ANTON C. VRAME 50 Goddard Avenue Brookline, MA 02445 (617) 850-1218 FAX: (617) 850-1489
[email protected] Education Ph.D., Boston College, Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry, Chestnut Hill, MA. Degree awarded May 1997. Dissertation: “The Educating Icon: Principles of Iconic Catechesis in the Orthodox Tradition” Dissertation Chair: Thomas H. Groome M.Div., Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA. Degree with highest distinction awarded May 1989. M.A., The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. International Relations. Degree awarded March 1983. B.A., DePaul University, Chicago, IL. Psychology – Human Services concentration. Degree with highest honor awarded June 1981. Teaching • Adjunct Associate Professor, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, 50 Goddard Avenue, Brookline, MA 02445, (617) 731-3500. September 2007 to present. Course Taught: Religious education (PAST 5301/EDUC 4331) • Associate Professor of Orthodox Christian Studies, Graduate Theological Union, 2400 Ridge Road, Berkeley, CA 94709, (510) 649-2400. September 2003 to present. Courses Taught: Orthodox Christianity: History/theology (HS 4157) Theology in color: Icons and other images (HSRA 4648) Orthodox Theology: Christ and the Person (ST 4322) Orthodox Christian Spirituality (SPHS 2756) NB: This was a “Rostered and In-residence Faculty” position of the Graduate Theological Union. I was a member of the faculty in Inter-disciplinary Studies. I was also a member of the Core Doctoral Faculty (which oversees doctoral work at the GTU and entitled me to serve as a chairman of a doctoral committee) Committee Service GTU Working Group on Ecumenical, Interreligious, and Intercultural issues in preparation for the accreditation site visit of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and Association of Theological Schools.