When Charbonneau's Eddie Doucette Talks, Trail Blazer Fans Listen
Photo by fern Uyetake With Portland In the NBA playoffs, Eddie Doucette has been plenty busy of late. \e of experience of the Portland Trail Blazers, first on radio, make it as exciting for fans as they made it for When Charbonneau's and this season on television. He's the play- me." Eddie Doucette talks, by-play announcer, the guy who walks the He attended Michigan State University in audience through the game, explaining nu- the mid-1960s, studying communications, Trail Blazer fans listen ances, describing plays and generating energy broadcasting and debate. And, in 1968, he and excitement, even when the team is playing landed a job. Not in his beloved baseball, but By DANA HAYNES poorly. in the young, unpopular and poorly understood For The Spokesman "It's a hell of a job," says Doucette, his National Basketball Association. booming voice belying his small, wiry frame. His first job was with the Milwaukee Bucks. When Eddie Doucette talks, you can hear "But you gotta know, it's a lot like the blues. "I was young and scared," he jsays grinning. the blues. It's telling people about life; making it sound "The only instructions I had from the general It's in the staccato bursts of words, which interesting. You dress it up, put a little manager were: "Look, this is pro basketball. sound like they're fighting to see which gets whipped cream on it, but it's the same as it This is totally alien to these people. I don't out of his mouth first.
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