Abbomocho. See Cheepi Abel, Abigail, 170 Acushnet, 100 African Americans and the Baptist Church, 239 and Wampanoag Communalism
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84280-8 - Faith and Boundaries: Colonists, Christianity, and Community among the Wampanoag Indians of Martha’s Vineyard, 1600–1871 David J. Silverman Index More information Index Abbomocho. See Cheepi Amos, Rachel, 117 Abel, Abigail, 170 Anabaptists. See Baptists Acushnet, 100 Andros, Governor Edmund, 107 African Americans animal husbandry. See livestock and the Baptist church, 239 Annampanu, 117 and Wampanoag communalism, 248 Annawanit, 43 antebellum reform movements of, Anthony, John, 228, 264 251–2 Anthony, Joseph P., 263 emancipation of, 262 Apess, William, 210, 213, 239, 256 enfranchisement of, 262 Aquinnah, 11, 42, 69, 106, 219, 241, Agawams, 104 243, 257, 280 Ahhunnut, Hannah, 117 churches of, 154, 162, 178, 182 Akoochuck, 88, 106 clay cliffs of, 17, 33, 78, 246, 247 Akoochuck, Hepzibah, 179 communalism of, 247, 271 alcohol. See liquor conflicts of, with non-Indian Alexander (son of Keteanummin), 134 residents, 248, 249 Alexander (son of Massasoit). See debate of, over citizenship, 258, 261, Wamsutta 264 Alice (sister of Wompamog), 139 division of commons, 270 Allen, Ebenezer, 146, 148 French raid against, 44 Allen, James, 189 Gay Head Farm of, 146–7, 180–1 Allen, John, 167, 168, 169–71, 191, geography of, 156, 246, 280 202, 204, 211 government of, 148 Amanhut, John, 87 guardians of, 169, 171, 175–9, 181 Amanhut, wife of John, 57 incorporated as town of Gay Head, American Revolution, 9, 180 268–70 Ames, Mehitable, 228 land sales and, 43, 141–4, 270 Amos, Elisha, 166–70 land use reforms of, 146 Amos, Israel, 106, 166, 168–70 made a state district, 259 Amos, Joe (Blind Joe), 246 marriage patterns of, 228 Amos, Jonathan, 87, 117, 127 and Massasoit, 41 Amos, Patience, 211 and the Mayhew mission, 44–6 291 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84280-8 - Faith and Boundaries: Colonists, Christianity, and Community among the Wampanoag Indians of Martha’s Vineyard, 1600–1871 David J.
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