
Popular Science : Popular Science in and Materials

Hargittai, István Mosaic of a Scientific Life

Discusses the environment and venues from which many great minds of science originated Describes personal interactions with some of the leading scientists of our time Disseminates knowledge through entertaining narrative In this book, István Hargittai, an internationally renowned physical , narrates his life by introducing over forty personalities that played noteworthy roles in his career. The time span ranges from the Holocaust, which the author survived, through the periods of hard and softer dictatorships of Soviet-type socialism, and the current revival of an autocratic regime in Hungary. He overcame barriers to get a high school, then a university education. He received excellent training in Moscow and was active at Hungarian, American and other international Springer scientific venues, and he has interacted with more Nobel laureates than anyone in the world. The chapters feature such famous contributors to world science as , Richard L. 1st ed. 2020, XIX, 184 p. 1st Garwin, Ronald J. Gillespie, Avram Hershko, George Klein, and , 108 illus., 87 illus. in color. edition Peter D. Lax, , Yuval Ne’eman, George A. Olah, Guy Ourisson, Michael Polanyi, Andrei D. Sakharov, Albert Szent-Györgyi, , James D. Watson, and Eugene P. Wigner. The areas covered include chemistry, molecular biology, physics, materials science, and Printed book mathematics. “On the basis of Hargittai’s mosaic of his personal and scientific life, I could Hardcover compose two further patterns. One would be the history of the twentieth century and the other the science history of the same time period.” From the Foreword by the late philosopher Agnes Printed book Heller, Goethe Medalist, Wallenberg Medalist, and Hannah Arendt Prize laureate Hardcover ISBN 978-3-030-34765-9 Order online at springer.com/booksellers £ 109,99 | CHF 141,50 | 119,99 € | Springer Customer Service Center GmbH 131,99 € (A) | 128,39 € (D) Customer Service Available Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 Discount group 69121 Science (SC) Germany T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 Product category [email protected] Collection of essays Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-3-030-34767-3 Softcover ISBN 978-3-030-34768-0

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