25 133 0 667 0 164.57 Bombus pascuorum 16 3 8 21 12 30 17 20 20 0 19.00 Bombus lapidarius 22 13 11 21 4 59 0 119 17.00 Bombus pratorum 22 13 5 64 0 0 71 10.14 Bombus hortorum 4 2 17 7 0 0 9.14 Bombus ruderarius 5 4 3 1 32 9 7 10 0 0 37 5.29 Bombus bohemicus 4 5 4 2 13 1 4.14 0 19 0 4.57 Bombus hypnorum 3 4 5 2 21 0 29 Bombus lucorum 2 3 1 4 1 11 7 0 0 3.00 Bombus soroeensis 2 1 4 2 0 0 1.57 Bombus humilis 1 8 1.14 0 0 0 9 1.29 Bombus sylvarum 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 Bombus vestalis 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 1.00 Bombus ruderatus 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0.43 Bombus rupestris 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0.29 Bombus maxillosus 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.29 Xylocopa violacea 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.14 328 88 53 163 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.14 SUMMARY 294 739 1702 hours. The average swarming temperature in on the landing board. Mostly arrayed one by one 2003 was 18.0°C, the average relative air humidity and by flickering with their wings close to the rate recorded was 40.3%, the average wind speed fly entrance into the hive where acting the airing was 3 m/s and the sunshine length took 6.2 hours activity. The very meaningful activity was pollen in average. The rainy weather was on the June 16. bringing. The next dominant activity was the 2003 with the total rainfall 0.4 mm. slow motions of bees at the landing board with no 4. In the research year 2004 the European ethological meaning evidence. honeybee swarms we have found at the end 6. The activity of the bees´ colony at the landing of the second and at the beginning of the third board is determined with the instantaneous state decade of May. We have recorded seven bee swarms of the bee colony. The crucial determinant of their in the interval from the May 18 up to the May 22, activity is the bees´ quantity in the hive. The colony 2004. The air temperature during the swarming of bees shortly after debouchments are less active was varying between 10.6 and 20.1°C (the average as those who are bringing food and covering other value 16.1°C) relative air humidity from 30 to 46 needs of the bee colony, what is in correlation with % (the average value 36.3%), the wind speed was the swarms quantity of the particular colony of bees varying from 2 to 5 m/s (the average value was 3.3 or bees society. With the increasing rate of swarms m/s) and the sunshine was in interval between inside of one bees society the total bees activity is 1.1–12.1 hours (the average value 7.4 hours). The decreasing. The mentioned activity is related also rainy weather during the bee swarming activities to the activity of bees realized in the hive. The we recorded on the May 22, 2004. activity of the bees´ colonies is also influenced 5. The beehives airing, pollen bringing and the by the sunshine beginning time, its intensity and stereotype motions of bees on the landing board length. The bee colonies on whose landing boards dominant activities, acted by honeybee during our the sun-beams are striking on longer during the observations from May 1 to the August 31, 2002. day comparing to the landing boards of another bee

BulletinThe beehives´ UASVM Animal airing Science andwas Biotechnologies acted by wings´71(1) / 2014 flickering colonies, start to be active earlier and the colonies Apis mellifera 33

The Research of Wild Bees and Honeybee ( Linnaeus, 1758) in the Selected Localities

Fig. 1. Fig. 2.

The bumblebees interactions related to the The bumblebees interactions related to the plant families at the locality plant families at the locality № 1 in 2007 № 2 in 2007

Fig. 3. Fig. 4.

The bumblebees interactions related to the The bumblebees interactions related to the plant families at the locality plant families at the locality № 3 in 2007 № 4 in 2007

Fig. 5. Fig. 6.

The bumblebees interactions related to the The bumblebees interactions related to the plant families at the locality plant families at the locality № 5 in 2007 № 6 in 2007 Note: In the Figures 1-7

we add an outline of bumblebees interactions related to the plant families of theirs living plants at the 7 examined localities in 2007. Plant families: AST=Asteraceae, API=Apiaceae, BOR=, BRA=Brassicaceae, Fig. 7. CAR=Caryophyllaceae, CIH=Cichoriacea, FAB=Fabaceae, HYP=Hypericaceae, The bumblebees interactions related to the LAM=Lamiaceae, POL=Polygonaceae, plant families at the locality ROS=Rosaceae, RUB=Rubiaceae, № 7 in 2007 SCR=Scrophulariaceae,Bulletin UASVM Animal ScienceSOL=Solanaceae. and Biotechnologies 71(1) / 2014 34

ŠAFAŘÍK Bombus pascuorum montandonum Mentha longifolia Bombus lapidarius Hypericum perforatum Pulmonaria in the later time period of the light day phase are most numerous Bombuswas pratorum with 17.00 officinalis –5 sorts,Trifolium alpestre –5 sorts, more active later and for longer, what depends from are individuals. Following were Bombus hortorum Solidago virgaurea –4 genera,Trifolium pratense the sun movement and the consecutive lighting of with 10.14 and with an average –4Jacea genera, pratensis Sarothamnus–4 genera, the other hives what extent the landing boards rate of 9.90 individuals. Bombus ruderarius scoparius –4 genera,Veronica chamaedrys–3 oriented from the west to the east. Another crucial occurred at the examined localitiesBombus onbohemicus average genera, Vicia cracca –3 genera,Lychnis flos–cuculi diseasesfactors that have a negative influence on activities with the rate 5.29 individuals,Bombus hypnorum Trifolium–3 genera, repens Melampyrum–3 of the particular bee colonies are also the bee 4.57 individuals, followed by nemorosumgenera, –3 genera,Robinia pseudoacacia–2 and the other malefactors for instance the with 4.14 individuals, with an genera, Symphytum tuberosum–2 genera, representativesParus major of MicromammaliaParus caeruleus), or some Eurasian bird average rateBombus 3.00 lucorum individuals Bombus per locality. soroeensis Four –2 genera, –2 species for Sitta all of europaea), them for example the Great Tit speciesBombus occurred humilis one 1.14, individual and Bombus per locality sylvarum on genera and –2 genera. (Picus viridis) or Blue Tit ( average: 1.57, 334 15.exemplars Based onon theRubus research idaeus of bees realizedTrifolium in NuthatchDendrocopos ( major Green Woodpecker 1.29, repens2007 we, 123 found on out Symphytum the following officinale facts: we recorded ( ) and the Great Spotted Woodpecker Bombus1.00 individual. vestalis Five recordedBombus speciesruderatus occured and Cirsium vulgare, Taraxacum, 201 officinale on , 68 on ( ). Regarding to the fact that we Bombusin the rate rupestris less than oneBombus individual maxillosus per locality: and Cirsium eriophorum, 63 on Mentha longifolia, 110 on were paying a proper attention to the bee healing Xylocopa violacea 0.43, Echium vulgare 78 onHypericum perforatum, 36 on methods and providing a solicitude, which was 0.29, Lamium maculatum, 34 on Cirsium arvense and, 57 on needed to the bees regularly, the significant diseases both 0.14 individual per locality Lotus corniculatus, 47, on23 on Pulmonaria officinalis, 16 we did not record. In the case that some bee colony in 2007. on Solidago virgaurea,15 on Veronica chamaedrys, had not been cured (what could possibly happen) 10. The structure of 7 examined localities we 13 on Trifolium pratense, 12 on Jacea pratensis the resulting effect was, that it did not survive. assigned in 2007 by the Simpson’s diversity index, on Galeobdolon montandonum, 8 on Ajuga reptans, The bee activity is conditioned also by some other by calculation of which we founded the highest 5 on Trifolium alpestre and on Vicia cracca, , 4 9 factors as storms, when the bee colonies behave diversityTab. index2 has a locality number 3 (forest on Melampyrum nemorosum, 3 on Sarothamnus very aggressive. Before the rain comes the increased close to the Stara strelnica in Kysihybel) with a rate scoparius and Robinia pseudoacacia, 2 on Lychnis aggressive behavior in the bees was recorded, as 4.96 ( ). Following locality is number 7 with flos–cuculi and on Symphytum tuberosum well. Apis mellifera an objective index 3.88, the next locality – number Asperula 7. Based on our research of the European 1 has an index quality 3.43. Locality 6 has an index cynanchica, Betonica officinalis, Caltha .palustris, One bee honeybee ( ) ethology, realized from quality 3.03. The diversity index of society at Coronillasort was visitingcook, theCrataegus following monogyny, plant taxa: Eryngium May 15, until July 22, 2003, we found the bee locality number 4 is 2.82, number 2 with an index campestre, Knautia arvensis, Lathyrus pratensis, colonies ensuring three categories of activities the 2.10, and the lowest index we have recordedTab. 4 was Lathyrus sylvestris, Melilotus officinalis, Ononis spin- similar way as in 2002. The dominant activity in at the society number 5. wasp, Polygala vulgaris, Sinapis arvensis, Solanum this research interval was bringing pollen (71%). 11. The Simpson’s steadiness index ( ) in dulcamara, Steris viscaria, Tanacetum vulgare, The hives airing was exerting in average by the order of societies as follows 4, 3, 7, 6, 1, 2 and 5 was Thymus pulegioides, Verbascum phlomoides and 70.2% bee colonies and slowly motions with no at each society adequate to the following qualities: Viola canina. evidence of the ethological meaning was exerting 0.56, 0.50, 0.48, 0.34, 0.23, 0.17 and 0.11. by 32.6% ofApis bee colonies.mellifera 12. The Shannon’s diversity index was the 8. During the research of behavior of European highest in the case of the society number 3 with 16. At the examined locality number 1 during honeybee ( ) realized from May 30 its rate 1.90. The following were the societies of Lamiaceaethe research year 2007 interactionsAsteraceae of Apidae to the July 21, we confirmed our data captured localities 1, 7, 6, 4, 2 and 5 with indices 1.69, 1.65, Boraginaceaeon plants from these families wereRosaceae predominating: in 2002 and 2003 and the obvious fact that the 1.53, 1.38, 1.27 and 0.58. (10 sorts), (9 sorts) honeybees on the landing boards during that 13. The Shannon’s steadiness index related to (7 sorts) and (6 sorts). time were exerting three basic types of activities. the single localities we ordered from the highest to AsteraceaeAt the locality 3 Rosaceae the visits on livingLamiaceae plants In a summer time 2004 the slow motions of the lowest index quality. The societies 4, 3, 7, 6, 1, of the following families were prevailing: several individuals of European honeybee were 2 and 5 have the following indices: 0.86, 0.83, 0.79, (6 sorts), (4 sorts), dominating on the landing boards (bees from the 0.70, 0.62, 0.51 Echiumand 0.24. vulgare Lamium Lamiaceae(3 sorts). The locationFabaceae number 4 was typical of 60.7% of the bee colonies). Airing activities were maculatum14. We recorded 45Symphytum plant sorts officinale visiting by Hypericaceaethe relationships with the plants from families realized by the 36.6% of bee colonies and the sorts,bees inCirsium 2007: vulgare –11Rubus sorts, idaeus (5 sorts), (4 genera) and pollen was bringing by the 20.4% of colonies. sorts, Cirsium–11 eriophorum sorts, Lotus cornicula­ –11­ (3 genera). AtAsteraceae the locality 5 were 9. The most numerousBombus species terrestris on average out tus Cirsium arvense–9 sorts, Taraxacum­ –9 Boraginaceaepredominating relationshipsFabaceae to plants from from the 7 examined localities in 2007 we have officinale Ajuga reptans–8 sorts, Galeobdolon the following families: (5Apidae sorts), to recorded, was the with 19.00 –7 sorts, –6 sorts, (5 sorts) and (3 sorts). At individualsBulletin UASVM Animal per Science locality. and Biotechnologies The second 71(1) / 2014 in average –6 sorts, –5 sorts, the locality 6 were found interactions of Apis mellifera 35

The Research of Wild Bees and Honeybee ( Linnaeus, 1758) in the Selected Localities montandonum Mentha longifolia the Fabaceae Boraginaceae Hypericum perforatum Pulmonaria Asteraceae, Cichoriaceae, Lamiaceae officinalis –5 sorts,Trifolium alpestre –5 sorts, plants from (5 sorts), Solidago virgaurea –4 genera,Trifolium pratense (3 sorts) and –4Jacea genera, pratensis Sarothamnus–4 genera, (by 2 found out sorts at each). Boraginaceae At the locality 7 scoparius –4 genera,Veronica chamaedrys–3 the interactionsFabaceae and to the Lamiaceae plants from these plant genera, Vicia cracca –3 genera,Lychnis flos–cuculi families were predominating: Apidae (6in Trifolium–3 genera, repens Melampyrum–3 sorts), Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, (by 4 Lamiaceae,sorts). The nemorosumgenera, –3 genera,Robinia pseudoacacia–2 Fabaceaeplant families and Rosaceaemost frequently. visited by genera, Symphytum tuberosum–2 genera, 2007 were –2 genera, –2 CONCLUSION genera and –2 genera. 334 15.exemplars Based onon theRubus research idaeus of bees realizedTrifolium in repens2007 we, 123 found on out Symphytum the following officinale facts: we recorded In this research of honeybees and bumblebees Cirsium vulgare, Taraxacum, 201 officinale on , 68 on I have tried to contribute to the extension of Cirsium eriophorum, 63 on Mentha longifolia, 110 on knowledge of their ecology and ethology in the Echium vulgare 78 onHypericum perforatum, 36 on central and Northern parts of the Slovak Štiavnica Lamium maculatum, 34 on Cirsium arvense and, 57 on Hills. It would be useful to carry out this research in Lotus corniculatus, 47, on23 on Pulmonaria officinalis, 16 the near future in order to repeat the comparison on Solidago virgaurea,15 on Veronica chamaedrys, of theREFERENCES results that have been achieved. 13 on Trifolium pratense, 12 on Jacea pratensis 1. on Galeobdolon montandonum, 8 on Ajuga reptans, , 9 Beláková, A. (1986). Poznámky k výskytu včiel (APOIDEA) 5 on Trifolium alpestre and on Vicia cracca, 4 v CHKO Štiavnické vrchy. In: Zborník I.: Prehľad odborných on Melampyrum nemorosum, 3 on Sarothamnus 2. výsledkov z XXI. Tábora ochra­ncov prírody, Počúvadlo scoparius and Robinia pseudoacacia, 2 on Lychnis 1985. Žiarnad Hronom: ONV – odbor kultúry, s. 111-114. flos–cuculi and on Symphytum tuberosum Beláková, A., Smetana, V. (1996). Bees (Hymenoptera, Asperula Apoidea) of the selected localities of the Štiavnica Hills cynanchica, Betonica officinalis, Caltha .palustris, One bee 3. (Slovakia). Bratislava: Acta Zool. Univ. Comenianae, Vol. 40: 3-10. Coronillasort was visitingcook, theCrataegus following monogyny, plant taxa: Eryngium 4. Kratochvíl, J. (1957). Klíč zvířeny ČSR. Díl II. Praha: campestre, Knautia arvensis, Lathyrus pratensis, Nakladatelství ČSAV, 747 s. Lathyrus sylvestris, Melilotus officinalis, Ononis spin- 5. Pavelka, M., Smetana, V. (2003). Čmeláci. Valašské wasp, Polygala vulgaris, Sinapis arvensis, Solanum Meziříčí: 76/03 ZO ČSOP, 105 s. dulcamara, Steris viscaria, Tanacetum vulgare, Přidal, A. (2004). Checklist of the bees in the Czech Republic Thymus pulegioides, Verbascum phlomoides and and Slovakia with comments on their distribution and Viola canina. 6. (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Acta univ. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., LII, No. 1, 29-66. Smetana, V. (1986a). Výsledky faunistického prieskumu 16. At the examined locality number 1 during čmeľovitých (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Bombidae) na lokalitách Štiavnických vrchov. In: Zborník I.: Prehľad Lamiaceaethe research year 2007 interactionsAsteraceae of Apidae odborných výsledkov z XXI. Tábora ochrancov prírody, Boraginaceaeon plants from these families wereRosaceae predominating: Počúvadlo 1985. Žiar nad Hronom: ONV– odbor kultúry, (10 sorts), (9 sorts) s. 115–125. (7 sorts) and (6 sorts). 7. Smetana, V. (1986b). Čmeľovité (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, AsteraceaeAt the locality 3 Rosaceae the visits on livingLamiaceae plants Bombidae) masívu Sitna v Štiavnických vrchov. In: of the following families were prevailing: Zborník I.: Prehľad odborných výsledkov z XXI. Tábora ochrancov prírody, Počúvadlo 1985. Žiar nad Hronom: 8. Apis (6 sorts), (4 sorts), ONV–odbor kultúry, s.126–139. mellifera Lamiaceae(3 sorts). The locationFabaceae number 4 was typical of Šafařík, Z. (2004). Rojová aktivita včely medonosnej ( Hypericaceaethe relationships with the plants from families L.) a prejavy správania včiel v roku 2002 v oblasti (5 sorts), (4 genera) and Štiavnických vrchov. In Naturae tutela 8, s. 217–219. (3 genera). At the locality 5 were Liptovský Mikuláš: Slovenské múzeum ochrany prírody a Asteraceae jaskyniarstva. Boraginaceaepredominating relationshipsFabaceae to plants from the following families: (5Apidae sorts), to (5 sorts) and (3 sorts). At the locality 6 were found interactions of Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies 71(1) / 2014