Allusion has been made to distinguished persons of modern times who have been descended, as is shown by Mr. Speight, from the same old stock of yeomen from which the Goldthwaite family takes its origin. Foremost among these stands the celebrated author, William Makepeace Thackeray. In the" tax list, 2 Richard II(1378-9), part of which is"printed in Nidderdale," appear in the list for this same Kirkby Malesart," withits neighboring villages, Johannes de Thackwra, Robertus de Thackwra, and Johannes filius Thackwra. The immediate ancestry of the great novelist is traced to one of the name living at on the Nidd in the time of Queen Elizabeth. Thomas Thackeray, born in that town 1693, became head-master of Harrow school, 1746, and later, Arch- bishop of Surrey. His youngest son, William Makepeace Thackeray, of the India Civil Service, was the grandfather of the great author, who, sometime before his death, took much pleasure in visiting withhis daughters this home of his ances- tors. Another old Nidderdale family was that of the Bensons, a name found in some of the wills hereafter quoted, and who were, like the Goldthwaites, in instances brought to light, keepers of the granges and lodges of . From this familycame the latelydeceased Dr.Edward White Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury, whose pedigree from Thomas Ben- son, keeper (1480) of the Fountains Abbey lodge at Banger or Branga" in the township of Thornthwaite-cum-Padside, is given in Nidderdale." From this same region came the Inmans of Liverpool, the great steamship owners, whose family lived early and for many generations at , their name also being found in the Goldthwaite wills. Of more recent Nidder- dale origin is the family of Rudyard Kipling, whose grand- father, Rev. Joseph Kipling, was minister of the old Wesleyan chapel at , and who has written a story of this vicinity, "On Hill." The late Frederic T.Green- halge, Governor of Massachusetts, himself born in Lancashire, was descended, through his grandmother, from Daniel Dodson, a schoolmaster at Knaresborough on the Nidd. To these instances of persons of eminence of Nidderdale descent, se-