Sexual Behavior and Attitudes ' of Pregnant
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A.“ SEXUAL BEHAVIOR AND ATTITUDES ' OF PREGNANT NEGRO ADOLESCENTS— IN THE CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR GI RLS PRCXSRAM Patricia Tanner Nelson LIBRARY Michigan State University Nelson, Patricia Tanner l Sexual Behavior ‘M.A- ' Nelgon, Patricia Tanner Sexual Behavior and Attitudes of P M.AO 1968 FOE MICHIGAN STATE UNNERSITY COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY REFERENCE UBRARY MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF HOME ECONOMICS EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINE return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 6/01 c:/CIRC/DateDue.p65—p. 15 (123.3'EL'.CI‘ .uu— ': ‘ ‘ ,-g ‘ I : IV \ . I.‘~. ”‘31 frs i -.‘ 3.. ‘ . r. ‘ ’l .. ‘1‘ ‘h '1‘ a“? :1; L {o _—.3 Aft“ Ik'.\ l-\}EJ .L‘iuL LIL/I: r1: .3 N. t‘ l 'I...‘.a-.~4.‘.':. |‘_\‘, - .; ~ I“ win I‘ ~ w TI -; 1x 174‘» .I-....a*.'. \\4I .‘3.’ "Au . Lk4¢.3v i5 .) “'2‘ pCJ-ll I 4 .A— n" 1.51.4'13 {ILL'OLTIK 1" FL, it Gluing) .13qu u’II by Iatricia Tanner fielean 35 gay increases in Ike an:ual number of illegit- ima's birt e niece 193? h¢Ne CflhéCd 5335131 gangsra awnng those involved in the study of the famzly in tie quit” States. Tfic cifEerence in illegit.xnry rates wet een the white and nonwhite population has always been uLx23. .Al— though trends suggest that the differential in illegitimaay :gtes is decreasing, the inciafienc e of \errv ille it nae} merits Speci.' .1 atten tier. pregnant :leco'nF3 enrxa Ied in Calvary Center of the or Girls fr .-au (:13) id fietroit, Irtllunlgilffi . ‘ ‘ - n‘. (L ) t0 \I‘CIL-.Z....;_. _-q. .w. <3 Inna ’.< . Sue-LII”. “~u 3.1!, E}; thhglGjiCES ,- .. an . , ELactzces......-. , ‘ of the Lalva: "t . aolcszeuts. a . 0n . T32 I SLNL; . 4. A, I .tgd of twenty-five pregnant adalescents (x N? L4 H! Pd I”) g: II} (”I ' {'4 'U ’i._‘ '. \ O . “T ‘. ”a.-. -»a -. .0 -' ,,". l ‘ ‘\ 4 I 3 ole Vth- n: Luucatzon fur $1118 own} ha! I-n :3 u ‘6. ri- I ‘ ‘ ' ‘ u in Latroit, Lichigan. all of the girls were Lew {.3 Fatricia Tanner Nelson overt12nnrarc rcsukts revealed m; ttCilb .. _ - Ln " :13 ecruul _..' mac. - fvh.u ‘ ,r': or ._*‘ IE: . ,\ .---.-wv : gLrlsz .: YA? ;- Lana: "‘ “" gerer ' " . 321’.2. .' Cit-1"... 7- ‘ «.3 9.3? . u‘atL‘I - um .- 1;! Hf - - .;..I.J ‘3’ :1!y 1.3,: ,-- pr.or Q to tie E ar ‘1 inietratian . o{ the quesinnnaare. a. The JLL girls hrd exuerleficrg Lara! 1n1iLa sexual rclLf.o-an,r ch : .- 9. :1 -: w... an - 0“Evo.nde .‘ v '- m; "h 3: ’ 2 ycazs o n (rib:'F’ . I» to . tle? . ‘ . ' rrehnancy. f" a “ The - mean ., number - 0; : £u>.ual ~ .ov partners :- ew tne . uh, ”‘7 rtrls . v_ . fl . L s {a ' I.~t {.k‘ .5;- i...¢.. I:‘.S..3 ¢LQULQ " ' , j , w ,.,' -1 I] . ,. v. ', .-. l L.L€{T‘-‘AIHS an. IS“?! 1114: had 4 .I 2..” 2;}. '3 '03 ”I ‘ & ~aa 6 months to a year I - as o y> . n- ‘-_ w”... g.“ .Wr.» Aide's: fou~afi£cha (19) of the Ca; gizLa i:.;catel that they were in love n: th too all: ed father. _r- IE;LiLy LiG no: flipuwf Lo me a :rincipal faciif in 12 .c ICIiLLWLLM19 that lead to the prc;nar y tine AJ-AJJ 3.511 1. '1"“vt three-fifths (1%) of the 31:13 :33 '*:d a contraceptive at some time in their line. “v- {enera1, the ne"s of h CA. girl'e was , thtin3 to LLQL o c1 sely £520 (£3531. CIA; girl, the alley €13 father, and! ti. 0: tze CL; 3131). naJDI I l paitcrrs are; Jna iIUm n “«Vt tae 1 HththuLJlrcHr'o. ’a f I I t results c » 9* "J att'tv ~ r- A\-‘ \.$ lu- tvfi lu“ ve’vc* MBA-0‘ q iv Iva-“#2.. ' {:~ -. y 3' ‘ . _ Q. "~ ,. J. 3 v I ~; ‘5‘ I. "- P n. '2‘... " a I Ed ' l ab £3 £1 vhf." tone 4...}; 19.1.‘Ld tug-‘t'LSA- ‘5‘») u'RV". .Im 61 wide urge 01 feclznga to rrd fijrrerevt aefec* "A. u¢b¢fl5 ‘5‘}:- lazuli! L14 fl. '1- V - v - '--w 4'.- i2 ..3.£.n C0111; Jarit; t:¢c ‘d‘aa-a-Iwhca 1~‘.§' l \- d$1o$~u1§ Jul- arrangements for marriage, slzvhtly over two- fifths (11) eaid tnat marria;c mag gnvu and living touc.ncr .33 vwr mg. chr oncufifth (7) of the girls said tfgt hurliabé was cotter, .;t livzz; to ether was 1" also seed. LCSS than ore-iiftb ( a: :11 that (3% ‘3. * libit; togetnc: we S uCtLV-b.’ nut tLat nexria; Ni: ‘ | also 50 U“. Tatricia Tanner Nelsen When Cfifiperififi legitimate and illegitimate children, r ffiur-fiftr '5 of the ng giria infiiuateé hat chLLdren 1 ingida aarriage were praicraLie. hcwever, <31; 3833.le if it mu; lam-1'1; “t"; ’5 ham 3 agild catfafifie ova: one-half of tnufie reayouL4n3 (ll) . 9 J. L. _, L. .71" “u ‘1 at 3.. a. Run"; n); ‘FR- h‘4e .. v" -; .‘ - . v ,6 ' ‘wo ' _ . -. r ."' ~ {.3 -~ 5- ,7! ‘f’ v- ‘v. & 3‘ or .' 1-,. o» .u n 7 \ y a} i - .1 ‘3. 4: L ~rv v . f" V. '_ .. ,2 m 1 .n ‘3' 0-1 \. ; 4 it an ' .30: .0 a} §l a ’L. --‘ ‘30 L. c‘. Eb \. 'm 4-:- ‘.i .3 4 ‘r" '-.~ I! u "‘ ‘9 ‘ .F . VJ E} ”g. ‘1 :- .3 to Center {armada illégfii'ii’é‘iifiifar“ 'P-V ‘ r "Wl *q‘aflo .. q ., 1:.N mp. -rulu‘ .7'- -~ BL“. '.\IU.\ 41“ J .. ' J. A van... -4 s." &.Lsa‘JA‘HI-ts \‘- --.‘ ‘ .-~ Q r . '~ ‘. " 2r" '- ' I! “.5. ‘3‘. .9 'Qv ‘1 0a ..‘¢V in» ..."-J'u.\..‘ {‘1‘ rhiLu. :3;th «i ‘3‘ it* Siaé ‘v' "k‘ ‘Aattlax.t -J in "‘U ‘r‘t-Tl’br‘ ‘; 121,-” -\ {.01 pi»; ; \W—x i-L c‘i fWu Mitt to . c 5.33:1.ELatedUnimcrzzity in partial fulfillment of the requirements in r the degree of Uepartzncrt of Hume hematcncnl ani Child fevelupment 1968 m:amouumzumms The writer wishes to thank Mrs. The1m3.Dunn Hansen for her assistance in the formulation and presentation-of this problem; Dr. Beatrice Paolucci, department chairman, for he: criticism of the manuscript; and Mrs. L. Edna Rogers and Dr. Constantina Safilios-Rothschild for their advice and encouragement in the initial stages of the study. Appreciation is also eXpressed to Dr. Hyman Rodman, Er. Denny Stavrose. and hrs. Nancy M. Boykin of Detroit for suggestions and assistance in the formulation of the questionnaire. Finally. the writer is grateful for the encourage- ment eXpressed by faculty, friends, and family throughout the preparation of this study. ii T:-.SLL (3;: L.;¢-m.14 Tage ' . “ ’;“H [XXI-42? 11.3.}; J 2.4 o a o o o o O a o O o a 0 a C I ii M fir s {I}? «b 4 .i-‘ .. 2 c o u o o a o o a o o o o u . C iv r“, _ . ‘_ 7.. y), .3"§l1“ 1- ‘. ..... QV¢A o o o O o o o o o o u o O b‘ s ‘— ' - ~. cf tue .retlcm . C I 1.613313 0 o o o o o C O as: iLngL-u up 11...}... [1.5.7-11 II. X'XlfiLILtzi O O C O O C O 0' '\ III. {‘3 1'...i£'2';-~1:_=k—LV‘\JY o I o o O O I O O 0 0 0 I O m :‘2’a‘i‘ij Selection and Lescription of the (“-3 M 3'3 :CJclc;ncnt wf the Z.hstrurcnt. I U ‘53 .ominiztraticn of the Instrument (a) C O C ““Ct-.L hi the Iatu . L.) O O N iknalysj-s 0f the Lata u o o o o 9 .5». O C b.) V' v- I rw ("I _ . I "1...) iii: .MLI‘U .2 \1 33.3 mi Jm'Yo a at I G u IV. C Q (A (Q . u... xxx-4" .:;."' .- *- V. JII; :4 1L ‘ iu‘c‘ L1 1341 Lol \4. ”,3 :’.\ 5» 3;: . Q g g . 0 O :‘2 137331.? a o I o n o o o o o o o . O 35.:i311CC’st3CX'S o o ' o o o o u o - C . - {“._' ‘ BILIIu: “-.'\.i;~. '5‘ ~QYoooooooooo-ooono O C A“ A 4:“ win. 0 o o o o a o o a c o o o o .. 9 q O 0 ....1... .... .... VIM. «.....P CN~ mekmtat an o .‘ . I s . I .. J .. I \o J ‘. ‘v J | . n Kw ... ‘ (fl .2 ...). 61‘” arm..»a ”‘3‘! flIIr$.c C”, C... a, FIVH.‘ DWI ...rnfiJiv ...:.....§....'. w Mfg?" WSPmfiHpfiWCVw O O O O o 0 0 o 0 I o 0 9-} ‘5‘ anacmpfimaaww m chu om mhmwc..smww .whmwu . .n . r ... .. .1 ,a. C... {frirrysifr fix... » wanmk..._.r..m.f .r.r..r..._..;.n..nn.....w_!.o o o I > p O n o u .. O .. .... .0 .4 . 1 u I «1 .‘I . ... .l r- .L I I: «vs? :..(\.I.«‘ «7"... ...”......v¢...h.... ...-v win... >..v$wr«.w«.n.r..w&0..‘,.o>h ..«....l . u \ . .. o . .... s... 3.... Pfifintwaa... .... ”...... 3......» ...} £5“... 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