The Case of Elizabeth Rutgers Versus Joshua Waddington : Determined In
UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Darlington Memorial LiLi 3 %/ S3' > 7 THE CASE Elizabeth Rutgers Joshua Waddington, DETERMINED IN THE MAYOR'S COURT, IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, August 7, 1786. WITH AN HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION BY HENRY B. DAWSON. MORRISANIA, N. T, 1866. ONE HUNDRED COPIES OCTAVO, AND TWENTY-FIVE COPIES QUARTO, NUMBERED AND SIGNED. ol=6w^ r2^cxw^5 BRAnSTRlTET FsESS. TO CHARLES P. KIRKLAND, LL. D., OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, In recognition of his worth, both as a Lawyer and a Man, THIS VOLUME IS INSCRIBED BY HIS FRIEND, THE EDITOR. Morrisania, N. Y., April joth, 1866. _ Introduction, IN the fummer of 1776, there flood on the northern fide of Maiden Lane, near where Gold " ^ Street now enters it, a large Brewery, with its at- tendant dwelling, malt-houfe, fheds, ftorehoufes, etc. The premifes extended from Smith, now Wil- f=i Ham, Street, on the weft, to Queen, now Pearl, Street, on the eaft ; and from Maiden Lane, on the fouth, to the prefent line of John Street, on the I ^ north ; and it was one of the mod notable features """ in that part of the city. The greater portion of this property had formed, ^* in the earlier days of the Colony, a part of the £"" homeftead of Dirck Jansen van der Clyff, and a connderable portion of it, on Smith's Vly, now Pearl Street, had paffed from his widow, Geesie Hendricks,* to Thomas Parcell, of Barn, now Ward's, Ifland, by deed dated July 13, i6o6.f * The Regijier of Marriages in the Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church, fliows that they were married on the 3d of April, 1667.
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