Lockie's Topography of London, : Giving a Concise Local Description Of
J THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES JLOCKIE'S TOPOGRAPHY O F lonaon, GIVING A CONCISE LOCAL DESCRIPTION OF AND ACCURATE DIRECTION TO EVERY SQUARE, STREET, LANE, COURT, DOCK, WHARF, INN, PUBLIC- OFFICE, &c. IN THE $letropolts ENVIRONS, INCLUDING THE NEW BUILDINGS TO THE PRESENT TIME, UPON A PLAN NEVER HITHERTO ATTEMPTED. The Whole alphabetically arranged, and comprising the Description of more than Three Thousand Places, the Names of which are not to be found upon any of the Maps of the present Year. TAKEN FROM ACTUAL SURVEY BY JOHN LOCKIE, Inspector of Buildings to the Phoznix Fire-Office. ilcr.Don : Albemarle-Street Sold by G. and W. Nicol, Pall-Mali; W. Miller, ; J. Hatchard, Piccadilly; J.White and Co. Fleet-Street; J. Mawman, Poultry; J. M. Richardson, Cornhill j and Dart on and Harvey, Gracechurch-Streef. 1810. [8s. Boards. entered at grtattonetfi^alU Printed by S. Couchman, Throgmorton-Strect, London. DA 83 TO THE LSI t BOARD of DIRECTORS OF THE fornix $ixt JBfftce, THIS W O R K JS MQST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY THEIR MOST OBLIGED AND OBEDIENT HUMBLE SERVANT, J. LOCKIE. London, Jan. 1810. 1201329 . J . PREFACE. X HE Author of the following Work, in the Discharge of his widely-extended Duties, having frequently experienced the Inac- curacy of all the existing Registers of the Streets, &c. of the Metropolis, and their total Inadequacy as a Means of ascertaining their Locality and Bearings, was induced to form one upon a it was not more correct and explanatory System ; and until he had experienced the great Utility and Convenience of such a Book of Reference, that he determined to undertake the arduous Task of forming a complete Analysis of the Town, and to offer it to the Public in its present Form.
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