Decorations—What Are They Worth?

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Decorations—What Are They Worth? elect a Chairman afc each Meeting, and may adjourn from timo to timo. THE LAWS OF THE SCHOOLS. Threo shall form a quorum. THE "widely spread difference of opinion as to tlio inter- The succeeding clauses refer to the House and "Finance pretation to be put npon tlio School Laws, find npon Committees, and have no other bearing on thoqurstionsundor tlie desirability of adopting the alterations recently proposed discussion than that thoir proceedings are to be reported to at the General Courts, has reached a stago at which wo may the General Committee ; no mention being made or the probabl y assist our readers in arriving afc a jnst decision on General Court. both these points. In endeavouring to do this, and bearing The main point of difference, as wo understand it is, do in mind that comparatively few of tho subscribers are in these Laws confer upon the General Court a power of possession of copies of the Laws,—although we believe the appointing Sub-Committees ? We think not. Strictly Secretaries would forward them to any applicant,—we will speaking, a j S'«Z>-Committee can only bo appointed by a give " chapter and verse " of those clauses which appear to Committee. It would clearl y bo within tho powers of the ns to bear upon the subject which has been—perh aps too Court itself, under clause 30, and after dne notice and warmly—argued. The original design of governing these advertisements, as required by clause 34, to meet by adjourn- Institutions seems to have been, firstly, a General Court, ment any number of times, to alter, abrogate, or add to the which was doubtless intended to include every subscriber existing Laws ; but it would also appear that in nominating entitled to vote at the School Elections, although the Laws, twelve representative members of . the General Committee, both m the original and in the suggested amendments, are the Court had already exercised tho full power of Committee curiously silent on this point ; and, secondly, a General nomination originally contemplated, and that any refer- Committee for transacting tho ordinary business of the In- ences by the Court should be to the General Committee stitution , with sub-division into House, and Finance and whose authority to appoint a Sub-Committee for any special Audit Committees, the powers and duties of each being dnly purpose is indisputable. Indeed , if the Court possessed the set forth. As to the General Court, Law 30 says :— power, the policy of its exercise would be very questionable, XXX. The business of a Quarterly General Court shall bo to elect since tho General Committee might reasonably construe the Patron, or Patrons, Treasurer, Trustees, "Vice-Presidents, Life tho appointment into a " want of confidence " vote. It. Governors (other than those who become Vice-Presidents or Life will be observed that Law 30, besides specifying the business Governors in right of their contribution s),—the twelve representative of a Quarterly Court, specifically gives tho power of adjourn - members of tho General Committee, and Medical Officers :— to declare Vacancies,—elect Boys,—make new laws, and abrogate or amend ex- ment, and if it had also been intended to confer also a right of isting laws ; and generally to direct and control the affairs of the appointing Snb-Cominittccs, this would doubtless havo been Institution. likewise expressed. Tho General Committee is required to A Quarterly General Court has the power of adjournment. report a summary of their proceedings to the Quarterly Law 31 provides that a Special Court shall be called on Court, as well as to recommend the candidates eligible to bo a requisition in writing ; Law 32 appoints the Chairman placed on the list for election, but on no other subject are and fixes the quorum of five members ; Law 33 stipulates cither of tho Committees required to communicate with the that every motion shall be in writing ; and Law 34 reads :— General Court. As to receiving reports from Sub-Com- mittees, if the Court can override tho written laws in this XXXIV. No motion for a new law, for the abrogation or alteration particular, wo see no reason why it could not supersede the of any existing law, or for a grant of money, shal l be made at a General Committee in the elections of the House Committee General Court , , unlosa notice thereof shall hare been given at a pre- or override the House Committee in vious General Court or General Committee, and advertised by the Secretary, &c, ' tho Socretary iu three, at least, of the daily papers, six days, prior to such appointment of School staff. Wo doubt if it is desirable to meeting, notice also being sent to every Provincial Grand Secretary. encourage any deviations from a commonsense reading of the regulations, but wc have no wish to assume the office Tho prerogative of the General Committee is defined by of dictator, nor do wc desire to assort that every person who Laws 35 and 36 :— fails to see the question in the same light as ourselves is GENERAL COMMITTEE. necessarily devoid of sense. XXXV. The ordinary business of the Institution shal l be trans- acted by a Geueral Committee, consisting of all Life Governors,* to- gether with twelve Life or Annual Subscribers elected aunual ly at the Quarterly Court iu April. A summary of their monthly proceedings shall bo reported to the following Quarterly General Court. They shall receive and examine tho Petitions of Candidates for admission. DECORATIONS—WHAT ARE THEY and recommend to the Quarterly Court those declared eligible to be placed on the list for election, with power to reject any petition if they WORTH ? consider the case not within the class of those intended to be aided IN this Nineteenth Century the old adage " Beauty by the Institution, notwithstanding the correctness of all certificates unadorned is adorned the most," may well be taken required,—elect the House, and Finance, and Andit Committees,—fill to heart by Freemasons. Wherever wo assemble Masonic- up vacancies therein,—elect or remove the Secretary, Collector, and ally, we arc sure- to find many paid officers (other than those hereinafter of those wc meet bespan- excepted), appoint Sub- gled with tinsel and meaningless committees,—receive the reports of all Committees, consider and gee-gaws which, if dis- decide upon their recommendations, and order payment of the played on a wild Indian , would be greeted with endless accounts as approved by the Finance and Audit Committee. ridicule. Why all this outward show ? simply it is the XXXVI. They shall meet afc the Office of the Institution, on the fashion ; and, as such, wo suppose must and will endure. last Thursday of every month (evceplu-hen that day shall be Christmas We do not find fault with those who have to provide for Day, and then on the day preceding ) , afc Four o'clock in the Afternoon, the popular taste ; but who can describe as anything ap- proaching ease the pos t: of a brother who has been sitting * There is a palpable omission here, which seems to havo escaped for two or th ree hours in a hot room with something short of notice. Patrons, Vice-Patrons, and Vice-Presidents, must be qualified a dozen decorations jingling no matter which way he turn s, members of this Committee, or who can look upon the bulk of the jewels that are annnslly voted to Past Masters in any other light than in mockery. This love of show does not confine itsel f to CONSE CBATION OF THE SOUTHDOWN Knglish Freemasonry, if we may judge from a writer in our LODGE , No. 1797. at Indiana- cowtenmovttTv , tho Musonic Adcoeuh; published IV /roST of our readers are doubtless familiar with the " Devil s polis, who, in commenting on the recent election of Officers i »X " Dyko," which is sibout six miles from Brighton , and whioh of the various Lodges iu that city, remarks that " most of occupies a position on tho northom verge of tho beautiful range of the important stations hare been filled with Past Mustors. '' Sussex Downs, so famed for tho Southdown mutton, and which over- It cannot , look the wide expanse of country forming tho Weald. At about a The reason for this the writer is unable to trive. milo and ;i half duo north , and forming a prominent object in the in his opinion , lie " from a want of good material among the great panorama, is seen tlie handsomo early Knglish Church , with membership from which to make a selection , lor there is its tall spire, erected about forty years since, from the designs of the plenty of such iu »U the Lodges." He rather inclines to celobvated Hurry , of llui'stpierpoiut , a town-village situated in the the idea that it ia done from motives of economy, " for the midst of charming scenery, and a favouri to resort in summer time for Brightonians. Like in most country places, there has been a great practice has so long prevailed of presenting the rotiring lack of sociality existing, and an entire dearth of amusement, or master with a costly testimonial that it has become a heavy rather of intellectual and usofnl occupation , especially during tho annual tax on the members." He also thiuks that " these long wintor evenings, and an old and enthusiastic London Mason Past Masters having all beeu supplied with testimonials having sottled down thero he wns not long in conceiving tlie idea of can hard ly expect another, aud thus the practice can he remedying this monotonous state of things by founding a Masonio Lodgo, and so bringing together a lot of loose material—so to speak broken up without hurting tho feeliugs of auy one." - and uniting it in a common bond of fellowship.
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