C M C M Y B Y B RNI No: JKENG/2012/47637 Email:
[email protected] POSTAL REGD NO- JK/485/2016-18 Internet Edition www.truthprevail.com Truth Prevail Epaper: epaper.truthprevail.com Have no relationship with Afridi from now on, says Harbhajan 3 5 12 KCIC delegation calls on Advisor Restore JK Bank selections, re-instate Sarita Chauhan inspects facilities Baseer Khan terminated Health employees : Harsh at quarantine centres VOL: 9 Issue: 121 JAMMU AND KASHMIR, TUeSDAY , MAY 19, 2020 DAILY PAGeS 12 Rs. 2/- IInnssiiddee DM Jammu restricts COVID-19 : JK records 106 new positive cases, 2 deaths today, 609 cases recovered till date JAMMU, MAY 18 : The surveillance which included ing 01 reported today) with 35 (including 01 reported today) positive case (including 01 infection that could occur by lance services 24x7 at their public movement Government Saturday 29208 persons in home quar - Active Positive, 81 recovered with 11 active positive, 06 reported today) with 23 active then touching your eyes, doorsteps by calling on toll- from 7pm to 7am informed that 106 new posi - antine including facilities (including 01 recovery today), recovered (including 01 positive and 01 recovered; mouth, and nose’, bulletin fur - free number 108 while as tive cases of novel operated by government, 89 in 03 deaths; Shopian has 109 recovered today). Reasi has 03 positive cases ther urged upon the people. pregnant women and sick JAMMU, MAY 18 : As Coronavirus (COVID-19), 12 Hospital Quarantine, 665 in positive cases (including 01 Similarly, Jammu has 47 with 02 active positive and 01 The bulletin again infants can avail free ambu - the lockdown has been from Jammu division and 94 hospital isolation and 18300 reported today) with 34 Active positive cases (including 02 recovered, Poonch has 3 posi - explained that early detection lance services by dialling toll- extended till May 31 to con - from Kashmir division, have under home surveillance.