!' Craft Masonry. Committee Had Heavy Demands Upon Their Resources
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CONTENTS. brethren adjourned to thc large room , where a splendid lowing brethren as officers for the ensuing year :—W- banquet was served most admirably, under the superinten- Bro. W, L. Fox, I.P.M. ; Bros. W. D. Rogers, S.W. ; and OF M ASONIC M EETINGS — dence of Bro. W. G. Jennings. On the removal of the E. May, J.W. ; W. Bro. W. F. Newman , Treas.; Bros. 0R1S ,0 ^ft Masonry cloth the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed. J. P. Polglase, Sec. ; the Rev. J. Bartlett, Chap. ; Henry Wat Arch " In response to the toast of " The Grand Officers ," Bro. James, S.D. ; R. N. Rogers, J.D.; R. C. Richards, I.G.; onic Notes ami Queries 13 thc Rev. C. J. Martyn, P.G.C, said it was a pleasing re- J. C. Benny, D.C. ; S. Collins, A.D.C. ; Geo. P. Carter, &vs - * *i sponsibility to have to respond on behalf of so large a Org.; G. A. Foss, S.S.; G. Scott, J.S. ; and W. Rusden , deration of thc Now Masonic Hall, boiitliampton 13 toast that embraced thc whole of the Grand Officers. All Tyler. W. Bro. T. C. Pol glase was elected with accla- l\ Masonic Institution for Boys i-l mutt have been struck with the way in which Lord Car- mation Steward of the " Cornwall Masonic Annuity and il Masonic Institution for Girls , 1$ narvon carries out his duties, as also Lord Skelmersdale, Benevolent Fund." Subsequently the brethren and visit- h Masonic Institution for Boys li who was worshipped wherever he went, not only in Masonry ing brethren dined together. In addition to those men- List Quarterl y Cou rt of llic Girls,' School 6 but out of it. With regard to the other Grand Officers , tioned there were also present VV. Bro. M. Little, P.M. 7g'; Ihic Charity 16 he was sure they all did their best. The way thc heads Bros. J. H. C. Lcuty, J. Hawken , S.W. ; T. W. ii J. 331 ,'ni c Losses did their work proved an incentive to the juniors. Bro. J. Willcccl-s, S.W. 131; Josiah Rowe, J.W. 318; and a Hnse tif l.ynt-otnlie Mows? rli also replied, fn proposin " Successto large number of brethren of the lodge. tESfOSDEXCE :— Mason , P.G.S.B., g jfonnitv of Ititual 10 the Joppa Benevolent Fund," the W.M. saitl it was a fund Jucry '. »S most ably administered under the superintendence of Bro. -WARRINGTON. * —Lodge of Lights (No. 148) yal Arch Chapter for Military Ilrethrcn l *- Lewis Alexander, P.M. He regretted to say that, —The following is extracted fro m " Memoirs of the Life tl AI.isonic Ilenevolent Institution , lS j Masonic Denevole-nt Institution lS owing to the commercial depression, the fund was lower of Elias Ashmole, drawn by himself : "—" October 16th, Inic antl General Tidings lS than it hail been for twelve years. In fact it 1646. 1 was matle a Freemason at Warrington , in Lan- « Meetings for Next Week 19 was so low that the Committee hatl come to the con- cashire, with Colonel Mainwaring, of Karincham , in Ches •Ttiscinciits i., ii., ii:., iv., v., v i. 20 clusion that thc brethren should be specially appealed to. hire ; the names of those who were then at the lodge, Mr Thc W.M. then made a forcible appeal on behalf of the Richard Penketh, Warden; Mr. fairies Collier, Mr. Rich- , etc., intended for inser- fund , and concluded by falling upon Bro. Lewis Alexander, ard Sankey, Henry Littler, John Ellam, Richard Ella'rri, IEPORTS the energetic President , to respond. Bro. Alexander and Hugh Brewer." We need scarcely add that Elias a in current number, should reach thanked the brethren for the hearty manner in which they Ashmole was the author of the well-known " History of had received the toast. After what the W.M. had said, it the Order of the Gaiter," and founder of the Ashmolean I Office, (198, Fleet-street), by Six mi ght bethought fulsome for him to say many words, but Museum at Oxford. It is a mailer for great regret that lock p.m., on "Wednesdays. he thought the following particulars would prove of the ancient records of this lodge are lost, and that the his- sufficient interest as to merit the attention of the brethren. tory of Freemasonry in Warrington cannot now be con- Thc fund was established in 1849 UX Dr. Canstett, who nectively traced further back than November Sth, 17 65. for many years acted as President. Since that time the funtl From time immemorial the installation and festival of EPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS had steadil y increased year by year, until , as their VV.M. this old and flourishing lodge have been held on the last had said, in consequence of the general depression , the Monday in each year, and no deviation to this rule was !' Craft Masonry. Committee had heavy demands upon their resources. The made on the last occasion. The lodge was summoned for sum of £292 had been awarded during the last twelve three o'clock in the afternoon, and punctually at that hour ODGE OF JOPPA (No. 188).—The installation months, and £160 during the preceding half year, which thc W.M., Bro. J. Rymer Young, took the chair, and was ing of this lotlge, numbeiing upwartls of one hundred in rountl fi gures made the large sum of £450 awarded supported by Bros. Charles E. Hindley, S.W., W.M. elect ; •Tilling members, was held on Monday last, at the in eighteen months. This was he thought a very large Alf. 11. Young, J.W.; James Paterson, S.D. ; Thomas ;n Tavern , Aldersgate-street , and was well attended , amount for a private lod ge to dispense. He (Bro. Alexan- Grime, J.D.; Joh n Armstrong, P.M., Treasurer ; John lotlge was opened at five o'clock punctually. In the der) was very pleased to find that the earnest appeal of Bowes, P.M., P.P.G.J. Warden Cumberland and West- ace of the W.M., thc chair was occupied by Bro. Lewis the VV.M. had not been made in vain , as, through the morland ; T. Mee Pattison, Org. ; Arthur Peake, I.G. ; andcr, P.M., supportfil by Bros. Henry Hymans, perseverance of Bro. L. Lazarus, P.M., the sum of up- Thomas Domville, Tyler ; John Pierpcint , P.M. ; Thos. i, W.M. ilcct ; Rd. Baker, J.W. ; A. G. Dodson , wards of £11 hatl been collected in a very short time. Bro. II. Sutton , W.M. i2.** o; Thos. Tunstall , P.M. ; W. Sharp, [; L. Lazarus , P.M. ; H. M. Levy, P.M. ; Maurice Alexander , in conclusion , said that he thought it was due P.M., P.P.G.J.W. ; John Harding, P.M. ; Jos. Pickthall, Wider , P.M. ; 11. Berkowitz , P.M. ; S. L. Hickman , to the Committee to say, that they full y appreciated the P.M. ; Charles Skinner, W. Bum , C. Ekkert, John I (Installing Master) ; O. Roberts, P.M. ; Israel confidence reposed in them , and while they werc prepared Laith waite, W. Dooley, W. Kinsey, John Dimmelow, hams, P.M.; James S. Lvons, Treas. ; E. P. Albert , to award any sum or sums which the circumstance of the A. Crawford , Dr. Walter, S. E. Johnson , Thomas Jones, .> • P.G.P. j L. M. Myers, J.D.; I. Benjamin , I.G. ; case rendered nccessary,thcy,as custodians of the fund , care- Thomas Morris, Dr. Mackie, F. E. Rawlinson, Thomas I. Blanks , D. of C. *, Joseph Davis ami M. Boams, fully guarded against anything approaching imposition. Gartside, F. Curzon , James Bay ley, R. W. Francomb, and arils ; P. E. Van Noorden , Org. ; John Woodstock , In proposing "The Health of the VV.M.,"B.-o. Alexander said S. Wallhead. Among the visitors we noticetl Bros. Dr. 5,733, Tyler ; Charles Lavey, G. Van Volen , J. W. that all present would agree that no one individual would Duncan , P.M. 1354 ; Dr. Gorrall , D. W. Finney, P.M., jnap, A. Montanjees , A. Botiboi , A. Wagstaff , George regret electing Bro. Hymans as their W.M. He did not Prov. G.D.C; E. C. Cooper, P.M. 484, P.P.G.S.B. ; f. S. Bolibol , A. Souhami, J. Solomon , J. Abrahams, wish to eulogise him for his past conduct , or compliment Schonstadt, P.M. 1502 ; Robert Brierley, P.M. 1250 ; E. ). Homans, M. Hart, Benj. Hart, F. Brown , W. B. him in antici pation of what might be expected of him , but Roberts Flegle ; J. Paul Rylands, 1354 ; W. H. Rylands, ty, S. B. Alexander , Moss Davis, A. Verilon , J. he would say that in their W.M. they possessed a gentle- 417 ; Wm. Simpson, 1159; and J. H. Galloway, S.W. I, C. Maine , J. Hyman , M. Silver, O. A. James, S. man, a scholar, and a thorough business man. With 1250. The lodge was opened in form , when the minutes ¦J. A. Britton , George T. Wagstaff , A. Pearce, those attributes he ventured to think that he would not fail of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The \, Burrows, Alfred Davis, and the following to prove worthy of the position he had to fill. Thc W.M. lodge was opened in the Second Degree, when the W.M. ts*. Bros, the Rev. Charles J. Martyn, P.G.C, Dep, said, in reply, that it was difficult to find words to express invited Bro. Bowes to take the chair as Installing Master. ' Grand Master of Suffolk ; Col. Shadwell H. Clerke, his thanks. Anything he may have done was sufficientl y The W.M., assisted by Past Master Tunstall, then pre- D.; James Mason , P.G.S.B.