2nd Chemical Battalion Red Dragon Newsletter Spring 2011 From the Battalion Commander Over the next 90 days we will continue to support our deployed troops and remain actively engaged in the ARCENT AOR. Two of our companies will change com- Inside this issue: mand, one will inactivate, and we will have one change of responsibility. In ad- dition the Battalion celebrates its 76th Birthday (we are the senior Chemical Bat- CDR and CSM’s 1-2 talion in the Army) on the 15th of April with Corner a run and a ceremony. As we continue Since the beginning of the year, your Sol- our preparations for Homeland Defense diers have focused on improving their Operations, the bulk of our Soldiers will Battalion 2 ability to meet current and future mis- deploy to Yakima, Washington for the Fundraiser sions. They have participated in Home- month of May (the single largest move- land Defense exercises, executed a ment of Red Dragon Soldiers since the leader field training exercise (FTX), vali- Korean War) and train with numerous News from the 3-9 dated squads, conducted a Battalion FTX, agencies to ensure our ability to accom- Companies supported deployed formations, partici- pated in operations in ARCENT Area of plish the vital mission to the Nation. operations (AOR), and conducted two changes of responsibility. All while ac- Chaplain’s 10 complishing the standard framework tasks Continued on Page 2 Corner/ required for day to day operations. Retention Notes Important 10 Contact Command Sergeant Major’s Corner Information Red Dragon Soldiers and Family members: It has been a busy winter as the battalion gears up for an even busier spring and summer. The upcoming training exercises will give us a unique glimpse into our deployability and readiness. We are the fastest transforming battalion in the entire division as we've been recently fielded some of the latest technology in existence. But alas, as we will be immersed in training, our Red Dragon Vet- erans will be having their annual reunion right here in central Texas! I invite each Soldier and Family member to share in the fellowship with our Brother's in Arms. Last year, we took seven Red Dragons to the Hills of Tennessee where we spent a wonder- ful time with many Korean War Veterans. Continued on page 2 Page 2 2nd Chemical Battalion Red Dragon Newsletter From the Battalion Commander Continued... All of this is and will be an enormous amount of hard work and no Soldier could ac- complish much without the support that they receive. The success that we realize could not have been accomplished without the family members and friends of the 2nd “The success Chemical Battalion. Thanks to each of you for the wonderful support that you con- that we realize tinue to provide our Soldiers. could not have Christopher J. Cox LTC, CM been Commanding accomplished Red Dragons! without the “With Fire We Conquer” family members and friends of Command Sergeant Major’s Corner Continued... the 2nd We even had FOUR World War II Veterans attend last year and we’re almost certain Chemical to have a few participate this year. If you've never spent time with our nation's great- est generation, you are missing out on a wonderful experience that only years of wis- Battalion.” dom and maturity can provide. This time of year it's warming up a bit and I implore each family and Soldier to get out and visit some sights in Texas. There are dozens of great day trips that you can do for not much money (less fuel prices). A trip to one of many Texas state parks can be great for picnics, fishing, boating, camping or just a relaxing hike or snooze under a grand Live Oak tree. (Always take a buddy with you!). http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/spdest/ If you would like any suggestions, please don't hesitate to ask myself or my wife Fran. We're here for each of you and want to make your tour of duty at Fort Hood memorable. Red Dragons Command Sergeant Major Kenneth Kraus Red Dragon Blankets Back By Popular Demand The 2nd Chemical Battalion will be taking orders for custom designed blankets with the battalion’s logo as part of a fundraising event. The cost of each blanket will be $30 and all profits will go to the Family Readiness Group funds at the company level. The company that sells the most blankets will make more money for their FRGs. What better way is there to support your Soldier’s company and still receive this great product? These blankets are heavy weight custom woven, made of 100% cotton, with dimensions of 70”x50” (please see below for the de- sign). We can accept cash or checks. Please make checks payable to “2nd Chemical Battalion FRG.” If you wish to purchase a blanket, or have any ques- tions, please contact your Soldier’s first sergeant or executive officer. Spring 2011 Page 3 HEADQUARTERS, HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT “HELLFIRE” HHD, 2d CBRN Bat- ditionary. With his departure, ment to excellence will leave a talion has been extraordinarily comes an occasion to wel- lasting impression on the De- busy over the last few months, come our new Detachment tachment and the Battalion as and the forecast going forward Sergeant, SFC Gregory James, a whole. st will be more of the same. The formerly of 31 Chemical Soldiers, NCOs and Officers Company, who has already As many of our families of the headquarters continue proven to be a fantastic addi- are already aware, we are pre- to persevere, and I am incredi- tion to our ranks. paring to undertake the largest bly proud of what we have concerted deployment that accomplished through numer- As we forge ahead to- this Battalion has experienced ous ranges, field training exer- wards the spring and summer since World War II, during the cises, and mission support months, we will unfortunately upcoming field training exer- efforts that directly impact the have to bid a fond farewell to cise in Yakima, Washington. combat readiness and welfare a number of fine Soldiers and Thank you all in advance for of all Soldiers in this great Bat- Leaders within our staff. the long hours, diligent work, talion. Among them, 1LT Sharp and and tireless support, especially SFC Williams will be preparing from the families, in the long We are fortunate to to depart for an upcoming months ahead. Your dedi- have some of the best Soldiers overseas deployment, and 1LT cated efforts on behalf of the and Leaders in our Profession Corcoran, 1LT May, and SFC HELLFIRE Team will not go of Arms right here in the Rawls will be returning to the unrecognized, and my heartfelt headquarters. Congratula- home of our CBRN Corps, Ft. gratitude goes out to each and tions to our former Detach- Leonard Wood. In addition, I every Soldier and Family Mem- ment Sergeant, SFC(P) Sammy would like to congratulate our ber. Martinez, on his selection for recent retirees, SSG Pelligrini promotion to Master Ser- and SSG Nesbitt, for their CPT John D. Matsinger III geant, and best of luck in his twenty fleeting years of de- future endeavors with the 13th voted service to the US Army. HELLFIRE! Sustainment Command Expe- Their hard work and commit- Page 4 2nd Chemical Battalion Red Dragon Newsletter 13th Chemical Company “HORSEMEN” 13th CM Company is a BIDS unit that has a rich history since it first activated 1 JUN 1942 at Fort Rucker, Alabama as the 13th CM Maintenance Company. With CPT Habitzreuther (Horseman 6) and 1SG Urbina (Horseman 7) in command, the Company has had platoons out in the field monthly over the past year, exercising Soldier skills such as Urban Operations and room clearing at MOUT sites, Air Insertion, Impro- vised Explosive Device (IED) defeat tactics, patrol base setup, proper radio usage, move- ment under fire, movement to contact and mounted and dismounted land navigation during day and night conditions. The unit conducted and resourced training that led to the successful OTC JCAD field test in Dugway Proving Grounds, UT, resulting in commendation from the office of the Secretary of Defense. The unit prepares for inactivation now on 6 JUN 2011 in this exciting time of transformation for the Chemical Corps. With Lily Urbina as the FRG leader, Karen Hunt as the FRG fundraiser and support from the Soldiers and spouses of the Company, there have been many fun activities such as roller skating, baby showers and a night at ChuckeCheese’s just to name a few. All have been funded by fundraisers such as commissary baggings and Christmas gift wrapping which were also enjoyed by the Soldiers. Without BIDS vehicles as of Oct 2010, the “Mighty 13th” has focused on honing warrior tasks and battle drills of Soldiers for their next assignments while volunteering at Bonham Mid- dle School and Killeen’s Second Chance Animal Shelter. The Company has recently emphasized certification in Combatives and Combat Life Saver while maintaining proficiency on indi- vidual weapons out on the ranges. “Mighty 13!” Spring 2011 Page 5 31st Chemical Company “STEEL DRAGONS” Welcome to the Dragon Lair! The Steel Dragons, who are the epitome of soldiers that comprises of the 31st Chemical Company have rigorously engaged in various training and community events. In the past eight months, the Steel Dragons participated in the Best Red Dragon Warrior Competition in which two teams composed of the best physically fit sol- diers tackled many tasks to include Land Navigation, marksmanship, and ruck march. One of the teams placed second overall in the Battalion.
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