Royal Naval Division. Antwerp, Gallipoli & Western Front. Copyright1914-1918. © Leonard Sellers. ISSN 1368-499X

Produced & Designed at Honeysuckle House, 17A, Bellhouse Road, Eastwood, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. SS9 SNL

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1. June 1997. Pages 1-68. Front cover:- Royal Naval Division's postcard of 1916. Introduction to R.N.D. Brief history of the Royal Naval Division, showing the differentbattalions & actions. Antwerp :- Letters by Rupert Brooke on his experiencesduring the campaign Account by Chaplain Clapham Foster, M.A. Observations by J.M.N. Jeffries a correspondent of the 'Daily Mail'. Map :- of Antwerp and surrounding areas. Photo:- Naval Brigade carrying ammunition into the trenches. Naval Brigade in trenches near Antwerp. Crystal Palace:- Poem 'Some observations of Prominent Palations. Photos :- Troops hanging out washing at Crystal Palace. Crystal Palace Post Office- The morning rush formail. Crystal Palace in the Egyptain Court. Crystal Palace the refreshment counterof the Y.M.C.A. Crystal Palace, hammocks. Crystal Palace :- Account of its daily lifeand formationas a training establishment. Gallipoli :- Map of Peninsula & the Dardanelles. Gallipoli :- Reports on the raids by the Plymouth Bn, Marines on Sedd-ul-Bahr & Kum Kale in early March 1915. Lists of Casualties. Map :- Of Gallipoli in the area of Skew Bridge Cemetery, Krithia road, Observation Hill, Achi Baba Nullah, Romano's well, White House, Brown House & BackhousePost. Article on this areas during visit in 1992. Photos :- Dug out on Observation Hill. One of two large ventilation holes. Shelves foundinside. Drake Bn. List of officersin May 1916. Photo:- Drake Bn. cap badge. Lists of Royal Naval Divisions Commanding Officers1914-1918. G.O.C. 1•1 R.Naval. Brigade. Royal Marine Brigade. rc1 G,S,O, 1. 1 st Brigade. 3 (Royal Marine) Brigade. nd AA. & Q.M.G. 2 R.Naval. Brigade. l't (Royal Naval) Brigade. nd nd B.G., R.A. 2 Brigade. 2 (Royal Naval) Brigade.

18s1h Brigade. 189th Brigade. 190th Brigade.

Execution of 4 members of Hood Bn on WesternFront. Part I. WesternFront :- Snippets From 189th Brigade Routine Orders. Accidents. Sanitation. Unserviceable Rockets, Ground Flares, Smoke Candles. Disposal of. Wooden labels. Use of Dummy Detonators. Dangerous Habits. Gifts. Accidental Injuries. Petrol Tins. Cem:eteries. School of Sanitation. Discipline. Dripping. Tent Camouflaging. Blandford. Articleon Collingwood Comer by Roy Adam. Photo :- Collingwood Memorial at 3 Mile Point. Back Cover:- Photos - Captain R.W. Annand VC DL, son of Lieutenant Commander Wallace Annand who was Adjutant of Collingwood Bn. Arm in arm withRoy Adam of the Royal Naval association at Blandford 0114 th June 1996.

Marcel Sellers with Vera Murraythe daughter-in-law of the late Joseph Murray, Hood Bn. at Blandfordon 4th June 1996.

2. September 1997. Pages 69 - 142. Front cover photograph :- Rusting metal on 'W' beach. Crystal Palace poem. 'A Song "I Wish I Were." Photos:- Men training at Crystal Palace. Fruit Stall at Crystal Palace. Douglas Jerrold. Musketry Classes at Crystal Palace. Crystal Palace :- Officers Training. Crystal Palace :- Woman's Work. Dardanelles :- Voyage to. Lists of ships with m1its and numbers carried. Photo:- SS Royal George. Establishment of the R.N.D. . Execution of 4 members ofthe Hood Battalionon Western Front. Part 2. Officerswho died in the Royal Naval Division Air - Cas. Anson Bn. List of battalion's officersMay 1916. Photo:- Anson Bn Cap Badge. Article on Battleof Ancre November 1916. By Captain Christopher Page. Map:- Of battalionlocations and attack lines. Map:- Divisional boundary. Photo:- German barbed wire. Awards 189 h Brigade during 13 h/14 h/15 November 1916. Antwerp:- Official1 report by General1 1 Rawlinson.111 Photo:- Last Train from Antwerp. Dunkirk Harbour at the time ofthe arrival ofthe Naval Brigades. Trenches at Vieux Dieu. Oil Tanks on fire at Hoboken. Map:- Drawn at the time ofthe operations. Gallipoli:- Incident at Gully Ravine, story of 1992 visit. Photo:- Men ofthe R.N.D. coming back to rest camp. Bones in Gully Ravine.

3. December 1997. Pages 143 - 218. Front cover:- R.N.D. Post Card. Photos:- OfR.N.D. Christmas Card. Poem:- Of Colonel Quilter. Photos:- Of Colonel Quilter Grave of Colonel Quilter. Crystal Palace 'The King at the Crystal Palace.' Photo :- Physical training at Crystal Palace. Gallipoli :- Article 'Abide Motel, French Cemetery, Morto Bay, H.M.S. Goliath, S Beach, and Turkish Memorial. Photo:- French Cemetery. Hawke Bn. List of Battalion's officers May 1916. Photo:- Hawke cap badge. · Photo:- Anzac fromthe sea. Anzac:- The Royal Naval Division at. Maps of Anzac. Photos ofDavid Empson. Anzac :- Acc0tmt ofthe operations by Private Thomas Henry Baker of ChathamBn. Account of the operations by Private Joseph Clements of Deal Bn. Fleet Air Arm Museum:- Research at. Officerswho died in the Royal Naval Division Cat - Ely. Antwerp :- Statement by Commodore W. Henderson 1 Royal Naval Brigade. Photos:- Howe Bn. on Mount Temple. 51 R.N.D. Tranports in harbour. 'D' Company Howe Bn. In trenches at Vieux Dieu. Hood Bn. Figurine. Gallipoli:- Medical Unit R.N.D. War Diary. Photo:- Surgeon A. Crook outside his dug out. Intetior of dressing station. Gavrelle Windmill:- Article 28 April 1917. By Kyle Tallett. Photos:- Gavrelle Windmill. 1h Graves. Maps :- Gavrelle area. Photo rear cover :- 1914 Medal of Stoker l st Class S.A. Todd.

4. March 1998. Pages 219-314. Front cover a photo ofHelles Memorial, Gallipoli. Poem 'To the63 rd (RN)Division. Howe Bn. List of Battalion's OfficersMay 1916. Photo of Howe cap badge. Service history of Alan Herbert King of Drake Battalion. Photos of King. Article on theHistory ofthe Royal Naval Division 1914-1918 By Captain C. Page. Photo of Vere Harmsworth. Photos ofRN.D. Bearers escorting German prisoners, August 1918. Poems by A.P. Herbert 'The German Graves' & 'The Tide'. Officerswho died in the Royal Naval Division. - Hea. Photo of Surgeon McCracken, Hood Battalion. Service of McCracken in October 1917. Emm Antwerp.:- Narrativeby Commodore WilfredHenderson. Photos Lieut Capel and Surgeon A.H.Crook near trenches. Locals throwing up apples etc to the R.N.D. in retreat. Crystal Palace Poem:- 'TheTablets of "As it tickleth my fancy.' The R.N.D. Missing an article l st in series by Trevor Tasker. Photos I.D. tags. Graves stones. Incident in 1992 at theNek, Antwerp. Gallipoli :- ArmouredCar Division. Article by Steve Chambers. Photos:- Rolls Royce Armoured cars of the No 3 and 4 Squadrons with ScottMotorcycles. Sub Lieut Illingworthand Mitchell along with men of No 3 Sqd. Onroute 1915. River Clyde at X Beach afterthe landing. Deck ofRiver Clyde in Lemnos Bay prior to landing. On.River Clyde, April 1915. RNACD gun crew on River Clyde. No.3 Sqd. Men manning Maxims. Sub Lieut McClaren with Armoured car in dugout. 4 Rolls Royce cars in shelters. RNACHburial party at Cape Helles. In bivouac at Helles. Q.M. Stores at Helles. Officersin dugouts. Officersand Petty Officers at base camp Helles. Collingwood BattalionMemorial at Blandford. Maps of BlandfordCamp. Photograph of Major General Sir Archibald Paris. 5. June 1998. Pages 315-406. Front cover photograph of a member of the Royal Naval Division in blue uniform. Poems:- 'TheWindmill. A Song of Victory' Concerning Gavrelle. 'The Wisdom of Wunstar.' The experiences of James Thompson, Plymouth Bn. i.r.o. Training, Ostend, Dunkirk & Gallipoli. Photo :- 'Y' Beach� Gallipoli.

Landing of Plymouth Bn at 'Y' Beach by Surgeon R.M. Meller. Photos:- Nelson Bn, returningfrom Ostend on Ship, 101h Oct 1914. Howe Bn, returning fromOstend on ship, showing Commodore Backhouse. Antwerp:- Report by Midshipman Hubert. W. Campion, Hawke Bn. Antwerp:- Map of fort. Photo :- Rupert Brooke. Rupert Brooke, 1 st part of 4 part series on his letters. Poem:- By RupertBrooke 'The Dead'. Copy ofBrooke's Commission of 151h Sept 1914. Photo of Rupert Brooke, outside his BlandfordCamp hut. Poem 'And drowsy drunken seaman.' Poem by Brooke 'The Soldier.' Crystal Palace poem:- 'TheTablets of Azit-Tigleth-Miphansi.' WesternFront :- 'Trench Life' Snippets from 189 Brigade RoutineOrders. Covering :- Damage to crops. 1h Laundry. Sanitation. Discipline. Lime Juice. Cookery. Latrines. Grenades. hlcinerators. Leave. Armourers. Censorship. Vehicles. Leakage of information. Skin Disease. First Aid Rest Camp.

Nelson Bn. List ofBattalion's OfficersMay 1916. Photo:- Nelson Battalion cap badge. Gallipoli:- Reports on Sanitary Conditions. Concerning. :- Liquid 'C'. Dug-Outs andOffices. Manure Heaps. Properties of Liquid. Latrines. Mules. Post Seriptem. Photos :- Communication Trench with Turk's boot and footexposed. Cremating enemy dead. Report on Sanitary Scheme forthe R. N.D. Map of Sanitation area. Account by Joseph Clements, Deal Bn. on Food, Lice & Conditions at Gallipoli. Gallipoli:- Report on Nervous Prostration. Officeswho died in the Royal Naval Division Hen - Lit. Experiences of The Hon Charles Lister at Constantinople During July and August 1914 when employed by British Foreign Office. Poem:-By A.P. Herbert 'TheQuartermaster.' The War Service ofWilliam Shackleton, Howe Bn. Photos:- OfWilliam Shackleton and another in hospital clothing. Article by Trevor Tasker . Part 2 of Introduction to the R.N.D. Missing. Photo :-Serre Road Cemetery, ThiepvalMemo rial. nd Photo rear cover:- z Royal Naval Brigade, practising an attack, Jm1e 1915.

6. September 1998. Pages 407 - 510. Front cover photo:- Sub Lieutenant Edwin Dyett's grave. Poem:- 'The R.N.D. at the Crystal Palace Army.' The War History ofWilliam George Benham, officerof Hawke Bn. Hood Bn. List ofOfficers May 1916. Photo ofHood Battalion cap badge. Antwerp:- Often Overlooked those who died whilst interned. Poem:- 'Youth & Age.' Photo : -Rupert Brooke in uniform. nd Rupert Brooke :-z part ofthe Letters of Rupert Brooke, training & voyage to the east. Photo :-Hood Bn, Officers at Blandford Camp Feb 1915. Photos:- OfBrooke's I.D. disk. On Grantully Castle, shows officers Freyberg, Parsons & Hood. Grantully Castle at Mudros. Hood Bn. Officers on boat deck. Map ofLemnos, drawn by Patrick Shaw Stewert. Photos :- Battleship approaching port at Malta. Officers exercising on the Grantully Castle. Shows officers, Kelly, Graham & Nobbs. Lemnos in March 1915 showing 'A' Company Hood Bn. with officersFreyberg & Nelson. Lemnos.Officer Johnny Dodge naked. Poem:- 'Zero' by A.P.Herbert. 'Moral' by A.P. Herbert. Officers who died in theRoyal Naval Division. Lov- Ree. Photo:- 2 men ofHood Bn ofLewis Gun Section. Lewis Gun Training on Western Front by Joseph Murray ofHood Bn. Antwerp:- 'Retreat to Internment,.' By StaffOfficer, Major Seely. Gallipoli:- Anson Bn. at Sulva & Anzac August 1915. Map :- Sulva area. Photos :- 'A' Beach at Sulva Bay waiting forwater. Full List of Officersand men with graves at Helles. Lancashire Landing Cemetery. 173 graves. 'V' Beach Cemetery. 2 graves. Pink Farm Cemetery. 26 graves. Twelve Tree Copse Cemetery. 29 graves. Skew Bridge Cemetery. 127 graves. Redoubt Cemetery. 176 graves. Full List of Officers and men with graves at Anzac. Lone Pine Cemetery. 7 graves. th 4 BattalionParade Ground Cemetery. 3 graves. Courtney's and Steel's Post Cemetery. 4 graves. Quinn's Post Cemetery. 1 grave. Walker's Ridge Cemetery. 1 grave. Beach Cemetery. 23 graves. Shrapnel Valley Cemetery. 3 graves. Ari Bumu Cemetery. 1 grave. Full List of officers and men at Suvla. Lala Baba Cemetery. 2 graves. Map of Graves on Gallipoli Peninsula. Abbeville Graves in this Area of France, article by Trevor Tasker. Le Crotoy Cemetery. Arry Cemetery. DoudelainvilleCemetery. Abbeville Cemetery. Map of Abbeville Area. Photo:- Graves at Le Crotoy Conununal Cemetery. Including Edwin Dyett'sgrave. Maps of Somme Bay, Doudelainville and Abbeville Cemetery. Photo rear cover:- Men of 63'd(RN) Div with a dead Fox in 1918.

7. December 1998. Pages 511- 622. Front Cover Photo Commander Walter Stemdale Bennett of the Drake Bn. Poem:-To The Regiment A Christmas Message'. By A.P. Herbert. Crystal Palace, Blandford& Gallipoli the experiences of Arthur Egerton Watts. Leading Seaman & Sub Lieutenant Collingwood Bn. Poem:- 'We Are Fred Kamo's Navy'. Photos :- Collingwood broach. At King's inspection Pimpeme, Blandfordin February 1915. Poem:- 'Dedication' by A.P. Herbert. Rupert Brooke:- 3'd Part of the Letters of Rupert Brooke, Egypt. Photos:- At the Sphinx. Rupert Brooke ill under green canvas awning April 1915. nd Sub Lieutenant William Denis Browne. 2 The fleet at anchor in Trebuki Bay at Skyros. Practising boat drill in Trebuki Bay, Skyros. View fromthe fo'c'sle of Grantully Castle. Rupert Brooke's grave. Maps :- R.N.D. Camp at Egypt. Sketch map of Skyrosdrawn by Rupert Brooke. Poems:- 'Fragment' by Rupert Brooke. 'The Dance' by Rupert Brooke. 'Lines foran Ode-Threnody on England' by Rupert Brooke. 51 } & Battalions list of officersMay 1916. nd Photo2:- Royal Marine cap badge. Antwerp :-The experiences of Sub Lieutenant Ivor Fraser Hawke Bn. Royal George :-Thevoyage ofthis transportfrom 27th Feb 1915 to 25th May 1915. Photos:- Men of Hood Bn. on Grantully Castle 271h/28tlt April 1915. Alnwick Castle towing a water lighter. Commander Walter Stemdale Bennett D.S.O. & Bar Drake Bn. Experiences Photos:- Stemdale Bennett. In trench at Gallipoli. With his Bn. Officerson Western Front. Drake's Drum. Bennet's grave. Drawing by Stemdale Bennett. Maps:- Two maps ofGavrelle. Copy of receipt for Drake's Drum. Uniforms:- Article by Martin Brayley. Photos :- Ofdi fferentstages of unifonn. Officers who died in the Royal Naval Division. Ree - Sta, Dozinghem Military Cemetery, article by Trevor Tasker. Map:- Ypres & Poperinghearea. Dozinghem Cemetery. Poem :- 'The Army System'. Photo rear cover :- Greek trader on W Beach, Gallipoli.

8. March 1999. Pages 623-726. Front cover photo :-Arthur Waldeme St ClairTisdall.VC. Description of the R.N.D. by Churchill. Poem:- 'TheBattle of Codson's Beard' by A.P. Herbert. Antwerp :- List of Officerswho served at Antwerp by battalion. Arthur Waldeme Tisdall V.C. J\nsonBn. articleby David Heald. Photo :- River Clyde agrom1d on V Beach. V Beach 251 April 1915. Daniel Dunn, A.B. Nelh son & Hawke Battalions, R.N.D. service. Photo:- Daniel Dunn. Copy of 'Certificate For \Vom1ds and Hurts.' Poem:- 'Digging, a song of the spade' by A.P. Herbert Officers who died in the Royal Naval Division. Sta - You. March 1918. Backs to the WaH--TheRoyal Marines - By Kyle Tallett. Map:- Of March retreat and daily positions ofR.N.D. Photos :-Troops attackingwearing gas masks. Dead troops duringa gas attack. Aveluy Wood -The Royal Marines FightBack, April 1918. By Kyle Tallett. nd rd DivisionalHeadquarters, I"\ 2 & 3 Brigade Headquarters, lists ofofficers May 1916. Partof Rupert Brooke, concerninggrave at Skyros. Visit by Rupert Brooke:- th HMS. Endeavour 4 Photos:- Rupert Brooke's grave. 5th April 1920. Grave with comer pillars. Rugby memorial plaque. Statuememorial to Brooke. Cross at CliftonRoad, Cemetery. War Serviceof Melvi lle VernonHouse, Royal Marines, Divisional Train. Copy of Attestationpapers. Antwerp:- The Missing Car by Sub LieutenantS.R. Chichester. Paymaster's Staff, Motor Driver. Motor Owners Drivers, article by Tony Froom. Notes from the Front :- Royal Naval Divisions Memorandum at Gallipoli. Trench warfare. Trench design. Part 1 of War History of Able Seaman Thomas Macmillan. Benbow Bn. The Beginning. Crystal Palace. Blandford. Photo:- Royal Naval Division recruiting poster. th Poem:- Blandford. 'Collingwood Act of Remembrance - 4 June 1998. Naval Trench Cemetery. Article by Trevor Tasker. Map:- Naval Trench Cemetery & area of Gavrelle. Photo:- Arial Photo of Naval Trench Cemetery. Ship's Company HMSDragon. RND Anchor Memorial. Cross of Sacrifice. Headstone of L/Smn Burdon and Hawke Bn badge. Naval Ensign. Photo rear cover :- Officerschickens (Gallipoli.)

Index Number 1. For issues 1 to 8 inclusive. Photo frontcover :- Albert John Walls, Stoker 1 st Class, Hood Bn. Showing early uniform. His service history on inside page. Thereare over 100 pages of this index. hlcluding a date system as any date mentioned has a page number. Photo rear cover :- Royal Naval Division Memorial at Greenwich.

9. June 1999. Pages 727 - 832. Front cover:- Photo of a Royal Naval Division recruiting poster. Antwerp :- Part 1 'The Moerbeke Affair. Photo:- Train carrying R.N.D. passes an armoured train. Grave of Colonel F. W. Luard. Portsmouth Bn. Gallipoli:- Diary of Sapper ErnestLeo nard Mason. Engineers Unit, R.N.D. Photo :- ErnestMason. Grave of ErnestMason. Poem:- 'Those who lived, and those who died. Reports of The Rev Bevill Close on stretcher carrier at Gallipoli. Photo:- The Rev Bevill Close conducting a funeralat Skew Bridge Cemetery. WesternFront :- Notes fromthe War Diary of Assistant Provest Marshall. Poem:- 'Whizz Bang'. Notes fromthe front:- A Lecture on Trench Warfare. Machine Gtm Company, Cavalry Corps Troops Supply Column, Cyclist Company, Engineer Units, & Divisional Train, Medical Unit & SignalCompany. List of officersMay 1916. Poem:- 'To James' by A.P. Herbert. TheMaligned iro poem by A.P. Herbert. Poem:- 'TheChain of Responsibility' by A.P. Herbert. Part 2. Of War History of Able Seaman Thomas Macmillan. Benbow Bn. Into Battle at Gallipoli. French Senegalese. Lice & Flies. Swimming. First Advance by Benbow Bn. Battle of4 th June 1915. (3rd Battle ofKrithia.) Benbow Bn disbanded. Dysentery. 52nd Lowland Division's attack of 12 h;13th July 1915. Photos:- Fish killed by Asiatic Anne. 1 Backhouse Post. Surgeon Boswick inOxford Communication Trench. Entrance to Regent Street. Lieutenant Spencer Warwick bringing in 'C' Company Anson Battalion.

1st Platoon 'A' Company, Drake Battalion. R.N.D. Salvage on 'W' Beach. Inspectionof Howe Bn. by General Sir Ian Hamilton. h Maps:- Showing Turkish Advanced trenches 51 July 1915. Map marked secret of frontline trenches 18th July 1915. WesternFront :- Account by Surgeon Lieutenant A.L.P. Gould. During retreat March 1918. Photos :- Examining the dead British and German. Prepared fora gas attack. Peom :- 'Beaucourt Revisted' by A.P. Herbert. Casualties of the Royal Naval Division withno knowngraves. Names appear on the Relles Memorial. Ada- Bla. War history of Cpl Francis William Matthews, Royal MarineLight Infantry, Portsmouth Battalion. Action at Anzac. Photo:- Corporal Francis William Matthews. Photo:- Rear cover Shrapnel Valley Cemetery and Aileen Thompson.

10.September 1999. 833 - 940. Front Cover:- Photo TheRoyal Marines at Ostend in 1914. Poem:- 'Great Thoughts' Pait 3 ofwar History ofAble Seaman Thomas Macmillan. DrakeBattalion. Stalemate & Evacuation at Gallipoli. Photo :- Cypress tree at entrance to Eastern Mule Trench. Firing Line in old R.N. Division Sector. French native troops unloading ammunition fromRiver Clyde. French trenches.

1 st R.M.L.L in trenches. R.M.L.I. Mules and horses in a "K" Drifter. Men of theHood Bn at Lemnos. Songs :- Working, Working. Working. TheMoon shines bright on Charlie Chaplin. Roamin in thegl oamin. The Turks they did attack. 1h th Map :- Diagram of enemy trenches. Nov. l0 & 1 g _ Poem:- 'On Standing to' by A.P. Herbert. Casualties ofthe Royal Naval Division with No Known Graves. Names on Helles Memorial. Bia-Cha. Official Memorandum for official use, August 1915. fai.ract.. from "Engineer Training. Map:- OfTrench construction. Antwerp :- Part 2. Ofthe Moerbeke Affair. Plan of Moerbeke railway station. Antwerp:- Official reports October 1914. Poem :- 'To My Platoon Sergeant Who May Command Me Anything'. \Var History of PettyOfficer John Robert Wilkinson, Benbow, Collingwood & Hood Battalions. Photos :- Officialreports. Prisoner ofWar Camp. J. R. Wilkinson. And others. War History ofPetty Officer T. McLaughlin, Collingwood Battalion. Western Front:- Reports on 'What the Army Higher Command Thought of the 63'ct (RN) Division. Article on graves at Orchard Dump Cemeteryin Association with the Arras Memorial to the Missing by Trevor Tasker. Map :-OfOrchard Dump Cemetery. Graves in Gavrelle area. Photos :- Lt. Neville Lion. Orchard Dump Cemetery. Arras Memorial to the Missing. Rear cover photo:- Blandford Camp.

11. December 1999. 941 - 1042. Front cover:- Photo ofRoyal Naval Division's money collection for Christmas, 1914. Drawing of 'The Rum Ration'. Poem :- 'Rum' by A. P. Herbert. Casualties of the Royal Naval Division withNo known graves. Names appear on theHelles Memorial at Gallipoli. Cha - Dit. Part 4 Ofthe War History of Able seaman ThomasMacmillan. Drake Bn. & 188th Brigade Clerk. Rest & Retraining. To France. Marseilles. Souchez. Bully Grenay. Photos:- 2nct Field Ambulance drilling in P (Phenate) Helmets at Fresnicourt, July 1915. Parade 2nd Field Ambulance in Camp June 1916. Orchard Valley Relay Bearer Post. 2nctField Ambulance. Note anti gas blankets. Rat Pit Bearer Post in Bovril Alley. A Communication trench between Bully-Grenay and the Angres Sector. 2nd Field Ambulance. Trench Cross Roads, Angres Sector, Bully Alley and Pyrenees Trench, 1916. Bovril Alley, Communication Trench from Bully-Grenay to Angres Sector. 18 pounder Field Gun emplacementsin mid-distance. A working party going along a narrow trench. Ruins ofNouletteChateau, 1916. A view of British wire and across "No Man's Land". Front Line, Angres Sector (Opposite to Lens). Poem:- 'Patrols' by A.P. Herbert. Royal Naval Division Memorandum August 1915. Hints on theoccupation and relief of trenches. Medical Report of the Action on 4th June 1915. (3rd Battle ofKrithia.) Drawings of Brown House & Achi Baba. Crystal Palace :- Report on the Inspection at the R.N.D. Depot. l01 November 1915. Gallipoli revisited:- By Joseph Murray ex Hood Bn. visit in 1914 andh his observations. Photos:- British and French troops at the Brown House. White House a positioncaptured by Hood Bn, on 61h May 1915. h Presentation of machine gun Friday 141 May 1915. The French General D' Amade. Presentation of machine gun captured fromthe Turks to General D'Amade. Obituary of Joseph Murray, Hood Bn. Photos:- Joseph Mmray when blind. Joseph Murray in Feb 1915. Ancre Battle of- 13th/14 November 1916. Actions by the !5 Honourable Artillery Company. h l 90 Brigade. 1h 1 Report1 by Medical Officer of Honourable Artillery Company concerning actions 13th/14th Nov. War experiences of Petty OfficerJohn Tweddle, Collingwood, Howe, Benbow, Anson, Nelson & Hawke Battalions. Photos :- JohnTweddle & at Blandford Camp. Scoll that commemorates John Tweddle. Poem :- 'Granded'. Report on Stores and Equipment forvoyage to Gallipoli. Photos:- Walkers Ridge Cemetery, Anzac, Looking from cemetery towards Sulva Bay and theSalt Lake. From Walkers Ridge Cemetery looking down to The Sphinx to Ari Bumu Cemetery. Rear cover photo:- Lieutenant Hedderwick of Hood Bn with his men in a front line trench.

12.March 2000. Pages 1043 - 1140. Front Cover:- Photo of 63rd (RN) Division'sMachine Gun Company. Part 5. Of the War history of Able Seaman Thomas Macmillan. Brigade Clerk 188th & 1891h Brigade Clerk The Battleof the Ancre. Rest & Renewal. 189th Brigade Headquarters. Sub Lieutenant Dyett. Christmas day 1916. Returnto Beaucourt. Photos:- Flooded area in Ancre Valley. Mill at Beaucourt sur Ancre. A smashed up mill near St. Pierre Divion, Nov 1916. Railway Stationat Beaucourt. A railway wagon destroyed by shell fire,near Beaucourt, November 1916. German Trench Howitzer captured at Beaucourt. Surgeon C. H. Gow of Anson Bn who was killed 13th Nov. 1916. Surgeon Gow and two R.A.M.C. Officersin Advanced Dressing Station at Ablain-St-Nazaire. Changing the Guard. St. Firmin by Hawke Battalion. Poem:- 'AfterThe Battle' by A. P. Herbert. Casualties of the Royal Naval Division With No Known Graves. Names appear on the Relles Memorial, Gallipoli. Dix -Far. Poem:- 'The Dud' by A. P. Herbert. Chatham Battalion, R.M.L.I. War Diary at Gallipoli. From 6th February 1915 to 271h July 1915. Voyage. Anzac. Relles. Photos :- Officers of Chatham Bn on bridge of S�'>Cawdor Castle. Narrow crowded beach at Anzac. Map:- Early time at Anzac. Ships that transported the R.N.D. the SS Cawdor Castle. Dunkerque, Cassel & Antwerp. The Actions of the Royal engineers detachment attached to Royal Marine Brigade by Captain Everard Home Rooke. Photos ;- Men of the R.N.D. at Vienne Dieu Fort. Refugees passing through Vienne Dieu. Death Sentences passed on men of R.N.D. Article by Kyle Tallett. \VesternFront :- Extractsfrom the diary of Captain Harold Hom lst Bn. R.M.L.I. From 8th March 1917 to 7th June 1919. The Islands:- Consecration of the British Military Cemetery at Portiannos, Lenmos on Monday 27 March 1916. Photo1h :- Of Consecration. Hymn sheet. Plan of Cemetery. Crystal Palace:- Photograph of about 150 Officerswith name key. Rear Cover photograph of Betteshanger Church, Kent and R.N.D. Panel.

13. June 2000. Pages 1141 - 1248. Front Cover Photo:- Recruits at Crystal Palace. Poem:- 'At The Dump' by A.P. Herbert. Casualties of the Royal Naval Division. Names appear on theHelles Memorial, Gallipoli. Far-Fre. Part 6. Of the War History of Able Seaman Thomas Macmillan, Brigade Clerk to l 89th Brigade. Puisieux & River Trenches. Pys & Miramont. Road & Railway Construction. 51 With the 1 anny. Gavrelle. d 231 April 1917. 1 24 h April 1917. Roclincourt. Drawing :- Some sepulchred Gavrelle. Walmer, Blandford & H.MT Ivernia. An unpublished account in 3 parts of his experiences in the R.N.D. Divisional Engineers- Signals. By Reginald Gale. Part 1 :- Recrnit. Walmer. Journeyto BlandfordCamp. Blandford Camp. Afloat. Photos :- Reginald Gale. Blandford Camp huts. Y.M.C.A. Hut at Blandford. Rest room at BlandfordCamp. Set table fordinner at BlandfordCamp. Mudros harbour. Tents & fleet in Mudros harbour at the island ofLemnos. Songs:- 'Round the corner,under the tree. 'We are Freg Karno'sarmy. We are theR.N.D. Groningen, Holland:- Internmentin Holland the eA'J)eriencesof Able Seaman John Henry Bentham. Benbow Bn. I try to escape. Our main attempt. I am commissioned. Photos :- Kaze:ine, Groningen. Group around piano. Groningen Camp. Key to Christmas dinner photo. Christmas dinner. The Harrier's Club running in snow. Workshop. On a route march. Rugby Team. One tired sentry. The Dutch War Minister and Commandant. John Henry Bentham. Sulva Bay, Gallipoli. 2"d Field Ambulance. From 4th August 1915 to 4th September 1915. Account day by day. Map :- Suvla Bay. An-as :- R.N.D. Missing at Affasin Association with Po:int-Du-Jour Cemetery. Article by Trevor Tasker. Maps:- Around Gavrelle. Around Arras. Photos :- Aerial photograph taken the day before the capture of Gavrelle. Hood memorial cross. Gavrelle Church. Western Front:- Complaints ofa Wife-The HusbandsLetters.

Photos :- Anzac :- Sniper's shield and otheritems. Top of Shrapnel Valley, Anzac looking towards the frontLine. Looking down Shrapnel Valley towards the sea. Rear Cover photo:- Royal Naval engineers at Walmer, Kent on a bridge.

14. September 2000. Pages 1249-1354. Front Cover photo :- Group photo of R.N.D. Readers Gallipoli tour at theWhite House, captured by Hood Bn on 61h May 1915. Poem :- 'Cold Feet' by A.P. Herbert. Antwerp:- Account by Ordinary Seaman H. Mellanby, Collingwood Bn. Casualties of theRoyal Naval Division. Names appear on theRelles Memorial. Fre- Hol. Part 7 Of theWar History of Able Seaman Thomas Macmillan. Brigade Clerk to 189 Brigade. Blighty leave. 1h Returnto Rocl:incourt. To the Ypres Salient. Herzeele. Ypres Salient. Map:- Of area of operations Oct/Nov 1917. Poem:- 'When mothers with gladness'. Photo:- Arthur Mellaud Asquith. Ships that transported the R.N.D. SS Gloucester Castle. Theservice historyof William Bradley, Nelson Bn. Photos:- William Bradley. The early days outside a tent. fu camp. With bandaged arm. R.N.D. Divisional Engineers, Signals. 'Solo Saga' By Reginald Gale. Part 2. Ashore. th Battle of 4 June 1915. 5t11 June 1915. Back to rest camp. We make a move. futerlude on Imbros. Photos:- French advancing to the firing line. French "75" at footof Caesar's Hill. French "75" Concealed fromaircraft. Zimmem1an's Farm. R.N.D. Div HQ Signals Office at Gallipoli. Bathers in Morta Bay. W Beach on 1 Oth October 1915. Section 2 at W Mule Trench in August 1915. Signal Office. R.N.D. Signallers laying cable. A Despatch rider Signal Company. Maps:- Front line dated30.ll.15. Signal Communications l21h July 1915. Western Front:- ls1 Royal Marines at Miraumont. By Kyle Tallett. Plan & Battle. The cost. Conclusion. Honours and awards. TheBattlefield Today. Map :- Plan of attack. Miraumont Feb 1917. Miraumont Now. Photos:- Lower end of Sunken Road. Further up this Sucken Road, the objective of Howe Bn. A view to kill. Holland Wood. View Sunken Road to Baillescourt Farm. WesternFront :- fuvestigation of a case of Desertion prior to attackof lib February 1917. Gallipoli. :- Medical report on malaria. Article on the R.N.D. in Queens Cemetery Bucquoy. By Trevor Tasker. Copy of burial return. Map :- Of original burial sites of RND graves now in Queens Cemetery. Thenaughtiest Royal Marine ofW.W. l ? by John Morcombe. Photo :- TI1elast annual meeting ofthe Royal Naval Division Association at Greenwich 1981.

15.December 2000. Pages 1355- 1462. Front Cover photo:- Royal Naval Division Christmas Card of 1917. Poem:- 'ThroughThe Gate OfHorn' by A.P. Herbert. Articleon Sub Lieutenant A. P. Herbert, Hawke Bn. by John Bailey. Photos:- A.P. Herbertas an Ordinary Seaman in Sept 1914. 1915 as Sub Lieutenant. Lieut.William Ker. Lieut C. S. Codner. Poem :- 'The General Inspectingthe trenches.' By A. P. Herbert. Gallipoli :- Memorandum - Instructions fordefence against asphyxiating gas. Casualties ofthe Royal Naval Division with no known graves. Names appear on the Helles Memorial. Hol - Hyl. Gallipoli:- Extracts fromletters By Kenneth Robert Dundas, an officerof the Collingwood & Anson Battalions. Photos:- The grave ofThe Hon Kenneth Dundas. View fromLala Baba Cemetery,Sulva, looking towards 'C' Beach. View from cemetery across the Salt Lake. Kenneth Robert Dundas. nd Commodore Oliver Backhouse thecommanding officer of 2 Brigade. Poem:- 'Open Warfare' By A.P. Herbert. WesternFront :-Reporton Operations 301h August to 81.h September 1918. Battle ofDrocourt Queant Line. Map:- Operations from August 21st October JO'" 1918. Photos :- Canal-Du-Nord & InchyEn Artois fromthe air. Transport crossing Canal Du Nord. Canal Du Nord & Moeuvres fromthe air. Gallipoli:- Report on SelflnflictedWounds. Antwerp :- TheExamination ofSir Archibald Paris at theChatham enquiry of1919. Map:- OfAntwerp and areas, marked in red at thetime ofthe campaign. Photos:- Sir Archibald Paris. Troops in aditch. Marines on guardwatched by locals. Copy oforiginal order for retreatsinged by Paris. Gallipoli:- Report by General Sir Ian Hamilton on the condition ofthe Royal Naval Division. Gallipoli:- R.N.D. Divisional Engineers, Signals. 'Solo Saga' by Reginald Gale. Part 3. Back again. Sedd-el-Bahr. Advance in the July heat. PortArthur. TI1efinal tour. Photos :- Ruins ofSedd-el-Bahr. French troops picking outthe clothingof their wounded and dead. R.N.D. Signals, the General visits thetrenches. Frogging in the Nullah. Firingline with snipers at work. Lieut. Hedderwickof Hood Bn ha ving hair cut. Greenwich:- Final OfficialReunion ofRoyal Naval Division Association. Final Memorial Service by J.H. Bentham. A privileged onlooker by Tony Froom. Photo:- Royal Naval Division's Memorial on Horse Guards Parade. Back page photo :- Gallipoli - A Catapult etc.

16. March 2001. Pages 1463 -1569. Front cover photo :- Hood Bn. cap badge. Poem 'A Song ofPlenty' by A.P. Herbert. Western Front :-The German attack ofMarch 1918 by Douglas Jerrold. Map :- Ofretreating R.N.D. locations.

Antwerp :- Report by Walter Trefusis, Commanding Officerof Collingvwod Bn. War history of A.B. Joseph Threlfall of Howe Bn. who served as Milne, by PeterThrelfall. Photos :- Peter Threlfallat grave. Graves with both names. Church:- Christ The King. Memorial board. Remembrance cross. Gallipoli :- Part I of the diaries of Sub Lieutenant James Hilton, Sub Lieutenant, Hood Bn. From August to September 1915. 'The Mudhook' Artemas. Western Front:- 7 Bn. Royal Fusiliers, 190 Brigade. From 22nd July 1916 to Includingraid1h on J1h November 1916.1h Battle ofthe Ancre 13t1'/14 November 1916. Photo :- 7t1• Bn. Royal Fusiliers.1h Beaucourt Village fromthe air. Field Kitchens near Hamel 1916. Map :- Area near Beaucourt Sur Ancre. Gallipoli, Islands & Western Front. The lettersof Sir Archibald Paris, commanding officerRoyal Naval Division 1914-1916. Photos:- Lt. Commander Cheston 2nd O.C. Nelson Bn with Major General Paris and Commodore Oliver Backhouse OC 2nd Brigade at Blandford Camp. SS Franconia on route to Port Said, March 1915. Distribution ofPrincess Mary's Xmas Giftat PortSaid, Egypt. Single stick fightingon board SS Franconia. Pillow fighting on SS Franconia. A fewof the wounded on SS Franconia. Gallipoli :- Photographs - Entrance to Redoubt Cemetery. Tree-lined track from Krithia Road, leading to the cemetery. The fieldof poppies opposite the entrance to Redoubt Cemetery. Western Front:- EdwinLeopold Arthur Dyett.Executed Sub Lieutenant ofNelson Bn. Official reports. Casualties ofthe Royal Naval Division with No known graves. Names appear on the Helles Memorial. Iles - Kin. th Gallipoli:- Article on commemoration ofevacuation walk of6 Sept 2000 with R.N.D. Readers Tour number 2. Blandford Camp :- Article 'Out ofthis Stony rubbish.' Excavation ofR.N.D. mbbish dump. Photos :- Items found. Poem 'TheVoice ofthe Slaves'. By Driver Moore, H.Q. D.A.C, R.N.D. Rear Cover photo:- Hood Battalionchina. Index Number 2. For Issues 9 to 16 inclusive. Photo frontcover :- Early morning supplies from Crystal Palace. There are about 100 pages of this index. Including a date system as any date mentioned has a page number. Photo rear cover:- Men on parade at Crystal Palace.

17. June 2001. Pages 1570 - 1679. Front cover photo :- Nelson Bn. cap badge. Poem:- 'Ballade of Incipient Lunacy' by A. P. Herbert. War history of Brigadier Basil Rackham, M. C. & Bar. Lieut & Adjutant Hawke Bn. Crystal Palace. 'D' Company Hawke Bn. The Public Schools Company. Blandford Camp, Dorset Aug 1915. Tradition in Royal Naval Division. To Gallipoli withHawke reinforcementdraft. Ashore at Gallipoli. Opinion of Turks. Views on the senior conunanders. Opinions on man & officer. Evacuation. Mudros & Imbros. Transfer to France. Training on WesternFront. Battle of Ancre 13th Nov. 1916. How his character was developed by experiences. Informing wives & parents of men who had been killed. Writing a war diary. Commanding Officersof theHawke Bn. Winter 1917. Action at the Puisieux and River Trenches, Feb 1917. Awarded Military Cross. April 191 7 - Gavrelle. Passchendaele. Winter Conditions. Welsh Ridge. German March 1918 Offensive. Gassed. Awarded Bar to Military Cross. Return to France. To England. Demobilised at Crystal Palace. Photos:- Basil Rackham in sailor's uniform. Rackham in dress unifonn. Gallipoli:- Part 2 of TheDiaries of Sub Lieut. James Hilton, Hood Bn. October & November 1915. Anzac, Gallipoli. War history of Charles Leslie Swales. A.B. Nelson Bn From 24th Feb. 1915 to 3n1 May 1915. And an analysis of the Battle experience of his platoon experience of his platoon by his son Captain R. C. Swales. Photos:- Charles Leslie Swales. His R.N.D. Identity Disc. Blandford Camp, Lieut Col. Edmund Eveleigh and the Rev Robert Primrose, Nelson Bn. Nelson Bn landing at Skyros. Nelson Bn field Day on the island of Skyros, in Artillery formation. Part of Nelson Bn resting on Skyros. Officers of Nelson Bn on ship. Nelson Bn on SS Minnetoaka listening to Colonel Eveleigh explaining what is being done on Sunday 251 April 1915. A group of m1identified ratings.h Charles Swales with two others. Ratings training with Semaphore flags. Casualties of the Royal Naval Division with no known graves. Names appear on Belles Memorial, Gallipoli. Kin - Leg. Examination of Commander S.W. Beadle, R.N. Commanding Officerof Hawke Bn. Gallipoli :- Reports on Medical Administration of a Division Holding a Sector of Defence, In Trench Warfare. "A" General preservation of health. "B" Dealing with the sick" "C" Dealing with the woID1ded. Poem:- 'TheGreen Estaminet' by A. P. Herbert. th nd WesternFront :- Report on Operations 27 September to 2 October 1918. The Battle of Canal du Nord. Maps :- Of area of operations. Photos :- Anneux Factory near the Cambrai to Bapaume Road fromthe air. Cambrai fromthe air. Smoke over town. Bapaume Road to Cambrai from the air. Blandford:- Reports from the Dorset County Chronicle and Somerset Gazette on the Camp. Photo:- Making the roads at Blandford Camp. Gallipoli. Photos:- Entrance to Twelve Tree Copse Cemetery. View of Cemetery. View fromCemetery to Dardanelles. Rear Cover Photo:- Churchill at Blandford 25 February 1915. 1h 18. September 2001. Pages 1680 -1795. Front cover photo :- Anson Bn. cap badge. Poem 'Fate' by A. P. Herbert. Ostend, Dunkirk, Cassell & Antwerp:- Experiences of Sergeant W.H. Meatyard, Plymouth Bn. RM.LI. Transcribed by Bob Thompson. Photos :- Officersin a cattle train travelling fromBurges to Ostend. Disembarking at Admiralty Pier Dover. Casualties of theRoyal Naval Division with no known graves. Names appear on the Helles Memorial, Gallipoli. Lei - Mar. Gallipoli :- 'AfterNineteen Years some notes on the cruise to Gallipoli April - May 1934 by Lieutenant F.H.Mann, R.N.V.R. Formerly R.N.D. Engineers. Poem:- 'On such a day thesong of one was stilled'. Photos :- 'TheVineyard' near the KrithiaRoad. Howe Bn at the R.N.D. rest camp of Drake's Hill. 'X' Beach in November 1915. Horse lines in the French areas, showing the water towers. Poem:- 'The Helles Hotel' by A. P. Herbert. WesternFront :- Report on Operations 5th to gth October 1918. The Battle of Cambrai. Photos :- Major General Blacklock the Commanding Officer. TheCanal. Maps :- Of the area. WesternFront :-Article on The RN.D's 'Suicide Club' 63rd (RN) Machine Gun Battalion. By Allan C. Mott. Photos:- Cap badge of63 rd (RN) Machine gunners. 4 Machine gunners. TheWar Experiencesof Commander Archibald Walter Buckle D.S.O.& Three Bars. Photos:- Commander Buckle's portrait. The Last Paradeof theRN.D. on Horse Guards Parade, London. Buckle as a PettyOfficer. Buckle as an officerwith his wife. Commander Buckle. Buckle's grave. Buckle's medals. Memorial Service sheet. Gallipoli:- 3rd Part ofthe Diaries ofSub Lieut. James Hilton, Hood Bn. December 1915 to January 1916 incl. Sketch by Sid Fish of the view ofthe islands fromHood BattalionBivo uacs. Royal Naval Division Roll of Honour - Naval Battalions- Observations and Analyses by Thomas S, Muirhead. Analysis Year by year. The Islands:- Reports on duties forthe R.N.D. after Gallipoli. Rear page photo:- TheAnson Battalion Roll of Honour.

19.December 2001. Pages 1796-1905. Front Cover photo:- R.N.D. Christmas card ofl917. Poem :- 'TheBallard ofJones' s Blighty' by A. P. Herbert. The1 st Lord and the Royal Naval Division. Minutes By Winston Churchill, August 1914 to May 1915. Research by CaptainChristopher Page. Part 1 of a 3 partSeries. WesternFront :-Theexperiences of Joseph 'Lucky Durham' Murray Hood Bn fromSeptem ber 1916. Experienceson leave. Back from leave. Officers& men. Inspection by Major General Shute. Photos:- Hood Bn. Band. Major General Cameron Shute. Joseph Murray. Copy of Instructions forOfficers and Men proceeding on leave. Song :- 'TheOld Gallipoli'. WesternFront :- Narrative of the Formation and Subsequent Movement of63 rd Divisional Details Battalion in March 1918. Map :- Retreat 1918 by Details Battalion. Antwerp:- Examination by Commander Victor Lindsey Campbell, D.S.O. Commanding Officer Drake Bn. Photos:- Commander Victor Campbell. Antwerp trenches. Children outsideOstend Station scrambling for pennies. At sea, returningfrom Ostend to Dover on SS F'remonia. Poem:- 'The Dug Out' by A. P. Herbert. Defence of the islands. :- Part 4. Of the Diaries of Sub Lieutenant James Hilton, Hood Bn. Febrnary to March 1916 incl. Gallipoli :- The Achi Baba Nullah, Lieutenant L. Cockey washing in the stream. Gallipoli:- Raid at Kum Kale & Landing at 'Y' Beach by Sergeant W. H. Meatyard, Plymouth Bn. R.M.L.I. Transcribed by Bob Thompson. Photographs:- Officersof Pl ymouth Bn on the Braemar Castle. Postcard on fleetto land troops to destroy forts at the entrance to Dardanelles. 'Y' Beach taken on 25th May 2001. 'Y' Beach' Sir Robin Ross & Aileen Thompsonclimbing up in 2000. 'Y' Beach' Kieran Hegarty and Dale Hjort climbing up in 2001. 'Y' Beach view fromthe sea in 2000. Lieut Brown & Colonel Palmer of Plymouth Bn. Surgeon Lieutenant Mellor R.N. ofPl ymouth Bn. Map :- Area of 'Y' Beach. TheWar Diary ofPrivate John Vickers, PlymouthBn of action at 'Y'Beach. Transcribed by Bob Thompson. Ships thattransported the R.N.D. articlethe H.M T Brae mar Castle. Photo :- Braemar Castle. Casualties of the Royal Naval Division with no knovmgraves. Names appear on theHelles Memorial. Mar - Mil. War history of Jack Readman Muirhead D.C.M. Hawke Bn. by his son Thomas S. Muirhead. Photos:- Jack Muirhead In Gallipolitrench. Two German girls a photograph taken froma dead German in 1918. Jack Muirhead with 3 others. Rear cover photo :- Memorial to Lieutenant Stanley Geary of Collingwood Bn. together with detail by Ray Doe.

20.March 2002. Pages 1906 - 2015. Front Cover photo :- Howe Battalioncap badge. Poem :- 'The Mischief -Makers.' By A.P. Herbert. The 1 Lord and the Royal Naval Division. Minutes By WinstonChurchill, August 1914 to May 1915. stResearch by Captain Christopher Page. Part 2 of a 3 part Series. Western Front:- Report on Operations in Aveley Wood. 5th/6th April 1918. Map of area. Antwerp & Groningen. "'Ard Luck". Antwerp & Doberitz. The Diary of a prisoner of war. W. Reid. Able Seaman, Hawke Battalion. Photo:- Winston Churchill & Colonel Seely at Antwerp. Groningen Bread Fund. Poem 'Could You'. 3 Photos Groningen Camp, Holland. Showing gardens and huts. Groningen. 'Impressions of the Camp' by Rev. D. McDougall, M.A. 3 Photos ofGroningen Camp, Holland. Camp fromon high. Men in sports wear. 'The Tin1ber Town Follies' Groningen 'Impressions of Camp' by Rev D. M. Cameron M.A. 4 Photos of Groningen Camp. Band Playing in field. Group of men with dogs. HawkeBn. R.U.F.C. team. Men sitting at table. Poem ' They Also Serve'. 3 Photos of Groningen Camp Commodore Henderson with cup & winning footballteam. Climbing wall in race. Running race. Groningen Camp -ComplaintsBy Some Men. Report by WilfredHenderson the Commodore 1 st R.N. Brigade iro the above complaints. Poem 'Our Path'. Antwerp:- Reportby Major G. S. Richardson. Photo:- Captain Oscar Modin. Gallipoli :- Theterrible experiencesof A.B. ErnestCastle of CollingwoodBn. Gallipoli:- Poem'In Reserve' by A. P. Herbert. 6 colour photos of 'W' Beach Gallipoli. Gallipoli:- Part 5 April 1916-June 1916. TheDiaries of Sub Lieutenant James Curzon Hilton, HoodBn. r

21. June 2002. Pages 2016 - 2124. Front cover :- Drake Battalion cap badge. Poem' TheBomber Gipsey' by A.P. Herbert. The lst Lord and the Royal Naval Division. Minutes by Winston Churchill, 1'1 October 1914 to th May 1915. Research by Captain ChristopherPage. Part 3 of a 3 part Series. 4 Photo:- Winston Churchill. Antwerp:- Examination of Lt. Colonel C McN. Parsons, Commanding Officer ChathamBn. Poem :- Crystal Palace - 'ThePalace Alphabet' Gallipoli a poem :- 'TheBathe' by A.P. Herbert. Photo:- Embarking on SS Somali. Gallipoli:- 'Withthe R.N.D.E. Divisional Engineers at Anzac & Helles by Eric Wettem. Photos :- Washing day on SS Somali. OnBoard SS Aryshire. General Sir Ian Hamilton & Staffat Port Said inspecting the RN.D. Church Parade on Good Friday at PortSaid. 'Y' Beach. 'W' Beach. Wettemin his cellarette. Dixon at home, underground. Engineer Gully. R.N.D. dummies forevacuation. 6 colour photos of Gully Ravine. Map. :- French Sector. Western Front:- Welsh Ridge:- Report on Operations in the La Vacquerie - Margoing Sector 30th/31st Dec 1917. Map A. Welsh Ridge area. Map B. Welsh Ridge showing the locations of battalions. Recommendations for medals at the actions of30 h/3 l st Dec 1917. by William Markham lee Egerton, Hood Battalion. 1 R.N.D. Personality:- Captain Houghton Griffiths, Nelson Battalion. Photo:- Captain Griffiths. Gallipoli:- A collection ofletters written by Sub Lieutenants James Curzon Hilton & Sid Fish of Hood Battalion. Casualties of the Royal Naval Division with no known graves. Names appear on the Relles Memorial. Nor - Orr. Back cover:- Photo, Sub Lieutenant Joseph Findlay Dickson R.N.V.R. of Nelson Battalion aboard the SS Franconia.

22.September 2002. Pages 2125 - 2230. Front cover:- Hawke Battalion cap badge. Poem ' The Paralysis OfThe Tenth Platoon'. Article :- 'Royal Naval Service Documents In The Archive ofthe Fleet Air Arm Museum' by Roy Swales. Article:-' The Re-Instatement of the Royal Naval Division Memorial' by Captain Christopher Page. History ofthe memorial. Drawing :- Royal Naval Division Memorial. Photograph :- Laying up of the colours at Greenwich. Poem:-' The War Dream' by A. P. Herbert. Western Front' Repmi on Operations During the 3rct Battle ofYpres :- Passchendaele. Plan :- radio communications. Map:- ofDivision 261h Oct -511i Nov 1917. th Map:- ofDivision 31st Oct- 5 Nov 1917. Operationsof26 th October 1917 of18s 1h Infantry Brigade. Operations of 30th October 1917 of l 901h InfantryBrigade. th th Operations of 31st October 1917 to 5 November 1917 of189 Infantry Brigade. Account ofthe fightingat Paschendaele by member of Artist Rifles. Western Front:- A Collection ofletters by Sub Lieutenant James Hilton ofHood Battalion 4 1i July 1916-16th October 1918. 1 Photograph :- Arthur Asquith. Photograph :- BernardFreyberg. Letter to Hilton by Bernard Freyberg. Photograph:- J. Hilton at Buckingham Palace afterreceivi ng his Military Cross. Casualties of the Royal Naval Division with no know graves. Names appear on the Relles Memorial. Osc -Phi. Photograph:- Navel recruiting march in London, men ofthe R.N.D. to be reviewed by the Lord Mayor of London. Photograph:- Inspection by the Lord Mayor outside the Guildhall. 23.December 2002 Pages 2231 - 2345. Front Cover :-The Camp Magazine frontcover ofDecember 1915. Poem :- The Trench Code by A. p. Herbert. Gavrelle :-The Royal Naval Division telephone messages. Map-Gavrelle & Oppy. Map - The village ofGavrelle. The Hell That Was Gavrelle - An article by Able Seaman Downe, M.M. Anson Bn. Gallipoli:- 'R.N.D. Medical Unit. Details ofofficers of Field Ambulances & Battalions. Photo- OfSurgeon T. C. Blackwell. Gallipoli- Article by Surgeon Lieutenant C. F. Mayne of2°d Field Ambulance. Covering Anzac, Relles and Suvla Bay including Chocolate Hill. Photo :- LifeJacket Drill on SS Franconia. Photo:- Officersof Field Ambulance on beach. Map of Suvla Bay area. Photo:- Christmas Day 1915 in a Dug Out. Photo:- Reunion in 1997. Gallipoli- War Dairy ofRoyal Marine Brigade. Map drawings at the time. Photos :- Surgeon John Pratt in trench, known as Tank Road. Photo:- Sandbag wall across a gully. Poem by A. P. Herbert. 'Twitting the Turk 1 & 2. Antwerp :- Reginald GodfreyMeyer ofColl ingwood Battalion. His service there. Map:- OfAn twerp area. R.N.D. Personality-The Diary ofA.B. James Caldwell. Howe Battalion at Gallipoli and on WesternFront. Photos :- Offamily etc. Gallipoli:- Casualties on Relles Memorial. Phi -Por. Re-Instatement ofthe R.N.D. Memorial by Captain C. Page. Rear Cover :- Members ofHowe Bn. at BlandfordCamp.

24. March 2003. Pages 2346 - 2443. Front cover:- Antwerp on fire, painting on lid ofjewellery box made at Groningen, Holland. Antwerp:- Report by A.A. Gordon at requestof l st Lord ofAdmir alty dated 12/10/14. Gallipoli:- The diary ofJ ames Starkie, sapper No. 2 Field Company R.N.D. fromJune­ December 1915. Including:- Photo:- Sapper 1440 James Starkie. Photos:- R.N.D. engineerstraining in England at camp and bridge making over a river. Photos:- · Groups outside hut. One showing 'Uncle Tom's Cabin. Photo :- Pumping water froma guarded well. Photo:- Teeth being pulled. Photo :- Two men on their way to set a board over a comrade's grave. Photo:- Men ofR.N.D. in trenches. Drawing ofmap oftrenches. Drawing of Achi Baba in distance. Drawing offront line trenches. Photo:- Men in front line. Photo :- Grave ofJ. Starkie. Poem :- by A.P. Herbert. 'At Dawn.' WesternFront :- The Battle of the Ancre. 'Like Kings in a Pageant of Death' by Douglas Jerrold. Photo :- Of Douglas Jerrold. Report of Operation at Battle of Ancre, Nov 1916 by Major General Cameron Deane Shute. Photos:- Nelson Battalion on march in Somme Area. & In camp at Acheux Wood. Article by Private Sidney Howard of 1 st Bn. Honourable Artillery Company detailed forsalvage work after battle of Ancre in Nov. 1916. Photos:- Private Sidney Howard & Bernard Freyberg V.C. Poem:- by A. P. Herbert 'The Rest Rumour'. Antwerp :- Report of the Court oflnquiry into the circumstances of the internmentof the 1 st Royal Naval Brigade in Holland. Held at Royal Naval Barracks, Chatham 24/2/1919. Followed by report by Adjutant General R.M. on enquiry. Followed by Admiralty report. Lettersby Commodore Henderson on the matter. R.N.D. Personality :- 'A Royal Fusilier with the Royal Naval Division. FrederickHenry Hayden. The Railway Locomotive named after the Royal Naval Division. Photos:- of Locomotive on track. Photo :- Of Winston Churchill on the locomotive afternaming the engine at Euston in 1937.