
February 15, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H597 2004. He was 35 years old. His loss was Sergeant Mastrapa was called back All human beings strive to occupy a made more tragic because it came just to active duty in 2003 to serve in Oper- valued place. One observer has offered 2 days before he was due to return ation Enduring Freedom. During his this definition for this desire: ‘‘You oc- home with his comrades in the 351st military service, he earned medals for cupy a valued place if other people Military Police Company, based in good conduct and service in the na- would miss you if you were gone.’’ Ocala, Florida. He is survived by his tional defense. He received two Army Mr. Speaker, Arthur Mastrapa occu- loving wife, Jennifer, and his two lov- Achievement medals and ribbons for pied a valued place. He left behind a ing children, Marisa and Reese. service in military law enforcement. wife, Jennifer, and two children Marisa Nothing could be more appropriate or Sergeant Mastrapa was a loving fam- and Reese. They, along with the rest of fitting than to name this post office ily man. He left behind a wife and two his family, miss him terribly. after Sergeant Mastrapa. Mastrapa was children and many, many relatives in His co-workers miss him as well. One a Reservist and a postal letter carrier the central Florida area, Cuba, Michi- described Sergeant Mastrapa as a man who worked full time at this post office gan, and . He was also loved who ‘‘loved his job, loved his family, on Montgomery Road in Altamonte and respected by his co-workers at the loved his country.’’ Springs. I hope and pray that the dedi- post office. Another said, ‘‘I only knew him a cation of this facility in Altamonte Designating the post office in short time but it was long enough to Springs will be a meaningful reminder Altamonte Springs, Florida, is an ex- know what a great guy he was. Arthur of Arthur’s life and service to his fam- cellent way to honor the memory of was a family man. He loved his kids ily, friends, colleagues, and neighbors. Arthur Stacey Mastrapa. and wanted them with him all of the The Mastrapa family needs to know Mr. Speaker, I commend my col- time.’’ that the heartfelt thoughts and prayers league for sponsoring this measure. I b 1445 urge swift passage of the bill. of all the Members of the House of Rep- So in an attempt to honor a man who resentatives are with them. We join Mr. Speaker, I have no further speak- ers at this time, and I yield back the occupied a valued place, his coworkers them in mourning their loss. requested that a special place be The of America owes balance of my time. named for him, the post office in its security and freedom to people like Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I yield such Altamonte Springs, Florida, the very Arthur Mastrapa. Sergeant Mastrapa time as he may consume to the gen- place Sergeant Mastrapa worked prior and our Armed Forces have helped to tleman from Florida (Mr. FEENEY), my to leaving for Iraq for what turned out prevent another attack against Amer- distinguished colleague, the sponsor of to be his final journey. ica since September 11, 2001, by taking H.R. 324. Mr. FEENEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank Today, we are here to carry out his the war on terror straight to where our colleagues’ wish so they are reminded enemies live and plot. Certainly, the my friends from Pennsylvania and Illi- nois who did a great job describing the of Arthur Mastrapa when they arrive wonderful democratic election in Iraq for work each new day, and so his wife, on January 30 was in no small part pos- sacrifice that Mr. Mastrapa gave to his country on behalf of the citizens of his children, his family and his friends sible to Sergeant Mastrapa’s heroism. can come to see his name and remem- I know the Iraqi people, like all Iraq and, actually, freedom throughout ber his service, his sacrifice and his de- Americans, would thank Arthur if they the world. Mr. Speaker, today we honor a man cency. could. In closing, I would like to borrow Mr. Speaker, I thank the House lead- who honored us and dedicated his life from the words of President Harry Tru- ership for selecting this bill for floor to serving others. I thought I would man who said, ‘‘We know that helping consideration, and I greatly thank my take a few minutes to share some of others is the best way, probably the distinguished colleague from Florida the hometown effects of the loss of Ser- only way to achieve a better future for for working on H.R. 324. I urge all geant Mastrapa. ourselves.’’ Members to support this honor for Ser- Arthur Stacey Mastrapa put country and others above self. He possessed a Arthur Stacey Mastrapa’s desire to geant Arthur Mastrapa. help others and serve his country has Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of unique calling for both service and op- made the future a better place to live. my time. timism that left a mark on the lives of Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I all he met. I urge my colleagues to approve H. Res. yield myself such time as I may con- His sister-in-law, Tracy Mastrapa, 324 and create a lasting memorial to sume. described this calling: ‘‘He dedicated Sergeant Mastrapa’s name. Mr. Speaker, as a member of the his life to public service, first in active Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I urge all House Committee on Government Re- duty as a military police officer, then Members to support H. Res. 324, and I form, I am pleased to join my colleague as a postal worker, and finally as a Re- yield back the balance of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. in consideration of H.R. 324, legislation serve MP. He was called to serve his TERRY). The question is on the motion naming the postal facility in country, which he did proudly with the offered by the gentleman from Penn- Altamonte Springs, Florida, after Ar- utmost integrity.’’ sylvania (Mr. DENT) that the House thur Stacey Mastrapa. This measure, His calling led him to join the Army suspend the rules and pass the bill, which was introduced by the gen- in 1992 and then as he left the Army, to reenlist in the Army Reserves after his H.R. 324. tleman from Florida (Mr. FEENEY) on The question was taken. January 25, 2005, and unanimously re- active duty years ended. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the His career outside the Reserve was ported by our committee on February opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of also in service of his fellow citizens, 9, 2005, enjoys the support and co-spon- those present have voted in the affirm- this time in central Florida. As a post- sorship of the entire Florida delega- ative. tion. al worker in Altamonte Springs, Flor- Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, on that I de- Mr. Mastrapa was a city letter car- ida, he earned the respect of those mand the yeas and nays. rier at the Arthur Springs Post Office around him. One of his colleagues said The yeas and nays were ordered. who served in the United States Army of his work, ‘‘I respected him for his The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Military Police in Iraq when he was positive outlook and his level head. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the killed in action on June 16, 2004. He was Also, his customers remarked how Chair’s prior announcement, further 35 years old and due to return home the much they liked him and appreciated proceedings on this motion will be week that he was killed. his dedication. He was a hard worker postponed. Arthur Stacey Mastrapa joined the and good family man.’’ f U.S. Army in 1992 and served at the Two years ago, Sergeant Mastrapa Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and later answered the call to serve for what CONGRATULATING THE NEW ENG- in Germany. He left active duty in 1998 turned out to be the final time. He and LAND PATRIOTS FOR WINNING and joined the U.S. Army Reserve. He his Reserve unit, the 351st Military Po- XXXIX became a letter carrier casual in lice, were deployed to Iraq. Last June Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I move to Altamonte Springs and soon earned a in Iraq, Sergeant Mastrapa made the suspend the rules and agree to the reso- career appointment. ultimate sacrifice. lution (H. Res. 86) congratulating the

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:39 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H15FE5.REC H15FE5 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H598 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 15, 2005 Patriots for winning There was no objection. and for the third time in 4 years, the Super Bowl XXXIX. Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- , and the Brady The Clerk read as follows: self such time as I may consume. branch connection in particular, H. RES. 86 Mr. Speaker, I am truly honored to proved to all of us that they are indeed Whereas on February 6, 2005, in Jackson- be a new Member of the House. I look the champions of football. ville, Florida, the New England Patriots de- forward with great anticipation to this Mr. Speaker, while I am indeed feated the Eagles by a score of body’s numerous deliberations on con- heartbroken and crestfallen in the 24 to 21 in Super Bowl XXXIX to win the Na- sequential issues in the months and wake of the Eagles’ loss, I want to sin- tional Football League (NFL) Championship; years ahead. Engaging in debate for cerely congratulate my colleague, the Whereas the Patriots’ victory in Super this resolution, however, is unfortu- gentleman from (Mr. Bowl XXXIX resulted in their third cham- nately not one that I have looked for- FRANK) both for the success of his Pa- pionship in the last four years, the first being a 20 to 17 victory over the St. Louis ward to. triots and for moving forward this res- Rams in Super Bowl XXXVI and the second Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 86 olution on the team’s behalf. being a 32 to 29 victory over the Carolina congratulates the New England Patri- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Panthers in Super Bowl XXXVIII; ots on winning Super Bowl XXXIX over my time. Whereas the Patriots’ victory over the Ea- the 24 to 21 on Feb- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, gles clinched back-to-back championships ruary 6, . As a big it is my pleasure to yield such time as for the first time in franchise history; Eagles’ fan myself, I know the rules of he might consume to the gentleman Whereas in winning Super Bowl XXXIX, the House preclude me from wearing from Massachusetts (Mr. MARKEY), a the Patriots became only the second fran- this hat, but I thought I would just chise in NFL history to win three Super son of New England and a very proud Bowls in four years; show it to our audience. I am a dear Patriots fan. Whereas beginning during the 2003 season and devoted Eagles’ fan, but I had a Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank and stretching into the 2004 season, the Pa- very tough day, as did millions of other the gentleman very much for the time. triots won 21 consecutive games, 18 during Eagles’ fans across the country. I thank the gentleman from Massa- the regular season and 3 during the post-sea- With this Super Bowl title, their chusetts (Mr. FRANK) for asking for son, setting franchise and league records for third in the last four seasons, the Pa- this time for a resolution to honor our consecutive victories; triots have indeed earned their place great New England Patriots who now Whereas owner , through atop the football world, and they de- go into history as one of the sound management and by instilling a team- first philosophy, has made the Patriots the serve this honor from the House. greatest football teams of all time, and model NFL franchise; On behalf of all Members, I salute the in honor of that, I have a very brief Whereas , Offen- Patriots for solidifying their place as poem that I thought I would read to sive Coordinator , and Defensive one of the most successful dynasties in honor this great family and great Coordinator , stressing team- NFL history. team. work and determination, led the Patriots to In this era of great in the To the New England Patriots: their ninth straight playoff victory by win- NFL, the Patriots’ recent success may The New England Patriots we proud- ning Super Bowl XXXIX and to their second not soon be replicated. Their three ly honor today, they’ve won three consecutive 14 win regular season, advancing Super Bowls put New England in a to the Super Bowl by defeating the record- Super Bowls in 4 years with their re- setting and the number class with other great franchises in markable play. one seeded in the Amer- pro-football history, like the Pitts- From top to bottom, the Patriots ican Football Conference (AFC) playoffs; burgh Steelers in the 1970s, the San have clearly shown why in football’s Whereas the Patriots’ ability to win de- Francisco 49ers in the 1980s, and the history books they will be known. spite serious injuries is a testament to the Cowboys in the 1990s. For their great example both on and coaching staff and the desire of the team to This was the Patriots’ ninth straight off the field the principles of hard work defend their title and win another Super win in the playoffs over the past 4 and team play they never yield. Bowl; years, which equals the great run of It starts with Bob Kraft, Myra and Whereas wide-receiver , who had a record-tying 11 catches for 133 yards, ’s kin, whose motto is simple, with class was selected as the Most Valuable Player during the 1960s as the best pro-season we shall win. (MVP) of the Super Bowl for the first time, stretch of all time. Led by their infal- Belichick and Pioli then constructed joining two-time Super Bowl MVP quarter- lible coach Bill Belichick, their teams about which others could back as the only Patriots in NFL Tom Brady, safety only have dreams. history chosen to receive this prestigious and Super Bowl MVP Deion Branch, Because the coaching is so great on award; and the Patriots continued to do whatever both defense and offense the outcomes Whereas all of New England is proud of the it takes to win big games, and the of Pats games are almost never in sus- accomplishments of the entire Patriots orga- nization and the dedication of the faithful Brady branch connection proved too pense. New England fans throughout the 2004–05 much for the Eagles. They have won But on the field, it’s the players who NFL season: Now, therefore, be it each of their three Super Bowls by just win each big game and every one of Resolved, That the House of Representa- three points, but Mr. Speaker, I want them belongs in a winner’s Hall of tives congratulates the National Football to take a moment to recognize our Fame. League Champion New England Patriots on Philadelphia Eagles for their out- Quarterback Tom Brady is a football their extraordinary victory in Super Bowl standing season as well. legend in the making. He’s never lost a XXXIX. The Eagles went 13–3 during the reg- playoff game, leaving opponents with The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ular season and reached the Super heads shaking. ant to the rule, the gentleman from Bowl for the first time since 1981 and in the backfield, Deion Pennsylvania (Mr. DENT) and the gen- the second time in team history. Quar- Branch the Super Bowl MVP; and how tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each terback Donovan McNabb has been about playing not just one will control 20 minutes. their catalyst all season. He threw for way but three? The Chair recognizes the gentleman a whopping 357 yards and three touch- Rodney Harrison at safety, Teddy from Pennsylvania (Mr. DENT). downs on Super Bowl Sunday, and wide Brewski inside and veterans GENERAL LEAVE receiver , who broke his McGinest and Vinatieri playing with Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- leg and tore a knee ligament just 7 great pride. mous consent that all Members may weeks before the Super Bowl, returned So after a season with 14 victories, have 5 legislative days within which to for the first time and remarkably the playoffs were ready to begin. Pey- revise and extend their remarks and in- caught nine passes for 122 yards. ton’s Colts came calling first, but Ro- clude extraneous material on H. Res. Over 130 million Americans are esti- meo’s ‘‘D’’ made their heads spin. 86, the resolution under consideration. mated to have watched at least part of The next stop was Pittsburgh for an The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the Super Bowl, nearly half of all resi- appointment with Big Ben, but the objection to the request of the gen- dents. Super Bowl Sunday has become rookie was no match for the Pats. They tleman from Pennsylvania? an unofficial holiday in this country, won by two scores and then.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:39 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H15FE5.REC H15FE5 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 15, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H599 They faced off against the Eagles in racked up yards. On defense, everyone con- for the first time in 86 years to the Super Bowl XXXIX and victory, sweet tributed—, , Ted World Series and knew from the Ea- victory, was theirs for a third time. Johnson, , Roosevelt gles’ point of view how another hero, Discipline and focus, a new standard Colvin—the secondary led by Rodney Har- Terrell Owens, who is not only able to for teamwork has been set with Kraft rison, and the omnipotent Willie McGinest, the talk the talk as we all know, but in the and Belichick at the helm, more tro- wily veteran who hasn’t lost a step. And then Super Bowl he clearly walked the walk; phies they are sure to get. you have the extraordinary Troy Brown. He and from all of us from New England Now one thing is for certain, fans and exemplifies how Patriot players put the team who appreciate heroes, Terrell Owens experts all agree, the New England Pa- first. Troy is a receiver and returns punts ordi- certainly earned his stripes in that triots are football’s newest world-class narily, but when injuries began piling up in the game. . Patriots secondary—Troy learned to play in But if there is one person on the Pa- We honor Bob Kraft and his wife the defensive backfield. triots that we would pay tribute to, it Myra, his son Jonathan, his entire fam- Mr. Speaker, the New England Patriots would be a person who has been an of- ily, the coaches, the players and the have left an indelible mark in the football his- fensive player for all of his 12 years for greatest fans in the world, the New tory books, clearly establishing themselves as the Patriots, that being Troy Brown. England fans, for the incredible season the first sports dynasty of the . This year, with injuries in the depleted that just culminated with great antici- They represent the very best of New England secondary, Troy Brown was asked to pation for the one that will begin again and have earned the adoration of their fans— play defense, and he had to go to team this fall. Patriot Nation. I congratulate Bob, Myra and meetings on both the offensive side of I thank again the gentleman from , Coach Belichick and all of the the ball and the defensive side of the Massachusetts (Mr. FRANK) for this res- coaching staff and each and every player for ball, as well as continuing with his olution, and I thank the gentleman an exciting season, and a fantastic post-sea- return duties. from Illinois for recognizing me. son, and for winning their third world cham- Troy Brown epitomized what it Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of Mr. FRANK’s pionship in four years. means to be a Patriot. Yes, he clearly resolution and join with the entire New Eng- I thank Mr. FRANK for introducing this resolu- probably would have preferred to be a land delegation in honoring the remarkable tion. pass receiver, but when duty called, he achievements of the Super Bowl Champion Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I yield as did what it took to help the Patriots New England Patriots. In the interest of good much time as he may consume to the win their third Super Bowl in a row. sportsmanship, I also want to commend the gentleman from New Hampshire (Mr. Troy Brown epitomizes the spirit of the Philadelphia Eagles and their owner Jeffrey BRADLEY), my distinguished colleague. Patriots. Lurie for a terrific season. Mr. BRADLEY of New Hampshire. We hope for a successful year next Mr. Speaker, the New England Patriots Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman year, and we know that there are 31 have redefined teamwork. Even as individual very much for the time, and I would other teams, including two from Penn- accomplishments are recognized and re- like to thank my distinguished col- sylvania, who would like to knock off warded at every turn in professional sports, league for such a gracious introduction the Patriots next year, and we cannot the New England Patriots have demonstrated to this resolution, especially from wait for the next season of football. that winning championships is all about team- Pennsylvania, which not only saw the I ask for my colleagues’ support for work. Without question the Patriots are a team Patriots beat one Pennsylvania team H. Res. 86. filled with extremely talented football players, but two Pennsylvania teams. So I Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, but each puts the team ahead of his own sta- thank him for that very gracious rec- it is my pleasure to yield such time as tistics and accolades. ognition. he might consume to the gentleman This philosophy, and this incredible record The New England Patriots have a from Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN). of winning with class, is a tribute to Robert motto. It is always team first and team Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, and above everything else, and when we thank the gentleman from Illinois for the organization he has built. His son Jona- talk about the New England Patriots, the time, and Mr. Speaker, I want to than has been there every step of the way as we talk about the full roster of 53 peo- join with my other New England col- this team has traversed the path to greatness. ple and how from 1 to 53 they play as a leagues in congratulating the world The team is fortunate to have Bill Belichick, unit, and they subvert all of their indi- champion New England Patriots for who brings an outstanding work ethic and vidual goals to that of the team win- their victory from Super Bowl XXXIX. knack for teaching football to this enterprise. ning and the team winning playoff Over the past few years, the Patriots And continues to be a player per- games. have put the rhetoric of teamwork into sonnel phenom. As every fan in New England It begins with the ownership of the practice on the field. They work hard knows, Bill is a coaching genius, and a man team, the Kraft family, who have without show-boating or glory-seeking who now finds himself in the elite company of shown vision and determination in to be the best football team possible. the legendary Vince Lombardi. What’s more, building a new stadium and bringing a he assembled an outstanding staff of assist- top-quality product to all of us in New 1500 ants, notably Romeo England. b Crennel and Charlie It then goes through the coaching They deserve the mantle of dynasty, Weis. The coaches’ game day schemes kept staff with Coach Belichick, who has and we are proud of their success. I opponents guessing all through this past sea- shown tenacity, creativity, hard work particularly want to congratulate son as the Patriots won 14 games, through and planning for every eventuality owner Bob Kraft and head coach Bill the playoffs in blowout victories over Indianap- that has made the Patriots just a little Belichick for their hard work and dedi- olis and Pittsburgh, and right on into the Super cut above its competitors in record cation, not just to the game of football Bowl match-up and win against the Philadel- fashion, winning three Super Bowls in but also to our community. And of phia Eagles. the last 3 years, a 21-game winning course I want to congratulate the mag- So the Patriots have a great owner and streak, winning 34 of the last 36 games. nificent players. great coaches—and they have certainly dem- As we talk about the Patriots’ suc- Mr. Speaker, all of us in Massachu- onstrated that they also have great players— cess, though, it is also important to setts, indeed all of us throughout New guys who put the team first—and guys who pay tribute to worthy opponents, in England, have been given an embar- can win championships. Led by the amazing particular, in the playoffs, the Indian- rassment of sports riches in the last Tom Brady who has never lost a playoff apolis Colts, Pittsburgh and Philadel- year. First, our beloved Red Sox ended game—he can beat you with his heart or his phia teams, all of whom played tremen- 86 years of misery, first by coming head. The team has an outstanding offensive dously well, had great seasons and, in from behind to defeat the New York line and receiver corps—Deion Branch tied a particular, Philadelphia who came so Yankees in the American League Super Bowl record for receptions and was close in that game. Championship Series, and then sweep- named the game’s Most Valuable Player. In For those of us from New England, ing the St. Louis Cardinals in the the backfield, the combination of Corey Dillon we saw a hero in Curt Schilling in the World Series. And now the Patriots are and wore down defenses and World Series that brought the Red Sox once again world champions.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:39 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H15FE5.REC H15FE5 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 15, 2005 I hope that the rest of the country is tional Football League history. With football fans everywhere, I wish him patient with those of us in New Eng- this win, Bill Belichick improves his continued success in his already re- land as we adapt to these new cir- playoff record to 10 and 1, the best markable career. cumstances. After all, we have much playoff record of any coach with three Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, it is more practice with frustration and Super Bowl wins. His record even an honor for me to rise in support of H. Res. heartbreak. eclipses that of the legendary coach, 86, congratulating the New England Patriots Mr. Speaker, again, I want to con- Vince Lombardi. on winning Super Bowl XXXIX. The Patriots’s gratulate the Patriots for their tre- Congratulations to the New England victory is indeed cause for celebration in my mendous season, and I look forward to Patriots and their fans and, once again, district as fans in Albany, GA, and throughout watching them continue their success for a terrific year. I am sure that it all of southwest Georgia watched with pride as in the years to come. will not be their last, and I know that our native son, Deion Branch led his team to I urge my colleagues to support this the have been waiting victory as this year’s most valuable player. We resolution. and watching and hoping to emulate could not be more proud. Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I have no their success. We salute the New England Patriots for other requests for time at the moment. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I their third Super Bowl Victory in 4 years. Only I reserve the balance of my time. yield back the balance of my time. one other team has ever won the Lombardi Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Trophy so many times in so few years, yet no yield myself such time as I may con- self such time as I may consume. On other receiver in history has put together back- sume to close for our side. behalf of the Commonwealth of Penn- to-back performances like Deion Branch. In Mr. Speaker, I rise today to support sylvania, the Philadelphia Eagles, and Super Bowl XXXVIII, which the Patriots won H. Res. 86, which pays tribute to the the Pittsburgh Steelers and all of their 32–29 over the , Deion New England Patriots, their owner, fans, I urge all Members of the House Branch caught 10 passes for 143 years, in- Robert Kraft, their coach, Bill to support the adoption of House Reso- cluding the game’s first and the Belichick, and their dedicated fans for lution 86. catch that set up the Patriot’s winning field the team’s historic achievement of Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, at the goal. He should have won MVP then, but this winning Super Bowl XXXIX. risk of being as repetitive as the New year he bested even himself, tying the Super As an avid, patient, and optimistic England Patriots, I rise to extol one of Bowl record with 11 catches for a total of 133 Chicago Bears fan, I understand how San Mateo, California’s favorite sons, years. having a great football team can lift the quarterback of the Patriots, Tom From the days when he was deemed too the spirits of an entire community. Brady. His continued success in the Na- small for middle school football, to his years The fans of New England have stood tional Football League is a source of on the Monroe High School team to the Uni- loyally with the Patriots in tough great pride for the city of San Mateo, versity of Louisville, to his historic career in times since their inception in 1962. which is located in my congressional professional football, Deion Branch has made However, over the last 4 years their district, and for the entire Bay Area as up for what he lacks in size with a spirit and dedication has been rewarded with well. a talent that defines him as one of the best to three Super Bowl victories. After leading the New England Patri- ever play the game. In spite of their previous success, ots to a spectacular 14-win regular sea- On behalf of the city of Albany, the 2nd this season’s Super Bowl championship son, Tom continued his winning ways Congressional District and football fans every- did not come easily. Headed into the in a post-season that culminated in the where, I wish him continued success in his al- playoffs, the Patriots suffered two dis- Patriots’ third Super Bowl victory in ready remarkable career and strongly urge my appointing losses, and it was predicted four years. As we have come to expect, colleagues to vote in favor of H. Res. 86 con- by many that they would lose their Tom Brady guided his team to victory gratulating the New England Patriots on their first playoff game. with a near flawless performance. He outstanding achievement. The Patriots had a different plan. completed 23 of the 33 passes he threw Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in enthusi- They first shut down with zero , and finished astic support of H. Res. 86, congratulating our and the Indianapolis Colts in New Eng- with a higher quarterback rating than New England Patriots on winning their third land by a score of 20 to 3. The Patriots either of his previous Most Valuable Super Bowl in 4 years. then headed to Pittsburgh to play their Player performances. The word ‘‘dynasty’’ has become synony- rivals, the Steelers, a team that had Mr. Speaker, Tom Brady’s extraor- mous with the New England Patriots. And de- beaten them decisively earlier in the dinary play in the Super Bowl is even servedly so. Only one other team has accom- year. more remarkable when one considers plished what the Patriots have done—the Dal- Despite being dubbed the ‘‘team with the great personal grief he had to over- las Cowboys of the early 1990s. I believe that no stars,’’ the Patriots easily disposed come when his grandmother passed these Patriots have staked a real claim on the of the Steelers by winning 41 to 27, and away just five days before the big moniker of ‘‘America’s Team.’’ quieted their critics. Their final test game. Instead of allowing his loss to But when the history of this team is written, would come in the Super Bowl. Tech- overwhelm him, Tom demonstrated his there is one word that seems most fitting: nically favored to win the Super Bowl professionalism by remaining focused class. in Jacksonville, many people believed and played a great game. I am sure Class means many things, especially in the that Coach Belichick and his players that even though she could no longer world of sports. would be outplayed by Donovan attend his games, Margaret Brady, Class means a head coach, such as bill McNabb, Terrell Owens, and the rest of known as Peggy to her friends and fam- Belichick, who immediately after overtaking the Eagles’ high-scoring attack. ily, cheered her grandson on as he per- Vince Lombardi as the NFL coach with the Once the game was played, however, formed on one of the world’s largest best playoff winning percentage talks about it was the Patriots who celebrated. stages and proudly cheered him on as ‘‘starting at the bottom of the mountain’’ next After falling behind early in the game, she had done since his school yard season. It also means a coach who deflects the Patriots players displayed the days. personal credit as adroitly as he outsmarts op- hearts of champions by clawing their Mr. Speaker, I am delighted to pay posing coaches. Similarly, class seems suit- way back and ultimately winning the tribute to Tom Brady, who has been able for a coach who should rather talk end- game by a score of 24 to 21. thrilling football fans since he was the lessly about his role models than about him- By winning their third championship, quarterback at Junipero Serra High self, even after he eclipses those role models the Patriots solidified their place as School, home of the Padres in San in all measures of success. one of the ’s Mateo. By leading the New England Class also means a team that overcomes greatest teams. Patriots to victory in Super Bowl injuries to two key starters, and Ty- Mr. Speaker, I take a moment to XXXIX, Tom Brady joins Terry Brad- rone Poole, when unheralded players, such as commend the efforts of the master- shaw, and his boyhood and , play like mind behind the operations, Coach Bill idol, , as the only quarter- seasoned veterans in the most stressful situa- Belichick, who has solidified his stand- backs to win at least three NFL titles. tions imaginable, to the disbelief of all observ- ings as one of the great coaches in Na- On behalf of the city of San Mateo and ers. It means a group of players whom many

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:39 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H15FE5.REC H15FE5 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 15, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H601 outside New England don’t recognize by name Whereas fire chiefs associations provide chiefs, chief fire officers and managers or face but only as part of a team. And class comprehensive and integrated statewide pub- of emergency service organizations might also describe a team whose accom- lic safety efforts, thereby enhancing the throughout the United States. plishments are sometimes dismissed as ‘‘luck’’ quality of life of American citizens by reduc- The members are literally on the ing the effects of fire, medical, and environ- even when, by definition, ‘‘luck’’ can’t explain mental emergencies; front lines of the homeland security ef- continuous triumph, game after game, season Whereas all fire chiefs associations serve fort, ready to respond in a moment’s after season, at home and on the road, in to provide educational resources to fire- notice to crisis situations anywhere in close games and blowouts, in air-conditioned fighters, facilitate information exchange and America. Fire chiefs are unquestion- domes and Foxborough blizzards. regional cooperation between firefighting en- ably the world’s leaders in fire fight- Class refers to players, such as Tom Brady tities, and provide professional development ing, first response, emergency medical and Deion Branch, who would rather credit workshops and training to all statewide and services, natural disasters, search and their teammates than tout their own efforts. regional firefighters; rescue, and many other areas of public Whereas the mission statements of all fire Class describes players such as Willie safety. Their efforts largely go unno- McGinest and Tedy Bruschi, who would rather chiefs associations have continuously broad- ened beyond the original goals of working for ticed, which is why I am so pleased win Super Bowls than All-Pro invitations, as the promotion of fire prevention and protec- that the House is taking time to recog- well as players such as Corey Dillon and Rod- tion from and extinguishment of fires to nize fire chiefs associations today. ney Harrison, who have silenced past critics keep pace with the new challenges and de- Mr. Speaker, my thanks go to the with their on-field performance not their off- mands facing the 21st Century, working in gentleman from Virginia (Mr. GOODE) field remarks. conjunction with the Nation’s efforts in se- for introducing this resolution. I urge Class means owners who care as much curing the homeland; the adoption. about the team as does the most passionate Whereas to accommodate the homeland se- curity needs facing the Nation, the mission Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of fan. The Kraft family, longtime New my time. Englanders and Patriots’ season ticket hold- statements of fire chiefs associations today include facilitating the exchange of regional Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I ers, seem to fit that description to a tee. Like yield myself such time as I might con- the rest of Patriots Nation in 1994, Robert and and national information, organizing annual conferences and symposiums to discuss ways sume. Mr. Speaker, every year fires Myra Kraft were devastated to see the team of improving life-saving procedures, assist- and other emergencies take thousands on the verge of moving to St. Louis. So much ing in research studies, assisting in the de- of lives and destroy property worth bil- so, in fact, that they spent $200 million to pre- velopment of public education in fire preven- lions of dollars. vent that from happening. tion programs, and supporting and encour- Fire fighters help protect the public Class also means owners who view their aging the delivery of prehospital emergency role in the community with dignity and respon- medical services by the fire service to relieve against these dangers by rapidly re- sibility. Although the Kraft family builds cham- human suffering; sponding to a variety of emergencies. pionships and unrivaled proficiency, their off- Whereas the Virginia Fire Chiefs Associa- They are frequently the first emer- field victories may be even more impressive. tion serves as a fine example of such a State gency personnel at the scene of a traf- Through the Patriot Charitable Foundation, the fire chiefs association, which has recognized fic accident or medical emergency and Krafts have made charitable affairs an integral the aforementioned needs and broadened its may be called upon to put out a fire, mission to serve not only statewide inter- treat injuries, or perform other vital part of their community presence, and as im- ests, but regional and national interests; portant a goal as any Super Bowl victory. functions. State fire chiefs associations Whereas upon realizing the need for re- serve to provide educational resources And perhaps most importantly, class means gional cooperation toward the advancement never describing oneself as a ‘‘dynasty,’’ be- of fire service in the United States, the Vir- to fire fighters, to facilitate the ex- cause dynasties are never proclaimed, but ginia Fire Chiefs Association established the change of information, to promote re- only earned—something a team with class, Mid-Atlantic Expo and Symposium, which gional cooperation between firefighting like the New England Patriots, knows quite annually draws from States within the Mid- entities and to provide professional de- well. Atlantic region of the United States and velopment workshops and training to I join my colleagues in saluting the unsur- which serves to educate firefighters on new all state-wide and regional fire fight- passed accomplishments of the New England techniques; and ers. Patriots. Whereas on the occasion of their 75th An- These efforts in recent years have Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I have no niversary, the Virginia Fire Chiefs Associa- tion, will be once again hosting their annual been broadened to include protecting further requests for time, and I yield Mid-Atlantic Expo and Symposium, on Feb- the homeland. The Illinois Fire Chiefs back the balance of my time. ruary 24, 2005: Now, therefore, be it Association is dedicated to promoting The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Resolved, That the House of Representa- excellence in the fire service by pro- CHOCOLA). The question is on the mo- tives commends all fire chiefs associations viding the network of information tion offered by the gentleman from on the outstanding service that they provide sharing and opportunities for its di- Pennsylvania (Mr. DENT) that the to the citizens of the United States. verse membership and associated part- House suspend the rules and agree to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- nerships through education, legisla- the resolution, H. Res. 86. ant to the rule, the gentleman from tion, and technical means. The question was taken; and (two- Pennsylvania (Mr. DENT) and the gen- The fire chiefs associations help us thirds having voted in favor thereof) tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each do our jobs, which is to serve and pro- the rules were suspended and the reso- will control 20 minutes. tect the American public. I commend lution was agreed to. The Chair recognizes the gentleman the Illinois Fire Chiefs Association and A motion to reconsider was laid on from Pennsylvania (Mr. DENT). the table. all fire chief associations for their hard GENERAL LEAVE work and dedication. They function for Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- f all of us and in our best interest. mous consent that all Members may RECOGNIZING VIRGINIA FIRE Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance have 5 legislative days within which to CHIEFS ASSOCIATION ON ITS of my time. revise and extend their remarks and in- 75TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I clude extraneous material on the reso- rise today in support of H. Res. 80, which rec- Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I move to lution under consideration. suspend the rules and agree to the reso- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ognizes the Virginia Fire Chiefs Association on lution (H. Res. 80) recognizing the Vir- objection to the request of the gen- the occasion of its 75th anniversary and com- ginia Fire Chiefs Association on the oc- tleman from Pennsylvania? mends the Virginia Fire Chief’s Association for casion of its 75th anniversary and com- There was no objection. being an annual sponsor of the Mid-Atlantic mending the Virginia Fire Chiefs Asso- Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Expo and Symposium. ciation for sponsoring annually the self such time as I may consume. Mr. Fire chiefs throughout the Nation provide Mid-Atlantic Expo and Symposium, as Speaker, House Resolution 80, as decisive leadership that is key to the success amended. amended, commends all State fire of America’s firefighters and first responders. The Clerk read as follows: chiefs associations. Every State in the The fire chief’s associations in each State play H. RES. 80 Union has a fire chiefs association. a critical role in coordinating this important ef- Whereas every State in the United States These groups provide valuable leader- fort. Their members are literally on the front has established a fire chiefs association; ship skills to career and volunteer lines of the homeland security effort, ready to

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