Mandate Removed Covid Death by Amanda Moberly Space, and They Were Able to Ac- Ramsey Gave Report to the Com- [email protected] Commodate More People
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& Bird City Times $125 6 Pages Thursday, January 21, 2021 137th Year, Number 3 Commissioner sworn Additional in; mandate removed Covid death By Amanda Moberly space, and they were able to ac- Ramsey gave report to the com- [email protected] commodate more people. missioners. He said that the hos- A new Cheyenne County Com- “It was a good turnout,” Attor- pital has stayed busy, but the num- missioner was sworn in on Janu- ney Beims told the commission- ber of Covid patients is down. announced ary 11, when Brett Poling was ers. The PCR Covid machine has sworn in and took Commissioner The commissioners reviewed come in. It is set up, and the lab By Amanda Moberly total tested, the testing positiv- Terry Rieger’s seat. Commission- the Public Health Order. Attorney staff has been trained. However, [email protected] ity rate in Cheyenne County is er Rieger did not seek re-election Beims opened by saying the Pub- they cannot use it to test for Co- The Cheyenne County Health 42.6 percent. following the end of his term. lic Health Order is being reviewed vid yet because their ultra-cold Department announced an ad - The local Health Department Also re-sworn in were several key at each meeting. The commission- freezer has not arrived still. The dition Covid-19 death in the released a press release regard- elected officials. The commission- ers must make a motion to rescind reagents that the machine uses for last week. This brings the total ing the Covid-19 vaccines in ers also voted to rescind the Public the order for it to no longer be in the Covid test has to be stored in number of Cheyenne County the county. Please read the an- Health Order, meaning masks are place. The team is recommend- that freezer. residents who have died to 12. nouncement below this article. no longer mandated in the county. ing that the Public Health Order High Plains Mental Health The Covid update posted by People with Covid have a After being sworn in herself, be rescinded at this time, but it is has started seeing patients again. the Cheyenne County Hospital/ wide range of symptoms - rang- Magistrate Judge Paula Keller strongly recommended that resi- They are hoping to begin on-site ing from mild symptoms to se- dents still wear masks and take (instead of Zoom) patient visits Health Department on Monday swore into office Register of Deeds afternoon says that there are vere illness. Symptoms appear Jeanne Dunn, County Clerk Scottprecautions. sometime in the coming months. currently 13 active coronavirus 2-14 days AFTER exposure to Houtman, County Attorney Leslie County Health Nurse Mila Ban- Commissioner Martinez asked cases in Cheyenne County. One the virus. Beims, and Commissioners Roger del said they are seeing sick Co- if the Village has been vaccinated? person is currently hospitalized Some symptoms include: Faulkender and Brett Poling. vid patients, but they have made Mrs. Bandel said that everyone for Covid. fever or chills, cough, short- The county commissioners then it through the holiday spike. The who wanted to has received their The additional Covid-19 ness of breath, fatigue, head- met for their regularly scheduled clusters are getting under control, BRETT POLING first round. death was first announcedache, onloss of taste or smell, sore meeting on Jan. 15, with Commis- Bandel said, so at this point every- “We are 95% done with Phase the hospital’s Friday report. throat, congestion or runny sioners Willy Martinez and Brett one needs to take precautions. One,” Bandel said. Then, once First, he asked for the commis- There have been 12 Cheyenne nose, nausea or vomiting, diar- Poling present, but Commissioner “We are still seeing Covid, but they are told they can, they will sioner’s approval to transfer some County residents who have rhea. Faulkender not present. not like we were,” Bandel said. move forward with Phase Two. funds to cover expenses. He then died due to Covid-19. Please continue to: wash The County Attorney said the At the time of the meeting, there Not knowing how much vaccine said they are getting ready for the The Kansas Department of your hands, stay home when county held their tax sale on Fri- were 15 active cases. the county will receive has made 2021 inspections for EMS. Health and Environment shows sick, social distance, and wear day, Jan. 8. While the listing be- While it will not be mandated it more challenging, she told the Murray said he has visited with Cheyenne County has had a to- a mask. gan with 14 properties, there were if the order is rescinded, it is still commissioners. Phase Two will be Hospital Administrator Ramsey tal of 330 Covid-19 cases. This For more information, con- two properties sold on the morn- strongly recommended that peo- a much larger group, Bandel said. about having the new physician, is an increase of nine cases tact the Cheyenne County ing of the tax sale. Eleven proper- ple still wear masks when they “As of right now, we have no - Dr. Bosen, appointed as the Medi from one week ago. Health Department at 785-332- ties had been redeemed, and one cannot socially distance, Attorney idea when it will be showing up,” cal Director for EMS. Currently, With 330 total cases, and 774 2381. dismissed by the court by the day Beims explained. Bandel said of the vaccines. They Dr. Licke is the County Health -Of of the sale, the attorney explained. Commissioners Poling and are not holding back vaccines for ficer and in that position. Admin- The two properties sold brought in Martinez both voted to rescind the the second round because KDHE istrator Ramsey is looking to get over $9,000. Public Health Order, which means sends the second dose out, she Dr. Bosen more involved, Murray The fairgrounds was a good that masks will no longer be man- said. explained. The commissioners Vaccine time venue for the tax sale, Attorney dated in Cheyenne County. County Emergency Manager agreed to appoint Dr. Bosen as Beims said. There was a lot of Hospital Administrator Rance Ryan Murray came to give report. Medical Director of EMS. frame explained The Cheyenne County federal government, and 2) the Benkelman residents wake health department must receive Health Department is still in Phase 1 of the COVID-19- instructions Vac from KDHE to be- cination Phase implemented gin the next phase. by Governor Laura Kelly. We Once we have been approved expect that Phase 1 will last to move to the next Phase, we up to fire whistle on Friday through the end of January – will contact the individuals that this Phase includes health care have signed up for the COVID By Peter Salter workers, long term care facili- vaccine. There will be set CO- Lincoln Journal Star ties, and workers critical to pan- VID vaccine dates for the Point The second fire whistle put Jan- demic response continuity. The of Dispensing of the vaccine. ice Edwards on alert. Kansas Department of Health Please note that the local health The administrator of Benkel- and Environment (KDHE) will department has minimal time man’s Sarah Ann Hester Memo- determine the anticipated start to distribute the vaccine to the rial Home already knew the wind dates for the remaining Phases community set forth by KDHE. was whipping up a fire northwest 2-5 for distribution of vaccine If you have not signed up for of town - her husband is a vol- by the local health department. the COVID vaccine and would unteer firefighter - but now she Before our local health de- like to obtain the two-shot se- knew it was serious. partment can move forward ries, please call the Cheyenne She was back in her office at to the next phase, two critical County Health Department about 1 a.m. Friday, readying her aspects must happen: 1) vac- at 785-332-2381 to put your staff to evacuate the care home cine must be available from the name on the vaccine list. and its 18 residents. Rick Haney was awake in the middle of the night, too. The su- perintendent of Dundy County- Stratton Schools was rousting and rallying his administrative School board votes team at 2 a.m., preparing plans for the district’s response if the fire reached the edge of town. to keep president By 3 a.m., they’d decided to cancel Friday’s classes. “Any- By Amanda Moberly to serve on the Hiring Committee. time you have a lot of fields [email protected] Superintendent Penka reported with tumbleweeds and grass and The Saint Francis Board of that he has received a letter of crops, it’s not good,” Haney said. Education met on Thursday, Jan. resignation from Marian Ochsner, And Relgene Zimbelman was 7. The board voted to keep Cale effective at the end of the school northwest of town, again pressed Rieger President, and Troy Hilt year. Mrs. Ochsner has been with into service as chief of the Ben- Vice President. They also heard the St. Francis school district for kelman Volunteer Fire Depart- from Superintendent Mark Penka, 10 years. ment. and accepted the resignation of The school board approved two “This was our fourth fire in theJENNA BURRELL took this photo from her front porch in Benkelman just before evacuat- Marian Ochsner. year contracts for Principals Da- last three days,” he said. “My ing early Friday. Courtesy photo The meeting was called to or- vid Morrow and Darla Raile. firemen are getting really, really der by President Rieger, with ev- Superintendent Penka then tired.” homes were evacuated as- it wasfire the emergency that it was,” Haney and his staff opened the eryone present except Troy Hilt.