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Name: Peter A. Lichtenberg, Ph.D., ABPP Office Address: Institute of Gerontology 87. E. Ferry Street Detroit, MI 48202 Phone Number: (313) 577-2297 Email Address: [email protected]

DEPARTMENT/COLLEGE: Institute of Gerontology, Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute, Department/ College of Science

PRESENT RANK & DATE OF RANK: Professor, August, 2002

WSU APPOINTMENT HISTORY: Year Appointed/Rank: 1991, Assistant Professor (FTA, Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) Year Promoted to Associate Professor: 1995 (FTA, Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) Year Awarded Tenure: 1999 (This was my initial paid appointment to WSU. Previous positions were FTA and not paid nor tenure track) Year Promoted to Full Professor: 2002, Department of Psychology

ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS: 1998-Present Director, Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University 2008-2009 Interim Director, Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute, Wayne State University 2009-Present Director, Institute of Gerontology & Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute 2009 Founding Director, Lifespan Alliance


CITIZEN OF: of America

EDUCATION: High School: Radnor High School, Radnor, Pennsylvania, 1977 Baccalaureate: Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, Bachelor of Art in Psychology (Magna Cum Laude), May 22, 1981 Graduate: Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, Master’s of Science in Clinical Psychology, May 14, 1983

Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, May 18, 1986 Postgraduate: Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Geriatric at University of Virginia Medical School, Charlottesville, VA (half-time), 1988-1990 Licensure: Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Virginia, 1988-1992 (#0801000654) Lichtenberg, P A. Page 2 of 42

Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Michigan, 1991-Present (#6301008024) Certification: Diplomate in Rehabilitation Psychology from American Board of Professional Psychology, 1997; Diplomate in Clinical Geropsychology from American Board of Professional Psychology, 2012.

APPOINTMENTS AT OTHER INSTITUTIONS: 1987-1991 Assistant Professor, University of Virginia Medical School; Department of Behavioral Medicine and .

ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS AT OTHER INSTITUTIONS: 1993-1998 Associate Chief and Training Director, Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsychology; Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, Detroit, MI 1991-1993 Training Director, Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsychology; Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, Detroit, MI 1986-1990 Director of Geriatric Psychology; Western State , Staunton, VA

PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS: 1986-Present American Psychological Association 1987-Present Gerontological Society of America 1988-Present Psychologists in Long Term Care 1991-Present International Neuropsychological Society 2010-Present National Academy of Neuropsychology 1992-1999 American Board of Medical Psychotherapists

HONORS/AWARDS: 1981-1983 NIMH Training Fellowship in Aging, Purdue University 1985 James D. Linden Award Winner for Outstanding, Graduate Student in Clinical Psychology Purdue University 1990 Outstanding Service Award: Presented by Shenandoah Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association 1992 President's Excellence Award: Presented for developing Training Program and for Extraordinary Levels of Productivity in Scholarly Efforts, Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan 1994-1995 Outstanding Contribution Faculty Associate Award from the Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University 1996 James Garrett Early Career Award, The American Psychological Association's Division of Rehabilitation Psychology 1996 Fellow, Gerontological Society of America 1999 Fellow, American Psychological Association, Divisions of & Aging, and Rehabilitation Psychology 1999 Outstanding Leadership Award, Psychologists in Long Term Care 2001 Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award, Wayne State University 2001 Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award, Wayne State University 2002 Alzheimer’s Disease Advocate Award, Michigan Council of the Alzheimer’s Association 2006 Harry J. Kelley Award. Michigan Society of Gerontology Lichtenberg, P A. Page 3 of 42

2007 Leadership recognition, Area Agency on Aging 1-B 2008 Michigan Occupational Therapy Certificate of Appreciation for extraordinary contributions 2008 Anthony DeVito Award for Excellence in Geriatric Education-University of Michigan 2009 State of Michigan Special Tribute for 10 years of extraordinary service as Chair, Michigan Coalition 2010 Spirit of Collaboration Award from Michigan Cancer Society (with Teri Albrecht, Ph.D.) 2011 John Santos Award for Excellence in Sustained Gerontology Programming from American Psychological Association Division 20 (Adult Development and Aging) 2012 Award for the advancement of psychology and aging from the American Psychological Association Committee on Aging 2013 Call to Justice Leadership Award from Elder Law of Michigan 2014 Sandra Reminga Lifetime Achievement Award from Area Agency on Aging 1B 2015 Edward Sosnick Call to Justice Courage to Lead Award; SAVE Task Force, Oakland County Michigan 2017 Powell Lawton Distinguished Contribution Award to Gerontology from American Psychological Association Division 20 (Adult Development and Aging)


A. Years at Wayne State: 26 years

B. Years at other Universities: 4 years at University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia.

C. Courses Taught at Wayne in Last Five Years: Graduate Courses:  Psychology 695: Psychosocial Approaches to Clinical Gerontology— Summer 1996, Fall 1998, Fall 1999, Winter 2002, Fall 2003, Fall 2006.  Independent Studies in — Summer 1999, Winter 2001, Winter 2009.

D. Essays/Theses/Dissertations, Directed:  Charlene Moore (co-chair): The prediction of neuropsychological functioning through the use of neuropsychological tests. Ph.D., Completed March 1994.  Priscilla Walsh (co-chair): Clinical utility of the Hooper Visual Organization Test. M.A. Thesis, completed May 1995.  Jennifer Caron (co-chair, U of D): The prediction of IADL tasks from cognitive performance in geriatric rehabilitation patients. Ph.D., Completed May 1996.  Steven Vangel (co-chair): Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Functional Independence Measure. Ph.D., Completed August 1996.  Priscilla Walsh (co-chair): The effects of hospitalization on the ability to live alone. Ph.D., Completed October 1999.  Ben Mast (co-chair): The effects of stroke on in dementia. M.A. Thesis, December Lichtenberg, P A. Page 4 of 42

1998.  Ben Mast (Chair): Testing the Post Stroke Depression and Vascular Depression hypotheses in frail elders. Ph.D., Completed June 2001.  Adam Bank (Chair): The effects of depression on social support and functional abilities in geriatric rehabilitation patients. Ph.D., Completed July 2001.  Brian Yochim (Chair): Cerebrovascular burden, verbal fluency and depression in older adults: A longitudinal investigation. Ph.D., Completed August 2003.  Amanda Schafer (Chair): Reading ability mediates the relationship between education and executive functions. Master’s thesis, completed February 2005.  Lisa Ficker (Chair): Perceived racism, coping and among African American elders. Master’s thesis, completed March 2005.  Paul Cernin (Chair): Successful Aging among African American elders. Master’s thesis, completed March 2006.  Brooke Schneider (Chair): Executive functions, physical performance testing and IADLs in older African Americans. Master’s thesis, completed August 2006.  Amanda Schafer Johnson (Chair): Construct validity of the Direct Assessment of Functional Skills in urban African American older adults. Ph.D., Completed May 2007.  Paul Cernin (Chair): Executive functions and health behaviors among African American elders. Ph.D., completed July 2008.  Brooke Schneider (Chair): Health, disability and cognitive function in black elders. Ph.D., Completed August 2009.  Lisa Ficker (Chair): The role of employment status, work disruption, leisure and resources in the of dementia caregiver daughters. Completed August 2010.  Daniel Paulson (Chair): Is vascular depression a prodrome of frailty and early mortality. Completed January 2012.

E. Course Development: Psychology 695: Psychosocial Approaches to Clinical Gerontology (Graduate) at Wayne State University— Summer 1996, Fall 1998, Fall 1999, Winter 2002, Fall 2003, Fall 2006.

F. Course Materials (Unpublished):  Reading List for 6 month rotation for predoctoral clinical psychology interns (1988-1990).  Reading list for 4 and 6 month rotation for pre and post doctoral rehabilitation psychology and neuropsychology trainees (1991-Present).

II. RESEARCH: A. Funded Research: 1991 $12,700 Award to study the effect of depression on physical recovery in Geriatric Rehabilitation, United Fund Foundation.

1994-1995 33,000 Award to study behavioral treatment for depression in geriatric rehabilitation patients, Del Harder Research Fund.

1994-1996 $290,000 Award for Post-Doctoral Fellowship Training Program (Principal Investigator), Rehabilitation Services Administration.

1996-2007 $253,000 for annual Issues in Aging conference (Principal Investigator), Retirement Research Foundation.

1996-1997 $200,000 for Long Term Care-Social Networks and American Indian Aged Lichtenberg, P A. Page 5 of 42

(Co-Principal Investigator), National Institute on Aging.

1997-1999 $157,000 Award for Excellence in Psychology Post Doctoral Fellowship Training (Principal Investigator), Del Harder Rehabilitation Research Foundation.

1997-1998 $30,868 Award for Long Term Community Outcome Following Medical Rehabilitation in Older Adults (Co-Principal Investigator), Del Harder Rehabilitation Research and Training Foundation.

1997-2017 $11,700,000 for Michigan Center on Urban African American Aging Research (Principal Investigator with J. Jackson, U of M), National Institute on Aging, P30 Resource Center for Minority Aging Research.

1998-2001 $350,000 for Targets of Opportunity: Multidisciplinary Lifespan Research (Principal Investigator), Wayne State University's Office of the President.

1998-2003 $325,000 for Networks to Enhance African American Aging Research (Co- Principal Investigator), National Institute on Aging.

2000 $34,500 for Preconference workshop Minority Investigator Recruitment, Retention and Career Development (Co-PI), National Institute on Aging.

2000-2002 $48,000 for minority supplement for Waverly Duck (Principal Investigator) to Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research.

2001-2002 $200,000 for City of Detroit Senior Citizens Needs Assessment (Co- investigator), City of Detroit.

2001-2003 $49,500 for minority supplement for LaShawn Stinson (Principal Investigator) to Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research.

2001-2004 $583,000 Treatment Program (Principal Investigator), Flinn Foundation for Comprehensive Geriatric Mental Health Treatment Program.

2001-2012 $2,173,000 for Pre-doctoral Research Training in Aging and Urban Health (Principal Investigator), National Institute on Aging, T-32 Award.

2001-2009 $1,800,000 for Geriatric Education Center (Co-Investigator), Division of Health Bureau Professions.

2001-2006 $600,000 for Personal Assistance Services and Supports (Co-Investigator), Michigan Department of Community Health.

2002-2005 $36,000 for Behavioral Treatment of Depression in Alzheimer’s Patients from Marquette Medical Care, Marquette, MI.

2003 $125,000 MI Choice Screening Assessment (WSU PI), Michigan Department of Community Health.

2003-2004 $200,000 Center for Rural Gerontology (PI Wayne State subcontract), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Lichtenberg, P A. Page 6 of 42

2003-2005 $160,000 for Easing the Transition of African American Caregivers (Principal Investigator), Alzheimer’s Association.

2003-2006 $105,000 for Life is for Living: Mental Health Promotion in Assisted Living (Co-Principal Investigator), Jewish Federated Apartments and Services.

2003-2009 $950,000 for IOG Post-doctoral Program in Aging and Urban Health (Principal Investigator), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

2003-2008 $5,000,000 Center for African American Urban Health (Co-Community Core Director), National Institute of Health.

2004 $150,000 Web-enabled Longitudinal Detection of Alzheimer's Diseases" Grant # 1 R43 AG021838-01A1 (Co-PI).

2004-2005 $400,000 Primary Care Physicians Leadership Network: Geriatric Education Center Supplement. (Co-PI).

2005-2015 $175,000 to support Community Engagement by the Institute of Gerontology. Mary Thompson Foundation (PI).

2005-2010 $2,500,000 for Albrecht, T. (PI) & Lichtenberg, P.A. (Co-Director). U01 Community Networks Partnership to reduce Cancer Health Disparities in Older African Americans. National Cancer Institute.

2006-2008 $262,000 Building occupational therapy skills and competencies to advance mental health practice with older adults (PI). Retirement Research Foundation.

2008-2009 $50,000 Integrating mental health into home care practice with older adults (PI) Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Michigan and Retirement Research Foundation.

2009-2011 $150,000 Organizational Climate, patient safety culture and quality of home care (Co-I). Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Michigan.

2010-2012 $208,000 Validating the “Integrating mental health into occupational therapy practice with older adults” educational training series (PI). Retirement Research Foundation.

2010-2015 $4,096,000 Southeast Michigan Partners Against Cancer (Albrecht, PI) PL (Co-I): Head. Training and Mentoring Core.

2014-2015 $25,000 Financial Decision Making in Older Adults: A new set of scales and approaches (PI). Technology Commercialization at Wayne State University.

2014-2015 $68,000 Financial Decision Screening Scales (PI). Retirement Research Foundation.

2014-2016 $122,456 Older African Americans: Brain Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices ( PI) Michigan Center for African American Aging.

2014-2022 $8,100,00 Center For Urban Responses to Environmental Stressors (CURES). (Runge-Morris, PI), PL (Director, Community Core). National Institute of Lichtenberg, P A. Page 7 of 42

Environmental Health Sciences. Grant # 1 P30 ES020957.

2015-2017 $468,181 Integrating Improved Assessments of Financial Judgment: Conceptual and Measurement Advances (PI). National Institute of Justice.

2015-2016 $117,000 Using Technology to Improve Assessments of Financial Judgment (PI). State of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

2016-2021 $8,500,000 Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Core Center (Henry Paulson, MD, PI). Role: Research Enhancement Core Co-Director

2016-2017 $183,571 Using evidence based tools and programs for detecting and preventing financial exploitation and assisting older scam and identity theft victims. (PI). State of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

2017-2019 $333,923 the Center for Financial Health and Safety. (PI). Michigan Health Endowment Fund

2017-2018 $26,000 Taking Control of your Financial Health. (PI). Foundation for Financial Planning

2017-2018 $105,434 Using evidence based tools and programs for detecting and preventing financial exploitation and assisting older scam and identity theft victims. (PI). State of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

III PUBLICATIONS: A. Scholarly Books Published: A1. Authored: 1. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1994). A Guide to Psychological Practice in Geriatric Long Term Care. Haworth Press: Binghamton, NY. 2. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1998). Mental Health Practice in Geriatric Healthcare Settings. Haworth Press: New York, NY. 3. Lichtenberg, P.A. (Ed.) (1999). Handbook of Assessment in Clinical Gerontology. Wiley Press: New York, NY. 4. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004) Section on Applied Geropsychology in Spielberger, C. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, Academic Press. 5. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010) Handbook of Assessment in Clinical Gerontology: 2nd edition. Elsevier: New York.

A2. Co-Authored: 1. Lichtenberg, P.A., Kimbarow, M.L., Wall, J.R., Roth, R.E., & MacNeill, S.E. (1998). Depression in Geriatric Medical and Patients: A Treatment Manual. Wayne State University Press: Detroit, MI. 2. Lichtenberg, P.A., Murman D.L., & Mellow, A. (2003). Interdisciplinary Handbook of Dementia: Psychological, Psychiatric and Neurological Perspectives. John Wiley & Sons: New York. 3. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008) Working group member and co-author. In S. Woods & J. Moye (Eds.) Assessment of Older Adults with Diminished Capacity. APA-ABA: Washington, DC. Lichtenberg, P A. Page 8 of 42

4. Lichtenberg, PA & Mast, BT (2015) Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology. American Psychological Association: Washington DC

B. Chapters Published: B1. Authored: 1. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997). Cost effective geriatric neuropsychology. In P. Hartman-Stein (Ed.), What to do about Behavioral Health Care for Older Adults (pp.79-102). Jossey Bass: San Francisco, CA. 2. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1999). Introduction to assessment in clinical gerontology. In P.A. Lichtenberg (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Gerontology. Wiley Press, Inc.: New York, NY. 3. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010). Geriatric psychology. In I. Weiner & W.E. Craighead-Corsini (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Psychology (pp. 709-713), Vol 2. John Wiley & Sons. 4. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2009). Disparities in dementia in later life among African Americans: The role of early life experiences and limited opportunities. In T. Antonucci & J. Jackson (Eds.), Annual Review of Gerontology and (pp.115-130),Vol. 29.

B2. Co-Authored: 1. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Hartman-Stein, P. (1997). Effective geropsychology practice in the nursing home. In L. VandeCreek (Ed.), Innovations in Clinical Practice: A Source Book (pp. 265-283),Volume 15. Professional Resources Press: Sarasota, FL. 2. Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (1998). The role of the mental health consultant in behavioral management with dementia patients. In M. Kaplan & S. Hoffman (Eds.), Behaviors in Dementia: Strategies for Successful Management (pp. 71-88). Health Professions Press: Chicago, IL. 3. MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1999). Screening instruments and brief batteries for assessment of dementia. In P.A. Lichtenberg (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Gerontology. Wiley Press, Inc.: New York, NY. 4. Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (2000). Neuropsychological assessment in geriatric long term care facilities. In V. Molinari (Ed.), Professional Psychology in Long Term Care (pp. 29-50). The Hatherleigh Company: New York, NY. 5. Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (2000). Geriatric issues in medical rehabilitation. In R. Frank & T. Elliott (Eds.), Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology (pp. 109-123). American Psychological Association: Washington, D.C. 6. Lysack, C.L., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003). The functional performance of elderly urban African-American women who return home to live alone after medical rehabilitation. Geriatric Issues In Occupational Therapy (pp. 121-131).Victor Graphics, Inc.: Baltimore, MD. 7. Lysack, C.L., Neufeld, S., Mast, B.T., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003). After rehabilitation: an 18-month follow-up of elderly inner-city women. Geriatric Issues in Occupational Therapy (pp. 132-144). Victor Graphics, Inc.: Baltimore, MD. 8. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Schneider, B. (2009). Geriatric rehabilitation. In B. Caplan, R. Frank & M. Rosenthal (Eds.), Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology (pp. 95-106). American Psychological Association: Washington D.C. 9. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Schneider, B.T. (2010) Geriatric rehabilitation. In J. Cavanaugh (Ed.), Aging in America (pp.188-210). Praeger Publishing. 10. Curyto, K.J., Trevino, K.M., Ogland-Hand, S., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2012). Evidence-based treatments for behavioral disturbances in long-term care. In F. Scogin & A. Shah (Eds.), Making Evidence-Based Psychological Treatments Work with Older Adults (pp. 167-224). American Psychological Association: Washington, DC. 11. Lichtenberg, P.A. & Luborsky, M.L. (2014) Alzheimer’s disease on trial: ethical Lichtenberg, P A. Page 9 of 42

consequences at the intersection of health and law, pp138-152 in Hamilton, H. &Chou, W.S The Routledge Handbook of Language and Health Communication. Routledge: New York, NY 12. Lichtenberg, P.A., Qualls, S.H. & Smyer, M.A. (2015) Competency and Decision Making Capacity: Negotiating Health and Financial Decision Making in P.A. Lichtenberg & B.T. Mast Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology. (pp553-578). American Psychological Association: Washington, D.C.\ 13. Maiden, R.J., Lichtenberg, P.A. & Bensadon, B.A. (2015). Psychology consult: When and why in B.A. Bensadon Psychology and Geriatrics (pp. 107-128). Academic Press: Oxford, England 14. Sweet-Cushman, J., Herring, M., Ficker, L.J., Lysack, C., Kruman, M.W., Lichtenberg, P.A. (2015). Is participation decline inevitable as generations age? Insights from African American Elders in R. Marback Generations: Re-thinking Age and Citizenship.(pp.243-269). Wayne State University Press: Detroit, MI 15. Maiden, R.J., Lichtenberg, P. & Nensadon, B.A. (2015). Psychology Consult: When and Why in B. Bensadon (Ed.). Psychology and Geriatrics. Elsevier Press: New York.

C. Journal Articles Published: C1. Refereed Journals: 1. Lichtenberg, P.A., Skehan, M.W., & Swensen, C.H. (1984). The role of personality, recent life stress and arthritic severity in predicting pain. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 28, 231- 236. 2. Lichtenberg, P.A., Swensen, C.H. & Skehan, M.W. (1986). Further investigation of the role of personality, lifestyle and arthritic severity in predicting pain. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 30, 327-337. 3. Lichtenberg, P.A., & McGrogan, A. (1987). Chronic pain in elderly psychiatric patients. Clinical Biofeedback and Health, 10, 3-7. 4. Lichtenberg, P.A., Heck, G., & Turner, A.B. (1988). Medical psycho-therapy with elderly psychiatric inpatients: Uses of paraprofessionals in treatment. International Journal of Medical Psychotherapy, 1, 87-93. 5. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Barth, J.T. (1989). The dynamic process of care-giving in elderly spouses: A look at longitudinal case reports. Clinical Gerontologist, 9, 31-44. 6. Lichtenberg, P.A., & McGrogan, A. (1989). Effect of space changes on relocated psychogeriatic patients. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 40, 755. 7. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1990). Remembering Becky.Omega, 21, 83-89. 8. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Barth, J.T. (1990). Depression in elderly caregivers: a longitudinal study to test Lewinsohn's model of depression. Medical Psychotherapy, 3, 147-156. 9. Lichtenberg, P.A., Strzepek, D.M., & Zeiss, A.M. (1990). Bringing psychiatric aides into the treatment team: An application of the VA interdisciplinary team training in geriatrics. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, 10, 63-73. 10. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Strzepek, D.M. (1990). Assessments of institutionalized dementia patient's competencies to participate in intimate relationships. The Gerontologist, 30, 117-120. 11. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1990). Reducing excess disabilities in geropsychiatry inpatients: A focus on behavioral problems. Clinical Gerontologist, 9, 65-76. 12. Abraham, I.L., Thompson-Historian, A.A., Harrington, D.P., Smullen, D.E., Onega, L.L., Droney, E.A., Westerman, P.S., Manning, C.A., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1991). Outpatient psychogeriatic nursing services: an integrative model. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 5, 151-164. 13. Lichtenberg, P.A., Marcopulos, B.A., McLain, C., Manning, C.A., & Sautter, S. (1992). A comprehensive neuropsychology program in geriatric long-term care. Medical Psychotherapy, 5, 39-52. Lichtenberg, P A. Page 10 of 42

14. Lichtenberg, P.A., Manning, C.A., & Turkheimer, E. (1992). dysfunction in depressed spousal caregivers. Clinical Gerontologist, 12(1), 77-80. 15. Lichtenberg, P.A., Marcopulos, B.A., Steiner, D., & Tabscott, J. (1992). Comparison of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and the Geriatric Depression Scale: Detection of depression in dementia patients. Psychological Reports, 70, 515-521. 16. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Christensen, B. (1992). Extended normative data for the logical memory subtests of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised: Responses from a sample of cognitively intact elderly medical patients. Psychological Reports, 71,745-746. 17. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Gibbons, T.A. (1993). Geriatric rehabilitation and the older adult family caregiver. NeuroRehabilitation, 3, 62-71. 18. Lichtenberg, P.A., Gibbons, T.A., Nanna, M., & Blumenthal, F. (1993). Physician detection of depression in medically ill elderly. Clinical Gerontologist, 13(1), 81-90. 19. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Gibbons, T.A. (1993). of depression and alcohol abuse in geriatric medical patients. Clinical Gerontologist, 13(2), 93-95. 20. Lichtenberg, P.A., Gibbons, T.A., Nanna, M.J., & Blumenthal F. (1993). The effects of age and gender on the prevalence and detection of alcohol abuse in elderly medical inpatients. Clinical Gerontologist, 13(3), 17-27. 21. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1993). Grief and disability. Clinical Gerontologist, 13(4), 57-59. 22. Lichtenberg, P.A., Christensen, B., Metler, L., Nanna, M., Jones, G., Reyes, J., & Blumenthal, F. (1994). A preliminary investigation of the role of cognition and depression in functional recovery in geriatric rehabilitation patients. Advances in Medical Psychotherapy, 7, 109-124. 23. Lichtenberg, P.A., Ross, T., & Christensen, B. (1994). Preliminary normative data on the Boston Naming Test for an older urban population. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 8, 109- 111. 24. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Nanna, M. (1994). The role of cognition in predicting activities of daily living and ambulation functioning in the oldest old rehabilitation patients. Rehabilitation Psychology, 39, 251-262. 25. Carroll, A.H., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1994). Post traumatic stress disorder and its implications for rehabilitation populations. Advances in Medical Psychotherapy, 7, 145-152. 26. Seidel, G.K., Millis, S.R., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Dijkers, M. (1994). Predicting discharge bowel and bladder function from cognitive status in incontinent geriatric rehabilitation patients. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 75, 590-593. 27. Lichtenberg, P.A., Millis, S.R., & Nanna, M. (1994). Use of Visual Form Discrimination Test with geriatric urban medical inpatients. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 8, 462-465. 28. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Rosenthal, M. (1994). Characteristics of geriatric rehabilitation programs: A survey of practitioners. Rehabilitation Psychology, 39, 277-281. 29. Abraham, I.L., Wofford, A.B., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Holroyd, S. (1994). Factor structure of the Geriatric Depression Scale in a cohort of depressed nursing home patients. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 9, 611-617. 30. Lichtenberg, P.A., Ross, T.P., Millis, S.R., & Manning, C.A. (1994). The relationship of depression and cognition in older adults: A cross-validation study. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 50(B), 25-32. 31. Vangel, S. J., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Ross, T.P. (1995). Clinical utility of the logical memory subtest and the relationship of demographic factors to test performance. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 1, 67-77. 32. Lichtenberg, P.A., Manning, C.A., Vangel, S.J., & Ross, T.P. (1995). Normative and ecological validity in older urban medical patients: A program of research. Advances in Medical Psychotherapy, 8, 121-136. 33. Vangel, S.J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1995). The Mattis Dementia Rating Scale: Clinical utility and relationship with demographic variables. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 9, 209-213. 34. Summers, J.D., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Vangel, S.J. (1995). Normative and discriminability Lichtenberg, P A. Page 11 of 42

properties of the Fuld Object Memory Evaluation in an urban geriatric population. Clinical Gerontologist, 15, 21-34. 35. Ross, T.P., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Christensen, B.K. (1995). Normative data on the Boston Naming Test for elderly adults in a demographically diverse medical sample. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 9, 321-325. 36. Kimbarow, M.L., Vangel, S.J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996). The influence of demographic variables on normal elderly adults' performance on the Boston Naming Test. Clinical Aphasiology, 24, 135-144. 37. Nanna, M., Lichtenberg, P.A., Abuda-Bella, D., & Barth, J.T. (1997). The role of cognition and depression in predicting functional outcome in geriatric medical rehabilitation patients. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 16, 120-132. 38. Moore, C.A., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996). Neuropsychological prediction of independent functioning in a geriatric sample: A double cross validational study. Rehabilitation Psychology, 41, 116-130. 39. Lichtenberg, P.A., Kimbarow, M.L., MacKinnon, D., Morris, P.A., & Bush, J.V. (1995). An interdisciplinary behavioral-treatment program for depressed geriatric rehabilitation inpatients. The Gerontologist, 35, 688-690. 40. Reeder, K., Rosenthal, M., Lichtenberg, P.A.. & Wood, D. (1995) Impact of functional outcome following traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 11, 22-31. 41. Lichtenberg, P.A., Vangel, S.J., Kimbarow, M.L., & Ross, T.P. (1996). Clinical utility of the Boston Naming Test. Clinical Gerontologist, 16, 69-72. 42. Hanks, R.A., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996). Physical, psychological and social outcomes in geriatric rehabilitation patients. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 77, 783- 792. 43. Nabors, N.A., Vangel, S.J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996). Normative data and clinical utility of the Visual Form Discrimination Test with geriatric medical inpatients. Clinical Gerontologist, 17, 43-53. 44. Lichtenberg, P.A., Kimbarow, M.L., Morris, P., & Vangel, S.J. (1996). Behavioral treatment of depression in predominantly African American medical patients. Clinical Gerontologist, 17, 15-33. 45. Nabors, N.A., Vangel, S.J., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Walsh, P. (1997). Normative and clinical utility of the Hooper Visual Organization Test with geriatric medical inpatients. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 3, 191-198. 46. Deshpande, S. A., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Youngblade, L. (1997). Clinical utility of the modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Clinical Gerontologist, 17, 55-57. 47. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997). The DOUR project: A program of depression research in geriatric rehabilitation minority patients. Rehabilitation Psychology, 42, 103-114. 48. Brown, K.S., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997). Substance abuse and geriatric rehabilitation. Advances in Medical Psychotherapy, 9, 181-192. 49. Lichtenberg, P.A., Chapleski, E. E., & Youngblade, L.M. (1997). The effects of depression on functional abilities among great lakes Indians. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 16, 235-248. 50. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997). Clinical perspectives on sexual issues in nursing homes. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 12, 1-10. 51. Walsh, P.F., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Rowe, R.J. (1997). Hooper Visual Organization Test performance in geriatric rehabilitation patients. Clinical Gerontologist, 17, 3-13. 52. Ross, T.P., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997). The effects of age and education on neuropsychological test performance: A comparison of normal versus cognitively impaired geriatric medical patients. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 4, 74-79. 53. MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997). Home alone: The role of cognition in return to independent living. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 78, 755-758. 54. MacNeill, S.E., Gerskovich, T., Caron, J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997). Living alone: Predictors Lichtenberg, P A. Page 12 of 42

of recovery during medical rehabilitation. Clinical Gerontologist, 18, 3-14. 55. Chapleski, E.E., Lichtenberg, P.A., Youngblade, L., & Kaczynski, R. (1997). Correlates of morbidity and comorbidity among Great Lakes American Indians. The Gerontologist, 37, 588-597. 56. Chapleski, E.E., Lamphere, J.K., Kaczynski, R., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Dwyer, J.W. (1997). Structure of a depression measure among American Indian elders: Confirmatory factor analysis of the CES-D. Research on Aging, 19, 462-485. 57. Baker, R.R., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Moye, J. (1998). A practice guideline for assessment of competency and capacity of the older adult. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 29, 149-154. 58. Deshpande, S.A., MacNeill, S.E., Lichtenberg, P.A., Pithadia, J., & Velez, L. (1998). Functional outcome differences in acute versus subacute geriatric rehabilitation. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 13, 30-38. 59. Curyto, K.J., Chapleski, E.E., Lichtenberg, P.A., Hodges, E., & Youngblade, L.M. (1998). Prevalence and prediction of depression in American Indian elderly. Clinical Gerontologist, 18, 19-38. 60. Lichtenberg, P.A., Smith, M., Frazer, D., Molinari, V. et al. (1998). Standards for psychological services in long term care facilities. The Gerontologist, 38, 122-127. 61. Wall, J.R., Deshpande, S.A., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1998). The Fuld Object Memory Evaluation: A useful tool in the assessment of urban geriatric patients. Clinical Gerontologist, 19, 39-50. 62. Rosenthal, M., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1998). Subacute rehabilitation: New opportunities and challenges for rehabilitation psychologists. Rehabilitation Psychology, 43, 63-73. 63. Arfken, C.L., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Kuiken, T. (1998). Importance of comorbid illnesses in predicting mortality for geriatric rehabilitation. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 13, 69-76. 64. Lichtenberg, P.A., Ross, T.P., Youngblade, L. & Vangel, S.J., Jr. (1998). The Normative Studies Research Project test battery: Detection of dementia in African American and Euro- American urban elderly patients. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 12, 146-154. 65. MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1998). Predictors for functional outcome in older rehabilitation patients. Rehabilitation Psychology,43, 246-257. 66. Hodges, E.P., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Youngblade, L. (1999). The influence of medical burden, functional abilities and demographic characteristics on depression in older medical patients. Advances in Medical Psychotherapy, 10, 85-94. 67. Hodges, E.P., Mast, B., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Curyto, K. (1998). The link between disease and depression in older adult medical patients. Psychological Reports, 83, 1081-1082. 68. Arfken, C.L., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Tancer, M. (1999). Cognitive impairment and depression predict mortality in medically ill older adults. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 54A, M152-M156. 69. Ross, T.P., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1999). Expanded norms for the Boston Naming Test for use with urban elderly medical patients. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 12, 75-81. 70. Mast, B.T., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1999). Geropsychological problems in medical rehabilitation: Dementia and depression among stroke and lower extremity fracture patients. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 54A, M607-612. 71. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1999). Psychotherapy in geriatric long term care. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55, 1005-1014. 72. Curtyo, K.J., Chapleski, E.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1999). Prediction of the presence and stability of depression in the Great Lakes Native American Elderly. Mental Health and Aging. 5, 323-340. 73. Wall, J.R., Lichtenberg, P.A., MacNeill, S.E., Walsh, P., & Deshpande, S.A. (1999). Depression detection in geriatric rehabilitation: Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form vs. Long Form. Clinical Gerontologist, 20, 13-22. Lichtenberg, P A. Page 13 of 42

74. Bank, A., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000). Cross-validation of the MacNeill- Lichtenberg Decision Tree: Triaging mental health problems in geriatric rehabilitation patients. Rehabilitation Psychology, 45, 193-204. 75. MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000). The MacNeill-Lichtenberg Decision Tree: A unique method of triaging mental health problems in older medical rehabilitation patients. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 81, 618-622. 76. Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (1999). Prospective validity of a triaging method for mental health problems: The MacNeill-Lichtenberg Decision tree. Clinical Gerontologist, 21, 11-19. 77. LaBuda, J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1999). The role of cognition, depression and awareness of deficit in predicting geriatric rehabilitation patients’ IADL performance. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 13, 258-267. 78. MacNeill, S.E., Lichtenberg, P.A., & LaBuda, J. (2000). Factors affecting return to living alone following medical rehabilitation: A cross validation study. Rehabilitation Psychology, 45, 356- 364. 79. Revell, A.J., LaBuda, J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000). Depression and activities of daily living. Clinical Gerontologist, 21, 73-75. 80. Bank, A.L., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000). Expanded normative data for the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale with urban elderly medical patients. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 14, 149-156. 81. Mast, B.T., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000). Assessment of functional abilities among geriatric patients: A mimic model of the Functional Independence Measure. Rehabilitation Psychology, 45, 49-64. 82. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Duffy, M. (2000). Psychological assessment and psychotherapy in long term care. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 7, 317-328. 83. Mast, B.T., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000). The clinical utility of the Normative Studies Research Project Test Battery among patients. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 14, 173-180. 84. Lichtenberg, P.A., MacNeill, S.E., & Mast, B.T. (2000). Environmental press and adaptation to disability in hospitalized live-alone older adults. The Gerontologist, 40, 549-556. 85. Lysack, C.L., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001). Predicting function in elderly women who return home alone after medical rehabilitation. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 55, 433-440. 86. Espiritu, D.E., Rashid, H., Mast, B.T., Fitzgerald, J., Steinberg, J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001). The relationship of self-reported depression and cognition to functional abilities in African American elders with Alzheimer's Disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 16, 1098-1103. 87. Mast, B.T., Fitzgerald, J., Steinberg, J., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001). Effective screening for Alzheimer's Disease among older African Americans. The Clinical Neuropsychologist 15, 196-202. 88. Lysack, C.L., Neufeld, S.W., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001). At risk in : Elderly men who live alone. Clinical Gerontologist, 24, 77-92. 89. Mast, B.T., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002). A MIMIC model approach to research in geriatric neuropsychology: the case of vascular dementia. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 9, 21-37. 90. Bank, A.L., MacNeill, S.E., Hall, E.M., Nadjarian, R.K., Zaccagnini, A.V., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002). More than meets the eye: How examiner training affects the reliability of the MacNeill- Lichtenberg Decision Tree. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 83, 405-411. 91. Ficker, L.J., MacNeill, S.E., Bank, A.L., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002). Cognition and perceived social support among live-alone urban elders. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 21, 437-451. 92. Lysack, C.L., MacNeill, S.E., Neufeld, S.W., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002).Elderly inner city women who return home to live alone. The Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 22, 59-69. Lichtenberg, P A. Page 14 of 42

93. Mills, T.L., Lichtenberg, P.A., Wakeman, M., & Scott-Okafor, H. (2002) Correlates of rehabilitation hospital length of stay among older African American patients. Journal of the National Medical Association, 9, 846-855. PMCID: PMC2594158 94. Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (2003). Streamlining assessments and treatments for geriatric mental health in medical rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Psychology, 48, 56-60. 95. Franks, M.M., Lichtenberg, P.A., MacNeill, S.E., & Bank, A.L. (2003). Activity limitation and depression: Perspectives of older African American women and their close companions. Rehabilitation Psychology, 48, 50-55. 96. Lichtenberg, P.A., MacNeill, S.E., Lysack, C.L., Bank, A.L., & Neufeld, S.W. (2003). Predicting discharge and long term outcome patterns for frail elders. Rehabilitation Psychology, 48, 37- 43. 97. Lysack, C.L., Neufeld, S.W., Mast, B.T., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003). After rehabilitation: An 18 month follow-up of elderly inner city women. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 57, 298-306. 98. Yochim, B., Bank, A.L., Mast, B.T., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003). Clinical utility of the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale in older urban medical patients: An expanded study. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 320-327. 99. Lichtenberg, P.A., Brown, D.R., Jackson, J.S., & Washington, O. (2004). Normative health research experiences among African American elders. Journal of Aging and Health, 16(5), 78S-92S. 100. Roberson, T., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003). Longitudinal findings of depression, social support and functional abilities. Clinical Gerontologist, 26, 55-68. 101. Yochim, B., Mast, B.T., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003). Cerebrovascular risk factors and depressed mood in inner city older adults. Clinical Psychologist, 7, 11-20. 102. Jones, T.G., Rapport, L.J., Hanks, R.A., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003). Cognitive and psychosocial predictors of well being in urban older adults. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 17, 3-18. 103. Loeher, K.E., Bank, A.L., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004). Nursing home transition and depressive symptoms in older medical rehabilitation patients. Clinical Gerontologist, 27, 59-70. 104. Mast, B.T., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004). Post Stroke and vascular depression in geriatric rehabilitation patients. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 12, 84-92. 105. Chapleski, E.E., Kaczynski, R., Gerbi, S.A., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004). American Indian elders and depression: Short and long-term effects of life events. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 23, 41-57. 106. Mast, B.T., Yochim, B., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004).Risk factors for geriatric depression: The importance of executive functioning within the vascular depression hypothesis. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. 59A(12), 1290–1294. 107. Mast, B.T., Neufeld, S., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004). Longitudinal support for the relationship between vascular risk and late life depressive symptoms. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 12, 93-101. 108. Krishnan, M.S., Mast, B.T., Ficker, L.J., Lawhorne, L. & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005). The effects of pre-existing depression on cerebrovascular health outcomes in geriatric continuing care. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 60A(7), 915-919. 109. (Lichtenberg as one of Task force authors) American Psychological Association (2004). Guidelines for psychological practice with older adults. American Psychologist, 59, 236-260. 110. Lichtenberg, P.A., Kemp-Havican, J., MacNeill, S.E., & Schafer Johnson, A. (2005). A pilot study of behavioral treatment in dementia care units. The Gerontologist, 45, 406-410. 111. Yochim, B.P., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004). “Vascular Depression” predicts verbal fluency in older adults. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 28, 495-508. 112. Mast, B.T., Azar, A.R., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004). Depression and activities of daily living predict rehospitalization within six months of discharge from geriatric rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Psychology, 49, 219-223. Lichtenberg, P A. Page 15 of 42

113. Neufeld, S.W., Lysack, C.L., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005). Living arrangement decisions at discharge and later: Differences in criteria and outcomes. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 23, 29-47. 114. Yochim, B., Kertal, S., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006) Cerebrovascular risk factors, activity limitations and depressed mood in African American older adults. Psychology and Aging, 21, 186-189. 115. Schafer Johnson, A., Ficker, L., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006). Reading ability mediates the relationship between education and executive functions. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 12, 1-8. 116. Lichtenberg, P.A., Schafer Johnson, A., Erlanger, D., Barth, J.T. et al. (2006). Enhancing cognitive screening in geriatric care: Use of an internet-based system. International Journal of Health Information Systems and Informatics, 1, 47-57. 117. Griffith, P., Lichtenberg, P., Goldman, R., & Payne-Parish, J. (2006). Safety and efficacy of Donepezil in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of the National Medical Association, 98, 1590-1597. PMCID: PMC2569765 118. Taylor, J.Y., Washington, O.G., Artinian, N.T., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007). Parental stress among African American parents and grandparents. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 28, 373-387. PMCID: PMC2894532 119. Taylor, J.Y., Washington, O.G., Artinian, N.T., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007). Urban hypertensive African American grandparents: Stress, health and legal implications of child care. Clinical Gerontologist, 30, 39-54. PMCID: PMC2877266 120. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006). Assisting Urban Caregivers after nursing home placement: Results from two preliminary programs. Clinical Gerontologist, 30, 65-78. 121. Moreno-John, G., Fleming, C., Ford, M.E., Lichtenberg, P.A. et al. (2007) Mentoring in community-based participatory research: the RCMAR experience. Ethnicity and Disease, 17, S33-43. 122. Byrnes, M., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Lysack, C. (2006). Environmental press, aging in place and residential satisfaction among older urban adults. Journal of Applied Sociology/Sociological Practice, 8, 50-77. 123. Gonzalez, H.M., Whitfield, K.E., West, B.T., Williams, D.R., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Jackson, J.S. (2007). Modified Symbol Digit Modalities Test for African Americans, Carribean, Black Americans and Non-Latino Whites: Normative data from the National Survey of American Life. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 22, 605-613. PMCID: PMC2121620 124. Zaranek, R.R., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008). Urban elders and casino gambling: Are they at risk of a gambling problem? Journal of Aging Studies, 22, 13-23. 125. Yochim, B.T., Lequerica, A., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008). Cognitive initiation and depression as predictors of future IADLs in medical rehabilitation patients. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 30, 236-244. 126. Klymko, K., Artinian, N., Lichtenberg, P.A., Washington, O., & Vanderwall, J. (2008). Effect of impaired cognition on outcomes in older African Americans. MedSurg Nursing: Journal of Adult Health, 17, 405-412. 127. Patil, S.K., Schafer-Johnson, A., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008). The relationship of pain and depression with various health promoting behaviors in African American elders. Rehabilitation Psychology, 53, 85-92. 128. Taylor, J.T, Washington, O.G., Artinian, N.T., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008). Relationship between depression and specific health indicators among hypertensive African American parents and grandparents. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing, 23, 68-78. . PMCID: PMC2873037 129. Schneider, B.T., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008). Executive ability and physical performance in urban Black older adults. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 23, 593-601. PMCID: PMC2577195 130. Lichtenberg, P.A., Martin, F., & Anderson, C. (2009). Gambling in older adults: An emerging Lichtenberg, P A. Page 16 of 42

problem for nurses. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 20, 119-123. 131. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2009). Caring and controversy: An update on current issues in dementia. Generations, 33, 5-10. 132. Lichtenberg, P.A. et al. (2009). Doing more with less: the Michigan Dementia Coalition’s efforts. Generations, 33, 60-65. 133. Lichtenberg, P.A. & Hegde, K. (2009). The Retirement Research Foundation-Institute of Gerontology Continuing Education program in dementia. Generations, 90-91. 134. Cernin, P., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2009). Behavioral treatment for depressed mood for older adults in assisted living. Clinical Gerontologist, 32, 324-331. 135. Cernin, P.A., Cresci, K., Jankowski, T., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010). Reliability and validity testing of the Short-Form Health Survey in community dwelling African Americans. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 18(1), 49-59. 136. Kane, K.D., Yochim, B.P., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010). Depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment predict all cause mortality in long term care residents. Psychology and Aging, 25, 446-452. PMCID: PMC3145972 137. Lysack, C., Lichtenberg, P., & Schneider, B. (2011). The effect of a DVD intervention on therapists’ mental health practices with older. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65, 297-305. 138. Cameron, M., J., Horst, M., Lawhorne, L.J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010). Evaluation of academic detailing for primary care physician Dementia education: Alzheimer’s disease. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other , 25, 333-339. PMCID: PMC3144477 139. Paulson, D., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2011). Effect of caregiver family status on care recipient symptom severity and caregiver stress at nursing home intake. Clinical Gerontologist, 34, 132-143. PMCID: PMC3142942 140. Cernin, P.A., Lysack, C., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2011). A comparison of self-rated and objectively measured successful aging constructs in an urban sample of African American older adults. Clinical Gerontologist, 34, 89-102. PMCID: PMC3142713 141. Schneider, B.T., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2011). Physical performance is associated with executive functioning in older African American women. Journal of Aging Research. 2011, 8 pages. 142. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2011). The Generalizability of a participant registry for minority health research. The Gerontologist, 51, S116-S124. PMCID:PMC3092975 143. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2011). Mentoring junior faculty in geropsychology: the RESPECT model. Educational Gerontology, 37, 409-421. PMCID: PMC3090209 144. Chadiha, L.A., Washington, O.G., Lichtenberg, P.A., Green, C.R., Daniels, K.L., & Jackson, J.S. (2011). Building a registry of research volunteers among older African Americans: Recruitment processes and outcomes from a community based partnership. The Gerontologist, 51, S106-S115. PMCID: PMC3092980 145. Martin, F., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Templin, T.N. (2011). A longitudinal study: Casino gambling attitudes, motivations and gambling patterns among urban elders. Journal of Gambling Studies, 27(2), 287-97. PMCID: PMC3638206 146. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2011). Misdiagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: Cases of capacity. Clinical Gerontologist, 35, 42-56. 147. Schneider, B. T., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2011). Influence of reading ability on neuropsychological performance in African American elders. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 26, 624-631. PMCID: PMC31998584 148. Paulson, D., Bowen, M., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2011). Successful aging and longevity in older old women. Journal of Aging Research, 2011, 7 pages. PMCID: PMC3134221 149. Arnetz, J., Arnetz, B., Luborsky, M., Jdanova, L., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2011). Organizational climate determinants of resident safety culture in nursing homes. The Gerontologist, 51, 739- Lichtenberg, P A. Page 17 of 42

749. 150. Klymko, K.W., Artinian, N.T., Peters, R.M., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2011). Personal characteristics and cognition in older African Americans with hypertension. The Journal of the National Black Nurses Association, 22, 1-10. PMCID: PMC3618909 151. Lichtenberg, P.A., Stickney, L., & Paulson, D. (2013). Is psychological vulnerability related to the experience of fraud in older adults? Clinical Gerontologist, 36, 132-146. PMCID: PMC3755896 152. Paulson, D., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2013). Vascular depression: An early warning sign of frailty. Journal of Aging and Mental Health, 17(1), 85-93. PMCID:PMC3492543 153. Raykov, T., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Paulson, D. (2012). Examining the missing completely at random mechanism in incomplete data sets: a multiple testing approach. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 19(3), 399-408. 154. Paulson, D., Bowen, M.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2013). Does brain reserve protect older women from vascular depression? Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Science, 69(2), 157-167. 155. Paulson, D., & Lichtenberg, P. (2013). Vascular depression and frailty: A compound threat to longevity among older-old women. Journal of Aging and Mental Health, 17(7), 901-910. PMCID: PMC4148075 156. Tiernan, C., Lysack, C., Neufeld, S., & Lichtenberg, P. (2013) Community engagement: An essential component of well-being in older African-American adults. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 77(3), 233-257. PMCID: PMC4148077 157. Ficker, L.J., Lysack, C.L., Hanna, M., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2014). Perceived cognitive impairment among African American elders: Health and functional impairments in daily life. Journal of Aging and Mental Health, 18(4), 471-480. PMCID: PMC4151047 158. Raykov, T., Schneider, B., Marcoulides, G., & Lichtenberg, P. (2014). Examining measure correlations with incomplete data sets. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 21, 318-324. PMCID: PMC4145345 159. Lichtenberg, P., Stoltman, J., Ficker, L., Iris, M., & Mast, B. (2015). A person-centered approach to financial capacity assessment: Preliminary development of a new rating scale. Clinical Gerontologist., 38, 49-67. PMCID: PMC4392714) 160. Manning, M., Bollig-Fischer, Berry Bobovski, L., Lichtenberg, P., Chapman, R. & Albrecht, T.L. (in press). Modeling the sustainability of community health networks: novel approaches for analyzing collaborative organization partnerships across time. Translational Behavoral Medicine. 161. Sugarman, M.A., Jacobs, D.R., Paulson, D., Tomlinson, M. & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2014). Examination of the cognitive profile of adults with Prader-Willi syndrome using the DRS- 2: A preliminary study. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 39, 102- 107. 162. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2014). Sexuality and physical intimacy in long term care. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 28, 42-51. 163. Lichtenberg, P.A., Ficker, L.J., Rahman-Filipiak, A. (2016). Financial Decision-making Abilities and Financial Exploitation in Older African Americans: Preliminary Validity Evidence for the Lichtenberg Financial Decision Rating Scale (LFDRS). Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 28, 14-33.. DOI:10.1080/08946566.2015.1078760 164. Lichtenberg, P.A.; Sugarman, M., Paulson, D.; Ficker, L. & Rahman-Filipiak, A. (2016). Psychological and functional vulnerability predicts fraud cases in older adults: Results of a nationally representative longitudinal study. Clinical Gerontologist. DOI:10.1080/07317115.2015.1101632 PMC4824611 165. Paulson, D. & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2015). The Paulson-Lichtenberg Frailty Index: evidence for a self-report measure of frailty. Aging and Mental Health, 19, 892-901. DOI: 10,1080/136078632014986645. PMC4480217 166. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2016). New approaches to preventing financial exploitation: A focus on the banks. Lichtenberg, P A. Page 18 of 42

Public Policy and Aging Report, 26, 15-18. 167. Lichtenberg, P.A. , Ficker, L., Rahman-Filipiak, A., Tatro, R., Farrell, C., Speir., J, Mall, S., Simasko, P. & Jackman, J.D. (2016). The Lichtenberg Financial Decision Screening Scale: A new tool for assessing financial decision making and preventing financial exploitation (2016). Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 28, 134-151. DOI:10.1080/08946566.2016.1168333 168. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2016). The intersection of financial exploitation and financial capacity. American Psychologist, 71, 312-320. PMC4872660 169. Wood, S. & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2016). Financial capacity and financial exploitation of older adults: Research findings, policy recommendations and clinical implications. Clinical Gerontologist.doi.ORG/10.1080/07317115.2016.1203382 PMCID: PMC5463983 170. Samuel, P.S., Marsack, C.N., Johnson, L.A., LeRoy, B.W., Lysack, C.L. & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2016). Impact of grandchild caregiving on African American grandparents. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, DOI:10.1080/07380577.2016.1243821 171. Syme, M.L., Lichtenberg, P. & Moye, J. (2016). Recommendations for sexual expression management in long-term care: a qualitative needs assessment. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72, 2457-2467. DOI:10.1111/jan.13005 172. Lichtenberg, P.A., Leach, C, Schoreck, N., Smith, B. & Blessman, J. (2017). Co-constructing environmental stewardship: A Detroit driven participatory approach. Public Policy and Aging Report, 27(1), 37-39. Doi: 10.1093/ppar/prw026 173. Lichtenberg, P.A. Teresi, J.A., Ocepek-Welikson, K & Eimick, J. Reliability and validity of the Lichtenberg Financial Decision Screening Scale (2017). Innovation in Aging, 00, 0 1-9 doi:10.1093/geroni/igx003 174. Hall, L.N., Ficker, L.J., Chadiha, L.A., Green, C.R., Jackson, J.S. & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2016). Promoting retention: African American older adults in a research volunteer registry. Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, 2, 1-9. DOI:10.1177/2333721416677469 175. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2017). New approaches in determining financial capacity and risk of exploitation; Journal of Mental Health Care, 1, 1-3. 176. Teresi, J.A., Ocepek-Wilkinson,,K & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2017) Item response theory analysis of the Lichtenberg Financial Decision Screening Scale. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 29, 213-228. 177. Howanitz, J., Carney, K.O, Lichtenberg, P.A., Donlan, A., Sugarman, M & Malek, K. (In press). Neurocognitive Engagement Therapy: An Innovative Rehabilitation Approach for those with Cognitive Impairment. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. 178. Lichtenberg, P.A., Ocepek-Welikson, K., Ficker, L.J., Gross, E., Rahman-Filipiak, A & Teresi, J. Conceptual and empirical approaches to financial decision making in older adults: Results from a financial decision-making rating scale. Clinical Gerontologist, 41, 42-65. PMC5766370

Instructional Materials Formally Published: D1. Textbooks: Serial Edited Annual Volumes: 1. Lichtenberg, P.A., Anchor, K., Barth, J.T., & Hinderer, S. (Eds.) (1994). Advances in Medical Psychotherapy: Volume 7. Kendall Hunt: Dubuque, Iowa. (Focus: Rehabilitation) 2. Lichtenberg, P.A., Barth, J.T., Anchor, K., & Hinderer, S. (Eds.) (1995). Advances in Medical Psychotherapy: Volume 8. Kendall Hunt: Dubuque, Iowa. (Focus: Adult Neuropsychology) 3. Lichtenberg, P.A., Barth, J.T., Anchor, K., & Hinderer, S. (Eds.) (1997-98). Advances in Medical Psychotherapy: Volume 9. Kendall Hunt: Dubuque, Iowa. (Focus: Chronic Pain) 4. Lichtenberg, P.A., Christensen, B., Barth, J.T., & Anchor, K (Eds.) (1999-2000). Lichtenberg, P A. Page 19 of 42

Advances in Medical Psychotherapy: Volume 10. Kendall Hunt: Dubuque, Iowa. (Focus: Clinical Gerontology)

E. Educational Materials: 1. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1988). Mental health problems among elderly care-givers. The Connection, 5(3), 1-2. 2. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1990). Living with loss (cover story). Washington University in St. Louis Alumni News, 41, 4-7. 3. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1990). Mental health concerns affecting the elderly. Daily News Leader, May 1, p. 5. 4. Assessment of Competency and Capacity of the Older Adult: A Practice Guideline for Psychologists (Veteran's Affairs National Center for Cost Containment). 5. Heidebrink, J.L., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003). Michigan plan for Dementia: Reducing the burden on persons with Dementia and their caregivers. State of Michigan Strategic Plan. (Michigan Department of Community Health). 6. Lichtenberg, P.A. (task force chair) (2006). Protecting vulnerable older adults: An investigation of financial fraud and exploitation committed against older adults. A report of the AAA 1-B advisory council Ad hoc study committee. 7. Blueprint for Change: Integrated Health Care for an Aging Population. American Psychological Association (task force member). 8. Twice in a Lifetime: Stories of grief and healing. Open to Hope website. December 2015

F. Book Reviews Published: 1. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1995). Mental health and aging (book review). Contemporary Psychology, 40, 853-854. 2. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1995). Unique aspects of psychotherapy with older adults (book review). Contemporary Psychology, 40, 757. 3. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997). Quality of life in long term care (book review). Contemporary Gerontology, 3, 117-118. 4. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Mast, B.T. (1999). Handbook of clinical geropsychology (book review). Contemporary Gerontology, 6, 58-60.

IV. SERVICES: A. Patient Care:  Attending psychologist for 130 bed geriatric long term care facility (1986-1990); and attending neuropsychologist for dedicated 20 bed geriatric rehabilitation unit (1991-1996).  Created new clinical service opportunities in subacute rehabilitation, geriatric outpatient treatment and Harper Senior Health service (1996-1998).  Clinical Supervision for Neuropsychology at Beaumont Geriatric Memory Disorders Clinic (2004-2010). Approximately consult on 100 cases per year.

B. Public Presentations as an Expert: (See Presentations Section)

C. Independent Medical Evaluation/Expert Work:  Hired by private attorneys as well as by U.S. Attorneys for Health and Human Services.  Expert consultant for malpractice by nursing home (8 times).  Expert consultant on Capacity/Competency cases, including issues of financial capacity, testamentary capacity, capacity to live alone, capacity to enter a contract, issues of placement (210 times). Lichtenberg, P A. Page 20 of 42

 Courtroom appearances since 2007: May 2007, Washtenaw County MI Probate Court; January 2008, Ocala Florida Federal Court; February 2008, Port Huron Probate Court; October 2008, Macomb County Probate Court; October 2008, Oakland County Probate Court; September 2009, Oakland County Probate Court; September 2011, Macomb County Probate Court; November 2012, Macomb County Probate Court; May, 2013. Charlevoix County Probate Court. July 2015 Oakland County Probate Court. Oakland County Probate Court December 2015. Oakland County Probate Court August 2016. Bay City Probate Court September 2016; Macomb County Probate Court, September 2016; Macomb County Probate Court. January 2017; Utah County, Utah November 2017; Washington DC, Administrative Hearing (law judge) November 2017; Macomb County Probate Court March, 2018

D. Consulting to Public Agencies:  Consultant to Adult Day Care Center, Waynesboro, Virginia (1988-89).  Consultant to Eastern State Hospital Geriatric Psychology Program, Williamsburg, VA (May 11, 1989).  Consultant to Central Virginia Training Center, Lynchburg, VA (July 11, 1989).  Consulting Neuropsychologist to University of Virginia Department of Psychiatry's geriatric outpatient clinic. Charlottesville, Virginia. (June-December, 1990).  Consultant to State of Virginia Department of Mental Health (1997).  Consultant to Detroit Veteran's Administration Medical Center (1997).  Outside reviewer for candidate for Assistant Professor, Harvard University (1997).  Outside reviewer for candidate for Full Professor, University of Louisville (1998).  Outside reviewer for Assistant Professor mid-tenure review, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (1998).  Outside reviewer for candidate for Associate Professor, Rush Medical School, Chicago, Illinois (1999).  Outside reviewer for candidate for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, Lehmann University (1999).  Consultant to Village Care of New York for Behavioral treatment of Depression grant (1999-2000).  Outside reviewer for candidate for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, Rush- Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center (2000).  Outside reviewer for candidate for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, Ohio State University (2000).  Outside reviewer for Assistant Professor mid-tenure review, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (2001).  Outside reviewer for Associate Professor with Tenure, St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO (2001).  Outside reviewer for candidate for tenure and promotion. University of Alabama. (2002).  Outside reviewer for candidate for mid-tenure review. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, CO. (2003).  Outside Reviewer for candidate for tenure and promotion, Michigan State University (2003).  Outside reviewer for candidate for employment, University of Michigan (2003).  Outside reviewer for candidate for promotion and tenure, Johns Hopkins University (2003).  Outside reviewer for Harvard University Medical School for candidate promotion to Associate Professor (2004).  Outside reviewer to Wright State University for candidate promotion to Associate Professor with tenure (2004). Lichtenberg, P A. Page 21 of 42

 Outside reviewer to University of Alabama for candidate promotion to Full Professor (2005).  Outside reviewer for University of Michigan for candidate promotion to Associate Professor (2006).  Outside reviewer for Case Western Reserve University for candidate promotion to Associate Professor (2007).  Outside reviewer for Simon Frasier Gerontology Center for candidate to promotion to Associate Professor (2007).  Outside reviewer for University of Rochester for candidate to promotion to Full Professor, (2007).  Outside reviewer for University of Michigan-Dearborn for candidate to promotion to Full Professor, (2007-2008).  Outside reviewer for University of South Florida for candidate to promotion to Full Professor, (2007-2008).  Expert panelist, Center for Disease Control Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System for cognitive impairment module (December 2007- April 2008).  Program advisory board for Dr. Jensen’s University of Washington NIDRR Aging with disability Rehabilitation Research and Training grant (2009-2011).  Program Advisory Board member, University of Michigan Dr. Haan T32 training grant; Interdisciplinary training in health and aging. (2009-2014).  AHRQ Special Emphasis Panel review, Research Infrastructure program. (June 9, 2009).  NIA T32 Special Study Section Panel. Bethesda, Md. (November 12-13, 2009).  Outside reviewer for candidate to full professor, University of Alabama, (2009).  Outside reviewer for candidate to associate professor, University of South Florida, (2009).  Outside reviewer for candidate to associate professor, Simon Frasier University, (2009).  Outside reviewer for Institute on Health and Aging, UCSF (2009).  External Advisory committee for Center for Mental Health and Aging University of Alabama, (2010- Present).  Outside reviewer for Virginia Tech for candidate to promotion to Associate Professor (2010).  Outside reviewer for Michigan State for candidate to promotion to Associate Professor (2010).  Training program advisory board, University of Michigan, Dr. Tate NIDDR and NIH Medical rehabilitation training program (2010-2012).  Outside reviewer for University of Miami candidate to promotion to Associate Professor (2011).  Outside reviewer for University of Michigan candidate to promotion to Full Professor (2011).  National Academy of Neuropsychology Foundation—Vice Chair (2009-2015).  Depression Prevention and Management Technical Expert Panel Member (2011-2012).  American House Foundation Board Member (2009- Present).  Detroit Regional Cabinet member-Washington University in St. Louis (2011-Present).  University of Michigan Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Advisory Council (2011- Present).  University of Michigan Alzheimer’s disease Center Advisory Board (2013-present)  Outside reviewer for candidate to Full Professor Scripps College (2014)  Outside reviewer for candidate to Associate Professor, University of Alabama (2014)  Advisory Panel, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Elder Law Certificate Program (2014-15)  External advisory board for University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2015-2017)  Outside reviewer for candidate to Full Professor, Washington University in St. Louis 2015 Lichtenberg, P A. Page 22 of 42

 Outside reviewer for candidate to Full Professor, University of South Florida 2015  Outside reviewer for candidate to Full Professor University of South Florida 2016  Outside reviewer for candidate to Full Professor University of Michigan 2016  Outside reviewer for candidate to Full Professor, Penn State University 2016

E. Consulting to Private Enterprises:  Consulting Neuropsychologist to Center for Healthy Aging. Kent, Ohio (1993-2010).  Consulting Neuropsychologist to West Bloomfield Nursing Home (1993-1996).  Consultant to Henry Ford Hospital (Detroit, MI) psychologists in regards to work with older adults (1996-2003).  Consultant to Rehabilitation Psychology service Sinai-Grace Hospital, Detroit, MI. (1998- 2000).  Advisory Board, Eisai Inc. & Pfizer Pharmaceuticals for clinical trial of Aricept in African Americans with dementia (2001-2004).  Advisor for State of Michigan Proposed Criteria for nursing facility and home and community based waiver level of care, MI Dept. of Community Health. (2001).  Michigan Department of Community and Industry services: Behavior Management clinical process guideline (2003).  Advisory Board for Alzheimer’s disease treatment in Minority populations. Eisai, Inc. & Pfizer, Inc. Coral Gables, Florida. (December 8, 2007).  Consultant to Beaumont Geriatric Neuropsychology service (2004-2010).

F. Editorships:  Editor, Advances in Medical Psychotherapy (1993-1998).  Guest Editor, "Geriatric Rehabilitation" in NeuroRehabilitation (1992).  Guest Editor, Rehabilitation Psychology—special issue on geriatric rehabilitation (2003).  Guest Editor, Generations—special issue on dementia (2009).  Guest Reviewer, NeuroRehabilitation (1991).  Guest Reviewer, Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation (1991).  Guest Reviewer, The Clinical Neuropsychologist (1993).  Guest Reviewer, Psychological Reports (1995).  Guest Reviewer, The Gerontologist (1996- ).  Guest Reviewer, Journal of Gerontology (1997-Present).  Guest Reviewer, Family Relations (1998).  Reviewer, Psychology and Aging (1991-Present).  Reviewer, NIMH Special Emphasis Panel (1997, 1998).  Reviewer, Journal of Health Psychology.  Reviewer, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition (1999-Present).  Reviewer, Journal of Health Psychology (2000).  Reviewer, Psychological Medicine (2000).  Reviewer, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2000-Present).  Reviewer, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (2002).  Reviewer Clinical Psychology Review (2003).  Reviewer American Psychologist (2006-08).

G. Editorial Board Memberships:  Rehabilitation Psychology (1999-2007).  The Clinical Gerontologist (2008- Present). Lichtenberg, P A. Page 23 of 42

 The Gerontologist (2011-Present).

H. Positions Held in Professional Associations:  Proposal Review Chairman and Program Committee member, American Psychological Association: Division 22 (Rehabilitation), 1991-1992.  Executive Committee member/Clinical Task Force member, American Psychological Association: Division 20 (Adult Development and Aging), 1992-1994.  Research Committee member, American Psychological Association: Division 22 (Rehabilitation), 1992-1995.  Newsletter Editor and Steering Committee member, Psychologists in Long Term Care, 1993-1995.  Chairman, Geriatric Rehabilitation interest group, American Psychological Association: Division 22 (Rehabilitation), 1993-1997.  Newsletter Subcommittee Chairman, 1994-1995.  Co-convener, Mental health and Aging interest group, The Gerontological Society of America, 1994-1996.  Executive Committee member/Chairman Clinical Task Force, American Psychological Association: Division 20 (Adult Development and Aging), 1994-1997.  Surveyor, Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), 1994- 1996.  Member, Geropsychology Qualifications Task Force, Interdivisional American Psychological Association group, 1994-1999.  Member, Veterans Administration Technical Advisory Group on Practice Guidelines in Geropsychology, 1996-1997.  Program Advisory Committee member, American Psychological Association Presidential Mini Convention on Aging, 1996-1997.  Coordinator, Psychologists in Long Term Care, 1996-1998.  Secretary, American Psychological Association: Division of Clinical Geropsychology, 1998-2000.  Executive Committee member at large, American Psychological Association: Division of Adult Development and Aging, 1998-2000.  Chair, Continuing Education Committee, American Psychological Association: Division on Adult Development and Aging, 2000-2001.  Member, American Medical Directors Association for Practice Guideline Revisions of Depression, 2002-2003.  Chair, Program Committee for APA Conference, American Psychological Association: Division 20, 2003.  Member, Committee on Aging, American Psychological Association, 2006-2008.  Chair, Committee on Aging, American Psychological Association, 2008.  Chair-Elect, Chair & Past Chair, Behavioral and Social Science section, The Gerontological Society of Michigan, 2005-2008.  Convener, Behavioral and Social Gerontology Program Leaders Network, 2007-2015.  President-Elect, President & Past-President, American Psychological Association: Division on Adult Development and Aging, 2008-2011.  Member, Clinical Geropsychology ABPP Board (2012-present)  Chair elect, Chair and Past Chair Fellowship Committee, GSA Behavioral and Social Sciences (2013-15)  Chair-elect, Chair and Past Chair GSA Publications Committee (2014-16)

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I. State and Local Boards:  Chairman, Medical and Scientific Committee, Alzheimer's Association, Shenandoah Chapter, 1989-1990.  Member, Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee, Alzheimer's Association, Detroit Chapter, 1991-1995.  Member, Central City Consortium on Aging, 1996-Present.  Chair, Michigan Dementia Coalition, 1998-2010.  Advisory Board Member, Geriatric Service Line, V.A. Medical Centers across 6 states in Midwest, 1999.  Executive Board Member, Adult Well Being Services, Detroit, MI, 1999-2002.  Chair, Central City Aging Services Consortium, 2001.  Advisory Board Member, Area Agency on Aging 1-B, 2001-2009.  Board of Directors, Area Agency on Aging 1-B, 2009-Present.  Technical Expert Group, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2001-2003.  Chair, Bons Secours Nursing Home Board, Bon Secours Health Services, 2002-2007.  Advisory Board, Center for Health Research, 2002-2005.  Advisory Board, Center for Health Effectiveness Research, 2002-2005.  Co-Chair, State of Michigan Dementia Strategic Planning, 2002-2003.  Consultant to Economic and Social Research Council, New Zealand (Project on frailty), 2003.  Consultant to U.S. Dept. Of Health and Human Services Office of General Counsel, 2003.  Consultant to Wiley Publishing House for Handbook of Clinical Psychology of Ageing Book Prospectus, 2004.  Advisory Board, Mott Center, 2004- Present.  Advisory Board, Center for Molecular Genetics, 2004-2007.  Advisory Board, Center for Palliative Excellence, 2006- Present.  Dominican Health Care Board of Directors, 2004-2008.  Steering Committee Member, Faculty and Staff Campaign for Wayne State University, 2004-2006.  Member, St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Ministries Board of Trustees, 2004-2007.  Member, Public Health Program Advisory Board, 2007-Present.  Board Member, American House Foundation, 2008-Present.  Board of Directors, Area Agency on Aging 1B 2010-present  State of Michigan Commission of Services to the Aging 2016-2018

J. Presentations: J1. Nationally Refereed Conferences: Lichtenberg, P.A. (1989, April 16). Reflections of a young widower. Association of Death Education and Counseling, Baltimore, MD. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1989, November 19). Further study of Lewinsohn's Model of depression in caregivers. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Prescott, M.A. (1990, April 5). Alcoholism and the aging professional. Aging in the 1990's: Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse, Novi, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A., Marcopulos, B.A., Strzepek, D., Given, J., & Cooley, S. (1990, November 18). Comprehensive psychological and neuropsychological services to mentally ill elderly: A description of unique programs and case examples. Symposium presented at 43rd Annual Lichtenberg, P A. Page 25 of 42

Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Lichtenberg, P.A., Marcopulos, B.A., Steiner, D., & Tabscott, J. (1990, November 19). Comparative validity of the HAM-D and GDS in detecting depression in dementia patients. 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Sautter, S., Manning, C., Turkheimer, E., Barth, J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1991, February 15). A factor analytic investigation of the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale. Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, San Antonio, TX. Lichtenberg, P.A., Marcopulos, B.A., McLain, C., Sautter, S., Manning, C., & Barth, J. (1991, April 5). Comprehensive neuropsychology in geriatric long-term care: Detecting excess disability. Sixth Annual Verhonick Nursing Conference at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A., Manning, C.A., & Turkheimer, E. (1991, November 23). Memory dysfunction in depressed spousal caregivers. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A., Nanna, M., & Blumenthal, F. (1992, August 16). Hidden problems in geriatric rehabilitation: Depression and alcohol abuse. American Psychological Association 100th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Lichtenberg, P.A., Gibbons, T.A., Nanna, M.J., & Blumenthal, F. (1992, November 20). The effects of age and gender on the prevalence and detection of alcohol abuse in elderly medical inpatients. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, D.C. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Christensen, B. (1993, February 25). Normative data on the WMS-R Logical Memory I and Logical Memory II subtests for geriatric medical patients. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Galveston, TX. Lichtenberg, P.A., Christensen, B., & Metler, L. (1993, February 25). Cognitive dysfunction in depressed geriatric medical patients. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Galveston, TX. Lichtenberg, P.A., Christensen, B., & Metler, L. (1993, February 27). The role of cognition and depression in functional recovery during geriatric rehabilitation. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Galveston, TX. Lichtenberg, P.A., Ross, T.A., & Christensen, B. (1993, August 20). Preliminary normative data on the Boston Naming Test for an older urban population. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1993, August 21). Perspectives on the interface between geriatrics and behavioral medicine. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1993, September 9). Cognitive deficits in older caregivers. Families at Risk: State of the Art Caregiving for the Elderly in the 21st Century, San Francisco, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1993, September 9). Reducing excess disabilities in dementia victims: Neuropsychological and behavioral approaches. Families at Risk: State of the Art Caregiving for the Elderly in the 21st Century, San Francisco, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Nanna, M. (1993, November 20). Does depression predict cognition in geriatric medical patients? Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society, New Orleans, LA. Wofford, A., Abraham, I., Holroyd, S., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1993, November 21). Differentiation between dimensions of geriatric depression in nursing home residents: A factor analysis of the Geriatric Depression Scale. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Nanna, M. (1994, February 6). The role of cognition in predicting activities of daily living and ambulation functioning in the oldest old rehabilitation patients. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Cincinnati, OH. Lichtenberg, P.A., Millis, S.R., & Nanna, M. (1994, February 6). Use of Visual Form Lichtenberg, P A. Page 26 of 42

Discrimination Test with geriatric urban medical inpatients. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Cincinnati, OH. Kimbarow, M.L., Vangel, S.J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1994, June 5). The influence of demographic variables on normal elderly adults' performance on the Boston Naming Test. Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Traverse City, MI. Ross, T.P., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1994, July 2). Demographic predictors of Boston Naming Test performance in urban older adults. American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1994, August 11). Differential diagnosis in assessment of the elderly. American Psychological Association Preconvention Workshop, Los Angeles, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1994, August 12). Characteristics of geriatric rehabilitation programs. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A., Ross, T.P., Millis, S.R., & Manning, C.A. (1994, August 12). The relationship between cognition and depression in medically ill elderly: A cross validation study. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Nanna, M. (1994, August 15). The role of cognition and depression in predicting functional outcome during geriatric rehabilitation. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1994, August 16). Interdisciplinary strategies in depression treatment. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA. Kimbarow, M.L., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Vangel, S.J. (1994, November 18). Normal elderly performance on the Boston Naming Test: Demographic influences. Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA. Vangel, S.J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1994, November 19). The Mattis Dementia Rating Scale: Clinical utility and relationship with demographic variables. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Nanna, M. (1994, November 21). The role of cognition and depression in recovery during geriatric rehabilitation. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA. Reeder, K.P., Rosenthal, M., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Wood, D. (1995, February 8). Impact of age on functional outcome following traumatic brain injury. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Seattle, WA. Ross, T.P., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Christensen, B.K. (1995, February 10). The clinical utility of the Boston Naming Test for use with elderly adults in an urban medical sample. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Seattle, WA. Summers, J.D., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Vangel, S.J. (1995, February 10). Normative and discriminability properties of the Fuld Object Memory Evaluation in an urban geriatric population. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Seattle, WA. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Vangel, S.J. (1995, February 10). Normative and utility data for the logical memory subtests of the WMS-R using an ethnically diverse older sample. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Seattle, WA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1995, April 12 and June 7). Interdisciplinary geriatrics: A team approach to the assessment and treatment of cognitive and psychosocial dysfunction in the elderly. Full Day Workshop, Detroit, MI. Nabors, N., Vangel, S.J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1995, August 11). Normative and clinical utility of the Visual Form Discrimination Test. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New York, NY. Moore, C.A., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1995, August 11). Ecological validity of neuropsychological tests: A double cross validation study. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New York, NY. Ross, T.P., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Vangel, S.J. (1995, August 12). Differentiation of demented versus non-demented urban medical patients. American Psychological Association Annual Lichtenberg, P A. Page 27 of 42

Convention, New York, NY. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1995, August 12). Managing persons with dementia: behavioral approaches. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New York, NY. Moore, C.A., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1995, August 13). Correlates of depression in elderly rehabilitation patients. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New York, NY. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1995, August 13). Normative studies research project. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New York, NY. Vangel, S.J., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Kimbarow, M.L. (1995, November 17). The Boston Naming Test: Clinical utility with older urban medical patients. Gerontological Society of America's 50th Annual Scientific Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A., Kimbarow, M.L., Morris, P., MacKinnon, D., Bush, J., & Vangel, S. (1995, November 19). Behavioral treatment of depression in medical rehabilitation inpatients. Gerontological Society of America's 50th Annual Scientific Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Chapleski, E.E., Lichtenberg, P.A., Dwyer, J.W., Jankowski, T., & Tsai, P.F. (1995, November 19). Great Lakes American Indian elders: Residence and co-morbidity as predictors of well- being. Gerontological Society of America's 50th Annual Scientific Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Kimbarow, M.L., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Vangel, S.J. (1995, December 9). Differentiating cognitively intact and demented patients with the Boston Naming Test. American Speech- Language-Hearing Association, Orlando, FL. Nabors, N., Vangel, S., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Walsh, P. (1996, February 16). Normative and clinical utility of the HVOT. International Neuropsychological Society, Chicago, IL. Thomas, W.B., Dijkers, M., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Nanna, M. (1996, February 16). The relationship between depression and cognition in geriatric populations: A meta-analysis. International Neuropsychological Society, Chicago, IL. Hanks, R., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996, February 16). Functional outcomes across four decades of the older adults’ lifespan. International Neuropsychological Society. Chicago, IL. Ross, T.P., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996, August 9). Demographic influences on cognition in intact versus impaired geriatric samples. American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996, August 11). Spanning geropsychology: Work in medical rehabilitation settings. American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996, August 11). Post-doctoral training: The Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan Model. American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA. Caron, J.A., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996, August 11). Predictors of geriatric rehabilitation patients' IADL performance. American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Kimbarow, M.L. (1996, August 12). Behavioral treatment of depression in geriatric medical rehabilitation. American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA. Wall, J.R., Deshpande, S.A., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996, November 2). The Fuld Object Memory Evaluation, a useful tool in the assessment of urban geriatric patients. National Academy of Neuropsychology, New Orleans, LA. MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996, November 21). Home alone: The role of cognition in returning to independent living. Gerontological Society of America, Washington, D.C. Ross, T.P., Lichtenberg, P.A., Youngblade, L., & Dwyer, J.W. (1997, February 6). Do medical burden and functional disability play mediating roles in the relationship between depressive symptoms and cognition in elderly adults? International Neuropsychological Society, Orlando, FL. MacNeill, S., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997, February 7). Living alone: Predictors of functional outcome in older rehabilitation patients. International Neuropsychological Society, Orlando, FL. Lichtenberg, P A. Page 28 of 42

MacNeill, S., Gershkovich, T., Caron, J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997, February 7). Living alone: Predictors of recovery during medical rehabilitation. International Neuropsychological Society, Orlando, FL. Lichtenberg, P.A., Youngblade, L., Ross, T., & Vangel, S. (1997, February 8). The NSRP test battery: Detection of dementia in African American and White elderly. International Neuropsychological Society, Orlando, FL. Ross, T.P., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997, Feburary 8). Expanded normative data for the Boston Naming Test in an urban medical sample of elderly adults. International Neuropsychological Society, Orlando, FL. Moye, J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997, August 16) Cognitive assessment guidelines. American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Daniel, S.A. (1997, August 17). Emergence of subacute rehabilitation. American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Vangel, S.J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997, August 19). Confirmatory factor analysis of the Functional Independence Measure in geriatric rehabilitation patients. American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Arfken, C.L., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997, November 15). Cognition and depression predict mortality in frail, physically ill, older adults. Gerontological Society of America, Cincinnati, OH. Deshpande, S.A., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997, November 15). Functional outcome differences in acute versus subacute rehabilitation. Gerontological Society of America, Cincinnati, OH. Chapleski, E., Kaczynski, R., Lakey, B., Sobeck, J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997, November 15). Great Lakes American Indian Elders: Life Events as predictors of depression. Gerontological Society of America, Cincinnati, OH. Lichtenberg, P.A., MacNeill, S.E., & Deshpande, S. (1997, November 15). Effects of overall medical disease on cognition in older adults. Gerontological Society of America, Cincinnati, OH. MacNeill, S.E., Lichtenberg, P.A., Kuiken, T., & Roth, R. (1997, November 16). Utilization of neuropsychology in a geriatric medical rehabilitation setting. Gerontological Society of America, Cincinnati, OH. Hodges, E.P., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Youngblade, L. (1997, November 16). Demographic, medical variables and depression in older medical patients. Gerontological Society of America, Cincinnati, OH. Curyto, K.J., Chapleski, E.E., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Hodges, E. (1997, November 17). Depression in older great lakes American Indians. Gerontological Society of America, Cincinnati, OH. Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (1998, March 31). Improving psychosocial practice in geriatric health care settings. National Council on Aging, Washington, D.C. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1998, August 17). Teaching geropsychological practice to psychology graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. Mast, B.A., Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (1998, August 17). Geropsychological problems in medical rehabilitation. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. Mast, B.A., Vangel, S.J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1998, August 17). MIMIC model of the Functional Independence Measure. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. Rapport, L.J., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Vangel, S.J. (1998, August 17). Cognition and fall risks among geriatric rehabilitation patients. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. Arfken, C.L., Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (1998, November 15). Discharge status and Lichtenberg, P A. Page 29 of 42

survival of hospitalized older adults. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (1998, November 23). Prospective validity study of the MacNeill-Lichtenberg Decision Tree. Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA. Walsh, P.F., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1998, November 23). Social support and emotional status in older medical rehabilitation patients. Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA. Mast, B., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1998, November 23). Validity of the NSRP test battery with older stroke patients. Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA. MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1998, November 23). Cognition, depression and IADLs in hospitalized live alone elderly. Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA. Curyto, K.J., Chapleski, E.E., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Kaczynski, R. (1998, November 23). Prediction of the presence and stability of depression in Great Lakes Native American elderly. Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA. Bank, A.L., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1999, August). Cross-validation of a method for triaging geriatric rehabilitation patients. American Psychological Association, Boston MA. Mast, B.T., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1999, August). Motor functioning and cognition: Predicting change within dementia. American Psychological Association, Boston MA. Mast, B.T., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1999, November). Depression within dementia: Cognitive evidence of subcortical deficits. The Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A., Curyto, K., & Chapleski, E. (1999). Living alone in older Midwest American Indians. The Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000, August 6). Clinical gerontology assessments in medical settings. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Mast, B.T., Fitzgerald, J., Steinberg, J., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000, August 7). Effective screening for Alzheimer’s Disease among African American elders. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Ficker, L.J., Bank, A.L., Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (2000, August 7). Cognition and perceived social support among live-alone urban elders. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Uppal, S.K., MacNeill, S.E., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Bank, A.L. (2000, August 7). Administration of the MLDT by a paraprofessional. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Lichtenberg, P.A., MacNeill, S.E., & Bank, A.L. (2000, November 18). Stability of living arrangements in older medical rehabilitation patients. The Gerontological Society of America, Washington D.C. MacNeill, S.E., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Mast, B.T. (2000, November 18). Environmental press and longitudinal adaptation following hospitalization in live alone older adults. The Gerontological Society of America, Washington D.C. Mast, B.T., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000, November 19). Rehospitalization of older adults following medical rehabilitation. The Gerontological Society of America, Washington D.C. Bank, A.L., Mast, B.T., Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (2000, November 19). A longitudinal examination of social support, disability, and depression in recently hospitalized older adults. The Gerontological Society of America, Washington D.C. Wilson, J.G., Pinkerton, A.C., Wierzbicki, B., Templin, T., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000, November 19). Depression awareness campaign targeting African American elders and the impact of pharmacists’ involvement. The Gerontological Society of America, Washington D.C. Mast, B., Allaire, J., Fitzgerald, J., Steinberg, J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001, February 16). Latent growth curve modeling of verbal learning in Alzheimer’s Disease. International Lichtenberg, P A. Page 30 of 42

Neuropsychological Society, Chicago, IL. Espiritu, D.E., Rashid, H., Fitzgerald, J., Steinberg, J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001, February 24) The relationship of self-reported depression and cognition to functional abilities in African American elders with Alzheimer's Disease. American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, San Francisco, CA. Naseem, A., Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (2001, February 24). Construct validity for the MacNeill-Lichtenberg Decision Tree. American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, San Francisco, CA. Wakeman, M.A., Mills, T., Scott-Okafor, H., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001, November 15). African American elders and rehabilitative hospital experiences. The Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL. MacNeill, S., Lichtenberg, P.A., Mast, B., Bank, A., & Lysack, C.L. (2001, November 16). Longitudinal rehabilitation outcomes by admission diagnosis: psychosocial factors. The Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL. Lysack, C., Neufeld, S.W., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001, November 16). The functional status of inner city women: an 18 month follow-up. The Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL. Loeher, K.E., Bank, A., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001, November 16). Nursing home transition and depressive symptoms in older medical rehabilitation patients. The Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL. Judge, K.S., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001, November 16). Translating geropsychology in medical and long-term care settings. The Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL. Bank, A., Mast, B., MacNeill, S., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001, November 17). Clinical utility of the mattis dementia, rating scale in older urban medical patients: an expanded study. The Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL. Neufeld, S.W., Lichtenberg, P.A., MacNeill, S.E., Lysack, C.L., & Bank, A. (2001, November 17). After hospitalization: patterns of returning to live alone. The Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL. Mast, B., MacNeill, S., & Lichtenberg, P. (2001, November 17). Empirical support for the vascular depression hypothesis among geriatric rehabilitation patients. The Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, August 25). Psychological assessments and predictions of long term outcomes. American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Franks, M., Bank, A., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, August 25). Activity limitation and depression: Perspectives of older African American women and their companions. American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Yochim, B., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, August 26). Examining the vascular depression hypothesis in older adults. American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Yochim, B., Mast, B, MacNeill, S., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, November 23). The long-term effects of vascular depression on cognition and functioning. The Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Holmes, S., DiCostanza, M., Heidebrink, J., Horst, M., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Lawhorne, L. (2002, November 23). Michigan initiative to identify and advances primary care physician leadership in dementia. The Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Smith, H., Flavin, K., Keller, S., Zimmer, N., Yochim, B., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Espiritu, D. (2002, November 25). Caregiver experience as a care recipient is transitioned into a long-term care setting. The Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Flavin,K., Espiritu, D., Keller, S., Lichtenberg, P.A., Smith, H. Yochim, B., & Zimmer, N. (2002, November 25). Early detection of mental health problems in admitted long term care residents. The Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Barke-Baker, H., Buddenborg, J., Katz, A., Lichtenberg, P.A., Luborsky, M., Martin, L., & Neufeld, S. (2002, November 25). Resources and barriers to care in nursing homes: Lichtenberg, P A. Page 31 of 42

Consumer views. The Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Zimmer, N., Espiritu, D., Flavin, K., Keller, S., Lichtenberg, P.A., Smith, H., & Yochim, B. (2002, November 25). The MacNeill-Lichtenberg Decision Tree in a long term care setting. The Gerontological Society of American, Boston, MA. Yochim, B.P., Mast, B.T., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003, August 7) Vascular burden, disability and mental health among older African Americans. American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA. Washington, O., Artinian, N., Klymko, K., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003, November 22). Impaired cognition in hypertensive older urban African Americans. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Flavin, K., Espiritu, D., Zimmer, N. Yochim, B., Keller, S., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003, November 22). Paradox in psychiatric referral and pharmacological intervention in a nursing home. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Byrnes-Schulte, M., Lysack, C., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003, November 22). Residential satisfaction in the central city: Predictors and perspectives. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Ficker, L., Yochim, B., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003, November 23). Cognition and perceived adequacy of social support in a sample of live-alone urban elderly post-hospitalization. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Schafer, A., Lichtenberg, P.A., Maddens, M., Erlanger, D., Barth, J., & Webbe, E. (2004, February 4) Headminder: An Internet based screening device for dementia. Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Baltimore, MA. Ungar, L., Zimmer, Z., Keller, S., Ficker, L., Espiritu, D., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004, November 20). Family relationships and caregiving stress during the transition to long term care. Gerontological Society of America, Denver, CO. Yochim, B., Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S. (2004, November 21). Activity limitations as mediator of the long-term relationship between depression and verbal fluency. Gerontological Society of America, Denver, CO. Heilman, H., Ficker, L., Lichtenberg, P.A., Zimmer, N., Flavin, K., Espiritu, D., Keller, S., & Ungar, L. (2004, November 21). Transition into long-term care: The family caregivers experience. Gerontological Society of America, Denver, CO. Schafer, A., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Ficker, L. (2004, November 21). The effects of reading ability on tasks of executive function. Gerontological Society of America, Denver, CO. Lichtenberg, P.A., Matei, A., Ficker, L., Espiritu, D., & Keller, S. (2004, November 22). Predictors of psychiatric referral and outcome of psychopharmacological intervention among elderly nursing home residents. Gerontological Society of America, Denver, CO. Long, J., Lichtenberg, P.A., Artinian, N., & Washington, O. (2004, November 22). Hypertensive African American grandparents and parental stress. Gerontological Society of America, Denver, CO. Ficker, L., Wyrick, W., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004, November 22). Physical and mental health of African American grandparents raising grandchildren: A matched comparison study. Gerontological Society of America, Denver, CO. Yochim, B.P., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, February 3). Depression and cerebrovascular burden as predictors of verbal fluency in older adults. International Neuropsychology Society. Schafer, A., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Ficker, L. (2005, February 3). The influence of reading ability on executive function tasks. International Neuropsychology Society. Kaushik, T., Schafer Johnson, A., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Erlanger, D. (2005, February 5). Validation of Headminder Dementia Screening Battery. International Neuropsychology Society. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, May 25) A 12 week open-label trial of Donepezil in African Americans Lichtenberg, P A. Page 32 of 42

using the Fuld Object Memory Evaluation. Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA. Cernin, P., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, November 19). The importance of health behaviors to successful aging in an urban African American population. Gerontological Society of America. Schafer, A., Maddens, M., Boyle, V., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, November 20). Utility of a single question depression screen in Skilled Nursing Facility subacute rehabilitation. Gerontological Society of America. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, November 20) Mentoring minority scholars. BSS Emerging Scholars Mentoring Workshop Special Session by the Gerontological Society of America. Ficker, L., Schafer Johnson, A., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, November 21) Relationship of perceived racism, coping and health among African American urban elders. Gerontological Society of America. Wallace, S., Frank, J., Jackson, J., Jackson-McCall, P., Lantigua, R., Lichtenberg, P., Mangione, C., Manson, S., Perez-Sable, E., & Tilley, B. (2005, November 21). NIA’s Resource Center on Minority Aging Research: Participant scholar perspectives and outcomes. Gerontological Society of America. Yochim, B., Lequerica, A., MacNeill, S.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, February 12). Depressives symptoms exert unique influence on IADL in older adults, independent of executive dysfunction. International Neuropsychological Society. Krishnan, M., Mast, B.T., Ficker, L.J., Lawhorne, L., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, August 12). Characterizing depression in older individuals upon admission to continuing care. American Psychological Association. Tkatch, R., Cernin, P., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, November 17). Correlates of self-rated successful aging in an urban African American sample. Gerontological Society of America. Schneider, B., & Lichtenberg, P. (2006, November 17). Pathways to disability in African American elders: The role of cognition, chronic disease and health behaviors. Gerontological Society of America. Ficker, L., Schafer-Johnson, A., & Lichtenberg, P. (2006, November 18). The relationship of to health behaviors of urban African American elders. Gerontological Society of America. Lichtenberg, P.A. (organizer and presenter) (2006, November 19). Examining the future of social and behavioral gerontology research. Gerontological Society of America. Byrnes, M., & Lichtenberg, P. (2006, November 19). Emplacing “aging in place”: Putting urban older adults in “place”. Gerontological Society of America. Cernin, P.A., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, February 16). Cognitive functioning as related to self- rated and objectively measured successful aging in a sample of urban, African American older adults. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Portland, OR. Schneider, B.C. & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, February 17). Executive dysfunction and physical performance in urban Black elders. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Portland, OR. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, August 18). Principles of integrated care. In American Psychological Association Presidential Symposia. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, August 27). Depression in dementia. Alzheimer’s Association Dementia Care Conference. Lichtenberg, P.A., Byrnes, M., & Lysack, C. (2007, November 17). Examining health through environmental press: in RCMAR symposia. Gerontological Society of America. Cernin, P., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, November 17). Behavioral treatment for depressed mood in assisted living. Gerontological Society of America. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, November 18). Careers in Geropsychology: Intersection of professional and personal circumstances. Gerontological Society of America. Lichtenberg, P A. Page 33 of 42

Schneider, B., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, November 19). Disease burden mediates the relationship between depression and physical performance in urban Black elders. Gerontological Society of America. Paulson, D., Fisicaro, S., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, November 19). Depression and casino gambling among urban elders. Gerontological Society of America. Cernin, P.A., Lysack, C., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, February 12). Executive functioning and health behaviors in African American older adults. International Neuropsychological Society. Schneider, B.C., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, August 7). Activity restriction model in black elders. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA. Kane, K., Yochim, B.P., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, August 8). Depression and executive functioning predict mortality in nursing home admissions. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, August 10). Integrated care for an aging population. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA. Hegde, K., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, November 22). African American elders are underrepresented in long term care settings and more likely to die within 3 months of admission to LTC. Gerontological Society of America. Matin, F., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, November 22). Longitudinal study of gambling attitudes, behaviors and motivations among urban elders. Gerontological Society of America. Cernin, P.A., Schneider, B.C., & Lichtenberg, P. (2008, November 22). An exploration of exercise and cognition in urban dwelling older adults. Gerontological Society of America. Schneider, B.C., & Lichtenberg, P. (2008, November 22). Risk factors for depression in older Black adults. Gerontological Society of America. Lysack, C.L., Lichtenberg, P.A., et al. (2008, November 23). Integrating mental health care into Occupational Therapy practice with older adults. Gerontological Society of America. Washington, O., Chadiha, L., Lichtenberg, P.A., et al. (2008, November 23). The Healthier Black Elders Program: A model for building research community partnerships in urban communities. Gerontological Society of America. Huby, N.M., Zhang, L., Smith, J., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, November 23). Does lower cognitive functioning in caregivers affect caregiver burden? Gerontological Society of America. Lichtenberg P. A. (2009, August 5). Detection of Dementia. American Psychological Association Pre-Conference Workshop, Toronto, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2009, November 19). Mentoring junior faculty. Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA. Paulson, D., Bowen, M.E.,& Lichtenberg, P.A. (2009, November 19). Cerebrovascular risk factors, cognitive functioning and depressive symptoms in women over 80. Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2009, November 19). An investigation of behavioral and social gerontology research programs. Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010, March 16). Depression is not a normal part of aging. American Society on Aging, Reno, NV. Hegde, K., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010, April 8) quality in urban African American elders: A replication of the factor structure of the PSQI. Society for Behavioral Medicine. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010, August 13) Twists and turns in a career: Lessons to be learned. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Ficker, L.J., Lichtenberg, P.A., Chiodo, L.M., Delaney-Black, V., & Hannigan, J.H. (2010, August 13). Urban adolescents raised by grandparents: Fluid family structure and behavioral problems. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Lichtenberg, P A. Page 34 of 42

Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010, August 14). Research and the individual: Living alone in older age and issues of capacity. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010, November 20). Financial satisfaction and financial victimization: Prevalence and correlates. Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Paulson, D., Bowen, M.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010, November 22). Depression, cognitive functioning and mortality in an older old sample. Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Arnetz, J., Arnetz, B., Lichtenberg, P.A., & Luborsky, M. (2011, May 19). Organizational climate and resident safety in nursing homes: mediating effects of safety culture. Work Stress and Health by the American Psychological Association, Washington D.C. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2011, August 3). Dementia: detection and treatment in what psychologists should know about working with older adults. Continuing Education with American Psychological Association, Washington D.C. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2011, August 6). Mentoring junior faculty. American Psychological Association, Washington D.C. Paulson, D., & Lichtenberg, P. (2011, November 18). Late life depression is a prodrome for frailty. Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Ficker, L., & Lichtenberg, P. (2011, November 19). The role of employment and work disruption in mental health of dementia caregiving daughters. Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Lichtenberg, P., Schneider, B., & Stickney, L. (2011, November 19) Early disability and depression predicts financial victimization in urban black elders. Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Ficker, L., & Lichtenberg, P. (2011, November 20). African American grandparents and grandchildren: Caregiver reciprocity across the lifespan. Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Chadiha, L., Washington, O., Lichtenberg, P., Green, C., Daniels, K., & Jackson, J. (2011, November 20). Building a registry of research volunteers among older Urban African Americans. Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Lysack, C., Leach, C., & Lichtenberg, P. (2011, November 21). Efficacy of a train the trainer curriculum for Occupational Therapist’s mental health knowledge. Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Neufeld, S. & Lichtenberg, P. (2011). Financial literacy in older African Americans. Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA.

Luborsky, M., & Lichtenberg, P. (2012, March). Patients, persons and sovereignty: Adjudicating moral, legal and clinical authority in delegitimizing decisional competence. Society for Applied Anthropology, Baltimore, MD. Biedron, C., Krishna, A., McGlann, G., Chami, H., Escamilla, A., Mody, L., Lichtenberg, P., Severson, R., Sobel, J., Kaye, K., & Chopra, T. (2012, May 3). Antibiotic stewardship in long-term acute care facilities- it’s time. American Geriatrics Society, Seattle, WA. Krishna, A., Biedron, C., Mody, L., Severson, R., Cassidy, C., Lichtenberg, P., Johnson, M., Pickney, C., Kaye, K., & Chopra, T. (2012, May 4). Assessment of knowledge gaps relevant to antibiotic stewardship among health care workers in long term care facilities. American Geriatrics Society, Seattle, WA. Lysack, C., Lichtenberg, P., MacNeill, S., & Neufeld, S. (2012, June 7). Community mobility and social well-being in live-alone older adults. Canadian Occupational Therapists, Quebec City, Canada. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2012, August). Integrating mental health into occupational therapy practice with older adults. American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL. Ficker, L., Lichtenberg, P., Herring, M., Kruman, M., Lysack, C., & Hannigan, J. (2012, Lichtenberg, P A. Page 35 of 42

November 14). The link between private and public helping behavior: Caregiving and citizenship activities among African American urban elders. The Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Paulson, D., & Lichtenberg, P. (2012, November 16) The Paulson-Lichtenberg Frailty Index. The Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Adedugbe, O., Ficker, L., & Lichtenberg, P. (2012, November 16). Social needs fulfillment, aging, and health: a cross-cultural validation. The Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Lichtenberg, P. (2012, November 16). Community engagement with urban African American elders. The Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Ficker, L., Lichtenberg, P., & Lysack, C. (2012, November 17). Older African Americans caring for grandchildren: A normative study in an urban context. The Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Lichtenberg, P., Russo, T., Lysack, C., Leach, C., & Paulson, D. (2012, November 17). Enhancing mental health treatment for older adults in medical rehabilitation: A randomized clinical trial. The Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A., Ficker, L., Lysack, C. & Hanna, M. (2013, Nov 21) Perceived cognitive impairment in African American elders. The Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans. Syme, M., Caalaman, E., Lichtenberg, P, Moye, J & Mona, L. (2014). Sexuality and consent in long term care: A qualitative investigation of current policies. Gerontological Society of America: Washington, D.C. November 5. Carney, K., Howanitz, J., Donlan, A.Malek, M & Lichtenberg, P (2014). Changing hearts and minds: Neurocognitive engagement therapy. Gerontological Society of America Washington, D.C. November 8. Lichtenberg, P.A. Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation (2015). American Psychological Association, August 8: Tortonto, On. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2015). A new person-centered approach to financial capacity assessment in older adults. National Academy of Neuropsychology November 5th: Austin, Tx. Lichtenberg, P. (2015) Financial Exploitation of Older Adults: A Research Perspective. Pre-conference workshop financial exploitation of older adults November 21 Gerontological Society of America: Orlando, Florida Syme, M., Lichtenberg, P. & Moye, J. (2015) Sexuality and consent in long term care: Assessment development through expert consensus. November 21 Gerontological Society of America: Orlando, Florida Rhaman-Filipiak,A., Lichtenberg, P. & Ficker, L. (2015) Financial decision making abilities and financial exploitation in older African Americans: Preliminary validity of the LFDRS. . November 18, Gerontological Society of America: Orlando, Florida Lichtenberg, P, Sugarman, M, Paulson, D, Rahman, A & Ficker, L. (2015). Psychological and functional vulnerability predicts fraud cases in older adults. November 19, Gerontological Society of America: Orlando, Florida Ficker, L. & Lichtenberg, P. (2015). Validity of a brief tool for elders who lack capacity: the LFDSS. November 19, Gerontological Society of America: Orlando, Florida Carney, K., Howanitz, J., Malek, M. Lichtenberg, P. & Donlan, A. Neurocognitive Engagement Therapy (NET): Harnessing best practices in dementia care. November 19, Gerontological Society of America: Orlando, Florida Lichtenberg, P. (chair) (2015). How to Publish. November 19, Gerontological Society of America: Orlando, Florida Lawrence, S. Jankowski, T. & Lichtenberg, P. (2015) I-EARS: Developing an Integrated Elder Abuse Reporting System for Michigan. November 21, Gerontological Society of America: Orlando, Florida Lichtenberg, P A. Page 36 of 42

Lichtenberg, P.A. (2016). Using the Lichtenberg Rating Scales. National Adult Protective Services conference. August 31: Philadelphia, PA Lichtenberg, P.A. (2016) Assessing financial decision making to prevent financial exploitation. Annual Summit on Older Adult Financial Exploitation. September 1: Philadelphia, PA Hall, L…….. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2016) Promoting Retention: African American older adults in a volunteer research registry. November 16: Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA Lichtenberg, P.A., Ficker, L., Teresi, J. (2016) Screening for financial decision making and exploitation. November 17 Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA Lichtenberg, P.A. (2016). Widowhood at 25 and 55. November 17 Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA Lichtenberg, P.A. (2017). Financial capacity assessment as part of a APA Aging Office CE preconference. August 2, Washington DC

J2. Local/Regionally Refereed: Lichtenberg, P.A., & Barth, J.T. (1987, October 9). The caregivers’ career. Presented at Virginia Psychological Association Fall Convention, Virginia Beach, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1988, March 21). Stress and Caregiving. Virginia Nurses Association, Staunton, VA. Garringer, V., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (1988, April 8). Taking care: How to successfully become a caregiver. Fifteenth Annual Seminar on Aging at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1989, June 23). Neuropsychology and the geriatric inpatient. University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1989, November 15). In Alzheimer's symposium: Family Care-giving; Interdisciplinary Team Training in Geriatrics; Sexuality and Alzheimer's Patients in long- term care. Western State Hospital, Staunton, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Strzepek, D.M. (1989, November 13). Clinical issues in geriatric care. University of Virginia Psychology Department Lecture Series, Charlottesville, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1990, October 10). Preliminary study of caregiver depression and memory disturbance. University of Virginia School of Nursing Grand Rounds, Charlottesville, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1990, November 9). Comprehensive Geriatric Neuropsychology in dementia patients. Western State Hospital Symposium on Alzheimer Disease, Staunton, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1990, November 15). Scientific developments in Alzheimer's Disease research for 1989-1990. Annual Meeting Shenandoah Alzheimer's Association, Harrisonburg, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1991, October 3). Depression, dementia and alcohol abuse: Hidden problems in geriatric rehabilitation. Wayne State University Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Grand Rounds, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Donnellon, P. (1991, December 6). Care for the caregiver. Stroke Rehabilitation: Innovative Strategies for Assessment and Intervention, Detroit, MI. Johnson, C.E., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (co-facilitators) (1992, June 10). Innovations in Geriatric Rehabilitation. Novi, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1992, June 10). Age and gender effects on geriatric depression and alcohol abuse in medical patients. Wayne State University's 5th Annual Summer Conference, Novi, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1992, June 10). Geriatric Rehabilitation: A neuropsychology perspective. Wayne State University's 5th Annual Summer Conference, Novi, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Thompson, T.C. (1993, August 27). Included talks were: Effective interdisciplinary teams; The usefulness of Neuropsychology in Extended Care; Clinical problems in extended care. Day long workshop on Incorporating psychosocial strategies and Lichtenberg, P A. Page 37 of 42

treatments in extended care facilities, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1993, October 8). Neuropsychological and emotional aspects of stroke. Regional Symposium on stroke sponsored by Edwin Shaw Hospital, Cuyahoga Falls, OH. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1994, February 10). Detecting and treating depression in the rehabilitation setting. Third Midwest symposium on stroke outcomes sponsored by Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital, Chicago, IL. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1994, March 23). The effects of depression on health and cognition. University of Virginia Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Staunton, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1994, March 25). The ecological validity of neuropsychological tests in older medical patients. University of Virginia Division of Neuropsychology Grand Rounds, Charlottesville, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1994, May 13). A team approach to the assessment and treatment of cognitive and psychosocial dysfunction in the elderly. Tennessee Psychological Association sponsored workshop, Nashville, TN. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1995, April 12). A team approach to the assessment and treatment of cognitive and psychosocial dysfunction in the elderly. Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan day long conference. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1995, October 12). Examining the pitfalls in Geriatric Neuropsychology practice and new methods for brief assessment and treatment in Geriatric Neuropsychology. Virginia Psychological Association day long workshop, Richmond, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996, April 25). Psychosocial intervention for older persons with psychotic symptoms. Mental Health and Aging Coalition, Flint, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996, September 20). New finds in the assessment and treatment of cognitive and psychosocial dysfunction of the elderly. Flower Hospital day long conference, Toledo, OH. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1997, May 20). Psychosocial assessments for non-psychologists & Depression and cognitive impairments: Their influence on health outcomes. 10th Annual Issues on Aging Conference, Troy, MI. Lichtenberg P.A. (1998, April 17). Effective interdisciplinary treatment of depression in geriatric patients. Mind-Body conference, Colorado Springs, CO. Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (1998, October 23). Mental health issues in geriatric health care. Day long workshop Hutzel Hospital, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (1998, November 5). Geriatric Neuropsychology in medical settings. Half-day workshop for National Association of Neuropsychologists, Washington, D.C. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1998, November 9). Depression and grief. 2nd annual IOG Conference for Nurses, Troy, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A., & MacNeill, S.E. (1999, April 28). Cognitive and affective aspects of stroke. Day long workshop for Mental Health & Aging Consortium, East Lansing, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1999, May 17). Psychosocial assessment and treatment of depression in dementia. 12th annual Issues in Aging Conference, Troy, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000, May 16). Current perspectives in geriatric rehabilitation. 13th annual Issues in Aging Conference, Troy, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A., & Keller, S. (2000, May 23). Treatment of Geriatric Depression. Day long workshop for Mental Health and Aging Consortium, East Lansing, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001). Day long workshop on Dementia, Delirium and Depression and Controversies in Vascular Dementia for Mental Health and Aging consortium. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004, April 23). Organizer of symposia: Grandparenting: An increasing influence on the health or urban children. Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, October 31). Portability of the Community Network Partnership program. Michigan Cancer Consortium Annual Meeting. Lichtenberg, P A. Page 38 of 42

J3. Invited Lectures Lichtenberg, P.A. (1987-1990). Guest Lecturer at University of Virginia, James Madison University, and Mary Baldwin College. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1991-Present). Responsible for the development of a 10 month course in Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsychology for trainees. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1991-Present). Guest Lecturer at Wayne State University School of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Residency training program), three times. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1991-1999). Lecturer for Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsychology Training program, 4-6 lectures each year in Geriatric Rehabilitation. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1996-Present). Lecturer for Medical School Students Year 1: (1 lecture) Geriatric Neuropsychology and Dementia. Lichtenberg, P.A. (1999, October). Behavioral treatment of depression. University of Indianapolis Annual Fall Lecture, Indianapolis, IN. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000, March). Historical and current perspectives in Geriatric rehabilitation. Rehabilitation 2000 and beyond course, San Antonio, TX. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000, March). Assessment in clinical gerontology and neuropsychology. Preconference Workshop for American Society on Aging Annual Conference. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000, September 23 and November 14). Depression in older adults. Allied Health Training Grant at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000, October 23). Early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease. Midland Medical Society, Midland, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2000, December 2). New findings in Clinical Gerontology assessment and treatment. Psychological Association & American Psychological Association, Washington DC. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001, August 25). Assessment in nursing home settings. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2001, December 17). Cognitive assessment in older adults. Beaumont Hospital Geriatrics Rounds. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, January 15). Adaptation to disability: The case of live alone elders. OB/GYN Grand Rounds at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, February 3). Cultural issues in geriatric care. Grand Rounds to Geriatric Fellowship program at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, March 23). Writing and reviewing manuscripts. Grand Rounds Geriatric Medicine at Beaumont Hospital. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, May 10). New perspectives on depression in dementia. University of Virginia Neuropsychology Colloquia, Charlottesville, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, July 7). New perspectives on depression in dementia. Washington University Alzheimer’s Disease Center, St. Louis, MO. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, October 2). New perspectives on depression in dementia. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Colloquia, Colorado Springs, CO. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, October 3). Latest finding on late life depression. Colorado Springs College of Osteopathic Medicine, Colorado Springs, CO. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, October 15). New perspectives on depression in dementia. Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, October 16). Suicide and depression in older adults. Michigan Association of Suicidology. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, November 1). Latest findings in late life Depression. Medical College of Ohio Center for Successful Aging. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2002, November 6). Cerebrovascular risk factors and late life depression. Lichtenberg, P A. Page 39 of 42

Krieger Memorial Lecture. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003, January 16-17). New findings in Geriatric Psychology: Dementia, depression and disability. Montana Psychological Association. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2003, May 21). Latest findings in assessing and treating depression in older adults. Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004, January 23). New findings on Late Life Depression. Grand Rounds at University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004, February 12). Cerebrovascular risk factors and late life depression. Detroit V.A. Hospital Grand Rounds, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004, March 29). Issues of capacity and competency assessment. Michigan Supreme Court Annual Judicial Conference. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004, March 30). What Michigan needs to do about Dementia. Alma College, Alma, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004, April 15). What Michigan needs to do about Dementia. Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004, July 7). Vascular Depression. University of Virginia Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Charlottesville, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004, July 8). Enhancing interdisciplinary aging research. University of Virginia Center on Aging Grand Rounds, Charlottesville, VA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004, August 20). The significance of mental health research. Retirement Research Foundation Board of Trustees. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2004, October 15). Managing difficult behaviors: Putting the person first in dementia care. Hospital Purchasing Services Annual Meeting. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, January 8). Aging after 80: Resiliency and growth. Shabat Forum, West Bloomfield, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, January 11). Depression in late life. Oakwood Retirement Community, Dearborn, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, February 24). Understanding older adult medical patients. Detroit Receiving Hospital Rounds for Nurses, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, March 23). The Healthier Black Elders Experience: Mentoring scholars and citizens. WSU College of Nursing Research Day, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, April 6). Chronic disease and successful aging. Greater Detroit Area Health Council forum, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, April 6). Aging successfully. Senior Action Group at Queen of Peace Parish, St. Clair Shores, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, April 16). Caregiving and Depression. Neighborhood Legal Services Caregiving Conference, Detroit, MI. Blow, F., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, April 19). Screening instruments, assessment of older adult substance abusers. Veterans Administration Employee Education System via satellite, Salt Lake City, UT. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, April 20 and 27). Alzheimer’s Disease: Persons with Dementia and their caregivers. Society of Older Active Retirees, Farmington, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, May 13). Understanding successful aging. Leadership Oakland Annual Conference, Pontiac, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, May 27). Still sexual after all these years. Walter and May Reuther Senior Services, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, June 10). Controversies in aging: What is successful aging? Birmingham Senior Men’s Club, Birmingham, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, June 21). Michigan’s roadmap: The Michigan Dementia Coalition and State Plan. Michigan Administration on Aging. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, July 8). Geriatric rehabilitation. Sinai-Grace Rehabilitation Therapists Lichtenberg, P A. Page 40 of 42

Rounds, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2005, August 11). Late life Depression as a public health problem. Michigan Department of Community Health Consensus Conference, Lansing, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, January 15). Successful aging. Beaumont Geriatrics Fellowship Grand Rounds, Royal Oak, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, January 25). Successful aging. Henry Ford Village, Dearborn, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, March 5). Geriatric issues in rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Psychology Annual Conference, Reno, NV. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, May 3) Caring for the caregivers. Legal Center Caregiving Conference, Farmington Hills, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, May 3). Alzheimer’s Disease. Society for Older Active Retirees, Farmington Hills, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, M ay 23 and June 10). Capacity assessments institute for continuing legal education. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, October 5). Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease. Critical Care Issues in the Care of Older Adults: Dementia, Ann Arbor, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, October 17). Depression in Dementia. Bloomfield Hills, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, November 1). Alzheimer’s Disease. Society for Older Active Retirees, Farmington Hills, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, November 1). Caregiving and dementia. New Hope Caregiver Support Group. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, November 8). Aging, cognition and early detection of dementia. Livonia, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2006, October-December). Caregiving, successful aging, memory and cognition. Farmington Hills, MI Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, January 22). Brain health. Fox Run Aging Matters kickoff speaker. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, January 30). Capacity assessment. Center for Elder Law. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, January 31). Psychology of aging: Changing paradigms. SE Michigan Geriatric Social Worker Conference. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, February 21). Dementia in primary care settings. Grand Rounds for Beaumont Hospital. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, May 10). Loving intervention: When is it time to step in? Birmingham Area Seniors Coordinating Council and Center, Birmingham, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, May 17). Aging in the 21st century: Opportunities and challenges. Center for Financial Planning Forum. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, May 23). Capacity evaluation. Beaumont Hospital Geriatric Fellowship Program. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, May 23). Merging of mood and cognitive disorders. Beaumont Hospital Geriatric Fellowship Program. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2007, October 20). Long term care stakeholders forum. Area Agency on Aging 1A and 1B forum. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, April 17). Recognition and screening for depression and cognitive impairment. University of Alaska Anchorage Geriatric Education Center, Anchorage, AK. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, April 17). Caregiving and depression. Full Lives Conference for Direct Care Staff, Anchorage, AK. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, April 18). Integrated care for an aging population. Alaska Geriatric Education Center, Anchorage, AK. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, July 12). Recognizing and working with the memory impaired client. Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants, Livonia, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A .(2008, August 6). Aging and dementia assessment: What psychologists need to know about aging CE for APA. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, October 14). Late life depression, executive functioning and nutritional Lichtenberg, P A. Page 41 of 42

risk in African American urban elders. Marqueta Huyck Lecture for the Department of Nutrition at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, October 16). Memory changes: Benefits of early detection. Arden Courts, Bingham Farms, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2008, October 22). Preparing for the age tsunami: Psychological practice with older adults. Idaho Conference on Health Care, Pocatello, ID. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2009, January 28). Webinar: Detecting dementia in older adults for Concept Health Care. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2009, March 27). Clinical perspectives on Alzheimer’s disease. Wright and Filippis Annual Conference, Troy, MI. Lichtenberg P.A. (2009, April 9). Sexuality and aging: Everything you want to know. St. Johns Hospital, Harper Woods, MI. Lichtenberg P.A. (2009, May 15). Aging: A look back and a look ahead. Keynote for Area Agency on Aging 1B Annual Luncheon, Farmington Hills, MI. Lichtenberg P.A. (2009, July 9). Successful aging. Boulevard Temple Annual Symposia, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg P.A. (2009, July 10). Research needs you! Michigan Association of Service Coordinators: Wayne County, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg P.A. (2009, August 15). Healthy aging. Black Entertainment Channel National Conference, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010, January 18). Competency and the elderly. Institute for Continuing Legal Education, Ann Arbor, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010, February 24) Living alone and urban adults: Bridging science and clinical practice. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010, March 26). Working with older adults: Depression and dementia. University of Michigan Social Work CE Program, Ann Arbor, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010, October 27). Neuropsychology for the non-neuropsychologist. University of Michigan Social Work CE Program, Ann Arbor, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2010, November 16). New trends in Alzheimer’s diagnosis and treatment. Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Michigan, Farmington Hills, MI. Lawhorne, L.W., & Lichtenberg, P.A. (2012, May 8). The diagnostic dilemma: Is it a medical of psychiatric condition? Ninth Annual Michigan Mental Health & Aging Conference, East Lansing, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2012, May 9). The role of neuropsychological assessment in determining capacity to make decisions. Ninth Annual Michigan Mental Health & Aging Conference, East Lansing, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2012, September 18). The graying of sexuality: Dilemmas in long term care. Joint Provider/Surveyor Training, Novi, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2012, September 21). Person centered communication and treatment. Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Michigan, Midland, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2012, September 21). Best practices by health care professionals. Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Michigan, Midland, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2012, September 21). Best practices by health care professionals. Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Michigan, Midland, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2012, November) Issues of Financial Capacity in Older Adults with Alzheimer’s disease, Greater Michigan Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association conference. Southfield, MI. Lichtenberg, P.A.(2013). Assessment of financial capacity in the older adult (2013, June). Michigan Elder Justice and At-Risk Adult Summit; Grand Blanc Michigan. Lichtenberg, P.A. & Mall, S. (2013) Competency and the elderly. 2013 Fall Elder Law and Disability Rights conference. Thompsonville, MI October 3. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2013) Elder abuse and brain injury. State of the states in head injury. Dearborn, MI October 7. Lichtenberg, P A. Page 42 of 42

Lichtenberg, P.A. (2013) Understanding normal and abnormal changes in cognition with aging. State of the states in head injury. Dearborn, MI October 8. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2013). Difficult Conversations. National Meeting of Geriatric Care Managers, Ann Arbor, MI October 26. Lichtenberg, P.A .(2014) Competency Assessment: Beyond your gut. Institute for Continuing Legal Education, May 1, June 15, Acme and Plymouth, MI Lichtenberg, P.A. (2014) Counseling clients regarding capacity. Elder Law and Disability Rights Section, State Bar of Michigan conference, March 14, Plymouth, MI Lichtenberg, P.A. (2014) Psychological vulnerability and fraud in older adults: The True Impact of Fraud conference, May 1,Washington DC,. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2014). Financial decision making in older adults. Wayne State Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. April 13, Detroit, MI. Lichtenberg P.A. (2014) Financial Capacity, Exploitation and Decision Making in older adults. Syracuse University annual symposia November 20, Syracuse NY Lichtenberg, P.A. (2015) Financial Decision Making: Institute of Medicine Social Security Payee Committee, June 23: Washington D.C. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2015). New Methods of Assessment for Financial Decision Making and Financial Exploitation. December 8, Rochester NY Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2015) Cognitive decline, Financial decision making and financial exploitation. Norfolk Elder Abuse Task Force Lecture, December 15: Norfolk Virginia Lichtenberg, P.A. (2016). Helping to prevent financial exploitation in older adults. 11th annual Art and Science of Aging Conference. February 19: Grand Rapids, Michigan Lichtenberg, P.A. (2016) Using the Lichtenberg Financial Decision Screening Scale. Statewide Adult Protective Services Committee (5 California locations) March 14-18. Lichtenberg, P.A. 2016) Assessing a client’s financial planning capacity: Using the Lichtenberg rating scales. Certified Advanced Practitioners conference of the National Elder Law Attorneys conference. August 19: Chicago, IL Lichtenberg, P.A. (2017) Assessing financial capacity in older adults. North Carolina Estate Planning Association, February 19; Pinehurst, North Carolina. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2017) Assessments in financial exploitation. South Dakota APS state conference. April 24. Lichtenberg, P.A. (2017) Assessments in financial exploitation. Tennessee State Conference for APS workers. May 30, Nashville, TN Lichtenberg, P.A. (2017) Keynote talks for Psychology of Ageing Interest Group of the Australian Psychological Society. Neurocognitive assessment and capacity and Financial Capacity Assessment. Brisbane, Australia, October 6-7.