Temp. 2nd Lb. H. N. C. Wyburd. 5 July I.O.M., 1st CL, and; Maj. J. J. Mills, 1921. O'.B'.E.., rielin4uishies tihe actg. grading of Temp. Qr.-Mr. & Capb. B. W. N. Jackson. C.I.O.M. 5th|May 19&1. •21 July 11921. I.O.M., Ist'Cl., and Maj. W. J. P. Rodd, 1 Herts. R. D'.iS.O ., relinquish.^ tihe actg. grading of 1st (D'.F.) Bn'.— G.I.O.M. 5thilMay 1921. I.O.M., 2nd:d., and'Maj. A. R'. Stam- The undermentioned relinquish their coon- 1 missians from tlia dates specified: — ford, D.Si.O ., rjelinquisihes .the aot(g. grading Temp. Capt. G. du'S. Atthill. 21 July oif I.O.M., 1st !d. 5th May 19.21. 1921. I.O.M., 2nd Cl., and'Oapt. A. R. Valon, Temp. Lti. B. H. Johnson. 8 July 1921. O.B.E., M.C., relinquishes the temp, grad- ing of I.O.M., 1st OH., and' rank of Mai. Tfoie notification regarding "temp. L>t. Eager 5th May 192*1. , Gurbh in. Gaz. 7 is cancelled. I.O.M., 2nd Cl., and Capt. P. W. M. Sparey, M.C., ir&linquishesi the actg. grading ROYAL ARMY SERVICE CORPS. of I.O.M., 1st a. 5th . 5lst (Highland) Divl. Train (D.F.). T./A.C.O. & -Lib. T. A. iGibbom relin- Temp. Lt. R. Nimruoi relinquishes his coon- quishes has coarunissioia 'O-n ooanpTetioni' of ser- mission. 5 -21. vice, and retains his rank. 6th Apr1. 19'2il. T./I.O.M., 3*dC5l., aradCapt. J. Chandler 47th (2nd Lond.) Dwl. Tram* (D'.F.). relinquishies his loommissio^ on ootm.pleta'On of Temp. Lit. H. A. East relinquishes his service, and is granted the grade and rank commission. 7 July 1921. of I.O.M., 2nd (fa., and1 Capt. 6 Aug. 19'2il. A'sst. Inspr. 'of Armoiurers & Capt. F. 48th (&. Midland) Divl. Train (D.F.). 1 Temp. Lit. D. BL Browne relinquishes his Goiugh retires ooi'ret. pay. 6 Aiu-g. 192.1. aommissiotn. 5 July 1921. ROYAL ARMY VETERINARY CORPS. 49i/z, (W. Rid.) Dwl. Trcain.(D.F.). T./Qr.-Mr. &,Capt. J. Wood relinquishes Temp. Capt. W. O'gden relinquishes his his commission: dm oompletiota of service, and commission. 3 July 1921. retains his rank). 6>tih, Aug. 1921. •ARMY MEDICAL .SERVICE. MEMORANDA. ; K.A.M.C. Qrmr. & LtJ-Col. (temp. Lt.-Col.) J. To) be tetmp. Lit.: — Steele, D.C.M., retires on ret. pay, having Gurth Eager. 9 Apr. 1921. attained tHe agej limit for retirement, and is The undermentioned temp. C'apts. relin- granted the rank of Lit.-Col. 28th. July quish their commissions from the dates speci- 1921. fied:— Li. C. Mootre. 6 July 1921. . G. H. H. Waylin. 7 July 1921. or Office, , 5th August, 1921. 2nd (Wessex) Fd. Amb. (D.F.). Temp. C'ap't. W. LI. Cowardin relinquishes TERRITORIAL. FORCE. his commission. 7 July 1921. INFANTRY. I Hon. Artillery Coy. Qnnr. & Lit. J.;H. Skinner resigns his coim- War Office, missioai, and regains his rank. 1st July 5th August, 1921. 1921. REGULAR FORCES. 5th Bn., Border J2J Cap't. W. G. benereaz, from R.A.R.O., ROYAL 'REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. to- b& Qrmr. with the rank of Lit. ' 6th Aug. Qr.-Mr. & 'Capt. H. BOower1 is placed on 1921. i the h.p. list om account of ill-health. 6th GENERAL Aug. 1921. Lt. (DvO1.)' J. N. Cooper-is seconded whilst Infantry. — Qrmr. § C'apt. A. W. Cole resigns emploved at the Royal Arsenal. 1st July his commission, k.nd retains his rank. 1st 1921." July 1921. George Samuel Broadhurst, Rl.G.A., to be Qrmr. &! A. A. PiEcher resigns his L,t. (D.O.). 1st July 19>2'1. conomissioca and iletains his rank. 1st July 1921. INFANTRY. Qrmr. '& Capt. |J. Robson resigns his coooi- mission, and retains his rank. 1st July 1921. Norfdll^ R.—.Qr.-Mr. & Oapt. J. Kavanagh, from Leinster R., to> be Qr.-Mr., with the The undermentioned to be 2'nd Lts. : — rank of Oapt. 6th Aug. 19:21. R.OYAL GARRISON ARTILLERY. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE. 13th (Kent) Medium Bde. — Herbert William Whyrnan. 22nd |July 1921. jR.^'—"Qr.-Mr. & Capt. C. Drury is placed! on the h.p. list on ac'conint of ill- ROYAL ENGINEERS. , health. 6th Aug. 1921. Hampshire (Fort.}\ Engrs. — Henry Weston Wakley. 6th Aug. 1921. ROYAL ARMY ORDNANCE CORPS. I.O.M., 1st Cl., a.nd'Maj. F. H. Phillips INFANTRY. : relinquishes the temp, grading of O.I.O'.M. 6th Bn., Devon. JS.-l— Basil Arthur John Peto.

5th May 1921. 22nd' JulyJ 1921.