S3 Traffic DtDeath r Scpreboaoard . ' *•’' \ \ ' \ / / '

IBd »Vf ihJ FFI IN A L . M»SW Vallty. 1051037 .... 3 » B r j S S T h U »f*f« Vtllfjr. 1958... 395 . 1 - m vSI;Im««bi! Idiho. i9» - ...... t e EDIDITION i J W l e o i t i ! m»ho, IOM...... ------1 A Kcgion;!gional Newspaper ServinR — r T W I N R A Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties 309 ______' ■■ ^ ’tTn'INTAui7lDAilo7THURiD/ u ' ;DAY, FEBRUARY 20.,105i UtnWr «r Au>le Loss Preventioi on M eet _|E S t r u c k b y Ex-Team( i s t e r Chl i i e f » I Cold Gale Jtr The AMocUlfd Trrti ' *r i - Y e a r r e r m | PB Gets 15- N’ortherly wind.i poured T( more freezing wealher into the Southcnst todny. but tem­ peratures moderated iti most nthcr wintcr-buffelcti nrcjis ‘ For Enm b e z z l ej i m e n t __ frnm Ihft Rockiea to thc At- _ S E v m L K ^ V iig h .r - 1'^ U ,-2 (MU,fi)— Fa ri)G c k wjiB Bciilcnced Io ' ^ Inntic coflRt. naximiim of 15 years in lhe slate pt ' . Mor' »now slowrd clMnup opfr*- lc prison today for embezzling a pnllrypn $1,900, obtained U -I from t tloru In p»rU of the itorm-»trlcken im thc sale of n Toamstcr-owncd(I Cn Cndillnc. Beck’s 37-ycar-old son,’<)lttlgtng Reck wns turned over , etitem United States to * ihlft ? In 1 1 to an j)r'probation officer. Revelle [he l«t »treiim. I he agreed with the praiecuUiiK ■*NEWS BULLILETINS ^ . ntlorney The Jet *tjw m , « hiuh velocity|V irney'.i recommendnUon lhat turrent of uppfl^nlr, ndnn»lly flow* thentnKstnte bonrd of prison trrnis nnd ftom wcst-to-cast. Now, however, -- - parolesDies srl elder Decks minimum I’REST\'ESTWICK. Scotlniid. Feb. 20 MWA U.I. S, ,air force spokesman said II h u ihifted to nortli'tO'Muth. I tence nt three yenrs. todny■ ansn /American m ilitary plane Is missingng In Uit AUanUc on a flight This c*rrie» cold Canadian air eck senior wns visible shaken from NewfoundlandNewt to the Arores. dom Into the eiutern United State*I : r i ...... Revelle's actions. He obviously Instead of out Into the Atlantic, £been | buoyed up nller the com- PADANIDANG. Sum atra, Feb. 20 l ^ T h e< IndIndonesian luvy's largest Thers w u a tittle relief from thr Krtlitering Thurmiay morning for paratlvelstlvely light Judgment wna plac* warshipihlp apMareda off the coast of this rebelel eentereer Uday. Reports from for neuloni nf iha ninth annual maiman; Carl Hendel. Albany. Calir., weilemem regional research laboratory, td "Rnlnngnlnst his son. Beck’* fnce. nl- Jakarta r Mrrre cold which h u hit mo.ttI't N; nrth«rit perlihable loai preventiontlon shorti fount at lha American and irl» radio u ld central government seapllitaplane* had mads prscUc* of the e u ttm hnlf of the counU>- | and Herbert Findlen. Cail (irand Korks.rts. Mlnn.. L'. 8. deparUnent of r«cd a the hardMt h it atorm «clor«, In-^ Teacher ■* Tells p laled lo the slnte supreme court Tunisianlan officialo and two soldlen. Snow Packed •oon as po.i.ilble.“ ctudUiK uivitAtA New Yorlc and Tlie six and one-half fool snow , ^ rU iem Indlnna. Mony r\irnl Potato Experjrts Urge j wller, Durdell had snld Uie ense \KII1NGT0N, Feb. 20 Orv~R«p. Charle*le* A.A Wolverion, B . N. . lepth reporied Monday al Maslc lodsy the federal commanlettians cemalsaiDlsslon should adopt a eodt ^ 'ftmllle* remained iMlnled. ' Candidacy for lounuin hns settled and pocked 111 * ,?be appealed •'even higher rood and fuel have been brousht u the atate iiipreme court) If hie. to fret It “from th t tmpUcaUon-' UisUist lU deelsloiu eonld be or good Ikllng according to the ‘ “ 'rsmry.- J L '' ed by polUlcal Influence.______to mnny of Uift marooned fftmlllps. kl llfl owner. Claude Jones. The In northern Indiana, army liell- , School Office Emphasisoi on Quality |1ond has been cleared and Befireefire sentencing Deck. Uie _ _ eoptera hsve rc.wufd about 60 per* • BOISE, Feb, 50 (,1^-A DoLie leach- A chnllcnKC to bccomc “iiu.ility-i .Idened during the week and Li J''"''*®;e told Uie portly. 63-yenr-old r |l _ _ •" !*••• 1». r.ll** ll JP lily-initidcd” Vacc.s th e polnto ir hnder Uial •’you are n mnn of I \ V I er. O. D. -Cole. Il.itcd a four-polnl industry. jndi nccordiitK lo a Univer.sitjr.sity nf Itlaho potato .spccinl- 10 longer I one way. Chains are ’"bor fcm ' pl]platform lodny on which to cam - ■ equlrcd, tremeitioneitious capnclty. You hnve A n^o ” • s Teen-AgerjrsAre pnign for the Republican nomlnn- i.st I w hojpokc to nrcji potato produrociucers and h an d lers Thurs- TinTlie po-vlblllly of snow flurries e, m * a mnn In IhLi community, Water Survey tlon s; a.1 auile auperlntendenl of pub- day ^"‘y morninfr duriiiK .session.^ of thct N orthw e.sl ])cri.shnble] aiI Sunsi Valley was reported by ''•emcnicnenious acts of good work-i . . . I llc In.itructlon, ioH.s prevention short cour.se ntt tlitho Lcffion hall here. llgl Engl, iaitructor. WenUirr UiL f ”“ has been a faclor th n t lins A He snld he would aeek; n orecasi for Thursdny nlglil ts I moil convincing to mt." Arrested for►r Mishap ! Shows Supply ^••.More emphasla on Ihe fundn- Richnrd E. Ohm.'<. exteii.sion .lerv.service speciali.st, said, “ MnstJ ^j’enr‘lear and cooler l-'riday, Baldy Tlientien I i t told Beck. In effect, lhnt fp,,.. m enul aubjecu, rending, writing produccr.'i Pro( are more intcre.-^tcd in jyield th a n in quality. We; hn*a* h 47 Inches of *now. Round- becauselUse of Beck's repuUtlon. he , •0 teen-nge drivern were arrestedted :for rcckless driving !! ’ and nrllhmetlc: U.SCe had *'no comment" to postedd $75t l bond nnd Merlin Hcnth,, IG. route 1, Kimberly, Water atornge In rr.iervnlri »prv- •'Betler tenchera and beller ieach- qunlily. HUn too.” Ohms siiitJ, "Thee popotnlo m u sl n ot only look _____ e on his, sentence. Then he ' • i„. In; nouihern Idaho farmland.iI ing In Idaho clA.uroomu: K^0{Kood—b ut it m ust oat Rooti. ndded'd inIn lls rnpld-flre mnnner. "I •eleaaed to custody of his parents.ts. Murdock is scheduled, piiwd the fouf million acre-loot■ "Drtter educntlon for ench dollnr U'.s j f j , no longer .■'ufficient th a t T r • fl don'lI linilinve to live with nnyone bul lo nppcntipenr in Twin Falls police courtrt SaturdayS and Heath , Inve.ited and mora dollars to lnve.il ‘ tnirfc during the paAt. week, a *ur> t'" th e potnloes nro judKCd only J f coiiscimee and that's 100 per w na dircciircctcd to ap p e a r in court Wedncsdnesday. Tha report filed U f Ihowed ye.itcrday, Tlie total in I” educnUon,- good. :-m no mort guilty Umn l)y c ity ^ Cole. 34, li a nallve of Idnho and on o n I nppearnnce." Jet Shoots leiier ■ ss ily police states both , more lhan one-iialf million < anyone li' « ll'l. aen feel ahead o t lhal at a aim-. was educated at.LewUton Stale Nor- 17ie *171 extension service expert s.ild rs wero exceeding the Jlir toe lul year. f""mny nchool and the University of recognition rccof of the Importnnce of n Iimilimit. The 1956 Chevro- TT aiter l € Region Pltwe* provided by Hi* U. 8. IdfIdnho. He was Mnte hlch achool the Inlemal: make-up nf poUtoes In Area ]Barnyard F i v e « n by Murdock attem pted to hurtiu of reclamation luted lolal "“Iaupervbor from 1947 to 1952, gnlnigained wide ncceptance with the nd* ve Persons i m Ford driven by HeaUi. lU nrt In 11 reservoirs u 4.079.S10 'He Is the third to enter the race vent of poUto processing. KING HILL, Feb. 20-Nationnlnl air^ guard and air forco r\« • r r i 1 passingsslng, Uie Chevrolet's rear J . 4rojects U Will ^ (taipirtd with 3,«9.B21 A year ear- heibeing vacated this year by Allon B, Ohms Oh cited figures showinf Uie .)ffict:r8 / f i . a re invc.stisatinfr thc killinj! r caught the front bumper ol i_ * JJtr. Jone.1, Republican, who ha.i held It ItrowtU itrow of processing in the slate. ling of R ycnrlihff Holstein JLhemJruclfe /lt SKKrd. Bolh car* veered into Ui» • ' On Utl Bn»k« rher.. American 10 ycnra. Joues aald he will-become }!e said-30i per ctnl of all Idaho heifeheifer nt thc ranch home of Clnirere W htsoh, K ing Hill, by a ^/ l . s •I - oncooUnglog laneli ot traffic, spua par* -• i Jte C - ^Ix^ained !! registrar at Idnho State college potatoes potat processed In 1058 were 20-m20-miIlimctcr bullet from a jet alrplnne all Into Wednesday around b e f o r e stopping. hlU r«9enolr held 1.4M.0M acre «« tai- Accident BXNOlblT. r tb . » :tll r - i i ,fe^ ‘oto the Thomton-Mason mor- radioed1 tou 1Twin FaUs police for as- on 1. T h at U Uit. Columbia . deen branch sUUon. ipoke to the ibUincee Inin stoppingi th e two c * ^ J Loaell. IM.OOO and 120,000. The atate patrolmen snid there iflin a po.ssibility thc plane ralnage area. > On the Payelt« river, atorage In Stocks, Prices group aboul Uie care of handling I hi Tenlatlvely IdenUfled MlsaDopsDopson and Quinn are *ched- poUtoes during harvest. wvas as taim ing fo r th e S ailor Crcck firii I nppear In Kimberly JusUce f th l bureau's reglcoal dlrecl- ij CtKade re.iervolr wna 281,000 acre firing rnnge. Driverver (of Uie car was Identified uled to npp h » for tht annuil budget ,j fffl compared wlUj 313,000 laal year H e ouUlntd a four-point progrnm ------tentaUvel)Uvely ns Francis Nunes Arnp- court alsl a Uter date to plead to 2 e ^ ‘'SS desli:nrd lo prevent pou to loss. r which precede* tejUmoar 11 and In Desdwood reservoir, «,000 Termed False 3 “ :i • 5 ura. 23,!3, O Coachella. Callf, I t was be- Hit charges. lau officials befort Uu h o u u ] •'Pad your equipment." he advised ' I ' / ert piochtr. Rupert, changed compared with fiJ.OOO. BiBUHL, Feb-20-Informatlon given I alt lhe occupants of the car Herbert P rUUonscommlUee. Itie housa " In Eastern Oregon, Lako Owyhee MnsMngic Valley com growers main- first of all. He also aald potatoes J[^ ( Mexican nationals, his pleas frorfrom noi guilty to guilty of ihould not be dropped more lhan lest „ of Air Fc'orces S'* ;s are ezpcoted to begin early 11 hflrt S15,000 acte feel compared tainUlnlng lhal warehou.w stocks of *^0''’' Truckck driver Prank Strelcher. drunkenn drldrlvlnt when he appeared onUi. M canned corn are "no.nlnar' and ***six Inches and storage cellars should . Marla. Callf,. who wn* unln- WednesdayKlay before Police Judge tith 11 r i |t }. Cal»n II n hert to see to it that tht <4 ------thnl the retail price 1* "Uie highesl , said he was southbound when Otorge RedRedford. Rupert. He ap- flrsl on Feb. 6. He was fined office OfflclaU who will tea- . In history" Is false. Oran Scholl, . Big Atlas IsI Failure r w “S thc car coming toward him ptartd flrsl •e completely tnfonned en ^ ■ manager of the Buhl plant of Uie A i « , In Ulele wrong w lane. He said he “i »iI the the Trifollum Inspection Mn- RUPERT,ERT. Peb, 20—Ja ck Hiller- Elsenhower’iwer sent" hli ttodget to Buffer Aieas 3'per ctnl. price, reduction .offered ______Said Possihle S“t-its.fli(;ht-aiid-w ' cnt-inlo-ils-bal!istHiatic-coasting..trajectory. it Jl" the Intersection where the brand north nortl side farm er, waa ae> coogius.a.______. (p u rred , said Uie cnr stop- ]„ted grassman grass of the jrear for -por rcglor MOSCOW. Feb, 20 H(v-Tli« Soviet byDy OreenC Glanl In a contract for THOMASVILLE, -jTir Oa.. Feb. 20 IW— No reason w as given for the fniluriilurc. Thc "B is A" roared ■eglan I. NeUoa recounted, a « o n lodny propojved a nuclear- thethe 1858: crop, laTely short of his lUUon, Minidokaka eounty « and prcsenUd a total of! some«om »2i,700«0-U propoted nic White House luild loday Uial BtraiRtraight upwnrd for about 30 sccont;onds, then arched slowly Moore: anld ani a wreck In Uie same h t t as an a • wne comprWng North and StiStatemcnt.1 nbout the warehouse ihprehere l.< a "possibility" thal Presl------an award Wednesday night iq, constnjcisUucUon and rthabUIUUon; ------over• to w a rd t h e c a s t, le av in g #rea onm Feb.Fi I took five Uies. .. ai-the annui ^ i h Koren a.«t n atrp townrd unl- "locks and. reUll prices were clr- ^enllenl ElsenhowerI might Jly to Arl- apnual farmer* aUg.nlght— about-7«-»fti-mUUon dolUr«-icit:opt»-r— IlMtlnn nf Uiat divided countrj-. eulat:ulated before Uie auoclaUon.meel- ,i ipor trail ncross the sky. another “"'’J; collision lail night AboutI S50(50 persons gathered lor Uoa andnd maintenance r and aomt ^0 minutes afler the start of “ JIV' 35 miles " north of the Trlfo- Chamberimbtr-sponsored varletjr show |i,450,00000 forfo. general InretUgaUons. At the aame tim e. II called for ‘‘'fng, ' PreiuPreM SecreUry Jsme.i C, Hagerty Xlarold l c l . B. Lee lUUon, two persons were killed which ftatuj «n mwmailonal conference lo aeek In maintaining thnt they were „nld id thalii If the Presldeni makes ^ flight, observer* *a* a huge featured Joe Georges on the .The biggest blggc request for construe- of fire and the Atlas could no a , new , sedan lurched'Oul of accordion,5n. a reading by Richard Uon U1 sbout sb< M.400,OOO for Uit » Mpprochmcnl belween both poru " *»■ UlBhB weweslem trip, hti primary pur- I r II InU) a Greyhound bui bound Qetson;: the the Idaho sU te college en- Columbia ba ”* Korea." OM win be to transport Mm, El- To '■ Preside at :r be seen, i^ T L lC e lla basin project JaW aiO ilnc - _ ■«» -r ’ * ElCenm . Callf, to U a An* terulnen.:n. Oeorge C Knoblauch. B u- ton sUle.le. 'Hid Snvlel pfopcaala wer* con* I ? / ! enhower to Phoenix for a vlsll a l — ere was no Immedlal* conflr- pert; Judud 1 Taylor, Pocatello; Gene TTiera is i »lnftl In A atjitenienl releaied by Former Mayor Is on from the air lorco on what __ ) Is a mllUon-doUar Item ta tie Main Cliance farm of Ellrabeth I ------1— r Shulsen.I. JenJerome, and Oerald B right inlUate wor w forelKn mlnlalry prr.u chief, T •rden, caimetlc manufacturer and , LDS " Meetings r S work on Uie UUle Wood e Alin* was the snme one Uie § | ) ] Fraatlsco. river project■oject In Idaho. NeUon added, “ " llychev, nl a prc.vi eonference Claimed v by Death ne of"i the nation's top race horse ship Explodes featured were the Bill Relske Other pro 'h-' afiernoon, DE Hirold B. Lee. one of Uie senior oree attempted to launch lasl r propouU affecU^'ldaho DELLEVUK. Feb *20 - Snmucl owners, smbtrs of the LDS church coun- •fAMA. Bahrain. Feb. 20 CR— entcrUlnen,men. Salt Lake City. IncludeH50.000 to compute Ui« llycliev announced that tlir so- Timorimothy McNary, former Bellevue HageHogerly said he ulll not expeel rday. 11 beiched fire and ste*m . of iwelve. will arrive in Twin „ ,uhat ,, occasion bul IU englnts ,u .. ptish .? ,. freighter U ut put Into Oeoigete MiMcDonald wa* m aster of Michaudd FlaU Pl project, and about \ Union aupported red Clilna'a mnyolayor, died early tills morning a t ineie PPrtsldent n to remain in Phoenix S :,|,•IU Satutday „ Id presid# over the ’erslan gulf oil porl w ith a ceremanlt*;lit*; John T rtvlno, general *300,000I for for the Minidoka project, Jftlsloii to evaeuat* •■volunteer*" hislls hhome In Bellevue. U ejiad been nior<*ior<* Uthin two houn. The President, —~l« r eul off by Uie U sl conductor Wlar Quarterly conference ses- , „ .i,It second„ before It would have Uld ISO tons of explosive* chalnnan;in; ^WlllUm Thoma*. prt>- North Side5Ide pumpingi dtrUlon. , "«n North Korea by stascj, with illII forfo several montlis H■ the Arltona Uip U definitely . i ’insl,", of the Twin Falls sUke. ac- 1 exploded at her anchorage gram chairmulrman. tnd George Powler ______^ P itie wlUidrawRl by Uie end of He WM bom March 30. 1858. in sehedul:heduled, will leave souUi QeorgU rdlng to Presldeni F. Lyman light, bumed and parUally and Russell Delletlellevue, Uie son of Mr, and Mrs, Sundtyundty and alter dropping Mrs. El- ochenk ring Uie brief period after Ig- 1. when the AUas is bolted to chalmitn.in. ULunch wa* served tn the U m | J Soviet ^tatempnl■ lauded the Thom■homns McNary who were among senhow;nhower off a t Phoenix, will fly ro_»;Conference meetings will be held u,.-''([rin alilp'^, agent said 53 persons high schoolJiool cafeteria a t the con- n i wjHLIGHTSinl n . WaUilngton Sunday nlghl In firing pad while Its engines ■Ti,iir»e move and cnlled It -one of lhetie earlieste settlers. He was mnr- l« Wa turday evening and a t 10 a,' m. '^‘1" dlled and 18 were Injured. elusion ot Uithe entertainment.______T o d o y * : '!^lU ri| Im porltuit ni*ft.i-lllH-ni: rl?TO~IJ !n Violet SCharfr uii Oh.'. 10; up powtr for lhe Uke-off. Uie a y ' s T i n i e s - N e v r s d-a-prm.-Sunday-al-Uia atakt ircr-sahHn»lrum«it*Uon-“tn------•*« -Ifwnlng inwniailonnl ten- 1839338 In Bellevue and operated the m,enU ents <« i Monday. Ub*em^lemacle on Maurice street north. ^1.,.,^ i WJ, itrrngthenlnfr confidence be- Bcllcvcllcvue garnge for 25 yeart. HageiHageny said Mrs. Elsenhower's Follov rd a possible malfuncUon." T „ _ . ^ il-DavtBeck.arH gitflS------following the Initial session wlUi i« button was pressed Uial eul J U V C trm In prison for embcnle- .; »tfn »utes and strenBlhenlng HeHc was mayor for 18 years. health;alth hsd nolhlng to do wllh h rr Jce official*oj and ward bLihoprlcs veniles’ “Good Citu'tizensliip” • Sunjvors S ur nre his widow, one aon. tentAUvnUUvely icheduled vlsll lo Art- a t 8:301 nglnes, -I mecl. More cold Brips Southeast 8:30 p. m. Saturdny. Lee will meet ret pUoe thw U heifer la ' ™ atalemenl blnmed the United Sommnmuet Wllllnm McNarj'. DcHtftfue: xona.«a. In a stake« priesthood leadership was Ihe. sixth AUu, the tree T' m v WM and South Korea for falling onele broUier,b Clartnce McNar>', and "M-M n, Elsenhower for tom# Ume conferer '* only experimental ICBM. lo Ty Gets Aid of SeiSeattle Folk botnj-atd.Ltd. ** poU to experts urge' iference nt 8-p. m., empha.ililng <>' *U on (juall^. Educator » implcmenl the Oeneva armlitlce oneie sister,f Mrs, ^^a^y Browning, nowiw hhai u hoped lhat she could go lo the. necessitynet and techniques for " sl flown. The f in l two wert as big as , 10. .yed when Uiey wavered off w TFLE, Feb, 20 Wl — Several —some ai bl, I pracUce of letUng popU*' ” TOfni and "rcJeeilnK a number RlchflIchfield. PhoenUloenlx."' Hagerty said. "NoUilng concerteicerted youth U-nlnIng and de- oesiroyed td SeatUe residenU Invested Early Wed ‘ff^nioon^ tte «*r,tudla iraniirucllvR propo.inl» madr by FimcrnI Fim services are pending at, hasLS beenbee finally determined a* yet. velopme • «»n after leaving Uie ® .udle*. Air force's Atla* opment, « It* or more last night in a bo)'s andi Uthe tlr htlper* reported for blow* up in1; test flight, Beattie p „ . T. 11 ^Ihele MMcGoldrlck tuneral home. butIt It 11* « poaslblllty." Accoiriccoinpanylng Lee from S alt Lake sround.'*■ good mealneai and lhe iuture ot nine vork. Fromrom I: pjn. until lis t night residents al ------Cllyy willwlll be one of the officials rep- The neinext two. the- a ir Jorco said, young Negi Its aid delinquent youUu. Negro- boys, Uiey werere pcpeeling spuds, preparing IS—Toung sm gen like tour tnllng the church general wel- performedmed lucceasfuUy over 600- The meal was sen-ed by the boys, peas, slicingclng fish,1 watching Uie kel- e committee who will address the mile mnginnges. The flfUi one destroyed cookfd by t .ehool. by their meUiers, sisters Ues and1 UieUii ovens and walUng I ( —Speaker n y a ichooSr- Educator Decrieies Practice of LettingL S(e membership during the gen- llself four minute* a fte r Uie blast- jn jj friendi1tndi and rtsulted from the Ubles. I sessions. offl whenhen It was 30 mile* high ovtr burglary oi ted.to varied pressurt*. ry of a local grocery store About 250 persons' CAme for Uie r U -> Deadly new plane Choral music during Uie Sunday the AUaniUanUc occan. No reason ever i u t Novem'jvember. dinner. They got deluxe service m , J Pupils Pickk W hat They Sh(Should Study 3dons r wlll b«. furnished by the was givenIven by the air force. * ^ e boya all were among some 30 well as meals^Is. No head waiter could Vto 0 5 . arsenal. choirslm fromfl the Twin Fall* lourth . — I IS—Red Poland p ^ l n g - llch he Is a member. In the book, and flftl ------participantspant* in a raid on the store; have betn mi r.D.so\ FlC llTE n, Ph.D. menl e n u of educaUonal policy, l^ e n tly which h I filth wards, ‘ * vere IdenUfled and turned RepresenUiiM U U m ^ o t* 'th e Juvenile ror "nuclear baa la. central ■•■''•oeUte rrofeasar af Zoolory) lasuedlued by a local public achool su- 'EduMducsUon ti for Whal Is Real,” pub- Tliehe SundayS «w.lon a l 8 p. m. U B mT Eie Official Is over to) JuvenileJuv court. Judge WIN court, thele SUUiti depsrunent ot in- !. rn.Colleni perlntxrlntendent and ouUlned In a lead- llshedhed In 1847, a professor of aecond- for the youths' of the tlake wiU be }, Long.senlenccd, Uicm to sUtuUon** ancand oUier loclal agencies 1 *®7IB—R e 't n a tt to Bulganin' g Idaho newspaper, includes the ary1 educeducation says Uiat clvllUaUon" conducte red leaden' basle weak- COLLEOE, Poca- Ing Id ducted by lh t Twin Falls stake • P>ut f l ' in New Post-su°u*i:lie training school for boys. came, ate'and te 'a r wenl away pleased. f*d 20- A l l too often our followlllowlng obJeeUves: Respect for the . . . mujmust mean the finding of the MIAK underun the dlrecUon of Karl * “ isptndtd the sentence for 30 They allI paid.pali There were no free — '' “'f letting the children de* autusitus of lhe Individual; self-dLicI- ^ eralest a le st personal good, by achlevc- Freemaneraan and RuUi JohnsUin------LEWIS!/ISTON,J!ieb.tO-tfl-Appolnt- «y"m .whichwmS they could prove they Ucketi, The boyi 1 made •mnchintffe i.2S-M agle ViSe7 basket* Ine; developmenl of Uie ability to m entm t of the greatest good for all." jumqrs. f tthat Ihey Mioiild atudy, pllne; ------menl of T Robert B. ItMng. Ooodlng, wanted to beI good cillMns. than thty.«y. ineeded, alUiough the ‘‘’‘“P' ,^ w « ltii: num bers of eameat IhlnkInk IndependenUy and cdllcally: InIn »a prrcently publlihed hnndbook, trlct conservaUon officer frr - Being; goodgoo clllxeni meant paying exact amounlnount was n o t known. _ I U '— Oary S t n m o n i a-'king: How can young- rcspcctjpccl lor learning; development of -Worksli^orksliops for Teachen." a tench- Reelected ‘he grocerds lost, losl. damaged or consumed cleared, dbhes dbl washed .and- the let at Maglo M omtaln. . , .f.-; ^'"r> lu tnodem aoclety If the characarftcter U-alUi »o Uial each child "changelange In the 'culture of the Indl- _ tvon ,n nO. Fredrlcksen. Ooodlng, has Mmmts.iloi raid. *nie boys, all m em bert floor ef the h I U-Weatber (oeeut tor: ''.ti lual' Is equivalent lo , . . a change b ^ ,, j.^i Jn the raid. Uie houslcg project gymaa- j • »ii- ninnlng Uie ahow? Why mayly take U his place as a mature in- vldual' li 1 reelected vicc president of Uie Inlng,Ig, iwho holds a masters dt- of a groupoup called' the King Cobrai( sliua-^noppecopped. Richard Bailey. 16- nUloM-Uar^ ' ;i~ lold ‘‘"'’' “ture been allowed lo dlvldui'Idual'in American society. In theUie P'percepUon of social relaUon- interrooum ountain m ulil-sute area of gree Inn wwildlife management- from' invesUgated:ated their Icnn club treas^ year^Id member me of tha group. “ 3 ‘'"'fflcan education when IU The*rhese Ideals, wherevej slated, ex- ships." • National AsrocinUon of Soli UUh SUt.sUte. succeeds Harry Palmer ury andd decidedde< on a m ontyraU * wiped someiome 'soap aud* from hU PB 0TU1 tr.-,-"" ‘‘'’cemible only to-mature press!s.i a laudable concem fdr the In- ThisSils s toclely of ' - ora 'humin, Ihrcsl, b,„ For “Quality” ■ American Legion hall N Oim iEHRN ID A H O -P artly cloudyloudy through tomorrow with fog fn U^nm Ttt* Ob<) ------Nathanthan Leopold, tentenced to both of U'f** Pif« 0»») r rooming. Increasing cloudiness Ule »10(SlOO and cosu, and hU operator's x>eM>eadllii* Friday / Artheirthtry Bboot SUled » yMnyean and Ufe for Uie “crime of emben of Tucson Ari/o.n'n*” b« wet down befor* itorln* p o u - (omem valley* tonight and tonorrov mon An InvlUUonal archery shool gp lorus suolllng around io»- tomonow. High lomorrow 40-10: lowow toitonight 30*40. Uc^license was revoked for cn* year. Prlday p r U Uie deidUae for enU-les An c e n tu r y alaylng of Bobby cmorus PoUc* Judge RoberU Kehrer.' Je - in t jonsored by the Of: Pranksinks In 1934. today was granted fred Pelers itandlng nn Ma'n ' P - n the Junior Mualc dub’s junior tponsc I humidity will help M d Lltcbrield Park, Arts, both romrome. Wednesday fined Clarence O. muslnusle festival, reminds M rs. Don- Vo-K>o-Kwa Bowmen club wlU be held jrjjdom 10 • Uiklng to frlrnd. "q..,'' I hMl wrowli la tht poUtoea/' hee NEW-CORK. F ib. 26 IfU-CUi Bead a I I p. nv Bunday at 41S Second , jrker bending hairpin uhiv in'.'’ i r w r te d te a p e ra to m cf M d«fr**ita yeilyesterday, tb s highest reperUd t* CCarioUjenm flhosh one. JlOO, revoked ad Yout*.• chairman. al I i ■he StaU parole board gave hlra worker i Mid. He tlM not*d fi« * e n thould r. rtported temperalore early today was hUhU driver’s license for one yesr and _____ tvenuivenue soulh. "me public U invlled, ^ p*roi,>arole despite the Injunction of to cotconcentrate, . . Small iupervlM lhelr hirveiUni .equip-- ihei U. 8. weather bureau. Lowest reperU sentenced him lo lo days In Uie clly piae Uisl Judge taht he was never blueue coalc watching pa^i-r-bv * I t iMlaw sero a t Grasd Maral*. PeUitODeUstOD aad MarqoetU, Mlcb. Mni Fla*d for Eeneetort ^ * . . ----- T Ul* UU ment. miUnf etrtiln th»t the rte- j JaU on charges of drtmken driving, Paul pa E. CrumblUt, 38. 1 2 « PlfUl M'river v « Plaed 15 to be rereleaaed. ' • Shosholoahone *treel, . . Cali/an^i. r ommended •p*clfle*lioa* *nd oper- r ^ k , ...... :------tl ri \ WlllUm WheelwTlght, Twin PalU. ^^enivenue east, wu fined IS and t3 ° ” •* tI; Sri L. Martin. Hazelton. f3 for an illegal ilcle wilh no reflectors. He was died “ee ce courtc( for driving a car withoul ^Chicago h lc for a Uirill. They u.«d blankelanket. . . Roy Painter at ii.-ir A deicilptlon of hutdllng poU - im li JV ; tura. They appeared "Monday, u>y . sutec Palrolman H. E. Carr. • valli} driver'* Ucense. He w u cited , hUel. Loeb was killed In a prUon eon,n, . . . . Mllchell Hunt vra:-;--";;:' tofi In p»llet*-Ur*e wooden M te * ch li Richard Cramer. Las Vega*. Nev.. ' ______Fridayriday on Second *Ueet norUi by I t inIn 1938. gaUon.Uon list. . , Man Irj'ini; in holdinf u mu^ “ ** «• :: w u fUied U5 and cosU for recU eu ^ ity poUce. _____ Tonfay Paroled a t lunlunch counter, spllltiig I. f r ’AM.i^.'-i::::;;:— 44 .J i.» ««« pol«toe*—wu firen by K. E. Rlon. driving and hU Ucense w u sutpend* W w ■he board also granted a parole in Up,Up. . . Panner on trocior Sortheut repmenUUvr. f«l{il“ * S:: JJ: "r-i:: i. u tS??; ed for 30 dsys when he appeared *-'1Spud Speaker ZJ,ivll AcUoD FUed ’ l o ^prohlblUon n h era gangster Roger rowlywiy being mLwd by irAjct Jou »nd dunue-prtrentlon »«Uon. J* Wednesdsy before Shothone Justice -m- McVey’t, Inc, fUed a dvU acUon Jhy. B ; u l for Touhy the board ac- WomaiOman trying to unlock c.ir ix t AuocUUon ol Americin Rallroaai...... ** • ” ~i of tUie Pesce W. L. AusUn. Th* com- I < J Twin PalU dUtrict court Wednes* ug„1 m eant only anoUser step to* whilelile ■ carrying bundle* of H ie Levlttown. P».. frelghl-loM ex- p plaint w u signed by a clUsen. Is I'eatiu-e tor sy against Bert Knefel seeking tl.* ^ .rdrd possiblep freedom In August, tnid d tackts of grocerlM... , m-j Kt-' told .the rroup itindMdlrftUon PoUce Judge Bernard fiUrr. Buht. •. 75.84 allegedly due for farm equip* jpjg,9. neth:Ui 1 McVey on Main avebe five yeart. He wiU be under perl»h»ble Inspection *iency. *»W1 Rev.r« C. A. Norcroai and th e Rev. Ing pollee Sundsy during a radar check any lol and two hubcsps from a jypervU(ervUlon for th a t period. I - I d*m»je to poUtoei during ihlpm entt Johnjo: Sima offlclatlni. Concludingf MewMemorlsl park. raUs Kiwanians Thursday follow- P»f/ on Mlla avenu* north for driving ng the, weekly luncheon a t Amerl- 955 Chevrolet‘ owned by Blslr O f FVMdem DeUyed Health -I- Officc >, hid Incrfued gre»Uy the put itmI lervlct!Mi win be held In Sunset Me­ 3* miles an hour In a as-mll* lone. srhout. 1914 Eleventh *venue esit. how{ow i toon Leopold walks out from morial park. KlKETCHUM-Puneral iervlcei for ‘ :an Legion hsll by t UB, deptrt* The newly-appointed tiai» nent,of igrlculture economUt. The «|D*)me Ume Wednesday nlghl was thei staSUtevUle prison th a l has held ^u” nj fijurn for *11 perlihible' ------Mr*.Mrt. Rachel Purdy. Ketchum. vill _ _ (ported (0 Tn-ln FalU police. him^ ilrslncr Sept. 11. 1024, depend.sS^l“InLlUator ot henlUi, Dr, Tertf ' •hlpmenU. Clirk i»ld the »ver«ges TWIN’ PALLS — Funeral ixnrlcea' be heldh' at 2 pjn. Pridny at the Bun I n an, Dr. WIU M. Simmons. Waah- irver. and S. O, Oraeber, diiffic: ngton. D. C„ w u prlndpal speaker ------on how soon Uie dlvUlon of parole pubUc h e a l l h . Doltr, coil of lo u per c»r w u U . com*- forfoi E irl J. P ra lt will be held at 2I Valleyv»lli opera house with the Rev. U. U S. Highway InJS farrUge Llcentet tupervUtervUloa Inveslgale* and approves P'l It a Joint meeUnc of Kiwanians uthcenUnl dlslrlcl healiti un:^ pirrd with ts In 1916. lie aald thl** p. m, Saturday a t the Twin PilU‘ Charlesc h ii Shirk of th e Presbyterian housing and employment pUns. repruenl«d * lou of »ome 10 million1 Biortuuyme chapel with Ihe Rev. John‘ churchchur OfflclaUng. Final rites will I md delegates to Uie ninth annual MarMarrUge Ucentes. were Usued bU hou ■rsonnel In Twin PnlU and Jerexj 4orthwest perUhsble lots preven* Wedn'Wednesday by Uie Twin PaUs eounly Leopo^ p o ld had asked Uie board lo be lursday. dolUn In lew. Clirk eild wiWr-- b. B. Oordon. P ller n n t BaplUt^ b* heldh In the K euhum cemetery, Push1 Is Urged ^ r t TOltled to take a hoapllal Job In meloni, led In d*m»i» In tr*n»ltt ehiehurch. offlclaUng. Concludlni serv­ io n short eourw meeUng In Twin clerklerk iU> Albert C. Wambolt. Jerome. permltt< nd Beverly PolilUr, Twin PalU, Ui*I mounUlnsmoi of Puerto Rico sl »10 'HieTlie vltlling henllh fleparimfr.; wllh poutoe* Mcond. leeice* win be held a t Sunset MemorUl' WENDSU*—Rotary for Oeorge P, falU. and j fidalt were In Goodins Wrdtin. nd to Eddie Eugene Walker, Don- a montlnonUi and room and board, offldal pyjllowlng 1 Joint luncheon w ith p*: “PoUtoet make up almoat one- and ti kl SUtevUle peniUntiary. a imll- dayly at the tlat* tuberculosij htr. • ______MBmlUt l wUI be reelled a t 8 pjn. Friday In Jobs Move fourourth of the dolUr value and half aldtorIdson, L a, and Sharon Lou Lan* At St lhe Twin m u KlwinU elub. other I In St. AnUiony church. WendeU. Pu- ^ ■ Warden Joaeph Ragen announc- pitai.tal. Friday they will go to Poci. •pe*lcen were icheduled for thet (» H . talo Producer! auoelitlon wer* In Memorialw , hospital ara from 3 to 4 hotphotplUl a re from 3 to 4 ind 7 to «'8height yeart or so. Purcolo told Uie dalrjlalry producu. meaU. poultry and was■a* died< Tuesday one-half mile conferei Ichoolman Backs )uUi ot Twin PalU- on highway 74 UonsIS oro: IndlvlduaU Interested In chirge of refUtratlon. and 7 to a p.m . *< P-opin. ;■ senate pubUo roads subcommittee egg*;gg* and procested frulU h as In* touth CooperaUng with County A^ent bonds could be .laiued sgalntl the crea:Teased. byy sUlU te pollee. driverver Iiralnlng to altend, H j ADMITTKD ADMITTED _____ OlennIlenn J . Hall. BoUe. pre.Mdent of Education ‘Frills' O. W. Dilgh, In preientlng Uio r Mrt. Susie WlUlams. Mr*. Lee highway trust fund. He tald this Indicates consum en CUnlon Jensen, Helga Andenon. Mi 'ax Liens Filed , theI chachapter, snld plnns call for ap- PAYEITE.pa y Peb, 20 HP-A courM her* are Mitchell H unt, Tw in Carolyn ng, Coxon a n d M n. Donald McVMcVey. Wlillam Graves ^ d Wll- *'V•'We're going to htv* Uie roads aire re caUng leas fattening, hlRh*en- Tax I A Slale Ux lien on behslf of the polnUnenUnent of a committee to pre- knownlown easlern educator lodty t-Jrt P*1U Chamber of Commerce »ccre- Cedentrom, aU Tw in Palls; ,M n HimUam Blefford. aU Jerohe; Mrs. evereventuaUy. Let's provide them now ^Ky business a t Ath Pslnl Uie I95S Speaking at a mecUng of teic.'-n the horticulture depirtment at the DISMISSED KuglHughes, Haselton; Mrt.fUoyd SU - to t be built over a period of about con*:onsumers h o w 'to sen-* poU toet shop,tiop, Twin FalU. for IIB0J5, A fed- U tu«- andId administratorssd of Uie thin! 6- Unlvenlly of Idaho. Mrs. y, WUllam C utblrth and daugh- ley and■ daughter, Twln'PalU; Mrt. 10 yyean. Oovem menl offlclaU have wvllhoul ith th* use o( fattening sauces, eralral wlUihoIdlngv tax Uen w u also ----- 1------^------X let, Idaho ' EducaUon i.-uorl»i;=. ' ------ter,ter. Loyal Egbert; OrvlUe Reynolds, ArleiArlen Mots and ton, San*en. and taldsaid recently consldenbly more huttim ttcrt. or gravie*. Actually, a me- fUedIled againsti Ath for 8241,83, y* Istl night. Dr, Lyman Olrjr, Melvin Bruning. M r*. Glen Tlffney. Mr*. C liude SIddert. ttgerm an, time tlm« WIU elapse before th* work U dlunllum tUe poUto conUint only 100 [iss Anderson Is :an of Uie University of Ileniuaji M n. WendeU Eller. Henry Coiner ------I flnljfinished. largely bccauie of a pay* caloi:alories. no more tlian a large ap- Paymiayment Soagtit hoot of educaUon and prcjldtmt.' Russia Urges and SJ Albert Dalton, all Twin PalU; as*you-go provUlon In th* IPM Ple-)Ie. onng* or banana." proiProfessional AdJutUnent. Bureau Paid Last Honors IC NaUonal Education as.v>cl>il=. M n. Lee BarUett, Judith DavU and Gooding: Memorial highway acl. Dr. Dr WlUon said consumers buy , umLiedI Orrlll( OriU for 883.83 Thurs- Im vetlde lervlces were held said,ld heh could net apree wllli tiiai Mn. Shannon DeVall all PUer; By- , VlslUngVl! hours a t ooodlng Counly " SPurcolo suggested elimintUng P°ta>oUloes largely on tlte and appear- doyoy lrIn T«'ln FalU probate court for ‘fhursdiursday for EdlUi AUce Ander- *hoho rerecenUy branded a rt and ma:: Nuclear-Free ^ron Baron and D uane Peteiaon. both MemorUl MJ™ hosplUl are from 3 to "the restrlcUon th a t provide* th a t ancetnce. He urged betler and more at- good*ood* and u-ares rccelved In June, I a t ^Uie Tw-in Palls cemetery with I “frill courses," Buhl; Mrt. Robert Henry, Eden; 4:30 and 7 to 6:30 pjn. no highway projecU can be ap* trajactlve d dUplay* and packoglng. ujj.555. fromj Central Petroleum com* n ,, n e “Tliere are Uioawnds of peof'j ADMITTED “ , ! nev. Norm an SlockweU offl- “Tlie John Buicher, H ansen; John Allen, proved Before th e eoIlecUon ofj In- “The typical American todny pre- pony,-any, 0 . Interest of 810,45 U asked ling. In UiUth u counlo' who make Uielr llr-.:j Buffer Areas ^Kimberly, and Rachel* Malberx, R R* ty Ssnt. WendeU, come from gas and other Ux' re- ^ers'ers to purchase food as nearly ready onn the amount. Attomey H. N. Jew* p.iiK,’allbearers wrre WUUam Ottrana- througirough art m d mutlc." he ull rMto tha Rapackl niRTHR 000,000 000.1 was lefl to go Into the treas- I , f rhe regular pattor. the Rev. Chad _ plan of a nuclear>tre* tone In cen­ As Housewife A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. ury'ury's general fund. This turn ellher Chick Production ^ Bollck, wUl b i In Ciilifomla lo w r tral rurope. INEUPHLE-LE-CHATEAU. Prance.. GaryQii, Penton, Rupert. .X would wou hav* to be made up. If all of end th e we.^tcm area mceUns of ^ ^ The R uuU ni propoied "a m eeting Peb. pe) M flfl^Remember Deanna Dur­ ------~ the the levies .were pu t Into the trust Record Reported iH L - ') the! noUonalna Presbyterian men In ef intereited gomnmenU'* to db- bin?bir Well, she la now a happy fund, or it would Increase thc gov- BOISE. Bi Peb. 20 (in-A Januar>- , Sacramcramento. wj c u u meaiure* leading to a ra p - [ Cottaee. Burley According le m a n y apartment Dr.3r. Richiu-d Hagerman accom- French housewife who says noUilng' ADMITTED emment's deficits by thal amounl, recorecord in chlcU producUon by Idaho , j prochemeat of North and S outh could eoi lure ber back to Hollywood. ------haUhatcheries was sel UiU year. Undlordt. “"f’ ehUdrcn thoald be teen panlednled Uie Rev. Mr. Bollck lo Call- Korea. They caUed on the U nited , Mrs. Helen Adams. C. F. Morten- and not bad. fomU•nla i lo a tte nd the council.______tSUU a beauUful brunette, though. ton and Mrs. Minnie Yelton. all Q . The U. S, deparunent of agrlcul- s u te * and other cou;)trlea w llh heavier hei than In h e r Him days, the ture reported today Uie num ber of troop* In Soulh Korea to “carefully 3«- ; Burley: Don Schwaegler, Dcclo. Sudan O L to Request 3«-yeir-old D eanna u y a for the: DISMISSED chicks produced last m onlh toUIed , ' atudy the Korean and Chlnue finflrtt Ume In her life ihe U enjoy- U. N. Aid for Row »350,000. ThU compared w ith 310,000 Ing privacy wlU» h e r family. “PameU Funk. Calherlne Caudle, morev" tns . Xfrt. Blanche 'nilcy. Richard Le- • , In the tam e monUi lasl yet\r an'd "And I would n o t change It for Dosqueli M rt. Ida Bailey. WUIUm kHARTOUM. K Peb. 30 (l/v-nie Su- WlUl wlU Uie 1952-M average-ofSiS.OOO, the world,- she aald. dan. abandoning hope Uial Its bor* Previous P record' JsoualV haUh Deanna ended a IJ-year movie. Smllh and M n, Grtice Huggins, aU Jerome Girl Is , Buriey; John McCum.iey, Rupert: der dispute w llh Egypt could be ael- was was 219.000 In 195?. ^ _ , career In 1«9 to m arry French film tied by local negoUaUon, decided Of O the chicks hatched in January. i director Charles David and reUre. Marlon BUnco. Heybum. and Ml- Contest Winner «■ , chael Durfee. Paul. early U>day to take lU case to Uie 1M,000 IM,' were for commercial broiler A J u c t ii o n S i to Ull* vUlage o f 8M people 1t«* “ ae BIRTHS U.1U. N. security counell. producUon pro< and 10,000 for other pur- JEROME, Teb. J&-“Th* BUI of than thi JO miles from Paris. Her Ulk At the um e Ume. lh* government PMC*. post ______COn account of the reccnt deathfl of m y husbnnd, I wil! sell th c! foilfollowuiK locoted 2 miles with me w u h e r f ln t Interview) Daughters wcre bom lo Mr. and / Rights. Its Reciprocal lU ghU a n d wli ' Mrt. WlUlam Parker and Mr. and alerted * '« army and police forces for south, 4Vi miles west and Vi mihmile-south of Jerome. Duties" waa the aublect of-tho w in-- alnee*li then. . Mrt. Jack Adams. aU Butley. possible ^ emergency acUon, Prem ier ' nine *peeeh glren Tuesday etenlngI "I wu never happy making pic- AbduUah K halil told the United Trail Opens to memben of the Amerlcain Legion1 ture*."tu lhe said. "They never al- Press the Sudan wlU ute.troops If DOISE. Pcb,.20 W -T rlal opened -and auxiliary by Blen Ulrich. Je-- lo^lowed m i to grow up as a normal n , necesury to drive Egyptian Inter- In In federal 1 court today of an *8i 00 I V R Y - 2 4 - rome high achool aludent a t th e l 11—$5.00 Mtrchandiii■ C( e rtific a te i I 4- ! Mt. Official MURH u ld the vUlt r Ure* and onlyt 3,003,000 miles on new molor H 1 x«.esUblUhment ot more norm al »good cook. She a n d her hutband tUll111 IdahoMp extenalon servlee mlomo- SStock trailer I ' relatlona among niUons of the n-mak* frequent trips lo P aris to go{0 loRlsl. wlU dUeuit the legal um* of Steel road drag j eastem Mediurranein. Uto lh* Uieater and dinner parUei.•1. Insecticides, Including Ui* aUowed1 WEDNESDAY PRi:RIZE WINNERS JJenkins Hacker MISCELl■LUNEOUS She plana to vUlt her parents,li, lo*loxIclUes ot InsecUcldet. Double wmg ditcher Dump rake Large pile of coltonwitonwood m d locutt, flrepU« i j K ee p tb a W h ite F l a g . iMr. and Mrs. Jam ea Durbin. Northlh CCounly Agent C. W. D algh'tayi:*; ■. M rs. M a rie H ording ' ar the meellng U designed primarily for ’ Mrs, Emma Brobst i °385-gallon overhead gas Unk with tiee ; 1 Hollywood. UjLi summer. L ast year tleel *Und a^ " V White laylm I of Safety Flying‘ Ithey J went-to SwltserUnd. miInwcilcide dealers, a ^lica lo rt and>1. Mrs. Murrel Blodes Mrs, C. A, Hine ' ' 3 good elceirlc fencera lying hem 450 butheU of 3-wayviy imUed grain ' But her hutband't favorite mrm-n- otherotti heavy usere. bul all thal In- Mrs. Pearl Brocken Hand weed tprayer ory of recent trip s U about London,m. teresiedter are urged to attend. M rs. E. J . B rocken ” 100 bale* or ttraw . “It was wonderful." h* aaid. “Wliy. = FARM FOR SALEC 14 sacks ot treated] mb mixed grain |D

j < ■ I/. - ..... ,,„maPAY, FEBRUARY SO,I. iD.ia1! ______TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FAI■ALLS, IDAHO PAGE 7HHEE 33 Boys ConsididerTh^elves !S ]Lucky to r | Tonr and MiIiss Three Montt SO RRY -N O> KMAIL OR PH O N E ORORDERS twyi, n n g lm In sse iths of School I eoMlcler- UiemttlvM * * , * * * * tk * I ■ QUANTITIESES L IM IT ED -SO HUIlURRY !?TiuLlMt roup of younjiwrs In , FIRSfCOM)M E ... FIRST SERVEDED!! ?! t SU h noy* chonjv m ~ Ul h « u prwented In conccil . iilScsiy "V t *t Flltr hlsh th* M*»le Valley, Com- ^ t y concert .«ocUllon. he be$t values> '. too, were busy CHAISE LOUNGIGES AND ).NLY COTTOrT O N S — CREPES Wedneaday nldht, Uiere wns nol ene nunester who cotuldered hlnuelf Vomen's Suits • JR* MISSES and WOMEN'S SIZES too buay (0 atop and Ulk about his CLUBCHAAIRS Wo, group. • . TUBULAR ALUMINUM FRAMEME 0 . H Ji______5 . 0 0 I Oldest of lhe 3) boys on the tour j ------1 VALUES I Ij Tom Kllle. 15. a nlnlh smder nt ' A '• 2" BOXED PADS Tuuon. Yeunitest of the Rroup Is f l ------1 TO 5 ki .0 0 = .7.00 9:30 A.M. ONLY 19.95 * 1 0 ® ,j |r r 7 Jones, 9. a fourlh grader. ' f l • GREEN. YELLOW. TERRACOnDTTA.LAQUER ^ o u n K Kllle iald the boys do not ■ ASH CLOTHS hare difficulty with lhelr .ichool ■ work, Each boy receives private tu- H lleMSe lorinB when he rttu m s home, Mem- ■ LIMIT[uT*» I 5 FOR 1 * 0 0 VALUES TOT O 2 9 .9 5 ...... 9 * 0 0 benhlp of lhe tour is bued nn their ■ 10 I - . gndes and their voices. Kllle aald ■ 2 CHAISE LOU►UNGES the boys must have a t least a “B" | H 9:309:3C A.M. ONLY I averiiKe before being permllled lo ^ take the tour. ^The apparent casuslneaa o( the membennben of< the Taeson Arltona Boji . . A A M 1 ONLYINLY Younj Kill© aald. “It Is nol rspe- Chorus „ „ il one of Ihe rtaaoni the group ll conildered “the flaeat WWITH ll RUBBER TIRES ong-ifLuggcgo ™TO 39.95...... 1 ^ < 0lo 0 P . , diUy hard to make up our Rrades walking , adverllsemenl a elty ever had." Oldeil of Ibe 33-menibtr A REG.Rl 65.90 VALUE...... 3 9 * 9 5 ” “"9 in schoor He further aUted lhe touring ehorus Is Tom Kllle. 15. lert, a ninthnin grader, a n d youngeil ii trip itself is educational. In 1955 B arry Jone*, 0, rigbt, a fourth grader.r. MembersMen la ik s.u p their seh»el REG.0.13.0 ts 0 6.66 I the gnxip toured Europe and plnn work r j „ when Ihey retam home by alltodalUndlag special clasiea. {BUff — another tuch tour Ior 1950. P**®'pholo-engravlni) IES' Besides Caao, Uiree olhcr adulti * * * * * * * * ;;ir A.M.oNLY l a d i e s accompany Uis youngsters. They are /~ t 2 CLUBCHAlAIRS Mn. Eble Morsan. Mrs. Orace6niids I , f and Alfred del Moral, who accom- Community Concerl;ert Season Is dL“ Liso Dob COCORDUROY CAPRI PANANTS panles th s chonu on Uie piano. j A REG. 3 4 .9 0 VALUE Clio atarted Uie chorua Im ely \Concluded Withll EBoys’Chorus I *0“^ 0 0 . s - DDfFFERENT , n COLORS ^ wllh backing ot individual parenls. BOTH O N L Y ...... 3.17:93 II» vaa aite to hold the (troup to- TJnTlie Community Concert aiwo- fromom Tucson,Ti have received acclaim j ....2 9 . 9 5 [ 2 ______**.UW • SIZESEES 10 IB ■ ! geilitr durlnff the first few years, elatlolaUon concluded IU 1057-Sa aen- Andid entiiualastlcen response every- ____ ------SUPER IPER SPECIAI______2 * 9 9 A ndlo ilaUon aftreed to sponsor son3n Wedne.vlayA rfRhl il the Pller wherehere forf Uielr artlslo'. technique 1 the poup and, wlUi their broadcast hlKhIgh school auditorium wllh Uie ftndsho'id showmanship—In Europe as well 9:30 A.M. ONLY | eoaeerti. Interest gained momen- preseiresentalion of Uie Tuc.ion. Arizona, as1 in America.Ax The entire chorus In 1 NLY-BLOND O.^K — tun and local aupport Increased. Doy*'loys" chorus under the direction Tucsonucson Is comprbed of about 130 1 CLUB CHAIR ANCm i CHAISE ' i s Clio laya money derived from Uie off EduardoE< Caso, memberemben, but the touring group IGHT STAND r a y ONN concerta and local projecU at home Thl.i Thl choms of boys. rmiBlnB In J'*;anl ” ’ last night consists of 30 to Is used for ths organlaillon. He «{■»Rea from 9 to 15. provided one of : members. ______5 . 0 0 uys It ll an Incorporated, non- theie imost original and refreshing ------AREA REG. 5 0 .9 0 VALUE Boflt, non-sectarian crganlsailon. conceimcerU ever heard in Magic Valley. p A ii |M ember»hlp in the organlaitlon BOTH O N L Y ...... 3 4 . 9 5 ^ = H BUTCHER Bl UNEIIEN y t n along with lla prestige In Tuc- The flrsl part of the prosram Couple Sentenced ):30 A.M. ONLY •on. Prom a group of eight. U:e jnslsled of cla-vilcal and religious ’AA MorMonuna husband and wlte who ' ______1 Ouly- chorus h u grown Into an nKgrc- imbers. The numbcp included tlie liulsl FrldFriday pleaded Ruilty to charges SPRING COLORS A giUon of more lhan 100 boyi. Tlio.-ie icho r Song" by DlLiuuio, the of l&sulng iMuIr checks w ithoul funds In ConsSn’wletti'fv ; WIDE T JiURhing Song" by Hnndel, nnd Uiee hank were sentenced Wednesday t taking Uie tour are known as the ,V"H? LADIES'AND GIRLS' , M-ineh HABLE.------_ . , n J , J , . senior group. There are about 60 :endels40hn'j "How Lovely Are to nol imore Uinn Hve yenrs each REO.::^:,»5li49.95 « I . 1 . 0 0 In lhe Intermediate and 50 in the IB Messengers," in Uie iiItate penitentiary by Dlitrlcl Junior ptnips who remain at home. For Uip second pnrt of the pro- Idge JJHugh A. Baker. All membera of th# chorus are Rrnmam the boys appeaied- aa blue- Qerald Hayford w(w charged wllh 1 Tucson boys.-'m ey are selected a t Jemecaned. hiRh-booted, young cow- writing•lUng ia check for « 2 J 5 which he ' >:30 A.M. ONLY sudliiona held three times a year. tys wearing 10-gnllon hatA who paasediised :to Dnvls M olor company, CASUAL MOOccASiNS 5LT-B0TJ' SOLIDD hHARDWOOD Since Uie chorus ta nol affiliated regcilegated the audience- with ueslern Hiss wifewl/e pleaded gulily of Riving a wllh any achool. ehurch or other or- *ons^ns^ Mexican novellles and show tlO» wonworthless check to Cardinal SPOF■ORT SHIRTS ganliaUon. most of the boy.t art slu- tunen.nea. Tlie.w numbers were Inter- Foodod market.mu They hnd two small! • 9 GENUINE MEXICAN IMPORTSRTS • dents df TUcson public schools. spersciersed with trlp-roplng nnd comic childrenlldren wlUi them n t the lime ot ^ RED.1.Z tSi .______, 4 4 c I CHILD'S ^ HIGH.CHAIRSIRS Besides Uie Ihtenslve musical Incideicidenis. Their own arrangement theirelr arrarresl. The children nre p its-’ • ’ • STITCHED RUBBER SOLES training the iboys receive, they are ot sor Uy In custody of frlend.v I ^ song* of the SouUirmI. aplced enUy In ASTfC FOOD TRAY A also UuRht the full rtiuUne of ranch withlh tanllca and seasoned with calf • WHITE-RED-BLACK-CREA/EAM I ^ >:30 A.M. ONLY S g A^LY life during Uie mimmer. A riding bawl.i,wl.i nnd coyote calls, made lhe An\n InclInch of lopsoll which mny liive ,ILY DECORATED O poup formed with chonis members progrnogrnm a roundup of musical hi- Ukenten centuriescr lo nccumulale can: 10 ONLYINLY—SIEN'S REG.G. i: 12.95...... O8 * 8 8 hll *on prlrea In Arltona for Its larity.■ity. be washiwashed away In a single bad' Tiding skill.______Tniese l ^ "Ambassadors In Levis." all storm. Vesfern Hat SgaH -asaaB j' • SSPECIAL ^ :.»3 - 88c '------PURCHASE. 0 0 - " FIRST QUALITYQU I ■ ■ Y LIVES'ESTOCK P 0:30 A.M. ONLY t i ONLY VAU ■ l Com mmission is Co: : — f e ------— -> J uim m I bo Spongo EATHER; PILLOVDWS ■ ! CUS:USTOM LEISUREWEAR Asst. ' RUIJPERT, IdaKo REO. 1.91 ■ m — 1 0 c » , . R E Q 35.95 9 I ...... '1 . 9 9

■ H l l R T S 1:30 A.M. ONLY ______F o r k ■ smo'us Name -.^^m > IN A LARGE AS­ Our Ow n ; a l e Bras s SORTMENT OF REG. I.TJ . i.Ts______6 7 c ® ^ ‘. r "MISS YOUTHH f FORM" SATURDAY,Y, FEB. 22-1:00 LIGHTWEIGHT ~ DO P .M . FABRICS AND NEW ^2:302:30 P.M. ONLY J ' f ^FOR SPRING ILY-BOVS' / \ I COTTONSI SLIPS • 150 Good rupffcd MoiU ontana Ifcreford stock cows,ws, -i4 to 6 years | ssflball Cops * old. Tiicsc arc 1 ironon cows, calvinff now COLORS • 50 Good Local Stockc k C o w s ■ SIZES S,M ,L, XL .m ..^ _____ 1 4 c \ J j ^ ------• —Rull-Shoihodow------^— • lb Durham cowTaiidi h d “c a l v c s ■ SILK BLENDS— I” ^ WW P anelI • 100 Local Herefordd c a l v c s ;30 P.M. ONLY / D A CRON-C OTTONS o^ • 10 Holstein cows, mo:m ostly springers t ONLY—(U raiin / / \ \ ^ ^ A N D OTHERS T * IHI'IR 1^*7Dry.. Wash • 8 Brood sows to farrarrow M arch 15th idles Nylons I I \ \ ' HEQ. Ii5. \ ^ 'nWeor!;ar! 1.U_____10c Pr. \ ■ \ This is inn aaddition to our regular run \ JS • Eyeletit B Embroid- SPECIAL ^'For More-•c iDollars Consign to Valley'* I ONLY-:30 P.M. ONLY I \ V l v L ery o ndnd ILace LY—TODDLERS . * 1 -ned r ______, h ^SHINGTON^S Nyloijrlon Dressies ' 1y 1/1 ’ Trimnmec VALLEY LIVESTOCK I CACAFE rHpAY PRICED BEG- . I / / / • H a lf or Full I Wf l |/l Length.;th Styles '. ■ will be op

THURSDAY, FEIFEBRU A RY 20, 1953 ^ALLS, IDAHO ______r PAOB FOUR .TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FA] AL ADVERTISEMENTS LEGAL[AL advertisem ents Wa s h i n g t o n cALLING” a i OTIC* PQ* PUaUCATIOS , . NOTNOTICI TO CRCDITOM^---- -— It IJCKER’SR’S NATlONALr" D RTATM Drj'AUTKKNT 0» IN Till.K I'liiiiiATEI'I ro n iT tn- iKTr.iiioR uunitAu of land rAi.LS^ ciCllU.-iTY. fiTATi; 0» |tu^''» ACEM W U n d OPPICE. BOISE. m.Tiii:1: MATTERMA o r THE 0 JAMUARY » . lltL JA&ONIN ^ T. VAURIIT. P o t MlA R Q U IS CCHILDS " p h.r.br . l . » thti EilU i: KNUIV.SIV.W AS J. T. VAL-lilll.'"',’ WHIIIRLIGIG! of RPO hI 1. Twin Itll.. litho. CgASKD. Uie old spMt between Uie T alt a Auruit 11.' im . nitd. Dr.rrt hOTlCEc'e ' 1l-I HtllEIlY CIVL.V ►. .. tprawllnt »truclur« or the ^ ANSINO, Mich. — WJiUi Uie wllh Uie 1 WASKlNOtON-^i kSdeotlAl AffiblUocu or Oov. 0 . and ElserElseniiower forccs opening up und Enirrlulrr No. IdtSo OlO::. f.r 8W‘, inf.1. Om* K. Vtuiki. II I. llll. At tt. p«*i Onlted su ta leienimfemment u now underjolng lu first, ^ mea.wUllAffls hA>e hardly been a n ln1 . ThThose on Uie tzVrtmt right m;?. B«Jm M.rtdltB. btt HM nolk. of wbo b t!«.IlBm>««i il‘Ir9WB'*‘tW . T tt utrtk i»ce-llftln* ani] pouiblpoulble overhaul In mofe th a n W; S h o t s have been In Uie habit of ccci- B uI* ilub* (latl pr«r, .0 al.kll.b ittttH . la i t advent of Woodrow WlUon, a* a; ecret in recent year* Uae r t- who have ! ‘ AU Mlln* r«uln< W l«w tr kr or4>r et»t «a>rt«ai «f «eap.lmt j t t n . Of llnce Uie tdVi bUbla eoapy has Do» charted tng Uirouthrough generously wlUi com- ,i.i« u,. iu Ib* Uad tb*.* doKtlM, b.ror« hivlat *f cJtlni It l ^ {fTlnfl^’tb* ' • ^ current M nireulohal lareiUfaUont a n d ad« I doobUb Btb-iil^H dtrr Pukli, >t rU.lll» tP cklW, Ik . I ft-iiKT..: iV“ .i 'I . i» hu co*n" s. Twin I'tlla. li.bo; Aiiorn.r tl 1 by unction- In viewew 0 of Uie recession an'd oUier tttaor. nKD .So. ;. T«la rtlta. Twla KtlU, ; !;^i,>. — i;« The survey range* over such con- Being able to look Into Uie future :opmenU t o m e moderaUon Su, * trutlnc and tacongnious areas at j Uie cAndidacy developmc CUa C. DtVla. n m N«. t T«l» Idtbo. IM.IM» iKlne1> lb. pitra f l/n 'ij,'.;’ i* all UiAf* seeded to become tb e In order. r.n.. id.h«:Itbo; Kra«( J. nU.r. BKD Ho. Ir.n..nlonlion of_lWo koalnn. »»* »»«'*« "■■ ------— 1 <44 probleproblemA-conlroI of crcdit. InfU- the senaU seat donevarlcvarious Jobs for the Elsenhower------ANOTUER SOMHONS NUTNOTICE yo cniiDiToii.s ' Uon. denaUon. prlcet, wage*, pro- tlganUc ahlft tn popuUllon Uiit * ‘ ' heldJ by a admlnbtnnbtratlon in W aahlngton.^ r. DISTRICTn, COUIIT OK THE IS THKK piionATEPI r o riir oc trw ------“ ► III make Uie day* of ' « (JM9, that T Jm i JUDICIAL DI.STRICT OF PAIJ.'I."I CICDUNTY. STATK 01 !li,n i I ; oilii?. auiTJraa^ ______I ] It duetlQduction, empioyment. ,,, lublican. 8 en- Hopefulrui ttsli also has been heard gusvrjm t) look like Iht folk* Uien were a I Bep. Oemld B. Pord, Jr, tme stSTATK*t OF JDAHO, IN AND KOR ESTATK 0> I ‘ J7 ___ ^------1 , ButDut the review alto affecU alm ott ^ r Charles Pot- " »boul Re 1 fALL.*! COUKTY. AUIO KN all Uie new retpoatlblllUes and ac- Hinch of tlay-at-home*. All you T.'T .T,Hart, a per- , Orandid R Rapid*, who haa a good 5 ilAWKlNS. PUlnllff , Plllj^S.:E.S, IDKCEASED. lavs to do ll go to 8an Prmnclieo Uvillet whleh two global wars. Uie able, friendly reeordd anand b an able voU getter. t ii hmbr^ilrta ***-** *»» r Los Angelf* and keep your eye* „ . . IAN RICHAHD HAWKINS. 0^ ' ------MATIOHAL nrrBESRNTATIVCTIVU "Coolldfe boom,' our teverttl< deprtatlon. America’i " ^ I of 48 out of same lop^lrawer But Uie tkepUcsa oa th e right point horuan Ihlp role and IlutsU's rU« to Uie ^)en for opportunlUe*. Thoae two b»,k*rt>(ground as Wllliam.i. will run In out Uiathat hhe'had been aupporUd twice STATE o r IDAIIO SENDS fr*.l- hi>lBi el.ln new world Ie»def»hlp r UUe town* tre golpg lo grow and ; . ------:------ititus of A rint'ClAuu s poipowtr hav« laipoied upon W ash- eongreulonal election Uib fall, by UieleAPL A7 and onee th e auto work- „ ^Normtn .r Rkktrd Ht*kla.. lb. J^erti.d.I, or hla*»l.(..^J **ih'lMi“lKi^ :row and ^ * n In the next couple more or less obJccUve. ob- ers failedAiled to oppose him . ■u«.d rTbonto RMUM tbtl t ce>a»Ulal loonlb. tfl.r \ THE TAX CUT^DIAGNO INOSIS . . . of yei make him th t odds-on -niee wWtyne county Republican t (ilod tn ln .I rou It Ikt Olalrlcl nullrr. *o'Vh» lo II *.n"'l..V re sutflclenUy vast changesS INin GOVEBKMENTB> r tr rU R K - SIncSince the Dodgers and OUnU >rite. financeice c commltue. th e .dU del or ,f tb* EJ«T«olb JudltUI DUlrfel K»cu1i>r.■ r. tl.1 lh. uiflr. llo. ) j The rtatlatlcal markers are lulled oul of Naw York. ’ Uiere's . yhUhb meansi th a t while Soapy wUl u,« old IRepublicanism in Detroit, tt Om sui*Sltl* of Idabo. la uid for Twin tUarnn- for resident Elsen- ien tn d career 'offlclaU who view puiicd niBlr br Ib* abar* ntatd tUUlUI. Ih. I M.llirI.ll°r 'llltk’ uw/.! ] alarming to suggest to both Presli thl* light forectit vast chnnce* In norUiilorUilng left In OoUiam excepl the for his aixlji lerm as governor, brought[ht I Sen. Barry OoldwaUr of tn b«r*br dlr*a.ica ofo lb. builn»a ol .a.i „u'., rankeei. You coo rxt>ect aooieihlng furtk*r »allfl*d thtt yalrat joii Dtud' Jtni • • r u m l eties s ion . D u t-« » -4 b ey -nufip>ie.umth«> .i will hf a grtriiinl ffd ^ rtt Yank« ilBf In 'to except Uie presidency, ygler..r, UltUi ot * many Ileldt, alUiough *ucli a cur- HEeTiIke half of Wei^'Yoft's population h c ccouid m run for governor again righl-to-w-to-work law, fed raw m tat to bt llm* b«r.la t^ ^ M . Ibt kUIb. I - they can’t help worrying over the,h.o.h=rp.r.i: < a r r ia f r .sppoted z . bitterly by the llberaU. who to0 headh(i for Caii/bmia. but. allafler all. a man can’t* go on the RepulRepublcan lions. calUng down uh >iiiI ttb*uki Judcaral txilail |«u t< It ttld com»I*lBL Tbla tttlaa la Ikn^w" .?'M."l»n^Huwfb,'',7 4 A new Inflation. I the DcmocraUc tide, AcuAciutily. If Uie truUi were only beingIg governorg forever. 60 Uie die e-nrt »lmwind of w rath on ReuUier u “ drvr.aH I The big mcdlclne being tattedrd ,o o f now b , o f “ ^ I c h dfrcctlBn" Uiethe*t. trend urtll Uke—rM trlclion or knoar:nown. Uiey’ve been wanUng to i, c»u ,t t . - Ul# archirch fiend oT a aociahst eon- la°(tT«r «l rUiaUft tad tttlaal Publlih:: K.b. K.b. I. H. it. V. llll ds of P e n n s y l- expaiulon-w lll probibt]■obtbly depend upon the outcome ienvetftve tor a long Ume but never wUlU'UlUmt' name would be on any tplracyty wlwlUi Soopy a helpleu prb- lu taltal «• th* buU of Dtftadnt'a ------TXT;?; ‘ course, B tax cut. At both ends c M a( ttlr*M ‘N pIE i t OlfTTRlCT 0 COUIIT n r Tiir , h w ith s o m e - ^ toto eiUver movement, awalUng the BatebAll F as Ui6 DcrDemocraUe nomlnoUon. Yet II dinner butbu Uiere were doubts u to I cBtladr aad caaitnl af lb* talatr KI.KVW^fENTlI JUDICIAL IIISTIlIiT in' : Both parties espouse It. though iw » n ao m c <,fcUlon». (Twin FaIU) U curiourlous Uiat so IltUe serious ol- m e appetippeal thU m ight have U the ,u u «r uUt . partUi b* awtrM U Wr. TIIR STATKUTAT OP IDAHU. i.S AS'DIur t. bV ht.4 tad tb* t«l tf lb. TIIC COUI : what different emphasis. But here, brleflr, are ai rew of Uie rederal activities ------• tenUooioo u given to one who broke voter*, Cw.fl Ibl. Itih dtr tf Jttwrir. HA^ZEL ^N^U! J Yet Mr. Elsenhower voiced feanears Uiat.were now under lenitmy>y ultniUi an eye lo rcvblon la the Pol pot Shou noie: You mAy be right. Uie mouldroon In a tradltloDally Repub- willlAm.iiUm* h u Just « n t a compre- lere were risks u«bi of uxuyi needired* ti and condlUoni. juUil ii ]last week a Brooklyn printer llcahR sUUsl and h u not only re- henslveive eeonomlce roesaaLge to Uie T. W. STIVEBS, PLAINTIK’■SiH ”"’" '” 5 not his alone when he said there bllcan legblature calUng for a CUfk. vs. ,rnt thrduth Twin PalU on hU Uimedltd to-Uie govemorahip for an R^publlcA; nti* XoMltt. HELEN’N Pp. EMF-IiaON. DEKKKnAST • In tinkering with the economy, v be*con* rEOEnAL ACirviTiEY1TIE8 UNDER SCRUTINV—Fed- *»y.«y loI Lm Angeles. Anyway, that unprecerecedented fire Umea but in 19S# broad1 attackatl on Uie recession. He D**«tr. Hr Tirlii.II* afof ta Ord.r of S.I. .n.1 |i,tr.. ■| too dose to past Inflations notlOt to b e c o n - prospecUve conQucit ot outer space onene guyg' who could undersUnd his carriedled DemocraU Into most sUle and Hart, who h u 'a e v c o children c., Hts««rtkJitoi altaratr P«r«lo.iiiKkaur* iMMd oul ol lh. Ijl.iriii ItUlf ratldlaa at B.bl Idtb* t-wrl forIor lllh. KlfY.nlh Judicl.l I)i,i,ki I cemed about loosing another flooi[lood a s w e tr y , 1]1 revolutlonlM theLhe tiruclur* lU ^nd mlttions of every itnsutinguage said Ihat’s where ba w u offices:es wlUi' him. and antn al alUocUve wire. wUl make a r.r ruiauii Sltl. of Idtbo. In .n.1 I... ne reason I.i th a t nickname, highlyy effeffecUve Uam UiU fall. And J«»-IB. »I». »'«h. a. II. t». IMS I to pull out of the drought. brtnch of the »nnedled force*.foi The army, navy and nir headcileaded. One aif TwinPtlla. on Ik. llai dar ,t them today, may dlsappcftr. They • * * comingIng down from hU tchool days therfr areart tome Republican* wbo NonNOTICI TO OlIDtTOkS J.ajl^r.r. IMltm . I« Ib. thoT. .niltiM .i If there Is to be a tax slash,.thitw thl otaslc S 'i.'J .I’.cMM'ilS', AWARE OF DANGER and dertvlngderl from two aoop fortunes, undentaan la sd Uiat th e old hell-and ih tiicg PRPRODATE COURT OP TWIN wb*r.laI Iht |pUIaUlf. oblaln.d t ....4 ^ jepUcea bjrf we»i weapons so rantasUc and capable S COUNTT. STATK OP IDAHO. tr.d d «,rtt r« i ' questions naturally are how bigIg aiana ror now mtereonunenuiI detUucUondeit th tt they cannot be Seme g(,„ of you good conslIluenU Another■ther reason is hU e u y friendly brlmsloneMone denuncUtton may not ! MATTER OP THE ESTATX OP P. Pj»»r»on, ar may even be outUwad, »0C by may I- mer which In Uie course of his be coougli r u n. RANPr. OECr.ASEO. /tnutrr. IIJ ' long. dU cuutd here. W»r m* ity have noticed the survey crews manner lough to wtn.______“ O T IS '5 conimiD-Ird l> t-ll til that r.iu,. illiUry progreu, workir■orklng on Tu'ln PalLi tUeeU.from Inlenslrnslve traveU in every counly in ------5 Tlie feeling In W ashington Is gr edrml rtserva board, organized In timeIme loi< time. We’re informed Ihey're th i llattlaU hu made him Innumer- GAI ADVERTISEMENTS im .al«fllTrtl*n.8t.dr.dtr*«.d. Twin' Ftll.. i unless the business Improvemeement occurs jg^ the dfedenl e n t budget w u about a billion checkihecklng suneya In preparation for able frli irtdllsrt ef asd til atnoat bt.ltr aa4 t-tilleulitlleJltr^r^d.«rlb«l^ ta *fol",.!lT^°^’^ ; which the President predicts fo for r M a rc h , a ahown and dr■ .H .r af mM CmH. D*l*d Uili : ; layed the shot In-the arm might nd west and notth InlersecUon. s * WiUl ' w h lu plqufl edging. *0 m ti. mM u . lOik itt >u rthTMttr. IIU. " " .f a 'v s * '. ': ' iJ ™ 7 ’ s s f icr.CP. „i.s HFJir-nT GIVEN. Tb.1.,' l-bllllon-dollar long u the Ruulnn menace exUta. « m lhe wty he looked. It waa * » twice as big. Considering a 10-bll lUiemata arfd an outer space equal- pt repretents a break wllh Iradl- J"*** la k.r.l>7 ti'ta Oat Hend.r U . PPAUL V. JIANDT J | ! ““a pparent Uie gent had heard about *^P? ” • r tl Utnh. IHK. >1 10 :M o’cbrk K A U *0. !bi'**lld ^iVlh dar'^f ! reducUon could give many In the;he > c a p ita l th e j , , 'improve reUltoreUllon* wi(h HumU and lead to a iPP*" In more ways th a n one. j) ol „ Mid itj, tl th* Court nooB ol PuklUk:; i,.“Jtn. . r g . . II. ■■.IIM___ 7. ’ lli*. I" from or lh. T... look a h e a d to iiTAble coeiuttnce.. Tlii* Tliis or the nejl adminUtratlon ■win PalU and w u well aware of lit "In Uie big field tn the Demo- ,.u uurt.:«grl, >1 lh. C«unlr tiiurt llou.i In ______J shakes, however, when they look M dAnger. , ^ I., tl T -l. r.ll.. Coun., .f T-ln HOnCl1 OP PBOOP APPLICATION OP Twin falla.iik'cou'H'l^' «f‘T-‘« MllaV'su*!' « on o m y re a lly try to come toreUUvely r*i»u uUsfactory accommoda- le aweepsUkes the handicap '!*r ^ tTER TO BBNEFICIAL UEg Htho.0. 1 >will In ebnll.nr. tn lh. 0r4r. 5 what might happen when the econ Ho kept waving a red nag a t all Id.ko. hu kMn »pp»lBt«l u lh« Um. WATEH . uonj vlA-t-vU Momow. Rfpubllcans would hang on him >).(• ■ tor pra.lni Ik* Wlll ol tlld N«U«.iUb.r.bT>it*>lhtlttlO:»eA.M. U h.i of tnd < gets racing again. . . . , approepproachlng Wfflc. lb aJleged closcness to W aller > r. Uurur.u 4lM koowa u Urt. A. Z oa Ih* :t:t bf F.bruarr. IIU. H Mur. Ibt tUor*r* ir dmcrlbH pn>p»nr. or m awk Countr «f Twin K.IU. Sltl. ot th.rwif t. mi an automaUc d r a s t ic c u t s1 INin FARMi rA R lTT SUPrORTS Uier, Uie dynamic head of the i>. dR.»rd. .nd for horinc Ih. utwh. C«vnl J That’i why the notion of an THANK THEM FOR fT •lion .t yjwln F.ll.»orth M.fnio {or Id.tio. k.f.ro,f«* IH*.Urt Than.. No.trr Publl.. pUlalltf.’ lu. ■ stopper—an expiration date for the lower —Airtculture: nie farmfinn tubtldy program, whlc}) fot- ted Auto Workera union, The .u.nr. M him «f iMl.r. Ijitjmrjl^r^ ill 1.^ b< •ubmltl*'! oX lb. tcBllr.lloo tnd 111. m l pluies and. boo3li prices to con- Sir:ir: evidenceence lncreA^e* lh a l Reullier Is .b.n ..a . bldd.r lor (ath. ^ ! tax rate—may become Increasing 10 lhe Republican whipping bey .pw y .jh :D TbU Mh d.r »f t.bruirr. Hit. SsUcally f i modified. If not eUminated. \viille W il people have been tilting to be U rd F.bru.rr 10. IH5». . Si;i,8\V!i.i;. S* Sm-. id, Twp. II K„ He.. IO }. JJAMK.I 11. HKNIIAM ; both at the W hite House and on)n c ap lto l hU l. p,opo*id cuta to eoI per centCi In ptirlly lupporti m ay be trouniround Twin FnlU Juil Ulklng .KAlnIn In Ir -SO wllh even grenler em- I.) MAIIY .’iMiihi r. production and eon«um[ *"no*tIC» to CREDtTOItg------Sl^.^’ifVdTh a spurt of new Inflation. insumptlon .a t a lower price level tomeUometblng about It. Uallonlon of.Uie auto Induslo'. no tn .'tn d pottofflo tildoo of th. Symptomiitomt of O litm t Arising trm Appear lo b* Uie ulUmatilUmaU tolutfon. iI wiw u quite pleased to note that if ihU thl IdenUficaUon can b« made nIIP. in rPROnATT COURT OP TWIN "tald'ln < The expiration date device IsJ a very p r a c - aovem m ent-laborir reUUons:reU Under federal auper- pocaU'ocaleUo people overwhelmingly ap- tUck.Uck. one of Uie Dmocrals* most fAi.i.n.1.1 cCOUNTT. STATK OK IDAIIO. Umt. Inf.. . STOMOMACH ULCERS t is almost al- vljion of a refuUtor?iry but not hosUle nature, th e itreat provecroved a }1JS0,000 bond luue Uie atU’actli TK OK EVKL.VN E. nOUKUTS. Th. um to • tical one for congress to use. It is :I:A9EI). l. Irrl TO EXCESS ACID • ways easier to get the lawmakerscers n o t to do unions win be rcQulrtdulrtd to thow n new sense of re- otherUier dny. Know whnt part of that nulllfleC k. 1. h*r.kr iWm br niauom J. TtM .BOval ■m apply .not only to their so-called bondond IssueI b going fo be uted for? n atlAck ^ on Wllllam* is tor .m , Adnlnlitr.Iriz wllb will »!>• t i t cIl CK REU EF OR NO COST I something than to take action.in. In .u ch « W> lb. crodllor. ct tnd tli p.r*on. Til. vUe...... ^ ...... , _ . _IntcmRl affntrft. but al but abo to their’ reUUona toword They’t■hey’re going to build a *ewnRC rabingIng uxes to. furiher the "soclnl- r tl.lm. ttifAit K '.lrs >- l>sk.rti. Itr Irrlftlloi i case aa this, the tax slosh wouldd ei end w ith o u t „iuuniinK public.ibllc. AUer all, Uit unlooa oom- trtalxireauneut planl. At l u l tomeone selumes^ of the UAW and In *2. „or b.r n u t., la •iblbit Ikra dmtlirtlaDll>V'o("'ihf‘und>‘''lrTlaitNir‘Ni?l! oi • anyone lifting a «nger. prlie now only 15 mUllsn mlillc or a working fores of U hu u acluallytc itarted to do aomethlng doing „ driving lafluaUy out ot alb. , fiKKurj„ .ou;. 8K>i S*r. !J; til Stc. It — ► Ot S To many Americans who maynay have the • '.< lo lm higan. W llh Ul# auto lodusUy . Is Ih. ..Id Adminl.lrtltli ••llh T>i>. II fl. I COTTIM • * • tupplyupply. > J .1. decentnmlnilUIng. for a VftHety of ren- tn.»1. tl Iht offlr* >t Ilor C. Smilb. Tb* a.n*‘t^ ; i« ‘f"u*nt:;-.",?-diub or .OK, • samp fears felt by their Woshlngt*ngtoiHeaders. q to er -REREFOnKFORMS*—Bureaucracy: Although Now If we can peraunde the !, tiiU tii chorge Ukes on consider- m IT wbl«h ttl(»(• "n‘ ^< Kld.Illr Nt- tg^'iueli pl.r* cf ua* Ij Milan Low Llfl «»t.Ari0lpt«1aai.lI t»Tticttt..< I piiuislblllty. flonS^IiVklltnk nidi.. Ib Twin PtIIi. Countr IrtlttUonIB DliUkt Dli CaaiL ' ft in r h . C ; slble. They w ant the big Biedlcloccine, but they headed for dliaster■ or InInnocuousneas. lhla fourth arm palVi,■olU, to do toroelftlng about 11, 1 Uielr th search fer a candldaU "tIiIi'K'In r>ll>. KUt. *t Idtho. IhU ktlnc Tb* fl*kl U laybe wa can tlop teaching our .. » can see.the danger of l^ n g thithe prescrip- of tht gosernment wWwill beb made more respcnsibic and maybe Tin against Wllllam Uii Repub- ih, ^i«,lt(* n n>H for tb* tr>at>tUr la dim now under conilderallonraUon ara deilgned to make them Uielrheir leeUii when Uiey drink It. ._ HI.05SOK J. MATTJIKWS Tb. d.i..t.T ol tb rlJr Xkh^.% la ------PERRWE'PHARMACT— T— ------as Immuae from polllie#loUllcal or private preuure as the Jf ]f T you know anyone tn Pocatello. l EG/EGAL ADVERTISEMENTS AdnlnUtralrli wllh will >n- vtltd U. ..t.bll.hnitl 1. p /n it n I. IIII. SAV-MIV-MOB DRUG STORK ou thould thank Uiem. ------Bn.d of lb* «tltl* of £r.Ira kJ ; UNWANTED PAIRIR (ederal Judlclarr. j-cu sf “wu'^R«itStlkiI Eaila.n TROLIItOLlNGER FHAR.MACY i“ WlU not coma overnlghl. b u t Oiey Sally Dawnatley Vif- SAVE.ON DRUGS ; Capltol hlll Democrats say quiquite frankly langes to come, according to Uie (’Twln FalU) f aVI m1.1 j roiiNTV. s t a t t ' ok idaiio .------5 that they do not w ant former PreaPresident Tru- m7a irrpoliiioftoto make them. . • . E.STATF.ATF. OK inA WYNN. DKCK.ASI.D. M H » man or Dean Acheson to partlclrtlclpate prtim- ,juwv,«.ciu' McClur. Sriolktli) . COUR BULLETIN BOARD >iu. ll h.j.br »i*n> I’V 0- >]• “ 'i’*' 1 ? InenUy In cam paigns when theyly aare running ------Ima Boetter. Twta FAlU-Thal's i-rwn. 1 j for reclectlon. - ight nice of you, bul w t eooidn’l • It Is true that Tniman has bei V IE W S 0OF OTHERSS?[ise it here anymore than we couid ,b, us an endorsement of a brand cf 10 ik. •• » popular since he le ft office than,n hhe was dur- h a r d e r t o) GET o n AWAT FROM COPS [«® »' only a few paragraphs on an In- Iter orc a eerUIn cigtretu. Thank*, ^ nSi I Ing his occupancy , of tbe Whitelte 1 H ouse. B u t -3T'« on'y newspapers, but It wai an Im port- *n}'wtinj-way. , , , ' "• A u c t ho n S / ; It is the regard which the Amerineriean p e o p le neverthelew,lew, ir ll only for lU tymbolUm. Civil r » i i • generally feel for a retired chiefl ie f e x ec u tiv e, AeronauUcs A ^ lnliitrator iitrat. Jame* P. Pyle, reported the SOURCE OF HEADACHES ’'uV i'i' '’’ j)“*7._*DilVAlJ. — L o c a t e d ’/V2 i --M ile North of B Ilss^P i regardless oM helr atUtude toward'a r d h im w h e n Aasoclated Prea*. “Saturday “SAtui became bou of lh e na- Dear>ear Pot Sliou: • ; he was an active political figure.:re. H is b r e e il- tlon-a ^ r space with1th unprecedented ur power over civil xI have1 been thinking, e v e n puyi.iir it-V ' thOUR' I neasandpeppynaturebtcomehlm hough It malte* m y hend ache. ------NOTICR; TO CREniTOnS J "ilS 'M Sbo c,. civil aeronauUc* tdm inU tratloa Did you ever know of water and ^ i private cltltzen than they did Whenwh ne was ihroush an extenilonItlon i of previout rtguUUons. now nrbai;arbat „ame ,n e pipe*? How U It poulbU our r-sjATr•ATK or K.U.A POUON. DKCEA.iip. t head of the nation. ock. I. Unbr «'•••,*» “ J SALSALE STARTS 12 NOON LUNCH BYSY B L IS S ^GRANGE 5 His re-entry Into political c ci a m o a ljm ln g of th« United suAte*, te j, much aa *Ute troopers and wttervater and our garbage being on the ,, . f *herlff»- officer! ha»elave aauthority on the ground—and im e bUl. It UiAt consUtuUonalf p.r,om i ; would enable the OOP to offsete t crlUc clsm o f the utnea rea*reaaon. So congealed have th e air Garbage gar tacked to water and you • tho FCC’s fee-accepting members3ers by r e c a ll- u „ e , become Unce;e Woi World w tr II th a t ilrc ra ft col- ]ojj j ote lhe Xlie of water maybe If the *“'‘.,1^ I SPORTSMEN ing tho m ink coats, deep freezers(rs andi Indict- mions irs now ■ eonnieontiant danger. Indeed. In aome nrarbtge r b t blU b not pnid, too. . noUc. r M achinery —' 3 Tpoctoi:tors ATTENTION! S m ents of D em ocratic officials ddur: u rin g h i l a d - e»peclAlly crlllcsl traffictraffic tr e u of the aky. the wonder- jD il Thinking nf li.n»l ^ m ent U not ih»it alre aircraft occatlonally coUlde bul .nnriKifl.. H-Foot SpeedllneT Motor.tor 1Boat. flber-gUta eor- . . »Twjn Falls) Tn,.t IMJ JOHN DEERE B TRACTOR. A-l condl 'raliei^2i-borM JohniOB j m lnlstrallon...... u they do not collide colllc more often Uian they do. 19M MA3SEY-1IARRIS FERGUSON Mi TR0 MonU Caflo stock, K2. » chief of staff retorted with a cci a ta lo g u e o f tratle control, tnd Uiey the] hit. 1 and Iwlne. atU chm enU , A-l caodltlon Scopo-really » goodId onone no longer U u open aa It 1ooki;l •.Acheson’s supposed blundera-tl!—the lo ss o f '®' Johnlohn Deere IS-lneh Ilang-Oo Pl«w Khen an engine and a wing apelled lohn Deero Tractor Dean riaoler LANEOUS North Korea, the fall of Chinan. t. m . KS. .'ohn MISCELLA infflc cop. And u ir lh a t were noli Heavy-duty, dual-wheeied Hay Trailer,T, >'r » is ‘ and the Yalta concessions. enough r«*lrlellon. on ouour movemenu real and fancied, lU l L'halUo Ditcher • liS GOOD RAILROADAD *TIES Similarly, the GOP kept Horbio rb e rt H o o v e r th t power* th»t be be already aii ara plnnnlng m eans of. • AC 60 COMIIINE, S-fool, with r a inIn -fain- fal 2 Tlrei and WheeU foror Cl Chevrolet Fickup in pollUcal hiding for many veanyea for fear eontromnr the trafficafflc Ini: outer tpace. tn other Tvordt.i ucker atU ehnfent and bean allaclimiciimenl, S-Hal«' Hiy Fork . Bar*lar* - ShoveU - Chain* Ing rmh houra on that baiy tlretchl • z20 Tiro and Blm i his participation would enable theth« Democra^ V, ■ new caBvaaea. la A -l ceodlUm (:H i2 0 Ttr* — T:00z2C ind Venus.—LewUlon Tribune. j * Galet freot-ead .Hansre Leader. mecbaBl ; to recall the days of deprcssioission a n d th e ^______flit Jehn Deere A er B traclar-No. S T LIVESTtSTOCK ' ••HoovervUles" w hich clutteredd thetl country- t h e invlnc 0(j- , m , back-ioi Reg, U JI_____ I Z . 7 D S.Foot Reiiover Seraper - 2-iee. Sleel Ilar 1 1 t w I I - ick-iortunng. blLiler rnUlng use of | Ftn and Pencil Set* I Oeaa Cutter for John Deere Iracler with 2 i “ With Sen. Theodore Oreen of}f RhodeR Is la n d the bUda or viUih lhe weapon* that ehemUtry pro-i lh 2 tcu h a y a n dd S T R A W fib ie k -u - i a q <; Reg. R«I t t M o n H A I of 'bitdet i pressing on townrd hts SOthh b irth d a y , 70 »lde»-lf» never compiewnplelely vanquished, and the bnttlel Reg. M SI------Gee. Day______^ U .U U , S-See!-Seellen Sprlngtooth Harrow . 25 Toot Clover Hay >e* on endleasly. sa Tom lit and Snd cutUn;utllng Alfalfa ' ^ S seems a tender age for Sen. Ha thl* rin i dandelion ot the ara.-von 2-Sece-Stcll»n l:-fo o t Sleel Htrrnw . . Singli 1 Virginia to call It quits. Brothere r oro th e la m e a d o e w t *Ur up eitherIther ; rage or frustrailon. It'a reaiiy SIngle.wIng D lleher . InlernaUontl Dumpup Ralto-R. I’O Btiei Straw tja te explorer Richard E. Byrd,, hhe e h a s b e e n a rather admirable andand welcome, tn d lhat per.*^aps U t Rear-ne*r.tU ’• -. -ror Sale Dales, PhorPhone Goodintr 4-5171 -or- 4-524-52P6 ' ■ KnU y.wltBoul.M m b.sloi.lon.k,aH ll.h ■troy the entire system In order to y needed ImprovemenU.—Dally O klt- WE GIVI S&H GREENEEN STAMPS ^ HILIIILL OAKLEY. Clerk (Bonded).. : C A H R ICO, C w H tf ■ ' o iit of.lt. homan. ).. GEORGE C;


r _ ^ • t w in* f FALLS, STORE -

'j Put off tha houtiworki pen Friday ‘ k Uov. Iht kidi wilh motharf n i 9 P.M. [ r p m N t r a y Cancel lhal beouty porlorlor iappointmenti g | COME A RUNNING TO PENNEY'S FOR * : > " . " 3 3 b e b b b b b b d i i -

a , big FRIDD A Y ss a v i n ig s !

1 " 4 . 4 " c h a m b r a y ) hHIGH i QUALITY ' WORK SHIRTS ;

______IM — U i ' — Thtellick Tufled . SAVE ON COMP^PASS | | Wavyvy Chenilles \ lixet 15 to 17 FULL WEIGHT TV»TWILLS I ' A V E Nnu- on l>cnnev-K ill'CUt, Sanfurizcd hiup ^M acliiue \v;iHhai)k'. vnl- ^ for * 5 i inmliravs! Cool, com- i!liyctl twill. {'oinpaiT, you P Full or Twin fil'rta)rlabk‘. yot huill to lake • will lie a'nin7.('(l n t t h is out- '•],M.. )• u II [ l ' A fablulous u lo i Penney buy! ie rmiKhcst wViir . . . on Crisp Chambra•rays! .'tandinx valuo nnd Luw ^ C r.' Kitio-(iual::|uality collon bed- ■ off thc job! Miu'liine ; • / ^ l;j| s p r e aads d ? in a blaze of p rice! , :ishiil)le, too. ^ 1’ I . 1. T-iii Akwie r-; new colors coloi from lights ^ W. Embossed Cothttons! i '* F-.f to vivitls..'ids. S M g O E : ,,,,,, Cotton-and-d- ’ ■ I 'TnsSQBSHM raBBEl! ■ TI O 1 1 ^ ^ Chromspun Bleilends! ^ ' Batiste! More I is '■•i i w I J/ /■ ' K i 1 ^ 1 I* y ■■■ 'V-; I! S 8 m A - * First Quality BLEACHED - X d o oIRIVIIRRIOR r I yA n h y Lo n s h e e r s FL(=L0UR SQUARES M f e »--«ee lh e IremcndouR assortm entflnts andr tantalizine . 3 . 0 0 I / / * dcfliRn/i^ Penney'sP( has assembled for youyou! Find Ever- ^ ^ r r .3 1 Itlaie fini!finishes, crease-rcslslant nnd embossed emb< finishes! 2 pair 1 5\ f o r * 1 ^ r . ! Penney’si^'s r m akes them 16 ^ A . Incredible Penney 8peel#ll . . . f by 56 inchcsinch for a head- fl! j Find floralorals, Kcomelrics, decorator printsrin ts, even besl-oc- * , a pi a in o( nrst*quivlily, full- COMOMPAREI Not \ but 6 for "■ i to -to e vview ic \ wilh frames r iMhlonetl nylon theers—Jusl onlynly t l »t Penney'*! Slurdy jm maple finish or i dress-up prints! Compare for■ Style,Styi Quality and T .« ill111 15-Dfnler. eo-gnuse . . . qudltJd lty eolton th tl la low In e.extro low priced despitei f !■; # ’ clu■Uei m lo 11, norm len


1 n n ^ ■ ( O N LY W / ONLY I 1-°° I m f\ i ^ y Men’s Better Ties 90 only-Boys'i' 1 only-Ro-Royon 1 only-Boys' ^ 7 pair-Men'S/-Womennen'i 8 poir-MeM en's Cotton Flannel Shirhirts Bemberg Po Wool Winter Cap Lounging Socks Basketball shoe laccs I Leather Diess9SS Gloves Machine-Washable PInii■'"iJ* L a c! . t Tri,' ^ ‘" " “ ‘ 60pr.B a., Quilted Lining All-Wool, K n it Uppers,rs, ' All Wool: LirLined 2 pair 5c Leather Soles 1 only is only-Boys' 69 pair-Boys' 8 p a ir ■ lly Shirts „ 50 pii.-Bir-Boys' 5 o nlly ly Iron-On Tape Boys' Bathh IRobe Turtle W k Polo Shi Mittens and Gloves Boys' Lined Joans Sleeves Denim BlueJue Jean s 10 CaCards Buttons M Washable Collonloni Flannel ' Aflso.flsorted Fabrics and Styles Boxer W aist - Vat Dyed-•cd ______. Size 6, 8 an(a n d 10 ------1 ______30 only' 8h8-OZ. Baby Bottles 16 pair 4 only-Won^omen's 1 only-Boys' 3 only • Boys' Corduroy Pants,-1. Fur-lined Leothcth e r Gloves • DcLuxe Capejapcskin \ Cotton Union Suituit 60 poii^WoiWomen's 2 pair• InInfant’s Playtogs WoVomen's Suede Belts Double-Knee Style ^ S hort Sleeve, Lonir Leg Rayon Tricoticot Briefs ------B lack Color Sizei S-M-L.L. Whit#V Only 1 only,Iy 1Infants’ Shirt 26 only 32 pair-Wori^omen's gfi Tapered Cordur 10 ppir Boys' O rion Sweaters luroy Panti 5 only . D R A STIC A LLt •REDUCEDI R I Boys' Leother Glove>ves . - 60 o nJy ly Men’s ] T rouser _ , Slipover Slyle cd...... 45 pair-Ev<-Everlon _ jHanRcrs ' oddfer Girls Bonnets Colton Flannel Lined Durable Corduroy------. Tailored Curtaiirtain Panels _ 10 only 24 pair-TocToddler No IroninjT - No iStarching I 1 only’ Women’sVi Corset Men's Better. Sportshirihirts Boys' DressIS SSlocks , 60 only-WomM»Vl 's ------^ Size-40"x8,0 "x 8 1 " . ______Machine Washable - Kayonlyon • Washable Rayon,n, 1Nylon and . ' ' T pair Challis * Dacron Fabrfabrics Cotton Flannel Gowt)wns------12 o n ly WVomen’s o r Ncck Scarfs IInfants' Mittens _^fnchine-Washnblc, Solid1 GColo"r' ' One to cuicustom er ^ All Wool a 4 only- . . . ■ 10 only Soiled 72"2" xX 108", good- M .r Leather Bow Ties REPEAfif OF A SELL-OUT! 30 only quality MiisllnBlin SheeU 8 Le^ 12 only-Boys' BOYS' P A R K A S i r MEN'S SDliiUXN W om en's Better Bloui0US6S 9 only Soiled 81"x:l " x 1 0 8 ", Rood ■ Boxoxed Handkerchiefs Sizes 32 to 38 quality Mu.

i THURSDAY, FEBEEBRUARY 20, I or,! FALLS, IDAHO ; PAGE SIX TIMES-NEWS, TWIN TA leaker Says Scliools»ls in U. S. Krmn FilesI Letter (>Solon8 Blast MAGICC VALLEY RAJADIO SCHEDUIJLES If Incorporation Subject to Variedid Pressures Articlesles of incorporsuon I Filter-Tipped L- •lUi Uie secrtl.-rTy o- IR KEEP KLIX KTFII KART TTU.e AnAmerican educaUonal system course nm* runi for a period of nine wednWednesday for the S;l»t.-s.: KAYT KBAR (U ll KU*eyelc*l flT I KAoeyclMyclM) (1«0« Klleeycle*) Is subjectbJect to Uie whims of pre*sure weeks. Inc.. WlUl WlllUm ii, n,,:" ( t i l Kfl*t»c««W ( in * U oeycl*«7Cl**l n « * E U -ejeta) (I groups9* ttj s evidenced by Uie many ReUimlniimlag to Ul* subject of more 1 Cigarette Ads j m o A i n u ts POAT A T W u a i u . : snd msUiemsUcs courses to _ . 'alls, and two Spokan-. v;,,. ’ ^ TilL'ESDAT new COUJcourses InUoduced Into tte scUnce snd sted u Incorporaior.i. Trt*k* ' *'“ ■ c achool syslem In recent year*, keep ib sbrea re u t of foreign sclenUfIc . P WASHTNOTON. Ttb. » W-Moet S tlTi nar. ros, Lefebvre asked tte RoUir- ■3. *a Twin ' Fallj aiiorr.r- u < : h flllCT-Upped etfmreltet pnxluM u im . liU SU.nnanI U. CdJim l:MKt>ii . Set School prlaclp*! Vemon Le- programs, I Iday night Uic com r,-,, tJI'Tr^l« P-t . uSTi Dll - lilt KAKT Wkr.1. febvre■e WWednesday told Twin FtUs Itns to5 considereoc tt* facl Uiat tta • C mucb o r i ^ nlcoUne >»] u r u ,m : 0«TMlM> |;M r m i » iiaart «:>'ett K.mlo,.., IjJJii-l'Vwirr lal place of buslnr.M ».'i / !St T ^ r v jS sT m I 111 fir'S im r; dlrr t:ll Tbr.i.r miH-,paxd HoUrtSMrisns. . United, e6Ut u tes has become Uie lead- county. ^ I l Is eaplbl:t'j ,. K a n n u m without rui«». * hou»e ■»:M tirw, * w «iktr I S rlffla ai« Skav |;|tl W > » t ll uoa of tt* world In i w Uian he ! D commlUM reporud jM tcrdtr- ;o, a im t;}| WMtUr al >• l:«!;«o".’ l-i** ;'^n.“::'ii«‘iio ir .'-a Addresjdressing Uie club ifter Ui* Isg naUoa. J, he stated, and pnr v«'-, J ik Show . |; |I p,«*l»», aporu »-0'»;0U Slilna !.?? V’'*,. lm.- liioHp.,!. weeklyly luncheon lu st American Legion 200 ye*n. ! llsled at $1. • R The eenfreawnnl mcu»«1 el^tr- iOi:!i ^ SrJ^.* r.nrr«rtf jiji K.I C ll i i . . . „!i ii*u E « tt« mMiufMUir«n of h«»ln* dc* •« iiy-f i:a -s... haU. Lefebvre. Lefi said he w u erlllcal "Whyy ihouldihi our counlry, which cpmpany will dr»i i;. i 'oo J ” "* H kt »:J0 Sbo* Tuer Tu tte world In medicine, elcc- .. ' . S ceived U)« A m erlcu publlo In Uielr •• J'S^wMCkb Of crlllclJ•lllclsm tim ed al Uie American UadA the s slnc and manE.inrjr, *f llMKnt'llVe ~ educaUonaUon system since the launch- troalcs,I, otteroUi *eienUfie fields snd f fllUr-Up •drolUlo*. ■«« KisjEs::: i;;!:S,S.. Dntnlmoualjr tpprDrlnt « report '>{ a War« „ji}.ciub.EaaiiBla Ing Df of the U Russlaa satellite. Is a mlUter uter of mass producllon. be . . id becsuse our eounUy did j two-Spokane men lL^;n3 n i niJulebr*Mbcomaiiteekflerhe*r- 1 ;;:_«iu Ki.. . • ' ,.i»»T fcbvr* said a great clamor w u alarmed be iralors are Honnrrt E j.-i,. Ill *'» Beor «.». * Wal^a i;;i ' liM N fi morer th tha tn one-hiU of Uie students h u rt" tie and Calves j) i>i Tum TMMr »:•« B r ^ fo i Clii <:30 Kunup Kallln 1:01 To» Tuaa Tl«>Tl»a ,;|iM „.I..I.K A n T ,tT w lnwin F alb high school were en- in answeinsw-er to t quesUon cQncem- C u t x i J ed m o k fn W become .«111 Kart K«*art«r IIM Wllrr Cbuss 1:U0 Hunup 1'dIIIm Si» WtilSo I ;« r.rm ^ ISill CuOm I>la*AI» AJi |;M 8M« , 1:00 HratlBiaiir 0:30 Ruaiini Ullkuiiwa ijijo nJwi** rolledd for foi science and maUiemaUe ing a seven-period sever clau or seven- O Uupply U ] Is High* tS that filien would (um lth heaiUi , ' 1:11 K(Ul>». B«>a '•protecUon.- ^ „ !oi!ot o7*a BkapndM lli ie C ^ a « U Air l:UO llupcn J. lOilar 1:0t MiWl Cam.f'™*' loioi r u i *n4 Riui classes.es. Enrollmenl al Uie high hour schoo:ichool dsy. Lefebvre u ld he noiS E F TiMKatp'l SuBiir IU* 19:0;1s:01 »plu ix< I0:ea Him 31 Is now 1A30, thoughlll tteUie suidenis.or a majority, , 5E, ' Peb, 20 ir - T lir ni;~b«- ■ The ITO uinouncol Saturday It :i(111 VaritUa 10:11 nnln iBd Nr»4lr« )•:>! UiMhCs'air le and calvts on Idniw. ' h»d InvlKd minur»clurtn lo help lO* ‘OJ Ntw* A WtaiSar i::t« N m fill Raadl 11 11 !?'*{ u id that enphtsli on science ftrored1 suchsud a plan but that pa-ents ^ ^ S :0I UaUsM VarWUa |S:«I C. D. Ill-Uskt|.Ushtj 1:11 WNU.f ai » II :M Bplni aad HMdlas J l‘Jf'Jf .“.'I* u"‘"* righl bul Uisl many atudents «nd emplo;mployer* had nol expressed oJ*nches as of Jan. 1 r.i.n iijj'. • develop uniform «pecUlc*tlonf tor :Ua ,(,g Nmt WMIW |t;|« ludU HporUporU Pa(* : 7:11 SpaflJ •» *» Il:10,««.a-ML... j5;j|••• pai. WA* rlgh not quaUfled for advanced *ei- ihelr oplnlc)plnlon. He explained tta l a 1,1:7e per ccnt more- than a 2 determining tw and nicotine con- 1:01 (:oi Nrwt Waaltxf t{ .|i N ._i .(I WeiU Woil Till WtiUwr at It P.B. liot Mm, iTIlnr.!’lnr« ’*;U J ji,*,' ‘ bul two per cent hciim (1.^ S te n t. It a id lU aim 14 to end eon- 4:ll *;5| nillboaH i|.:« TbMUr HarqyM Maroi 1:11 Raadt al 11 * '°- or mathemaUcs courses. He longerdsy day would provide more time niim' . »•••• i:;o ‘ uaUBM iiJJ **“*'* recomme: h t to aU nInUi grad* studenU inUoducediced Into the school system. k-,, t While the tobacco Induitry d ^ »:oi Mgil« - IM' s:« uught U figures wer* ILiied >»»>.. ■ t« Xatp'. Knnipan/ s!l( It Uiat of last yrnr. Clmplyln* th a t Hller Upi remove liOt ,,oj Tap ’O Mefnla* ttl; , „ 'l u,__ n n u t Omilit, aoorla 1:0< «:Jo Bpo'u pressurefure groups on Uie educaUon the sUiden^denl by tte parent. The In Idnho vere rfUiiiMi-d it alleged cauie* or o n c er and heart iiji• i(l Tr.« lilo N»!-U uIi! 1:'J? I'.Vaaillr ;=*• J f " ’ By*lem.rm. Lefebvre Mid Uis large teacherr^^wlU wl .0 along w ltt tte ber of snned forces rejects sUidcnU” . down 3 per ccm from | dlicaie. tiiB ^"D^nlns llM Km ’B Knmpaaf CIS llKlltlt«i7 S:00 Catiltadaofof a. SporU ’ •“* k num ber nrllcr, and llir miiiilrt n' pliur-llp* accounted for 40 per ill! i,ii A""nM I'!* : Dnailoni i:(t New) tl IS l:Sc •:« wV,, duringng VWorld wsr n resulted In a r * iddedIdded "Seldom do you find a " / “ 'i' rirdn KSoir ) :i>0 Unnr't I'nua 1-U l:i: o " ‘ A H o‘uo etcher. Teachers u a group ^ IS was e.itlmaifd nt l.wioco cent of clearette mIci In 19M. U'« I ‘‘* up .Sh.,> 1:00 Yavini tl llrart l:Si)Ju>riu l:Sc ShlnB 10:J0 ?Utr**'VhtU W(W.rli »i«J l*»» Cluk.n.q»a.U physicallical f i t n e s s pror*m being Uiy leaclie hlly from the yrnr U--lo:f. report Mid. TJie llpire In 1853 WM I.CIT.1I i,ei -O- U« U tn •■■11 OU K.Uhlh SWi>l»» t:ll £«•■»-111 10 1;08at»rU 1:0 tout Diaca Tl»aBO lt:»0 Bin »»______steppedTed Iup tn American scliocls. are veryry human.ht If tta pareni and “ 'shUy j only I.< per eent. ^ ------* * * * ------I fmfurther noted Uisl following studentI wlUwll eooperaU, tte teacher 2 When many people didn't like the Id war II an Increasing divorce will do.hUpsri" hU MaiH ■ Sta ito of Uielr fln l JUlered imolcM, resulted In life adjustment - — il Pouch Stolen ;2the report aald, the manulactureri Petrillo * ' Gives lash Flaring ses being InsUtuted Ui publle ^ 1 SALTr LAKELA CITV. Ffb. 30 '.f._ : Joo»ene- to Strike '— MO rds> 6oe f ll laipcctor T. A; Krlljn KLIX-TV le pouch was tnken from i centa more' a pack for filter llpi. IChannel II) MO KUX < Ka.hand kluh I added. "Such eounes are fine, Conditions ..i™,';; j; Oie report wad. At Hollywood TUUSHDST l:lt 1:11 OouilM: rdwa CDS Tariff Moves 3 not condemning them but It I I mall truck-uck Inte yesterday, tie •The filter clgarelU anoker. U J01flE,’Feb. 30 Ift-A hassle over U dlfflciIfflcuU and ImprseUcsl to fit . . alned »3,003 in currency ir.d NEW YORK. Feb. M W — The «:gg iTa Df Axaoua>.d M »!» l Htr>r : Uilki»i> BOH B , m u a PT.U m checks and otter luirj. .. In moet eaiea. getUw a i mueh or M 1:00 Wa*0B Tf»l» NUO *:» orts to Increue lead-tlnc Import tu c h courses eo Into Uie six-hour toads were reported In good American PW ertUon of Musician* *;IS Man af Anstpolkt !*•» CIO , .. ■ more nleoUno and la r from Uie Ame l! « TwpU Afa 1-uniiT NDC UrIffSIffs today shsped up belween *chi)olol daday." condlUonlon byb the sU te police with I filler than he would get from tne Jsjt nJjht issued *WV» orde/* lo • »ji>« iin i: l Mra 1:00 TIMES-NE^VB 'WA.VT ,105 Its Los Angeles local « . which »*l30 ‘j® Star Slaca 1:l0 1:10 ConrUmUal i Mia Idaholho Republican Chslrmaa Ray Lefebvifebvre u ld Uis driver training ttese piprnlions; excef regular clgaretu Uib adrerUwrt it* i IliSQ I U I Uaadllnrt S:0« S:0« Cahuadi< of Sporta NOC RObblrbblns and Rep. Grade Pfoit, programram Is expensive sod ooly IS u . 8... 91 iover Monlda pass-Sllck have pertuaded him to abandon- «rv«serve* th e m ajor west c o u t film ** PBIDiT ' producer*. i] iwISI jXUX IlMdllpn l l l l l lho Democrat. ■ studentsents can be handled In a class in spots,)U. I------for hU healUi-i take." the report prod • |0« Sail Uka W rntllu Robb vie Ume, The driver .training u . 8.. 191—Soma191- slick spots north a {(ARE The order* resulted from a dead- 2:00 nrUblrr D>r CRS I«i0« I tobblns said eorre.-l.ll>-KLH ^ aldent Eisenhower Indicated M rs.------of Ashton. Iton. Publlo aUtemenU from m edial lock in negoUaUoni belween the ------ist elUier w u “dellbersUly mis- Is from Bols* n o rtt w-eri re- . . . a rarare emotional ‘ ^ experta w en quoted In tha report unloiunion and the moUon picture pro- ding- her Idaho coniUUienU or U U r g but thB report Itaelf did ;iot offer dure,ducera for a new contract. A union h j j irglary Suspect w«i^______, exi any concluilona on ■ poialble re- ipokiipokeiman aald a major jUimbUng Farm “ Bureau SuiSuit Filed Here block to agreement wasiwyalUes to ., the lead-xlnc sltusUon. l ? n laUoisihtp between amoking and bloct irs. Pfosl sAld In a letter pub- Enters^uilt Plea g|Suit'Filed cancer. , ^ ■ bebe ppaid to musicians for tjM s t^ s l I To Collect Debt JPERT. Fcb. 20-Roy. Seaman. ^ , AtserUtit th s tobacco laduitr? fUmifilms shown on television. • JMeeting Held 3., led Feb, i In Uie North Idaho Rtn*EI >tai of (583.45 and cmLs Is Bslsnca du* for labor and mate- :ss at Wallace Uiat Democrats Rupert.crt. charged with burglary ot jo m h l I Inn ai complaint filed Wed- apparenUy eoniplrtd lo boycott the James C. Petrillo, president of the rials used In consirucUon of a heal- , 'ts market on SouUi F street In ■] I hearing*. aJUiough Invlled to tes- .i,„ | Oerald Le* of PocaUllo. Idsho 1 attempted to enact legislation Reeves r In Twin FalU dlslrlcl court giant musician* union, met wllh the Fnrm Burtsu commodlly director, :ng system In a residence building li Ich would bring hlnher lead-zlnc earlyf SSunday momlng. plesded j,y Donsldnald CedersUom through hl.^ tlfy, the report aald “111» reprehen- IntemaUonal execuUve board of Uie wught In a clvU acUoa filed Wed- y_Wednesdny wlitn lie appeared ,uom cy IL slble th a t Uie lobacco Induitry to ld a dlsUlct Fsrm B u rc au .n e cl- m-Robbltu.jlalfd,_____, ___ Buliiy_W( sy. ILJf. Jewell, tgalnal Oivry...... tederaUon last night to draw up ln « Wednesdsy ‘ Uist Uiere h»s been leaJsjr-in-Twtn-Fsiia'dtsu-icrcoun “ iirstobblns. in a sUtement released beforerc DlDistrict Judne Shermnn Bell- Njbtker:r andanc A. K. Nebeker fnr dam- I ahould ao aliirk lU re»pon*lblllUe* {o^mtormal resoJuUoa ordering the " sy Warberg BroUiers HeaUng com- j, ~ , J. A pre-scntcnce InvesUgaUon to UiB'coniumer.” " a n alarming trend of neglecl" ” re, said Mrs Pto.ifs leUer w-ent wood. A lleged Incurred as a result of »Wke. towtoward sr proper nutrlUon. jsny sgslnsl Mr, and M rs. Lawrence aJ>e explained Uie itai* food con- Uled the rug oul from under con- mly y bBrower. i Rupert, arrested wllh The complalnl com atalea tt* accl- «nted In Uie negoUaUoa* b y the jerem niptoy trustee, and o th e r Indlvlduab said In » iUt«nent Umed Uutmgh ference U pUnned In Boise Feb. 28 • ss by ImplyUig he had been mis- senmnan. an Is nwalUng a preliminary dent oocurrecurred Oct. 4. 1957, near tte '‘.V T MoUon Picture Producer* associa- around th* Uieme U ul food *hauld ind orjanlzaUons holding Ueni en .in backing Uie bill and said hetirlngIng In Rupert probate court intersectionctlon of highway 9S and Falls a Kew Vork publle relaUon* firm: ” 0“ ' ignlnst Uie bankrupt Golays. p^, "W« attach no algnlfleancB to Ui# Uon, are W arner Brother*. Loew's, receive recelv flrsl eoMlderaUoa In Uie : proper and preferable roule for senmnan an ■waived t preUmlnary bear- myene. Inc.. Param ount.' Columbia and q b Uoi tnea*ureable quantlly of solid* and naUon. ThtThe complaint sta te s lh a l on Aug. relieflef for the lead-iloc inda^try ||,f( when whei he appeared before Pro- — rtt-enUeth Century-P^x. The strike l nicotines reported to hsTe bcen L. B. MarUn of Cildwell, sU l« s.). 1SS7.19! Golay waa duly AdJudRed wa%s U throughi the Urlff commission, bnte Judge Jui GforKC Redford Uit r r „ , found In the amoks of cigarettes," secsme effecUve a t midnight. IF iF B pprealdent. explilned m ajor con- bsnkisankrupt. On Jsn. 18, Hansen wss under3er 'the escape clause,” Bunday.lay. Brower uked for a pre- Fransfer I ff Set ^ BoK-man added Uiat the figures It may not havs an Immedlale gresslonai greail Issues which affect th e appolippolnied Irtialet. T h e heaUng com- Rolibtoiiblns called Uie Idaho comrre.is- um lnaryla ry hearing.______DENVER,VER. Peb, 30 WV-Prank J. ^ > used by the commlltee for I0S7 effeceffect on film producUon for Pe- organlzaUon's organ pollclcj. Among them P*nypany seeks liOO due and asks Uielr womaaman's AUtements "atiliarp dlver- regional supervl.wr of Uie U. 0 ' i “were Uiose published la the. March trlllotrUIo said pickets jrould not be w wai ai Ul* Farm Buresu plan for Ucnllcn b#I sdJudRtd superior to' oUier genceice iwlUi Uie truth." r eEGREGATION g ii OUTLAWED | ! '^ n tcotics r e ^ bureau, will be trans- ^ 4 lien holders. The com pany asks that h1** qquoted a leUer from Rep.'Jere , 1B5T Usue of a magailnfi" and Uiat posUjosted " a t this Ume." com.com , cotton, and feed grains, under Uen I: EW ORLEANS, Feb. 30 IfV—"nie ferr*d to KansasK City March 1. laler findings by Uie same source co:Company negoUston reportedly which wWch prices would be supported a t the residencen In quesUon be sold lo Cooperoper. D,. Tenn-, chaimian of the rlUe* In Colorado. Wyoming, V, istlafy Uie heaUng company's llcn. «-ayssiys and means commlUee, to Presl- “1. • j'* fif tt clrcull eourt of appeal* ActtTlUe* «iwere lower. " I t would appear th a t refusrefused to assure the musicians they BO^'r ccnt drmsrket lereU for the sstisf erday outlawed segregaUon on Dtah tnind d INew Mexico will be u - UBCe the figures quot«d In the commit- woult TftniSBMU City.______< I •one avaUaWe." _ post-[>ost-19*8 movies on fre* or pay TThursday n u n In FrultJand and Friday ar#ir# ConstnictionC F inance company, "wouldould completely by-pass exlsUng Orleans. 5 TliB tobacco execuUve added th a t TV.r v . In ‘Cottonwood. Esrlier dislrtct BoiseDolse: PnjdeaUsl Federnl S avinu authorthority given you la present trade m eets wer* a t Idaho F alls and andind LoanI sssocIaUon: Boise Payette ngreen:reements leglslaUon," u ld Rob. n P l ^ Door* Opea 1:W I fe recelred no direct request to The' .^h companies could no t r«ach P ske an appearance at thcM hear- McCammon. LumbLumber company; DeVoe Brown; bins. owi:?-i:rj;i4TI * ] I l i Regular Prieest P . , I agreement wlUi Petrillo. It was aald. ______AndeiAnderson Lumber com pany: Peter- Robttobblns quoted Ui# President, In ■ H r i W eso UnUi 5:00 ; , gs" o( the committee. overover another demand that the pn>- _ . O m b ix a S c o p E wn Fumllure company and Keo- an ansanswer to the lelter Aug. 33. as . _ ducer* pay Uie union's, music per- K A i neth Hodder tn d Floyd Sm llh. doing uklng:lng sgaln for the leglslaUon but ■ These sUUiUc* were Included in forance juce tnut fund ft per eent of Bodies of Three , -Sthe report: - - - lorai }u|lness u Hodder-SmlUi Kleclrlc ssytng'Ing U ut if It were nol enacted I ^ tobacco Industry^ tales run revenues „vei earned on prc-1048 movies rompany. th*> rtirtquest would go to the tariff ■ ^ o r e than flvo billion dollars a sold to television. Victims Located S ------commlinmlssloji. hiteai h ciim is Biiictm G Ellet Daniel, president of Uib Loi OUIOURAY. Colo,, Feb. 30 bn—A tldnl -p.* Jyear; Unces exceed 314 hlillon doi- BENEFIT I Mars and more than 100 million a Angeles . local, was to return to the WAve wave of snow that engulfed four N n Tnn IIIHS Uier* were spproxlmately m en l u l Friday yielded Uie bodies Divorce Granted •Sear U spent on adverUslng. coast todny to report to the mem- men ! 1,000 engineers In the U. S. This M idnight Show u Lung cancer deaUis ahot up from ber* on the negotiations. Local <03 of Ui:Uiree of lU vIcUms yesterday. I an Uicrease of * Uilrd over 1950. of New York took part In Uie con- 'WoiWork c re n conUnued probing and By '' Judge in T.F. .Uw*! Procceroceed* for the-Benefit e< i, •aWO reported case In 1930 to ».000 A divorce granted Darwin M. ■ Sin 19M. Various reasons wera *d- tract *; talks, but 1^ wu not ordered dlgglrdigging today for Uie lone rem ain- A ------BROTlROTHETUfOOD-WEEK f, to Join tho strike.______Ingin g bbody, Uiat of Ted Msson. <3. Nellsc'{ellson from Mrx. Leila L. Nellson ■ > 1 9 Wanced for Uils Increase. t'AS filed Wednesdny wlUi the clerk l l i l * 5 In IMJ dgoretle sales dropped ____ 1______Ws:W sll SmIUi. 45. Danny Jersell. 37. w u f H ■yjjH^S^H Tom'omorrow NItcl '* a n d Mike Muraniky, 40, died In a of)f TwinT« Falls district court. I seats - Me - AU SeiU •fo t the first Ume tn 31 years. The _ The order gives Nellson custody of 'fvTHURSDAY - " FRIDAY I All Seati Jreport said the cancer reports were VPetty f Thefts Are SSn!second snowsllde while seeking to 'Ihc S a ponilble for thU, and Uist flit- '■ rescue Mason after.lie was swnl- amirI minor child and approves separate nobei:obert Mllchum—Jsck Lemmon lowed up by an enrller avalanche propeproperty setUement m ads by tht RItA Hayworth Ber Ups helped the Industry to re- Reported in T. F. rouple. la st Friday. Their bodies were found coupl "" Three Inatances of petty thefts wedr Mrs. Nellson was given the right "FIREX, DOWN BELOW" H H m M M i ------, „ Wednesday under four fetl of snow. Mn j ” ™- were reported -to Tft-ln Fall* clly SheSheriff Harry B. (Bud) S colt said toU> visitvl Uie child. T he order w u Cinemascope—Technicolor ------polle* Thuraday aftemoon, a ll a[apparently died of suffocation, slgneillgned by District Judge Hugh A. Seavy Equipment s Myrl Schroeder, route 3. Filer, ------Bskti DOUBLE SPE(ECTACLE-TER[RROR! rtported Uieft of some small tooU MU.STER DAY SET : Brought for Dam from his pickup truck while Uie ve- BOISE, Ptb, 30 UWOov. R o b e rt_____ TRANSFER ASKED a BOISE, Feb. 90 CB—A 170-ton frotrhlclB was parked In Uie 300 block E. E- Smylle< yeslerday dcalsnsted LWLTNOOLN. Nebr., Feb. 30 W l- TTHURSDAY. FRIDAY T iNTASTIC! TERRIIRIFYING! »aynchT«nous condenier was un- hlcliof eecond avenue e u t. Wa*^Washington's birthday, S aturday. CsrU Ann Fugsle’a court-appointed T»UBLE FEATURE I boaded her* yeaterdny, rtndy for of Jack6 GrlfflUl, 3 « '4 Addison a s National Gusrd Muiler dny In attomey nltor filed a moUon with the| George , Montgomery la ■ dnstallaUon at a.subtUUon of the j, Idaho. H* urged lhe stale lo pay LanciLanculer county" court yesterday t ' avenu* west, reported Ui« th e ft of “ BLACK PATCH" I Sdaho Po»er company. I t wa* said to ^yera six volt battery from hts etr tribute lo the offlctn snd men of askinasking Ultl first degree murder: e on» of Uie heatlesl load* ever ^either * Tuesday or Wednesday. th e Tdaho‘ national guird "who a re chartcharges sgalnsl the H-year-oId' PLUS ■ *hauled Into thts artt on a slngls dth ready, alwnyi, to lerv* us In tn y eighteighth grader bc transferred to' "JOHNNY "J TROUBLE" ■ fcllroad flat car. Receivers from telephone* ' from eanergency."______JuvenJuvenile court, • The rto.ooo condenser will be booths located a t city park And a v ATj Jnounted on a flve.fool Uilck con- service station were Uken. an em- torete pad. I t will be used to con- ploye of the telephone company re- Slrol TOlUges on Uie aso.ooo-volt ported. In each Inslanco the wtr* “transmission lines which mdlato cord had tm n cuL Rfrom the subsUUoa, cast of Boise. tdic a Th* subsUtlon will be linked SCHOOL BILL OKATED Ipwlth ft double-dreult transmission ^VfASinNGTON, Feb, 30 (iB — A ■ bine from Bro*-nle« dam. In Uie .housO ^ ducnU on subcommlUee yes- ^ ak « river canyon along the Ida- lerdsy approved bills to continu* Jho-Oregon border. ProducUon of federnl aid to schools -lo aireas i «ow er a t lhe dam. In lhe Bells ean- crowded becauie of federal scUvlty. J o n area. Is scheduled to begla I n ___ ftu g u st.______^ DELICIOUS H rp u g a r Plant Will T -B O N E ■ “ ta I : Be Closed Down STEAK ■ • CB0CKE7IT. Calif, Feb. 20 «V- j ^ e big California ahd Hawaiian ,choice steak'cook- I Sugar Refining corporation plant ed to your tu ie . Ct Crockett announced yesterdsy Complete DIanera W ft would shut down Thursday as a Only t s s ^ n i u l t of Uie HawaUan sugar itrlke. I I Company president Donsld Mac- l e a n said the plant would be closed m . r s m a im c I ' funUl the latter part of March." i I ! A bout l.&00'«mp]oyes her* will be ADDIBON AVEfOIE W EST H l' l f f c c t e d . _ ; ______U ■ 1 I f . ' r s ~ ~ II C trm ’iKe m im I | f ( ^ S^^^0()00()000000000()0fl ■ UTUt T uufi T TiiinBiS ImnreSU- I io/i£is q u d il^ «W0l)0fcl I nMMmvuvii SAfiraitf 1 vnamis r-o-GOLD NITI I k F « wnai A imui I (migomJu):lJwf I f # po'T- 2 Starts TOMiVIORROW at 6S:( :0 0 , , ------B#e-UaUI I;** ItUf: AW ConUmiSSi PromPr1 lilifftaturday anTSnDdiyl j , I IfCACITUS PETIn ^ i l Flrsl-Ruti eso Afier i-.f* "FUN SPOT SOUTH OF THE BORORDER" Fe) 25« CbM"" . -i^hcjleii ^ gOQOQOOQQQOOOOOOOOQOw r a l ' - I Jo p .n S ^ LAST Im J L m m m M m i I m » r . II ritir. i i i m ii in ti u triuti mrn DAYI “The MIDNITE Sl eHlGHWAL'd .£ ttiUUT IBIIUltf C*. 1.1 «■ W“ »“ ■*' : STORY” & “BEHIND the B J k ( j HXJBSDAY, FEBRUARY■RY 20, 1558 TIMES-NEWS. TWIIyiN' FALLS. IDAHO PAGE S E V E N ]Vew Booklets,s , Potluck Banquet ; Concert Slated Last Service Held iS . “ C u PAUL. Feb. » - T h f Paul junior Cub Scouts Get S . Ig Precedes Service I t c hlKh school b«nd w ll Clve a foii- ^chboywiiibrlniapsrtofithe } ! Are Available IIA.S-SEN. Kfb. :o _ A no.hTk- For Dewey Dayley" lurk ® P- TU''«l-’ y I” liie *cli,vi| Invocation nnd .-i Ready for Feed rWARBERG'S I omniisium lo Dojd Earl. iLchwl:w| BURLEV. Keb. :0 -H in rrsl aerv-- brnrflctlOMb( «rre civen bv Svivan KIMCEflLY. Keb. :o -D fn 1 of On Fertilizers rttnr pflncip:!! end b»»d dlrcflnr. jicM li for Deary LeRoy l);i>lry werer UurKiD' anrt M r U « ie r ^ p.icn 4:. ttiUi Mrs. Bill S.-of. *.^ dtn C k ^rs S E i l I'-undi railed uill be u.vj '.>r lh ih ec ''l I'*"''! el 3 P- m. I'ui'jul.n m ihe LDS iiiDihr.-, prrpnrrd invit.'iuuiu lo Uir MOVING I A h»niiy booklet Jusl publlahf purcllB^e ef unllormv . 11I fii.M ward chapel uiUi nwhop O xnr Shipowners Elect | ence Horr.e, d n rk Jen.-^rn, Gnle Jen- IJIue i,e h nnd Oold b.mquel uhich MII ' SAN br lhe Unlvenlty of Idaho M tm M ------1IVlrrson ol/lcnlhij:. I'f hrlil ni 7;30 p.m. Mcnilny sl Uie SAN j FRANCISCO. Ftb. 20 Ofl-J. 1 STORAGE I iion eervlce «pl»ln* •Teftllijc Illlv ‘ASSKMnU- SUTKI) I Prnyer nl ihe iiiorlii.nv «n.< given1 sen’se ^’Ofdon Hnn- Mr:!MfihiKliu church in Kinii;erl,, mil St. Sure has bern reflected i rrMdenl of Uie Pacnie Maritime i ‘ fof Fenners." »a> it « PAUU Krl). :»-Do)'d K.1.1 .rir.d .d u by Lowell Home, ihr prelude and Ueu :. wllh Mrs. I^oii Juiirs nj n-jj>cln' County Asent C. W. Daieh, ningS i f i al ; ijtf homr o.' \i- ank " Mr.cvf- r l ■ Robert Jack-vm hIH i«* clniion. an orEniiitniion repre- J }{» u y i t^e bulletin contaliuIns a. nm Pf,rM)n Mr.v ^ Tursdivv lo Ihf dbirlcl .Siv 4 n w „m- i. nm, n Bedke. A sexirt. Mr.v TrnffordI M s ' nilnc WC.M COMI shlpoa-neri, i « ■ I Mr»_ U « , r , y Hnr.K', .Mr, Evelyne leadrprn 3. Mill, Mrs. Verdlc np>iitild.v hi. 81 Sure S snld he was hopeful th at ! J - -■ tgt ot (undamefltel liifonnattoi'•tion used for cUm fll-rt" be 'bly of the lEA nl Wendrll, J;irkvinw>n Ilray,I Mrs, nay Dlntier, Mr.v W en- Ci iMtlrr. nnd drn *. «lih Mr.v Pele ihli yc »bout rcrtlllMM. how llicy «r 'T e u an .elrclrrt dflfRnte ai;ri K.ni u e. • Crnne nr.il Mrv Bl.mche Slrolher. Au.ni ilJ ycnrs mnrlllme contfacls can 1 n rirll .McMurrny, Mr.v Goidon Jinnsen, Au.'iin, i)fppftredrcnten)iefe.A((irUie be■ lifKOllBlrd nfc WlUiout work atop- » m*de. end tlieir m oil efficient « a w-'i' f K , ”■" '■11 Wby Iprfildeni-rlrct nf ihr Mlmcloksks Mrr.J Ben Siiilih. Mrs. Clen Coslrr,■ Pl bniiqurt. hn.,q Mr.^. Don Dr.in* <|rn 5 nncr" '* Fermen c*n pick up • copy «t lh icr». He »nid all major contracU 5 ^ALLIED VAN U N ES M I the ^ ______CouniyI Tfiichfrs a.'^ocmllrm i'iitidcr('■ Ihc_airecu0ii nf .Mrs. Ike H finbln'd vnlenilnc.'^ nnd uoiVed ou c.vnlre uenVf office. ceiiieiDircf^^niid rien 6, umiff Mr,, " J n eddltlon to t description'n o of I g ^ ‘ " " ■■"■ ‘w the IwredlenU in commercl»l fcr^ timer th e t eupply nltroRrn v. ^ ,T—- The bulletin la the third In a series,Jrle*,|| /W ) Q!^ * The other* ere “Nltrojen /o r Idahod s h o ll rarroera" and "What Farmeram en II \J Should Know Aboul Phosphorus." ------T iie-buKeUo telli how to S reed - j l ^ n ------^ I ItbeU OR (ertlllier bics. how lo tis* S d ^ ura the cost of nutrients In a com­ bination of Intrredlents. and how to 1E0E determine what a ctrleln Held' re- ' ° i l Due to their large buying pewi-ower, SAVE-ON DRUG It able to b y i \ ‘‘ Qulrei, Dalgh eayi. fo bring you higher quolify, U/roAM freiher merchondii* ot LOW y Tlle authors tay a soil test Is the CHILDREN'S<'S WOOL OWER PRICES, In mony coici we»e bi buy dircet from the menu- n b«Jl way to find out the needs of facturer and pon the extra ic the earth. FdCllltlej of the Univer- n lavingi on to you, our cuitomen.ri. IOurlng thit big Woihing- sjiy of Idaho collese of agriculture a ton B{rthdoy Event vre are cutt I :uHing our regulor LOW SAVE-ON PI SPONIiGlS V are evelleble tor soli lesung to all N PRICES to a ridiculoui low. ) Be iure to ttop in ond leo for [ Idaho farmers. M . ; MITTEF E N S § for younelf juit how much you con:on tave.i I Reg, 29c i m GEO' DAY Scores Reported ’ I Regular ^ BIG BARGAINS IN IN GALVENIZED % M (Limit 5 to For Rifle Shootot I 98c Values , I 0 cuttom er) UANBEN. Ttb. 20 - The OreenY " I GEO. DAY ^ _■ . ■ i tor women wllh M pointa; nm li CAINS t ^Vrisht, second. M; and Rulh Hill RegiRegulor SA V E -O N GEO. DAY assorted % II and ile ry Perkin*' tied for third 'with Sl each. Lee Hosltm, Charle* VoiVolue Low P ric e PRICE I T O Y Vsn Eaton and Paul Sloan ell tiedil ^RAAVIERS £ for flr*t in the men’* division wiui 1 scores of M polnu: Joe HUI wa* 2 7 Gallon liz e ...... 7.00 7 4.98 3 .8 7 I Valuei s«ond with 52; and Iniln Klme*.ew I lie — thera aru third, wllh Sl. Klmea Is a new II not mony cold \ irsrufer member from Nebraska 2 0 Gnllon tlzo ...... 5.955.' 3.98 2.87 % lo 69c . f^ lln ’ln s the .bualneu meeting,IS, I dayt teft — buf A Mr. and Mr*. W ayae eoilth *erved^ I at thil rldiculoui 2 ^ 2 V N O W f l l refreahment*. " ^ 6 Gallon lixe ...... 2.' . I price, who caros. 2” 2.19 1.87 w l 10 Quart poll ...... 1.25 . 9 9 6 7 c

I F U L L P ODUND U j p ^ BOYS' REVERSItSIBLE ; I W Block Army Sl C A S H E ly SitI» ^ I I 1EW / CUSHION S '(SOLE \ I I CALENDAR N U T S E ^ B O JiMBER JAUKEIS Long -wearsaring rayon ocefoto I S O C H AlIMaffic I Regular 69c 3 I ...... -.GEO. OAY - . MM l i l H andJ Vwashable lining ^ ;ks I Valley Sales 1 Reg. 59e59c I 11 Listed Here REGI Contact th e Tlme*-New* Farm i U U R 6 . 0 0 Slia aepanm ent for complete ad- \ 3 p ’ 1 Tcrtlslng coverage of your farm I Cherry.Pickin' 2 i i Mie: hand bUt*. new*psper cor- J 7 * | ■ FOR GEO.( DAY i T^- *f«se, advance billing: all a t ona •peclal low rate. E\'ery *ale listed In mi* Parm AucUon Calendar I SPECIALS! for 10 day* befor* aal* Uma a l no I . MMMMMMMMM com II * BEAUTIFULIFUL, FRESH F eb ru ary 21 Bill nai»hb*r*er & Oob lu rh aia COCO AdverUsement Feb. 19-20 o 1 1 K lau * Klaaa _ Auctioneer. . I y GLASS^ DAHFFODIISS • • • 2 FEBRUARY 24 • Mr*. MyrtlB W. Goemmer i D O O R iV I / PUNCH BO' Aiterlliement, Feb. 20 and Zl 50WL \ e l e c t r iI-STEEM-s t 4 TO 6 HOUR MATS I klaa* and KUa*-AoeUoBeer* f Reg. 1.49 g F E n R " u A R Y 2.t ; P R e 9 • M ark FIjtnn AdTerttaement Feb. t8 .ll ■ I I • • • 4.9S GEO. DAY V nl»s* and Klaaa, AtieUoneer* S ]V AIPORIZEI I I bowl PRICE % FEBRUARY 24 II ■ 8 cupi Ray and Elmer Gray m Adtertlsemenl. Feb. 20 and Sl I m / J ^ ten et REG. 2B28.50 RONSON ,»liorouih t , Larten—Anctloneer* j I REG. 7.95 ^ ^ 1 FEBRUARY 25 Tom Goodlnr ' FUN FOR THE AdferlUemenl Feb. i i HE KIDS I iillDbaroufh A Lar.cn, AueUoneen t y IIIECTRIC .9 7 " ! FEBRUARY 25 Druee Carter ROCKET SI Ad?erU*ement Feb. 2J RIms and Klaa*. Auetloneerf ■AVERS. SHOES FEBRUARY 26 Reg: 5.95 ^ Sitmpion Brsthers y AS" Feb. iS / B A B Y■ I No Trade-in Requiredsd 9 Miaborourh i . L w n. Auctioneer* ^ GEO. DAY ^ PRICE ^ FEBRUARY 26 Mike SllnntU . Aatfrllittnenl, Feb. S« aod U I B o m i - i and Kt*a*-AuetlonKr* V/HERE IT'S EASSVSY TO PARK I % COMPLETER ^“ Jr- FEBR’UARY 26 % REG. 29e V W AK . _ Cliff Shoiren «e»erll*«tnenl. Feb. 21 and iJ % GEO. DAY ■ ■ and KUa*-AncUontet.

FEBRUARY 27 V . Roy Turner If'trllseraent, Feb. U and 28 and K>a*»-AueUeneer» I''EBRUARY,27 - r ^ M B a i E Loul* Mendlnl Esni M ■ Aa»ertlifment. Feb. 2i-!8 * Klaa*. At»eUoneer* z z : : : F E B R U A R Y 27 / B A B Y Arnold Claiborne “fouth Sl Lar*en—Auctioneer* f P A N Trs S I AMMODERN I'EBRU a F Y 28 O. V. M ,tthle*en I A regular 39e valuevolue I PHAtARMACY- — m ...... SAVE-ON LOW PRICE;ICE 29c m mllh * D ufftk, AncllDnten % GEO. DAY SPECIALCIAL “# 0 ^ '' up-fo-d FllFILLMORE r . MG CENTER: l l I THURSDAY.r. rEBRUARYF 20, 135S TIMES-NEWS. TWIN; fFALLS, IDAHO I l in G E BIGHT______lent are leUisl, w hereu Uiey are T l* - robably healthy,-’ • iW U d an R ecovering in Display EEmotional Stress3 sas Cause of .He traoted thal man was too i Ancient TalTablet Includ^ in omplicaud a crtatur* lo permU From J O peration JTribules Paid ay n at, unalterable view u to Uie . . . ibted by Doctor ^r iln s ^ flf man's dUcascs. SUU, ALBION. Feb. 20—J. Almle c ii-r Ailment Is Doubl t'U rushed to the CoRsce in i- . >tood la u are reUUd. accordln* to thereMr* fre no techniques In cxUt- al. Burley,„ enrly Mondav « h c - ''s ! fSolon in 47th i NEW YORK, Feb. M W — The blood nee Jiy which anyone ean demon- piychoiomsUc or mlnd-body ex- orgarjrganldsu. to hardening of m e cnce J inderwent emergency surgerv '. ' i YearinOffice terlesterli Is a tucked by a well-known attac oaUc approach to heart disease " g i i hearthea expert' on the grounds Uiat areire yet to be told," commented maUc Marlon and M artin Ne>->nsn. m-,.. lu propooeau can prove nothing SpraiSprague. *ras “ PpopuUr. rere called here because n* fh, li “Undoubtedly much of the wish- ^ but -would bave us believe U u t LotLook aC persons wlU» manic de- UD leaUi ot their taUier. Vlreil Ncymjr humUUtion-t" I jreaslve paychosU, h* said. T hla f^ul «UiUiking about wort and stttss , eft ,, by^ plane Wednesday for 'hr'- workwor cause* heart disease." press elng evil U an old lesUmenl gulll ° old i« u i« u o c . m . T h st Un t so. asserted Dr.. How- ijlieaJlsease produces “severe turmoil, Ming iome in'W rangell. Alaska, -n,." . .S o . B. • » « « . ^ I ind yet Uiese pallenU. If properly 'hhat a t IIsbor U part ot Uie penally tor nother plsns to rem ain in th* srd B. Sprague. edltorlalUlng tn a and rigtnal sin. which U not success- ‘‘‘ lecltechnical journal ot the American fedted ands nursed, do not succumb to origin or a vl.ilt here and In Mar.ttr.j Mronary dUease lo any greaU r f ^uUy T nullified by the puriUn eon- lefore returning. HeaHeart aasocisUon. and the phycho- coror ept of Uie nobility c* struggle snd „ somsomatle ••point of view presenU exter;xtent than does the general popu- «epi c Mr. and Mrs. Vic Redman «f-. ^M SoSsrav-S;. dangera. It U an easy way out be- laUoi mblUon. We hope Uiat work and , 0 Pocntello on buMne.n T\;frt,'v ^Uon. nxlety nre bad for us so th st we „ I. "by Rep. JO»ep>> O- » tration undesirable, but so also ‘or e tral •The danger of aUrlbutUig c ar- elwn.iw n. Hunl. Oakley. Rupert. Burley. mu«t be Joy, pride, success, slrlvmg, T Clmbfrly. niCfi ___ C am ■ d lo « —ColoniaLConctctc____ The psychosomatlcisu have sug- tension tcn^ U thnl It mikes everyone andind Eden.1 fearful lest h( Ilnd hlmielf In a alU 8UISUU Judge ailvocsU, D ouglu S-H Oreen Stamps resicri th a t emotlonsl stress can feart Cramer, Twin FalU, wlU be guest II nam* In Uie hwdlinM. who fliU I Increase ths volume of fatly sub- uallon uallc of anxiety, and It fo ste n a Kram Inci belief Uiat'struggle snd achieve- speakipeaker. ______SWKluUy tnd e w rly ffora Ul# Mn- sstances ^ in Uie blood, and these belle ate noor to televUlon tnd i*dlo itu -

•***Ytl here l» H»yden. who ttr e ly ^ lU «nd *ho. when he i^oe*. n u » I -tendency to mumble, who . ever c o n « n u evrn to in i .« h o » ntm o never once h « b e « I ! -fliUUken for * hou*ehold * o « l,j5 ; SthU countrr. »nd who hM ouUi»t«d ; But Hayden, now M. U no mere Any^na'who t«lki with other »en- j I ; ^*tor* »oon re»Uzei lh»l rew w« mJ «»teemed U H»yden.- Anyon# who , j>*ichE8 lhe ien*t« In »etlon—uia ’{word Ij «»ed looKly—««n under- * it«ndi th»t lew w o M InfluenUal. T b t «dmI»Mon 1* blp»rtUuin. • f\jr the Democr»u. Vice Preiident I f i •>lben Barkley once a id : “No more I ma ,!«ffectlve legliUtar ever lerved In -'•Ither houK." ^ . P E R S , ^ BarUey, like Hiyden, lerved In SAVE MORRE AT ROP both. YOU Si liplay a t Unlveralty of Maho library, T w the nepubllcani. there'* Ben. A te.e*olory-eld Babylonian clayy UbUl.Ubl part of a R*r* Book week dliplaj ^.Traneli C a » of Bouth D akoU : eneral llbratUn. 00s of the eonlribuloreora tet. the exhibit. (University press - Is eiam lned by Ronald .Glenni, (tn eral SUITS, sinffle breasted, 1-37, 1-38,1-38, 4-39, 1-44, 1-4G, 1-38 \ '*‘5oma yeart ago a man uld to me® aerrlce pholo—tialf *npa»ln*> — I 11 M en’B ALL-WOOL SUI’ th a t h s thom ht Carl H»yden knew\ 1, * * * short, 1-39 long. 1-40 longlong. Regular ?50 to 565.00. ' mora about the loremment of tno our old su it ...... :...... 2 4 .8 5 ■ 'Unltad 6Ut<* than did any other v K ing H ill R eports Register at Roper’s I . IncludinK trodo-in of your ■ 'i Jndlrtdual. I hav* never been dU; - History | of W rittctten Word Is V' I K ^ to ta k i exception to th a t ob- E vents for V alley ■ aervatJon.- :. brown, tan. Nationally 1 KINO HILL. Feb. 20-Jay Cob­ k 40 Pairs of MEN’S OXFOl[FORDS. Sizes 6 to 11. Black, br 1 »ow did Rayden c*t that wayT , Featiu-e o f RajJare Book Week ^; .95 to 13.95: and2.pnirB only of f k I W*ll. ba u y t that whia he (lral lanU h u entered the Oood Samar- I known brands. Reg. 10.95 I ». alse bock. In IBM, the women of lUn ju hospiui In Nampa for medical "65 Suit i I • came to congreu ho wu toJd hee UNIVZnSITV OP TDAHO. Mos- alJ 21.50 8" boots. Slzea 6 >/oE4 E a n d 7 E . — ...... ,1 could ba a ahow hor»* and ru n offt cow, Feb. 30-A sweeplnK view of)f MoMoscow had a false book made of'f lreatn)cnt.m ' with th* headllnei. but "U you w a nI l theq, history of the written word—- goli gold and silver of the area. Rubles'* Mr., nnd Mra, Alton ColleUe and u which stud the covcr were taken . i to laln ths reipect of )-our col-- from clly ubiets of the Bnbylonlans whl , daughter. Tla. Notus. visited Mon- . Wools, tweeds, rayons, \ 1 leacuea. be a wort horie.’ to modem day high speed pressM froifrom Ruby creek. Etched wllh scenes• )j“dny nt the home ot Mrs..Collette's I 40 Men’s ZIPPER JACKE'IKETS. Wnist and hip IcnBlh.i. V r- of the day, Including one of the old ^ L, XL and tjT 1 . Rarely h u aay advlc* been »o“ work-la on dlsplny at the Unlver- of 1 “ sister, Mrs. Lyon Sherman. They f o r * 5 gabardines, denims andI lenleathers. Broken sizes S, M, L, > ■ eirefuUjr followed. slislty of Idsho library. UnUnlverslly of Idaho admlnlstraUon“ were en roule to their new heme In ...... T Z Prica building. It was on dlplay a t the Co- 36 to 50. Real values—.Reg. R cr $4.95 to ?36.50 ...... Honoring -Rare Book week, the Paul. ,.Q lumbla exposition In Chlcngo. exhibit wlll be on view for two Mr. and Mra, Tom Tim bers were • iC onstruction of ------guguests ot Elmer Bnblngton Tuesdny Wl and plaid, Ginghams and Contrlbutora to the exhibit are ]U a t the veternns hosplUI In Boise. No obligation—Lutky per­>er- 49 Men's Famous Brandid SPORTS SHIRTS. Checks and I ; M urtaujrh G range Mrs. Edna Daniels, Logan, Is a Sizes small, medium, large, oxtra-li a Roads Is Listed ^Dr. Howard B. Stouith. profwwor . gue/t of her parenls. Mr. and Mrs, son Kctn new $65 Bulfc f for o r flannels ,nll w ashable. Sizei S 'WASHmOTOH. Tt\t. 50-(Spe-- «and chairman of toology; Ronald 1 95 ...... - ...... 2 .0 0 e Olenns, general librarian, and the" H J olds O pen H ouseB w William Cain. 1 $6.00. Be Bure to registeritcr Reg. 2.98, 5.00,and 5.95 .. ■ '^ a D —Ttjs department of commerce O Olenn 'Mills: left Tuesday for his ^^potts that elsht and one-halff archlvea u of tho unlrersliy library,y- j MUBTAtjan, Ttb. M-Seventy^ home in LcOrtnd. Ia. Hc apent mosl S aturdny. ?acrta of road havs been eonitruct-• 8m»Ue«t piece Is a Babylonian rne® member and guests attended <^enn otof lhe winter with his aunt, Mrs. t Drawing at 5 P. M. nnd DRESS SHIRTS. Whites nndand Colors. ^ 2 2 I f e d In 19 months under ths (eder»l^ clay cl tablet about 4.000 yeara old. bouis , this week at lhe Murtaughh N«Nellie SuddutlJ^ * 124 Men’s F am ous B rnnd ' A ln te riU U ^hlshway ayitem. ' tattle i; more than a half-inch square. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Helm are the Broken sizes 14^/i to 17.J. Reg.R 4.00 and 5.00 ...... — ...... Total coit of the work, waa.> It,t Is a receipt tor a goat killed at Orange hnll. grandparenu ' ot a son bom to Mr, *ai.lM,000, of which IIM^lOO ,WM^ »k market and delivered on the SOthlh BenI Ferguson, Twin Falls, spoke•* and^ Urse. H artley Helm. San Dlego. i^lederal tundi. olof the monlh. on livestock feeding. P u t Masters■s ______V S Ahother 14-T»'o new atudenU JlnUntate prosram, befun In July.>'• ered Amertea is p a rt of the exhlblLl^ Uamuai P ra tt were Inlroduced and U Men's Dickie DENIM WORK Rfg. 37.8S. O n ly ...... 1 ' 4 « 9 > Now only ------»18M. A total ot M.B mllea h av'5 e Amooe Dr. stough's collection arere the list of charier membere was,, are enrolled In Paul grade scliool. SHIRTS. Sanforised, anap but- but­ riui trade.In ef yourir oldoli suit ______^ £ b e en ••proframmed," a t a p ro jk te d“ embossed leather covers, richly deco- rea They are Eddie 'Wright In the acc- I T i . ______o- read. ^on grade and Dale Wright In the tons. Blue color. Slses M lo IT i. ;ic o « t of |31.3U,000. rirated' with religious scenes. Wood“5 .• >Mr. and Tialph Young gnve y, Reg. 3.20 ‘V <9 13 Men’s Famousmous Brand RPORT SniRTS. i Nationwide. I.IM billion dollars'■• cutj. copper enin-RVlngs and hand Uilrd. The family comea from OH- a skit; Mrs. Bd Buel and Mrs, Bud1“ bert.S Aril. ______Now o n ly _____ ench cnch •ted fabrics. Completely wash- b h a s been authorized or ip tn i on th'• e coloredg, pages of a rt work for the DnvU _ sang a duet, accompsnled _ 4 Men'i All-Wool LEISURE JACKETS. JAC Plnld f.lntersute lyitem, for JJM mUea“ f,frontpleces of books ..highlight the by Mrs, Jsck Allred; Mrs. Or^’llle „ o and clicck. 1 small. 3 mediumdlum . 1-40 long. i*’’! ’ ®ii“ __ 4.00 I. ' ^ o f Mghway. ..______sklU or enrly day printers. t l Pair of Wool A T H L E T” I C^ - Reg. 17i0 and 24J5. . ,1 ^ WrHght, Mra. Oliver Johnson, Mra. SOCKS, Sire 13 only. « *< *«« QO R arest books among th e eollec- qmBIU Pratt and Mrs.. Elmer-Oraff Reg. 50c. Now only _ tc Now only ------— j ; BEKIOK HONOUD tlUon are, oddly enough, from therr gave readWgs. I/. Paelflo Northwest. They Include*., I - TDAHO STATE COLUOB. P o c a - P ,» • Earl Voung apoke on Orange ' “ 14 Famous Br^ndir^nd Snap BulUn WE6TERH 1- ihreo books-prlnted- e » r-th f Je.^ult IS Army Twill WORK SHIRTS.ITS. Ods and solids. All wsshabl*. I h l .itello, reb. ao-Wta Potter, Oood- i n . work. M rt. H eniy Peterson, lectur- » ™ ™ » T » . ' lnr. w u honored la "Tha Refill"r Mission> Press In the Nes Pereo lan-^ woer. gave th s cloems thought. Sixes M, 11 shorl snd QQ3 m JO Men’s Colored COTTON Tl ^ . 0 0 , . ^ B- guage to instnicl the Indians In Striped and solid. Sm all, medluiicdlum and Urge. j ^5 ______quarterly pharmacy Journal pub- r Refreshmenta were served by lhe 19. Reg. 2.«9. O n ly __ » C » W I, I llshed by studenU of tha coUejo oBt f English.S Reg. liO to 3.99. I ». One of ths more striking Items InlhoInlhome economics committee, _____ 8 8 c rnch ______‘I I pharmacy. Miss Potter Is » senior. j ■ g Pslr Men’s Heavy Duly COR-O R . Only ------* “DUROV- PANTS.-Solled butbu t------. - . |:ii g | B j j ^ H l i B H i i i ...... l l Nallonany AAdvetUsed d« MEN’S SWEATERS,- washabla. Wslst sUea « a 49 Long sleeve. V-niV-neck. Wool and Nylon and 3:, 31. R ef. 8J5. Ooly * • A A 4 WESTERN HATB. F u r faitIt mIV -in c h brim*. Umbswool. Sizeszes 3 38 and 36. ^ A A All slM 1*1. 3*00 Reg.fi.SSaDdlUS1IJ5. o n ly ------O.UU S# Pair of MEN’S DENIM' IM Reg. «JO. o n ly ------— ------SLACKS, Sanforized. Assortedirted ' colors. W aist .tlzes broken 37"I" loto — 10 NaUoaally AdtcAdvertised MEVR SWEATEItS. i r . Reg. 3.SB. 4.S0 9 < 9 9 V-neck. Lambswool and orlon. and 4.05. Now only — A e Ai A2 91 P ira of Men's RAYONr SOSOCKS. Mo.itly Long-sleeve. V-nt anUel lengUi. Slzea 10,13. 13.3. • Sizes 38 to 43. ,.... Z Z C pair Reg. 7.SS and S,SS. ___4 .0 0 , Vfor2t Days only Reg. Sic to »1.00...... * I M W FRI. and . fl ______^ One Big Group of 124 Boy;Joys’, Long Sleeve SPORT SHIRlIIRTS. Famous boys’ j ^ L a e ^ T hhis l l D eluxe 3(1 8 4 C o i l 1 brands—all w ashnblc. Plnid.-^,id.'<, stripes and solid im tterns. SizcfSizes 6 to 20, but only I 6 sire 16. Rcr. 2.98, 3.50 and 3.95. %9 Ladies' ^ ^ ^ M a t t rr e e s s a n d Hurry for thc.sc. Only ...:...... 1 . 2 2 ------AAll W ool S p r i n g s 26 BoyA* Poplin and Denimim !ZIPPER JACKETS. Sanforized. j sorted colors. Size 6 to 18.;. R(Reg. 2,98 and 3.50. O n ly ...... “ . 1 . 8 8

nd CoUon Twill SLACKS. SanforRforized. Green, grey, ikirts I 6 t Pair of Boya’ Denim and ' ■ tnn; biue nnd blnck. Sizes 6,. S8 , 10,-12,"l-l and 18:------0Q Fbtrou;nous brnnds. Assorted — l m Rcr. 2.98 and 3.50. Only ...... 1 • 9 0 Each stylesles nnd n colors. Sizes 8 to ______16. 21 Boys- Top Qaailly FLANNEL4EL SHIRTS. 13 Assorted Beys’ 7y.irPKR .lrr JACKETS. Nylon- P A!g. n 6.98 to 22.95 SanlorUed plaids and checks.. SSizes it 14, 18, eolton. gabardine, wooU. woo Reg. 1 / I 'C y * 1< and 20. Reg. 3S8 and 3.M. I • to i t ------/ 2 Price m O n ly ------®8SC « h ^ ' 2i noys’ Orion C anllfardlfan SWEATEtl.S. Wu;li- I sho able. T hree colora. sizei ^ ^ ^ B M Boys* TEE SlIIRTfi, UNRERSUltlSUIRTS and 16. Reg. 7A5. Only/ Z .... ^ . 1 3 - 2 2 , X BRIEFS. Famous brnnd. Reg. 3#c. 3»c. 4Dc. e i« s ______! TILL 9 / ^ 8 lo 14, mostly 10 and 14. «» «• ' FRIDAY I Only ______ench JJ Boys' W INTER CAPS, CAP sires A M — M _____ e-i to7. Reg. liO to2Jto 2M. Now 9 9 C *»ch y UMmO .QOANTmin iE S i ,:•! SHO^ EARIYI lO Bcyi* L enr Sleeva ORLON SWSWEATERS. 21 Boys* Colored TEE EHIRTS. F n m o u s 5 . Washable. Sizes t. 8. 10. a «■ I I ' • Smart grey e n d b bti tu * t k k ^ brsnds. Slies t. 10,0, l

Qgotlly *•’* (or reloxing eM feit ond teoQ wear, You wi't th e meittiaettreti ond bee spring bett suited for THISJSALE SATU INLY! j " IN s m URDAY o r hire Depeftment.______SEARS 34>l . . USY CREDIT TERMS ffi j/oax,m nu 5^SiftR S OPEN 'TIL Twin Falls 9 P.M . FRIDAY m W: Store I— (( THUBSDAY, FEBRUARARY 20. 1D5S TIMES-NEWS., TW1 IN FALLS, IDAHO PAGE M nJ

1 Armolour's I > I J Colunimbia I ^ 4 | Slice “ ■* Ib . I f m II


B E ^ T i - S - 8 1 ^ EMCS t '■ r S 9 ^ :


I haiLLIBUTr S T E A% K S ... • • 5 9 * W f KING ALFRED -Nw >‘ F m

bouquer C •____ |D a fffodils ■'of 24 ^ r I Quart Jar j jjiP TUXEDO PINK N o l l e i y ’ s I A N G 4 3 * 1

. r IMON 4 9 * 4 1 5 - 0 1 . ^ 1 N a l l e iy ' s C HI I L I . . . cans H • BETTY CROCKERER LAYER CAKE MIXES AND FR< 1.001 i FROSTINGS Q A c 5 B anquet Dills . *GAKf[ MIX 3 ■: N a l l e iy ' s P U C K L E S V l gallon jar I6 9 ‘ * FOR FLAKIER BISCBISCUITS BISQUUICK 4 0 . x , p k g ...... 4 3 c Cucunrtn b e r CC H IP S - 2 4 I 9 ‘ | EL SKIN FACIAL SSUES 0 count JE ^ IE 1 CE [ I c» % 2 3 E r r u S B I CRISP,> an d FRESH "«"MISS MUFFET' 5-TII h e a d s | )M S.98c CHERR

FRISKIES f f o r o n l y JFOOD % ANGEL : m i M PIE J TISi.. 1.98 \i M i j FAM llY PACK TENDER, TASTY DINNER "4 ! O 300 Cl P l 9t! A b o x)ILET « TEA ROLLS>. ... doz. !fl{! : 2 9 c I SSUE >(•ROME "Magic Valliilley's Finesf" BROOi FROZEE N F O O D S m 3 5 c iAPPI* E S b u . I s s FR 1 . 4 9 LIBBY'S . FRESH FROZEN

DOG NBC PURITY ORANGE C DDRINK 7^v= 1 . 0 0 H ^ 3 lb« con ^ CubM * CRACKERS Coco Cremes 25 Ib. bag JESSE JEWEL TURKEY— CHICKEN-:EN— BE'F Z E ! F> . b » 4 9 c NMEAT PIES>...... -4 tsi:-1 6 9 e i


T o ml i a t o J lI I I C E . . . ^. 4 - , | j.0 0 ® 1 I DENNIS Ii I WITH COUPON J CHICK(EN&NOOODLES 3 £ 1.1. q o | KRAFT SPECIALS

JETAWI I DINNERS...... 22 fo r3 5 c ^ KRAFT D 3 1 I I ■] 1 ^ .1 ETA ...... 83e P j r TO l i J f f v e l v e e t 1MALL0WS ___25i: W m I ^ ^ ^ H L E R A ^ 'III MARSHM AT nU B lO B SB BBTaKKT". I TISW d r i E DRESSING _____39e I W J 'PARK'"^r^Hn Jonbil^R Tf^ CHEESEC \ SOUTH tnd JELLY, Kraft's . .44 for 1.00 ^ 4 - JA M S anc ■'S CARMELS, Mb. pkc>kg. . 39e ^ . KRAFT'S

^ | H '

l ^ c THURSDAY)AY, FEBRUABY,20, issj timeS-news, tw inIN FALLS, IDAHO______• j 'PAGETEN ^ ey Children Throiough Efforts of 171 7 Y o u n g W o m e5 n n S t j ______l iib t ra ry F acilitiesJ*rovided R for Ket[etchum-Sim Valley I p g jijil

[ ■ I

^ ^ h h h » h ^ >

i ^ g H | K j | l



H U ' r i I

WI m ^ . , ^ 11 ] I

Tbt chUdren's reading roem at tbele K Ketebara-Sun VaUey library It raUierier boiyb tbe** foriheomtng wllh “Goldold } Mine* fnnds. *Tfaa Gold Mine” IsI a slshop opened by thr llbrarr I ^ y s tallowing IU opcDlng Fcb. 12. The Thi program lo bulld the library ilarleCarled back la iponiors almost throe« jet year* ago ta m U nsretUea. bom e-maade adt articles and any donated 19S5. Tho book.shelvea In tha libraryary are far from foil, bu t more volumeilumes will* bo Hems. It baa been a sourci■ourco et fends for Uii veature. (Saa ValleyValU pbote—staff cncratlnd

M •■ •■ I’'.'. COUNXIL HAS STEW ' IVIMINISTER ATTENDS J " ' ~ ' IVENDELL, Feb. 20—The Presby- PAUL■AUU Feb. 20-The Rev. J. D. p a u T 1 ? s Area Contest ,P;Parldng Fines ,„ylan“ Men's council m et Sundny Cregogo altended a a ehurch board of i cation meeting Mondsy In Botse TV.SERViCE A totnl of JID In bonds was po.nted evening;nlng al the church. John New- cducatlo Is Set A p ril 5 w^l:'ednesday with Twin Pnlls police brough,}Ugh, captain or Uie losing side withh lealeaders from Nashville. Term.. _—Twla FalU RE 3-UM nn attendance contest, served to plsnplsn a school for Sunday school - F il e r DA B-'tSM 1. forr pnrklngpi violnUoii*. ''' :hers. The school wUl be held In P. H. Talbert posted 14 for four ster Jstew. Oliver PhUllps was the tenehers BURLEY, ^ b . 2»-CnsAla county P. 1 le In Uie Nsmpa MethodUt "PAUL KALBrLEISCH iiMfTMBi« a gjru ferUme parking vloUUons. ptain of the wltmers. Dr. H. P. Juqe U girts are being offered an opporlu- overli lUlnger showed colored *llde.v church.rch.______niiy lo build a career throush p a r- PosUng Pos' Sl bonds were D. E Beon. H ol^ft I TenajtUrf flock »nm»d th t «b*ekooekoot detk manned by M n. Ben Conley,ley, UIlibrarian, a t the new Ketebwn. tlelpaUon In the April 8 MUs Cas- BUas.lUs. Paul aheUer. NeUle Cherry. J . c - ^ — K n a V*Uer UbntfT.Tlie Ubfwr «pen«ds«d for Instaeii on Feb, 1!. U rf* aspann(panse of window adds to cheerful sla county pageant In the high H.. Breckenrldge.Bi Mrs. Esther Ry- Uey pbolo—«Uff enrravlm l rarson. Bencficlal Life In.iurancel ^taotphm of Use Ubni?. (San V M tj * * * * sehool sclioc auditorium. nearw * * * * - * . * * * TivTlie locnl contc.it, a preliminnry compiimpany. T. D. Lovell. C. W, Berg, S i i • 1 1 elimination ellml lending to th e selection Maxax McKibben. R. D. Thompson. of Miss America ’1558 In AUantic W. W.w Pressey, Dan Rogerson, Gary nen Largely Resesponsible Clly. wUl find 10 to 14 glrU com- L.. HolmanHo and T. R. Staples. |; |[7 Young Wom( peUng for Uie local Utle and a chance to enler the Miss Idaho P 2 y for Ketchum,n, Suu Valley £eUminntlons In Boise. accordlnK to Eden * - Visits Told a 1 For Library tho ceneral chairman, Mrs. Gene EDEN, EDI Feb. SO-Mrs. Pnul Dny. SkTTOHUM, m . 2fr-8«vemeen became bea a ghost tonn afWr the slump UirouliuouR hout the area, w u held on Morton and Arvel Rudolph. Mrs.Irs. Eldon' Hnrold and Mrs. Elmer i, > yoimj women *re lirgely respon- of 18B3.] Ftb.Peb. 12 and the nexl momlng the Kay Clnrk will be master of cere- Parsoanon motored to Shelley Monday 2 H ib io i a bulldlnc the tCeCchum-6un f\For two weeks the 17 scrubbed, buildibuUdlng w u open with Mrs. Ben monies and Mra. Steven BmlU>. a loI seeset the new son born to Mr. and taU ey U b m r wliWi opened lU cleaned de# and cajoled their hunbands Conley as Ubrarian. ^former MUs UUh. wiU coach the M[rt. rs., Alan Long. They spent Monday { J x n on Feb. 13.. Inlomio propping up beams, InitnlUng T Th« h e 45-by 5«-foot brick atnicture girls. Other committee chalm inn nlghlIghl al Rexburg at the home or< electric wW ni and buUding shelves. *n O m nl W yau; publicity, M rs. Rnlph daugllughtcr or Mr. nnd Mrs. Eldon T h e Oold Mine wlU continue to arold. fell from'ihe daveno a t their E d and ailver prospector. Main a t- sign. aljr -The Gold Mine.- was hung Fairchild and tes, Mrs, WlUlam Harol outside. 11 U possible lhe lead and funUifurnish funds, this time for operat- wmvWinkle. homeoma and broke her shoulder. lUcUon ot the cabin w u th a t It ouU ln r expenses for the Ubrary. " " I fiu rent free becauie It had fallen sUverlUr miner lumed ovtr In hU 'Two scholarships have bcen of­ 80N~HOSPITALIZED gravt. T h e 17 young women who obtain- , :i fiito a lU te ol dUrepalr. II had been r * ' ed th e llbraiT ate Mrs. Ed Beagle. fered for IlOO from Ulah agriculture WENDELL. Feb. 20—Mr. nnd Mrs., ,1 t t ^ o D t d vhen Ketcbum TlrtuaUy capital q oulUy for the venture waa nM L rt.. ~ Siegfried Engl Mr*. Wlnton coUege. Logan, 'and *180 from the j^hnohn Perry have left for PocateUo 19. shop opened for buslneas O rv .' Mrs. Oeorge Kneelsnd. Mrs. BurliDurley Jaycees;' ^.henhere their son. Flo>'d Perry. Is In] ll' Et"— r— *“■on Apm’ 12 and by AprU 28, more WUiston “ McCrea, Mra. John Morlts ------Uieie hospital1 wllh pneumonia. |].M. Wiseman ^lhan IW hsndmsfle and donated nnd Mrs. Thomas Murray. aU Sun ' DRIVE PLANNED articlea had been sold. ^Vnlley: Mrs. Grant Cope. Mrs. Pete ' jfAUAILEY, Peb. 20-Abbey Vaughn, By the spring of 1858. ‘The Qold Lnne. Mrs. Itene U fleur. Mr.v Larr^' Red Cro.« Held representaUve, Ft. g a r a g S j; i; S D ies at A ge 8 0 mMine-S w u one of the thrlvlnR bust- LaPrUe. Mrs. K. D. McBride, Mrs. LLewis, ent Wasl).. m et Mondny with EU- HHOME IMPROVEMENTS I nesses In Kelchum. U ws* open Philip Pucliner, Mrs. E. N. Bexton, jeiiegene Judd, Blalne county chairm an. No idn payments. 60 mas. to pay g three days a week and manned en- JHANSEfT; Peb. 20-0harle» M ar- th r Mrs. Clara Gatxert Sorleetl and andJand_Mi's.-Qranl Hnwke.v blood bnnk cCRESS BLDG. SU P PL Y I Urely by voliml«r«, „Mrs. Heater Barlow, all Ketchtmi. chnlrchalrninn. The three'ouUlned' the nog ^ WlMBun. 80. who h u fanned By IfiST. the balance on hand w u " J J MOO KImbetiy Rd. ' BZ S-79M ■ear here for 40 j'e m . died a t 11:10 nnd l ^ s . C a r ro U Uvlngston, nnnunnnual lund drive which wUl begin We five S&H Greeo BUmpt ’ M.OOO aad Uie women decided to T rium ph. • MnreMnrch 1.______• j n . W ednuday In Maslo VaUey hold an aU-out drive for fund* In Memorial bomllal. Xt,August On Bept. 1. th? library fund ! : [-M r. •WlMoan w u bora. AprU l i , baibalance totalled 113,000. The Union I x m . In MltcheU county. C. R e Pa(Padfic railroad donated a lol one • I iDarried the fonner Lula Mat Rol- bloiblock off the KeUlium-8un Vslley « llfleld Dec. 2«. 189S. I n Pebruary. highighway ‘and the eomfrsione was U 18, they mored to a farm near laicUld on Oct. SO. I, i f t a ^ where Mr. Wiseman reikl-' cOpen house, attended by many 'I' «d with hla family until his d u th . —- I r He was an acUve m cm bir of th e I Even a Salt.Itin e 55? |(,| BanMn Methodiit ehurch in d th e I IN Kanaen Oranee. I Ii't S H e ij-iurrivea byhti'w iaow . Tour ■ I ---can- havave a happy" ^ l'l. tons. 0 . R. Wlieman, MUrord. tIU h : I !|i Z ^ n a rd WUeman, Loeansport, Ind.; I I i . D. Wiseman. La Orande. Ore., I 'll l n d WUllam WUeman. Hansen; I II nro daughten. Mn. Pearl ’ Jones. I ‘ ■ ■ ' H l l ll lUmberly. and Mn. Ptanlc Way- I ,1, fean. Ohlcaco: IS crvtdehUdren I ll B d nine great-frandchUflren. Two I Ii’l fens. Oeorte WUeman and Sam 1 I Snsttnan, preceded him In death, FL)AVO k f Funeral senlces wUl be held at IR r I p jn. Saturday at the >Vhlt« m or- , :: fiiaiT chapel, with th e n e t. C. A. ' a n d. P I U R IT T S a r e full fv of il; I Sorcrosa and the Rev. John Sbns; THE UILOER BOURBON (ifflclatlne. Pinal services will be, Ku M t l«r»w • » Tfl CM I Qeld In Sunset Memorial petrfc.______u M • auutu Aa M -.o, tn«u«t. «y.' Il’i a ftjll,jll, Irich, Ifuly *aitine-i»h flavor., JuilJy the I

right jallintillincjj, and a crocldino fr«»h textur«ture thoi ' ' I d r i v eB; OUT s n o p i dJoan, o a r JO lighi ond floky. j' A U T TFLE L E AND KEEP A^ CARTONa HANDY. You’ll,like the fh. woy ' • A Lot! Salrintt» b)by Purity »toy fresh, D O N 'T BE ^ S a v e A ------E T tip-Srt-flrt-flavcry:------~ " ^FOOLED! a . ' U c fl/ C tnN r Cut ir IT DOESN’T HAVE CAMS IT’S NOT AN ' PORK c h o pPS,: lb. 49c AUTOMATIC! ' oovn, / j i ; ' ' « Z Z ‘S T W r j / ; i!( O p a tiK m k .p u n j m t t o n ' I \

'ft LARD...... 4 The cams mnke il sulomat: I lbs. 69c *m.tlc I • ovS ■ —M'e cncouraire comparlsoi « ■ ■ ...... ' " A N » J e x ‘^rurivs j don all IhrM N S lK y i ? y n / .; ! WIENERS ■ 3 lbs 1 ■ W sllUhe* I ^ CAMa I’ WHOLESAl^le prices _ OtiAIIMtstaferYer Yoyr Hem* pKexerl ' BEST SEWING VALIkLUE EVER g r o c e r ie:S s at COST! Jndjbobbin, Jtraight fltitch. Plu> 1 0 % S«IS a rrlc t Chargt At yourr fo v o rilo g ro ce r’* .'intr m a c h in e ...... '„...... 3 9 .0 0 1 andd 2'2-pound cartons. I Custom Psbacking Co. THIS SALE 3 DAYS*r s O N L Y ! 9 |N ai> l» ht Golf Coune) S , ' _WI stu. DIMiIRECT TQ Y O U !- ) a.m .'ril 6:00 p.m. PyRITY BISCUITT COMPANY-SaltC( Lakt • Pho«n3«nix • Pocolcilo [; , - ' Opif* •* Ol ^oa/i>jwfuy ^aeA"rm\


^ j l I •iijrw ?fyiw i

\ R O E B U CC K A N D C O . / • “ "'“■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I , lj!

FRRIDAYr ONLlY a t Ss I e a r s ' ^ ^ 3 p.m. to ; 5 SPECIALS — -7 p.m. to 9 SPIPECIALS — PANT C CREASERS PERCALE Yr A / R D A G E WASH CLO.O T H S IFLOWER SEED:DS I Special Regular 39c yard Hemmed terry cloth 1 ^# 3 p.m. lo 5 only...... 2 t ' 7 7 c I Naw Spring p rin fi...... lor 75c volue ^ pkgt. 4 1 . 0 0 Stock il up now !...... I X2 1 . 0 0 le d tw eet p e o i...... fo r & - 3 9 c ^ PUSTK n c PAILS BRAIDED> RUGS I WELCOME: Mi A T CCAPE COD FEN:n c e ! Regulor T.98 Reg. 1.98 V olue Regulor 1.49 4 colon, loff plojtic...... 1 . 0 0 Ovol s ihope, raohy colon...... lor 39c eoch 7 7 c 5Heovy rubber...... 9 9 c >t lectlon...... T T fo. r 1 . 0 0 FLOURR SACKS U D IES' GL3L0VES TV SNACK TTRAYS RAKE TEETH■H . - I Regulor 39e each Regular 2.98 value Speeiol Q O ^ - Attentionition Farmen! Special...... 4 J O O Spring 5 ihodei, peorl Irimmed.... . ? 9 c A 5: sto rte d p ottem s...... Stock up IROW...... " fo„ r 1 . 0 0 I PLASTIC I DISH PAN COTTON1 IB R A S TV STOOlO L S m/IIXING i : BOWL. I SET Regulor 1.96 value Speeiol ^ Ready to paint or 3.45 value A bow it M Square ihapei...... 8 8 c 13' p.m. »o 5 only...... A 2 ,0,1.00 Regular i;: 1.69...... 9 9 c ors...... fo r i2 . 4 4 I V


UNTIL J U N E FI l R S T o n I • e e • POWER MOWERS M •I REFRIGERATORS . 4 4 I 3 “ • B O A T S •» WASHERS and DR1RYERS • BOAT MOMOTORS •» RANGES and STONOVES ' H | h u | | Reg.]. to 2.98 V I Reg. 5.98 fb 8.^8 • B O A T T RRAILERS i •» COLDSPOT FREEZliZERS H u r t for th il boy, tbey nl Scoop cf the seoson. Wonder* torsala cu t lut lonf.ton*. iS onl7 to to e l ful selection of sheer prints ONLY »5 DO'OWN t^ o' 2 0 0 a n,D d »IO DOWN To’; *1,000 ^ thli low price,)rici, (Morted eolon^ ond gay solids, newest styles. . Exceptcept Boott, Motors and Trollirt — 1 0 ^ Down Required H H H H ilH a ptittnu.

Lightweight for Springing ^-V Blue Der>enim or Coloreded Twill SHOP UN'MTIL 9 p.m. at SEARSS and SA^V \ E! CAR LONCIGIES JAPANESE SlSLIPPERS TABLE LAMS4PS i}Sj JACKETS5 wW omen's Regular 1.49 igulor te 9.9B B e ExeelUnt for irov*!..:.— ..77..:.:... 7 7 c ------g ro u p -.— ------5 . 9 9 ^ YOUR CHOICR H j \ >. Regular 1.91 LUNCH PAIL P FLOOR LAM JH 1.98 Volue H 5 . 9 9 H Boxer Styleityle, 7r6x ^ Regular 2.98 tgular te 16195 Reg. to 10.98 ' With vocuum ...... 1 . 9 9 9 . 8 8 I P Fully toffeta lined, roomy p«ke some with knit collors, blue, blac i9 beige. XO ROLLER SKKATES FLOORCOVER■RING MAGAZINE [ Regular 2.98 lltlc Surface SHIIIRTS Nylon w heeli, b ag ln n tri...... 1 . 9 9 guior 1.49 sq. yd.------SQ.; q . v d . 8 8 C 1 RACKS ! Wrought Iron end Brest j FRESH COC>OKIES IBOOTIE SLEEP■PERS

2 Ibl. lugor wafers KC poundt 0 7 ^ Requt i Beantlful abNTr ppa u e l i ia . prlnu. B lj •ftlecUon. buy co» for t» w u h . oeedi w iy . •ummer »ewlnj. » touch ef th* tabon. a . '


i -FOB^FOUiI R B I G ------

S P E C T A C: Ul L A R D A Y i r j I , , ■ J Mocaronini & Cheese No; Vx Six# D inners Com oF K ra ft I Sta Glory They Are Readady in 7 Minutes! Light M eot VSi MACARONI'II and CHEESE n NAiFK ! For Fouilur Persons » 2 ~ I i K raft m I 'iloirin. 39- Loaf ^ I A l VEIVIEE1[AJ 4 » . CHERRY f LAYER IKE topped with ' boiled icing A H

• BROCCOLI SPSPEARS •’ • CAULIFLOWWER “ J m i S § • BABY,LIMMAS f""''*- or FrenchI cutc •GREENN BEANS - SWEIETX^ Rolls of ^ I CA I J ancy R O L l f Choice ^ |[p Guaranteed QuQuality! ^ $ LSO Eton frozen foods arere ] 0 clusivcly for Albertson;son’s by one 10-oz. of the larg est frozenI fotfdfo proccs- 1 PLANTER'SS PEANUTS PLANTER'S; CASHEWS ( Bors in Amcrica. .. thalthat’s why M’e ■ i Pkgs. know it’s good—becausause we con- 6% -oz. T i n ...... 69 c 6?4--ozi . T n ...... 5 9 c | trol the quality! 0 Only

leso are i hc extro ' eryone lo MIATr O E !S L EM(O N i to iARGEFIR/{MSLICEI:RS i - f ] ^ Picked at th Large Chok = ^ 1 the peak of RIpenes. e s s ice F( to captur(ture the true flavor I . •* BERBER'S y STR/ for Salad!ads or Sandwiches. and Juicy BABY — ^ 5 c . _ LINIT L m W ;OODS, c JUN i ot. pack09 RAINED Food! — — S -Jfc Dishwas - m packfl! JUN A t B E Ri I T S O N ' S !Sell Onllly GUABRANTEEDD PROD t ^ UCE! l i :c.„. 3 / C 3 .B I


C .n ,,...... 4 5 ^ ! ... io,...... THURSDA'XDAy.-^'EBRUARY 20, j? PAGB FOURTEEN TIMESrNEWS, TWININ FALLS, IDAHO NewPressissure Suit for HigIgh Fliers Ff jj,Uie NaUonal Council of Presby- j„2g overovt Ul# heads of four fleeing BoUe3Ue .AprU 11-12. Ch«l.-m,in a‘i ~ Chln»'i annjr l5 mikln* inothfr exchange agreemenL e rian men Peb. at to .23. prlsoneisonen. Shqpp* bid 10 Impror* reUUoiu with lhe jqppard announced todnv, An equal number of Russian ex- Tho w m t» ordfr «rmy jn't shoot people going over Uie y MCA,MCA. Purpoae of Uie win come 10 thU country. Angelingeles Monday to attend a medi- tll," commented W arden Lj-nn lo ; u n iu (o rt6« *''(1 The experts to be sent abroad g,,;nl meeUni„ a t Uie BllUnore holel. 10 acquaint hlsh school vc-j',., v«Ecuble». will be U ken principally from the ^hev n a r . T hose convict* could gtl vlthlUi legUlaUveIi proceuw o! WlU rhey expect to return March 28. Me ^ and kUl people." andid n*naUonal governmenta The l»U»t l i »n order undtr which 'UBUff f of the deparimenl .nnd from TirtuiUy *11 p n « le home* rwjuUI- "I'm not Uie kind ot m an needed," ' ...... 'Sl& B ttieUie land-grant agrlculiuraj colleges. DAY NOTED • tloned from d v itlu it will b« return' ^ N(No definite decisions have been iderson said In hi* lelter of reslg- MRS. M TAYLOR SPEAKS ed. ThU decUlon CAine «t the *11-l: madmade yel, but between 40 nnd 60 CAICABTLEFORD. Feb. 20-W orid Hon. SUNBUN VALLEY, Feb. tn n y b»rr«ck cootiol work con* ...... — AmeAmericans will be In Uie m lulon to Day3ay ofi Prayer wlll be observed at ------Everett•erelt Taylor addrrAjm tiif fcrence In.Pflplnj. V ''••x! Rusi'lu u ia . The dale may be enrly In 2! p. m. Friday by the Plrst Bap* MD _ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS dUblb WWednesday In Bpokanf. w«,h. The eontfrenee. nccordlng to the • 11 JumJune.______tlstUt church c in caslleford. _ n ^ communlit New Chln« new* siKsney. •decided thnt excepllnR the menne ...... defense unlU>. frontier defenie unlta. »nllalrcr»fl unll*. r*llw»y eorp.i #nd ths nntlonnl defenie fnglneerlnti corrw which re»lly need private home* »nd could continue HUDSON! «nd use Uiem. nil P M (people! 11* t ber«Uon nrmy) tm llf thould «i from Mareh thl* year, cewe rent- UeuL Col. R aynsnd t , Evani, cemmaBder cemi ef Uie U rd flghUr laterceilerceplor aqtiadroa, wears the new In j private hou»e« they have already7 MC-«j bifh aJUlQdt prtMur* suit, aa he stands by th e new needlcnesed^d F-lftiA F- Lockheed Starflghter. now rented." • , . IjIn spcrsUonal um s( C'allfomU'i HamHamlltoD aSr foree base.'(NEA telepholtihote)______p I The irquUltlonlni: ftf private‘ * * * * * * * * ---- ' Iiome*. tlong with Ui« food p r ^ - lem. ha* angered farmer# and city- T Papers Banned , dweUers for months along thej Deadly J, New Figlilfilter Plane Is ^ CHILDREK , comUI area*, ejtpeclally In Kwang- TONIS. Tunisia. Peb. 20 IW — ' tung provmca in the wulh anfl TunUlan authorities -flave clamped I Fukien provlncB on the e u t coaslt Added for U.. SS. Air Arsenal laa nnationwide ban on the sale of four ' facing nftUonnllst FormcM, wherte conservatlvoeon Paris newspapers. I Uie reds found 11 nce«Huiry lo u s ee HAMILTON, AIR FORCE BASE, pon packing "more firepower per -jTlie (fovemment order Issued ye.i- [ SHOES over prtvnte home* lo house troop*.I. Cnllf..Cn Peb, JO nfl—The air force to- pourpound Umn nny Jet ever built." terday applied lo France Solr. ParU ■ Apparently Fukien, which U re-• dayda accepted a flghler-lnlerceplor the airi foree said. P rtu c . Aurore, nnd Porlelsn Llbcre. garded by the Chinese a* a top.. plnnepu Uiat wlll fly twice Uie speed Performnnce pj speclflutlons of the aAUoIsi banned was Uie weekly pub­ hpcurlty area, won’t be mueh af-. of sound and will push America's ne»- ^en- Jet were sllll under security iicallcaUon. Jour de Fmnce. All of the 53 Poirs fected by the new order. dedefrnse perimeter far out over tu «rspwraps b u t the nlr force released orcrorgans hew to a consistently anU- B ut In Inlajid rtglon*. Uif change• oceiin*.oci thfNthffe staUsUcs aboul It: tuiTunlslan govemment line. Th# pro- F v i i l _ 7 wlll mean Uist the army will build1 The plane, cnlled the P-IMA Slnr- —II , contains the most powerful govgovemment Tunis Journals. AcUon ' Reg. to barrack* for ItMir to Ilr# tn. a* well1 fighter,f g U an "upper slraUuphere" Jet , , engine. Uirust-per-poupd, yet de- nnd Al Amal, have been banned In a* producc mueh of It* own food. fighter *lg and wns billed by Lockhecd iveloped. , , ' FraFranc# for some lime. II U ifll part of Ptlplng'* .cam-. asa* Uie "fa-iUst, flghllnRMi and r hlghest-flylng I n t e r c e p t o r ever —It wlll use the fnstest-flrlng palgn for Uie army "to get to know ni(i nerial machlnegun ever bulll. a 20 ths pilot never see*. I the people." , "“Jbuilt." l » . Exact range of Uie new plsno was 'nl'lLmillimeter. iraUlnit-type cnnnon ca- —I _ t win contain Uie first down­ NONA pointed up Uie extensive- I pnble of firing S.OOO rounds, a mln- ness of UlC requisitioning In report-. notnoi dlscloied b u t spokesmen said Pnbli ward ejection system .for a produe­ I It would sweep th e nlr for "hundred* ut*-ute. r « i r > ^ ing UlB Pelplng conference held In U i llon t>'po Jet fighter. This removes One Largo J||| ! January. It said Uiat -last year, of miles" on th e defense perimeter. —I t will carry sidewinder missiles Uie haiard of an ejected pilot col­ alone, variou* unlU relum ed a toUI The J plane was put Into optrnitoa KUlded by an fnlH-rcd (racking ]|d|, for Ul# western air defenie com- ^ , liding w ith Uie aircraft when be of 74.000 houses- t« Uie original for device capnbl# of destroying a target balUball out.______Group t i l l X w I ewnera. {Jj*mand today by Lieut. Oen. j . H. At- Judirliig from the fact that a UnUnson. S ’/z to new. wlde*weeplng order h u gone AAir force a n d l«khee.i atlll held by Uie army l* far greater a* as fast u It will fly." than the number already returned. iLockheed called Ui* aircraft a — "ml"missile with a m an In It." iy The fltarflghter Is a *tubby wea- m b .. Tax Refunds NYLONNS I M May Be Slow J . If you ar* expeeUng a federal In­ come ta* refund don't plan oa re­ ceiving It until iometlme between j * I ~ 1 * April 1 and June SO. advlsea Charlea Q. Olsen. Twin PalU Internal rev­ £ ! k . enue a«ent. 1 5 d e n ie r M g Olsen explalni relurTi* a rt now * •hipped to a cenlral locaUon for y | electro machine-processing and re* ■ 9; 1 fund check wrIUng along wllh m il- ■ 2 Pairs...... 1 .5 0 ^ Uona of other* from oUier aUtc*. ■ MeanwhUe. It t* Impossible to a n- T -r. H E SMOOTHER BOURBON/ ■ iwer all inquiries about individual ' A M refunds unUl after June 30, Olsen ■ays. After Uiat dat« th# return* - wlll have been ahipped back to dla* ?RICES SUSHED ONG WOMEN'S SHOIlOES! trlct oftlcea and leparately In* dexed. Olsen u y s ictn* U x refunds «U1 . eame tn sooner than oUiera because • Dre» Flats of early filing* but the rttu m i m ust b« checked la different way*, de­ pending on what'* In them. • C asuals OUier claim* for refund* cannot ba paid until later In the year. Ai " • Dress Shoes an example, Olsen explain*, wme per*ona claim dwuctloo* which m ust be InvesUgated befon refund*, and • Loafers m ' ' faulty and Incocnplete retu rn i oauM THE MILDER BOURBON W extra correcUoQ work. ^ (HE III UEUfll m il l ! Reg. to 12.' A^ w Joins in Mine Billi ■ , WABinNOTON, Peb. 30 WV-Ben. ' § W III IKE SEIECElECIIII IF » Prank Church. D , Ida.. Joined two . 3 other aenate Democrata in cospon- P H Sim: III ru.IK.miE'S n •orlng a bill yeslerday that would ONE SPECIAL.GROUP C suspend for one year the require­ m ent Involvlnft work oa m lnlnj CEIIIIItllIIIEIIE ' claims. Th# law requires tlOO worUi of M i 'KEUniSTFIIFII Tir 1 1 C work ench year on mlnlni: claim* Dress Shoes -- Casuals( ^ that are sUkrd on federal land. Women'i ond Sennlor Bible, Nev., a cosponsor CoQtcBtsxac a ra lly Ifae b e a n o f Chiidren'i wllh Church and Senator Murray. O! HOUSE Mont., snld low meUl prices threat- M tD j bome aad ooewe Mtei way to Regular ■ . 2 2 en closure of many of th« nines and bappiacH k a» realise the consUUit« an emergency for them. I SLSLIPPERS I ’ho(DCofyo««^fe^la*.ams.’&adiooQal? fo 17.95 , ^ P Reg. to *I 8WIMMEH TAPPED htodera? Pkt«re window*?win Two UNrVERSriY OP IDAHO. Mo^ ______5 .95 1.22-2.22 I . J eov, Feb. 20—Daniel Savin. Ru­ biths? Split-leTeli'? W !haeerer style pert. has been "tapped for mem­ yoor hcitt is set oo,)oo, yo« c u find bership In the Kelldlvers. a stu­ PECIAL j ^ | R dent club which stages a waler show k in o u r n ib n r y o fbf hom o i o.'W hit’* each year. V m ofe. o u r boote desig;lesigaiog depin- U l l INTRODUCTCCTORY OFFER | | a 7 V W* now hove o0 c com plete line of “ ““ “ itiffed to proiprovide original Men's WORKi SHOES C.9< dcjiga* Of sltcntioQjtions to cwjting 6-ineh itylt CHILDRILDREN'S M Wfuetttte*. So, * t«« t rrij i f ^ G et Black or brown r PXJLL ] complete hooc-build ___ ANKlout o u r Ipecial Tein- Man'e and bcyi', alto tem* tem Pcdwin. Age Shoe Bonk! Regular te 14-95 JJ.OO “ t : , lnel

Y~ 39 Poinlin M en 'i MEN'S DRESS LO / liourbon iHjl DAFERS (fl A 2 2 Oxfords an(and Loafers -BHE an d DRESS SHC■lOES 1 f l * A 4 _ _ _ f r u it Good rongt of ilzei end po H Regular to • • 263 ADDISON AVE. W. ^ T W IN FALLS ' ' Regulor to 18:95 12.95...... 3 .2 2 a •______J SBB^Speetaeular STORCfl ALSO IN: KIMDERnERI.T, Bl'H L. FILER. ----- T U O - O - W A R . M p .v m HAZELTON, WE.VDELU 6H0SSHOSHONE. COOD1.VG, W ATCH—c**#-».matia BURLET and RUPERT FRIDA1\Y and SATURD DrlvftTraetorvOut-parferm tPAY SALE AT■ ______100 « i Competltlva Tractera ★ BOC

WILLIAMS SELECT YOUR BUILDIILDING SITE IN ' TRACTOR MONTE VISTA SUBDIVISIONsy r t ” * ■ " . Wb Lot priee* iDclsde Curbing and« GultefG . W ater - Beirer I«4-3rJ Av.nui Ssulli ‘Kttfietj tnliM ■nrtn n u n ''4 YiL 014 • - ■ - and Oiledll fSlreetafilt M fw (. All cwt Co, A *9c IN hilldsiiorfs Sixei


^ [ some QUAIENTITIES ' S5UPER l ANAHIST;T RUB end ^NAHIST SYRUFJP, reg. *2.00, Spec.Sf Price ^ , LIMITITED A ' I.-. i v □ f 98cI8c FEVER C o n n ‘ “ '■■y s e f whdt * you woni! '■ CHILD'S T-JHIRTS Slm 4 lo M...... 33c r H E R Ml O M E T f e ) ^ FER I5 9 i J MEN'S T-SHIRTS, ' Smolli mtdlurti, lars« .... '8c NEO MIST h. . 49c MEN'S CRIPPSR SHORTS . SIxei 30.40 ...... 49c I V n W Docongcstantant, anti-histaminic, ^ N a s a l S pp i | U i W antibiotic .... ^ 0 YS'BR1««. 59 i Siiei4 tc 12...... 29c 9c, I’/j-OUNCETUBE BOrS'J^YLON STRETCH Ah Six!» 9 tb 13 ...... 25c / w y ,/ CHI].DREN'S NYLON STRETC ANALGj E S I C bB A L M I • anklets, SIxc* 6 -B ...... P-. 25c 22 ! WOMEN'S W.98 PULLOVERER SWEATERS ^ pQckogc of 24 Tab;abs DRISTAN IFREE! 2 weeks supplyy oof Vigran-M 100?o Wool, ottrocriveI iltfyle, good W; For relief of coIdi, hoyy fe'fever. Promotoi O O with ' boHio ol 100 qualily. 1 only size 34; 2 onl linui drotnage ond figlitijhti infection...... V O C 'VIjron.M Tobi ...... 3.98 ; 9 onljr lire 38; 2 only lizt 4i 1.99 WOMEN'S SS.25 CARDIGAN^N ;SWEATERS All 100?« wool, yory populopulor itylii SE-OUT! CL0SE-0U1UT PRICES! I I , and good quality. 1 only,. ilitlzt 34; 2 f J • FIGURIKINES ^ only tlso 36; 2 enly ilit 3B; lar 39c and 4 9 c ___ 1 enly ilxt 4 0...... 9c ...... 1.99 l_S " ^ • ASH Tt r a y s S " MEN'S S1.96 FLANNEL SHIR'HIRTS.' i lar 79c, 89c a n d 98c ...... 29c .. Colorful cotton flannal ploic 23 only, tmall lixei...... 49c ^ k • CERAlAMICS Reg. 1.51.59, 1.79, 2.98, 3 .9 8...... 98c .. MEN'S J1.79 WORK SHIRTS ------S s 4 only lUo 1403, 6 enly liz 14>/i-33 49c BOYS' 53.95 FLANNEL LINED QQ.. S h : 4 0 ^ / \ . ZIPPER JACKETS, 4 only ■I.etiz< 6 ...... OOC I CLEAR/)ANCE! 1 I boys' $1.98 ZIPPER jacket;E TS,: 4 onlr ^ Come ond get 'em—we-we need the room! H iii< 8; 6 tltt 1 0 ; 11 tixe 1212; 12 lii. ^ ^ L M 1 :7 39c DISH TOWELS—Hemod, 14;7 ilzr 16 ;3 tize 18 itripetf, good quolltr, 25x33". 99c ^ J 33\..2 39c sSl 98c TURKISH TOWELS, Aiit. 98c Wool WH color*, eitra heovy, 22x44",..^“':...2 ,0, 98c HEAD SCARFS ...... :..49c 38c FINGER TIP TOWELS. K<9. 59e Attorted colon. 11x18"...... ::... 2 ,0,38c I EAR MUFFS...... 19c M 19c NECK SQUARES ...;...... 2,0.19c I Childnn'i 69c J M — WOOL KNIT GLOVES, iJxei::e. 2, 3, 4 .. 27c MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS, oiiortlortad colon iL\~j^ and iliet. Long ond ihort ileileevei. Hendin ttytod, ■ ■■ < % | mode in Colifornia ...... 1.98 MISSES' $1.49 SLIPPER SOX.(. I-Hend em. broidered. 100% wooI.genuJnluine leather ' VPEH I N Y ^ f I S E lote, onorted colon. GlH bose>estd. 8 only BRINGING IN YOUR BLACK AND ttze7 {6-6Vi hott); 7 only tizitizt8(7-7’/j X Q - WHITEUTE OR COLOR FILM FOR hoM;7only iIs* 9 (S-B'/x hoJho»«l....V pnOiMFOiMPT F I N IS H IN G ! BOYS' ibbei WOOL SLIPPERR SlSOX. Gan- DCI uine leother toit. 4 enly liio ) BELL & HOWELL GEO. k list B; 3 only tiEt 9 ...... 69c ]MOVIE KIT 14 only LADIES' SLIPPER SOX. Jdcs tmm no earners, projecter. 3-Iiu 5 midium; Margt. Soft ieathliihfr'ir.!.' A Q f , b U f'ilS■rlUi ':lunp.^; 1 roll color Illm: 1 carton Atiorted color* ...... “T ^ V reel: e»m«e»mefA c*ae: « n f WASH I I N G T 01IN S j aoxu.ln. I AL D-ln. icreen. ___ ^ 8 Poin Girit' SUPPER SOX. LLtrj . . 9 . . I . . 3 only. Soft Iiathtr tolei...... BIG PRICE CUIlUTSON I 2 Poln, larg* tlzt c, 18-count Pkfl. BOYS' SLIPPER SOX...... 49c ^ 15 If * 1 2 .9 5 S c h o o l S uj p | p l i e s I 98c Flashlight VELOPES Complete witfi botteriei Hotr CuHinine Kit “ 19c FILLER PAPER 31 tlxe#..;.... -...... „]2c I Eltelrir rllpptni, h»rb«r *he#i comb. Crew-cul comb ilUc: SOO SHEETS FILLER PAPER ment. Initniellon boek indx ell g - ”'*' 1 reom...... 1.22 3 9 c per oil. 5 t ”? 25c TYPING PAPER...... 'i6c SILK .98 All Purpoie 35c^ (_LEAD PENCILS C A N V AAS Cood eroier, metol ferrule...... 2c !E W O R K GLCLOVES P i a sl t i e B a s i n 15c Packet TlTOILET TISSUE CARBON PAPER...... ,9c' CLOSE-OI)UT! < Unbreokoblt, te ARCADIAN (8't) finiih, nvixiii WATER COLORS...... '33c. 3 '■“••s 'j p c p f . Peitel Col^n .... — P' -W eGive^-^ 3jc lown & Countj BABYDI — 98c GlGold Strike ) E P T r r - NAPKINS. Save On FlFiUlli! I m M FLANNELITTI DIAP5RS Pecfcogt of 60, 15x17". New wtwef Verlehreme Poi H O USE Si BROOM Stamps . 27 X 27"...... p.,:.i.99c atrengtfi. Fecial tinue quality.I'* 120, 620, 127 w M - (1.00 CRIB pads Dial C r , ' 69c 2 Q A * S.'l', sooii 1»ltuoiiir T Q r 17 X 30" ...... S 3 ^C Ion, mo».... il-00 Infants' BATH SET. Atiortedrted'eolort. 2 3 8 ...... ' RRE 3-8931 ^ Includei 18x30" b«ffi towel; 9i9"i9" w^tth cloth O V C Wmmmm WSTIC APRONS , With crumb calchtr...... 29c $1.505 VolVolue .•. P“ EVENING4ING IN PARIS 1 plus fruit of THE LOOM BABY PANT!NTS. DEODOR^30RANT ...... I »U U ta x FOUNTAINN S P E C IA L Vinyl plaitic, lortn Hnltfi, ttiertt wooli, 1 A Q nylon, orlon...... 'I iA i7 f / end Choice of Drink Dr • TERRY CLOTH i IbS ...... 34c WOODBUIDBURY M T -B O N E ST 100% Wool, R.ouloi 39c---- - ...... ^ Bon OAC - 14*ounct — Served wll bootees, Hond Moj...... 19c SOAP ...... toait end potato< 100 1 D BH i l G S H.2» FLANNEL GOWNS ' So»e49cc49c on WILLIAMS STICK DE- ^ Aiieitad tolori ...... ODORAN1 lANT—Speeiol for Men! Get tfie 49c9e ttittick (ret on thli ■ '• ' . y SI-49 CORDUROY lAlY CRAWLEB (notion offer plus L Y N4 W O O D ShH O P P I N GI CI E N T E R •i'll irip inopi. SItn I. 2, 3. An'i." «i.„.... 77c ; value...... / T C lox Kt INFANT'S SHIRTS, ^ BJ ^ Eveningng In Porii Sotin > |0 _ p lu s F I L E R A V EIN r U E E A S Tr - - N E X t T O3 H I G H S CC H O O L ^ Sliti 2,4, ( ...... ______Z d C FIniihLIPiI LIPSTICK...... ^ T C to x ■ THUESDAY.Y. FFEBRUARY 20.13^3 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN^ IFALLS, IDAHO i PAGE SDcm EN Plans TouT ^ rasfent for J® J®Johnston Is P ing of Discomfort.t . . . led Poland Js Persi SinNGTON. Peb. : o ^ r ‘New’ Money Speaking Contest Winner mer Presl(Presldenl Truinsn clear W eapon ins to cmbiirk. prnb.ib;,'.''’ Flan’toBanNuclc BUHL. 1 1. on a brief spc^iinii- t'e •;.' ! OK’d in U.S. By rolled m « • Int9_ a • )te "hum nn fcllo’^..:;:, I DOlTlWr ^ a tort of federal agreement. J?” ’ pence.” . r O - ^ YOU ro BE. cm.k)mmunlit Poltnd Is pu sh in g Its in IhU. Ujw Uie two German reglmet Banks Loans n tor a ban on nuclear weapons Id organUe “J a cooperaUve eoun- ' topic, an Amerlcnn cltlsen-s T^mman. nn. In Wn.Milni:t()n ■». ( ^ IUMOiMCOMFORTABLE Eutop. with .» n ,rliln . « and responsibilities under the week-endend Dcinotm iic in'-t’- l" * to amplify oihrr WASRINOTON. Ttb. 30 flft-The BLir-- - pcftuu iberthlp.' I ' ”.';!: ContUluUerlglTt^wdItuUon. wn* chosen by Uie eon- " soArnmcnt h»s reUwd up to o £ j — , ^ Tie United SUle* and o th e r al- It U 1 lU. Cnrolyn Clnir w u Uie he will:l tAkUke “ft nQnp.'irilMn, :t;... • — ^ r > U loo etriy to iell wheUier ( bllllen n « dollm U ut U. S. bnnU I counWes hav* frowned on the anyUilngIhlng can eome out ot Uie, Rap- entrant. nppronch.nch.’* Hc declined io .mv i-*!'.'' SOVIET r ■>«. -if l< . L / lied coi s Johnston will go'to Uie dls- Ume wnenwhere he plans to m iy pump Inlo the wUon’i W K r- n Pl»"n Ulunder which nuclear weapons ackl pUB. pUt In lU present form. It U 1ns economy. '. ', 7 ^ . . . Jld be barred from P oU nd. Oer- obviouslyously loaded agalnsl the west- eonUcontest Feb. 25 In Mlnlco. — In mMt meplnj #nil*recfj- ,r SA'HS jO x ' [ g y i i( \w ny 'and Csechoslovakln. . e m allleallies. But, as tuggested. there I Brannen wu ehnlrman and CAMB m 1 defenseense of westem Europe because couldd be^ made Ui bosU for some iarth Atwood, Wayne Aland, hns becom« o m e the C3rd full reserve boird yfilertlay eul tne re. Soviet Russia'* enormous superl- kind1 01 of 2mll Bordewlek, the'Rev. Leon- nf the im of 80''* e Inlernallotinl ttnniit tv.- lerre rcoulremenU oMU fl.400 mem- ;y In convenUon&l weapons. Jlark and Mrs. Ross PmUitr. .g e n c y •ber banU by 800 million dollm . I “ '■Ity i» ic y . Presiilcm Ehrr.hn,T; I were .Mr*. Ivan Nipper and IS for-peace" pool. ' Til* •tnielur# of the Amertejn Sr.i.r".7"?,.”r.'" S R e d3ds s Want Part ChrUs' Hesselholt. Marehall ■ tnnklRK »y«lem will permit the A( bears hU nsme. thowa no sign « terved as timer. b«nk» 10 mulllply Ute reserve dol- ■ S d / of dltc Isrs freed by lhe reserve board ■( Jle.fsiss'i,. h ....cd 0On Polar Future ------GUGUARANTEED.^ ,j mnny «a i'l* U'"” .'ilt In Wnrtaw a fo rm al noie mosC( 3 Dllllon ATallible v \ / , OSCOW. M . 20 tft—"Hie Soviet W p oather f ] Balking. DEh3ENTAL PLATf yf urilngIng dlscuMlon of hU p ln n ; With union3n make*n: no territorial claims T» vt**-* Tlinl menns up lo three billion ' note, he presented nn a de jn AnUi ' dolUm In new money wlll be avail. -» lhe na AnUrcUca but Uie continent's P q / i SERVICE memoirmoire" or metnortndum oullln- futurere cannotc be decided withoul 1Pacificists’ a l Craft Able at lhe end of February for . fO BEACH. Callf. Peb. 20 W^- D c n tU ' Ing llll ffully. ^ , , Russianslan partlclptUon. the head of l o NO B nturc Rcplaccmtnli buslnewmen who *ant lo *l*rt new n his late.'it move. R apackl also iKb so*ls 30-fool ketch Golden Rule. n_ _ venture# or build new faclorlea or In hi Soviet AnUrctlc expedition says, Th# 30-fc * luis1 lailaundied an attem pt to draw ng four paelfUU on a protest "'P"lepairt while you wait famlUu *ho want lo buy new homes. West Oermtn govem m ent Into Ikhill Somov commented that cnrrj-lnge to f. the Enlwetok nuclear test The Joint eonjre*slon#l economlt _ the Wt doubU,Uie Russians wlll com- voyage to / - O dlscu.-i.il:u.«lons of the plnn. the reported ll It returning to the f l l % commlllre wai reported t^ a y to /eat Oermnny hss no diplomatic • Uielr^ scientific work In- Ant- nren, nnd repoi becnuse of bad weather. i f c D O W 'S have areed thnt lUCh credll-eMlns L y West lea by the end of 1058. when mnlnlnnd relallorillons with Pound. S o Rnpackl jg., pper Albert S. Bigelow. 51. Cot' DENTALP e LAB moves, alons wllh upendlnit on pub­ cd Uie Swedtih nmbnasador to p^yslcnlIB-monUi Internatlonnl geo- SkipperConn.. accepted by rndio yes-' (Opp. sji\ • Mkrd ' ilcnl yenr terminates. He tald he Cob. Conn (Oppotlt* Idaho Thfilfr) lic works, should tAke priority over ly the note to W est Oermnn g e ^ n .il f the const gunrd't recommen-i u j UX cuu *1 anll-re«e.wlon wfapon* \ ' onnlly favors ••some sort ot jjer- lettJay the 131 Shoshone Nnrih tneellor Konrad A denauer and | 1 thnt lie lum bnck from a Phone j RE S-2Sfli CommlUee Chslrman W r U h t . \ lent Inlerotllonnl tclentlfle *U - dnllon thi \ 'Rl « J propose.posed. In making th e request, , 100 mllet oft California. iL— ■ Patunun D Te*.. who liaJ been ,t Polahd »nd West Oermany ------In the AntArctle,^' point 100 j one Of the bosrd'. lesdlns crillc.. J|y//>S that F startrt ddirect talk* on It. ' npplftuded the *l«»h In bank re.wrvr Vhether Adenauer wUl *(free to rrqulremenU. T lie overall Whet M L / ^ ------V Uilss Is uncertain. The probability on me economy will be good." Pal- ms to be agtlnsl It. man aald. V aeemsi "Shorl «Up" Jul Uie Raptekl proposnl has But sereral senate Dempcrala said .used conslderabl* In tere st In the reduction was ]ust a Rood "j^orl ■' w e’It i ic Qermany. . . n I h ^ JI } slep" In Uie right direction. They \ \ * III tiltlso U InleresUng th n t the al- called for even more federal anil- • Ued1 g(govemmenU. u well a s the a t Oerrnan govemment. have rccewlon activity. Weat DanklnB aourcw in New York aald ^ , X > made,de It known thal th e y will th a t althoujh Uie acUon *UI In- i f i K r “study*udy" Rapackl't latest note and creaw the amount of bank crejllt \ fT'5»»iwr memormorandum. Previously th e tea* . dency:icy had been to dUmlxs th e plan amllftble for Investment, ll remain* ^■^TTj^*T3TW i tn be seen whrUier It will atlmulale • outrlgh;rlght as iinacceptnble. demand for Uuit credit. ^ ^ 'The[Tie feeling now leem* to be th tt m t thaI R*Rapackl plan, whll# unaccepU - In Itself, might aid I s breaking S iV. p presenl r deadlock betw een Ui* r v y Airbase Asks ■\ I • N 'J i S westerrItem allies and Russia on dU- Riiment Ulks. lussla naturally enlhuslastlcally For Workers _ ors the Rnpackl p la n . There ms to be little doubt th n t Rap- Van Engelpns Is th e Pl(Plact Where Bargains AAre r Biggest! ^ ^ ^ AppllcaUon* wlll be accepted by the — ;l u wotting -closely w llh the U. S. civil aervJc# board of examiner* l j /let government on IL B u t It hn* tave like mod Saturdayll-I! of the MouflUtln Home »lr force EducatorAJ Decriesies Practice of ILetting '|>:n reported Uiat Ui# p ln n really T ake your pick,and sov base until further notice for »t«n- RapacWs own brain-child. otrmpher*. OB-S and OS-4. and typ- Vhlle Rapackl tries to draw 1st, GS-S, It waa announced W ed­ Pupils Pick;k W hat They SlShould Study 3 i l Germany Into ne«otlatloni. nesday. s.iln and the East O erm nn com- 1 be as much la control of educa* softenten up Adenauer's refusal to rec- Uon of eduwtlon aa provided, com* toU> *tudyiti U th* desire to augment th t free th llie East Oemiany In n n y way. ; petlton muat hare had iiperlencc. excelsxcellence of our nature, and-to ren* ofr *‘ke«“keep-'em happy" curricula. Uon.on. iand of life, sj Uielr Infonned ognlze Buch laodenhlp wlU redUcorer andnd e;experienced tlder*." Inn a new move. Eoat Oerrnan {r Ptor OS-3 typUt and OB-3 a t« * derder *an Intelligent being yet mor« tn - Such nmunUt leader W alter Ulbrieht ]< oertpher po«lUoni. applicant* muat telUglelUgenL" U>attiat UUie demoodlng dlsdpllnes ot WheWhen a achool *yatem designs Its commu tnguage and mathemaUcs are the currlctjrrlculum to glv# the child w hat he proposeiposed In a newspaper Interview ^ I hara had at lewt two year# of gen- NeNearly a hundred yean ago. M at- languai t week lhat as a firat slep to* t eral office clerical experience, » u thewthew Arnold *aw UiU moUve aa "‘a ba*loMlo toolst ot Uiought which guar* "wont;vftnU" under lhe pretext that It U Ust wi rex Thread Fae* ToweU \> v ntee th a t freedom. givingIvlng him what he ••needs^' to be- 'W"rdrd possible1 eventual reunlflca- r Glrlt' ( Itayon Ptnllet Lurex * month* of whleh muat have Jn- wortlirorthy ground" for culture, but add- antee I n. East and Weal O erm any enter , ^ •'ProgresslTe" Ihough they may be comoMne ia competent clUten, then that Uon. illdren’* E ar Warmer* eluded taklnj and transcrtblnj die- ed(d lhatt Uie hlgheH moUves *re ‘'Pro* Glrlf* Rtrelch Anklet* Chlldre lh(M called aocIU—" . . . the love ot labeledibeled. th e pracUces of pedagogy systen:;stem lack* competence. T h e new Utlon. .. U'e** dU** Bhanlung Trico Brief* rw o w alenojrtpher, compeU- our)ur ; neighbor, tho ImpuUes toward nowov tnin vocrue have IllUe relsUon to pedag- prof*profeae are not nev. On the other b«uleU who« quote* her letler In h u 200 Die in Blast B talned from Ague* Stronk. exam - hano#e goal* U of ouru r curriculumet up from week to hundrundred Indians wera teared dead i l l " Twin P»U portofflce. rtceirecent rlntage. It* special charm 1* week,reek, sometimes i from day to day, today>day tollovlng an exploolon In Uie 4 4 ‘ " p i : ihlmakur coal mine near ColcutU. «W 8 Ladfes’ SllpiSlipover Sweaters ______that that It offer* an alleged *hort>cut to tryingrylng alway* to enUco •pupil lot«r- ohlm i , 8-pair Girls’ Shorts competent clU«n*h]p, *TJ!Te adjust* e*t,*at.’ andat we do It wlUi •pupil ad* Lob ------1.« , ^*niieM adult and three Juvenile what ’ he wonU in achool. •tlon, ready tor work Davld-Brndley 4-bar>r tidesl rake ' 1 enly1 Udlet* Wool Jaapen..Z22 20 .. mller with dual tires In top ___ Bue*ta attended Uie meeting from EducaUonal UieorlsU are mueh 8N Ford tractor on good rubber tnn top ahap* Heavy duty hay iralle [ y m W est Point. concerned ® wim th# ‘'learning altua* SH BN Ford traelor In. lop running condlU(idlUon on ex- ahnpe , nefreshment* were terved W Mr. com cellent rubber both front andd boiback Farm Hand mouniedited on the M .trnctor w ith — ■' and Mr*. Dick Pop* and Mr. and UorUon" leading to "*odally desirable m nnure fork, loose loo: hay fork and chipped | Mt*. Ray Leach.______reaulti." It 1* tragic Uiat the schools hay fork have *0 frequenUy loat alght of what Oood 4-bar IHC aidede rake,r only 3 yeara old U truly desirable In Urma ot society. TRUCK Ilse, good one Socially “desirable" h u tod often | im Pord V*8 S-ton truck wllh recorecondlUoned ’ -ft- Ev“ n» Castleford Notes ^ DD *h*»7w im n iC B-tt. undem discI Isc been equaled wllh socially "popu­ motor. BJSx» rubber, all In lop3P shsntpc. w.vn j.bottom 2-way.y N(No. 30 tumble plow—plowed . rra ln . beet and slock rack. lar." Conformity (and Ui# mediocri­ very lltUe wllhllh exlra tei of p o ln u nnd Visits, Journeys tyS'; Uiat InevIUbly foUow*) have thus " CA8TXEF0RD. Peb. JO -M r. and beebecome Uie educational way of Ule Whirl-type phosphateate spreaderi ‘ 7 7 ' [ i l l Mrs. Rankin RuUierfort « “m rf -a—and Ul# gallant ahop of Americnn' COMBINE )lnl lift boom aprayer , educaUon h u gone aground tn Ihfj j. .1*1, s . . n 100-gnl. tnnk. 3,polnl home after a three-week vUlt w l* edu t- n . M C ue pull-t)T>e eomblne w ith 1 m i . 1.— ~3-PolnUUt£h.plAUominmi fnr imnll hny tnnrt< . ______I------A-select-ct-group-o(—B — —r^ e iR U V tn u in rtn id rin -C a lK o m l* «hallow»-ot-“getUng-al6nB-h*pplly,A^ «ha ------rauiic lu i av p e j f j jjo. 5. memowing machine, prUy on* The wln*friend*-and-lnfluenee- —Women-s-Casuals— tochmenls year old “ ciiarlea Conrad. Norman Blw- Mople i»e way of Ufa h u alto tnvnded 3-polnt hitch ditcherler 1-way pull-type ditcher Ul# InsluUons of higher learning. and Children's baUBh and Bill Boulhwick aUended the POWER BOX-X 3-polnt hitch cormgfttugntor bar wllh coll ahnnk* WOK/(MEN'S I • » Uire?-d»y 4-K leader training About Ab three yeara ago, for exam'ple, u.r* *nd depth wheelslecls I gchool In trwctor maintenance at an etfort waa being made In a west-1 ^Wadesway power box with manureL ’ Renovntor or toolol 1;bar for M or H tractor* | Pocatello. errem college to strengthen Ita liberal^ alUgerack. chopped hay rackk anand all at- ^ coll thnnla Felt House Slippersi , CASISUALS I Mr. and Mni. L. B. Shields have artarts curriculum by requiring all slu- tachmenU Epud cultivator for: H or M tractor* returned afler vblUng two monlh*I dentsdei to take one course In malhf* New t>’pe spud culUvntUvator for H or M trnctor* . in CalifomU wllh their »on-ln-law' mallcs.ma At a meeUng of the faeullv,J [jIJS IHC beet tnd beann pl planter wllh 3-polnt h llc h ' and daughler. Mr. and.-Mrs, AlimI oneom ot Its member* caulloned; -W f MISCELLANEOl, . 3-polnt hitch feed dlUditch clcaner pierce and new bnby. Caxlro Vnlley.. muslmi be cartlul aboul rabing eur •50 good corral poles, lots of barbeded wwire. 0 new mnrkerskers They also vlslltd In Olendale. Long: standards,tUi Uie high Khools m ight. roll* „ of barbed wire, lots of wovenen vwire, apud Acytelene welder Good ( stock-IoadlnK chute | — • Beach. Loa Angeles. Yucca Valle,, nno' o tllk e lt.- • ' Ksorter. 1 rallrosd ties, lots of fence p< o arden cuUlvntor 3-row horse corrugntor . San PVancUco snd Sacnunento. In ] a commencemenl addre.vi st waah ^ Uitu. 2 Burks water pump*t wliwlUi molor. McCormick Deerlng 1. SmlUi colleee on June fl. 18M. AdUl, „ 4t 1-row ipud jllgger 10 .S, Buli*tecn 9 Q A I Sn tank, and IlttlnBs included, lou of culUvalar j j g.fi_ mblne ,100% 1. Orion Bulky SW EATERS, a Stevenson decried Uie trend toward | tools, several IHC hydrnullc rams,, a ccentrlfUKal a-wheeled 3-cow stockocklrnllfr flizes, lonB filcevc, fringe collar,ar, 1blou.ton ^ * 9 9 conformity, uylng Uiat loo much; j,I'i-ln . and 3-ln. pump.- - t tendse U» produce. Thftt leadership Yearlingy KoUieln heifer oul of Cocl >- will emenw only when there Is the: breeding opea. H A Y AN^ND STRAW Mie*. HU company developed the« contldence« Uiat comea wlUi kno»l- T h e cows and heifer are nice, bigIg boboned catlla flOO bales ot Itl nndId 2nd2i culUngt of hay LY- a u m edge-knowledg»-U»at-*-sludeni's; — S A T U RWAY I ONL -- and TlU n missiles. ^ - l h a t wlil fll In any herd. Justbecaus'cause we hsve 300 bales of straw i^ e at a meeting ot the« needs„ ar*'ccrollat)e* of sodfly'f only o a few. don't paw them up. ( It nol told beforiefore dale ot tale) u u h ^ e t y Of Pn>f«»ion*l ? na* - needsn thal the popularised person* ■ glneer*. ______‘ »allly U not aynonymous with the' democraUc conscience; thst ttie' TERM S: Cashh exexcept .for financinR on all mnjorijor item n. ItlAK IS JAILED - Se*!• aiauctioneer before sale limc. SI pum^ epaIrIng >llc I BALES AND S C K n ci ay I AS mate* repaired prompUy.. !r- ■ sffldenUy and economloaUr M A R K: IF L Y N N , O>wner l i i i g o l o I’d I PHONE RE 3-7M1 1 / U j i J j I g tB B ruM P A EQUIPaTwWT ^AUCTioNEERS-KUM andid KlaiwK • ' CLElLE R K — D. M. C H E N E Y iiaUL u»« un* 1* •* I

______S______t ^ jHURSDAY,; FEBRUARY 20, 19,18 TIMES-NEWS, TW IN T; I F A L L S . ID A H O PAGE SEVENTEEN | |

jjet-uslie^ytju 'oa.-bd^^teixyoarTOneatlessrm i e^ -w ith c ; ' ^ ^ our...

* y SeeO w SSI mm jftUNlOffl CHffi i NVf Prices EffectivecHro THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SU onnOfcptay'"*®" ^ P l I SU N D A Y . Both Tw in Foils Storesr e s H ! m w I Hen's your chance to show \ '' v': otf your cooking-skiU. These \ . ■ k L^ mcipos, picz ime. foods from I !.t I ' ^ oursloro-will he/p S i s ’- \


LUNCH BOX ■ ' I DW ICH SPREAIAD I ^ lo t o?ff f ...... qt. 661c

■ For Quality Pro'’roiuce-All You NeedJ RememR ber Is Sajewayia y !

^ l ^ l i m GRAPEFFRUIT Wr- 25‘ . . 1 CHIlEESE for # D«1iciau>V m ellow In Iflovor-nol too thorp, not too H blond. Perfecl withlh crocken,cr fruit or pie . . . mighty B . f i n e good In cooking . . . finefl for nibbling ony tfm«. Buy B i I J E m . m ■ UMAvotodo ^ Each I I V Saofood Cock! 6 M verol good 'i Choke, ^ Q r CRABS V a lu e s FRESH ODYSTERS ' .- rWejiern r . 12 ox, jor 7 L Town Houm, Sour.Pltttd, 0 0 p c Rolh'* ToJty Beef, No. 303 CHOPEHI L J V . o l o r P o f k ' . . . p . „ 4 9 c CHERRIE!S r Sfor 0 0 PICI;n i c s RASPBEIirriesb?r 5 for 5*1 C Rath^s Ten'ender. Smoked, . Shorio rt Shank /C Sul u g a r W a f e r s t.3 $ l0 0 BettyC I 79c 'C rocker^S 5og-|-God:^^^Hn 4Trf|:00-BeW c ” 85c 7 'to n teli^:^ I b . « m B H f m Shih r im p s 3 9 * ^ 454-01. . 79c 69c Ice Cre r e a m ; >abM eat S«o Trader < . . 1 , 0 0 6 3 c Corn?„Gard«ni!d« No. 303 T . ] Cmm Stylo Cont / < ^ e e f S t e w L i b b y '* : 4 5 c 24-oz. 49c Bisquic (CouponW orlhlOeonTuna > J IL iX Fiih In Every Pkg.) iS X a . B 3 [ ell-0 A uotlad flovor^ PockoQei . 2 9 c : . .3,.r27c .Drome £ ml l e d c r y i

PEA(i C H E S A p p l e J u i c e TUNI B r e a d e d < Del M o n te0, ,'Yellow Cling A I ’ Town Hou'louse C learw ater, Yellowl owtoll h P SHRIMPxen No. 2V21 j Can 46 o r. CoCon ■ N o . V z Can o C ap tain 'i C lioic*, Froxei

2 1 b . p k g . 1-^ 3 i iB S - ]5 ^ 9 ;T I 3 [ t1 m LJ r - . , THURSDA'iDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 15-, • ^XGE EIGHTBBIf TIMES-NEWS. t wiVIN i; FALLS. IDX h O etwees eoodlUons thcri and in worldirld :resllUes could be. Russian LEGAL LEG ADVERTISEMENn lutaU. troopslops who occupied foreign coun------fiay “A ttack” Britons 1 Hit Rough J lows Basic W eak NOTICE TO CnEtllTOIIfl Ike’s NoteSho' ikness for “fjII Is beeeasary to rtoiember thal trluu wert«i amnxcd to Jind out how -.y,,,TIIK rnoRATE coniT or Going in Antarctic lulganln and Khrushcher derive ich belter the average man fared ^ i►'Al.tJ-'a ix COUNTV. .STATi; 01 iS cheduledfor norance of W orli tielr coocepUon of conditions In , Uiem than people did In the com- . McMURDO BOUND, AntarcUca,I; Reds-Ignc rid Conditions S•esUm countries from fellow-com- inist paradise. It soon became ksiiciS'otlci It hirvbr W b. 30 (m — Brltlah iclcnUit Dr. •Josef BUUn spent nearly all hli lunlsta—from communist news dls- ceisaty u rcsUlct cohU ct be- iifotd • 5 Vivian Puchi radioed yeslerday h« _ By United fre « "unrestnUned” "ui war propaganda, the Jc aUhe*. from communist diplomats ^ li 5 D efen se T ests ^ H President EUenhower hu pin-- PresidentPn aald, he does not know life m« IsoUud In R u u la. He had do een the toldlers and the people of had . run Into “extremely bad Dd from communist admlnitlrauve • occupied •countries.- ' ..VThu ^ le weather" In hi* drive to get hUI, pointed a fundntneoUl weakneu ofI them.thi conception of the way of life lo ad- offlcla 1 UwaBHINOTOK. Peb. 30 » - H i e r “It U poasible Uial Soviet lead- ” fflclau who If Uiey knew Uie tniUi y tnn*-AntarcUc ecpedlUon to the" R iiulan leaders In his Inteit letter ’ •ould no l venture to report It. luislA llself Is still a vast prison •'J''''"lhla JuJr*nwin!'hi''tfifrVhrr,,',i',V.'’^' . . wremment announced TM“ nl»y t« Soviet Premier Mkalol A. Bul-. erslilpers feeU ll necesury deliberately vanced fres countries. would •np. from which It may mean “J, S i t Uie mock *ll«ck on the UnltfdI. ganln. to misrepresent the American view- Bi llh to try to escape. And men like Anormrlarnin it Uw. l:t ;n,l .Sl. t ,, r '' i) I iaUUi io be tURCd B5 p trt of 'O p- TTiat la, th e ir complete Ignorance; point,"pol Elsenhower conUnued. 'Pm- midmade some to u n to foreign coun- bkq,len, and, If they want to keep their sulguilIguiln and Khrushchev are prls- III. la'• tKi CouBif of Twin 1 , J’ ' 1 ««tlon Alert 1858- h u b«*n « h e d - l«ilary and other membera of thexxpe* , , tries. moiUy the b u k w a td ones of ptac«s Idibo, Ihll him Ihl piui n>r.i r r dlUon were forced to walk ahead of,, of®*, the' real conditions la countriesI nlblynlbl also these mUrepresenUOons trlei laces In communist leadership, they onersers too.tt u i Initdlonim“°i of Ihl hu.inr^ of ' 2 ^ for M»y 8-7. ?■' ^ like the United Slates. corcotuUlute blind adherence to what toutloutheait Asia. must■ust 1 rem ain Ignorint and blind. I 'JTT'c pattern for this fUm antiunlit theirth vehicle* la feel oul a trail and n mnrk 11 with flag* before drlflng on.1, T here was a decided chinge otr was one of the early lenels of They 71 did, however, mak* a visit Soviet sovi, leader* found out soon Illlnollllnols in d Pennsylvania have nn i,r. I f * e p » r« ln r4 cxerclse hw bcen mi I orlhodox communism—namely, Uiat la i ■ R inged from th a t followed In. pre. He (Aid the group h id coveredi tonetom In Elsenhower’s letter. Ut«si lo ort< to Oreat BrlUln. and Uiey must ^ftertter thI e end of World wsr II how annua]nual railway payroll of m ere lhan Wi7i'* liim>.»ir!'*,llt,'.i,' ' I only about IB mllea since refudlngg a »series of exchanges whleh Bul-. caplUllfttlc“ f societies are by thetr hsvihave betn bug-eyed a t th* contrast dangeiingerous » little knowledge ot 500> mlllloir mil dollars each. . puMiihiMlihi r«b.«. II. ; o . ivi. years. The civil defenie l« l on . very nature warlike.* — r be held In three »l»sea, >iUiI Rt "depol 460'* Monday nlghl. Depot■t ganlnsani lU rted last Dec. 10 on hold- . 480 was a supply point 480 miless ing a "sum m ll* conferenee on worldI Of^ courte, there are Soviet propa- IMeml and iU\t« phase* belnj *ep- « i sandlsu who do deliberately distort tx#l«l. from tha expedlUon'a goal a l Scollt luues. luui ***' 1 bnJio. El , conditions. Of course, it U true also wThe office of defense moblllMtlon ba Elsenhower retorted sharply to lhat men like Bulganin and «ld the flnl phaae. on May C-1., "TliU It alow work but It It belterr charges chn made by sueh men is Bul- . than wnlUng for the weather to ^nnl K hrushcher do blindly adhere lo «111 Blve itale and locnl dvll de- tn: ° gnnln and communist party lesder .communist . . doctrine. <*nse perionnel an opportunity ta) dclenr," ' Fuelis radioed. - NlklNikita S. Khrushchev Uist -the ttit their eperatloni. ------UnllUnited S U tes is a nstlon ruled by „ But* behind this lies the fact thnt -'■nie »econd or federal ilage ofr MAN PLEADS GUILTY aggrualve, aggt war-minded Imperial- Bulganin. Khrushchev and many ■ I Operntlon Alert will be held July' HAILEY,j Peb. 30—Danny Coalet, lils." othb high Soviet leaders are essen­ H-18. Durlnc th a t period govem- Ke tially ignorant mea a* regards ‘ Ketchum. pleaded guilty to chargesI ll'aIl'i expressed amiMment that world ^ ‘ 1 conditions,. nent aKencle* linvlnR emersency' of battery Mondny itnd wm' fined1 such allMtailons were made by So- ° ' rtjpoailbllllles will *lmul»le a»-; S3i,, 2j $3 costs and 13.40 sheriff’s feet,. vlelvlct leaders "who have never even They ^ makb use of th e "big He” f iliunce to the »uppo»cdljf bombedI Hejjg appeared before Probate JudgeI been near this country." “technique cl as a m atter of policy. Jnmes P. Lelchllter and wa* arretl- If there are Americans who, as But, B like Adolf Hiller and oUier I 11 ^TT?B third eUise of the ererclse,I ed^ on a complaint filed by nichard1 the'the*Russlans charge, are calling for fanatics, fan they believe th d r big lies } VI evalunllon of the w rv k il[ Roche, Mallbu. Callf.______a “prevenUve" war and conducUng I themselves.thei ______fflea«ure» «lmulated In the flret two Q phaaex. will be conducted durlns J. » p tm b e r by federal aEenclei. ^ Car Leaves Road NEW SHIRKPMENT JUSt AARRIVED Here era only a few of iour Red Hot Specials( in celebration of Georgerge Washington's' ' ' •'nUPERT. Feb, 20-A JB5J Bulek Birthday. Remember,r, thesetl prices dre effectiveHve Saturday Morning,, FebruaryF( 22. m x damnited In the amount cf $600 when It went off the rond ^tdneidny mornlns sU mile* icuthwejt of nupert. p c . QQ i u a l i t y D> : i n e t t e "Del Anderion. 17, *on of Oen SNACK BAR.SPECIAL! METAL ; iiiderson. route 1, nupert. iald the right front brake Ughtened. pulling (hs car tnto the borrow pit where TAFATE FURN. RElEPEATS A CHERRY PIE iT plunged over a field acce** road, llie accldenl was InvesUgated by IRONING j i Deputy Sheriff Howard Platt. ALAMODE l 5 ^ i SELL-OUT! Saturday Onty R «3. 2 p c !'■ ::iEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS , ' t! NOTICt: TO CBEDITORS I ( Bf THK PROIIATE COUHT Of TWIN -fA U Jl COUNTY. fTTATr Of IDAHO. 7SAVE I W tiii: MATTKfl OF T»T. MTATE Of 2KM.rW HKUON NORDIIOLII. DE- ^TAflrO. !>joTicr Ifl iir.nr.nr civen. h «k» 0*rar Wlllltm JcitintMt, «i- «uu.r ^r Iht Illt «III «t.d iMtimfnt of ’4 0 ” S film » tW Nonlholm, r»>H. te tlx «>dlUii M 11 iMrmon* b*y|i<( cUInu • Danlth Bronx# |S(1 mM dw«u«r at-tht • B aigt or M ocha m U t of Wlllltm 3. tMKtUr. tltonry tt Mto. Kt Thlni A»nu« Etit. Twin rr of r^htunTT. l»M. BATH MAT SIT J OSCAR WILUAM JOHNSON • Goldipun Covert • Self-leveUng STAINLESS |i r«i>. » . rt, wtr. i. it. iwi 1 . 2 2 \ jl NOTICE TO BIDDKM Glides / J , , jn * Mti* ruirhtiinf Ai*nt will nr«l<« EtitniM to M" — E*- / . 19x34' mat and lid ' | tends (a 72" w ith cp- I I6Pc.SiT r, I fcl. a .-'.iir's, rrj. 'iv .r: cover. Solid colot* or p ., tJotul e*ti» le«r. striped paltem i. Rub- 4 " II ■i*HT lliihm n tt RSnhont. Idtho. "Thrifty Maid’’ jberiied backs. Green, fa-'& nei ^.22 J turquoise. pink.yellow, ner for] knivei, Ji ’ ■ forks, deuert V ^ o m t tUIInc raixSltlont m u t l« fKund nylon charcoal, white. tiU ipb 6 “ M>r« klddlnt, T)it*o tr* anlltbU frvrn 7 - P c . end pepper. IS!' spo. Mb SUU PurtlaiJn* Acwit. DINETTE REG. 149.95 ■Reg. 9,95 ; I . I ^^r^iniJT*"** *• h ose |- 5 TtD CRAMER OMEN'S ACITATE A,Adjuils up lo 3 6 ' - ! 8 9 . 9 5 Iiigh-ifon lilting , BTATE f,AND 8ALB 9 8 8 3 p . l r . ... 1 . 2 2 i R IC O T P A N T I E S / I'i ' r^OTICC IK IIEIIRIIY GIVEN TIIAT th« Q I or Itandlng. AU j d.«rH-d tr « l rf Und Ulonilfl* mcUl with sluttly i U tb t Aut* «( I d ^ and tltutlH In Twin Reg. 7 9c a p air - j I «Pli CounlT «IU b« offmd (or Mil tl f r ...4 9 . 8 8 2 7 c ench o r ,, j;tubular il« t leR", r Our famous for w ear, aheer, ; with non-ilip rub- | ® E:Exactly u shown j ^ ber tips. Tur- ) ______flfull-fuhloned nylon hose —. [ f o r ...... 1 . 2 2 li b! quoise baked .t . < I 61-gauge, IS-denler. Beige-' y drop-stllch stripes on '.•' fl' enamel finish. ♦ . . r Valao now doring Berk-Line tene, HUitone, Buntone. Site* r V '. ^ i iy 3-bnra- acetale tricot. r .’ er A . . A Tate Soperrwry. Vala Compare thb ncllner ^ 8!8‘i.ll. . LI' J .AssortedUd

^ p iln d p tl for r«RMl»d*r al m r, Mik *“ I" 'ofW («) (Is i r .^ h ,111 U f«)alr.4 I, mtX. •«4fpnlt vllh U» ttlllBV Mmt In Iht N E ^A f i i l i Yt i s F A M O

; m k t tt tb* turtMful bl

•fcldtha.KU'5BS£s?r,EiE withovt tn r furlhtr KtJon m We've really ttaken e the axe to thehese prices! Come!r Save!! dn-otlu er untuMtuful liW m « 1U I Mf r«(um«4 on th* dtr af.wlt. Save m»d« tukjKl la tnr »tlM H enl7- ) S ’ BLANKET SQUARES, attoauorted colors, reg, 6»c.-22« I only—Uoyi' only WOOL PLAID SURCOATS,.TS, 1llu It, erlg. 9i5...I.ZI I te enly-Boys' Mld.LcngUl SHORTSB . *T-SH IR TS, reg, S9c U« 10 only' i l ^ k tlltmnr* It mt 'I S I P"**™ Tlir. RTATT. BOAIO 3 1 " m 24 ooly-LADIES' BRAB, AA eup only, •r o r tAND COkntlASlONKU mly, rer. 6»c------lie 3 e enly- nly-U dlet- Quilled HOUSECOATS,I, slus lu i 12, H, reg. BSi .liS M ARTHUR WILSON « pr. snl7—SLIPPER SOX, broken sIks, sIki rer. t« 1.98______U « ' IZ only-Boys' only- Flanoel-Llned SUNTANS,S, slieisli ,4-12, reg. 3.9S....m i^ i.K i rrii.^K^nTM^r.^irrui'iM'r NOTICE TO CREDITORS U pr. oaly-~Ladle«* and Mlstc*' WOOLJOL MITTENS, reg. |l . . . l t s 14 only—Boys' only- Gray and Tan Twill Pants,lU. slwisl e.H, rer. 2.98 .131 Itc T lir PilOBATE .COURT O f TWIN JALLS CQUNTT, BTATK O r IDAHO. ' IS entf-)Qz3» DISH TOWELS, r«tutiitu lsr 15c------:___ SU IS ooly—Men'* ooly- FUnnel PAJAMAB, a*atd.d. slies,il« rerulir I.4D.... I.U || W^^TIIK MArrr-R o r t h k w ita tt: o r • Supported Plastic ' ! •JOHN nonKRT MONTCUtlERY. ROME- ond b eautiful . > iVONOI»;ui fO» 100 ooly-InfsnU ' TRAININO PANTS,rS, ils(«ll 1 and ], r«r. 29e...O« I t enly et*. 70x101, reg. J .« .....li* »>«M know n a s j. Il; UONT* lOUNOINO enly—SUrUnd .Napped Sheet Blanket*. 7 tweed combfnc. 100 pr_A istd. AnkleU, bnken ilit«,, color*,eelo Talaes to 7fc.pr...lU M only. « 0 T ic r'i8 iiKnKiiy' n v r j j , w th. tions ) icxj» only-ZTxM ' Striped BATH TOWELS,,S, rerej. OSc_____ a for l i l «Md. r.iKuiHx ef th. Will et Jobn n a ^ Uonlcomtrr, tonnilmet k»t»n tt 9 New coii spring 1 ^ ■ ‘^ 1 ■■ • ItAOINO seat comfort CHOICE 4 S.?C;'r£rSfci?£'F ■ ^ r - —s • NAPriNOTiNo . „ t: I ____ CHOICE ^ 4 # Hardwood frame •— • ------TWS ------^ , t» tht Itld K iieotris^tTk/orrirt - ■ ■conMruction------' ''' ^ ------^41IS^ ------* ■ «WI«k«rl N. W. E«j_ Ul Strend Am ui lUit. Twin r.lU. Idtho. tkU b«ulr Cirtk Convenient Parkiiarking — Free Delivery I ^ ^ 2.22______1.98 L n w i^ t rtb. IS. M. ZT, llil 4 only—InfanU* Nylon 10 only—Boy*"' j | ’‘•r“ f TERMS! ; I « only—Caseo Bay 3 .S » p g ”gSSr'-''.“r" S » " rrji”'„I!5 ! SNOW C SUITS JACKETS J ■ BL Same Valueiues Both Stores I BLANKETS K lIT C H E N ------NaNavy and TurqoaUe— S l s a .l _ __BIim to *a erd«T nt ttU CoaH. to IS (n Drown and Collon I n t £ 00 th* Ittta lton, I n*jfoiT-iHa-\VMl------‘ ILADDERS A p ^ JEROMEIE-.EA . 4-2831 Id- R e g .m EACH 1.69 ' h iI wWEST t MAIN S j H tl lh* Countr Co«rt U ^ KELVINATOATOR APPLIANCES 3.22 2 . 2 2 2 f CiBef Twla rtllt. Countr if o r 3.22 ..3.22 ■ I

t w in FAats U - RE 3-2772 ■ W Sm^M Pj^WB^mWrnS^ m o KIMD:iMBEIU.T ROAD ■ 30 to 5:30 J' OPEN FRID^ID A Y EVENINGS , ~ I 9 :3 0 to 9 P.M. Fri.


; [m^ARKEI Damages Suit No Grounds irS~AND~llFINANCE I” LO.SDON, KfU. :o ir_ A Judce H **,*•* * . * * •# ruled >rslerdiy lhai poilllcal d lf- ■ * f m * * Nears End in ;;J;ferenres are noi grounds for ■ divorcr. H ^ ^ B y G G eorge! Yoio u C a n I Stocks Jle dlMiilwd the prlltlon of |H Livestock District Court;' Mr.' •! sew TOKK. Wu. » lil-M -k «.V.t Grain Mr.i 1..HII.-..T CnllnU-e, who Imd t H IXiDKS ^ cniir.^r.o, >.«. it (.iv-ii»v. Tlie dlitrlct court ea.u- ol Roy D,; charced cha; lhal her liii.ibiuid. ■ j -l'«l ijClian acalnal John K. Urle for Cerrse, C er wiis crurt lo hrr because •iUtifiH ilutir iti.-t of th. ■ damacat In exce.M of il.ioo wss ex-' amotiff amr other lhlllE^ he wns a I H DRIVE OUT andid SAVE 1 •'T .I--. /-r lU r.ilnj..j.1I .1 h ' . ’ j*7Ju'.'r’ .‘*1 !f ;'“ ' Pfcted to fo to the Jury Thursday. ".'In • J.IM.OOO •h»r»«. to">P*trt -Hh •MlmTi-e t>,-lievrr In w ln llsm " S ' ' ‘;j'^rr»i!'yh.''i‘'’.TJ.I'r'j,i.d ,r,l i».|attf.[afiernoon. ' whi:whllr Mm w:is "s rnii.iervatlvc by ! H ' •n.un.l-nil > ■ ' ■ . i ! ) " . " ' i . ' I ‘'V ' When court rrcr.vi^ Jor lunch a t' way nt Itilnklnc." | H ' noon Tliuraday Defrii.v Altomry _ _ .hith h.j b«., .,j~i Frrd SchwarU had cnniplcipd Urle's ot SCHUIUBACH'S ' ca.ip. Pinal arsumenLi nere lo be- I 4 1 ' I is .r iV-i,;:-s'’i: Kin nt 1:30 p. m, when court rc- /'irm* Seeking I ^^v n*«!ir7i..-'Vnd'~in ' convened, • »r^ ^ l'” l|^I.^^l).^"” :^!’^■l• I'.iti. i.Mi-"• i./'i!.i'»i,h!'r'>!.’r';hI,,,' *‘.: r i ^ ^nh a n aued Urle a* the re.uilt of a T< two-cur accldenl on a rnuiiiv road End for Case I 2 0 t o 5iO % Ifn •!•»* *V*i *'** '’ '•"'l"'’ li-""''tr’i In'*in ^ h’ich'.'f. M^rrh e JV ’.VrVi'utir^.r.cH l«^ mlle.i aouUi of Curry last Aue. . A w rl^a A*l*llM. Du I’onl >n!l 28. Attorneys for Glian. R*jbnm. ( f AtnntX. Wbirl;~»l. •»((.,in« Rayborn and Lloyd J. Wrbb. rested Onlnsurance;B 2, Ba.Buy On > . dl.l4Md CUV 4~PI>f>l t .n.1 II. K. , 5 Kthrlr CMC Wednesday afiemonn, • Trf,,' H .™ . r.ll .ImlL.lF, , r. • . _ ... \V Idiiho Mtiliinl Reiirlit A .isoclntlon,H T c b ^ -* 7 r •>«"* HM. I Wltne.vMia w'ere Glum, Dr. H. P, Hnmi-'niv, r.ikrd dt-niKvM Wedne.sdny I n H . Fl-wher, J, O. Pumphrry, Stale Pa- Am».r: IlflulJ.ilur. , __ :iJ i’ ;!H‘ ;ir,*MMoore. oo Paul Diehl, -Mrv Otorne to collrct coi: Ilie U.OOO which she a a y s M ERMS! {1111-Mli.H: ll(M li»l>. I, .f Julr ...... 'i.i;’, L9J1. T.;'.-'! i >rs CfntCfnwier. W. P. Chapnian, Andrew Li due her, Tlie complaint slnlcd M r .lH ™ |tnrU«r»-L'• Ktr I « ; n ,l fiiml died in .Maslc Vnllcy Memorlnl ■ _ ! '"i >^pll:>l April 17. 1057. At the time ■ SEW rOHK STOCK EXCIIASNB ,'j Talk on Corn |»";j' obtnjnrd lhe policy h e atnt«d he H _ VT.'K YOHK. r.h. JO « ')-Ia j| mI>; . LS SQ yenrs of ags and was bom H 1 , . . . S kav j ID. 1687. ■ 1 Sire.'- ;;.iEsri" S;'! t,0!r*V(';ri.K!l JuUjuU:... .ilo'i ;«s ^Stocks, Prices "Prior, to filing the aiuuer W ed- ■ W ' e re CHC !, U1.1 ANc;i;i.M, r«h. :a M-i—If-SMNI— sdny. Uie a»oclallon flird v n rlo u s^ ^l OPPING PI’RICES j» i i '|i^ ! - 1 mi'illr f * s“;.i ■ I lii’ ' i' -o?i i'ii.' Like M A D...SA . T ., FE=EB.22 : IW . ... I.SC, i:i«s i!;!'. l.ill, said, -Durlnit th e paat i»o vears the ‘‘J be SO' yeara when lie waa n c tu n lly H '• ------ranrrannlne Industry has exi>erlfnced ”years 5'" of nee. In supporl of the^^l KANBAfl n r r inotno extremely Inr^r mm pnrks nienlion the n.MoclatloD subm itted H iun*jm« l«'j oJI, o"'*** 1$., ______KANSAS Ky CITY, f.li- It i41 _ Whnl The.' denlh eerilflcale for Mr. PondH :The.vi, together wlUi larse carry- I I FAMOUS NAME,ME TRADE-IN I j k ll IL t i ' l l ’■*<'''' *1 OUAIIA ‘ ,overs, have resulted In rrcord *up- llch tays he waa bom Mny 10, ■ U D IE S ' OR G EN TS' • I'rh. M . <>«« * Nn. 1 MC-:.::'.; No. s :.:^l;./:i, s pplle.i,Np.'i Aa of Jan. 1 .1B58, canned eom . ' ■ s«"' k:£ '■ stock.1 In cannem ’ warehouw.i *cre ^ecordlns ,f*’ lo Ihe nnswer, a person ■ ild obtain memberahlp and p o llc y lH WATCHES; ■ WATCHHSALE i : Nn,‘’r»hl1.'V>N:“N.'.‘‘V u% I'):> !'‘NV a.1 reoort/>d bv th e Natlonnl Canners ; ,tllo* t ml.H I,«»'i.1.UN; Sr.. I I.M. ajuoclntlon, th e largesl In hLitory. ly If the nppllcnnl wn* belween [ ■ • I year GuaraBte* Oboes* frem A l Lew A t I Ifl? sij’sS'"' s • nges of 10 nnd SO. - ■ . H". : .od 1 (oa.4io IW. i:.:».iLoo. i*.'* ■As a result of thli burdensome Tlie • Walrrproof M ^ . 2 * 2 Elrln. Bennie 0 riie association requesU Uie court H • Doslproof I M M ; ..'.:a:rZv;>C^;r,-:.V-;;r■ *“supply, PP pricea for canned com on to permitpen It to refund tn pre- ■ , m.rfl.l rr-i •ImilitP.dr; lo*d prim.’ r‘" b.rii? ' ii-i.oiN; .orb.in> i,N' retalreuil alore ahelves hnve declined, mlums • Shock rcsiilaol I W H ”‘»>rDt. WlUaauer, J p £ ; ; r ' iijr E ^ br.n 4horU Jl.rm.OO. AccO ums paid by Mr, Pond. I l f u r t h e r H . I.Ji: III. llnrt Jl.M; m»| hlih cood In AccordInK lo Inlcsl official reports statestes lhat Mrt. Pond has refusedH Re*. tlJ)S ■ ^ ^ Hamilton 2 4 t i . lol rhoif, i.nw-i.-vi^th.. js.it-n.no; i«»rt I----- ' r“' Socoiif'^B « !; relea.ied by the United Slates de- to accept acci the tS4S.2t, Black. Black ■ L ■ ramm.rcl.l r.oi I(.t<>l]I.H, 1 pnrteienl of Inbor. the national aver- sndd Ollrer.Ol Pocatello, represent Mrs, ■ I:--"’ Si;■ “ .Shrr;> Ud; xnM l.mU il.idr: .hnrn! Potatoes-Onions1 I ™“ase retail price of cnnnrd enm for Pond.'nd. The nasoclallon Is re p re se n lc d lH J w . ^ r ■ jJ s jsf"I 'l.n J lr .l«dr 19 itrorc; l«»d i»c«t and' ______Rilherthe month of Dccembrr, 1«T, a the by ZZ. Reed1 Millar. Bol.ie. ■ T ' ■ ^ O o '|'7 l.mlx * ~ lowest, lowe,' for nuch period In the laat N-I. I ilrd f.il ruil U . ‘wifi' IDAtID FAI.IJI sevenf.yf.T years.- , ~ . I ONLY iliuihl.r t>n {.00.11.M, p , ’ IDAMO VAUJ. f.b, :o (,;i-(|I.KOA>- r.l.u i offiiinti 1l(hl; mclrriu >lt. In. In explanation of lhe prolfered I . A •liiirr: d.m.nd ovjl.r.1.; rn.rkrl .irT.nctr; ronlraet, ronlt SchoU aaierird. 'TllC !old Holding ll tig Tttrl Jii TVx Cn^° 14% cuicAcn, Jvi"M‘'aip)-(ii.sDAi- ";i’ present supply and price conditions, o MENTS W^ATCH i ^ ^ . 2 2 I b.1 AlrllnM n \ i TM Oulf 8ul t« l(nu B.W; ^b.ji,h«r, !>“• I p.r ,f.nl MM.10. mo.Hr r«r alonsalong w ith produellon costs, have • 17 Jaweli • Wotanite rp ro o f Eulm.n lo; TJnik U Il«f Mji ’ f.nl 10 M. md l.rf.f lnclul>N IH; pHm. ..Ml. ------• order.to order correct thLi situation the In^ I REG. 24,95 _ SATURDAY ONONLY...... h...il; .In r. .nd h.If.n n’n ~ fioif 'i^.firi. i'jI'oo'h'l »'«l'r» .l..d r is (;|| riaitry will, on IL1 own accord, sub- ■ fn{;,'/."To^.'i'ii‘ 'i ^ .s : o :! i‘ .- . . ’■"'VT stanUally reduce acrcnses this yrar, i:.h Hot »<‘-i jj» j ’, jj.M jj. ; .r .t.t. rh»lr.’l” 00.;i.'l>0:: Sl:I j’,'"’, I'rifk H«,' ‘ . , . r t . i i M.rr.1 I0..1. o f rh»lr. ^ • I f . n S4.»*-;i,Tt; <•., Alons with Uils reduced demand for sonsIS fromfi snow-bound homes this I (Milrh »:!, *!" rx ^ .I'd rSnlf. vnlrr. }».M.S},M. .Viippiir. iiihi; d.n.nd fi>.d: niok.i acreages acrra will be a sllRhily reduced week, llHSrart^ *r* • ■'TiVk' I,., ,A contract price." Inn A Albany, N. Y„ a dairy farm er H p .I.M ): M.ho n.uM. IWO p.r ..i>l Id RolRobert Drnllaford. Hagerman, groupif neceuary H Charcoal Broilersrs U ’^*3- I 111 ctac 33 Wnl Unl.^n ICt. wool. InliL! said Wednesdny he had no stale- to die dig up,itate New York out of U i e H OO: Mlln. K.uhdin. un..ihrd p.|..r menl IW. Drlfu ranged up to 39 feet ■ Get ready fer lummer • r '^ ” menl U» make a t the lime about snow. : I DISHI Slriir i.ln; IJ.ho n u .u Inrludlnt Bcholl'a rem arks but Indicated he In som H E ^ 1 ial ? * T 301* Wwl* “ii‘ {* fV ^^'i'^l"■D «‘^•i'sn■‘ i ” ''h’?^^ tifl tw " »1U. ll (.MM.Si; tm JA 4.10.«.!i; nilRtlmlRhl make n stntem ent laler. The"he long Rpell of cotd and s to rm s I H Reg. 1 4 .9 5 ------8 . . 2 2 2 ■ KtaSKoU 1(*| Z.nlUi -Ilill b.li»n US Omoii TMim \ip ce the week-end wns blamed for ■ rail ipnl in.Ofj. UV.r. UV.t 4.:H.6I1: MlnnMM4.Nnrt>i nUol. He did not directly say on what ‘'"i® ^ R .g . 2 9 .9 5 ------1 88 . .5 2 2 H fo r 8 AMERICAN KXCnANCK KH rlrn 'roalk.. 4,JJ.a,08., f.w u information thc iLuoclnllon’s sUte- Ien3t 247 denUi)t-1n 2S Staten And H 4.10; i;.1; . a mitkil firm. I llontlon through Uie commodities dl- “O"I *'*in clearing mow and fires, H vLilon of Uie locnl Pnrm Bureau. After.fter tevera] days of mild wenther. ■ n i'tTI m '"' '* •"'* ler air moved Ihrough the (arM Stock Averages [g ^OnlMr^Rurplln llihit >. AuMltM r»»« s toV‘irtrho’ r!ii"- commodities dlvbion, aald he had ^ conUnenlal g ‘ divide. Rain was ■ Slated for Youth sis|ip.iilih 1 Imh and l.mrrm'n.ilj J.71,* f« nntnnt 1released any Inforroallon on Indu., R.ill lllll. Klarki I fined mostly lo Uie coasUI sU tcs. ■ ' neX D U no. Feb. » « l- M a d la o n u*‘ Whicha’hlch thc alleged ”mlistatemenl.i" II some. Slower* in w eslem > UD IES' W(VATCH ^ S« _ .DI.T n.l Unth' D.I COCounty Attorney Fay lUgby aald IBK um “ . . . f.ir I.,I. p . 2 2 TV^t^.i.r . ...:« .! M.O n.l tll.» ;ould have been made becau.ie he ada. * j. H • 17 Jewell • Walsrpts rp ro o f i«.'S< hlfh.. 5M.0 1J»,? :;.i iM.* yealerdny. y“ he would ajk for n sanity rtm rR ks didIld tnot have nny aucli informa- our-lnch rainfalls were reported ■ IDMI w . . . m .o : a> m.i im.» hei • Duitproof • Anti>Mii> M ognetie heorlne for Tommy Btopby. 18. who Th. follo«Inr fultirn ouol.lloni ar. Uon. some Callfomla areas. forcinsH Is ehnrsed with fln t desree murder Pro.WH h, »; W. MtltoWrl. and ««tNn,. •'®"- JJe In som ISVEflTMKNT TRI'RTS }? ' He nddrd. however, that "there lowlandland reAldenU from Uieir hom es ■ .rr REG. 24.95 — SATURDAY ONLY. ONI ...... (Thind.r .iMltv. .MilMr E. W, In «, lh# faUU sliooUns of hla moUier. " ‘ ■ O^l... Willvllt l>be InformttUon forUicomlng and «nd blocking bic highways and slrceUs, ■ M(»*k.ru .M n»»«r.rl ^ Tlie^ youlh waived preliminary .Hlrh I^w. CIm. Can 11I mamay benr out whal the cannlns m,i he Km. lnmm. K.Hm ...... 5.07 l.il SChscheduled for Prlday. . UButter and Eggs HeHenry Christian J 3 Only^Reg. 4.95 11-Pc.c. Weetlnghotg h e u M ’* I ...... — ’i'i; Mra. »■ Hinckley was »hnl tn death Earl J. Pratt I k>i.i..n. I t l . "■ ...... I/,'}; iiJ l Inal >“ < Monday momlni:, Her aon waa Honored at Rite ^ CTtlCACa irl J, Pm tt. M. 591 J a c k a o n H S I Electric FryFry Pans ■ | Vi*''’", iu ...;...... I. «[oi i>4 arreated a t Uie W hite mortuary chancl a t Magic Valley Memorlnl h o a - H k . 2 2 R«g- 17.95 fis ,;».«; S.I.. ,r.d . A «.-4«: II 4j..n foror HHenry Haas ChrlaUnn wlUi lhe While 0%-2 H Mil In Jftll yeiterday. c 9 i^or. H>i; li a^nr. i»'i, Ranlst:anlst wns Maude Dj'serl. 1 ,in Provo. Ho married th e f o r r H Winter Partv of ;;£ *" T.N!’ ”Honornry on pallbenrers were Oeorje „ Phebe pj^ SouUi In 1013 a t Tren* M ^ « ; mrdliitn. jVj "iu«d.*rdl* urrmi ^nnHoutcn. Hnrold Mcii, Roy OaJ- Utah. He worked for the U nion ■ Bridge Club Set ‘riir.r.lpt. ." II: diriln .n.l rhnh> li. kill.:lll. E Byron Wllllnms, Alex Nclion n,''i,7.Ific railroad for « years. r.erv. ■ ‘Outdoor Exercise’ i ------an^ LL.H7 B.11. os roadmaster. He worked I n l H The winter party of the Mapic \\ t AcUvc pnllbenrcrs were Russell “ L Valley Duplicate Brldse club wlll W C n Falls. Oregon and W ashing- ■ - 1 ONLY — REG, 75.00'LADIE!D I E S O J - - Wendell Travels, CrnwfiIrawford. Herm an Frey. Jack Hrn- reUrins J , «t OnUrlo, Ore,, in ■ 'ISaid Y outh Need S'b« held nexl wek. Ten tuble.i y. Rftlph Wlndle, Bob Rlgdon and were plnyed Wednewlsy a t the MONTPELIER. VL. Feb. M Jaunts Reported >•?“lob Hlne. w_r. pPratt waa a member of Drlg- H DIAMOND RINGGDUO wh»i-» uTons with todsy'a younger ^ Concluding aervicei were held In iuto1 ’Clly.c i UUh. lodge No. 23. A F l H ' ■ ^ . 2 2 tfnerMlon? N orlh nnd soulh wlnnera were WENDELL, Peb. 2fr-Mrs, David [le Twin Falla cemetery. White gold, engagement HngI hsihs large Mr*, Paul Thoman and Mr*. Joseph McPnrland and baby. Salt U ke AM. He held a life memberahlp ■ NftlhlnK lhnt plenly of ouldoor M « le Union Pnclflc OldUmers rJub. ■ diamond < ontl 2 imoll diom ondi.I . M W e d d in g M trtiir wouldn't eure. My.i Mn. Beneenver, Jr.. flrsl; Mrs. Ouy Towle City, arrived thl* werk to visit her vr* Ann Dlvoll, a Irlslcy cenlenn- nnd Mrt, 8. L. Thorpe, aecond; parenu. Mr. aad Mm, W yatt Ham- -VWolators iO Fined nddltlon to his widow, h e I s H . Iband hai 3 imall diomondt ..1...... Mra. J, C. McMlllln and Mr*, M. C, Illon. . ived by three daughters. Mrs. ■ ri»n who will celebrate her 105th Mm SATURDAYSAI ONLY ' W hdfly an n lv m ary Sept. 5. OIUO lla * ^ , third; Mr*. Robert Tucker Mrs. Jfannette Chandler relumed an Call. Atibum, Wnsli,; M rs, ■ ^hla_3YrflLJrom_Cnllfom l»._’a'herg __ : ' I enn i unotrttJH jniow rT O nr innt * I w , VI ence Teller. Tn’in FnlU. a n d H « *■* Uiese modem eonvenlencc.i, ei Bhe visited for_flve weeks. Dora Newmlllin. tlrc ltv illc rO T tH ^ ------Enst nnd west winners were Mra. wrMr, nnd Mrs. nlchnrd Eaton have e a ^ Tom Bobertji fined two men four sonsons, Wllllnm Pratt. M urU ugh: ■ jnuns folk* don’t live ouWoon u Howard jjov Read and Mra, J. Prank returr much ax they did In my time," ob- jien relum ed from Blnckfool where they Mondalonday for fnilure to display plates. Haroldltd Prntt. Los Angeles; P a u l H Henry, flral; Mrs. Roberl Haller and were ciieiU of Mr, nnd Mrs. Ray Dal#'ale J.: Kirkpatrick. Harelton. was m iH , F »wes creftl-jrre»t-gr»nclmother Dl- Mrs I, Roswell, N, U.. and R nlph ■ One Big Table U E loetrietrie y Mrs. C. H. Krcnffl. aecond; M rt. mcmiiMcMillan, pnrents of Mrs. Ealon. finedned .M5 nnd coiLi nnd Wnller Bran- pmtt.t. Salem.£ Ore,; two b r o t h e n . H J ack W, Radlke and Mrs, Richard for n 'I enn ttell remember llie days jrwi for n wetk. non.on. JiJerome, waa fined U and cmLv clarenceence Pratt, Wyoming, nnd El- ■ ■ i Irwin, Ihlrd; Mrs. H.'D. Bmlth and Mrs. Cliarloite Br>'an returned to FrldiFriday. JusUce Robert* fined Cllf- ion .P .Pra ratt,. S a lt Lake City; four ■ 'COSTUME JEWELR'^RY ■ STEAM-DRY 'h fn I'd chum SO pound* of butter. Mrs. J. 8. Oscood. fourth,' h er hi lY IRONS 1 I I'nd :o hend of e«tUe. btke k dozen her home In Ooodlns thla week aft- fordird Sftundera.8i Jerome, (S tnd cojU alslers.rs. Mrs.1 Florence Court, Provo: ■ er vlslllns her daushler. NJrs. Blil for>r failurefnl to purchase an operator’* Mrs, Id: lr>ivf.< nf bread nnd caku-»nd itlll a Ida Blselo^'. S n n . FrancUco; ■ H Regular » ouL^lde In lhe fresh »lr a sood \ Brown. Ueensetense, and Hnrvey K. Walker »S Ntn. May Mi Edgeworth. HunUngton, ■ Values O ' pm ot the d>y.“ ^ OK Ceiling Hike Mr, and Mr*. L, W. Hoffman re- andid coaUc for fnilure to display Callf,.’,. atand Mrs. Rose Adams, Provo, ■ WASHINOTON. Ffb. M MV-The lumed to their home In Nampa plate.i.!ate.s.. and aix grandchildren. H Up to 2.50 X EA. ■ 17;9S value^ 1 OVTRTiafE PAID ««*aenaie flnartce committee approved MondiMonday followlns a vlsll of several Pwbate Pwb Judge Theron Ward fined punerinernl sen'lces wlll be held a t H ,, nujfL, Peb. 20-0vertlm e purklnc ‘«1«today Uie full five billion dollar lays with Mr. and Mra. Orlando Lewcw PF ratt. Jerome. *5 and coiU, 3 pn,.n. fSaturdny at the Twin Falla ■ iicktlJi of t l were paid TUMday by boost In tho debt celling aaked by JaeobaJacobson, Tuesdauesday, for havlns no mud flaps nm rtuaruary ehapel with the Rev. John H nodncy p, Gordon, Jim Piper. Shir- Pre.ildent frw Zlsenhower etfecllTa until 1 a truek. and auspended U of q, Gordon. Flier First B a p t U t H fT Bremeni, Verle Jncobwn. Ouy 3une 30. ISSO, le fine. church,ch. tofflciaUns. Concluding le rv - H M>ntn*on. Dorothy Dickey. Chtrle* II It did ao afler reJecUns, by a Board Meets ------—— Iccs willvlll be held at Sunset MemorUl ■ 5 4 -P lc c i Ladles' orr Gents'G« fl wie, Vonley Hopklni, Louie vole of 10-9. a proposal by Chair- HAbHANSEN. Peb. 2t>-Meinber* of 1 7 , , r tafke. H. I. Judy. H an r fichwany, man Byrd. D., Va,. to limit Uie tn- l*«Jie *>(board of educaUon m el Tues. 1^uneral u l l Ls Held . Lifetime Stainless •M Mr*, o . E. WhiUker, all Buhl. erea.ic erea. to three billion, Ncllle .m , Ostrom Bnbcock. ■ l l M ------IJO.eMI.M »T«(T>* 4.4l«rt quoltdl see« If Ithey can take charse of Palm ^Pallbearera f ih were Woodrow Turley, SofC .hm l P.f ______L»I 71 Sunday erenlng aervlcea. Pullerlller WnUclns. Fred Sheldon. Wll- - ______~ ti»'» *“(:(} dMlirt suOHdt .... im Donoho, Jerry Knight and noy O b M o n ey l = J oiu.^iw°iL.“^ ...... ~ JEH rreU. H S * Events Reported SMilitary graveside rite.V were con- 1*1 d.IlJrTiiowJi ' JERisUaf t'u il 11 dM^ra ratsed.ln a t i ^ . Jerome. Is sales manager Ufcll# Ib, ------titta qi^ijBt qustJl >a.to)______off radlradio SUUon KRPL In Moseov. PRAYER DA^SET JLL’YE A I^ ^ und.f tno IU -______» U .M Mit 'On. d..l.r • I0t>4 ,0 t dMiff QMlIni II.SJ1 II d..lir» (r. and Mrs. L. W. Sanberg, Je> . SHOtSHOSHONE. Peb. 20-World Day ome. are grandpartnU. of Pra'Prayer , services will be held at ■ M S r o f ^ g j g ...... '-S','' ...... - r iiiMra, Mary Anderson. Council. Is 3:30SO pm pj , Prldny a t the local Bap- H i l l | |. ^ POTATOrS

r THURSDA TOT FALLS, roAHO - SDAY, FEBRUARY 20. r PA6E TWENTY.. TIlffiS-NEWS, TW Betrothed CcColleen Stanford EnEngageitient Told HusbandsHl Feted |f i A rea Miss Weds Wed in St. Jeroijrorne's CFiurch JJoyce Busch and Gerald Williams Reveals-Plans to '■ ' By Bridge Groun ' i- S. L.Quaintance ; CASTLEFORD. Feb. Marry McDonald of ThemT ana\ Bridge cluli Engaged to Wed CAREY, Peb. 30 — The engage- , Ulnedtalnei Uieir husbands *i a In Church Rites CAREyT P^b. 20 — Mr. nnd Mra. 1 JEROME. F«b. :0 - Je»nnlne ment of OoUeen SUnford lo Paul k dinnerdinne Frldny evening ni ti,. Joe Busch nnnounce tbe Aigage- (Mac) M c D o n a l d has been an- ot Ml ll '8 i« w « ri. dBUghter of Mr. «nd Mm m cnt of their dnughter, Jo}xe. to M ot Mrs. Ed Monroe w-itii m -, ‘ • E. BWwart *n(l S u m w U nouneed by her parents. Mr. and M Hellei Oerald WiUJatns. ^on of nnd Heller. Mr.i, Ray Pettijohn ' QttalnUnee. Mn of Mr. «nd Mn. ^ | b ' ' Mn.Mra. Frank Stanford. Miss SUnford ■ BlanclieBlanc Reed assisting, Ti„ M n, W. O. WUtUms. Th* wedding win be graduated IhU spring from ■ i L. L. Qunlnlancft Kimberly, w ra hMhj not been set. line mollf was u.-ied in ,i m arried Jn rtlM wlcmnlwd 8und»y Carey high school. V Five Ubles of brldse Mprp n^ ' MUs Busch will gradual* from The prospecUve bridegroom Is the V ■ ' W , .ftem o o n »t 6U Jerome'* C»thollc CCarey high school In May. WllUams with prizes for Uie nifn n,!!. 'f I church. altended school In Malad. Snow col­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul V, Mc- ' ^ RayS?: rettijohn and Olfn.-i iii'i*. I. ■ T lie double rin* ccremony wm lege in 'U tah, and Idaho State Donald.Dom Sllverton, Colo, He Is ■ . for memberan to Mrs. Sorr,, li..,:.- I . perform ed by Uie Rev. Berntrd Mc- I coUege, PocateUo. • employedempl in Farm ington, N. M., and f. ■ T holdlholdl and Mrs, W nlter R rr.. " . Bride before an *lUir of *WW « « « bh u served In th e nnvy. ¥ ¥ ¥ ■’ decom ltd wllh lighted c*ndlc* *nd No dat* haa been set for the bouQuels of pink «nd while t» m i- weddllig.wedC I, Uons #nd lUnkcd by bw ie u ot Fathers Honored ¥ * ¥ I ^ \ / TwTwo Initiated by !i pink nnd white »tock. Mra. F. N. •• Tm ppen Mne. "On Thi* D#y m d I : ; '' By Filer League p Sewing , Sessions Hagermon'Order “Ave Mnr)*." She wm •ccomp#nled FILER. Peb. 2»-Cupldt nnd hearts i ' HAGERMAN. Feb. 30 - ' by Frnnk Daley who «l»o pliyed carried out the theme of the 'diddy membeni, Jnnlce Conner, ntm TW - the tmdlUonal weddlnf mnrchei. dinner date" sponsored by ih e Filer Slated by Women ; . " 'i BrneliDrnckelt were Initialed ai Uif./5.V The bride, g l« n In m»rrUge by OlrU’ Ifatue Saturday nlghl In the HANSEN, Feb. 30—Sewing CISIMS f■ . • •' .V^-larmlar meellng ot Job'.i D.iunhir.-j h r r fnthcr. wore • w«llx-lenBth high school Kymnuium. to slart In-M arch wllh Mrs. Mnrtln ' week ai llie Mruvonlc irmpir jj ' cown of white SwLis organa wllh PhyUls Lux WM mUirtvi of cere- r. Wellhousen as the Instructor, wrrt K lA afec.- ■- •> 'JenseJensen, honored quern, fi.m'ur-,. eenU r pnncl of delicately embrol* planned at Uie Klm-sen Homcmnk- monies. Carole Ann Undholm pre- f c KM V lhe meeting. : dered roaea, Her flnitertlp vel) of senled th* welcoming address wllh “ er’s club meeting iMt week at the JR Specl.il Introducllom «rt> 51,,. • llluiion fell from a luce cap em* Uie response by Elwood McCnuley, JOYCE BUSCH home homi of Mrs. Radford Walker. Sew­ COLLEEN STANFORD tolo M*ryMl Miller, pjist lionoiri q;;...’ ' broldcred wllh »eed pearb. Bhe Nomin Neagle gave the Invoca­ (S U tf engraving) ing Ing instructionsI will be on making (All(Album photo— Uff tflgmvlng) and»ad grand| reprcscntntive lo carried a while prchld with p^^nk tion. Otflcers Introduced were Mau- — :nna: Virginia Norwood, I . and whll« *iretmcr#-on a «TUte reen Klasj, president; Clarene My- . , Mr*. W arrrn Lar*en and Mn. Noel r * sred queen nnd grnntl ’i’, prayerboolc. era. vice president; Shnron Byce, 'Health M Nurse Is Neer presented the demonstraUon r■inal I l l Plans A re ~«5w der. and Fred Roberi.v cii- Mra. P. E. Btewart. alsler-ln-law secretary; Sharon Hnrdealy. treas­ on teen-age entlng nnd enterUin- i jrand pnlron. of the bride, wiui maid ot honor. urer; Carrie Debban. reporter; Al­ Ing. ’The food demonstrated w»* f Plans were mnde for lhe n;/;,,, Mrs. Lynn John*on. abler of Ihe C lub's Speaker “«• Made for Dinner Hsll of Mra, Vern Ambro,«r, 3,;o„ - l t eberta Llerman. senior reprcsenln- served as refreshments. ^ur^WENDELL, Peb. 2(>-Flnal pUns ' brldeffToom, and Mnry Ellen OIo- UvUve: Donna Llndemann. Junior rep- WWENDELL. Feb. 3fr-M n. Veron- Members who nttended the Home irand guardian, which Mill br h.'- I •' dowakl. couiln ot the bride, were re.wnUtlve, and Carol Snyder, le-'Ic.l Mnus, Ooodlng counly health q “ ■ere mnde for Uie annual turkey Mnrch J3. It wns voted to haif'J DemonstraUon luncheon jnve re- j .-Inner n ., a t last week's meeting of the : bridesmnlda, All wore Idtnllcali p . ; ' f usophomore i represenUUve, nurnurse, was RUest speaker a t last ports, ^ and a short dlscwlon was ilelsh ride pnrly Maicli 13 r,ti. . *henU> dre.-J>ea of pink Inme wllh For the program. Carol Seddon «'e«week’s meeting of the Home lm- ! u th e ro n Women's MLislonary lengue Qnlrnjalenn summmlt. held on Ul* posslbUlly of a mobile eld a t Christ's Lulhernn ehurch, np/ pink chiffon M»he.v They wore htad- and Judy Rugg plnjrd n plnno proprovement club held n t the civic library. , j _ . nefrrshment.1 were fpurd t, club rooms. Mrs, Maus spoke on the Its. PhUlp Bailey and Mre, Charles Mnrgl bnnda of pink velvet tloa'fr* and duet: Linda Brown presenled n cl“ ‘ Mrs. Oeorge LIndemood and Mr*. Ev.kn Margie Owsley. Ann Jeinfti 1- n e t and carried bouquets of pink and reading, and Linda Jordan, sang. 'Importance ‘"P of home nuralng. tckner were named klUhcn and jojnJosn Owaley as.il.itcd by Mr.< Mrj-; .. Mnry Walker were guests. Inlng room chairmen, owste . wlilte cnmfttlons. | r f . > Commlitee chairmen were Marl- WMra. Hugh Caldwell gnve a report Tlie 7 ), next mecUng will be held on “ " w ‘" Dwsley and Mrs. Everrnd Jrr,i bo used to reflntsh the-floor In gin li ■■ wore corsage* al pink and while | cleclety of Ul* Community Baptist T*'lTtt'ln Falls. Idaho Power eompnny " le m nin port of the ehurch. ' frifndriend. J k chlchureh. honhom* service adviser, will demon- Walson. ’"'®~ worUiy patron, at the meel- Uie m Muslo was by th e Bee BnpiA ■ " camflUon*. Ing-Monday night ot Mnglc chapter B Bnp nptlsm nl napkin* will be pre- Mus A reception wa* held- In St, MB. AND MRS. STANLEYfOEY L. QUAINTANCB 1DevoUonalA were led by Mra. Lib- strastrate the caro and use of smaU :nted to molhera of bnbles bap- ehestr;heslra. Ooodlng. Pntron.i ani pj. ” ble McCoy. Ths group worked on nppappliances. Mra. Anton Almberg and No.-82. " ‘’• J Order of Enatem Star, a t *«nted Jerom e’s hall following the cere­ ______(L*y«on pholo—rta-^rtaff lt *ngravloK) ble the Mnsonic temple. llzed.sed. The group voted to conllnue Irone.’rone.wes were Hownrd K’tioxlts, it mony. T ho four-tiered cake, deco- — - Uielr white cross quoin and plnnned CarCarole Almberg will be th# host- 1th the project to obuin books for andind ^Mrs. Vem Thom as and Mr, in' “ 10 meet at 10:30 n.m. Peb. 36 nl the e&ie 'Tliey pre.«nted the history ot the with t ^ n te d w ith pink and while lattice , flag, assisted by the five a u r points, thele titlibrary for anoUier yenr. Mn-.Irs, Robert Slo.m. Clrls mIid u. " hearta and bells and topped with [\J Attends Meeting ci,church nnnex to complete this work. MMr«. Eari Nielson and Mrs. Rob* {'*('• M embers were reminded to save aisledIsled-with serving punch wereJns ^ Mrs. Caidwellls / ,y A potluck dinner v iu ba served n t ert Slmerly served refreshments. Mrs. »“ *• Hugo Hotkneclit. Mrs. A. L. Men ■ • cluster of wedding bell*, centered . WENqpLL, Feb. 20-Jenn Tucker J* « OurliOurley, Jr.. Mrs. Joe McMillan, Mra. coffeeittee bands for tha Ooodlng or- Oehrl;jchrig, Linda Solongn nnd Kim ' • the lac8 covered table. The clolh and Sharon Bungum, mtmbera ot “ , xnlstttlon. ■ Bynrd3ynrd. Ml WSCS Speaker.^ ![ Mra. Robert H. Wright rend from K i Robert Walson nnd Mrs. Pnul Det- ganl»i wa« edsed ^Ith pink and vhlte tho Junior high school Olri S c o u t‘ weUer. Mra. Harold Johnslon, chap­ If ¥ * aerGeneral eommlttee In charge of i;. ■« eamnUona and greenery. ^WENDELL. Feb. 20 - Mw. HughJ uoop, nnd their lender. Mra. KeithL th* study book tor Uie year, "Our IVIMeaning of Lent angemenU wns Yvonne Gilyj; Cnldwell, spiritual life secretn^ of , - Gift From th* Ben" by Ann Morrow lain. led the prnyer. \ / « Pink tapera In crystal candelabra Cnl ‘ Klein, attended n planning mertlng GuesU welcomed were Mra. Ednn VValentine Q Party ' SSUlce Powers. Miss Mnllea nnrt LltU i, ' were placed on either aide ot the the th( Idnho Methodist confcrcnce. ,? L todbtn. Told at Meeting ^oj Jolonga, OUiers ns-iUtlng wlih dw- /V • for Olrl Scout Oem aren Junior’* “ «f« # M ^ Smllh and Mrs. Mnude House, both 1 " calie. M rs. Host Medley, aunt of wni wn guest spenker nt the Woman’s• high., . day Snturday momlng nt the OOODINO. Feb, 20—The meaning TM'in ntlOM were Hniel HnU. clialnr.c Society of ChrlsUan Service meet- , * Ttt'ln PnlLi chapter No, 35, and Mrs, FHeld by Women the bridegroom, and Mrs. Kenneth So< , Jerome Scout house. v of Lent was told by the Rev, H. H. BerUin BerU Mnson. Altona, In., chapter .lartha Holt. Roberta Hnll and Mf- ‘ Qualntance, sUler>ln-lav ot ths Ing ing held lnsl week a t the hom* of‘ Tl\e— day 1* scheduled tor AprU 20,, Slate Chosen by Saude n t tho meeUng lnsl week Of No. 3 HANSEN. Feb. 20 — Mrs, Earl jMet:arel Elam. The valentine ite t , Mra, Edwnrd Reny n t Gooding. . , No. 284, Tridtpridle and Mra. Prank W right enter- ,.43 e; ' bridegroom, eut nnd served the cake. Mr a t Jerome beginning a t 10 a. m . All the Lutheran Women'n MLulonao' . I t t 'wns announced th a t at the next ,.,'“ ‘5 i'as carried out In dccoratloM ui Mrs. BnnieT Olodowskl, aunt of the Mr*.t Ctildwell spoke on her trip to Junior high school Seoula and5 Camp Fire Girls lined members ot the Jolly 13 tfreshmenU and voting, league at tho hom^ of Mn. ^ In meeUng,meet M arch 3. the tourUi annl- “Inochle i"®? club lu t veek at a volen- r brld*, nnd Mr*. WllUam Sprague, the Nntlonal Spiritual Life confer- V - - IdnIdnho Power auditorium, AU girls blln te lv e d prizes. Mr*. Edna Bally club, blind school. Attends A Confab SSv!icelvcd the Uuvellng prize and MaUitaU Van Buren. and Mro. Gul I ^ « her brldftl bouquet, complemented CLOVER. c Feb. aO-Mr*. Raymond ^ who have finished their Plremnker Discussiond w u held on tlnl&hlng 5 her ensemble. EnEmit was th* guest speaker it the ( ( SHOSHONE, ..Feb. 20-Mrs. io la Mra.Irs. , Tom SUelsmlUi and I.ydla PraU>ratt when Uie P n»t Oracle* a I ^ ! Castleford Club rank nro invited to nttend thfl next the kitchen tn 'Uie nevr chUrch, net Monday nfternoon nl the has *" R Th« bride VM graduated from meeUngme last week of the Clover meeUng to be held Monday. Bond, high school Puture Rome- PjTonSTon received tpeelal prizes. met y Mr*. E. A. Braun. Normn Relnke, ¥ ¥ ¥ ofit Mt Mra. Mark HUI. A* ona of a " " Jerom o hJgh school In 19&T. The Lutheran Lul Women'a Missionary lea- / * * ¥ MM mnkera ot Americn Instruelor, and Has First Party” Margaret Lehman, Irene Spaude Hazel Hnll attended n meeting ot k l _ , lub proJecU the group U maklni is „ ! bridegroom wa* graduated trom gue. ru« _ and Dolore* Thoma* were appoint- ^ ■ Kimberly high achool Id IOM and e I CASTLEFORD, Feb. 20-An Inltlnl the fourth district PHA officer* Uils 1 N 6 oveU tor th* lodge. w, 8h# told of her slay and vork In cj ed to be In oharge e t Interior dec- Jew Member Is • js employed b7 Arnold's In Kimberly. An I potluck dlruier and pnrty wns hetd3 MIA Has Party S' week In TR'In Pnlls, ^ Mrs. Armga received tha r t i Argentlnn while her husband, the PoUi omUoa problem*. _ p., a O ut-of'tow n guests Included Mr. Rev. Mr. E n u t, aerv*d ns. mission-, 0flU-Snturday erenlng nt the Oun clubb -X PAUL. Peb. 20-A valentine party omi Plans wer* made .to attend Uie V. lephant. fumUhed by M n. a Bj. by the CasUeford Pinochle clubb vn.vaa given by thft MIA a t th e LDS ^Next meeting will b* announced ‘‘ Greeted at Meet Cohler. Refrcahraent*. wer* i r t . . 0 and M rs. r . E. Blevnrt and lamlly, nry in Uiat counlry. by iUl« delegate assembly meeUng at Mr». Lylo Gardner v m InlUated • S alt L ake City; Ruaa Stewart, Aber- Mrs.i Elm er Plscher nnd Mr*. TedI withw ith Mr. nnd Mra. B. p. Johnson,I, chiehurch under the dlrecUon of Mrs. late Bois# In March. T he Shoshone cliap- ^ j ly Mrs. Effle WaUclns. Mti. Vu . Ntr. and Mr.i. FYed Rlngert nnd Mr.r. 8USlnn Mortcaicn, dance director, . a new member at th* meeting Juren and Mra. Hlll.______• dees, W nah.; Mr. atid Mra. WUllam Olhring q u led the prnyer meet- Mr. ter WlU present a dramatization, th y ,, e Amerlean Legion auxUlary ■ S p n g u e nnd tamlly, Omnha. Nebr.; Ing. ing Lunch w m served by M n. O r-. nnaand Mrs, CUnton Quigley In chargee T1 he recreation hall wm decorated i "A teen-ager'* code tor family llv- Tuesdi Wr of nrnmgcments. vllv llh the vnlentlne motif and danc* 'Cleric Honored " jesdny evening In tin Legion hall, 1 Mr. n a d Mrs, Barney OlodowsU val Relnke, hostess. of * Ing' at the Boise as.5embly. A fter the InltUtlon ceremony Mra, 5 Needia Point end ' • HIHigh prire# nt pinochle went to0 Ing and games were held. Refresh- HHAILEY. Peb, 30 — The Rer. * < and tnm lly nnd Mr. nnd M n. Whit* — an O. Johnson, president, honored ( N eedle P o in t P ic tu re Kitij ^ l,n e r R um usM n. aU Burley, aad Mra. ... , Mra. Jay Welch nnd WlUlnm K in-• mcmenlA were ser^-ed by M n. Dale Bell Richard Rlc: Williams w m honored al was honored n t n mlsceUaneous d and Mrs. Jay Merrill, hostesses. na sisurprise pnrty held Sundny eve- PARTY PLANNED pastist presidents.' p 5 ’ ^ » K athertnn Olodowskl nnd daughter, shower given by Mra. O. O. Bragg, Jo*?'yon; low to M n . BUI Kinyon and u i WENDELLi Feb. 20-Plans vere RetrenhmenU R etr wera served by Mrs. { 1/ • BuhL O ther guest* •rfere trom Twin / Rolnnd Senften. nnd nhool-the- ¥ * ¥ nlmnlng in Uie annex ot the Commun* w i KNIT SHOPI Kl Mrs, Robert Weatherton and Anna VISIT IN KINO niL L ' Uy BnpUst church by membera of CrouroAda club decldcd to held a Ntnyay h M urray, Mr*. Susie Prnlt. Mrs. 5 I ’ . Falls nnd Kimberly. ^ ' moon lo Chester McClnln. husbands' party a t their Feb. 3a Johnscihnson nnd the Legion to members \ 1 3 3 7 - 6 th A V E . EAST I il? ' Prior to the wedding th* bride H. * * 1KINO IHLL. Feb. 30 — Mr. and the BnpUst YouUi FederaUon. ¥ * Mra. Prank Boek. Nampa, vere TThe sleigh riding pnrty orlgUially »«“session « vh en they m et last week at ot bbotl o th units. ‘Thfl Legion presenled ( P h .„ . E E 3-SlBl f * ths home ot Mra. John Payne. a tUm. tUm “Sen Power and Security." Parents Honored "ditwer guestd Monday erenlng n t planned plat for th n t date vill be held 5 i i l Mr! Delegate Told at P . the home ot Mrs. Bock's son, Mr. next nex Sunday evening, and memben ^ , rioc Marian Martin ^ K INO HILL. Feb. 20 - Mr. nnd“ and Mra, Rodney Ruberry and wUlWlU leave n 7:30 p. m. trom Uie' Auxiliary Parleyf Mrs. ’Ted Mooro entertnined a t a„ family. Mrs. Bock Is a tormer King honhome of Mr. nnd Mrs,-,Theron vnlenUne and birthday nnnlvcrsnry' HIU resident. Urso r n . ______t h e b e s t v a lu e s a r e in o u r HAILEY. Feb. 20 - I t I dimdinner Sundny n t Uielr home in „ nouneed by-Mrs. Joseph W uratot, ^ honor ot her parent*. Mr. nnd Mn. “ * ^ the Olrls’ sUte eommlttee. thnti Ovn- Ererelt, Ooodlng. Louise Shirts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shirts, hw been chosen1 O ther guest* wer* Mrs. Moore'a ns a delegnta trom Hailey a t thee »«t«sister. Mrs. Ralph Vaughn and - . fnmlly, nild Mm. E lm er Loveland, nil regular mecUng of Amertcnn Le- ^ A lehc gion aujdllary laat week a t Uie homet Ooodlng,Ooo nnd th e ir son-ln-Iaw nnd; ot Mr*, T n d Bonrd, prealdent. dnudaughter. Mr. nnd Mni. Lorcn Mra. Bonrd reported th a t the aett JoelJoolyn, Boise. » » * for U»e Legion Loonies wm progress­ N oneo of merchandise lltlea belowI IIIU( ing well under the dlrecUon of Mr*. ^ ^ w wl ill be aold 'tU Saturdny nam ing. Fred Allen. T he group voted to or-■ V,^Couple Entertains On' dcr popples and nlso renew their subscrlpUon to the legislative bul-I ^ WEtTOELL. Ft!b. 20 — Dinner wns 1 served at 1:30 foUowed by bridge a t' LOOK A T Jim i s BUY! leUn. U was voted to send n $3 do- ’ ONE RACK ON E TAI■ABLES“‘ I nntlon to naslst with the enrd parlyy three“ “ tnbles w hen Mr. and Mrs,] teac lo bo held in AprU a t the veterans4 Rnlph Fink wera host.i Inr th* Bat- hospltnl In Boise. * urday dinner bridge club laal week.! COATS an(nd SUITS Mra. Lawrence received tha whll*« Mr. and Mrs. Bill Qunn were guests, d Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Dunn nnd EATERS i elephant; R efreshm enu wer* afcrred \ ;e SWEA ■l! Valuci to 84.95 by Mra. W illiam Snvelberg. M n.I. Mr. nnd Mra. H. O. Chrlitluiien r e - 1 DRESSE! Board and Mrs. Andrew selander.. cei

j s i s ONE GROUP - 4 0NLY, KtDDJES • O N E G R O U P , s s t t V * ONE SIZE MEDIUM BLOUSES ^ BARCtG A IN f I a '/ COATS fl o w e r: I ly ifr«*<a a OoodlngG Otange haU. AU ja Kn“v«s Sunday In the DAV hull, pr fUieart ball held Saturday night squaree daneenda ara Invited. Thoaa i? I. pre.vntlnir a If.-.wn on leen.ag# en- in Ihe Ilb -U li m rrey Ornvea. aoodlns. dls-. I'^lertalnliig and eaUng. library room at Richfield high attendingding are aaked to bring deo> U : Mrf oresident, Mnduetcd the himv-. Rell c.ill wai nniwrrrd »lih "my or sandwlchu. Myron BlUa n arilj-n Walker, l u i jear’i queen, wUl calLa ll. ‘ j j »••• ^ Ura. Zoe. Hull. Olenru Ferrf.» famliy.%f» tnvmtPbrrnkta!.! " 1 offlcUted■lated la Uie crowning ceiei -ony. S ; Ijrehwr Of the .choo] ot m-. RPDorLs on the libnr)' ciwiimltlee L.'* f l M |A |B X l K Attendanndanu w en Judy Alexander, hatltv * * * Ij diucUoM tor pfttldenl* «nd irnlorr mimeellng were siven Ly Mri. Vem PatriciaId a McCarler. and Jean Price. s n u .TLEY r V r — Whoop and EoUer l i S i lunlor vlee prciidents; Mrj.1. Melton.M- M rj^..illup inrt Mfl. CurtlJ. : ‘ OecoraifcoraUons of rtd and white cu- ■e Dance , elub wlU held a iM'liOeiren. OoodlnB. trcivsurfrj«:: RtRcpori-1 a ljo ^ ere made on ihe pnr- I a t 8:30 pm . Saturday a t tbe lil xv'w IE j H I I F * . - . hearu and faUe celling were m »ii. vf nGrange hall. AU square f l wmi*rn J. Hushfs. T*m F»ib,I, lianieniary»# procedure morkiliop. Mrs. . 1 ■t< arrangednged by Carolyn Conner and d n n r-r. . Z a tltM , and Mr*. Or«vM eon-- EviEugene Jcfucii told ot iha baalc *-.* ■ > MUl I WalWalker, decorationa chalmien. jn - ■ra are , Invited. Thoae a tio u l- - n liclfd the el»M for ecmmlllM ctwlr-- tt' aewlng clas.i »he iittrndfd. re aaked tq brtng deaaert c r H K ' ' • Mias I sSWegel w wu pn«ni«d a red umdtricheriche*. Paul Madson tu n ealL ’ j j Bfn. T lir next mediiis nlll be held 'V ft camsUorisUon eotaage, and red and r ABionJ U’* piM ts wer« Mra. Flor*. "*'Mnrch 20. Aiilnnr Horn, sute hor- * ^ whll** cai camaUon wrliUeU «cr# pre- * * * ll ffict Minnlns. Rupert, tlepaflmetil[ Uculturl.s[. nlll prrseni Uie pro- J . - ■. senifded ththeaiiendanu. JEJIOM:lOME-Magie Squarea Dance jS i <»ldent; H n . ClAra Draper, BoIm. gram on Inndicnplrg. A bualnew M m ' ' h ' \ Bonniemnle Kay Patlenon and Mis* «lu‘> wU'vlil 1hold a dance al 8:30 p m . | ] ' |K ru n e n t ch»plaln: .Mrs. ClnrnI meeiini: will folltiw at Uie home of l*r ^ yl Prieee pn presided al Uw retrtihmeal SaWrdayday in Uie Jerome’ O n n « e . I I •• S m o n i, Bupert. departraent see-. Mr.^. Clinrlr.i Donnelly. f i e ■ Ubie.t. MrMra. Lee Woodi. FHA advber, ''all- All *•square dancen a n tnvilM. ’■ ^ ifT *nd M n. Harel Bliel. rtWrlclI 1II wa.1 nnnounced an all-day work- I " • '■ supertbeinrbed anwngemenb fcr Uie T’'"*! atirndingatii are uked to brins ^ prtJldent. and M n. CliffordJ shop will be held on tlie selecUon of j ; ^ ball. their owtown lunch. Mr. and Mra. i W«KB. both BOtM. cclilnn > nnd dlnnrr lable seuing W « V Ralph1 AssendnipAsi wlU call. u n . Loewen gft»e » reporl of hppJ. Mnrch 3 nt the Idaho Poner com- ■ * * * ■ T»e«nl l^iP •“ Wftahlnslon, D. C.. P'ipnny audllorlum. Mra. Rex OLwn ar Points Are Twinin PlPalU chapter, Daughten of ■' t«Dfe«nUni Idaho. Mofilnna m dj wds nnmed to allrnd. Mrt. Olen lean Rerolution. will observe '■ wufilnEtfln a t the naUonal council] Slieen ivns « giif«i. An Invllntlon Feted by Order tngton's blrthdsy wiUi a tea al.in wns exiriiried U> attend ihe of »(tmlnUUaUon m fftlnj. Mr*. MLEY, Feb. 3(>-Mra. Halbert „ n p.m. SaUjrday al Uie YWCA. iUnnlnj reported a "M n. VFW"■ snur cream demnnslntion Thun- Roger W. Thomas. Kimberly, 1 [ dav »(, Ihe Amerlcnn Legion hall. ■h. worthy matron ot Bethany review “Pace Toward tho '■ vill b* Klected a t the department “ i*; lier No. as. Order ot lu te m s o r tn J - 1 fociRipmcnt. The foodi demonjtrated were B.-* by PalUi Baldwin. Mem* *erved as refrp.ihment.i. I r , 'JW 8tar,'*he!, held a “follow Ul# gleam" ®era mnajr w bring guesU. [ Prior lo the m eetlnr a ham din- *''' .'■ f,. * •••■ 1 ceremonyneny honoring lh* *Ur pobts. . ncr ifu M rted to lhe po»t j and * * * ' F i P”- ^ i - 'r ^ *1 Uiele reiregular meeUng of the chap- * * * I i luilllar? membera. 'Hie n»tlonal D ' W '- ter Mond.ilonday erenlng al the Masonic Unlt«dIted Counell of Cliurch Wom- . color* wert used for lalile decora-! Project Chosen r h . : ■ '‘I f - lemple.lie. M Mrs. C. E. Amdl wu reader « i trillrlU observe World Day of Uaoi Mn. John Junkert. Ooodlng. R •• -1 and Mn.M n. WUlU McKerther plnyed Prayerr a t 3 pjn. Prlday a t Uie P in t , recelred the myatery prlM. By T. F. Group E1 :1' ■ « i k m ' : • • - backgrouigroimd mualc. B aptists t clchurch; The theme U T h e - - ¥ « ¥ Mrmbera ^ ot the Y-Wlvea chose a.i the cloae of the eeremoiiy itar BreadI of Ule." Th# publle U In- tv project for Uie year lo be the Carolyn Ci nancock. trom left. New» Mesdsw*.Mi BMetnbly •eerela/y ef wt h n n lhe made bar efridal vUlt to Priinrerlinre** Bebakab lodga Toe^lay b. Mra. Paul B n g i a* ;tda; vlled. LDS Class Has j;;house committee for thc YWCA the the Rebekah lodgt; Joale Darldton,. Eden,Ede aaaembly eetar bcartr, .and Bl« M I r 'Tuesday night a t Uie IOOP hnll. uietlie |home of Mra. J. W. Condll. givenren by Mra. O. 8 . M archant and “ SS.Srauoas. with nlnUtura for ^)y Denver Allorn. A quartet, LDS Units Hold ss;Preceding Uie meeting a banquet w . ts. A rthur Yost. Mra. Leonard ^*"7.tary Moates anO Irtn ^ Deed* favon lO'p.m. Saturday a t tha Uur* Mrs. l-*r«nk Dieker*on ltd the Orange hall. AU aqnars fe ilyn Moncur. Sandra Smith.’ waa serred a t tha Bnpil.1t church opening prayer wlUi Mrs. Morrb al. Mn. Leonartd BecksUand re in charge of serving n frtah - MMM ‘•“•h O: y Katch and K ent Sanford, uuib Event in Oakley honoringtio not Mra. O'Leary nnd OUver r „{. esenled Uie literaUire lesson Irom DU. Margaret Ann SUrton aod * * * * dancerin a< are Invlled. Ttioto attend* Stokes accompanying Uie opening >r« atked to bring poUock, “Who Made lhe Treea." They mere OAKLEY. O Feb. JO-Jerry Ellion Davla. Davla C haiav grand m nsur. {I'®,'hymn. Mra. W lllUm Hendrick*on hake»pear« in Our Lives." LOreUartua King told ilorlea and pUyed A nmiversary n I of ucompanled by K aren Dalby. Wal- wa.t »‘a-' maater of ceremonle* (or the V « ¥ Phonogionognph r e c o i l Oame* and J L7 Ooate* vlU calL Mra. Harold Barker wa.i loasi- rend the Scripture.- M n. Sam 'hior* * « * Uc» WUcox and Davla Smith, both Oold Ooli and Oreen bnll held JolnUy by mistress and Merrill Porter, lonsl- tonlon rread from the Book of Mormon, k I, , , , recreaUcrtaUon were under the direction S f .ihe f ln t and second ward* of the F*ye Spencer. Kay PU ral. Helen Society Marked women-,n e n i CbiUUaa Temperaactt Rupert, were gucala. Jhe^ master. Glenda Porter presented Mrs.Mm. Arthur DennU gare a reading I NJew c Leader Is . raeeUng acheduled for PHday LDS chureh Friday evening In the Mrs. O'Lenry, a gift from the 'TheW "Abn ichler, Sandra HubemlUi, Marilyn PAUL.UL. P»b.: » - 'n i e Udles* MU- pnJon Cloelnr prayer waa presented by "Abraham Uncoln'a Rellglou* Ufe’ .Iker* and Donna Strlegel. *lonary ao «en postponed unUl further Merrill B. Roblfwon. Refreahmenti stake recrentlon hall. ' nhoRho OlrU club. Kenneih Bates nndand Mn. 'Tom Pawcett, a poem, ry aoclety ob*ervtd lU llUi an- *>“ , Five large hearts, one In each Picked by Club “ *ary Owiday erenlng at th# ^becau*a of World Dap ot sang, aeeompnnied by his moUier. "Whj"Why Should the Spirit et MeruU .. lutiU were lU ndy and Blak# *’^’^ ' 5 ' , r, Prlday. com er of the hnll nnd one In front Mra. H. Bales. An am ngcm enl of Be PProud?" Tlic closing hymn and .WUra. ” - John Detweller wa* elecled Couch,jch. Shoahone; Susan Sluder, n n tBBapUst a p churth' wlUi a program " * * * Ofof tht e ntAge with a picket fence in ^ 'f, tln n a n of the Pin* ArU depart* Idaho T I with Mn. pred Rem. piul- ^ * • • rtd roselnids and white calla lillex. prayeprayer were In unUon. cnatm ho Pall*; Joleoa Vaughn. Calvin »<»«» ip A nsa Marl*, Daughter of ; front, deconted the hall. Klyda the president's. flower, formed Uie Th< m t of Ui« TwenUeUi Century club ClUUIeliaUleld, DenUa and Jeannlne In ”charge. „ CUmp A Minister Speaks J™ The meeUng wa* an all-day work 0 playl*U,-Tbe Almighty Ood“ 2 ^ Ploneea.«UlB*atall:30pjn. - - H unter wna decornUon chairman, c#nlerTJlece j^ te i for the guest’s table. mecUmecUns with a poUuck luneh a t esday aflem oon a t the YWCA Sluder,.dtf. Toby. DayUy -and KaUiy lldlng. Itobbon. -n w Bower of tha Seed,- and r a t Uie home ot Mra. JU y ) At Club Meeting Mre.“S Roy Wilson was in.charge ot The y v e colorsi et red and white were noonnoon. ■Ilie n est meeUng will be held UIB WUmon arenue. n. refreshments, and Orvlll# Willson, eanied o u t In other table appoint- Peb ifra. Hotrard W beman waa ae- Mra.lra. LeeI Woods, horn* economic* •eleeUooae of dueU,'*ecompan- WENDELL. Peb. 30 - The R«T, »d»( Peb. 38 a t Uie home ol Mrs. Hale y Kra. Alvla Ben* and Linda leaaon will be presented by A adrertlslng. menfmenti. Plaeeeard* were mlnlaiure oiaiiiOlauner wilh Mra. Dana Ollmore led vice chairman, and M n. J. H. iiutruetc Roy Tlius. Buhl, wna Eueat apeaker *-8 "S wee(hearta on Eande" waa the -[jm , Umore, seereUry. Mrt. Eugene ' , were preaenled. 4arUn and & pio- ^ picluns of the Home on the lllll. min chcharge of Uie devoUons, lUUirr by M n. Leo Campean. i ">l lu t nrek'a meeting of the Mar- opentnit oper floor ahow number. Il wa* the y ,- Oddq Pellona home for the aged.____ clnholt. clialrman, wa* In charge * * * Mr*,t nitRlehanl PraetlUer nra Uie Infrs club a t the Prcjbyltrlan w wait alt« d to "Let Me Call You Sweet- In her message. Mrs. O'Leary ------— of Uie U u meeUng. SFONSOas MEET year^1 repreport on th# acUrille* of Uie j------churcli. henrhenrt." •T arantella’* was presented presented orei^i Uie sovereign grand maa- assembly »ecreUiy: Mra. W. 0 . Mra.lira. Joe Hackney presented a pro- HEYBlEYBURN. P«b. 30—Beeond year ro u pt and Mra. Paul Schafer gave FREE;E PickapP and Deliv^iy I k l!b topic waa "Ood'a lervIee tla - by fourf couples under Ui« dlrecUon Tter’a g ^ slogan and added her slogan WaUa, past president of Uie lnler- gramim on< Ul# ballet. "Bwan U ke.“ J«nlorilor OleanenC of Uie second ward the treasiIreaninr’a report Ur*. John Lamx>nsdiy - Dry Oeantac ■ lloM." Mr. and Mrs- Enrl Woodruff of K naUonal assoclaUon of Rebekah Serv 3 church sponsored a flreald* Breederler readn a paalm and gar# th# q i of K ellh W arr. f ln t ward dance dl- "Por Human UettermenU" Her terrl ng on the tea commlltee were eh D tot RE 3*5^1 m were in chart# of th# program ar- rectyby :U women from Uie flnt and She gtreaaed Uie pracUce of the dent of Idaho; Mrs. LUUan Hughes, MontcnNNEES .TOLD ' Thoae Th parUclpaUng wen Mra. Odd PeUowsj dlstricl meeUng. OUi SHOSHONE, Peb. SO-Prlxei wer« n a n OUier vUltcra wera from Hager- bum. Harry LeMoyne. Jr, Mn. Merle OUier othi juesta Introduced and roan,nan. Jerome. Burley: Zdea, Filer Tha ALL of our NEW Nl spring fasiishions I awarded Mn. R. W. Orore. M n. OwalOwaley, M n . Elwood Orimei, Mr*, weico,, Tii bride-elect wu graduated welcomed In addlUon U> M n. andmd IBuhL ' froian IMinlco hlgb school in 19M Ralph Villen and Mrs. Carloa Ber- oicna icnn Hendrick.. 'T- lx nukful CklM." 7« >kuln * k N otrt your big opporttJhlty to oomplompleta your Sprtnt Int. afcwult, np e . hate been return- ^pr,Tr, ■•*** ]* n s ti U roin u Mit. «/I.> C. ^ • T-shirts wardrobe kl a gtoermu' dUeountunt 'befort the flnt' « n t pupils, rob them of Uielr leam------jobin arrlres. . . come in tomorroiorrow tfid taka ad* 1"! lime and wenr oul the teacher TaoUga ot Birthday Sale prketl *lio mu.li remnln a l work under the iifaln of Uielr preicfice. • jackets Teachen have acaln and again W pleaded for th# rtm oral ef auch pu- pil*au-Ui>t4h*-wimBff-«n- nilshi Kcl on wlUi Ihelr'educaUon: ® ------A tt-of-ea7-99c ------ALL of O ur -59 5 9 c ------— *11 itJ vnln! They are aUIl In Uie fi f s - eltiirooms. « l d | - I SWEETBRIAR NYLON T h e psycholoBiits. paychlatrlila, m we social workera whose duty It la to Jb- ewmlne and prescribe for these mis- » I Outstanding-Purchasi -H eU a alck child. Hefnurt T ^ j i; 12 ONiN LY l ^ NYLONS PANTITIES bf rehnbllluted." Hne. If etll U JSH H i ^ m n e ii. and I ’m willing ll be called ^ anrihlnR as long a» ll Li recognlied W ^ CoftonQuiltc « "h»i It Is. evil, what I rise to In- »£ 3 p a i r ^ 2 ( 0 , 1 jairt 1*. -Why are Ihcy not being "S' < | 1 ^»'ed?» nehnbiliUKd? Why are (% t Chemise... ^ ------. a dre.is with i T ^ ,i sses ^ Choo*« from regular, or dark seams,eama. Nyloo TMcot-«o.c«*yuy tto laimder.. «ry In achool and net In the hosoU & !! Dres li|^or lhe cnmp school, or any pltiet =>S!r------a hint ef fit ^ ^ ! SKIRTS j -leamles* or atretch atocUngtI and cboote trom trhlU oor r pputel*. Bare y 'r e Uiey fii instead et In the m Brokenn Sizes ^ ttve Wc per b o x - l Day Onlyl ay 0 pecUU “auroom where they do not fit but Atf . I lla on thU Btrtbday Si *he« u,ey desuxiy the leacher-a mI Chemise ' • • • ^ ^ i ■"•lUi, hli pott’cr. hU function, and ^ A a dress you' ^ W ^ b l o u se: '"fat the good boys nnd girls oul of ®B » lll love-Hjnet 5S c > 29.95 5! ntir rlshl to a happy, succeasful w *ehMl life? • - - |W r ' you try ll . . W »I Regular 14.98 Whai good are the planned % nne equlpmenl, Uie pro- S ' ALLA rem oining w inhnter '^ o tir ,iir.ir ,i„ d 'lo a c h e n when I Chemise . •. § ^ i' ? 1 1 X ‘hey c.innoi funcUon bccause of such W • “wrucilve pupils? Why do we not WI' = fashions . : . now w e pincM ot refuge for dbiurbed j t ! I o ' aeeluslen for Uie 2 < and make Tie mlslake. »? t' h e N • dresses 0 Uieje rebellious ones a n •Tlya « minaii «nd at large. ' f v l \SM • sportswear *• / When all la m ij |t l* the M[AYFAIR,J I u-CTv-irtar j ymfcagi’agrag «hoot. Not M • linge'rie / O noi lhe buildings, not ^I shop^ fi “ , p r ie i fr? li'e teacher. Any- 7p WHTOZ . . An EnUn ^ < E SATURDAY! - Big Valuea- Limited Se- ' Ulf teacher help* JfeI INEW SHIPMENT. ,i Jl “■ leeUon - Shop Eearly to nd 't m nau^. ' eommunlty and Uw X£ hhaa Just been unpacked. ^ O N LY ! TThe M a y f aiir ] shop I sarold dbappolntmentl of^hi' « I " “d the ^ p e n . all *5 fi 8e« them all TedayJ jjf ^ TWa Folk , ^ ®‘^ e m need help Uils day ^ 141 AUla Av*. W m i naThfl helpj a «:hool ‘he leschtr can h a tb U lh# re*

I th u rsd ; ¥ iG B TWENTTf-TWO TIMES-NEWS, TWIN[N FALLS, IDAHO 5DAY. FEBRUARY 20 ijy • W a y ^pinAir il j R ic h fie ldd C linches!3 Berth I iln N ortKliside i S ubdiiistrict B m |:j l F in a ls byly B eating: 1Bliss I j RICHFIELD.^Zah. 2 0Richfield's ^ Tigers moved into.0 th(tho championship gnme In thc Triple A, D I o u b l e A*'Teams • II ' jiorthsido subdistrict thskHbletFall tournament Wednesday night with a 60-40 victory over I '' Bliss. Thc Tigers remain lh(th e only unbenten team in theB mc(meet and will .iit out Thursday I as Camns Counli- and Cnrey•ey battle for tho other hnlf of the 1finals. In other action, Cam- - rict "Tourn ! - j ’tib C ounty, showing ft torrid•id shootingi average, knockcd thethe BBellevue BulldogK out of thehe Open Distr naments ~ meet with a 68-59 decision,in, : Carey pummelled Qoodlng 8l«teIte 41-lS In thc other game. i I N ation’s To'op Scorer f Bellevue, while knocked out of i R u p e r t , S h tIUe contenUon, *U1I can gain a I At Buhl, R hoshone^ berth In the dlalrlct toumament.ll. I District basketball tournaments ■nie dulldoga will play Uie Icwer of I its i for th e to p tw o cln.ssificntioii;tio n s in M a g ic V nllev own II To Play Aggainst ISC stut C am u-Carey game to decidede TiiuTliursday night,nt three sitea affonffording nlmost all local faiw.H ensyei acce.ssibility 'to tht Uie fourth-place team, . ' ■ acti(action. The class AAA will openn in 'Buhl nnd Rupert at 7 p.m„ ; a The Northaide fourth placc team I .m„ the same tim e‘the clau ' POCATELLO, Feb. 20—Cos•Coach John Grnyson is keeping a AA teams awing into action at Sho:Shoshone. T he th lrc rtiv isio n , class clas; A. will begin officialit tbttll drills this week, in order to "i'meeu the.flflh place leam from thehe ' ‘i ^ i . " ' A m closc cyo on Bcngnl baskctbnl W Tuesday Tuc night after an eliminatloritlon contest Monday,' Participatiipiitmit .n the triple A meil il tato eager he’ll assign to guard- J aouUulde lo decide which wlll fillm | ■: (jitcrmine which Idnho State , Uie eighth apot In pairing*. I willVlll bo m e m b e r s o f the Bir t s Saturday. Baylor, the nation's l! , Seattle’s Elgin Bnylor this S > S luehlleld blaated lla way tn a 11-9'9 | ..M-' Jcven confercncc. plus Twb i: lates visit the ISC gym at 8 p.m.71, finfir l QUarUr lead Wedneaday andId I I" lending ecorer, and tcam-niate •'alls. Under- the two-.ii, f - Most of the sports writers.fS «aa»' on top 95*23 a l halfUme. T hehe I Boxing Grouiip Ready ,1 Bllaa cauae waa hampered when I Ilan. Burley will m eet Ouklcr ii i around ttie country have 'al- aUrUng ?' . ccnier Pohl twisted hta I i.m. at the Minidoka counly [ J • rendy conceded the national ankle and wa* forced U) alt out thetie I ■cliool gymnasium and TMin fK I Korlnc UUe to Biylor, nleinioned vlll Uke on Mlnleo In the nlrhS^ *“ remainder of the game. I To Start TitleIe Action" SAt IfOWLfiNG9 -Ttit lUbbll,* with t^e c m o n m■jQ d However, the Beara cut Hlchfleld'a I At Buhl, Uie oUier four i t o lUlt Mver»l R«mf* awky. In 19** lead to 10 polnl* going Into the finalal ■ I . N E W YORK. Feb. 20. (/IV -T hbe e vworld championship box- >egln with Jerome nnd Pller n«i. I 'I • ctASRic i.i:*ci;b Rimu, luylor lias hit tor S34 i»InU friframe bul ^ e Tiger defence ^nve I ingng ccommittee, headed by Julius Hei ng In the f ln t. gnme nnrt b^j Helfand of New York, says neetlng ’,1 Ooodlng In Uie sccond for in areragt of 34.4 per jam e. uiithem only ihrec pointa while rack- f t is ready to take action on the her 111 Orsj'ion U hoping th a t Uie Idahoho IngIni up 13 to cop the win going nwny. v h H heavyw eight title situ atio n winWinners of opening round tci'- B I f is! iii ii;»» lettuce and carrot* will n o t be to thehe U1 n r Stubba gol 34 to lead thc withvithin a reasonable time. Helfandand would not detail action .'III meet Friday night in tiit {u; ^ JJ! "R abblff llklns, Ior hc feel* lha t winner*wli while D om an had 11 for Wcontl:ontemplatcd. Helfand, also chnirhairman of the New York ame . while thc loter* play in I'j i ! ------lit !io jjl »;j Idaho 5Ute can atop SeatUe erenen BIU*.BII ' 4 s ttate a i athletic commission,------In t games., Saturdny, nil • ■■ 1 W T swing!nrlngt to Buhl, where Uie toufu! i, - wlUi Uie phenom In th f lineup. Wally\ K raho and Butch Wolfere I snidaid Wednesday both time T J , -T o u l...... rMl '» « "*» ty poured through 21 and 30 point*,*, I fient finals wlll be played m ■'Well fight the boarda hard, play P«" nd the quality of oppoalllon would X U c : Teams wlll lay off from fv«,r w n , tou£h defenie and work our efferueje reapecUrely.^ and Jim SU-lege addedd * daho Warned "S, ^ , ILndlop — ...... 1“ J« j'l e considered in.lAklng steps. 0 -niuraday night, then reju-l fo 494 the bett we know how agalnatJt 13 more aa Uie red hol Miuherara SUnford tmlveraJiy's center Dlekk Ilaga II HJ) and forward Gerry Floyd pjo] P atterson, hearywelght /~’_1 ly eliminated B ellen r. Thenitn i ISll'flfbt Unlrer»lty cf Callfoi.llfomU-» George Sterling (JJ) and ruler, lay wllh two gnmes Feb. 7} u i il i ' a''S.gi.m Zll-io* 101 i»; «» Uiem,” Orayaon aald. - If we play «**' ulcr, lasl defended Aug. J2 against V iuJ nc each on Feb. 38 nnd Mirch l wi ;i: like we're upable of playlnt, then>n Hackingi up 34 pointa In the flrat>t center c< Don Mclntoah (45) (or Ihe batl batl afler a reboond during Uielr pete'ete Radem acher In BeatUe. H b ^lalifornia Is iti quarter, thc w lnnen never looked g; rr1 a IiKond final game Is nefdre. « «* r0 2570tTo '*®'” ' 1m‘lead In Uie aecond half, Camaa waa p: Pough Foe “mAl ' Shoahone, two teams dnt be Orayaon aald th a t th e Bengal* * place lo UlC PCC basketball raee, (NEA4EA (elephoto) urdayrday bul Helfand aald he would “ byesyes 1 Thunday night while the n. m appear to be In good phyaleal con-, In clear ' command, — ------:------not ot a ask the ehamp lo meet the MOS . Three brIlHanC Bulldog efforta _ MOSCOW, Feb. 30 tP-Prr.O im an malnlrlalnlng four see aetJon. Val/er tij Pc I?: dlllon for Uie Seattle game, and he _ ‘ (act letler of the law. coachBCh Wnyne Andenon wnrned meetleel lHailey In the first game „ i 11 r . t S z = = ; l ! ! 1" 1." !1^1 " feeU! hll team can acore on SeatUe, wenl for naught aa Mickey Barker ■ Patteraon's manager. Oua.* D'» Idaho 1 I I 5 .S & 7 ------il! i;; IS !!! ^ had 19. I^cClure'lS and Jack CDon. aho basketball plnyers Wednesdny thele fit /Bhoihone high school gjnirj. loi ISI Juat u ForUand and other teama ^Fans Score LLane for 3mato, recenUy reached an agree- Uieyey wouldw be facing a belter tenm slum,um, is-hlle Wendell Ukes on Sh#. le* ;i; h a « done. “ 'J ___ ment I j" 1—1______i»* IM >» h , Carey turned on Uie defensive •• lent wlUi promoUr Harry Levene In CaliforniaCalll than t;CLA, which was shonelone in thc nightcap. ^ I I x'. ______X" »» >» [ London, for the champ to defend here la _ Idaho State. wlUi a aea3on*record° poweroo, and held Ooodlng s u te acore- n re lost week-end. OlenOtenn* Perry, which tits out th l I M h I) ' ToUU______•« «« »” 0i« of 17 wlni and 3 Joaaca, Juat finiahedP leu In thc flnt quarter. Prom there. (1 1 London next aummer against ■‘Cnii"California has more speed and nt fround, Uckles the winner? 1^8#; E ' _ T-U TrMt.f » road trip laal week-end, whicli'» Careycar uaed all IU men and Uie; Making Hegsjan Trade 111» Enklne, Uio BrIUah champ. If „ pperience erje than any club you hare 10 VsVslley-Haltey cla.ih In th» fts I l d ' Brskln I , I n.ii.!ic»p ------i»j 1*; iJ;*; ft aaw th t Denitala win their auth'' StaUg[Ai n could never gel auried. , rsklne defeaU Ingemar Jolianaion, fncedced UlU year," eald Andenon, imo Prlday while Kimberly pu I ] • agi n aU^ljht Ilocky Mountain confer-•; uBrigga got 13 to pace the win- . CLEVELAND, F eb . 20 {/P)'—— Genernl mnnager Frnnk uieie Europeane champion. In Uielr who*c(10 scouted Uie Benrs against USC. I n n t taste of action In the i«. H > un :t enee champlonahip. The Chleftalna’' nlng attack while Schlnkle'a elghlI LaneL a of th e Cleveland Indians wasvas undaunted Wednesday by rldoy matoh In Sweden. Id game by playing the winner ef l l I iiiiii;! Helfand Indicated the problem They used the fnsl break for lhe ?h. fJ, ” loaaea hare come agalnat Oregon'* polnuMit topped the losers. th(tho reaction of irate fans to hisI tr.trnde of catcher Jim Hegan -Su, It Ume ngalnsl USC nnd won le H Wendell-Shoshone , '' game. I I i _ State, San Franclaco and Dayton. Ight solve lUelf If Ersklnc lost. Champlonslilp and runner-cj n In the girla loumament Thun- to the Detroit Tigers. Hegan, a\ memberni of thc Tribe since ho aai My. 80-02, They have a fine ^1)' ______M» «» W2 »*»» Preliminary game Saturday nightt day.day, Camaa will meei BIU* a t 7:tS to , 0 aald he had written hU '.^ws 5^.^;,, ams In each district loumimea wlll aee Idaho SCate'a frosh battle8 p. m,it and Richfield playa Hagerman i1941 l nnd one of tho mo.st populnrl ln r players ever to w ear nn to1 thithe oUier memben and had lln berUis in regional pljrolJi k«i r • ' 14 S Uia Ulah Stale freahmen. who won m ( ------^ ------. .. . :------jlndlndlan uniform, wa.i sent to "■celved " ‘Y' answers from them. IdahcIdaho faces California here Frl- Tlielie trtriple A- regional wlU be hilj of 1 a l t:Sl) p. m. The boys game wUl >•. On Saturday, Uie Vandals will |n poci iioHm b ------lil t‘ ■} f jjjj* anu earlier game a t Pocaullo, and begi Helfand lUted Uie 1-2.J heavy- O Pocalellg while Jerome will hai, • to 1 begin a l 8 p. m. T l he Tigers Tuesday in a fdur- ly hosl to Washington. Uie do [| alao beat Uie Klltena a t Logan. TlTht box acorea: X I slghU as Eddie Machen of Red- c double A tourney. Top itia tei: I I . I! ’ 1 i!! 1 Hailey Team 'Xilayer, no-money trnde which ln < ^ | I Deu^olt. gave fhe Indians J. w. commlimmltee are Edouard lU bret of a colllsl:oIllslon wlUi anoUier O-foot, 4- t j i I j lj;ii JJunior V arsity Slluuku«( e t l O Rur'iThVrl Itt: Of Outlaw Meet p.?Sorter, 2S. n cntcher of con.ildembIe pninceunce, represenUng the European Inchh player.p Holly Wllllnms of l Q 3 l ______4 _ 7 J » irAILfcy, ir Feb. 2(^-Halley Mcr- romUe, snd Hnrold Woodeshlck, a boxingixlng union; J. Onslow Fane of Kellog;.Hogg. Sophomore Wllllnms re- t daho r» Skier Hurt . i chanU, overcoming a four-point S-yenr-old , • touthpaw. In exchange Englanigland, of the British Common- celvedved ai gash on hU head. I n S I -- --- {‘t }u 117 *M ( TX.U l> » II tll Touu 31 II 17 U Chai >r ■Heg&n- and touthpaw Hank wealth •C ham pionship R'* 8«»»P»*r» C»nu» C«ui)l7------H 41 t«—t* ClOilcloiing frame to beat Shoshone 42- Sulrre. of CutCuba, of Uio Caribbean feden- the squad,squ after being oul wllh a OERfOERNSKOELDSVIK. 8 w «d»t ' i *»«air«p ... _____ 41 UT HI UlI KANSEK, Feb. 30 — Hagerman ------I* « **-*» 30 1Wednesday night nnd tako top Soon after the deal was announc- Uon;m; anda Tony Pet^onellh of Provi- knee;e lnjur>',In but boUi wlU be able Feb.b. 30 Oh—FYonk Cammaek, a :i. 8. CgnniRilmn ------« »» H* »*}• wt wrapped up UieSouthalde conference honon In Uio Hnlley ouUaw toum o- ”1 by*>> Lane a few 'In te fana called dence.nee. li. I , of the NaUonal boxing to playplay Uils' week-end. ycnr-olcnr-oId ski Jumper from Wrcii. ^ I Junior varalty champlonahip here RicnriEU> tl. 0t4ss 4i hohl ie ball elub office nnd vowed not aasocla IUI4 faripfiB ’liIlM f if tr f te menL ^ soclaUon. ,______. chee,ee. WWash-, wns lucky to be alln Ev ^ . | S S = i i i l ! iii iiiI Wedneadayis night wlUi a 40-39 vie- ) attend a baseball gam e her^ UiU £nElEnElne U not ranked by elUier r t f • lay following « aerious practla “ I ;rf,;T4itlor ------^ ]tt 117 in' toryto: over Caatleford. • The tourney n*«i Shoihone, which had played the ;ason. the NB ii-i'Sfc';. Riime prevloua to the finals, hetd . e NBA or Ring magaxlne. Johans- S k K II- t-f I t) T o u u ------m 7ti 7M»CIi en ended an undefeated conference fs»i It round of Idaho's cUss AAA flfUi tc MounUlnMou wlll be dUcutwd, Ali fall."I." tald ta Dr. Bengt Hedlund. he | held 11 to eliminate Fnirfield 44-34. IrlshnIshman, ‘ It, hns been auch a long dUtrlcl■trlcl basketball toumnment. interesi J^,UorUm ■___m 21? -iliI within four polnla but could come SAlbrtiliMa , loot iiiiEs'--M'iS Dinr* 0 0 t 0 SnvaSavage had eight for tho w lnnen time,me. My homo U here and every- g _ ^ , terested sklen aro urged to at- The^ e doctord added th a t Camnsici the 3nak« River whipped Montpelier tend.nd. •i "mustust tie I completely aUU for il Si -ifB U U ______« i m l u i i H ; n» !tEKiikW 1 s 1 4 Ptti>« 111* andand Smith led the losen w llh nine. Uilng. Klier and Brewer had 13 pointa j!"""'nilKonli loot Dl.i, Oltl 84-45■45 aand Preston defeated Marsh I ______I leastsl one on week aod then we lO ircr r Ktuurr lan 1 TalUrMik. O t i OJotmien Itlt Then Carey moved ngalnst fiho- "If "if 11'* any consolaUon, Tm glad valley 2 lU ndk.p------« « « US I for for Uie wlnneri and lowrs. rejpec- r>l>i,rn 2 0 1 4 allOOalione in the tccond mime b u t came rm r( liey 38-34 in oUier games Wednei- _ , have'e to to dcclde whelher we will pet and [ Uvely. ii»Mbu n going lo Detroit, I fa n nice placo dayr night. nls Tny|4 I In a plaster collar or a plultr eom IlnMbut/ t I « » out 1belilnd by a SS-45 count. Cook to play pli aod It’a a promising chib. Quan I In (he coniolaUon bracket, Haft 3uard Bert HuUi and center Kip - m V.Vlted l * t< w e e t • id." 'Mil* a fl 1 'fl hnd•‘"‘S I t Carey pointa bu l W ebb w at B utJt I'mi tUll going to mis* th e In- powerwer ) led PocaUlIo wllh 10 polnu NEW ------T I R l\tr, Uilng Uio 33-polnt effort ------high acorer with 18 for Shoshone. dinM.'ana." . p, e w YORK. Feb. 30 Ifl - St. I I 3: iS f’------^ J i . _™ _ m. of“ Warr, racked up an early lead Toi*iiToi.li Ml »:i4» ToiiU I 1 12II Th *. Forward Bo'an Swarlx had 11 Peter’s:r's ofo Jeney City, -N, J„ W ed- UNITEDITED'S WIN rrlll The Carey team donated Ita third jHegan, r ^ who waa one o f three un- for MaJ I "TBUlt ______t71 IH 171 HU I uni and Uien conited paat Murtaugh fl«»rUrt. ^ place money to charity. MaJad. nesdnylny \ was nnmed lo conipcU In MANCfANCHESrm. England. Ptb, S "ho tncd Indlani. agreed to term s wllh Presu’reston rallied In the final two the NaU I ; , 'T u x for a Mh22 decUlon. R~dibf a u u ‘r : r _ ._ ~ : o i n i n NnUonal InvlUUon bnaketball (fl-M-Mnncliester nn Unlted's new-M Pror e Tlgen In a telephone converta- minuteslutes to bent M anh Valley, toumaminament—the fourth tenm to be teamn defeateddel Sheffield Wedneifiir «f C :[ Wixiifip______- « « « iMI ^After gaining a 2(}-8 first quarter ------POSTrO.NED PCS' , |[o®n^ COACH IS TEACHER in Tuesday afternoon wlUi r n - Emerylery Beckstead: conUlbuled three selected:ted for the March 13-33 tour- 3-0 In aa.dcuma-pncked EnKllsh »c- "n .1 yoij»r ___ -______i» iM n« «M1 I»Rlead, the Junior T rojant were ahead COM BUFTALO. N, Y„ Feb. 20 HP-A eralal managern John McHale. Short- atralghtlight free Uirows and Henry ney In M [ 33-14 and S3-31 a t the next two ME In Mndlson Squnrc Garden. The cer eup imatch. II wna United'* IW "ui MESA. Aria., Peb. 20 Ll'—Tony 10-round lo-ro middleweight bout between stop>p CChico CarniMiuel nnd outfield- lUwllnswllns added a field goal to spark oUienn areai Dnylon. St. Bonnventure gnmele since»li acvcn of Its slars we:« Slmi noii'litr .I.“ r!!“Zr5»4 m im h iI real*.r's • CavalCavallo, fired as head football, coach Nenl niven ot Niagara Fnlls. N. er Mlnnlo Mil Mlnoao are th e other In- the: comeback.con Beckstead scored 13 and Nlng I Thompwn and EtaaUiy each had al NeNew Mexico A and M lasl month, nnd ' Nlngara.-£lght more remain to killed:d In Uio Munich pUne cnii I IKtm. Jr------‘ii J i l ^ ■ nnd Cliebro licrandez of Mexico has dlaiuu u not in the fold.- polnUnU i for PresUin. •______be nnmeilamed.______Feb.^8; 8,______ll'p- • alx for Murtaugh. w u Ihired Tueaday a* a ttacher In been re-scheduled for next Monday ------toclal ttudlea a t Meaa high school, nlghl. nlghl ______READEAD ■nMES-KEWS WANT AD3. • • ‘liave i Favorites A dvance i In Tennis T ourney ^ d o r ; NEW VOnK, Peb. 30 WV-The four # ^mmmtopieeded favorlle*-K urt Nlelaen. * I RMtn BaBarrj- MaeKay, B ud*o-Patty «nd r D A Y " ’ Dick Savltt-im aahed Into the aee* r iii' > ond round oC the naUonal Indoor 1$1 E S = 3 ii lii iiiiii™ ». Ntifon...... u» m , WS tei s tennli champlonshlpa Wedneaday “ nlghl wllhout a tear* among them. I J. S"w llIZ IZ T ^ _m _4M. All ad*aneed on eaay atmlght- ' T o u u ______.Mi III m s !»?»I »flact vlclorlfa wlUi defending cham­ for : K in rr«4w« plipion Kuri Nlelien of Denver lead- u ll' ...... ,’J ,;} j}} ini J Ing tlle way. Nielsen overpowered o: » • Ijj- <:•« Jo JonaUian M. Clark, a Y ala . atu- • — ...... -J® j“ }” 5^}1 deni, s-3, e-4. IDU } MacKay. Amerlca’a new Davl* Cup Hull | || jV nf5^h»m*r...... '.iii ill W --hope,-cniilirt-nobert-Ryland,-for* ------ma mm N O W ! T H E E BEST TAS » mer Neuro national champion from —r—ANDTHE GRANDG PRIZE I1: S N O W : I I r>cii< Mojilelnlr, N. J.. 8-3. 6-2. I Ilin.llriip ...... « i tOi S0« n ;. , ' rntiT. lhe California tennta tour- 5 iJt who llvfi In Parla. topped Tom 9 0 P R O OL l R 6 YEAR < MfeliilH‘ Cosi of \Va»hlnjlon, D. O., abo -«.3. S T IN G i 5 SatIU. Uie fonner Wlmbledort Ull •I ...... - - - - eh ; Champion now leml-reUred. beat • Donald Pattenon of Leonla, N. J„ S T R A I G HIHT B O U R B ( I g-1- ~ ! O L D =: i f C: ? . ^ a Wl iil 115 “ «nd 1 n II. SIkotk ...... »I i*» 5(1« »«Jj ...... ^It M ' IM Ior I »L V. WIni.r ______n : 1*1 111 48J '• Y O U <4 471 5 Toiiu ;______T m * m ' m i 3 p N 3 ToUU ...... »M 114 7»* 14«: ^ llinijlop ...... 114 ]|( DilITKr«> III ■^ , Eh c • ciRL-a nicn^^aciiooirUEicti {?;C»ll Wrlrtt ______II )0« HI n»niiif«p ------sj; j'" 4*0 0 Jll J°n7ufC»r".'..ri'-;''!i.lJ» 101 :I« I. ^tow»ii ------117 IJI ; j Jonii™ WktlUk ...... *1 IM - HI ■ TAfLQRED FOR n ■ T

74 Ifti i;i• TM4U• ------“IT "ilj Ti« ______^______TODAY^SJASTEi ------IUi>JU>p ___!'***!!*II7 IS7 114 ' »rrt ■T-“— ,4«,-.1 r jjii n«rt ...... It« ti 111 Mrr. L?A:.e • iil !«» MI I rk,IlU-K,Rlll ...... 15, Mt 5 ^ iii» % ------W 4 J ..-i?0 'Teul*______* iu "iTt 1 M> Cruk«t« ^ e n t u i Touu ------— w "» • » « ...... ’s - f f l ! try ^ "6 H»U* ... M. Milntjii____ Z'..'. (t »j ( L r Y E A R S O L O nindic4p — I------*«* *'* ;J Town.»»4 ------»» ,*1 ■a ♦? Diim»i7‘tr. »0 ’»S I K. LUhl______‘f 1” ll ’» T»uU ------.“Iii m n il Highvrthwoy 93 South S BlM Jmh CUi .0 U»»4k*» ______!01 :s> 4M I Across Thohe Nevode Line ^ - i- ' S I^BBA lUrdr ...... — i:i ' 1*4 11} T e u U ______TM 141 114*J a« ---- M 101 lit T«UU ------nu«i.B .iu : 5r^<- '"V« nohtJob ' Ortr-i W ot S p„inU Serrle» In g.«n$rr= n!if IS H ; Twin l-aiit n t r j rtrnlnc »l 7:M P.m. and on Sundayi a t 1 p.m. I j^and : pjn.. Dflogtyou back Irtt.;Irtt. abo. ' 'll ■ !!I ^ToUk J------T4* ’ JUI I NAUONAL DtSniUW PBOtrtlCTS COMPAJOMPANY. NEW VORK, STRAIGHT MUR60H WHIS ! _ A

WHISKgf. 90 PBOOf. 0 I THURSPAY, FEBRUARY.RY 20, 1358 TIMES-NE\VS, W ll VIN FALLS, IDAHO PAGE.PA TWBN^-THRPII 1 1 Twin Eail lls-to Host..t. Junior Burley I Ceenter Is HH erb Score3 Appears onc Waf I Skiers in I Ainericantl Legion Top Score•er in. B;B ack to Pitiitching Staardom [ j Champion nships Marirch 1, 2 Big I Seven1 League AA^fter F irstt Big Wort*kout [1 Id a h o 's to p ju n io r s k ie rs will wil! convcrKe on Twin F ,||, March irch 1 nnd 2 for annual riintiing,I Burley.’fl] Don Petor.‘»en, n G-foot,Dot, .■!-iticii .senior i-cntcr, who TU' of the state Americftn Legion:i(in ski I’hampionshiii.s nl Mngic t TUCSON, Arir... Feb, 20 (/P)— HerlHerb Score Wednesilay took hiss mi m ost stre n u o u s pitchintf j} lj ric m o u rita in , r e p o rts .(Icdrge ^nii;mi.ssed two conference gtfmcs beebecnu.ie of fin, w:is tiie Big tests!Sl since he wns knocked out by ^bl Haney, jr- western states chnirnian. chn Participants from Boise,Ioise, M cC all. P o c n te llo , Id ah o Se> abutted bnll last Mnj\ He passeassed with flying colors. M U ' Seven conference’.H scoring chnmnmpion with a nnrrow one- Thehc Ibriilinnt young Clevi'land southilUthpaw threw his alugging teami Falls and Twin Fnlls are expcc:pcctcd for the rnce?, which includelude downhill, giant slalom anoi lammate, Rocky ColavitbV M jl |K)int bulge o v er,th e second plnccInce man. The Itobi-at i-enterlinuI a ddrill which tested tiolh h|s arm ni sinlorn eventa. Skiers and coadoaches nre c.xpcctcd to begin nrrivinTiving here Feb, 27 and 2S. On.enc ■m nnd hla reaction to bailed balballs. Colavito emerge^ ' 1-j 11 ended up with 163 points for a n1 avaverage of 1C,:{ in iQ gaine.s.'fromrom tho batting cage cxubernntlytiy to predict: "Herb’s going to Lbe an right. Ho looJ^ U i] "M nrch 1, the -downhill ntiilii,;Iti A tight second spot wns ■------— 100' perpc cent b e tte r to d ay n{p,| giant slnlom will be c))mliict-',Ja\Jay Anderson, Minico, who ed followed by the .tlalotn ko'i n hc did when he bogangto il al ^eclo, Piratlies Play £ got 162 points in 12,gumes -k o u t late last season."’; | | j] running on Sunday. for n 13.6 avernge. , Chief aim of those partlctpatlng i, ;ore. who w u knocked imeoo- IM In Ihlrd. place wns .m other Bur* US when a ball batted by th o Inil Is'to gain lhe right to rrprrsmthey[ley sharpshooter, Larry Mal, who ■Tor Loop Til Idnho In the wesiern .slnlf.^ iiici-.slcmi kees’ Oil McDougald hit hln fV i IM ^itle Friday § jcrnnked through 160 imliiis in his I H/7 the eyeeye ! Msy 7, pitched from behind M sel for Sun Valley laler in th e jn c jl l ouUngs. and along wllh Peterson ' ~ l r M the cualccustomary protective screen u ie d 1 I Southside confcrencc chntnpiimpionship «oo.s on th e line F ri-, >nnrmonlh, ^nnd'and ItoRer Wilson, wn.s an Import- f The stale event wlll be thr iMlrd|a„i \ in trontfront of Uie mound In sprlns II B day n ig h t w h e n H n g e rm a n mc'cmeets Decio in the highlight of |nnl factor In bringing a share of ' - training.nlng. Kl ■ the Xinal regular acason ba.ikct in a ihree-race scries lo detrrmliirlii].iUie confcrenca crotfn.lo Durley. ___ sketball schedule. The scheilule,I ,1^ the stale ski tram< Earlier racrtl p I first colavito tried to keep ths U| ■ including three gnmes. wraps ii wm Pourth place wenl tn Ken Lyons. , ball awiaway from the mound. B ut n| |)s lip the ocason for th e South-- wrre held ai Dolse nnd irtiihn K.illn.'ooo; Ooodlng, who ended up Uie season ■ fide loop. Hagerman and Dcclo 1 llftney reports the Mnglc Mounijin ] ^^.1,1 -e civlled oul, "Don't worry about | ccio enter the gam e, which will I wllh 1&4 poInU ntter Inking lhe lit ’em tills way. Il's gol to sta rt | | be plnyed n t Decio, with Iden-^ fj’ ski elub will a.isisl In slajinK the i.«(ilead In the first two week.s of con* (jroiiiidcrsI’S Loosen up Those)seLegs - tournament, ier or later and It might Jnst n| tical 8-1 records, Decio loat ferenee play, Oary Cranney, Oak­ veil be sooner," 111 t local eommlllee chairmen nimefl j,,.ley. the only Junior In the top five, Its thu: ie reacted rrsl good." u ld Cala- S| only game to the Pirates\ lhu.1 far nre Jim Broun, n.'.Msinni was In n tih place wiiii ISa poitits r.c.&^)I vito. uie . chairman: Clnude Jones, whn nUl .«V. . Uie outfielder who hit 25 boijie- i j • Il.v n 42-:il count while the chai atler leading the league ‘ three . . I f r V ' • *;■ ' runsI for the Indians l u t season. ';0 « n Pirates were tripped ■J6-45 by, “'J,aet course.s. n.visled by Diivn siunv. weeks. slate nnd locnl xkl conch; Mrs. Jark n '.I'w ' s...- ed “Jquickly and Uie baU d ld « t Murtaiicii. Lee Others posling nii>re Uian 100 n to worry him a l all, 1 LeCinir.i hou.-.tng chnlnnmi; Coiiriul poinu no,; in lhe 12-gnnie -vchedule , Tlie game pils offense againstI Larson,ijir, reteri'c: Henry I>o«crs. wer kl '« i> -^ "«efe hahad contldence, Ka looked Uka i H B O M r A a ANGUS defense dl aj lhe Pirates have accum- tlmi were Ralph Perry. Jeionii, 1T7: | the old JHerb Score. Il'sure made m t U • llmer;^,Bonnie Baird, rrcofder; nnhRobert Burch. Oakley, 134; Sieve good," I , B r I>ARBY n O V E r ulnted 431 polnls In nine ouUnga» HenryyOandlaga,Hen gate iceciH-r, nnd xh,, K«x y while“ Decio leada the loop In de* jncl Thurmnn. 131 In 11 games; Wilson. ' Score:ore ■walked quleUy off the field I ■ Jnck LeCialr nnd Vinccnl Cooke, n,,. . WiUlI liltliltle to say. . I B If any of you Magic Valley bni-f fense,jj allowing just S0.7 polnU perr juarslariers- Burley. 12(1: Slnn Wesiendorf, Ooodlng. 119; Oary Bonnr. Buhl. 3ut 11 meant a lol Uie way I H kelball fv>3 feel you won’t be nblell' g|same. uHendqunrlrr,s for rcRlsiratlon will ,0,. H to K«t Inlo any one of the three” Bul Rjually im porlnnt will be the be 107; O rnnt Halle. Pllcr. 109; Ron b walked off Uie field." Colavl(o I e be the American LcKlon Imll. All ni.lPierce. Pller. 103, and Kerbs. Mlnl­ 1 ^ ' said, "H. U iueh Khool loumamenla In ihtI’f etherel two games In which Castleford1 rncersrnce will report there on nrrlvnl I* ., "He went on his way Just as H B fourth dlilrlet thU veek-end. buland Hnnjen will have tlielr laslI Inin TwinI Fa!l.v co, 102. < Vi.r(Ud he usuausually does. Tlial meant he, B .Uli feel U k e " - ctiancrs.to ct mtke the district tour- A Durley w u ,lhe lop offensive too. »'*Jw u satisfied wllh Uie way A bnnqurt will be hrld Snlurday tenm, racing 043 poInU hi 12 games Igs went.” ■ watching a K^me, ntmem. ni nlgl-nlghl t l the Itall for all contrsianlx, ri^.i r . ' things « Tlie southslde will provide four conc tor a 53.8 average followed by < ; '.’•V ^:^9|H 5nnr score.xire, who says he ean see Uiroujh r conche.s, offlclnls and parenui. Ooodlng with 51J average and a V hU injur H mendaUon .would g '_ teams t« for ihe'dlsUlct wlUi the fifth1 TrophiesTi wlll he awnrded Sundny. Injured eye oksy but nol as wall I I be a nhort 120* , place pl team In standings to play a Win 010 to u t. Mlnlco was third wlUi S75 IU before«fore he w u hurt, won 18 games I Winners will receive permanenl a t a roo B mile Journey W team l, from lhe norUtslde lo (ill thes trophiesirop while the cliamplons wlll polnu and 47J average. one-tenU> I rookie In 1P55. He had a 20-9 ■ I pocitUlJo. I f . el, of a point average beller than seasonon In1j 1966 afid w u 3-1 with « elghUi vancancy In (he group. liave liavi their nnmes engrnved.on the fHi,M ean n . por Elitin Bay* CasUeford and H anaen currenUy perp Hler. earned run average when h# ' ’ perpetual trophy. '■‘IT /■ J l..V -• sldel nre lied for fifth w llh 3*7 record.i,. TheTl public is Irivlted lo watch lhe Defensively. Flier, which aliared sidelined l u t leason. ' Tlie winner of Uie gam e, to be play-• races.race Tliere Is no charise. Uie conference crown, w as'. the the m ain ^ ^ed Bl Hanten. wlil provide the leam- sharpest, allowing opposition Juat at-large for the M onday tourna- I P 40.6 iKilnU per game atid 488 totnl. Giai *ame which Pll-'mi_ menl playotf, J l ‘ Mlnlco wns second, allowing 43,7 iants to Get ] Idaho stat® . Faux Siieaks I>er "f game lo fracUonally beat out .Bjalnsl Seattle Hi.ty .•In the final game. Murtauith must Burle)', who.se defense allowed 423. «universliy. And wAlchlnt; Bnylor it, hsve a win over vUitlnB Baft River 'D , Free throw shooting cliiunplon- Nevew Baseball KclnB efforlleaa perfection. • 10 . assure itself a berth in the meet.: Past JT « AG for 3ship wenl to Ooodlns with 183 con* Emle Crftper. fourlh _ dijtria,, A... loss would drop Ihem to the same versions wlUi Pller In second place commlssloner^ho h u played in the• ‘ rating held by Uie Caatleford-Han- Q / with 178. Burley and Oakley w'cre Stac^dUium Soon • PCC. coached and officiated bus- sen winner and neceaailate lom’e sori O . Ued for third wtlh IC9 eacli. ■ ot tie-breaker. R aft River ha.i 34-33 • Victory B SANIN 1KRANOISOO, F^b, 30 kelball all of hla adull life, Is one ®.‘ JeJerome drew tho mosl fouls over San FVaiPranclsco finally hss a m ajor Ij cilnehri Uilrd place. ^ Pa of Mveral locals fortunnla enougli Paux Cigflr ators slomied from ilhe the conference season — 218, Just ' leagueue baseball team bu* will hava . , to see Baylor In acllon. Craner willII ------behlibehind In Uie waning minutes ot lhe two more lhan Filer had, Mlnlco ’att aanother year befort It geU ' teil anyone immedlnlely th a t Bay* |i game to eke out n narrow 34-33 vie- wa.1 wa.i anoUier step behind w llh 214. a sUdlunidlum to match. ||j lory over AO Mnrket nnd remain BItl Cline, Flillllei rookie, hit* a pepper | lor is the finest ballplayer he has JLi ri«.l BUnn over NaUonnl Ounrd nnd Klnas nnd & ’r " - J JI« sit ^Shoot Over ’E’Em ’Is M etholodUsed 11I rady for the 1959 opener. j along wlUi four other velUknown; Team J. Friday x AlUiouiUiough SeaU stadium U d ip , eoUcjIan* was dubbed by a pro Klnns stomped Telephone company }!“N 32-13. oikitjr 1 ii su «ii | Idered among Uie naUon'a m6ct I n H «oul rccenlly ns "rendy" for Uiet iPULLMAK, Waah,. Feb. 20 HV- Uful parks, It la n t designed fiir R H profeulonal m nks should be enough.. TheTh nsUon-s No. 1 collegiate heavy. , ”Pau* entered the last quarter trnlllng 30-25 but held AO lo Uiree T By Coast Leagigue’s ScoringIg Leader EH>r lesgue crowds. Eren wlCb H H A last point U lh a t local fttru «iUI welghl we will, perform here Prlday addlUonUoa ot 3,S00 teaU planned ‘b r have Uielr lnsl chance to see -The5 night nig but two olhcr ranking Bengal *^,1;;points nnd racked up tlie win, l f l MOSCOW, Feb. 20 Idaho id, sute meeu Washington f.polnls in the first hnlf, empled in r t ominnte the game of basketball.I. “Just“J ahoot over ’em,” says tho10 rcrelatively amall (6 feet, ies; 33.000. E u l to hU native Waahlnglon. D.• State.8U *‘’®the ' second to trounce Telephone haa virtually no parking faclt C. after selUng the Northwest bas- , eompany. Split f Verdict I'inch) gunrd and cnptain of thoho UniversityI of Idaho Vandals,lls, S lm m o n a p ro v e s h is juj,_ ISC heavy Harold Espy wlll meel Buslne.w college built up Iia mar- f* i , wlUi enough room for ocdy teCtnll circuit on Iti ear. j J tieory merely by pointing to his8 record.re He haa averaged nearlyrly J23 points per game in » feww huhundrtd cart In Uie itadtuAi . Baylor firat made hU appearance Fttd Snodgrass In one of the fea- gin rU ai t Uie m lc ot one point per r 1 In Idaho u 'a freshman playing Tor- lura bouU of the dual boxing meet, quarter guarl In ailpping by NaUonal From Gavilan fiJfi*10 PCC, which this Bcason Is ------Espj^’ls NOAA champion «nd fought Ouard.ounr ltd jm o w h a t d e fe n se - m in d e d , knockedxked th a Vandals out of the y t le of th t biggest problemi facinc College of Idaho. There he' coupled tu m A M I BEACH. Fla., Feb. 20 l f l - SOmc 31anU in the park It Uie w e a t^ Wllh n. c. Owens, the San Pr»n- ni,Pete Rsdemacher In Uie IBBS „ i Rslph (Ttgeri Jones of Brooklyn IlC;e nirendy hns shattered the e. He^ scored only 10 potnul XIOH Olytnple liyoul fInAU. Self No. 3 hetd n Iwo-polnt edge Bslp n Jnsl Oregon Stalo beforo he' _[ome-Wrecker Seals sUdliun Is in a part ot elwo H0ENIX. Arlz., Peb. 20 CB— Saa. PranclscoPrai Uist gett cold; a a d ' r Jive the Coyotes a team by them- »Ron Rail. NCAA chnm p a t 139 sU«und nd tjp for the win, . , Oavi:Oavllan of Cuba In a lO-iound alug- recordcord of 414 polnu, and he Is a pounds, received two cracked rlbj h h ilUiough he h u jalncd his Ittfte Sotneofne of the Son Pranclsco OlanU foggyr on on many mid-sununer (lelvn, Owens. IncldenlaUy. waa of- Ttie box scores; testf u t 'Wednesday night lh a t had Uie cinchnch to hreak the school's three- Uie baskeUiall court, Sltnraons '^crere irtlaslng t In front of their To help help beat Uilt problem, t t e fered a conlract by the Harlem recenUy ind wlll be replaced by fSIIX H, A(5 MAnKCT JJ crow)crowd roaring a t the finish. year•ar i scoring mark ot 878. Buddy Rausch In a nutUh against J U a sta r in Uio classroom. He hotel^1 whenwl a c ar wiUi New .York 0Unt4lit hhi a rt scheduled only 31 Globtlrotlert a f one lime. , rr Mcrtrland wilt Uke hLi place ln J|J|fJI who h u had 88 flghu bul''never one-hile-handed Jump shot. His favorite w ih hi w Yorken, shook her finger and nakemake other minor alteratiosi. the top AAU team in the Northwe.it. a IM-pound bout agalnsl J ^ e nii, o l is ouUlde the key, and on a Blmmonunons. "I try to keep my mind = ,.5atuined i , the prominence of the Kid *P<>^ * both, and hope for the best." “ at.sald: .w t WlUiUl theo OlanU keepinc tb» itC - so take ll from nnyone who hns Kli.Kllnkenberg. trom Cuba. od J night he can Juat about make on both, iren Tlie lU bbll play. 120 miles r ______—______"Ii she shouldn’t even talk to you illum’a•a ' roomyr dimentlont Intact Dick Rail of WSC, R on’s brother. Toul. 1'’“ ' 'lj io IJ s«| Toi.ii Ti *1 Ii jj Jones, a popular fighter wlUi e defense men break down and ill be no chesp hom eniat t^ita and a IltUe lo.u Of sleeo !■' nothing ,.j|] . ««>rt fc, qu.rl.r.. ows. Since you and tho Dodg- th e r a ll^ wlll move up lo Uie 139-pound class ^ , Miami Beach crowds, sla n ed fasl y. KUENNENN BIGN8 . Ifs SU feet to left, SM to compared to watching Baylor play. ^ | He hit 38 poinU against Southem l a k e left town, m y family Is split- lo Uke on Dill Haynea of ISC...... '! ii !! snd -"ji punished Oavllan wiUi le ft Jabs _ ‘ AKELAND, Fla.. Peb, 20 tf l- g „up. - My eon Is going to Los rightand 410 to dead eenter fleU .' ______. “ ind and a I bruUlng body alU ck. illfomla and n ngalnst UCLA by ■vey Kuenn. alated to be shlfUd Angt]„ KiU coet the Olaata 1139,000 jplng his long one - handers geles to live and my husband i t wiu o Tn'ln PnlLi still Is ba.nking In the , , , BUS, COU.EKK 11. N *rt, otiAnp il He He frequenUy ran Into Oayllan's n shorUlop to th e outfield, sign* « u itsnU totc go to Bim Fnnclcso,“. W P®" cect* of gross revenues a ftt r rrllfcted glory of Gary Simmons, WilliamsW Is Top nuilnrN jNillonil Cmnl iMhlng llUhlr lefts to the head b u t shook rough the hoop. An eager defen.ie ^ hU 1958I Detroit Tiger contract Ig admission Uxes.and v lsltli^ nho Is doing more for thts area's Jiem oft and came In w ith boUi »y prevent him from scoring «fednes»idnesday after an hour-long con- ’ teamss to rent ths stadium from .r..nr, 't‘ 1 ISnvfiL, als, bul It will put him. on the , promoUon lhan all Uie Chambers C ji Ilotmm t I 0 o'timmrln/ 1 I ! l| Ilsu flying. ^nee w ith general manager John Dartmoi.rtmoulh college vanity swlci* ownerr PaiPaul P a g a a Pagan wlQ pajr of Commerce. Scorer in RMC sj."- ^e Uirow line. He is deadly trom Hale, A Tiger spokesman said mer CharCharles R aber was a Michigan Uie *38,00t38,000 property tax. Ooncet- 5‘'*l i I : ‘"It'f'**'”''' » I « IT One Oni Judge saw It for. Oavllan but {i;®,ere. F a d Is, he holds the confer- ' Tlie United PrfcM now has aent By Tha Associated Preu Jie referee and oUier Judge called “ ‘' ‘% m a took an undisclosed salary high school schi freestyle and b reu t- slons will ba operaled by a p r t r ^ nul good sized feature stories on . » ? i ? h 'h l r . 0 1 { ? ‘'•'e f ec reeord In lhat dcporUncnt-48 ^ ^ ______stroke:e championchi In 1955 and 1050. firm. Simmon* nnd the Associated Press . ^Lee Roy Williams. Colorado col- Jelinisn iehnici I i : I'cirm i 4 o 1 ( torror Jones.J The ringside crowd of I of 53 for £00 In 1950. • hn.' cnrrled Mveml wrlle-ups on him. 1?“5,lege forward. Is setUng the pace In roiDiiit « 0 ! 0 1.2S81.258 Jammed Into a plush hotel Blnunoiu, a senior from Twin xillroom from where lhe fight was -...j, nie.-ie trnvel to all parU ot Uie Rocky Mountain confcrence basket- Ti%ui J Tout. r , - , r , u ills. Is conscious of hU aklll and #i» ■ '• " a foiinlry, Weat Coast newspapera “ball ‘ scoring In which le.ia thaa four Sfor. fcr qu«ur.l leievlsed naUonally, roared approval, g jjjpcepU i plaudlU wlUi pracUced •Inve been w turated wllh hla feats polnU separato him from the N*(loniil NKiom Cu.rH ...... « :| Jl Oft'Oavllan weighed 154'.4 to Jones' grace.ace. He knowa he Is a liero when ».» evidenced from reports of persona elghth-plxce shooter. , Duinnnu.in.M coiirf. , . . , I :t Ji IM’;,IM=i. I,e uU •'hltUng- bul he never h u In W ashington. Oregon and Cali- WWlllitms h u scored 223 polnls for Kl.AAS.KUAAaki.kai jj.’ TEI.EntONK CO, iJ _ ------forgollrgollen how Uie crowd booed fornla. Spokane practically has a game|i average of 15J to 1 « for Kl*«-KlM. |T.l.pho«. Co, . V v , ien he “went cold" one night l u t .adopted Simmons. DleliDick Egen o f . Colorado Mlne.i In Ex-Dodger Catcher ar and jnLued sliot atter shot. GET THAT*'BIRDr‘ • Another flurry undoubtedly will second seco place, Egen leads In n n b - >>«i Ke had n cold spell this yenr, too, Hreak on Simmons this week-end blng rebounds off the boards wlUj ss”fe,.,:;: ' te -";:;;ReiRemains Paralyzed I scored only 17 polnU against get yoursell «hen he set« a new.scoring record an In averagei of 122 per game. Aii>n B lowly Washington Huskies to tor fdaho. WWilliams Is not among the first i'l'j.'ili'jSh'f/l.r 0 1 * 1 0 0 j OLIOLEN COVE, N. Y.. Feb. '20 l f l - irk Uie beginning of a three- som e /jne bourbon.») n .« , ____ ■ !l would be Interesting to hear nine In field goal percenUge. a de* T sm J loy Campanella'a legs sUll are para- me losing alreak which virtually Die exmstd of thoee In Magle Val* partment part led by Oall Slemen ot u»»n■ :? '!::; Kyied and hospIUt officials say no i Z ___ Ify, who. when Simmons w u tear- Idaho jdtji SUU wlUi 54J per cent. Sie- _ , , _ J -'I ______spccltpecltlc predictions c aa be made In; apart lhe Big Sis confercnce In (ntnmen also haa lhe beat free Ihrow Toul. , u . i m ;| Touu « s I II about.bout his future. BH hUh school days, said be was Uie p«re.percentage. 74.3. The latest word on tha condition Ai s k f o r ? "mosl overT aled player In lhe if the Los Angeles Dodgen catcher H M *uie.” ^ Idaho su te . undefeated In 8 Tt‘*pSofi“ pSoill*CoBip.n»''rr;'Z ! I *S 11 Itaiue games, has shown why. aver- _ , . ------" Who.'ho *suffered a broken neck In an O l i O acing 70.t polnu per game and Utn- "«ELr KO. 1 J». rii-rn merchants jt auto.uto accident. Jnn, 2S, came from ^ 1 # Twin ra ils' froah team ended Uie lUng lun# opponenU.lo M’.4 per. game. “'I'S.lf Ko, 5 In i.r M«rch*rU Matiylal-ry a P , Olfford, adm inistrator - m m lontCTt-schedule the local-ninth - ■ ' nrlntii'n 1 . 'f ^ '* '■ >’' ofif Cl Community hospital a t Glen trailrrs h a v t had In-years wiUi a ft- ^ r^irm.,1. a I » » Cove.:ove. f 'll lj 3 record. St(Steelhead Run Is |ru.jnr t » 2 1 l»|AniI«r»l 1 « 1 J The bulletin warned, “the longer L!(GET Uiidcr/the a c h i n g of Me< Hey- “rt"* j‘ j ; I i thohe I paralysis remains' unchiuiged n°Id.i, the freshm en beat Hansen |? n MIIA! ‘'•It 0 0 1 0 arlnHIRTS mWRLD PREMIERE HERMITAGE Cilltft naUttkcU Gene Fullmer Sets BRAMD . .. Famous Brond, i SHOWING ’llihUnJi 11 BBout o in Portland COUtNO'SOOH I 6 years old «l. Wtk* ro m i « „ ^"1 '3. t;ari»lxl> Twb M ' PO PORTLAND, O re, Feb, 30 ( * -A hNationally Adver- - xml betw»en former middleweight ap«ctaoul«r vmvcxYSTfuicirT^ a xslng champion Oene Fullmer and a! TU0-O>WAR MOVIE ^ BOllimoHl^ISI^ I; "* s ^ „ n iu I? PorUiPortland middleweight P h ll Moyer tised •• at $4.00 ...... 2 I - ’ * P . — ^ I ...... - u . WATCH"^Caa»«o-matio lUmptklr. It wmrlU \ be staged hera April 3 It both . • T • • 'Ighlen win their next bouU, pro- ' ' Dri»Driv* T ra d e r* Oul-parTorm SUK II. Cok> «e1k(i <1 < mOUlnour T\Dmmy Moher aald today. Cstnpatltlv* Tractera »>. U au.in. «i, Uoyer,Mo; uncle of the youoc Port> OPEN FRIDAY 'TILriL 9:00 P.M. • ■ ' ‘S -'l 'Hl-no.. : j . r«nn Sl and tighter, said Pullmer's man* kger Uanr Jensen, had tcnUUvely H WILLIAMS I iigrted i to Ui« fight. ■ The bout would be held, Moyer ■ TRACTOii ald,.U Pullmer'takea the March 9 W, ' OLD He'rMITAGE COMPANY, LOUISVIllE,.IE, IKEKTUCKT • OISDtlBUTEO B f »*Tioii«i,SiitiViii?flAl :■ «*- *** nghtIght wlUi UUo Sarage a t Ball U k e U »iy and If hla nephew wins o v e r l ^ ^ S T64 - 3rd Avenua South PROPRODUCTS COMPAHY '• KENTUCKlrucKY s r u i f l v r bourbon nkiskevE* . ' j i S l KKsSft®"'- Sl.■edro Oooules hera Thuraday. I B H i B i l ^ '.V'.'"" I ; PAGE TWENXy-rOim TIMES-NEWS. TTOIN FALLS. IDAHO THUIHTOSDAY, FEHHUAHY !(,

gi tl ll^ an ger Signs;n8 Conducts Missios i o n I;||; Seen for PaPay ■ ■ ■ [ ■ i M r: I j, In Dam Traract ONE DAY ONLY *1 ' I WASHINOTON. Feb. 70 « »- m e n u tlv e ThomMn. IL. Wyo, ii; ; V I ' three dinger ilpu In Lhee hoiueliho SATURDAY I ; or » 3 'i mlllJenm dollar d I I jwymsnt lo the Crow Indl»nJllans for I I , Und needed for the propo#«lMMi Y(N IM , I I.,' lowUlt d u n in M onUnt. ’• I ' Thomion aought uruucceu:rceufully Feb. 22 ; ye&lerday to pare the p»yinenm ent to , l ‘i million dolUrs. •Hi V ; t Noling th il the Indl#n-o»n>owned J l ' j : l»nd htu been nppralied at »t leu I f than liOflOO, he Mtd in » •Utetilalement > ■ iH D A Y 1( llierf ire dangers lh a t (1) the the pricet ' r m ■1 of the land mn? endinger con*< j l itnjcllon of the dam ItJ'elf, 13) (J) with i lift ■ ( I the propoird pnyment, Uiehe dan i ly S&H GREENEN S T A M P S I NO PIPHONE OR MAIL■r ORDERS( iACCEPTtTED ^ II • may nol return |wwcr revenueienue* to I J pay for ll« conitructlon co>lI within wil j! ' so yeAm. and i3) other eongrongreu- V men will) Indian consiltueniinh "wiil " ------t KITCHEhl E N \ !’■ want In sec lhal Ihry are Ireated tru '' Jiijii u well.'’ . . The MllKlr alrrndy haji ,,,proved appro BEV. JOHN I- CI10S8 K i million dollnr paymentI lo Ule . . . of Ihe Immanuel Methodli Bedding-ig-brapery D epti.Moin Flo(oor M en's Storee f T O VW E L S \ i ll . ' . Indians for the land. Tlie billbill now i rhurch, Dolse. who will conductd u e l a. ' I " will so to « conference eommUmmlllee preaching miislon tn Itlehfleli I SlripedT hcmmeumed cotton. I(ix20 I 'l l ! lo resolve the two figures, beginning Sunday and conUoulnj dD o w n stairs MEN'S KNIT T-SHIRIH RTS 1 2 2 lj! Tliomson sala he sironslyly >up-> through Thursday. (Webberr pbepbe- Volues to 3.9 5 ...... 2 2 A 100 onl.v ,) ' poll* coaiiriiclion of the big,|g dnm, di . lo—sU fr cngravlog) T E R R Y C LO TH BATiBATH TOWELS ' " . bul he added: * * ★ * 2 Lim il 4 .. "If this project ia ronlltiuednued to ■ 2 4 x 4 0 ...... I2C M EN'S SUSPENDERS » ' be burdened wllh addlllonAl rt -Regular 1.75 ...... , ...... 3 2 c I ll and paymcni* like llie 2'i liS: mini' Cliui-ch Slatese s TWIN BEDSPREADS I ' • we nre colng lo get lo thee point pa TuhetJ chenilU ...... I I where we provide th« straw ll ...... :.„4 .22 ; 2 I MEN DRESS SHIRTS I broke liie cnmcl'a bock.’ Special Meet!; e t s b o x e d t o w e l s e t s Regular 4.00 ond 5.00'T...... 2 . 2 2 I "We unnl lo aee It uilt. built. of I \2 I cnur-'f. Dut iinlCM It U bulll.llll. lhe : RICHnELD. Feb. 20 — Contliicjncliict. 2 ond 3 Pi<>« ...... 1 .2 : I people of lhe arcft do not benefit. bene Ing a prencliing mlulon in RlchficI MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS ICS iv « % ' ' nor do the Indlani gel a. single tin for U(e Community MelhodI:ihodiu DRAPERY FABRICS 2 c Long leo es, smolll " on ^ , ...... : 6 22 c c dime. church beginning Sunday willvill beI: 4 8 " — iig h f g ro u n d i,l, ireg . 1.4?...... yd. / ;■ “We have « project here which whi the nev. John L. Cross of thhe e Im*Itr la on liie borderline aa far u pay-pi manuei Methodist church, Boise.Ise. MEN'S ATHLETIC SHIRTS SH 3 2 c LADIES' ( oul in 50 ye an li concerned. The mlsalon. continuing throughrough Regular 7Sc ...... II / "If we a re . going to eiiabllihblUh a Tliursday. is part of the "Weelc'eelc (of 2 c i^ A rslep-Ploraiorshiem-Tweedie % ' ii| . precedent In paying SO lime*le* liie t Evangelism" being conducted*d InI I . , value of the Indian land. I amm ture»i churches ncro.u the United St«(( I M EN'S SW EATER SHI f ; Uiat those of u» repreaenlingg Indl- Ini Uils year under sponsorslilp of th Waihoble webfooti .... 4 2 2 r * . nn consllluenl* will wanl lo lo aee » MeUiodlst board of evftngelism3 an . Main Flc'loor D ry G oods > I PUAI M P S 1 ■;/' th a t they ara treated Just uI wei/,'wei other cooperating demonlnatfons. Tha Rev. Mr. Cross will preaci MEN’S JACKETS ft Goodassoiissorlmcnl of M J ench'evening during the week nl Unlined wlndbreoker.tr. 3 2 ^ 4 2 2^4^ 2 M , styles antand colors. M ) Release Is Urged!□ Pin. and will nssltl' locat churclEh‘ Bouffant Pet’etticoots 2.2 5 . members and the psalor In VlslU- vlsllti' A ll ny lo n ...... \Jm ...... I f i p r Uon each day. The public Is welcomi!lcome ■ For Ring Finde lo attend tho meetings, which wii ^ M EN'S JACKETS BAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 300 UVn n - be followed by an Infortnal relrcsh' Lace T ableds c l o t h s O M Lined. Voluei to 19.95. '{ Public Defender Ab« DresowV pre* pr m enl hour ench evening. 9 5 ...... 6 . 2 2 2 V s . :n J J I pared l«day to demand the retenserctea. A nallve of North DakoU.X. Uie Uii 72x90, Scranton HntI ln l q u o lity ...... 1 ; . of * man who waa Jailed last1 Sat- Sa Rev. Mr. Croa is a graduate ofo f thithe ' M EN'S M U N SIN GW EA ;• • urdny when he tried .to pawniwn a Chlca;!0 Evangelistic Institute nnd li IA , Irregulars. Sizes 28-44 ...... ; s 9 c li ,i ' $30,000 diamond ring. an ordained Melhodlst minlsler.Sm Hi Linen Tobleclecloths I 2^ ’k ',‘ OMar Qooch. 47. Phoenix. Arlt. Arl: has been a pastor In North DakoU i ' . tald he loiind the elght>cimtt dia-dli and Uie Hood River valley InI Ore- Rounti, 60-lneh ...... lA , MEN'S WOOLBOOTSt •i' mend in the atreet. When het tried trl« gon before coming to BoUe. WWhile hiit ■ 'T~ Shrinkoge controlled- Ri 'I t " , to pajvn It. t'm p lc io u s Jewelieweler in Richfield during the week, he and " r ° " soc...... ; ...... 2 2lc c • JSit , V eaiied police. Mrs. CrOM will be gucsU In• r UitS i Nylon Hosier r1 |i At first, pollee Uiought tiies ring rir liomes of various church members, rC MEN'S BELT BUCKLES >;'< , win loot from the burglary of tint 5J"|„ 8/a lo n , fulHoihlon >_ m Boys' Doulouble Kneo % sing- In chftrge of arrangem enu In i s ... :::: 72* Regulor 2.00 ...... , ...... :...... I 2 c j 'l l ' e r LauriU Melchior's Hollywooyw(»d lUchfleld for Uie week of evnngellsm;ellsm *i| . home Ust June. B ut Loa AngeleW ies are Mrs. C. M. Prldmore. chnirm an I police aaid It was not. Phoenix» po- po of the commlMlon on memberslilp,S"„" Rayon Fabric M EN'S ROBES k lice aald no one had reporled Ia ringrln evangelism, and mla.^lons: and the 2 / J E A( V N S V I lost or stolen thert. R.9.lar tt 1.98...... !..... 3 only, regular 7 .9 5 ...... 3...... 2 2 paslor of the church, the Rev. Ralph ..:....■ 72( R egularular 1,98 A. Lnwrence. I I ■ . K egular 10.OZ. 10.f denim. ■ I Church Enlarges C lutch Bags m 10 andid 12 only. m PAUL, Feb. 20-W ork beganfi. thl Man Killed S prin g c o lo n ...... ® W l- II ' ...... (plus tax) 7 X C!c ------71 ' week to enlarge'the annex oftf theth HANSEN, Feb, 30 - Word1 ho-iho-1 ; Congregational church. been received here of tiie death The structure wilt hava an addi- addi of Charles Sleelsmiui, 51, a former>rmer I B ates D iscipliplined Fabrics MAIN FL=LOOR SHOES 'l i l tlon 90 by M feet built to the rear. real Kimberly resident. 71c V 93 J {ill I Thi* are* will be made into> fiveflv He was killed In a kerosene ex­ R .s u l.r 1.20 ...... Ijjl I ' claairoocni w ith flexible dlTlalons.ns. plosion In ft trailer house a t Oreen-reen- tleld. Ind. Hts lamlly was visitingilting . . . J LADIES' ASSORTED FL i ; '• KE DOES? In Kentucky, Values to 9.95. 30 p air...... ' l . 2 2 CHICAOO. Feb. 20 flU-A re* 2 res- Tom Sleetamlth. Hansen. John Uurant seeking to capiUliu onn Uiethi steelsmlUi and Mrs. W nlter Bow-BOW. ' LADIES' HOUSESLIPPER ,1, spproach of Feb. M 'lnd the factfac man. Kimberly, are cousins of Mr. g, th a t It has an employe wllh a fa-U sleelsmlUi. . 36 poir. Regular to 8.00 ...... 2 . 2 2 I m oui namesako Is advertisingIslng: UDII •'O eorte Washington works here.'- )IES' W EAR NURSE'S WHITE SLIPO tre." READ TIMES-NEWS WANT AD3 ADS ■"’“ N S Regular 8.95 ...... 4 2 2 |~ 2n2nd Floor 2 MEN'S MEN'S HOUSESLIPPERS f BERMUDA SHORTS, B S, BLOUSES 1 Regular lo 8.9 5 ...... ™ ...... 3 . 2 2 L Sweoten. Values toB 10 1 0 .9 8...... I . Z Z 2 / Sport iShirts \ MEN'S BROWN SANDA 1 ' A w oranderful : 2 I VALUESS Tl TO 3,95 1 I LADIES' FORMALS 1^ 2poir.only ...... 1 . 2 2 I 3 o n l y ...... 4 .2 2 .„d 5.22 ' I Assorted pallcrnRpal( and I MEN’S 6" WORK SHOEl ^ I filyles, brokerokcn Rize.

GIRLS' SKIRTS. SWEA1 *= BOYS'S ' WEAR r ^ l 6 .9 0 , 'EATERS 1 Jj!|l ^- YEARS OLD Blouiei and ilecpweor, I ^ PROOF _ lor, je g e tt e s ...... \ » J m2 A Dowownstairs i GIRL! G IRLS' N OVELTY ITE^vITEMS Il’V S T U BOYS' SHIRTS Bags, hoti, icorfi, ate. •'=...... 4 2 c»W Long ond ihort ileeve. 2-1 2-18,, reg. 2.98 ...... 8 22 c c l D R E SS I S E S \ l:'f! • # GIRLS' SPORT COATS I' ■ S '- - I Searh,.honkiet, belti,I, o(oproni...... -...2 2Ig c 3 only, ilzei 7, 8, 8. Reg.1. lo 10,95.'...... 3 . 2 2 ' i ^ BOYS' WINTER UNIONS ■2 I VALUES T

BOYS' BOYS' □ r B O Y S ' i » r a c n > / \ W inter Jackets C 2 5 i '^ « TC SUITS Al/fSl Sixes: 3, 4, 4, 6, 8. 8, £ DRESS PANTS •AenW hiskyajtW fi^'l ^ 1 0 , 16. Sizei:7,7,8,18,18,2C Sizes 7.I8 20.. Regular 9.98-16.98 Regulor 2-98-9.9SS Values 16.95-24.95 3 . 2 2 . 5 , 2 22 1-22. 4.82 8 - “ - 1 0 2 2 i i D is m iu s COMrAMT, NIW YOIK. H- t , ■QUIION WHISKY » DAHI BJSl


^ Cold Weather• W i n n e r . .. Boosts Prices ' In Vegetaliles Bf T1l» A»ocl»t«d r n u niitrlbutlon problem*, comblnfdilnedjlB^^L with h»nJi •wUier In A «nd n d 'Q l^ ^ B K :r r y lnnptr*turM In Florida)rlda UlU to boosC prlcfsrices wgeUblM .vall-vall- I / V lupennw ktt exrcutlvMtlves M m p 1 r tried lo wive Uie distribution prob-'rob- / s . by fe*tur- In rold ] of George W oihlngton's birthiirthdoy... Our . itatlitr, will be lhe No, 1 aitrncllon:tlon ' i j T l K l i -• in many itore* while others rlll be W W e , o ( ) a Q oven-fresh bokedI goodi go< ore delivered A offerlni roand and rib roo-ila al bnr-bar- x Q o k l ------^ ipeciol throughout tha doyoy tckf Ample V ^FREE cot;OUPONS INSIDE Other*, taking notlc# of lent, havem vr I PIUS ■QKlal* on codfbh. hallbul nnd (ironSflsh aceaki, icatlop,i, flounder[iderjH SPATULU lA M A Il-IN o^J p and variou* fUleta. Stocks of frozeno z e n B fUh product* are 3 per eent below(low I SHOP EARLY FO=0R THE HOLIDAY a vear ago, but itlll cowlderrd Am­ )FFER^’^ / ^ ^ ple lo meet current neecb. llie Ilie jre»h catch 1* expecled to pick up •eaMnally next month. UTAH PRIDE 303 1 ,..1 ■*“" ' 2l-year*old Unlver-- VegeUblB price*, already pushed' ; .1 n™ „„l,r up by lh# poor growing ueivilicr, (rom .Miami, Ha., was ehown $ | . 0 0 «rnt up anoiher noi^i because nt 5 $ Ml.t Chinatown USA at San »lD«er dUlrlbutloii. Collnrd.s, upln- KranrI«o Chlneie New Year feitl-i" aeh, tiroccoll. lettuce and cartolj CHER > • • CANS *>l, June, whn welgha KO pound* - I R I E S ■re about lhe best barRnlnn, Al­ and haa 3l-:j-]G meaauretnenli, though produce men rate them no rtimpclfd «lth ID olher enlrants bftier llun a good buy. , frnm Tarloui parU of the nallon.n! Whale of a Sale! Ca*tem (torage potntoea and bothI" " She l< fl«p frcl. alx Inehe* Ull, old and new cabbnge are ahnrply PILLSBURY O R A N G E , m ISri wlrephnlol______higher, making them only n goori m Y E L LO W , £ L 3 to fairly good buy. Idaho polst>v’, on ili>*ilK Ing emperor gr.ipes are moderately ^ PKGS. oc/ier h m i. became a JlJiJe ,ip-j p.-Jr«J, uhljf /enio.u and Ciittor-I / 2 S a l e [nlA> navel orangea are more ex-X- Regular all* JOY far >i price . . . Ub., 9-oz. BMta Are Oood nuyi I ipetulve this werk. AvocAdo* are,a.,^1 bundled wllh glanl JOV a l nor- Cucumbers, beew and Mexicancan,cood | buy If you^nppea U> care for LIBBY I O-OZ. FROZENEN te e is are fair buy.<. while eggplant,'lilt. them. ° n msl'price— ' j m ^ p e n . beans and aquMh nre mod>od- Ciilia. Mrxtcr., Chile nnd Arcenlln.%‘ ▼erat« to expentlve. nrn Jbipplng njninirr favorite* such' Fresh frull ahowed U«“ itnltie over­■er- ns nv*ioiic

PERSONAL IV,vc O R r ,... f i r 2 7 c 5c OFF 3 I CRISSCO LBS. 9 ^ 1 I V O R Y SOGlO O D «RGE .. 31^ ------IROUND nD K J *dadel iVIVI^ CREAM STILE______...irs5 THE tAVA...3 31I cl,.,?, 3 3 c S T E iAK WARFT^*l,T WEST’T’S EAS _ 8 c l *1.00 BI6ISGEST zesti: 2 9h ( 1 3 9 c J c SAIAUERKRAUT _a,s.*i.oo » SELLE,ER! 8 9r ' ^ c oORNED f BEEF nEREFOBD,IED, U-o*.____ 3 9 c SPIC & SPANN S M A U ...... 29c - The leanestst beef...I ToraaM CW D CRISP The tcnderesa ^ t beans... The zestiests t chili< flavor... p u z .. . Slow-simmerelered for > . 3 4 c ORANGGES a-; - 4 9 * home-kitchonhon goodness

.EANSER 2 I C O M E T gulor.....;....For W w V ' { Tall Cans.... 3 for 49* CHUNK TUNA, 4 for $x Grapefifru it 3 9 * CLOVER CIUB D R E F T UARG...... 3 4 c Potato Chips ...... 3 9 «

I ILJ i g A I - - — ^ HERSIIET ■“ p l Instant Cocoa S P A M ^ * ^ a s f PRICE S A L E ^ 1 . P o u n d ...... 49c 12-0 ...... 47c H nONET BEE . Northern Tissue C a a i a y GRAHAMS ^ ju ih V oU :ra:)s 39c 2 P o u n d ...... 69c 33 F...... 29c tsoou~>- ~ b H

! Save on i PCHJIII n I Albers Flapjack Mix S ’ l ^ ' r~ I with'sDsclai coupon'on S I p a o * 2 8 thitnew apaperl ^ =O O D STOO RES| K CO N c / ; i 5 3 - i « kAa '*"™ )N'S FROZEN FOODS . ■— .... Carey ff ■ jF /p e !^ ' < MIKEIKE'S COLD STORAGE . . Shoshong ARRINGTON'S MARKETET . Gooding Gerber MemH - n r f f l s s TERSEN'S MARKET . . . . Buhl r •“ ~ ■ REEVEYE;S MARKET . . . . . Rupert LLETTE'S, Inc. .... F ^ I S J A C KK ! S ’N J l l l l . . . . Deelo A R K 'S ...... Paul GRAKA N DVI EW GROCERY . Burley, f a rRMER'S v CORNER . . . . Burley T 2 5 TRUCUCK LANE^iJARKET Twin Follr - Umm...Try Denniso.ison’s Plain Chili CARDRDINAL MARKET . . . Twin Falh ; (without beaicans), tool KIMBMBERLY DRIVE-IN . . . Kimbtrly -16 I b s ^ • 4*^1 JUIJUNIOR • 3 o rr- JUNK FOODSF0( ...... For ^ /C MEA1 45c DOC'SIC'S D RIVE-IN , . . . W«itd«ll .

r . . . A I-: ■ v-tH Sa thurs: ll PAGE TWENTy-SIX TIMES-NEWS, TWIIVIN FALLS. IDAHO JRSDAY, FEBRUARY 30, l!;, I —------I t; Need of Lean,, W eatlier Picl*lctureT or4J; S. ' ‘Great Names’ SpecialtiesS for , ANNUAL The weather m ip s Mlow-gtvtIvt yo'you th# U BT-weathex bureau'* tong- range fbrcctsi from nov unUl1 mid-March.mid- It Is not a spedflo forecast an PhotographerT T ti® y. Y J "J , Tender Meats^ In the usual temie but a'n esUmateUmate of a m a g e temperatures and pre- This Womai] dpIUUon for the period. B y PATRICK MA8BEV prlncc** royal. aU have appearedred A fl ■■ G E O . D A Y . tONDON, Peb. M Ift-A ihy younguQg before the Wilding earner*, I, Told Packers m an walked Into Dorothy Wilding'sng's She w u all set to pbotogTBph Uie the I '! * ' -BAN FBAKCISCO. Wb. « (in- . photographic itudlo one day nnd ond Duke of Windsor la fuU regalU dur­ SALE I :) The pruldent or the NftUonil Rei had his picture taken. ing bis brief reign as King Edward T he day wa* 30 yean ego a rd the V in bul h# gave up the throne be- ' j uu n u it uiodatJon Mid todty thi^ fore a sitting coulff be arranged, ) p&lron* tre getting Tery coiuclou young man laUr became Ui« duke clous n v ^ ‘ of Kent, who died In a World war Elder sUtesman Bernard Baruch tiie best vafues are in M 'o f Mlorie*-tnd wnnl “tender, Ie«« was the o n ly slUer wbo w ent lo 1 I , jnett. without U t.” ' H pUne crash. Looking back, Dorothy wildingling sleep before Miss Wlldlng^i camera.I : ' ' Hwry HUtrle. PorUand. Ore^ tolc 1 N*0*M*L mused: “That was my fihl royal,>yal -Buell a charming old boy. He ' ! _ the Weiltm SUtM Ptdtencker* — / VA portrait. Some year* Uter he camc. idus- \ HOIWAl. une came along feeling drowsy after I I ' uwclttlon thtt perhaps bpth fndut' r In for a picture wilh hli tlancce,cee, Hindi. WhUe I wa* adJusUng the I J ; • UlU *hauld Uke a new look a t mmeat en I ______! « L 0 W \ , / r —1 NiAt I \ r - I__I Ho»M*L Princes* Marina or areece.” llghU he do«d off. Hb aecreUry ; i tndlnfi to bue It on wroethln*I be>be- .r—t Plum p, dynamic and In h er l.ite \ L '.-V-A n ; Lite nudged him gently and h e woke up ! I cldes the qutnUly or raC. I \ I__ I wo«MAi firUt*. MIM w ilding has epenlt a and npoIogUed." ' He MJmKled tin t tome fat li ei- \ \ \ w~^ “ “CH lireUme making pictures of the Author Somerset M augham was 1 atnUtl In meat ror teodeniM* tnt V \ 1 !S3 world's fam oai faces, since Uisth a t {Irm on one point. "Don't take the f fla w , bul w ije iU d th a t catU«alUe f V HOSMAl flrs l roj'al sitting, kings, queen* andnnd wrinkles o o t" b rm y face," h e or- ; breeden turn out a type or anima. princes have come to her from sll dered. I whtM meat would be tender with-'***’* Tetaperatorea from now nnUIlUI »»ld-Mareh l are expe«ted to averageIge world as havo the greet•eol . ------I oul It. . belffir seasonal normala cast of the fcontinental divtde wllb greatest de-J , . nam es In potlUci. the arts, the West Oemiany’s shipyard* lam^ch-:h- HUirli «*ld lupermarkeU have partarei over tbe nflrtheastem quartqusrler of the naUsn. A warming trend.nd th e ate r and high society. ' ed a a ships with a total tonnageige Regular Geo. Sali • educated American houiewlvei lc I li Al her discreet Mayfair studio the of about 1,100,000 tons In 1957. * “ If Indicated during the first halfilf of MarchI evei- tbe Seatheast whert li om Uilng pre-cut, pre-al«d and pre- h tt been abnormally eold. Westst ef itbe divide above normal tempera-f,. telephone may ring anyUme from — 6 o h i y -Apothecary□ry Jars...... f,...... I-’ ’ 29c ptckaied meat, and retUurant op­ turei art predicted. Buckingham pDloce. Seven times erator! tnd packer! would have tc slie ha* been summoned to photo-' TWIN FALLS |! leam to porlde patrona with uniformform g rap h Queen EllzabeUi It. ; 6 only — Metal Foldl.lldlng Step-Chalrs...;...... 14.95 6.2S 111’ prt-portloned cuU. j • ' T h e first Ume was a family plc-1.10- FLOUR MILLS i! The puken convention also u m ture al Buckingham palace on the ■ Present* •4 only-Ploy Pen, Iqilarge with pod...... 18.45 11,99 I urged to Join with Tenderers In an , ..... coronaUon of King Oeorge VI In I expanded research program lo find ■ \ I Y 1937. W hen Elisabeth became en­ 2 only - Baby Strolleoilers ...... 7.95 4.44 II ' new uses for Ullow. gaged to Prince Phlllp she sent Xor • n m e r A. Herrgott, of Herrgott andand \ \ Y UIGHT Mlsa Wilding to 'picture them to- \ 1 WlUon, Bin m nclseo. warned lhat gelher. 1 only — Bathinette^'e^ floor■ sample...... 21.50 9.45 Uial | \ __ i— n And when she acceded to the ,, ^ IhB Industry may lote the lollel soopaoap Y r ' I ‘' market within lhe next fire yesrsra toto -A. I throne, th e queen commissioned a Wilding portrait to adorn DriUln’s 1 only-Foam Sofa...a...... 129.00 68.88 detergent*based ipapa. The soapl ln In- - V. \ . ( X ^ aTI f posUge eUmps. I dustry now lakei about 30 per Scent V i ' l i m r V I of the American Ullow production. Princess Margaret, Queen Kllza- ; The group also previewed fcturls-jrls- n MOOIIATI beth the queen mother, the duke of Oloucester. Princcss Alexandra, the" I tic methods of food proce.-ulng. 8'* 8lx- - ' ^ > « I month old m ett cuU. preservedJ *>y by - r rtdiatlon Instetd of remgeratlon.tlon. ■ y g i g l y J I . \&F Good quality ba* no sxtbsUlule'!- THECE CHARGE OF THE LIGIIGHT BRIGADE! 1 r wer« on display. nSnaiW rfSnl _ ; - • ‘Thi array will tU it constructiontlon KING COAL I f you wereire att Sweet's durinfr thc la?t year’;ear’s GEORGE DAY S.\LE. , ■ en a targ# radUUon processing plantlant PreeJplUUon rrom now noUl nid-nnId-March te expected to eiceed normal ■ you’ll afiTceree it w as like th n “chntRC of■ thcthe light brig ad e.” SO BE »t Uthrop, Csllf, In May. The plantlant over th e northwestern quarter ef (hithe country attd also along the guU HERE.EAR:ARLY— this is a ONE DAY SALESA! — at GIVE-AWAY II will produee »00 tona of radlaUon-lon- and teulh Atlantic coasts. Subnonntllormtl amennU ara Indicated In tbe farf“ WARBERG Bros. ion ef ibe G reat Lakes, In unspecified At Yoor Fsvorile G nx'er t PRICES!! WhenW: Sweet's slosh their nlremIready low priccs, it really ! preserved foods a day for Uie mill-tllll- Southwest and also In tbe region ei ^ I RE 3-737T areaa near normal Is predleUd.1^______^______causcs a stamstai pede!

fi- s ------^ ------Regular Geo. Sola 5ets, famous moke...,Specilecial ot only 8.8t A new j'* ;w casserole disc[scovery? 5 only - TV Tray Set;ibles, tote tier...... ;.. 14.95 6.44 6 only-Server Tablembs, Values to...... ,...... 22.50 7.8! 13 only —Table Lamb□I Tables, Values to...... 39.50 9.9! ^ TOm A i£MQNI[DCRIBP 22 only — Occasional'ed Choirs...... 59.50 29.01) made with betjetter-blending M^ orning MUk 4 only-Upholsteredgs 27 X 54", Values to...... >....24.50 3,79 l i and golden[ CClover Club P(Potato Chips! 50 only — Throw Rugsgs 18 x27". Values fo...... 5.95 89c 46 oniy— Throw Rugs low best can -we convinceince you this is a recipe youyo musl try? Tell you • HO quick and easy dish forr LentenLe period? An exciticiting idea for a luncheon? n ... OH YES; GET HERE UEARLY! It’s a qu:to raise braws from thele g:girls? Or, this is a downwnright economical casseiserole for dreds of items not listed in this ai ie t ' s s e U ■edit,oi too. I f you d on't have a chargcchai account ! , :he < c family’s dinner anylimI'lime you dare to be diffsiflerent? Surely, you’ll know.kn Sweets’ will hnvo hundredt’s real crazy by George! Also,0, SwS eet's will the oh yes. .. use your crcdltc counters to make it even easierlier to-Bhop,' Y v ^ J o l tiiis vie know . . . the secre:cret of its delicious flavor'or is creamy, rich Morniniling Milk now , open one now. I t’s i lllll ' B u t t t . . . that’s super-hoi•homogenized to blend betbetter with the other wholilolesome h av e m nny Bclf-scrvlce co . ingredients!is! The secret of its crispyly texture R egular Geo. Salo . _ / ■ ^ ^ is craekli;klin’ crisp, fresh golden I Choir...... 79.50 2W Clover Club Potato3 CChips! MMONDCRIS]BP 1 only — ProvinciolWakefield C Chair...... 1-29.00. 33.00 (Makes 4 servings) So here’s ourur promise; You’ve never:r itasted ' 1 only — Heywood-WG Fresh Frozene n F o o d s for tasty tendernessess . . .

PEA Wm7 10-oz. pkgs. ^ 1 HALI.IBUT SI ^OW CROP FRESH FROZE)ZEN ...... I ITEAKS R1MP AHOY Choice CeCenter Slices 9c For Lenteiten M eals...... 4 9 i Ireaded Shri r i m p .. 8-oz. Pkg. 4 9 ( SCO FRESH FROZEN O)range r Juictc e ...... 12-oz. Can 3 99 (c M I NIIT STIEAKS Lean Beef ^ AG Quality;...... 3 An easy to make;e M acaroni a n d Che]heese Casserole is a notlourlshing Lenten tre(t r e a t . . s

A G Q u aality l i G roceries n M I Ameriecricail 24-oz. i1 . 0 0 K U I l l B eauty a u t ^ pkgs. | ELBO-R ^%HoppyYoI« L Tendier Peas1 1 'Tastewirell CHEIlESE 6 9 ‘ ^ ^ I Cleam'ater FLAKES:s G *1 A DELICIOUS JUICEE IDRINK 0 1 ^ . a Q( Q HEINZ DoHlet i f 7 PINEAPPPLE-GRitAPEFRU m 10 ^ ! CATSUP 1 ■ ^ NORTHElERN TISSUE ...... 3 ?^ 2 9 c

NORTHElERN TOWELSS...... :..R o ll 25c

GRAPEEFRUIT SECTIOI: INS 5 ^ * 1 . 0 0I SANDWIi^lCHBAGS Woxtex.....2 :fV625e N dbiico ■ Swiss Creireme Sandwich. __Lors. P k g . OtC

AG Fresh Crisisp Produce NabiscoI Coco < Grahams- i s ; .....UV.39C

• w C MODESS,S,. Regular...... P k g . 45c HEART SOAP '^^^3 . ^,1.29c i P P i . SWEETH h LESj * SWEETHiHEART SOAP ..2 ‘/i'i^a9c- LargeI W ashington D eliciousi ...... Each * k A BLUE-WhmiTE FUKESS ...... ’Pk“ : 2 9 c 'IO. 1 Blue DutNS 5^\i KAISER FFOIL Vj price sale...... J...... R oll 69c SNOWDRIRIFT Shorteniniing 3 c o n 87c \ ^ i ' RED EMIEMPEROR WESSONN OIL..: ...... Quart BoHlft 79c I I RAPE ^ G l ES... 21 29<' CLOROXK BLEACH .....Gollon 4 1 c

WashingtonI IBirthday SPECI:iAL

C h e r r y L I a y e r

CAKE »T»W?T«ir7TT^i^W b y HOSTESS ‘ 3 9 - 1 '

______THURSDAY. Fl I .-PAGB TWENTr-EIGHT ■ TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS,F. n)AHO ______FEBRUARY 20. igjj fi Choice Idaho PotatoesP< Bakedd ifo r Two !!: Generals DiDuring Camp atit ]Desert Base ^W HiirrTttt yiMgS I i ' Choice W»hO poUtoM WW© wrred JerJeuen, camp comoander. wrre ahlppednhlpp to California by tha pro- 1 to two Mmy c«>e»U «tartnf • recent acheduled'to *ch e at wllh the baUallon'a ceatlng ceails company. ' i ! xuUoMl tf»lala» cnc»aip- htaheadquar«V» and howltier eom- -'The n ; day iha feoerali cam* tb I ‘ ' m ent In tfte it* a t mt C ^ p Irwin. pnnles. p«r junehlunch we served the poutoea and I c»Ur.. Ui»nii to M«J. T h o o m B. HKecalled Mllchell Kunt,wcrelary- fried chicken," Hovenden My*. Horenden. Twin F»lli. the m»;manageKM the Twin Falls Chnmber -Mem-Membera of both the companle* Ctumber of Commerc«. o'of Commcrcc. "I aaked Hunt U It «erewere aerved tha poutoea, bul we j Horendtn wi* In tr*lnln« »t the »oiwould b« poulble to te t tome Idaho baked the potatoes for the generals I CtUforol* c»mp wllh other member* polipoUtoes to Cnmp Irwln," Hovenden In UnUj foil and aerved them jUU , W ASHI V I ) of thft third bitullon. 116th arm ond uyi. wTapped.", Hovenden addi, . Hovenden nsyt Hunt conUcted II caralry rrjlmtnt, Idaho n*Uonil Jl Hovenden aaya the generalt were u S . n u rd . Ab biltcllon (xecutlTe officer, E.Z. 8.fi Harper company and purchased 250 pounda of pouioes. Including ...cnihuslatUc , ot»ut the pouioet. h e WM chireed with InipeeUnj lhe 2M "Army "repilaU oiu prohibited us . kitchen ftclllUci uted for I itu llo n thr(three M-pound boxfi and a 100- ,'‘‘"’3 pound nack. Tlie polatoet were from Blvlng the generalt gift boxet ; pmonneL .. . of U)« apuda.” Hovenden tayt, “to j r rh c poUtoes they were mini: we gave the gift boxes to their rHDAY were lltUe betler th tn culU In Aio»t C J. wives.'* . BJiT 1 eiieiHoTtnden wy*. -They were O c Second Series of A gift box alto was prtfeilcd fo ill all In b i p mirked ‘No. 1.’ but they « I were i u from top qu#llty.“ ha #dd*. H the wife of U eul, Col, Ptank n tle r. LY While Preserent Stocks Last! I Horenden knew Mnj. Oen. Bobtrt Meets Scheduled IS;;lead of operallont tnd training at Prices; Effective I ON L\ sti , I Ho»-ze. tctlni *lxth arm y com- Jie eamp. nunder, tnd Brlf. Oen. Wnlter To Start Sunday "We know the pouioea were You Get EXXTRA SAVINGJGS WITH S&l(H GREEN STTAMPS! ------TfThe BpUlman-Lymnn eMngells- “PP™*ippreclaled because one of the Uc team. Portland, will open lu t'omen broke her 50 pounda inlo tecond terle* of meellnm Sundty imaller aacka and was giving them Market Specialist La tlfU .“ Hovettden taya. . T . , 1 nlehnlsht a t the American Legion hull “ , Vacancies Listed wllh the nubject “Armngeddon, the “O "Oej eneral H ow u took hU poUtoes la tt crcat batUe of Ihe aget—U It back>ack 1Wllh him lo the Pretldlo In a ™ f l Ths U. 8. CYII nentlee commlulon near?" nenr , j SanUn PlPn n cltco ." Hovenden ttyt. FREE announce# Mnmlnntion* for afrt- Buch gu QuetUon* a.n -How mnny Hovenden Hov« aaya the wive* who cultural mnrHeUni. npeclallat nnd natlont natlt will take pnrt In It? nnd receiveecetved potaloes expresMd the with M l j t t l B.BALLOONS, , I fliheiy mnrkeUnjf npeclntint. paying who irho will win the Rrent battle?'' will lhathal almlU r top-grade poUloet . /rom 14.635 to $loj:o a year, and be aniwereda a l B p. m.. tald Evan- could«uld 1be purchated In California. T M hIM ------FoFor The Kids ' for asrlcultuml mnrket reporter, jelljt gellsi Don Hlntl Splllmtn. «4.63S to ISJ90 a yenr. At 8H5 p. m. AMOclate Evnnge- The Rreat Empret* Don’nKfr Tteu- > The poslUons lo b« filled are jbIbl t Lewis1 E. Lymnn will diow the }{i11 rulrruird more than SOO million nub- ALL DAY . Joent«d in the depnrtment of asrl* colorcolored mollon picture film. "Qod ifciaPcU iin China In Uie lale lOO't. The Newatt \ y culture. V. 8. fUh and wildlife ofDf thatl Atom." AcCunl pictures of ei.nilie wnawo only 78 ytiri old when ahe aH U s>SATURDAY lit Namt Xi I service of the departm ent of Uie ihethe HasoanklJ and Bikini exploalont ^^Mmc.uumcd the tltrone In the nnme of I M In W o k h ei I Interior and other federal auenclci wliliwith nn eye wllnfju account of a cr vmyoUHB non. >r O l lo n g o l I h t y lo it) ' ' i I In W uhlngton and Uiroueliout the phyilphytlclit who aaw all Uiree w nrtlm e___ i _ I country. atomjtomlc bomba explode will ba tho*Ti, SIMILAC .o,.. 25c / SOVERIGt3N ' No written Unt U required. To he!ie added.a< A I A qualify, appllcnnt* mual luive hnd Sp7 •*“ WIndlnr------.10.951 / J&J Baby Oil Buy■l»,Sov.20c7OC DU SUBBLE BATH ' ^ Lnnloouf D ial....-... 11 1 . 9 5 / 20 bothiI to paekaga J& J Baby SoapIP 3 for 49c ^ . VAPORIZERSS fro m ... 1.98 ---- All N lghfcr Modeli— from ...... •6.9S 1 M l t i All Colors i f I Save On J f i I RETRACTABLEIle I lAZEL BISHOP I BALL POINT PEIPENS I ■ J Reg. 1.2S I MAKEUP COMPACT ■ 1 1 Grcup' Reg. 1.25 1 / free LIPSTICK V ’ 9 ^ ea. t ■ ■ To the Firstit :100 \ s°; 3 ^ Whlla They Loit I 1" A l b e r s ■ Women in our Sto 1 .2 5 store Sill.- I I 300 Page BocBook I I * * Y o u r P o w e r A s AA W 1 a n u m " J __| A i x l I BY ALMA ARCiRCHER # J . p j a c k M CLOSEOUT A famoua colum* m |^ F » a R m y j eetintelloilellor to womea m 36 Only / r f NORELCO I Roior Bladiides \ I SHAVERS I Fineit quellty lurgleoljle o l I I steel, doubla hened In ell I ' 1 5 .2 2 V% Pock of I N A l / \ ^Buy now fo r \ ^ 5 blades .. 5c I Fother'i Day ^ / . CLOSE OL) U T \ By the ctn. 99c I Nylon" 1 P I Stretch So CLOSEOUT _____ Jocks I Reg, 7.50 and 5.00 H H m BILLFOLDS | ] 7 'i'i~ III i‘ ’ \ 1 9 e F Pr. y . ® ando n PURSES. i | | Ifs Albers wayf hto introduce your fam'amlly to the YOUR CHOICE *

Light-tender"'"buttermilk goodridness" of ^ j j M r «— % M onii 1 eim in / FINALL ^ f'^T h a and po^iri Albers PancakesPa w av lB flS ^ # CLOSE 0)1 U T 1 I— * W Panca^ the w ayay; y o u lik e them ! CLOSEOUT Pancakes that: melm elt a t th e touch I LAP or ARMCtCHAIR 1 CenruryI Electric nesiy, nirong imelling fc^S^jM g of & fork! Pancakcicakca w ith ju a t tho leoHng Pods A pcrfcct wtve lulo* ------r ig h t-a ra o u n tro-of-buttennilk-that f-b ' ------y TV TRAY!YS I__H et Reg. 4.89 ”| : right amounl of «v»v- ' gives them a flavoiBavor a ll th o lr own. / 3 . p . , fpead iwirch, remov* ■ Givc* a sofi, nilucjl vJufiiM'* Albcra pancakes,:es, 0o f course — and ibl« wothobla cover ,'c all over. ^ to d a y a t( 0a g te n e r o u s a a v in ^ . \ 4 9 e .ea. V - Servo Albers tomotomorrow night or OtsUa et 3 Striifthi . Saturday morning.Tilng. Y o u r fam ily 3Niv 2 . 2 9 I s lE c u u i. sum * cnnE ' will love them!t! AlAlbers time is a 1 ^ ^ I goodtimeforramiliamilicathatUkcpan- ^ cakca at th d r lighilight, le n d e r b csti r m n CONVENIIIENT PARK — — tnitict!!]' Ijeiniiac' , conliini jusl llte rigl a t u i . At The Rear R( Of Our Sto ing itigredienli. = Givtr h ]‘

■ Redeam thl* couponnat a t' your groceiyitora flu n£LSon's $ 0 O OtsUiescription )})i W O K Tr H io o j g E ( '[ / Toward ttie pur^aM of any tk a packasa or bag o t' U e J 5 S S t 8 JUMBO - I Delivery 7 f(i ALBKR» rLAPJACKt ar«r BUCKWHEAT MIX, PRINTS...... O o c I J I V T9 B U m n i l tw m U nw»l V \ \ Urewk AMn u ttu M cr It wUi REPRINTS e « EACH B \ \ M60U 5, pr»*M«4 II h»l <>*«n u *“ *?• I) All work done by EASTMAN H )lal RE3- . M Aon. Void la any Wta « buhIciw Kodak Compony'a new meUi- KING j Ij MMniM cnuictal Cnb V*IM l/l ■ *** B od . . . lh e — H AiewiMmhiCwiiy.aih.aUitucaeiCMuuTtonca ^ ) | ( Centlaoona Paper Praeeatar Enclose Me



^ 9 B H b ■ 1 ii


/ / r

// ■ b V D n t i e r (d e a l e r

^ r ' h o n o rr e d o n

n ai l t i o n - wr i d e TVif p r o g rr m n ^ I I Si 1 * V o u can1 im agine h o w pleased I w as wh e n R3 a lp h E d w ard s, p ro d u cer ofo f "The‘ End of the Rainbow” television projjrogram, got in touch.with mer and told m c that one.of.our_own,.wnFrontier.dcalers hadbeen __• selected to bbe e honored1 on his program. I thirt h i n k F lo y d M aple is ty p ic a l ofo f alla our Frontier dealers— and believe5 mver th e y e a rs is b e c a u s e H we select ourur dealersc not only for their knowledgekna of the gasoline businiisiness, but also on the H basis of the: kiikind of service they can renderdcr •to the people of the communn u n ity . H

We’d like:ike y o u t o d ro p in a n d v is it y o)u u r n e a re s t friendly F ro n tie r d ealeealer. And of course we H hope, wherever:ver you drive, that you’ll be usingusir Frontier gasoline.

^ -Every depdepartment here at Frontier contributescon to the excellence: of Frontier’s gasolines, V * and everyonele inii our organization works tow£toword just one goal—producinging the finest gasoline we 1 know how to:o make,n and selling it to youI in aj friendly, courteous manner,ner.,

T h a t’s wh;why I give you my personal guaranteeguar that you con*t use a firfiner gasoline in your car th a n eith er FroFrontier Platinum, our premiumium grade, or Frontier Bronze,:, oiour regular gasoline. And when it comesies to■ dependability ond courtesytesy, I think you’ll find that meimen like Floyd M aple, who o p e ra te o ur mmore o than 600 Frontier stations,ons, are always on the job to givig iv e y o u th e b e st o f g a so lin e and the bestt of service.

So for everyeve one of our Frontier deale;!ealers in the Rocky M ountainlin iand Great Plains states, Floyd and I: inviteim you to drive in and mlake ake friends with Frontier. I HI ^ (^4<'yteau.___^ M . H . R ebineau, P reiident The Frontier Refining Co. * /

Y o u c ain’f i b u y b e t t e r g aa s o l i n e 2 ifor i y o u r c< a r t h a nn F R O N t lI l E R P l a f ii n u m o r B r o n z e



■ % ■■■ ___ " ■ r r ' .


I t Ont Group Ladiadies - Missss' O ne Grou|■oup of— B y G E; l O R G E e1 . . . ^ i l S BLOUSE!ES AND I F L A - SWEAlINTERS Spring, SStyles V «lu.ilol4.9S THE SAVIIINGS I VALUES TO 5.95 SAT, SPEC...... I |i SA T. ONLY...... 2.9 9 • ...2 ‘” ARE SENSSATIONALL M f VOGUEJE, inc. TW IN FALLS p B i I DITTER'SS SHOES 114 Shoionis e n a E aa st in the T FOURTJm ANNUAL


D ELIC IO U S fFRESH r e : BAKED 1 Onlr— 16 go. SIngla Shotpt , 2 ’* ® I,' SHOTGUN ...... 'M ISS MUI^UFETT" 1 Only— SMom.O.Molle lloctilictric 2‘®* ^ DOZ.— ASSORTED ED STEA M IRON ...... m l i f COOKIES I ' 6 pr. Only—'Polaroid REG. 3 9 e ..._ ...... 2 2 - , SKI GOGGLES...... - ...... 99c

j B&B LOAAN CO. Okay FOODJCENTERS I : , S A 1TURI!DA I llOShollionoWtlf—Nl■Nixl to Y.lloo Cob FILER AVENUE andind SOUTH PARK s./ No Washingligton Day Speciicial Will Go 0 gfe I______

IGTON SPECIAL! George Woshingtngton SPECIAL |: • SATURDAYYONLY • Janney Bestit I Hi-Lustre GEORGE W ASHING' —SATURDAYVY ONLY!— , REO. 2 9 c — ASSORTED 2 Only STUDIO10 DIVANS Reg. 6.95 MonnIng>Bowmon E ENAMEL- PAINT W ithMotcbingling Choirs on Elcc. $<*.22 SPONGES...... lc CORN POPPER . I (L im it S b a CUIe u lto m a r) Regularor 45c 1— Tooit with supported ...... i Plostic Trim— Rog. 249.50..50...... 199-=° Rcg. 18.95 . ReReg. 19.95 Chrome I iie»nd REO. 98c CHILDREN’S- - P o p -u p Q .2 2 H>h a n d i n . 2 2 — 1 Brown Tcxfurcd T O A S T E R y MlMIXER I U „n2 12 Colors — 12 KNITMITTENS... R eg. 2 1 9 .5 0 ...... 189=“ Limited QuaiQ u a n titie s r cuitc 2 9 * Va pint cam. Sava 36e enm c• a c h ...... Oc ^ SAVE-ON!I DRUG ------HoosierFui'urniture—------^ ID A H O E LLECTRIC— I mv '240 M a inin N o rth I’ FIL^RATFILULLMORE KRENGEL'S> IHardware ELKS BLD(ILDG.

I \ ' I

2 Only! OSTER Por’ortoble Elcctric SATURDAY ONLf^LY SPECIAL! Spring Style -—I Hardwood WATCHBBANDS 4 O n ly ZIPPER JACKETS M tn'i and L«^L o d lii '. MIXEERS R e g . to 8 .9 5 ...... 2 . 2 2 c Yellow and whlU axpaniliniton metal bendi CLOTHESES PINS MIXES. MASHES-CRICREAMS-BEATS I— _ _ th Al R E G .9 .9 S J S D o x tn ^ 2 0 O n ly Rtflular vsluit fe 12.50 ------9 9 e S a t. O n ly 22cj SAT. ONLY...... ZIPPER JACKETS - ...... - r V a lu e s to 1 2 .9 5 ...... ^...... 5 . 2 2 ]


G.W. SPECIAL SATIVTURDAY ONLY REMINGTON FOFOURSOME PAINTSSALE COSTU■UME r 1 Onl;nly I ELECTRIC SSHAVER LATEX RUBBER-E[-BASE PAINT JEWELELRY R eg u lar Odd 6 .3 9 g o l...... 3.99 ..I HANG-IT LlLUGGAGE V a lu e s t o 5 5 .0 0 ...... I Regular *28.50 , . 1 LINSEED: d O IL 99 1 4 . 9 5 R e ^ l a r LUEST Rtgular 25.00 3 .5 9 g a l...... ,...2.19 O n Sola S a tu rd a y ...... 6 . 6 6 LLOYD'S JEJEWELRY™ ” CITY Dt)RUG STATE HARRDWARE — "Your Diamond.ond Slo,."— J l U Leonard Emenon 102 M ain N o. ANDERSISON'S 263 Main East T w in Foils 140 Main No. Twini FcFoil.- RE 3.7551* t '”

11 O n ly- - *M en's Solid Aluminum PRE’RESTO COOKER Nice Asiortment— Rog. 39c JIFFY=Y DIVIDDER POTTED PLANTSTS...2 for 40 ' S All W oool Suits . . . for cooklni t»o nr mori* fo(xl.»,<1.«. : m lxlnt o( food tlivort. __BISCU!Tr M I X Blmpl* lo iidjual, E»*y to iisf. O R A N G E SLICES ------7 . . Dll

Regular Reg. 1.9 5 7CANDY77::;7:7:7 SAT. SPECIAL...... 40-oz.Packagele 2 9 c *50 to *65 ...... 24.85 2 2 Regular 29c9c Pound vtlh (rtd(-ln «f nM id II



One Group o LADIES'WEDDD D IN G A N D > of Good MEN'S CO:ORDS I 2 22 ‘ I ’ Six poir only. 0 0 ^ i?'®*' Regular 6.9S polr...... y y rr MU BIRTHSTON ...... u s iU p * Girls' Rayon>n Panties > >NE RINGS DRES5iSES Girls' Stretchch Anklets ^ Values to 24.95 188 Pieiests JewelryJ ' Values SAT. ONLY • MEN'S DRESSiSS SHOES ~ Lurex Threadi Face F Towel CHOIQE...... to 19.95...... 4.99 :...... R e g u lo r O Q ® ^ L A ? Children'sor Ear Warmers ...... ‘5 Ito 1 0 .9 5 ...... 7 7 ular 9|. Lodies' Shantungng Trico Briefs IGELENS BARTON'S JEWELRY J ZIMMERf 115 Main Avenue Eott T w in F alli [MAN'S ALEXANC'(DER'S Hel 1 VAN ENG

I ^ 7 ^ " ------

t h u r sSDAY, d ; FEBnUARY 20,1555 : ^ THURSDAY, raBKUABYRY 20. 1958 TIMES-NEW S, TW'W IN FALLS, IDAHO u»a-JB>t€Re T w h e « m*I[ v^lI.SINCE'iOOVB 5 i T B-B;jT.I.T?^Sr i Ntvt 3TOTR«>TH6HEW VOUTDOO UEUPM5URMIWP WUATP , f OUT OUB W AY B y W I L L I A M S n ^ . 1 i o i o w [YTOTHCS^— Iw ^M - OOWW/DOKT ? .,« /. t Y rtWHOr/WKLOWW BEWBEUCWAWrtKUi &^^COUMTRVTO IU START »O«.HUHr i iMa->V/THe-TIMCZ L' ' IN HsuACsHEvee A4U»M>e« /«TAU.TM>5 5TUFP _/'■ l | | | » I AWP«0Me«J«»0»KfcU-AMt-AMPuo»#/ao«prru.M r ' ACBOSS M.BtiOih !lV -iOmSOCMSOIAtlVTAtO*'A-V! ^ LUNCH-n»W,TOO/ J U(f i»> m H *T A nw ny616 'h: j-sr. =■”' ^ V MCAKM^TrntAKipr L f t s I n»lur.li.l 34.v«t >^w iin7rti U B .D ollonlht 35,neru»e t r eyelid 37. Serve food1 ■■duTlDlKliyglsjTUi . ' g ■ ! I- 12. buieh M .D lim uU dI ' | r | S t 1 ^ n |k|E|dMM ' ^ 1,1 commun* wreck mi !• 3. Com S9.Youn< 0 ;ra> KAilEimi 'I ' 4. Deuert womin : 5. Hoodwink 40. Condition '• ; 7. Bestow 42. Zero • f .id ■ ?S 5 S S 5 I 9. Baked d » r ^'owl Solullsn «f Y M lirdty'i PuzzI* " :VJin ; O.IUppy 4fl, P a u l rop* - s * S. Pa n o n ig e 10, SotCnieUl ^ ’"THSm POHt A 11 DAVB CMHVN #W» THE^ I *1 21. Tally throujh ^ MWWHTALJ05. 5ArmiTfiWIU.«SII. te KtApy E ^ r j y SJ.Llkei 48,Femiiedtere r 4.E xpre«ion !> SllH A ^ri^.wwKC&Ti^* \ JlklCTJlCl trw tu. IN A weiK. AN9 tVB i better 49. Dine \ r W v a BtKP wax aW e \1 MAOI CAWlkVSR»U FLV ir CX7WN W''f’‘**L^t5ac?oouJWBn? TW \ B.Hoofedj* la.Floil P I (»ASy 8V PAWHl«i[w I rw i>cw ^ ------_ I WVTeCHMClkMi i -— < 0 « f l w ! ^ ^ nunP oK T — \ _ e. Cravat 20. Magnifleent r " ■ ^ > i m a t K t n w 7 .‘'W lu rd 21. Bum with 1 IL «8 t»wi$TeP ^ 7^ / ^ I 8 t 4 THrui6£ILC 2 6 .A n x ie lr' SO.Satbflei A I f f — \ r ^ 1 ^ LEMS» ton me^mrn 27. Relisloui St.Compasi J iBiM Wm CAHAVfXAL m l leenel potnl I /J '1 /Ssii ■ PAY5 w o n ■ K B S " '. £ ~ N - J [ p 3o! Miin Itreii 1. Noufuhcd[»11' l^F I ”«pS . 31. Number S.Cyprinoid “ f l Tf------*7- P*««' o ' ■ M l l 32. Behold • m luBgaje TT — ~~ ~ r 30. Hot water ;g y WART f w r u p p I* . . U nki — — — BB a r 31. Exterior . . 33. Stopper i mtm —— ------J JM# " ------r —- — — S * ® * 34. Minced ** di 3 i 0VW .BCO.||lW «3W 0F^^ TWERE\'4U^ UWE iWTwil “w! -^BUTUMV OMWXKSW^DWiDViOO BOOT^. IwtNUTE, (bOOD & OV.D DWS, W0W1 "a" ' imows . 6CTLTOOTfteUXA o TVE^ WD W 'a tH E WEWl ■ s a t j i " ------rwidenee lOWVOORVWi

------Sj W «.N e^aU T# 0 — n t ? ------44fT«^ler’« eoRunuid $ \ y \ —BHTT ------47. Each: s W ® - i i - _ _ «bbr. f t o , f j — ’ N " i l

rSE-MAJOR HOOPLE III Kisrsaatiiatoid^r^^ThaTm uiri T Just, th;li0 e sam®,• I ^ r i ! do nw paHf Tvou figuna th a t c to ck t Ha fixed( c d 1 E ^ B hau9 b90n tuon't pay,w . tup until It'^ ni hava th AJAHOP^CHPUR CRAVED 6 ^ 5 3 back In the reRpiijaw BOARDING HOUSIihJ i'JORytWROME 6UTL(»THED 0 ' . Skeeilx « 4 a But hcV‘ic ^ UncJfl fert.’ ifc or>ca an d ^ k!llLlNc5— I'D FASTSMTWEr > L |j}iueg me^too. it's naver run ffn 6eRPEf4TTOTWBmP r right5inc0.il. ELEPHAt4r6TAtL,TWEMtT U T0LD1DUAREAMAJ?O<-i;/7 WOULD ly 6B1Z6 TWe TRUNK / W®3 gl AE0LMI5T,E>!PL0R£R , : 1I.L /iND PULL— ER-AVJ/— / ANO BIG e w E HUf4TER//4 W& SBiST WOOL-D'SPlHr^ ------’ — T€TILU MAVBTHE’ a / ^ duS lU S E D T 0 5AV& K / ■lASlMS rT6vTAIL,0BCOf^/ : zzy AND FAUL-~ ^ 6IR HILARY CROO< U D Remctjb / ^ ® n l T f r XI— ------F{?OA\-A HOODED . J ) -TuttE IVORY A w? • COBRA-^ HAR-fJUMPAl.y / r u A'FREe-TneS%%./Ji c fm :U Y D E R ^ ^ \l jM .. ^ / r E '' , 2 ^ 0 / a• Kill M .ae » ^ I O V pacuyi Y

THAT AIN'T TH'ANSWEKrJ [ T ' “Mr. Bixby, If you like mny y work> ao well, will you put It B ^ MAYBE I BETTER TIZV "S |Jn in writing? You fired me twicew ic« l a a t w ee k , y o u k n o w I'* ]U / l WANNA BUVSQiAmwrmifrNoL'FwiENP! — 1/ tg w m e so w EXERCxeroseJ— ^ i f t G CLA*ERi CARNIVAL ByDICKTUKNER !C MAYBE ^ VrT-LLPEP/KS

B - ^ ^ 1

l l f W ^ ] ) f ■I .ITROUa.E.’MA30R» w S\ T . By NEHER N ; fW - ) I LIFE’S LIKE THAT

4 « « p D ■ ------(MILLY^I I I FORESTHILI^>~ m 1 '^X lB /IT W O Y D tJR IDiipE^3uSB~-i E / p : Y THffTlSHOOlD DOUBLE/—iy^ D lD N 'T THINK \ V ILU? ^^^eSW T ^ • I IR3P^I//c M i l l ■A. CHEW OM HIM - NOW I Mii 4fe t > - N y I iL i^ s t w m c 1' W

il AVlilL i^TVECDHnSXS)s s T ^ iE r s s s S” ' g r AgESTua^!^! ■■ WE'U.~S00t»»N C0U.1Pe! 6tAIISi?rM ETBOg^^^^M fc w l s t a r tr PCpCAViMGr L.P 2 £ ^ A P * t x ) c i 1 ^ 1 T l i HM } TAk»IM.Nt«>.

“Your Jimmy keeps mnklnecine the same miatakes— doesn't cover the comic book he’/iI rending—forgeti r‘C£ to watch m» find anolher car pooU" Ia /£ whil* throwinff paper wadea I” Y .. i B V J :

“Well, you Just fin

7 so wmfrt” ^ CAU 4 Oil. TcooN IM au L / ' ------^—— > N 1 / DCrn-MD'WOWWVW ) I ^ - r SUPPORT THEf "N ■•OWJ THMJTD'CS ------/- THAR HAtMT THT ^'- '- W - — V O R » FAT ELDERLYY < V WMttiMOB.EFAH ) r WM MWRltPP HEHBRtT ^ f FAlfJTESTa-IANCE(JCEO" A I .LI'UKAID-BOUT'iOR>re e J f iSKiLT-T-NanHEr'^ ' Htt-ltTS S l»—TWtWa ^ » \ SHORE-fOOTED ME IBEIN' S PROM ISE— i------^ o w »eu., MOHO , OtMWSlCV ( KiLTONTWeEAioLEA C 3 L E ^ V>1 j j H T l l [• ------'TwewrraH — Ptwfc'WRuUOk— L V AiqHOJr--,— - I K^wcji.np.' euuTiFui, auo ', UUWMWEO — IWU •mtRl'S OlAPVSCTMR, ICRIYlSH. I BUT ^ A •B W m iW i • N E ^ i ■ ■ B y W . ALT DISNEY

a e i B K w ^ ^ H»\«,MAvnVOU\ 11 ~ | - V " !! DONALDDUCK I jjj^.OvTRl'LO'UNS.') A ' i S ^ K I ^0_5 y ^ H w w y 99.'j-

I- f • ( M l

rHlIBSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1958 195; I______TIMES-NEWS.T TWIN FALa l l s . IDAHO PAGEl!E THIRTY-THREB || Case in Utah Skiiidher KesLesciied Seveveil T. F. Studentss Comiiete Dietretrich Visits P " " * . , ^ D i r m icICU. u . reb, JO-M r. and Mra, — ■ Court to Test " ------Fr Ibert, Ball Lake Cily, are! I | Friday in Oratorii hu parenla. Mr. and Mra. L — 3 — - ■ii-al Contest S'u'Sr Spvcnrn T«'lnT Palli high achool «iu- OUne Poi,r. ibrrl. en roule on a vaca- LOAD LIM Lease Rights lo California. ] — viir 11 dniLi wlll compels a l 8 p. m. ? nday gartt Wslic e Twin Foils Highwoy District hos ploced the ! iMOt c m . Ttb. 20 «v_ In the• annualann local American Lrgion Schllfler.■r. Mr. and dMr Mr*. Louell Anderwm a rri fnlfnwV ' orntorlcal lowing lood limils on flil roods in the District ^ rlcal conlTAl. Sludenl^ wlll The lop lop 10 arnlor winl-finnlUU vUlllng Mr. anda Mn. Boyd W allon! cffe^iv . ,uJt : jpfjk on Uie1 1PM Uieme, "The BUI a rt Kail,1. .Marjliall, M HoKur and Dul- in Bol-e ective. Fcbruoiy 19th,. -u rt j t t U i iV *Wch goYermnent ' r nf Ru-liuirliu — Rrctproc.il'RlchU and ler andd Connie C AbtrKien, John ______«y *1U «ttlfment 1 Diiticj."J." Atflfck.. r Tf rir Kelly. Ann .Mavrr, n n .r ^ . . I u a twin clly, J)ftlf In. C D ri t •nuw ent over oil I The■ iev,aeven finalLili wrre (tlectMl Miriam nrl c . „ , „ from a groupart o( 30 high acliool alu- Almi, 0 and halt In Vlrglniii. rFRONT l x AXLE.-10,00(000 Ibs. u d miner*! Ui*inj on public Undi I d rn n whose n l e*Mvs h.id bern . — . . . fhoicun fnfrom all ihose w ni'^n In r • laximum—W ilh 10 inch tiresBS oro larger. ‘ (jl u t l V. B. Ally. C. Nelion Day sfiesvrr'r^'w iz ■ U"' *<:>'ool:liool, L € ir iO I mMth# iUlt the »ute of S j l E S f ^ - Flt5Rll.mO1.1I4 are Joyce Kail, Anna ion’s ? t District IH E I^Si »nd four le « m . Involved d l. *>•/ . *• .Mnr.ihall,iall, Naney Hogut and Palay jV lp j All other axIes-14,00.000 lbs. U * WO*icre i m l of Iwd _ .. •___ . . nittlfr.r. senlorj;ser Thelma Uaii.ien and leet Set Sunday iT lfii N m h o IndUn rf»«rvnl!on ■ ■ ■ [ - SWllry•y D.iiilel*. U Juniors, and 6coll EDE.V,I, Keb,Vi JO — Tlia fifih du- Maximum—350-lbs. perri nir c h It ^ £ i AutUi oU pool of 8*n Ju»n M H I n V B B M ia H M riillllp.^.p.'. «(aophomore, Irlct Anirr;nirripan legion eonvenUon W in ilM n i width tire any one wheel. ^ l y , la eouUicut UUh. 'rtie■ winner ot Uie lotal conlral wlll be heltheld a t } p. m. Sunday a t maaammm^f li iT u Jd the fult will arrrcC In. oniptie for dblrlcl honors In Vallry hidiIltll Khool, announce* Krahk •Ur mor* Ihut ft million acrei llilprrlrl Kfb,K( S5, T hr aUle conieat Vennerl.. dutriridu fommsnrt -. „ taUer*^ «ecUon« 6n f held March 21. The nallonal Mn. Paul Pan nroan. Filer, pie.sl- \ ' TRUCK and BUS SPSPEED; ^Scb Uia mlnerkl righti arc cloud- rontf.1t't la aeheduled for April 21 In drnl of the ihi auxlllao'. will prr.'lrte I * rnrtalr^.IfJi. N. M, ovtr Uiee afirrnoonaf merUng of Uie >- 30 M.P.H Maximunum Till UndJ h iv t a l on* tlm t o n n . ' conucl If htaded at the high women. ether been ezchinsed btctute they mIiooII by M. n. Roae NorUi, hrad of Mrlvm1 M ead.m, American FalLi. • b H M | wtr# Joc*l«l on IndUn r«»ervAtlons fhe P^gli*h Rngl departmenl, O lh rr deparijnrniirni commander, and Mni. ^■dcrt^ge f oo lOvemment wlthdr*».n lind. ' ' *X-iMrlierArra fmmI: the hl.iior^, goverr- lUiel lUrrtlam*, deparlmrnl president. Twin Fails Highwayy IDistrict 5 ^ S w m ^ •■ • m em and Engllah departmenl* p ar- wlll br amiamong the gueaW. THE: SM< SMOOTHER BOURBON Tha trouble lUrled wlitn Ulah - tlelpatedled InI the werk of aMlgnlng A b.inquri ».i.|*l hftM Wl«l»T . I fn. OM ______«U fd'« Uw In 1919 i^ulrinif It lo } iquri alll be held al 7 p. ra. UltcAfjiya/flya and atltcUnf the 30 aemU 8und«y. All Legionnalrea a rt Invlttd. rtiiln mineral rl»hti of ezchBnged p S S i* ^ ^ flnnlLita.Ita, luidj 8tal« Und tttornFya cintm ! Tlie 10|lop 10 fophomorr aeml- •he lUU un ezehinti only (ur- fl|M p flnalltlAilA nren Phllllp*. Bill Jenklna, fu t ilgtiU. S Q l OtrrWi.Oerr Janel Rodman. Judy, t/tah lubtequenUy has luued Jewell,:, MaryMai Hobert*on. Anne K rrll- W f mineral least* on the n e i Isnd* in- knnip. Mike Brown, Steve Marahall- Ttlrcd. Uncle 8&m h ti proceedMl to "nd Charlt:liftrle.i Poller, DVER TOO SSADDLES tcto Choose FromF do the Mine. A* a rewlt oil flrmi BMItfdMWfcpi#ca3W ' Juniorlor z zeml'flnnlUt^ nre Hnruen • hjrt found themselrei drllllnc on • . "nd Danlt3anleU and Carol Llndemer,' Uod alrtwty lUked out by oU«r*. : l^flSSBBMBiSCMSfiBSi C^rol ItanHam rn. Oayle Van Houlrn.l on the IrtCt In quuUon. the «Ul« „ _ leued mineral rlghta to a Sail Lake ""nn Rtddlnr, lO. of V.lt.Jo, t. plckcd up by a navy helleopler ai a [~ T ~ T ^ Sears Spring City accountant who futileagtd them eo*»lt fuardff dory |oe< afitr lili tompanlon,lion, .Joe llurwell of Walnut •‘' “lerican ‘e n Stoker Slack j to thres olher partlej. Hie Navaho pefk,■k, CCitlf.. in heavy »urf al Pebble n«ach,ch, C:Callf. The U o ik ln d lirn tJTABTAR - OIL TTIEATED A >me tired In Ihe rough waleti md wrre on tfiMl council, with approval of the offame rre nnnblr In make ihorr. A S l1.75 i TC per ton D elivered U interior departmenl, Uaied the fompanipanlon wh® reaehed the btaeh aalVly calleitailed for help. (AP pholo) **■••••» SADDLE time secUon to Honolulu Oil cor------In tetennounialn rr Fuel Co. H E poraUon. OU haa now been diKov. tred on U» tract.______READ TIMES-NEWS WA^IVANT ADS. I Phona■a BlBE |.a<21 — Twin Falh H SAII * W a \ ' M T r e a PARADE S/i A D D L E tat your dog to thtth e fitte s t a ttd 1 ** ’H • llIncludes Breast Stra]rap, Bridle ^ I— 1 — “13-T4^ 51iTrSMt7DoiDouBI^Rig M | | Handsome Black wit S i B S "'ffl (Vlth N ickle — « 1 1 N. ’'jj T rim ^ 1 I

eg. 139.95 Vol. /" I I p R e g . 8 8 ^ VE NOW ONLY $10 Down ^1^ If Sears Saddle Shop» 0 u > Outfit Y ou M From Magic Valley's F 1 Fin»t, YWr s . \ Mott Complete SaddleJle Shop y I 'Brazos Roper" S "Rancher" SiSaddle I I 'Saddle I PK i P* n|Bg9 Chevron DaD ailgn . Ill I R a w h id e T re e ReB-.il..129.95 Valu. • Va Doublas rl(rig n ! I Double Rigging » 8 . 8 8 n m ' I '• Sturdy for ' he beovy w 5C i Floral Embossed I duty wear - lie Down 4 I OMI m s »KIES W ' . # Rowhlle covenjvered tret I - . $]39.95 Vol. 1,1] the doa food withIth all the "Pony"SaddIdle YouITour Choice I Includei brtott trrap, ^ i r o ofdness t f of prime gtgrade tn eatl^ * b rid le ^ i •» TT2-lneh leaf, double 08.88 H ^ >8.88 10n . o o Down SnytHseonTcnleidS v M at 6-padc to d ay -co u p o n on cartonon is w orth / •> BBl^ek, nickli trim w n a total of fiffy cents!ts! JA ll you d o ia mail coupon to usis-byretura - b / "°°"l "StoStockman'' f iSffl nail we send you Bt cortificaitocot worth 25^ on your ee Our Complete Line of A ■ Saddle 9 siext&canpurcbAsoolioofFriflkie3.Inanionth ^ )f Acessories ■ I LORAL DESIGN * *■ we send you anotWcr ocoupon w orth 25(5 ^ FLOR Larga Size oa 6 c a w Y our to tatalBaving-60^1 l i Saddle 1=^= S o d d l e B a g Bo intiodace y our dog to IVifikics today. B l a n k e t l t '0 tbo dog food withith all tho lean red bone meat...tbo dogog foodi th at provides Of mti, Mtvrat ' 5 b ^ s S optotwicotboDOurisltrishment of brands tM teiuin Uolh- j B r i s S n HMvy >l»»r 3Vt> rSTT'yi w. Uam4 hr ISZSSdV /U ^ fonarf doobl* eeUiug for only penniesnieslc69...thedogfood . .':.> j lmU.dNr.^Ai ; kloaktt «IMi r*. f c r '; ' »»f«lbl» eotof pot. ; II* will lore tbo m ostio il W m MI 8 @ L'U^ !»>'. J 8*«n itowl C iJc Z iiik £ S i Onfyiinfy»tfegfeedlfi»t 30-foot FtS^ ONDO j W peuriiSti tit bttr Ih/t „ ” r " "HOI ll . ffS n lus/ —^J2i2 lariat .a OoYVTmt/a St»l • HSI VSSSe^/ 6 regular*8lze (1-pound)id) cansc )PER". m . of Friskies In conveniivenlent b r a ym S I s ROP ^ ( R a t i o n l U IQ k m m . r«M HM carry-hom #) caicarton RN^MaiaaMa r«B». ' Itital Iaalk«r, wSBUu,»,i V 'lR V baaiMo. , kok CMun. Om icludlng 0 CcmpIeN Line ef «e«ssorie> MTtlficata worth 2 Sf on ‘■I- :-".', t AlSm tim «1 yoor M ti 3«aB ^nrcbhMl I l j " Includ Qf" p j i n f o p e n 't i l 9 p ..M.m : FRIDAY ■ ' TriTiTii^ i^acla> »^caK iut& a:^M ^o IKING . , t f K m m e t a y ^fH|tflK J

■' ■______I ’ ■•v TfMES-NEWS, TWINr FFALLS, IDAHO______p a g e THmXy-FOUR FARMS FOR SAJ-E LIVES'/ESTOCK & POULTrT’ ^ JlTUAttONS WANTED ‘“r-n^^-hTrS'Tor'T; C lassified g HIM ^ 3 S ; PAINTINa — DECOflATUJO ' ‘.“ ‘iii’i.;'"]"'..'";;; f e v i j . I WANT AD RATES ZoI«Wol«( 1 EAL ESTATE FOR SALE r~* r^tlni.l«-T.rin. • ty HOMES FOR S/ME _____HOMES! FOR SALE REAL ^ 1 FURNISHED APARTMENTS ___ INEM DUILOIMO o. .orn.r Iol. b*« ollol niONK ItK MOtr ^lOOH ta»« itU ^" " ' “ rJj’ji i r - I g*'j=n7TJT^W a.1 = It » . >■ mrnt. .a.h. K.M. ; ■M . -.?Nf.Ai, T ^ hfiiij : !<:*“• IJJ. ■,-“ltmWU»«.S. I ^lir I'.'f,. hllcb«,. b.«mT;r UUSINtoi'*A»tnoV lJrrUL**V'lwn« /om.cf, Clo.« l»0» "V a RMS ' FOR S A L t QUirwl In »nr o"! LE S. AND DICKS J” ' r Itr. i.eni.______^ CflJa moiUr r»w rtop, 5 htdrvom j ------Tt** lUmo.*! Tom.ini- I’siTT r. Biichln* ihM. ftjud t**.l Mtdi AUTHICIA flniBrtn. — fllKE UTIMATU '“,’.7; ISO hnd CIIIU. t:«.IOO TEIIMS. .Him. [)ci rtOM OArfMld «-m> Bt KK m » A»« " kTO BE SACRIFICED icnia. I Wr^m^tmmt.^thitWj B Y O W N E R it«lli>B. ' Tw» modtrn houitt. 00 all houit. fr» (Jtt^^,Il df»p»r«l*, '^ '” "1 JJ I rh»iT. Un. r. K Tocl. fM of Twlii.f»1li‘ Wiwr beoii*. Onlr t t * T,*^ I In Jtromt es Irari*. j |„ |,nt MUUUIN. I r.-’ti.i, prit.U h«li, JI~V *jl ^'■^'(>H>1 knTian in’huhU I’boR* BE i-lioij « rn,ttn old. h.. '“.‘“I?: ,,A .; ’"•■• “JHEISS INV. CO. "“uiiifM trtjirM l wnl»f fufln»ht.t. AdolU pr»f»Tr. “ “•* .IH A..!...* >>.1.______CKLS. Hunl prijtel- Ont of lb7b««. “L. N. STOCKTON Ur.^.n, »-liuu*IS and h.ih. Uilllii« furnlili^ ** b*'> botllln ippJlBnrn. bM*-! ltdrogm modtrn bosi.. I10.005. M.OOO CA t-JlJ* RK t-Otil l>. UUnit IUt rtot. rr«l iU Suw.rl. . , . . — I [aHTFi Crfor* (bAuld b« rrrofI*'1 lmiL«dltl^ ) — A011 1 rhotitI* TwinTwl K.n, _ ni; »-.v, *• lnniir«ct trurrlJon. .ml< balk ind WuhlnC ftdl* \CIIEa»lino«i Trm ►•rm, 400 8h»N« I j I’hont J»r FOH PREVIOUS mil, i:i«. ll. !i*»~i>tbit. 13« Alh. ilttr. Wrli» M. K Thomt»OB. lloi 101, Iltr. Improirmtau Includ* } Mroon ^ , AIRLINE EMPLOYE ; i-h., Hirbl»f~>unl, W..Mnii»in.______r ^ Hr modtro bomt. oil h«»L Dttp wtlt.j gQSOUTH SIDE iir:i';r«u:.r:«:r.,r;',‘pi.''; :; _ j UNFURNISHED APT5. ~ ^ Sd « X r. " rtVtd" It UO.COO. lU.OM j IIU)>.»;()«AT»^I1 J^WJioom .f«rtm»nu ;14| FAMILY HOME 5ui «n. I Mlit. South. IH Wt.1 of Twin ,jo ;^CR^;ACRK KARM ill undtr ««lll.tllon, • „ „ SELL ^ Oil TRADE ] * .Ti.i'rv.is' ; 0NLY^i;»7 Ptr Artt. l^ n ptij , four Wfoom^^brltk. in >"»• ' w iround.. .Stijftilfrf "ith rio«»n. . '^*.11*^■11‘^ ______>OKONL ] mml HKurtir A»*n • « »<• *■*“ Cllh»uThuiTmTT^^wT^ fj““| I.M* of IftlMlhn ^J Ulh, ri^i.nl M*t- Si<»«. '^w r. dMp wtll. t-btdrMm bon*. ISa.OOO. I^0 ( refrlirrjilofj ««ih*r lurnlthc^, I'bon* '^liEuimiOM i\]l i ri!ivnuo*i hom« in : >nd>ND ACRRAGM AtIR FOR SALC «rr. dM ROCKY M O UNTAIN l|------CACHE VAU.KV lh* rin> I>IA aKlloii of t««ii. ]!'• nod- 1 ,.„»q'iinouGH Till* orncB as uyLn* W,ij^N.rlh.^^__ra.l.^^^K.rlli ll.n.*a nnEKDING ASSOCIATION r m :» i «-I-.>in.i*»cHi i liKUUOUM ui>r»ol>b>4 ipmrtni.nlJ ! n'LE x iuaTEtia, . " _**L REA LTY own.?"^ltd *nd oi.»r.ltd hr Dtlrr liri-.n ’’i:a ------’ ,tStM.^^oub3‘e! UXMI Ap«rUBiBU. I’bont tnd^ 1.100) IIKAI)HK- CATTI.K IIA.SCH. 2 modtrn M I’MIIKNCKH 'lr»lii*l.pr. y«ir ll?: home. 1 C«ll.M-I.l'*"''’.'J Pbon* HK»-«ill,T.intv, ’’'""* .- NKAr-t .IMn-in wllh flnlthH l.»»-. ;Uirii iroTl'cJnn^'.- ’^DtlrttdVtilTifd WAYNEYNE W. BAUER—BROKER I P»‘“ C*»- C IIA S . s. LOONEY F S a r S s - ’^ i i v J s ' ' ROBINSON-FELDTMAN I R E M O V A L J '\ . ol ^ B i LIVESTOCK r SCHOOLS & TRAINING J' I ^ I ATTRACTIVE Ifrm 1 pump. ItHMH.blt. Phon* DA M7M

d^lon.lbontr.A4.:i.4or ■ ^ IDAHO HIDE - P R E P A R E N O W !! *;■ & TALLOW CO. ami-s la TO 30 ------? w o T: t------i ! = =

w ^ D r o ^ M a i|_7*T_iM E. W. McKOBERTS & CO. ™ ° = T I SALE !,! .1 ■J1E..„„. i NOON MARCU.24, lOM *' i l l E s . ITATO EQUIPM ENT Co. .'VIWESTERN IDAHO t - ^ IIU _EAUL B. LARSEN______» I S ® ^ I S TrATE A T FAIRGROUNDS “ ------WE-HITTHE ------l l ------' REAL ESTATE "‘T" W A N T E D I ... srs'i's.f.-p srr^ : ^ s ^ s p 1. DREAM COME TRUE I M™D:[DDLE BUSTER BARS mro , Infnrm.ll™ ...... g POTATO PLANTERS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE p i s i g s y I j : : : : t l§ INCOME PLUS! ll I EOTAlITARY CORRUGATORS I------j i i S i l i BABY CHICKS H — sS'szSSS'sS

W H Y E A T H A M B U R G E R ? «f PAUL EQUIPMENT '"‘'Ki?;' , „ . » » » Hi TRUCKS FOR RENT I ’ ND . WELDING SHOP • in r 1 1 ------HELP WANTED ll WMACKS U-DRIVE i i P S l , i ■ 8W IF T HATCHERY i S Zw PIOKUPfl-rURNOTRE VANS ] mVIN T "FALLS REALTY > 1 " - ■"‘ l l l l I HI-WAY MARKET ^ i INSURANCE f A G E N C Y s J l t

EAST5^P0JNTSS^^^^ | .„mEr!CHfLfri“ 1 = USED BALERS '| O ; R D E R NOW .■mAl)E3FCR7A1M7 n — SPECIAL — M FOOD PRICES 1 ,_,’j-40 ACKt D*lrr M Rubl lor ltrf«r ' a t - S INVESTIGATE! . . I ARE A PAIN NOw'cOOTLm'!^'"HM “ I :ARTER HATCHERY REDEDUCED PRICES „ f A R TWIN FAlis iH j;'|| rcjS!' forIR SHORTs TIME ONLY ______DELIVe'r Y AVAIIQBLE X A. G. HOLLAND _ S«'i”.','!i“5o'!fo’K v _ ..,. p = ■ LOST AND FOUNP ■■ I^ ■ 1 o unn OWN^HATCHINO O’ E a o rlli^ KRENGEL’S SERVICE ------'1 s;i°;iK zs"6.te__... " S B i I g REAL ESTATE ------: a ® : S a = E ; SERVICE. INC. NORTHSIDE 80 I “ Sa .”’if.£t1:J‘!:s^.v._. ” ... Sun.Sunny C h ix Hfttcticry r * r>. 1>A «.4I47 Illir. 14*1. i i l S i ^ 5 s.i:ff'as's,;s:r. ------ril * r . ; ^ S r H l i p s s ^ = = = f;; iSK .K 'an.v.__... !r— GOOD PRICES : = ss=;;V o»,.v_„.. ,0R LLOYD ROBERSON' OR EGGS ARE QUITE I URE FOR THIS FALL __ 'V0ULDNTBEI.IEVB11^ ' “ AGENCY ■ '“Si' I ""^OR RENT OR LEASE | ?i‘: (ssrsssw jafc.... AND WINTERl — I COMI-LtTK B»d«n> Mtuu ••r>U< ^ s;s*.TS*J'o!i?oS,.;-'ri... gjE e Tt C H IC K S EARLY MAGIC V A LLEY J,” tm REALTY ------^1 '“ S ? ' . .. aUSTD n B E READY,

‘for SALE I , , . i ' i * ‘‘,hc. r U . ^ I E Enrly Dcllvrry Prlcfi . ■ rniiMinKMMIH KOII KAIII.Y nRDUl PL^XNNED FOR S' DKI.IVKIIKI) ANYTIMB Sl'RING BUILDLVG t!?. rfsgralH gl:' i i m ; ” ' McVEY’S, Me INC. :ANADA HATCHERY - r - l - .l l n l , hHrk ...... J CAN t e g i ^ p FRONTIER REALTY ____ ^ — -— ^ Sl' o iR^^^PART^FO il SAli TRADE jl AY, GRAIN A N D FEED | - ^ m OOD THINGS T O I^ jiKiiiiKn atiLTii’i.i:'u.iTiNn K I S i = | B 11 r.v,:io f S p I S S ; i' ^---- 'H i >« ACI X : ...... f l... »A gk i I ‘ tTHERE’S i VALUE HERE , JT / I =isaii:‘s -u -c v jr-g p E M ! € M ::: WAI M Vr..n b.tb » i .h ...,, r ,i..„ '••' | 5 S T -i' ?“ ■.M n;c.. CU-. In. in A..-1L. ' CLY’D E P E T E R S E N : ;;; , aj'St'Siia;""' '‘L H T j j' Ii p i i i " A G EN C Y :(;uAif i» ------P^ U nV.-.ftjcrv R N Ib M tU A APADTIulBMTr rA K > me n I a ^ j.^ i 3 i ? k ' L ...... i KK CANAUV. c»t. \ TL ^ |w * ^ 'A U ' kln.U. ..r^lH lf eiriUr;.\ ‘ lllh ‘iitj^XOU^mJ^rn!' Vt^f. JIK V>.M J g j g l g g g l g ; I £ FARMS!!!. . , "j “ D s " " - ' ' ...... ™ “ ' '■ ;S I Z It. g:>: jlllssiiifsj:

i l l S M s ' i ^ U / u i . r d ll.rltr .nd Wbr.t ^ S o o o n o u 'x ' I " Z l ntoV ar'T lIki.. »4 i»>iui^' A4.::;;i : " w a n t e d T o g ^ |— ------n -♦♦k.^.VihiVi"-M.I. A»”uV:s".‘n;: ; KEY REALTY h f S I 19SJ or oiri.r ' I- WANT ADS m sm rn „ ^ i r ^ ^ r r r ^ . J'" PHONE KEY REALTY IDAHO REALTY twinrH'iH VAU.S ‘ ’ . Rr «'»i':i ! LIVESiVESTOCK & POULTRY n f"7441‘ j . < T l V r r r ' K r p X T ^ 611 IIAMI.E1T RKALTY ' EEdwood 3-0931 pP'c AI g* o ii TR aP ^ TIMES-NEWS, TW INN FALLS, IDAHO PAGETHIRTr-ITVI! I '■ '^ O R SALE OR TRADE “ market place l l g l ]mmm \xO^^ l l g ■ i:n^5^.v; !s.'^i:."B“^Tr:I;'’:'i3i magic valley RE 3-0931 - d = \g» turn* , im CAI I trucks and trailers AUTOS fOR SALE }_____ ■gs'-a j . s a i - J T ^ fl l a NEOUS fo r sa l e tt A U TO S FOR SALE I______>AUTOS FOR SALE AlAUTOS FOR SALE mTTTTTn 1 I wW i: ILL NOT ”“ 1 ij 1 ^ J r ■Tul »»4 »>«>■».• M, dl. ; 1952 HE UNDERSOLD [ 7 ^ •MAKK ME AN OFFKIf o»lU\HOWCASE *0F CARS i»c »on NO n CHURCHMAN’S I DODGE No'lNO DOWN PAYMENT PLAN »»» ■ = / S ? ^ I I ^3‘£ri”ir" “; WESTERN MOTOR DOWND PAYMENT A -l USED CARS K - i ; TRUCKS, INC. „ S l r E H ’f S ' S I j l l l AND TRUCKS [ " 'i j i s r i S i S r ....’ ■ "'f~: -j DIAMOND-T TRUCKS “ ■ FOR ONLY $345 j; ™ tt roiiD v-l w « r _ i! i.» r ., r I GORE’S .MOTOR MART ■ “ Sji ji “•sesH K sI ® S r ™ — ::::f ^"Iriivicr 'S5K“S ”* , ‘^!;j ;^ I ■ A'i^T^^fL^S ' — , = i l i ! ! ;;;”''Ss5S';i»iSK,fS f c MAGld'VALLEY’S D E A N ^ 'O T O R CO. *tl *:'.*"l. M l'ud'A ^nuJ ” ROY'S USED CARS Hunao TWIN FALLS 11, l„ -R O Y ' BEER iOMtier) •' n ^ u £ H -i > 1 ahipi.p. : . I .M : I ii,..I I SPOT CASH! p SHARPEST ‘ SQUIPMENTCO. MAKE US AN OFFER! C0S1MERCIAI.5 ' -I CLE>N USED CARS ___ 2 I — EW TO us ------ll BUT!UT AN OLD HAND n ,:||g ||5 '3 ; THERE’S A '] “ FUZZY ” ».a;j:"'""°“" D I F)IFFERENCE IN BOB REESE USED CARS lliO\\\\ HASH 4.J«r ' '* USED CARS 1| l«» Block tB4 At«. U. Says . '■ ACACE HANSEN r s S n L *1 »» BOISE PAVfci iK LUMBER CO. | — SELLUM! ’ ------1' 20 - UNITS - 20 MOE I . r.cilim m M l c . n Al K ; ' " ' QUALITY I . I" ■“ PK crsiSfa'^rrri,... g™]K ^ l S e^lI ' S "■IIDICULOUSoi PRICES YOUNG’S O LD ER ' ™ CELEBRAJ^JI.aNEWJOB MOBILE HOMES jMOTOR SALES AT 501 MAIN i:A ST „«/ 3fi UNITS GLEN G. JENKINS Ei SS •TO CHOOSE FROMl \\ AT I CHEVROLET SiiiS:11 or our «»d o n u d tnckt llli TRADER HORN ‘f^ l l l l i S W ILLS ' f I TRAILER SALES IF YOU WANT ' USED CAR DEPT. Pj------A BARGAIN IN "» ■“ilSBi' . A 1958 CAR »»i HARPEST CARS SPAETH MOTOR j whfjit: c A S m - p notxiNO 'S WORTH THE DRIVE llu HERE IT IS! j f i IN TOWN . f o)R l " WHAT YOU SAVE IIR Itil OLDBHOniLE V.| ______|]tl AT t e f t P ^ L E I I P YOUREE ■RTTTT M O TO R CO. JH L MOTOR CO. I i m m ^ = MOE'S ' - !|— IRD SALES - SERVICE | m NORTH MAIN 2® ^ ------^FGR-SALE------THESE------1 I.,t4 » l i L | _ S 300 FEET n; ' SPECIAL p r i c e " I T ARE OUR PRICES i«i ci THIS WEEK ONLY HUDSON |.d««r. Jl.dta .»d Good Used 8-Inch ji? YOU I ivEETHEART MONTH STEEL P IP E No. S-Gtiugc $3385 — -* MAIlAKE US YOUR OFFERI »*• n/ E ~ ! ~ S BANBU RY sc:::;::;:: F I ND WE HAVE SOME HOT SPRINGS 0, iSs’!,';? '" " Ss l i s s - ^ - - *1 BIBROW NING AUTO CO. I 0 SWEETHEARTS I R ' ^ m I i::rz .r,:: --s FOR SALEI furNit u He & a p p l ia n c e s ! it; D ...... blu.. n». Olt RICE CHEVROLET ll ^ Vr.wmi PlllLCli TVCon.01.. MilUr.l- MAGIC VALLEY'S ' H T-RrA-D-E^ I-N-S TRADING DEALER j R-E-F-U-S-E - 0-O 1 K - Used Cars < ”" s T-0 P-A-Y ■"’i s W i : ! • NO DO\VN 1“ M-0-R-E-! E7£r'Jf.C .1 S ■”’= s h II s ^ ? PAYMENT '“ “ d s n i - '«a t n i 'S3 i w '“' = ^ ,s : g s;a~’S.‘S .'“oSi;g i

”“tsrss:“- " i s ""I i;;£'..fr,”SA»''^_ys'i - " s S F ' - - ”- " - , "“ IS" Y O U REE MOTOH CO. j ' “ ' = ' i -“ r r ; CMKvnoLFr i-doof. niP LATE-MODEL USED 1_____ USED CAR LOT CARS and SOME - ■ . =1 '”' K i M URPHY'S U S E D CARS PICKUPS ||- - 811^ M^N A^, TO. UNION ii JEROME - PHONE EA 4-4812 ■ MOTORS, Inc. ■ WYULiE’s -5;;; THEISEN’S "H ERiERE TO SERVE YOU" USESED CAR LPT. „„ gii's;i'K»^'=na,a; "70rMAra'AVE’ll^ ^ Jl'iV"!RB*-T1.I° ' ‘W n r.lll _____ P hona Ko 3-7700 CARLESON’S 'I— ^ r — ; - | ? S ;''S S fc ? 1957 CADILLAC ' CARLESON'S BUSINESSSS and PROFESSIONALA L I ONEIE FU L L YEAfi 62 4-cIoor Sedan , 602 MAIN SOUTH JUARANTEE! ’••■ SS S£ga::.ra:z;a ; ^ BUY-SELL-TRADE — MAO:C VALLEY TO BUY ; H E v n o ^ _ ^ ^ r V-I. tu u ,. c li’i A CARI DIREECTO\ R Y = CARLESON'S STATION WAGONS THE EASIEST PLACE IN ^ 'NEED IA N e x p eSRT?: '“• i MyiOK VALLEV TO BUV 57 ] 57 FORD 5!2495 O n e o f—T-h--h-ese C4un_H-e-l4)—Yi oj ^ j j ------^ ------^------lj '"‘ ffii; PONTIAC - CADILLAC | S i : 1 7AceordionJ^iiiUir ^ iiutrucUon I # FLOtLOOU SANDING______» PLUMLUUBlNGb HEATING • ,o i S “S:hoose S from, uke- 601 M AIN E A S T | g g j 56 FORD- $1995 >EAL ESTATE SALES. LOANS d " b, ------I v.« Cc iKiS.'ILSrUf!--'..!.-! —TRUCKS — '

56 PONTIAC Wngon y t ti'^KHVirp^'— • ISSU FOR -COMMERCIALS-” 57 PONTIAC Wacon DEPENDABLE " g a-..;.. u sr-a .^ . AUTO PAHTS. ACCtaSOfli£S > J(MS( ^ p H { TRANSPORTATION “53 CHEVROLETC Wngon ASONltr WORK .» riil« k Urin, - rn. RB ».tTg: ~Tk u ck s a n d t r a il e r s I ( 53 DODGE Wagon ' ...... ,„■ ...V„ M.,. tf • LAWAWN MOWEn SERVICE SEHVI ... PICKUPS WII^YS H To. Plck»» 57 GMC $2495 'cL^V K irw lTC/r^A litl^ W IMVnOLTT t i I . , Xi'“ ‘■J2«35;4^3 ;-; Jrdoss T«Sii “ ■ *~5^ '0»° >> " • l»*t'<»bl»' S«rTlt« ftoM HE t-tiu ------• PUCyi}IOTOCnAPin. PORTRAITS ~ ~ '5757 CCHEV.. $1595 5 = ! i = L ^ i ! ! L J l T S . VC iUCB^YOO WAOT TO ^ T E . r '• '■■ "“•• ■’ '‘■I “ ;; DON'T 515 K CHEV. $495 f e T w “ K £ f .a a r ! S a r ^ i^ ?..?• i-L w It ru Txnnr ■■n PwmitiM. t-nu. - GLgf^JENKINS c d . I EASY GMAC . ^ ELECT/tfCAL INSTALLATIONS] !ri? CARLESON'S ^ PHONE RBI'WS -I 602 MAIN SOUTH KFOR- • 'V RE 3-0931 B U Y - S E L L - TRA D E 1 S' g : : F ° s ^ z . | | bbBROW NING A U T O CO. [j "HOI.■HOMEOrCMCTRUCK..]^ ACUUU BKPAffm Ctnw *t ' h au»«t. rtWr. DA m w . Jo° . . ______THURSDAY)AY, FEBRUARY 2(1. 155, TIMES-NEWS, TWINr FALLS,F IDAHO s J PAGE THmTY-SlX


^ J

Ii r ' lM i m u i j K , | » iUGK ' t m i r n J. S. Government Inspecto ind G rad ed ''Good*^ and Free Recipe at IGA St(Stores) I 'Choice''.... ' 3 9 ' ^ MORNING . BEEF SHOORT RIBS MILK-.:.:...... ::. 3 ' " 111" "" 4 9 c ^ IGA, ’/2 C A N S

p Q M O T TUNA T CHUNKS ...... ,.4..rl.00 L 2 9 e CL


LE • . lb. PKGKG. 4 9 * I IGA RIPE 'N RAGG3GED-21/2 CANS r ^ S O l 5 $ ' 1 ^ ^ CERTIFRESHJH FROZEN FILET O 0 F \ PEACIH E S . . 3 ‘-B'OKG HOMOGENIZED E'EVAPORATED-TALALL CANS tCH - 3 9 ‘ j J $ . I ^ M m iLK . 7 *1 t lOA, CAIITOK o r 50. DOCK B Save Your Regisigister Receipts S MATCHES...... 2,.,37c IQA. CREAM OR WHOLE KERNEL ETTUC MEL CORN ...... ■ Adoraa Dpjjs^^^ I ...... 6 113 ,.n . 89c S8 dlflercnUy coelumtd mlnl»lui iRGE Pftekt(CdJnKent«dplMUclubec lubes (or u fe keeptne. Lore- lOA. : b-oz. 1; UUle UdlM repruenUng; ft romAntleron p « rt of lhe world. ' (Otitr iMta Ions enough (or[or m«vi o 'o n e to compleU their P-NUT BUTTER ...... 55c . D HEADS coUKUon). lOA MARLENE B W rre u n l a n M cntnuU U» o ti J In IQA rciU l«r rMel{iU * O f t i ; I MARGARINE ...... 2 69c ( t l on* of tbew dolti (or onl7ot ^ im m ^ LftCIIOY. MEATLESS H SOLD SEPARATELY ...... 1 . 9 8 | 0 DINNER...... , ...... 59c' a s SHAVER'S. 303 CANS GRAPEFRUIT...... 3 JOI tm i 59c

HUNTS 300 CANS!JS TO M ATO IR R 01T s I \ I WESONOIL ON TV! Z ™ FRESH-CRISPI OONI N E PO U N D i" E E • • • I5> i 4 9 ‘ •'Mr Blandtng Builds jJUIC H is D rea m H om e"— Ll starring Cnry Orant and Myrna Loy. ‘"“ 'I H EA FrroTU TA« fe ' / 2 CANS \ [■ , 'GERBER'S K L IX -T V . ch an n e l 11, Thursday evenlni " I ■ JR.-FOODS TOMAIVTOES . 5 = *11 ______|l i 1 3 | NBC SWISS CREME •i -i H O N E Y BEE, PU R ITY ;■: I PUREX RAINDROPS u-<___ SCHILLINGS . “ SA-NDWICH G R A H A M S ! p Qt. 21c V \..,.57c , ^ ; b « 3 9 c ^;! i.ib.boi69c I ' / 2 - g a l . 4 1 c ■ ' S r o c ™ Li f •-«.». r rCTg. xts s j -'- a ; r...... ~— - rrai-.•LSr-c .Tr’.my' vrrf aB«EjC3uar.!lr i

IGA MERCH AN T S ... T h c r iThERE ARE MAGICC VALLEY'S PROGRESSIV;SIVE, INDEPENDENTIG^ lore's a Store Near You! ■ DECLO HAZELI.ZELTON KIMBERLYY . RICHFIELD I "i kiss T W IN FALLS Show'i Market Mikt' I IGA- Plper'i - . H L en k e r • G roc. ^Aike'r M a rk e t P e rto n 't IG EDEN Shopping Center Jamet Foodliner > B U H L Peltenon'i JEROMI " Sheiby'i Market 1 1 M r i . M URTAUGHGH RUPERT H I r b B to l. FILER CJtyZity MI orket t l «.— 'i Foodlond East Side Morket Filer Meet Hi-wqy Hi-»a Market Thorne t [] . BURLEY ■ Meacham Food^ Mon'i Market GOODING. , Burl«r Driv* In J. C. Rainier . KETCHITCHUM OAKLEY CASTLEFORD HAGERMAN Sun Volley' Clork't . SHOSHONE W ENDELL L Owiley’i Mkt. Shopping Shep; Center for ihoppiloppIng Economy Market C. » M. FooJt ;et Coih Grocery •. m r f - • rnvift~.li —. rr~ -y-„,„^.-..••,■1 - ,^v i . ------i y buiST ilR Pll nilll IN rllA

...... ;^T --V r-^ ------}.. . •