DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: US ARMY CHEMICAL SCHOOL FORT MCCLELLAN, ALABAMA 36205-5020 S: 1 Jul 98 ATZN-CMR-A 4 May 98 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: Preliminary Draft Field Manual FM 3-4-1, Multiservice Procedures for NBC Defense of Fixed Sites, Ports, and Airfields 1. The Preliminary Draft Field Manual FM 3-4-1, Multiservice Procedures for NBC Defense of Fixed Sites, Ports, and Airfields is provided for your review and concurrence. Comments are requested not later than 1 Jul 98. In accordance with Joint Pub 1-01, request comments be categorized as follows: (a) Critical Comments. Critical comments will cause nonconcurrence in the draft if the concern is not satisfactorily resolved. (b) Major Comments. Major comments are significant concerns that may result in nonconcurrence in the entire document. This category may be used with a general statement of concern with a subject area, thrust of the document, etc., followed by detailed comments on specific entries in documents that, taken together, constitute the concern. (c) Substantive Comments. Substantive comments are provided because sections in the document appear to be or are potentially incorrect, incomplete, misleading, or confusing. (d) Administrative Comments. Administrative comments correct inconsistencies between different sections, typographical errors, or grammatical errors. 2. Electronic copies of this draft are available at the following web sites: • USACMLS FTP: ftp://cmls:
[email protected]/CMLS/fm3-4-1/pcd • Dragon's Lair BBS: 3. On 30 Apr 98, the USACMLS briefed the status of this publication to the Joint Doctrine Working Party (JDWP) and the potential to transition to a Joint Publication.