LCS meeting Thursday 18th October 2012

This month’s speaker Malcolm Ashton

Roger Stead needs another pat on the back for finding yet one more great speaker to entertain us so well. No amount of words in this report, will do any kind of justice, to how well, Malcolm, kept us all amused on Thursday night.

Malcolm started his long association with at Rawtenstall, Lancashire, in 1979. After playing hockey, 6 times for Lancashire and some games for Bury. He injured his knee badly. Someone at the cricket club, asked him if he fancied scoring, Malcolm said, what’s it involve, he was told, you get the best view of the match and a very good tea. As they say the rest is history.

The Committee! L to R. Roger Stead, Robin Whait, David Williamson and Ken Schofield Dealing with applications for membership. We now stand at 191, and look like beating the 200 mark again this winter.

As part of last month’s report, I was asked by Stewart Walker, if I could add a piece, about his desire to complete the collection of County yearbooks he has, this generated a lot of e-mails, sent to me, saying other people also collected yearbooks, could they be put in contact. If any other members are interested let me have your details, I’ll try to make sure you all get each other’s contact details.

In an effort to find some information on County yearbooks, I contacted, Richard Holdridge, the county archivist, he has some yearbooks, he can offer for sale. However he is on holiday for the next two weeks, if members want to contact Richard, ring me, and I’ll pass on his number.

Or if any members would like a similar item added to the web site please let me know, I’ll try my best to help.

By the start of Malcolm Ashton’s talk, there were very few empty seats left, as we had over 150 members and guests come along to the meeting.

Mr. Ashton’s first comment to us, involved his wife’s wildest dreams in which he told us he did not feature.

Malcolm then gave us a rundown of his cricket career so far, between 1989 and 2000 he worked on BBC radio and Television and on Channel 4 Cricket; from the winter of 1995 he was with the England Cricket Team touring parties. Not a bad life, summers watching cricket with the BBC, winters watching cricket with the England team. Then in 2009 after the death of Bill Frindall, to all listeners of TMS, know lovingly as the Bearded Wonder, Malcolm took over as scorer for TMS. Malcolm said that he used Bill Frindall’s linear scoring system. A fitting tribute I think.

The front row four brought on a sub on for this meeting. Alan, the good looking one with the beard and glasses, (but, I didn’t say that). Is in hospital, having a new knee fitted (that doesn’t sound quite right, but you know what I mean). On behalf of all the members, I send him our best wishes for a speedy recovery.

As you can see, you need to be at Grace Rd early, on LCS meeting nights, to bag a front row seat.

Chairman Howard Pollard discussing Malcolm Ashton’s introduction to the LCS members Malcolm went on to say that, God willing, the Test match at the Oval next year will be his 200th, and also next year he will complete his 300th , he said that’s a terrible lot of balls, adding he’d seen some beauties and some shockers.

The Friends of Grace Rd came along again with a selection of Items from the FOGR shop. I can recommend the folding shopping bags, after buying one for my wife, at last month’s meeting. I can carry the shopping with ease now.

The book stall always generates a lot of interest amongst the members. One member found a signed copy of a Malcolm Lorimer book at this month’s meeting.

Malcolm looking amazed at the number of people present

Malcolm went on to talk about his favourite TV cricket commentators; he thought the best to be Richie Benaud. He told us about Jack Bannister, you’ll have had to be at the meeting to know where Jack broadcasts from, according to Malcolm his conversations with Jack would invariably end with a one liner, I quote

If you’re in a car travelling at the speed of light and you put the headlights on, DOES anything happen.

A nice speaking voice and a good delivery made for an interesting evening

Just one more Bannisterism: Sponges grow in the ocean: Have you ever thought: how much deeper it would be if, they DIDN’T

Margaret Richardson with the raffle collection bucket at the ready Malcolm continued on his way around cricket, by telling us about some of the England players he was on tour with. He said he had made some good friends and some lifelong friends. But, some are not the sharpest tools in the box. One cricketer watching an American Football game on the TV was heard to say: how many quarters are in this game, then?

Another tour, Cricketer heard to say: at breakfast in hotel.

Waitress: what would you like for breakfast, Sir?

Cricketer: I’ll have a bacon sandwich, please.

Waitress: sorry sir, we have no bacon

Cricketer: WHAT! You’ve got millions of sheep in New Zealand, and you’ve got NO bacon.

Howard enjoying the Cricketer stories.

At the break your generosity was as always outstanding, donating a further £133 to the funds. Thanks to everyone for the continued support, and thanks to all the people who have donated items.

After the break Roy Bent told the audience about the possibility of a new Community Sports Arena, being built at Grace Rd. for the Riders Leicester Basketball Team. Roy said that this was a long way off as yet. And that he would keep the LCS updated.

Roy Bent, talking about the possible development at Grace Rd. The evening finished the our usual Q & A session

Malcolm answering a question about Don Mosey

Malcolm was asked about the sudden departure of Don Mosey, from TMS. He said he didn’t have the answer but he would hazard a guess. Malcolm’s answer being: partially through Ill health and partially through an axe wielding exercise at TMS, when other commentators went as well. He was asked about Dickie Bird, and gave us one story:

Dickie Bird and John Holder, umpiring a match at Chelmsford, Essex. It had been raining all morning, when it stopped; Dickie and John go out for an inspection. John Holder notices that Dickie, has taken out an umbrella, so didn’t bother taking his as well. Sure enough it starts to rain again. John turns to Dickie and says: come on, put your umbrella up, Dickie. Dickie then says: I can’t, it’s no good, it’s got holes in. John Holder then asks Dickie: Why did you bring it out, then? Dickie Bird’s reply: I didn’t think it was going to rain.

And with that, I’ll end these scribbling’s.

The November is on Thursday 15th. When Martin Bodenham, Umpire and Football Referee, will be our speaker.

Phil Veasey on behalf of the LCS committee.