Ex-Team Gets 15- T(

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Ex-Team Gets 15- T( S3 Traffic DtDeath r Scpreboaoard . ' *•’' \ \ ' \ / / ' IBd »Vf ihJ FFI IN A L . M»SW Vallty. 1051037 .... 3 » B r j S S T h U »f*f« Vtllfjr. 1958...395 . 1 - m vSI;Im««bi! Idiho. i9» - ................... t e EDIDITION i J W l e o i t i ! m»ho, IOM.......... ------- -------1 A Kcgion;!gional Newspaper ServinR — r T W I N R A Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties 309 ______________________ ' ■■ ^ ’tTn'INTAui7lDAilo7THURiD/ u ' ;DAY, FEBRUARY 20.,105i UtnWr «r Au><ll Ilutt«a PHICE 6 CENTS I S o u t h e a s t ExpertsiAttendPerishable A >le Loss Preventioi on M eet _|E S t r u c k b y Ex-Team( i s t e r Chl i i e f » I Cold Gale Jtr The AMocUlfd Trrti ' *r i - Y e a r r e r m | PB Gets 15- N’ortherly wind.i poured T( more freezing wealher into the Southcnst todny. but tem­ peratures moderated iti most nthcr wintcr-buffelcti nrcjis ‘ For Enm b e z z l ej i m e n t __ frnm Ihft Rockiea to thc At- _ S E v m L K ^ V iig h .r - 1'^ U ,-2 (MU,fi)— Fa ri)G c k wjiB Bciilcnced Io ' ^ Inntic coflRt. naximiim of 15 years in lhe slate pt ' . Mor' »now slowrd clMnup opfr*- lc prison today for embezzling a pnllrypn $1,900, obtained U -I from t tloru In p»rU of the itorm-»trlcken im thc sale of n Toamstcr-owncd(I Cndillnc.Cn Beck’s 37-ycar-old son,<on, D nve B cck. jr ., wn.s ' I - pinced —. ji'orlhcul- IHW- iced on probation for three yenr.s.r.s. nlson fo r embezzling union fund,’unds, obtained Irom thc ': Ds M»t norlhfrn dulf «1«Im hnd e o f T e a m s te r C a d illac s. J u d g e GeorgeGen H. Revelle pnsscd scntenctence on the cider Beck oremiKht low rc»dlnc» In the Irfiw, irA.ximntcly nn hour nfter - T5ie wealher burcAU In Wnshlnc- i i M i - . s y L (on iltrlbuiwl the Mvere snld In lhe h v .'^ V >’<)lttlgtng Reck wns turned over , etitem United States to * ihlft ?In 1 1 to an probationj)r' officer. Revelle [he l«t »treiim. I he agreed with the praiecuUiiK ■*NEWS BULLILETINS ^ . ntlorney The Jet *tjw m , « hiuh velocity|V irney'.i recommendnUon lhat turrent of uppfl^nlr, ndnn»lly flow* thentnKstnte bonrd of prison trrnis nnd ftom wcst-to-cast. Now, however, -- - parolesDies srl elder Decks minimum I’REST\'ESTWICK. Scotlniid. Feb. 20 MWA U.I. S, air, force spokesman said II h u ihifted to nortli'tO'Muth. I tence nt three yenrs. todny■ ansn /American m ilitary plane Is missingng In Uit AUanUc on a flight This c*rrie» cold Canadian air eck senior wns visible shaken from NewfoundlandNewt to the Arores. dom Into the eiutern United State*I : r i . ...... Revelle's actions. He obviously Instead of out Into the Atlantic, £been | buoyed up nller the com- PADANIDANG. Sum atra, Feb. 20 l ^ T h e< IndonesianInd luvy's largest Thers w u a tittle relief from thr Krtlitering Thurmiay morning for paratlvelstlvely light Judgment wna plac* warshipihlp apMareda off the coast of this rebelel eentereer Uday. Reports from for neuloni nf iha ninth annual maiman; Carl Hendel. Albany. Calir., weilemem regional research laboratory, td "Rnlnngnlnst his son. Beck’* fnce. nl- Jakarta r Mrrre cold which h u hit mo.ttI't N; nrth«rit perlihable loai preventiontlon shorti fount at lha American and irl» radio u ld central government seapllitaplane* had mads prscUc* of the e u ttm hnlf of the counU>- | and Herbert Findlen. Cail (irand Korks.rts. Mlnn.. L'. 8. deparUnent of r«<lyiy niddy.n turne<l beet red. Hr landlnnInn withi troopi on a Uke 10 miles easlsl et here. j , y Irf^tlon hall are. frnm left. George W. Woodbury,M head nf the horllcul- arlculturoa r l market servlre eipert. Ilendelndel and KIndlen ipoke lo area cleachedidled h ll lists nnd swallowed . for nearly » week m th* core nf'f lura, department a t ths Unlverallyr of Idaho,: lenrrai program chair- potj Ihe Arctic air m w i nioved eastward - potato growers and handlers during lessiclesslona. (Staff phots-engravlngi 1 TUNIS.NIS. Feb, 20 MV-Tunlslan-French relaUoniaUons took snother turn for Inlo the Atlantic. _ * It- * ll- * * * * ■■- EefensefensB altomey Charles S. Bur- vorse loday. Tlie Tunisian govemmentent chargedt Prtnch soldier* IKmui' operatloni eentlnurd In I snld the conviction would be Invadeded a government building In southernTn TunUUI and kldii4>cd a the hardMt h it atorm «clor«, In-^ Teacher■* Tells p laled lo the slnte supreme court Tunisianlan oofficial and two soldlen. Snow Packed •oon as po.i.ilble.“ ctudUiK uivitAtA New Yorlc and Tlie six and one-half fool snow , ^ rU iem Indlnna. Mony r\irnl Potato Experjrts Urge j wller, Durdell had snld Uie ense \KII1NGT0N, Feb. 20 Orv~R«p. Charle*le* A.A Wolverion, B . N. lepth reporied Monday al Maslc lodsy the federal commanlettians cemalsaiDlsslon should adopt a eodt ^ 'ftmllle* remained iMlnled. ' Candidacy for lounuin hns settled and pocked 111* ,?be appealed •'even higher rood and fuel have been brousht u the atate iiipreme court) If hie. to fret It “from th t tmpUcaUon-' UistUis lU deelsloiu eonld be or good Ikllng according to the ‘ “ 'rsmry.- J L '' ed by polUlcal Influence.________________ to mnny of Uift marooned fftmlllps. kl llfl owner. Claude Jones. The In northern Indiana, army liell- , School Office Emphasisoi on Quality |1ond has been cleared and Befireefire sentencing Deck. Uie _ _ eoptera hsve rc.wufd about 60 per* • BOISE, Feb, 50 (,1^-A DoLie leach- A chnllcnKC to bccomc “iiu.ility-i .Idened during the week and Li J''"''*®;e told Uie portly. 63-yenr-old r |l _ _ •" !*••• 1». r.ll** ll JP lily-initidcd” Vacc.s th e polnto ir hnder Uial •’you are n mnn of I \ V I er. O. D. -Cole. Il.itcd a four-polnl industry.jndi nccordiitK lo a Univer.sitjr.sity nf Itlaho potato .spccinl- 10 longerI one way. Chains are ’"bor fcm ' platformpl] lodny on which to cam - ■ equlrcd, tremeitioneitious capnclty. You hnve A n^o” • s Teen-AgerjrsAre pnign for the Republican nomlnn- i.stI w hojpokc to nrcji potato produrociucers and h an d lers Thurs- TlieTin po-vlblllly of snow flurries e, m* a mnn In IhLi community, Water Survey s;tlon a.1 auile auperlntendenl of pub- ^"‘yday morninfr duriiiK .session.^ of thct N orthw e.sl ])cri.shnble] aiI Sunsi Valley was reported by ''•emcnicnenious acts of good work-i . I llc In.itructlon, ioH.s prevention short cour.se ntt thotli Lcffion hall here. llgl Engl, iaitructor. WenUirr UiLf ”“ has been a faclor th n t lins A He snld he would aeek; n orecasi for Thursdny nlglil ts I moil convincing to mt." Arrested for►r Mishap ! Shows Supply ^••.More emphasla on Ihe fundn- Richnrd E. Ohm.'<. exteii.sion .service.lerv speciali.st, said, “ MnstJ ^j’enr‘lear and cooler l-'riday, Baldy Tlientien Ii t told Beck. In effect, lhnt fp,,.. m enul aubjecu, rending, writing produccr.'iPro( are more intcre.-^tcd in yieldj th a n in quality. We; hn*a* 47h Inches of *now. Round- becauselUse of Beck's repuUtlon. he , •0 teen-nge drivern were arrestedted for: rcckless driving !! ’ and nrllhmetlc: U.SC<U.scd to clnHsify (piality as to thclie age,ai xrade nnd ajipearance hou.ieou.ie, 43 Inches; Dollnr. 31 shnuldlid luveli known better thnn to lollowving ing n two-car trnffic accident aboutabo 11 p.m. Wednes- '' Up Over 1957"••More emphajlj on quality nnd ofo f thet potatoeg. But wc nre nowow rccoffnizintri tlia t interrml !"'}’*iche.i, nnd the valley floor. 37 delilele aa fubllc| Irust. d a y inn ththe 300 block of the Main avenu,^cnue east "drag strip .'’ ' t higher aUindarii of pupil perform- iche.i. The road from Shoslione ; Tliele oldiroli Beck al flrat told U nit- Followwing ing tho a rre s t, Dnvid L. Murdock,lock, 18, 221 Elm street, , By T h t Aaaoclated Treu nn chnrncterifltics of the polatocn arcnre important: in detcrmininR k)S, su u n Valley is clear. |ed Presi vesi >e had *'no comment" to postedd $75t l bond nnd Merlin Hcnth,, IG. route 1, Kimberly, Water atornge In rr.iervnlri »prv- •'Betler tenchera and beller ieach- HUnqunlily. too.” Ohms siiitJ, "Thee potnlopo m u sl n ot only look _____ e on his, sentence. Then he ' • i„. In; nouihern Idaho farmland.iI ing In Idaho clA.uroomu: K^0{Kood—b ut it m ust oat Rooti. ndded'd inIn lls rnpld-flre mnnner. "I •eleaaed to custody of his parents.ts. Murdock is scheduled, piiwd the fouf million acre-loot■ "Drtter educntlon for ench dollnr U'.sj f j , no longer .■'ufficient th a t T r • fl don'lI linilinve to live with nnyone bul lo nppcntipenr in Twin Falls police courtrt SaturdayS and Heath , Inve.ited and mora dollars to lnve.il ‘ tnirfc during the paAt. week, a *ur> t'" th e potnloes nro judKCd only J f coiiscimee and that's 100 per w na dircciircctcd to ap p e a r in court Wedncsdnesday. Tha report filed U f Ihowed ye.itcrday, Tlie total inI” educnUon,- good. :-m no mort guilty Umn l)y c ity ^ Cole. 34, li a nallve of Idnho and ono n Inppearnnce." Jet Shoots leiier ■ ss ily police states both , more lhan one-iialf million < anyone li' « ll'l.
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