Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held at Barham Village Hall on Thursday 4th January 2007 at 7.30 p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman Mrs L.J. Davies, Vice Chairman E. Mullett and Cllrs J. Callan, R. Feacey, Mrs M. Jenkins, Mrs H. Pechey, M. Simpson, D. Tamsitt and Mrs V. Steer

001/2007 Public Speaking:

A member of the public spoke about the placing of a salt bin in Heathfield Way. The Chairman advised that this was to take place on the 8th or 9th January 2007.

002/2007 Apologies: None

003/2007 Minutes of Last Meetings:

(a) Meeting held on 2nd November 2006 – Proposed by Cllr R. Feacey and seconded by Cllr Mrs V. Steer; (b) Planning Meeting held on 7th December 2006 – Proposed by Cllr E. Mullet and seconded by Cllr D. Tamsitt.

004/2007 Matters Arising: None

005/2007 Finance:

(a) Balances as at 31 December 2006 Current Account…………………………………….. £ 5,740.82 Capital Reserve Account……….…………………… £ 8,361.05 Includes Social Fund Balance of………..…………… £ 4,957.37 (b) To pay any Accounts received prior to the meeting: (i) Grassmow for 23/11/2006 - £281.00; (ii) Folkestone & Dover Water Services for 01/10/2006 to 31/12/2006 - £12.08; (iii) Mowll & Mowll re Land Registry Fees - £14.00; (iv) Clerk’s salary/administration expenses for period 01/10/2006 to 31/12/2006 - £1,295.90; (v) Pay any other Accounts received prior to the meeting: (1) Parochial Church Council – Grass Cutting for 2006 - £1,120.00; (2) Mrs N. Ball re Village Magazine for 2007 - £3.00. (c) Any other financial matters: (i) Received EDF Energy wayleave payment for TR2149 Derringstone - £10.79; (ii) VAT Refund received for the period 01/04/2006 to 07/09/2006 - £2,668.69.

1 006/2007 Town and Country Planning Matters:

(a) CAL06/00096/BAR – Riverside, Valley Road, Barham – Two-storey extension to rear of dwelling – Planning Application Granted - Noted; (b) CA/06/01231/BAR – Riverside, Valley Road, Barham – Two-storey extension to rear of dwelling – Planning Application Granted - Noted; (c) CA/06/01262/BAR – Little Breach Cottage, Elham, Valley Road, Barham - Erection of building for use as machinery store – Planning Application Granted - Noted; (d) CA/06/01438 – Fourtithe Barn Downs Farm, Valley Road, Barham – Planning Application Granted – Copy of Decision Notice with all Councillors - Noted; (e) CA/06/01312/BAR – Eagle Works House, Dover Road, Barham – Formation of driveway with parking and turning area – Environmental assessment not required - decision withdrawn - Noted; (f) CAE06/00015/BAR – Sussex Farm, Railway Hill, Barham – Continued use of property as a single dwelling house without compliance condition 04 of permission ref. ES/6/64/399 (agricultural compliance condition) – The Clerk is to strongly object to the above proposal in accordance with the reasons as agreed by the Parish Council; (g) Proposed works at The Street, Barham – E-mail dated 12/12/2006 with all Councillors - Noted; (h) Any other Planning Applications received prior to the meeting: (i) Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area – The Miller’s Cottage, Valley Road, Barham – Fell Ash Tree in front garden – No objections; (ii) Copy of letter dated 18/12/2006 from City Council re Development Contribution Supplementary Planning Document with all Councillors - Noted; (iii) CA/06/01473/BAR – 13 Crookenden Place, Barham – Single-storey extension to rear and roof over conservatory – Cllr J. Callan to address the Planning Committee on this matter on behalf of the Parish Council on 06/02/2007.

007/2007 Roads and Footpaths:

(a) Street Repairs – E-mail from Canterbury City Council dated 20/11/2006 with all Councillors - Noted; (b) Letter dated 27/11/2006 from Canterbury City Council re Crookenden Place Car Park with all Councillors - Noted; (c) Letter dated December 2006 from County Council re Redesignation of Roads used as a Public Path to Restricted Byway Status with all Councillors - Noted; (d) Copy of letter dated 12/12/2006 from Kent County Council re Countryside Access Improvement Plan with all Councillors - Noted; (e) The Clerk is to report the following: (i) Very large pothole at entrance to ‘Brickfield Road’ from ‘Valley Road’ end; (ii) Large pothole in the middle of road in ‘Church Lane’ half way up the car park area; (iii) Various potholes and gully at the side of the road in ‘Out Elmstead Lane’; (iv) Road breaking up near the Chapel in ‘Derringstone Hill’; (v) The pothole in ‘The Grove’ that was previously marked for repair has still not been repaired;

2 (vi) Although the vegetation at the junction of Church Lane and the Crematorium has been cut back, this has not been cut back sufficiently.

008/2007 Parish Maintenance:

(a) Clerk to report the following streetlights: (i) Streetlight the Post Office side of ‘Valley Road’ not working. This is one of the old lamps that have been replaced, with the old lamp still fixed to the pole, which needs to be removed; (ii) Two new lamps in ‘The Grove’ need to be raised to 4 or 5 feet as they are too bright for their current height. (b) Clerk to report that the street nameplate ‘Railway Hill’ has still not been raised.

009/2007 Social:

The Chairman reported that Pensioners Luncheon will be held on the 17th February 2007 at 12.00pm for 12.30pm. The invitations are ready to be written out. The Brownies are able to attend.

010/2007 Village Hall:

Clerk to write on behalf of the Parish Council to Mr R. Allin, the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee, suggesting that there be a permanent closer liaison between the Village Hall Committee and the Parish Council. The Chairman and Cllrs E. Mullet and J. Callan are to attend the next Village Hall Committee Meeting on 29/01/2007 on behalf of the Parish Council. A dance is being arranged for during March 2007 in the Village Hall, with Bob Akehurst to provide the music. Cllr E. Mullett to advise Council of final details in due course.

011/2007 Safety First Report:

The Chairman reported that the additional 30mph limit should be implemented shortly. A Safety First Meeting will be arranged in due course.

012/2007 Youth Club:

A Christmas Party was held on 14/12/2006.

013/2007 Open Areas:

(a) The Playing Field Autumn 2006 for circulation with Councillors.

014/2007 Village Plan:

(a) Cllr M. Simpson provided the Council with a draft copy of the Steering Groups Accounts, which are to be approved at their next meeting, which is still to be arranged. It was agreed by the Council that the balance of £403.61 should be left in the bank for future use.

3 015/2007 Website -

Clerk to place the following on the Website:

(a) Details of the Pensioners Luncheon; (b) Details of the PCSO; (c) Once details available for the dance to be held in the Village Hall during March 2007, these to be placed on the Website.

016/2007 KAPC/ ARCK /CPRE:

(a) ACRK – Copy of Rural News No. 78 November 2006 with all Councillors - Noted; (b) KAPC – Agenda for Canterbury Area Committee Meeting to be held on 10/01/2007 at 7.30pm at Village Hall with Representatives – Cllrs E. Mullet and R. Feacey to attend; (c) KAPC – Minutes for Canterbury Area Committee Meeting held on 11/10/2006 with Representatives - Noted; (d) KAPC – Parish News Issue No. 321 dated 11/12/2006 with Representatives - Noted; (e) CPRE – Agenda for the Annual General Meeting to be held on 24/11/2006 at 2.00pm at Harrietsham Village Hall with all Councillors - Noted; (f) CPRE –Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 18/11/2005 with all Councillors - Noted; (g) CPRE – Margaret’s Update Spring/Summer 2007 with all Councillors - Noted; (h) Kent Downs AONB – Letter dated 14/11/2006 re The Orchid, Our Annual Review and Highways Matters in the Kent Downs AONB with all Councillors - Noted; (i) CPRE – Letter dated 06/12/2006 re Campaigns Update for circulation with Councillors - Noted; (j) Kent Downs AONB – Annual Review 2005-2006 for circulation with Councillors - Noted; (k) Kent Downs AONB – The Orchid Issue 12 Autumn/Winter 2006/7 for circulation with Councillors - Noted; (l) CPRE – Fieldwork December 2006 for circulation with Councillors - Noted; (m) CPRE – Summary of A Water Resource Strategy for Kent with all Councillors - Noted; (n) ACRK - Copy of Rural News No. 79 December 2006 with all Councillors - Noted; (o) ACRK – Oast to Coast Winter 2006 for circulation with Councillors - Noted.

017/2007 Police Matters:

(a) Cllr J. Callan reported on the Parish Council Forum Meeting he attended on 05/12/2006 at Police Station – The meeting was mostly about Police Community Support Officers; (b) Copy of letter dated 13/12/2006 from Kent Police re details of the current and intended Canterbury Police District distribution of Neighbourhood Policing Resources with all Councillors - Noted;

4 (c) Sue Radcliffe is the new Police Community Support Officer, whose role is to make communications with the residents and the Parish Councils of the villages in the area and is also responsible for the deployment of the Mobile Police Station. PCSO Radcliffe can be contacted by telephone on 07969584289 or by e-mail at [email protected] ; (d) Cllr J. Callan reported on the Kent Police Stakeholder Meeting held at Canterbury University on 21/11/2006. A considerable number of senior officers were present, together with Parish and City Councillors and some Services/Probation officers, etc. County burglary figures are 18 per 24 hours, there are 3800 officers county wide with 14700 incidents of reported crime in the year. Of all crimes, 25% are criminal damage. Approximately 647 burglary arrests in the Canterbury area, with a heroin problem in the city centre. There were approximately 85 arrest warrants issued, 284 suspects dealt with and a detention rate of 19.4%. There are 3 Police Community Support Officers (PCSO), 13 Police Officers, 2 Sergeants to cover the entire Canterbury area up to . There is an unknown amount of ancillary cover from Kent County Council Wardens. There will be PCSO recruitment during the next 18 months, with the final quota being in the region of 31 PCSO’s. There is no emergency police number now available except 999.

018/2007 Correspondence/General:

(a) Copy of e-mail dated 12/12/2006 re Tour de France Associated Activities Proforma with all Councillors - Noted; (b) Canterbury City Council to present “Towards 2010” on 11/01/2007 in the Guildhall Canterbury at 6.30pm – Chairman is unable to attend, the Clerk is to convey her apologies; (c) The Lord Lieutenant of Kent to hold his Annual Civic Service at All Saints Church in Maidstone on 20/03/2007 at 11.00am – The Chairman is unable to attend, the Clerk is to convey her apologies; (d) Copy of Parish News Newsletter Issue 18 - December 2006 with all Councillors - Noted; (e) Copy of LCR White Paper Special with all Councillors - Noted; (f) Copy of The Standards Board for Town and Parish Standard:08 with all Councillors - Noted; (g) Copy of Canterbury City Council e-Newsletter Issue 8 dated 15/11/2006 with all Councillors - Noted; (h) Copy of letter dated 08/11/2006 from Southern Water with all Councillors - Noted; (i) Copy of letter dated 09/11/2006 from Michael Northey of Kent County Council with all Councillors - Noted; (j) Copy of Update on the South East Plan No. 10 dated September 2006 with all Councillors - Noted; (k) Agenda for Street Monitors Meeting to be held on 23/01/2007 for circulation with Councillors - Noted; (l) Minutes of Street Monitors Meeting held on 30/10/2007 for circulation with Councillors - Noted; (m) Canterbury City Council District Life Issue 25 Winter 2006 for circulation with Councillors - Noted; (n) Pfizer Connections Issue 2 Autumn 2006 with all Councillors - Noted;

5 (o) Publication of the Adopted Kent & Medway Structure Plan 2006 for circulation with Councillors - Noted; (p) LCR Volume 58, No. 5 January 2007 for circulation with Councillors - Noted; (q) Kent Fire & Rescue Service – Fire Service Update for circulation with Councillors - Noted; (r) PPIF Newsletter Issue No. 12 Winter Edition – December 2006 for circulation with Councillors - Noted; (s) Copy of Canterbury City Council e-Newsletter Issue 9 dated 15/12/2006 with all Councillors – Noted; (t) Canterbury & District Parish Forum Meeting to be held at Village Hall on 24/02/2007 at 10.00am – The Chairman to attend.

019/2007 Date of Next Meeting:

Parish Council Meeting at Barham Village Hall on Thursday the 1st February 2007 at 7.30 p.m.

Meeting ended at 8.50p.m.