“We have a dynamic team of candidates who have worked extremely hard to serve our community and set up a number of fantastic local initiatives such as Community Connect, Watford’s Rubbish Friends and Watford Together - I can see they are already making a huge difference in our town.

It is great that we have such hard-working, capable and professional local people that really care about Watford. I really think all of them would make excellent councillors.”

Richard Harrington MP Keep in touch Richard Harrington [email protected] 01923 218 804

COMMUNITY PROJECTS Even before their election, the Conservative team has helped improve our community. It is a cliché that candidates for political office wait until after the election to start serving voters. The Conservative candidates have proven this to be wrong!

WATFORD COMMUNITY CONNECT Watford Community Connect they might apply for support is a Watford Conservatives’ and other forms of assistance. initiative to enhance the connection between local The Conservative candidate businesses, third-sector for Mayor of Watford, George organisations and the Jabbour, said: “The purpose community. Many businesses of Community Connect is and enterprises based in our to promote the work that town have excellent community businesses, enterprises and engagement and corporate charities are doing and signpost responsibility programmes. local groups and organisations However, it also appears that a to community programmes and large number of our community investments, streamlining the groups, local charities and process for organisations and residents are not yet aware of community members who may these programmes and how be looking for support.” WATFORD TOGETHER Long before the election was called, the local Conservatives launched Watford Together to deploy the energy and dedication of volunteers to support important causes and projects across Watford. For many months now, members of Watford Together have been seen by local residents bulb planting, sprucing up , clearing the snow at Vicarage Road stadium, looking after homeless people, organising events to help raise funds for worthy causes, and even selling shirts and other clothing items in Watford High Street to support a local church.

In addition, the team volunteered in other activities across Watford, including serving food and hot beverages to vulnerable individuals and at festive community events and celebrations. Sarah Hayes, who is standing as the Conservative candidate for the Woodside ward, organised a Christmas market for her local church to help raise funds. She said: “Being part of a team that is working to help improve Watford and support its residents wherever we can is really enjoyable. I feel it means I am able to give something back to society.”

WATFORD’S RUBBISH FRIENDS Watford Conservatives started Friends then visit the area to Watford’s Rubbish Friends to clean it up. keep our town clean by regularly So far, the area surrounding organising litter-picking sessions parts of Road has in our town. been visited most frequently Any local resident who cares by the group. Darren Harrison, about our environment and the Conservative council would like to play an active candidate for the Tudor ward, role can join Watford’s Rubbish which is located next to the area Friends. The group receives where the team visits regularly, notifications and alerts from commented: “Saturday and members of the community who Sunday morning is normally the spot areas with a lot of litter and most litter filled in St Albans report them. Watford’s Rubbish Road as there is a lot of debris left from the night before.” GEORGE JABBOUR FOR MAYOR Infrastructure, housing, jobs and transport are Georges’ key priorities, and he has got both the skills and experience in engineering and business to benefit our residents.

Forward by George Jabbour, - We have seen how Watford’s Conservative prospective unemployment has halved since Mayor of Watford 2010 As a local resident of Watford, I understand the issues facing our - We have had 17,000 additional town and the opportunities that lie GP appointments and more ahead. funding for Watford General

Watford is a unique place. We - Our young people have have vibrant businesses and at enjoyed the opportunities that the same time, we enjoy a strong more and better schools in sense of community. This is what Watford provide and participated makes Watford such an attractive in 4,700 apprenticeships since place for everyone to live, work, 2010 raise a family and enjoy life! - A new rail franchise for trains Over the past eight years, our going through Watford Junction fantastic MP Richard Harrington has been introduced has been an effective champion for Watford, delivering for our community.

“ Let’s work together for“ Watford However, to keep Watford on Lib Dems to serve our community. the right track, we need to ensure that the next Mayor of We have a brilliant team of hard- Watford is willing to work with working local campaigners who the Watford MP, the County are standing as councillors in Council, Police and this election. Even before being Crime Commissioner and the elected, we have already set up Conservative Government. a number of projects to make a difference in the community. This is the only way to keep attracting job-creating businesses, Our initiative ‘Watford improve infrastructure and Together’ deploys the energy transport links, provide more and dedication of committed affordable housing, deliver value volunteers to support local for money for our residents and causes. keep Watford clean and safe. We have launched the ‘Watford I am standing as Mayor because Against Fly-Tipping’ group to raise I know that I have the skills and awareness of this issue and we experience in engineering and also started ‘Watford’s Rubbish business to deliver. Friends’ to combat littering.

I will not only work together with Furthermore, we set up Watford our Conservative team, but will Community Connect to bring also reach out to Labour and the together businesses, charities and the local community. GEORGE HAS THE RIGHT SKILLS FOR MAYOR This manifesto highlights our pledges and priorities for Watford. Structural engineering degree with expertise in a wide-range of technical subjects, including construction, transport and infrastructrure. Please do contact me if you have any questions or comments to Successful entrepreneur with over a decade of business experience, including starting a make. My number is 07958 790 small firm in 2009. 722 and my email address is Served as a school governor utlising his [email protected] skills to contribute to the success of the local community. I hope I can count Built up extensive political experience across the UK by fighting campaigns in all parts of the on your vote! country. Watford is a wonderful place! So it is not a surprise that the town is thriving and more people are moving to our community to live, work, raise a family and enjoy life.

To make the most of the exciting growth of our town, we need a bold plan to seize new opportunities and address the challenges we face. This is why our manifesto ensures that we have the right housing, infrastructure and transport links to accommodate the needs of all of Watford’s residents, whilst keeping our town clean and safe, as well as being attractive to job-creating businesses.


We will ensure that any housing that Watford needs satisfies the following conditions:

• Located in the right place • Styled in keeping with the local character • Affordable for young people, keeping Watford’s families together


For Watford to continue thriving as a town, we need to keep attracting job-creating businesses. For a number of years, Richard Harrington MP has been running his annual Jobs Fair in Watford. Since 2010, unemployment has halved in our town.

As Mayor, I will support Watford’s MP in attracting investment into Watford and creating more jobs.


My plan for Watford includes increasing the number of schools and championing technical education and apprenticeships to enable our young people to have the right skills for modern industries. I will also support our local schools to ensure that they have even higher ratings. Roads

Following our meeting with Herts County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways, it was announced recently that a substantial investment in our roads will go ahead in the current financial year (2018/2019.) As Mayor, I will continue to work together with our colleagues at County level to fix potholes and improve the state of our roads.

Dome Roundabout

Following our campaign to improve the traffic flow at the Dome Roundabout, a review will take place soon to consider some of the technical points that we raised, including the synchronisation between the pedestrian crossing signals and the traffic lights. As Mayor, I will ensure the review addresses our concerns to increase the efficiency and flow of vehicles in the Dome Roundabout.


Local residents, especially those who are elderly, are missing the opportunity to come to the town centre because of the lack of suitable transport means.

I will introduce new shopper services that would run twice a week. This means better access and easier commutes for residents who live outside the town centre and who rely on public transport. This will also benefit our local shops and businesses.

A pilot scheme would be put in place for one year to assess if there is sufficient demand for a particular route. Depending on the outcome, the route could become permanent and have more frequent services. Trains

As the Mayor of decided not to go ahead with the Metropolitan Line Extension, I will work with all parties to ensure that another significant transport project is introduced in Watford. Using my engineering skills, I will lead the process to find the optimal project to transform our town.

My plan also includes the redevelopment of Watford Junction train station to ensure it best suits communters needs.


Working together with Watford’s MP Richard Harrington, Herts County Council and the Conservative Government, my plan for our town includes redeveloping Watford General Hospital and obtaining more funding and investment for our health services, including safer parking for all.

A cleaner Watford

Both litter and fly-tipping are key issues yet to be tackled. Raising awareness and ensuring enforcement are essential tools in dealing with the problem.

We have already launched Watford Against Fly-Tipping and Watford’s Rubbish Friends to help address these issues. As Mayor, I will continue setting up similar initiatives and implementing measures to keep Watford clean.

A safer Watford

Stricter enforcement provides a robust deterrent to unacceptable behaviour. As Mayor, I will ensure that we use CCTV cameras more effectively to catch offenders and to help tackle anti-social behaviour, thus reduce crime. By applying the proper regulations, we can make the most of current technology and help the police, at the same time as respecting privacy and data protection laws, to keep Watford safe. I will also continue working with Herts Police and Crime Commissioner David Lloyd to maintain community safety, meet the needs of victims and make offenders pay.

Better value for money

Watford Council charges on average the largest amount of council tax compared to any other equivalent district, city or borough council in Hertfordshire, despite the fact that we are the smallest local authority in the county by size.

For instance, the Borough of is charging Band D properties in the 2018/2019 tax year £128.24. In Watford, our Band D households are paying more than twice this amount, £262.46, for the same services.

As Mayor of Watford, I will use my business experience to deliver better value for money for our residents.

More disabled parking bays

It is important that our town centre is accessible to as many people as possible and that we should do whatever we can to make it easier for anyone with a disability to visit facilities and services across Watford more frequently.

This is why I will commit to increasing the number of disabled parking bays across our town.

Securing the future of Watford Indoor Bowls Club

Following the refusal of Watford Borough Council to renew the lease of Watford Indoor Bowls Club, the two parties have been locked in legal proceedings for a considerable period of time at a great cost to Watford taxpayers and the community.

As Mayor, I would like to ensure that public money is spent in the best possible way and encourage local groups and volunteers, who are providing important services for our residents, to continue doing the right thing. YOUR LOCAL TEAM


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Promoted by James W Aris, on behalf of Watford Conservatives, all of 30 The Avenue, Watford WD17 4NS.