Thermographic Imaging in Cats and Dogs Usability As a Clinical Method
Recent Publications in this Series MARI VAINIONPÄÄ 1/2014 Hanna Rajala Molecular Pathogenesis of Large Granular Lymphocytic Leukemia DISSERTATIONES SCHOLAE DOCTORALIS AD SANITATEM INVESTIGANDAM UNIVERSITATIS HELSINKIENSIS 2/2014 Thermographic Imaging in Cats and Dogs Usability as a Clinical Method MARI VAINIONPÄÄ Thermographic Imaging in Cats and Dogs Usability as a Clinical Method DEPARTMENT OF EQUINE AND SMALL ANIMAL MEDICINE FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE AND DOCTORAL PROGRAMME IN CLINICAL VETERINARY MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI 2/2014 Helsinki 2014 ISSN 2342-3161 ISBN 978-952-10-9941-0 Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine University of Helsinki Finland Thermographic imaging in cats and dogs Usability as a clinical method Mari Vainionpää, DVM ACADEMIC DISSERTATION To be presented, with the permission of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Helsinki, for public examination in Walter Hall, University EE building, on June 6th 2014, at noon. Helsinki 2014 SUPERVISED BY: Outi Vainio, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVPT, Professor Marja Raekallio, DVM, PhD, University Lecturer Marjatta Snellman, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVDI, Professor Emerita Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Helsinki Helsinki, Finland REVIEWED BY: Francis Ring, DSc, MSc, Professor Medical Imaging Research Unit Faculty of Advanced Technology University of South Wales Pontypridd, Wales, UK Ram Purohit DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACT, Professor Emeritus Department of Clinical Science College of Veterinary Medicine Auburn
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