Th, Oid Eartow S~Ci~T~ (Hri,Ranaf 1,1, A.A

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Th, Oid Eartow S~Ci~T~ (Hri,Ranaf 1,1, A.A ,, C~RiOViA»~ IUG J97J · Journal · ~ Th, oid eartoW s~ci~t~ (hri,ranaf 1,1, A.A. Central Heating throughout R.I.A.C. YOLIR W£1)1)f NG YOLII< 1)fNN£R-1)ANC!£ YOLIR PARTY YOLIR C!lLIE FLINC!TfON We cater for all, to your complete satisfaction Write or phone the Manager-41621, 41156 or 41605 A. E. COLEMAN HUGH LUPUS & CO. Motor and Cycle Dealers RACING OFFICE 19 DUBLIN STREET * CARLOW For Best Odds and Best Service -" Dealer for RALEIGH CYCLES * ' REPAIRS A SPECIALITY 10 COAL MARKET ACCUMULATORS CHARGED CARLOW Oils, Greases & Spares in Stock Phone: Carlow 41219 The wheels of our industry began to turn way back in and since then we've grown into one of Ireland's largest and most diversified engineering firms Thomas Thompson of Carlow ~-- - Steel Products Ltd. MANUFACTURERS OF Comet Stainless Steel Razor Blades and Bohemian Single-Edge Blades FOR A REALLY BIG SELECTION FOR ALL GROCERIES, FRESH FRUIT, OF HOUSEHOLD AN·D NURSERY POTATOES, VEGETABLES FURNITURE VISIT OUR LARGE IN SEASON STORE AT KEENEST PRICES There you can walk around and see the many designs of Modern Furniture. It's always a pleasure to help those either furnishing for consult the first time, or refurnishing. PLEASE ASK FOR ESTIMATES OF Gerald Hosey CARPETS & VENETIAN BLINDS Retail Stores and Wholesale Fruit Merchant P. & M. DARCY Staplestown Road Drapers, House Furnishers Carlow 33/35 Tullow Street PHONE 41562 BOBB I!lli/lil 78 mph. Up to 37 mpg. Independent suspension. Impact-resisting padded seating compartment. Anti-burst doorlocks. Heater demister with adjustable fascia vents. Fold-down rear seat back. Engine compartment light. Rubber-faced overriders. (ex-Dublin, including taxes) CARLOW MOTORS LTD. TULLOW ROAD, CARLOW l Phone (0503) 41955 For best drinks and luxurious surroundings HAVE THIS come to WONDERFUL DAY RECORDED BY * STONEHAVEN Prop. T. CLERKIN Phone: 41372 General Meeting: 1946 It was very appropriate that the first General Meeting of the O.C.S. should have been held in Carlow Technical School, formerly the Assembly Rooms. Nothing daunted by the date, April 1st, 1946, the Society launched an effort which would have gladdened the heart of the previous owner, George Bernard Shaw. Shaw had made the gift of the premises to Most Rev. Dr. Foley for the people of Carlow, and the premises started on a new life is a two-roomed Technical School in 1923. A year short of its Golden Jubilee, the premises will cease to be a part of the Vocational School complex early in 1972 when the new school opens on the Kilkenny Road. It's history, like numerous invaluable records, has been preserved in the pages of "Carloviana". The Society has given us, through the Journal, a monument to its work, a treasury of scholarship and research. Our sincere thanks to the Officers, Committees, Editors and members who have made membership of the O.C.S. in its 25 years one of the most rewarding features of the cultural life of this ancient town. Murray's, 25 Dublin Street Carlow Carlow's Oldest Established BRADBURYS Bakery DUNNY'S High-Class Confectioner SECOND PLACE IN 1969 BAKER and Fancy Baker OF THE VEAR COMPETITION * Try our Prize.. winning Bread High-Class Confectionery Wedding and Christening Cakes a Speciality Christmas and Wedding Cakes a Speciality Tullow Street Purest Ingredients only used PERSONAL SERVICE Carlow Phone: 41151 DUCKETTS GROVE Lounge Bar Wedding Receptions, Birthday Parties Etc. PROPRIETOR: V. NICHOLL The ideal rendezvous for a pleasant weekend Nicholl & Ryan Ltd. Painters and Decorators General Spraying, Paperhanging, Graining, etc. Churches, Schools and Housing a Speciality Distance no Object 69 Tullow Street, Carlow Phone: Carlow 55634. Shop around at leisure where shopping is a pleasure · and always has been since we were selling Boys Tweed Suits at 3/6 to 12/6 each Youths ''Do" 10/8 to 25/· Mens ''Do" 16/8 to 48/· We have just as good value today at todays prices (in decimal!) at HADDENS DEPARTMENT STORES CARLOW FIN EGAN'S We are now stockists of Lounge Bar T\VEED Perfumes, Talc & Toilet Preparations by Lentheric TULLOW STREET Also and Morny, Max Factor, Coty & POTATO MARKET Number Seven Renowned For Excellence FOLEY'S MEDICAL HALL LTD. OFF LICENCE A 66, TULLOW ST., SPECIALITY CARLOW- Phone: 41519 CARLOVIAN A Silver Jubilee Vol. 1. No. 20. New Series. Dec. 1971. TWENTY-FIVE years. A quarter of a century. A long time to look back on: a longer time to look forward to. Many Journal of the sweeping changes have taken place in Carlow town and county Old Carlow Society since that first meeting was held in the Town Hall on April 1st, Editor: 1946 with a view to forming the Society. There was an overflow E. F. BROPHY attendance at this meeting. Printed by Nationalist Printers, Carlow. When the first general meeting was held in Carlow Technical School (Old Assembly Rooms) on Wednesday, 1st May, there was little public support. It was with difficulty that the first officers and committee were elected. The object of the Society was " to foster and promote an interest in the history of Carlow and district, and in particular CONTENTS to preserve a permanent record of life in Carlow in the past." Of those first officers and committee of 1946, only five are with us in 1971 to celebrate their foresight in founding the Old Our Chairman writes . 8 Carlow Society. · James Haughton and Young Ire- land . 9 Our first journal, " Carloviania", was published in January, 1947 with a modest 500 copies. This first issue has now become Local Folklore 13 a collector's item. Since that time we have brought twenty-four journals to date with over 1,000 copies printed each year. A year in the life of a town 14 Art MacMurrough and Richard II 18 Glancing through those twenty-four journals, a great tribute must be paid to those contributors of papers (some of whom Who was McEvoy? 22 are no longer with us) for the amount of work on historical research that was put into the collecting of material for these Some Co. Carlow Wills 24 articles. In fact were it not voluntary work of these faithful Prize-winning essay 26 and dedicated enthusiasts who contributed the papers, the editors who compiled them, the photographs which will eventually Folklore from a historian 27 become history, and above all, the advertisers without whose help " Carlioviania " could not be produced. Witch or Martyr? 28 The holed stone of Aghade 31 The nucleus of a Local Folk Museum envisaged by the founders has begun to take shape. Many items of the past have William Marshall 33 already been donated; or promised when suitable premises become available. The lack of a place suitable for a folk museum was The structure of politics and the founders'-and still is-our big problem. power 35 John Amnesty Nolan 41 In sending this Silver Jubilee Edition of " Carloviania " to press the Editor hopes that the work of the past twenty-five Secretary's Report . 42 years will spur the members on to greater efforts to record the history and traditions of the town and county of Carlow. This Editorial contributed by Miss M. T. Kelly, Joint Vice Chairman and a founder member of the O.C.S. 7 OUR CHAIRMAN WRITES Alec Burns SINCE WE last published "Carloviana" the Society has whenever he read a paper there was always a bumper suffered a more than usual drain of its members through attendance as his talks were interspersed with so much the efforts of the Great Reaper; hardly a monthly meet­ of his personal memories. He was modest to a degree ing passed without our having to record our condolen­ and always characterised his articles as a mere jotting ces. We hope they are all now enjoying the just reward down of interesting facts written from a purely personal of their wordly labours. and homely aspect. History had always held a warm spot The great Reaper took a very heavy toll, starting in in his heart and would be contributors of Journal arti­ April, with the loss of Harry Fennell our past Chairman, cles found in him a great adviser. He was always very who although not being in the best of health for some happy when, in his capacity as Works Manager, he was time previous had found the strength to be present at able to give so much help in the early editions of the several of the Society's monthly meetings. Just a few Journal. Its style and format which it has retained suc­ days before his sudden demise, he was present at a lec­ cessfully over the years were John Ellis' pioneer effort. ture in the Technical School, Dublin Street, by Barry Raf­ Finally we remember Miss Alice Tracey who came to tery on the excavations being carried out at Rathgall. Carlow around 40 years ago from Derry and immedia­ The Society's meetings meant quite a lot to Harry, they tely set herself the task of becoming a worthy member were part of his life, he had the gift of being able to make of her newly adopted town. She did a lot of research to everybody, at those meetings, feel very much at home. provide a little booklet on Graiguecullen's past, which The older members will never forget the lovely garden was published uder the pen name of "Rose Madder", to teas which his good wife generously provided at the close provide funds for the building of St. Clare's Church. When of some of the Summer outings.
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