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have been blessed by opportunities to meet with eight Orthodox Christian patriarchs from multiple jurisdictions and have traveled to many of the world’s religious places, such as Mt. Athos (seven times), Meteora, Fruška Gora, Patmos, and Ephesus, and several sites in the Holy Land, including: the Mount of Olives, Mount of the Sermon, Mount Tabor, and Mar Saba in Judea; Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Capernaum; and the Garden of Gethsemane and Dead Sea— discovering everywhere the far-reaching impact of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. The theological education, research, and scholarship of our seminary are highly regarded by those whom I have met. The influence of our St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press and the distinguished reputation of our faculty, as well as the good works of our alumni, have been evident in conversations throughout my travels. As a former chairman of International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), which, like St. Vlad’s, is a premier pan-Orthodox institution, I have observed humanitarian efforts in Beirut, Damascus, Tbilisi, and Amman; in Kosovo, Bosnia, and Serbia; and in Ethiopia and Cameroon. At the same time, in those same places, I’ve listened to the high regard in which St. Vlad’s is held. Proverbs 22:1 reminds us: Reaching out… near and far “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, This year’s Annual Report, titled “The Far Reach of St. Vladimir’s Seminary,” and favor is better than silver or gold.” highlights how our trustees, faculty, staff, and alumni positively influence people The stories in this Annual Report—written by those who have and places, as they dedicate themselves to Jesus Christ and to His service. benefited from the ministries of our Dean, Chancellor, alumni, Most often, their vital day-to-day ministries are noticed only locally, for example, activities, and programs—attest to the “good name” of St. Vladimir’s those of parish priests, missionaries, youth workers, or teachers. Sometimes, their Seminary and to its far reach around the globe. work extends more broadly, for instance, authors who reach thousands of readers I am proud to be a part of our seminary and its mission to serve through our academic press. Christ, His Church, and the world. In my opinion, St. Vladimir’s Less frequently but more impressively, their labor is thrust into the limelight Seminary is perfectly positioned to provide the guidance necessary of world events, like that of Archbishop Avak (Asadourian), archbishop of to help and lay leaders from all Orthodox jurisdictions to ABOVE Our Board Chair, Alex Machaskee, with Baghdad and primate of the Diocese of Iraq of the Armenian Church, Mother See Patriarch Pavle of Serbia (+2009) positively influence the world and make it a better place. May its stellar of Holy Etchmiadzin. Recently, his account of the tragic plight of Christians in the reputation and its willingness to extend a hand continue, through BELOW Alex Machaskee with clergy of Middle East was published by Public Radio of Armenia, and he worshipped God’s grace. with HRH Charles, Prince of Wales, at St. Yeghiche Armenian Church in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church London, at a service dedicated to those suffering because of their faith. (Images courtesy of IOCC archives) Sincerely, Whether unsung or widely publicized, their labor honors our Lord—and their alma mater. In this Annual Report we invite you to glimpse into some of their stories, as told by those who have benefited from their ministries and who wish to Alex Machaskee reads from the Prologue from Ochrid Alex Machaskee honor them. EXECUTIVE CHAIR BOARD OF TRUSTEES —The Advancement Team (Image courtesy of the photographer) 2 The Very Reverend Chad Hatfield, D.Min., Hon. D.D. The Very Reverend John Behr,D.Phil. CHANCELLOR/CEO, ST. VLADIMIR’S SEMINARY ALUMNUS ’97, M.TH. DEAN, ST. VLADIMIR’S SEMINARY By the Nuns of Monasterio Ortodoxo de la Santísima Trinidad, Guatemala By Chris Hunter, Catechumen

“Big is God!” That’s how we When I was 17, I used to walk my dog near Brookwood Cemetery in Surrey, UK. One evening feel when we think about the out of the gathering twilight, a figure dressed from ways in which Father Chad head to foot in black stepped out from behind a Hatfield, a servant of God, crumbling Victorian mausoleum. He was a monk at the recently established St. Edward the Martyr has influenced our lives Brotherhood, which had taken over two disused here at the Monasterio funereal chapels in the cemetery. Ortodoxo de la Santísima With this chance encounter, so began 30 years of Trinidad, Guatemala. dilly-dallying with Orthodoxy. I began dropping into St. Edward’s, as I liked the atmosphere and the Many years ago, as spiritual leader of an Orthodox structure of services I witnessed, but the “bridge” Christian Mission Center (OCMC) team, Father Chad came to become more involved was lost to me in a mist to our monastery and to the Hogar Rafael Ayau Orphanage of girlfriends and parties. Luckily, the monks of associated with it. He subsequently wrote in the Cathedral St. Edward’s have been very tolerant of me turning ABOVE Chris in front of St. Edward the Martyr Brotherhood Messenger (December 2001) of St. George Antiochian beautiful framed icon of St. Herman of Alaska (already a up to services over the years on an irregular basis. BELOW Becoming Human (SVS Press 2013, front cover) Orthodox Christian Cathedral, Wichita, Kansas: “Once we patron beloved by us), which contained the saint’s relics. When I went to college and then moved around for work, I always sought out local were at the orphanage, I checked out the beautiful chapel Father Chad wished Alaska and Guatemala to be united Orthodox churches to attend services. I obviously had an attraction to the Orthodox where I would be offering Divine Liturgy the next morning— through St. Herman. What an unforgettable day! Church and slowly increased my knowledge of the practices of Orthodoxy, but the in Spanish! I became right at home serving there.” In the ensuing weeks, the Athabaskan and Yupik native motivation to move forward, to take the time to push things further, was not quite there. Just as he felt at home with us on that very first visit, we women on that mission team got along very well with our This changed about a year ago or so. I was reading an article in a copy ofNational nuns and the children at the Hogar now feel comfortable young Mayan girls. They shared dances and traditions, Geographic about the laws of physics (or lack of them) inside black holes. The language around him as our “Father.” At main events in our lives, laughter and deep feelings—all hand-in-hand with the joy used in the article, describing conditions past the “event horizon,” incorporated words and such as the consecration of the Monastery Church in 2007, reflected in Father Chad’s face. Up to this day, we remember phrases such as “believe,” “speculate,” and “where our understanding breaks down.” The and at the blessing of the new Orthodox Residence for this cherished team. inability to be sure of anything beyond the “event horizon” reminded me of our perception Children in San Miguel by the Lake in 2013, Father Chad It has also been our joy to visit Father Chad during his of death. This got me pondering on why science and religion are not viewed more positively has always been present. service to God in Alaska and New York, sharing our lives and as mutually complementary. The points of agreement seem greater than those of conflict. His most remarkable mission trip to Guatemala was with confessing to our “Father,” a priest we love, trust, and cherish. At the same time my mind was turning all this over, by the grace of God I had started OCMC’s Alaskan Team in 2004, when four missionaries, May the Lord and St. Herman of Alaska continue to guide listening to a lot of theology lectures from various Orthodox sources via “YouTube.” including Alaskan natives, came with him. He brought a and protect him! Big is God! I came across lectures about “Becoming Human” ABOVE RIGHT Father Chad at Monasterio Ortodoxo de la Santísima Trinidad, Guatemala and “Death: the Final Frontier,” given by Father BELOW RIGHT Children of Hogar Rafael Ayau Orphanage John Behr. What he said and how he expressed himself (Images courtesy of Vicki Anton-Athens) was the catalyst, as it were, I had been looking for.

It merged all the science and the physical realities of life with the deeply spiritual elements Father John Behr’s podcast, “From Scroll to Book to Net: Videos from Hogar Rafael Ayau Orphanage and created a single coherent image. It really was a “Let there be light!” moment! The Web of Knowledge” Video from Monasterio Ortodoxo de la Santísima, I know that the will of God is ultimately to be thanked, but the words and thinking of in Spanish Father John have made a huge difference to my life. I am now working with the guidance Father John Behr’s essay, “From Scroll to Book to Net: of the Fathers at St. Edward’s to take my involvement with the Orthodox Church further, The Web of Knowledge” and ultimately, to Baptism. 3 4 His Grace Bishop Anba Suriel (Guirgis), Ph.D. ALUMNUS ’98–’99 BISHOP OF THE HOLY DIOCESE OF MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, TASMANIA, ACT, SOUTH AUSTRALIA, WESTERN AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND AND ALL OCEANIA

By Ralph Toss, Former General Counsel to His Grace, and Ph.D. Reader in the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York and New England The Reverend Jason Foster, ALUMNUS ’09 RECTOR, HOLY NATIVITY OF THE LORD MISSION, Just a few words sum up His Grace Bishop Suriel: He’s there for you. SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA The focus, sacrifice, and love His Grace demonstrates in still there for us: pacing hospital hallways at all hours, and By Reggie Greening, Parishioner, Holy Nativity making these words come true are beyond comprehension, praying with us, crying with us, and interceding on our because he’s there for you while performing his duties as behalf up to the moment of my father’s death. of the Lord Mission, Shreveport, Louisiana diocesan bishop, while working on his Masters and Ph.D. He’s been there for countless others. He’s flown back from Everyone who visits, stays! degrees, while doing ecumenical work, while fighting dozens of international meetings to be with his children, for Egypt’s Coptic minority, and while doing missionary hurt in heart-wrenching accidents or approaching the end work in Fiji, Pakistan, and Tonga. Despite his heavy of their earthly journeys. He’s been there at weddings, That pretty much accounts for the explosive growth commitments, and in all circumstances, he’s there for each baptisms, engagements, graduations, barbeques, and at our church, Holy Nativity Mission, in sheep of his flock. festivals. He’s been there—in long black robes and black I first met Bishop Suriel at a youth retreat in 1998. This dress shoes, after neatly folding his panagia and putting Shreveport, Louisiana. But why people stay towering young bishop had nary a grey hair in his beard it aside—to grab a tennis racket and beat us—dressed in can be summed up in a word: family. and spoke with an Aussie accent. Bishop Suriel reminded us shorts and sneakers—at a game. He’s been there to guide Western youth that the Church was a relevant organism that meetings and strategy sessions seeking to make the Church I was introduced to Holy Nativity when I called up my former college classmate “Jason” on could feed us spiritually. He had an obvious love for Christ relevant to God’s people. a whim to settle a biblical dispute that I was having with another friend. I remembered that and us, and needless to say—we fell in love with him. Following St. Paul’s command, His Grace “rejoices with my college buddy had been a Baptist minister in Shreveport—but I didn’t realize that he had When Bishop Suriel was appointed as day-to-day those who rejoice, and mourns with those who mourn” eventually been ordained as an Orthodox Christian priest and was now “Father Jason”! administrator of the Archdiocese of North America, how (Rom 12:15). Because he’s been there for me, I am where I “You still religious?” I queried him on the telephone. In reply, Father Jason suggested we catch up lucky I was to live just a few miles away! At that time, my am. And the Church is where it is. We, collectively, couldn’t at lunch, and he invited me to bring along my older son, Josh, a 14-year old history enthusiast. father was sick, and His Grace visited numerous times, as if have gotten here without his being there: obeying God’s my father were his own. During the last few months of my voice and loving God’s flock. Father Jason showed up with an ancient coin he had acquired while attending Oxford dad’s life, and in the midst of His Grace’s studies, he was University and an old censer from the 12th century. His sensitivity to Josh’s interests struck me. Then Father Jason invited my whole family to attend a vespers service, and from that moment on, we were sold. Father Jason’s ruling principle is LEFT Ralph with Bishop Suriel on the occasion of ABOVE Part of the Greening his wife Ann Marie’s graduation from Yale University “Children are welcome here, no matter what,” Family with part of the Foster Video of Bishop Suriel speaking about persecuted Family on a visit to St. Vladimir’s Coptic Orthodox Christians in Egypt and the hospitable atmosphere created by his six young girls, and his wife, Matushka Ashley, Seminary campus: (from left) have created a place where children are welcomed as members, not judged as nuisances. Josh, Donna, Reggie, and Matthew Greening, with Addison, Adults at the mission are treated with equal thoughtfulness. Even though Father Jason has Savannah, Mat. Ashley, Camille, a cohort of about 10–20 catechumens at any given time, he meets and counsels each one and Father Jason Foster personally, instead of within a general class. Especially memorable are Father Jason’s two 24-hour “vigils” during Holy Week this past year. Most of us at the mission are converts to the Orthodox Christian faith, and many of us had Website of Holy Nativity never before participated in the Sacrament of Confession. So, Father Jason carefully scheduled of the Lord Mission, enough time, throughout two entire nights, for each person to make a meaningful lifetime Shreveport, Louisiana confession before receiving Holy Communion. Our mission soon will begin constructing a wonderful church building (currently, one of our parishioners has secured a rent-free space for services), and we predict we’ll triple in numbers…because, as my wife, Donna, says, “Everyone who visits, stays!” 5 6 A “living ”…that’s how I think Nicolae G. Roddy, Ph.D. Tracy Davis Gustilo, Ph.D. of Dr. Nicolae Roddy. Initially, he was ALUMNUS ’89, M.A. ALUMNA ’13, M.A., CO-FOUNDER, “ST. MACRINA INSTITUTE my professor at Creighton University, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF FOR DIAKONIA AND CATECHESIS,” KANSAS CITY, KANSAS but he now has become my mentor THE HEBREW BIBLE, DEPARTMENT and friend as well. OF THEOLOGY, CREIGHTON By Sarah Lantz, participant in the “St. Macrina Institute As a naïve teenager, I left home for UNIVERSITY, OMAHA, NEBRASKA for Diakonia and Catechesis,” Kansas City, Kansas college in 1999 with a general idea of how my life would unfold. Much By the Reverend Aaron Warwick, Almost every from various parishes and jurisdictions signed up: one to my surprise, it turned out quite Alumnus ’09, M.Div., Rector, Saturday afternoon student would like in the future to serve as a deacon, while differently, and one important person St. Mary Orthodox Christian for the past year, others aspire to prison ministry, therapeutic responses to I’ve spent at least various addictions, mission work, or teaching—as well as who helped me navigate the detours Church, Wichita, Kansas was Dr. Roddy. three hours sitting in personal growth in faith. class—taking notes Dr. Gustilo, and two other talented instructors having During my first semester at and participating in differing particular interests and strengths, teach, so an expert Creighton, Dr. Roddy taught a required course entitled “Christianity discussion. At first, is usually nearby to answer any type of question. I appreciate in Context.” He was the first Orthodox Christian I’d ever met, and his that might not sound their efforts immensely! The classes and assigned readings “orthodox” perspective and approach intrigued me. I first attended an so appealing: Who truly nourish my soul and inspire me. Every Saturday I Orthodox Christian parish with him, and with his help, established an OCF wants to give up half remember how grateful I am to be part of this new endeavor. (Orthodox Christian Fellowship) chapter at Creighton. of every Saturday after a long workweek to sit in a classroom? We are all extremely grateful to Dr. Gustilo and her I took another course offered by Dr. Roddy, this time on the Old Testament, However, this isn’t just any class. This is a course offered colleagues for working so hard to provide us with this rare which really challenged my thinking. I, with other students, struggled by the “St. Macrina Institute for Diakonia and Catechesis,” opportunity to learn and to build community. re-reading through texts that seemed so different now than from when we recently organized under the auspices of the Diocese of the had heard them in Sunday School. I appreciated Dr. Roddy’s willingness to Midwest of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA). This Who wants to give up half of every Saturday after stick around after class to help us students. His care for students and love of three-year program gives students instruction appropriate a long workweek to sit in a classroom? We do! the Bible helped him to dialogue with us and transmit his to their diverse and specific needs: preparation for diaconal wisdom to us—as very few professors were able to do. Most ordination, catechetical education, or simply a more Audio of Dr. Gustilo discussing St. Irenaeus importantly, he was able to integrate his deep knowledge of informed articulation of faith. Website of St. Macrina Institute for Diakonia and Catechesis biblical texts into 21st-century living. Dr. Tracy Gustilo—along with Father Elijah Mueller, ABOVE LEFT Dr. Roddy in his study at Creighton University Our relationship grew over 15 years, and in 2012, Dr. Roddy Father Joshua Lollar, and Father Timothy Sawchak (also ABOVE LEFT Dr. Gustilo receiving her Master of Arts degree from St. came to speak at my parish about the Bible and archaeology. ABOVE RIGHT Dr. Roddy in the field at Bethsaida with St. Vladimir’s alumni) and Liam Higgins—helped to get Vladimir’s Seminary, presented by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, Spurred on by that retreat, some parishioners and I Father Aaron Warwick the local Kansas City program under the Institute going in primate of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) accompanied him on an archaeological dig this past summer to BELOW Father Aaron on the dig in Bethsaida January 2014. Twelve students of all ages and backgrounds BELOW Dr. Gustilo (center) with her Kansas City students at the Institute Bethsaida. What I noted most was that although Dr. Roddy is an esteemed scholar and archaeologist, he continues to learn and to assimilate his education into his daily life. In Dr. Roddy I see someone who humbles himself before God, realizes and embraces his unworthiness, and yet, thankful for God’s mercy, strives to show the world the likeness of God to which we all are called. He has imparted to me not just knowledge of biblical texts, but has provided me with an example of a living witness of biblical tradition, a “living Bible” in action.

Audio of Dr. Roddy discussing the Hebrew Bible and his archeological excavations in Galilee

7 8 The pastor in the cartoon on my daily calendar sits in his office, a phone to his ear. Various signs on different shelves of the full bookcase behind him declare: “Books I have read. Books D.Phil. I want to read. Books I have tried to The Reverend Andrew Cuneo, read. Books I should read.” And the ALUMNUS ‘10, M.DIV., RECTOR, ST. KATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA ORTHODOX MISSION, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA caption states: “Ah, Mrs. Smith, how St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press wonderful. You have a book for me.” By Donnie Carmichael, Parishioner, St. Katherine of By the Very Reverend John I have come to view some volumes on my own shelves Alexandria Orthodox Mission, Carlsbad, California as old friends with whom, after decades, I am still in conversation. Shimchick, Alumnus ’80, Others, undisturbed for years, will occasionally and suddenly call out: “Now M.Div.; ’99, D.Min. is the time.” And, I will obey and take them down. A new version of one of At that moment, I knew Rector, The Orthodox Church of the these latter recently arrived by post from SVS Press. I had found a very special place, Holy Cross, Medford, New Jersey I already owned the original 1947 Russian version of Metropolitan Evlogy’s memoirs, My Life’s Journey—a gift from the Seminary’s former librarian, my San Diego church home … Stephen Beskid. Part of it had helped me in writing my M.Div. thesis in 1980. Diminishing language skills and lack of time, however, made my and, a very special pastor. good intentions of ever finishing the book very unlikely…until my new English translation arrived, just in time for a significant journey I was LEFT Donnie Carmichael with Father Andrew in their about to take! home church, St. Katherine’s I was preparing for a summer trip to Poland with our diocesan hierarch, Bishop Michael, Fr. Wiaczeslaw Krawczuk, and my eldest son, John. We Father Andrew speaks about Christian themes in would be guests of Archbishop Abel, who leads the Diocese of Lublin and the work of C.S. Lewis at the 2012 Orthodox Chełm, where Metropolitan Evlogy had served in various capacities and as Education Day on the seminary campus Bishop of Lublin. Our group was planning to visit his cathedral, to wander through the same areas and hear of the same historical battles that Metropolitan Evlogy had experienced and described. His memoirs would illuminate our way. “Let’s pray some more!” I can picture within our small U.S. Orthodox world, we all had mutual Metropolitan Evlogy (1868–1946) understood the difficulties of church Father Andrew Cuneo’s smiling face friends—pretty phenomenal, given I’d moved to San Diego life as experienced within the Russian Orthodox theological educational as he says this, especially after Divine only two days earlier! system and ecclesiastical structures. He was well aware of the theological Liturgy on his way to bless the food and The following Sunday, at St. Katherine Mission for Divine tensions between Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, and Greek drink at coffee hour. I’ve been enjoying Liturgy, Father Andrew announced we would be praying Catholics, and the political confusion emerging between Russians, this favorite expression of his, and the “Great Blessing of the Water” at the beach and also Ukrainians, Communists, and supporters of the Tsar. Yet in the midst of it that smile, ever since I became having coffee hour there. At that moment, I knew I had all he could share the following story: a member of St. Katherine found a very special place, my San Diego church home … Mission two and half and, a very special pastor. I will mention, by the way, that Metropolitan Platon said something years ago. that is still relevant to this day. “The barriers which people have set up Father Andrew has three main qualities that continue to When I first in the Church do not reach heaven.” The following situation brought on bless my journey toward God. moved to San these words. Metropolitan Platon was passing by a Catholic church in Diego, I had First (and best of all), he listens, patiently taking in all the town of Korostyshev in the Kiev Province, and suddenly came upon a new job and my information and thoughtfully giving simple, orderly, something unusual—the church bells were ringing and the priest was in new apartment, fatherly direction. Second, Father Andrew loves to read the the doorway holding a cross. So he came out of his carriage, went inside but no close “Lives of the Saints” to us parishioners after Vespers, and the church, said some prayers, and told the priest that he was gratified by church ties. I called Father Andrew to introduce myself during that time, I feel like a little kid again—with story- his welcome and uttered the abovementioned memorable comment. Both and to obtain St. Katherine Mission’s schedule for the time before bed. Third, he encourages monastery visits and ABOVE NY-NJ Diocesan delegation led by Bishop the Catholic and Orthodox Church leadership were displeased with this celebration of Theophany—a holy day that carried for me spiritual pilgrimages. Michael with Archbishop Abel (Father John, rear left) encounter (p. 258). memories of home, family, friends, and feasting. I left home in New Hampshire, that’s true…but God, through Father Andrew, his family, and our parish, has Father John’s article “In Poland with America’s Immediately, Father Andrew invited me to a joint Team,” Part One & Part Two The translation ofMy Life’s Journey has now moved to a different location brought me home again. on my bookcase: “Books I will return to.” And, the 1947 gift from Stephen Theophany service with another local parish, and a Order My Life’s Journey: The Memoirs luncheon at a parishioner’s home, where I discovered that of Metropolitan Evlogy from SVS Press Beskid will find a new home on a shelf in the Seminary’s library. 9 10 Jesse Brandow The Reverend Jeremy Davis ALUMNUS ’13, M.DIV., ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN ALUMNUS ’04, M.DIV. MISSION CENTER (OCMC) LONG-TERM MISSIONARY HIEROMONK, ST. ELIJAH ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CHURCH, By the Very Reverend John Chakos, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA OCMC Mission Specialist By Brandon Baca, Parishioner, St. Elijah Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

I first met Jesse Brandow two summers ago in Guatemala After years of church ministry, my wife and I found ourselves in a at a time of momentous church growth in that country and quandary: our denomination had started to crumble from the top down. Southern Mexico. While still a seminarian, and with some Suddenly, the spiritual life we’d known was in question. We couldn’t fluency in Spanish, he had come to Guatemala on a short- stay in the denomination we had been a part of, but we had no desire to term missionary assignment to witness a compelling social start up a new church. Meanwhile, my father-in-law, our church’s pastor, and political movement among the Mayan people, who while had started conversing with the priest at St. Elijah’s, Father Constantine seeking land reform were also eagerly embracing the fullness of Nasr, about our congregation’s possible conversion to Orthodoxy. Orthodox Christianity. The impact of this experience left him a Orthodox worship was worlds apart from the “worship” we were changed man. accustomed to. My wife, Andrea, and I had led our congregation in I watched as Jesse—with camera in hand, a sense of mission choruses of praise with piano, guitar, drums, and microphones. Initially, history in his head, and a love for the Mayan people in his I thought Orthodox worship couldn’t be very different from Catholic heart—began to make an accurate record of the remarkable and Episcopal practices, but nothing could’ve prepared me for what journey of the long-suffering Mayan people. Through his I experienced witnessing the beauty of my first Divine Liturgy. Yet, I photos, Jesse saw and was moved by their outpouring of remained skeptical. affection for Father Andres Giron (+ February 16, 2014), their In many marriages, the husband makes the decision for Orthodoxy first; charismatic leader in this great movement of faith and land the discipline of Orthodox spirituality and practice usually attracts men! I watched as Jesse—with reform. He also captured the unbridled joyous celebration But for us, this was not the case; my wife first concluded that Orthodoxy of the first pastoral visit of their newly appointed hierarch, camera in hand, a sense of was a good fit, while I remained unsure. Archbishop Athenagoras of Mexico. Thus began a long series of conversations with Father Jeremy Davis, mission history in his Together Jesse and I witnessed these stirring events, feeling the assistant priest at St. Elijah’s, starting with a lunch meeting. I had clergy and laity’s passion for Christ and His Orthodox Church. head, and a love for the countless questions, and he answered them all with patience, As a result, Jesse and I began to talk about his perceived calling understanding, and love. I still remember the last question he asked as we Mayan people in his and possible candidacy to serve as an Orthodox Christian finished that first lunch: “What do you need from me in this journey?” heart—began to make an Mission Center (OCMC) long-term missionary to the vibrant Guatemalan flock that had gained his affection. We also I answered: “A friend,” and he responded: “I’ll try and be that.” accurate record of the remarkable journey talked about his evolving vision to document fully the Mayan Along with my wife and myself, a number of other young people in of the long-suffering Mayan people. people’s travail through a brutal civil war, persecution, forced our church posed similar questions. At home-based get-togethers displacement from their ancestral homes, and abandonment we bombarded Father Jeremy with our opinions, questions, and pre- by the Catholic Church because of their controversial choice to conceived notions about Orthodoxy. Again, he patiently answered and ABOVE TOP Newly christmated Orthodox Christians seek a more spirited form of worship, and their eventual entry counseled us on our journeys. ABOVE BOTTOM Jesse with Mayan friends in Guatemala into the Orthodox Church. In large part, Father Jeremy’s friendship brought us to Orthodoxy, and ABOVE Father Jeremy Davis Jesse Brandow’s stirring podcast expressing I look forward in the days and months ahead to working with we have baptized our three subsequent children in the Church. God- at St. Elijah’s Church, Oklahoma City his enthusiasm and love for the Mayan people Jesse in this apostolic field, already ripe for harvest. I believe willing, future generations will embrace Orthodoxy because of God Jesse’s missionary journey on Facebook that his efforts will place the Guatemalan Orthodox Church working through humble and devoted priests like Father Jeremy— Tour of St. Elijah’s conducted by Father Jeremy and its many villages squarely on the map of worldwide priests willing to be true friends of Christ (John 15:15) and true friends Orthodoxy and be a source of greater understanding for future with His brothers and sisters. 11 missionary endeavors among the Mayan people. 12 Khouria Leslee (Nicola) Abud ALUMNUS ’82, PRE-THEOLOGICAL PROGRAM IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION; CHURCH SCHOOL DIRECTOR, YOUTH DIRECTOR AT ST. GEORGE ORTHODOX CHURCH, FLINT, MICHIGAN, AND ASSOCIATE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN ARCHDIOCESE OF NORTH AMERICA (AOCANA) By Tamer Abuaita, Parishioner, St. George Orthodox Church, Flint, Michigan

At age fifteen, I was a very motivated kid—involved in many different school organizations, playing on the soccer team, and still maintaining good grades. Additionally, I was also a member of our local Teen SOYO, a chapter of the national organization, Society of Orthodox Youth Organizations, of our Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church here in the U.S. Still, I felt unfulfilled—even with everything I was doing. But Khouria Leslee Abud, then our parish’s Youth Director, had the uncanny ability to see my potential (as she does everyone’s), and she tapped into it without reserve.

Around election time for new Teen SOYO officers, she encouraged me to become the ABOVE Khouria Leslee with organization’s president. At first I hesitated, thinking I didn’t have time for another youth of St. George’s Church on activity; but through her persistence and persuasion I ran and was elected. their second-ever camping trip: 2 nights, 3 tents, 5 meals, fishing During my year of presidency I learned a lot about my capabilities—and myself. I was and lots of marshmallows! stretched spiritually, as Khouria Leslee influenced my leadership qualities. She helped BELOW Khouria Leslee with me become detail oriented while keeping in mind the bigger picture. She helped me teens volunteering at their local accomplish my goals and helped me understand why my goals needed accomplishing. Salvation Army She inspired me, allowing me to experience the exact amount of failure and success necessary to grow and (eventually) to make decisions on my own. (Images courtesy of Kari Farah) Although my time in Teen SOYO has long passed, it is evident that Khouria Leslee still has the same love for and positive effect on teens in our parish, diocese, and archdiocese—never giving up on them and always encouraging them. Truly gifted by God to perceive potential in every St. Vladimir’s Seminary’s Male Choir and St. Joseph’s single person, she gently but firmly taps into it, while Roman Catholic Seminary’s Schola jointly presented continuously persuading each person to live up to “: to the Mother of God from East and their promise. Now, as a grateful college grad soon West” at St. Jean Baptiste Church, NYC, November 2013 to enter medical school, I cannot thank her enough for tapping into mine!

13 14 “For me there is so much Divine Power and beauty

Discover more about The Arvo Pärt Project in the substance of music. Arvo Pärt and Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir Whoever has ears,

he Arvo Pärt Project at St. Vladimir’s Seminary began let them hear.” with a relationship built upon a common faith shared by — Arvo Pärt, Estonian composer Arvo Pärt, famed Estonian composer, and seminary faculty members and Orthodox Christian Dr. Peter C. Bouteneff and Dr. Nicholas Reeves. It blossomed into a concert-lecture series presented by the Seminary in May and June 2014 in New York City. The concert-lecture series focused on the spiritual underpinnings of Pärt’s music, which are inspired by early Christian chant and the ancient yet ever fresh teachings of the Orthodox Christian Church.

CLOCKWISE, FROM ABOVE Estonian composer, Arvo Pärt The “All-Arvo Pärt Program” at Carnegie Hall and the performance Thousands attended the “All-Arvo Pärt Program,” Stern Auditorium, Carnegie Hall of the piece Kanon Pokajanen in the Temple of Dendur at The Metropolitan Tikhon, president of the Board of Trustees Metropolitan Museum of Art attracted thousands of people from of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, greets Arvo Pärt at the all walks of life. A panel discussion at The Metropolitan Museum of Carnegie Hall reception Art, webcast by Met Media and entitled “Spirit in Sound and Space: Dr. Nicholas Reeves, co-director of the Arvo Pärt Project, with HE Marina Kaljurand, Estonian Ambassador to A Conversation Inspired by Arvo Pärt,” included Dr. Bouteneff, the US, presenting Arvo Pärt with an oil painting by architect Steven Holl, and neuroscientist Robert Zatorre. Patrick Reeves, reflective of the event’s publicity (from left) Fr. Chad Hatfield, Metropolitan Tikhon, Fr. Media buzz and rave reviews (e.g., The New York Times and The John Behr present Arvo Pärt with an icon of St. Vladimir Wall Street Journal) and packed venues perfectly exemplified the Dr. Peter Bouteneff, co-director of the Arvo Pärt Project, Seminary’s far reach and its mission to engage the surrounding with Arvo and Nora Pärt culture with Orthodox Christianity. A continuing relationship Composer Arvo Pärt and conductor Tõnu Kaljuste receiving accolades after the “All-Arvo Pärt Program,” with Pärt—including the Seminary’s bestowal of a Doctor of Sacred Stern Auditorium, Carnegie Hall Music degree upon the composer—and with his Arvo Pärt Centre in (Images ©Eleri Ever eleriever.com) Estonia promises future collaboration. 15 16 FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014

Statement of Financial Position Statement of Financial Activities Statement of Cash Flows TheStatement of Financial Position lists the assets, ASSETS TOTAL REVENUES $ 7,224,552 CASH FLOWS FROM liabilities, and net worth of an institution. OPERATING ACTIVITIES Current assets $ 999,769 Less: TheStatement of Financial Activities contains Net surplus/(deficit) $ 1,745,794 information on revenues and expenses, noting either a positive Investments $ 13,756,054 Program expenses $ 3,386,360 Depreciation $ 589,995 or negative change in net assets for the fiscal year. Inventory $ 808,307 Supporting services $ 2,092,398 Investment (gains) losses $ (1,747,967) TheStatement of Cash Flows lists sources of funding for an institution—from operations, investing activities, and Fixed assets (land & buildings) $ 13,374,119 Total expenses $ 5,478,758 Net cash from receivables $ (50,936) financing activities—and the amount of cash provided by each Other assets $ 161,859 Net surplus (deficit) $ 1,745,794 Net cash from inventory $ 23,149 of these sources. Total assets $ 29,100,108 Net assets, beginning of year $ 23,869,583 Net cash from payables $ 6,558 At the end of FY2014, the Seminary showed net assets of $25,615,377 and a net increase in cash of $345,766, with an Net assets, end of year $ 25,615,377 LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Net cash used in operations $ 566,593 ending positive cash balance of $381,316. Additionally, the Seminary received a clean, unqualified Audit Opinion by Current liabilities $ 422,194 CASH FLOWS FROM independent auditor D’Arcangelo & Co., LLP, Certified Public Mortgages & loans payable $ 2,924,417 INVESTING ACTIVITIES Accountants & Consultants: Annuity & life trusts payable $ 138,120 Net proceeds from investing $ (45,470) In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial Purchase of fixed assets $ (53,171) Net assets-unrestricted $ 12,255,908 position of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Net assets-temp & perm restricted $ 13,359,469 Net cash provided by investing $ (98,641) Seminary as of June 30, 2014, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the year then ended in Total liabilites & net assets $ 29,100,108 accordance with accounting principles generally accepted CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES in the United States of America. Proceeds of debt $ – Repayment of principal on debt $ (122,186) Net cash provided by financing $ (122,186)

Net increase (decrease) in cash $ 345,766 Cash, beginning of year $ 35,550 Cash, end of year $ 381,316

LEFT St. Vladimir’s Seminary’s Community in Three Hierarchs Chapel

RIGHT A delegation from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchate, led by His Eminence, The Most Rev. Metropolitan Philip, archbishop of Poltava and Myrhorod, presented the community with the relics of St. Vladimir and a rare Book of Gospels

(Images courtesy of Leanne Parrott Photography)

View the Seminary’s detailed financial reports 17 18 ANNUAL GIVING CATEGORY REPORT JULY 1, 2013–JUNE 30, 2014

CORNERSTONES Gabelli Asset Ms. Nina Shafran Peter Kiproff St Timothy Orthodox Church, Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Galichia James J. Rosolanka Steven Agbenyega Mr. Elvis Baez* Jill Blanchard $100,000+ Management Company Very Rev. Paul Sonia W. Knapp Toccoa, GA* Lionel Geneste James C. Rouman, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Baez Robert & Desane Blaney Mrs. Alexander Hixon & Mary Shafran St Vladimir Orthodox Michael B. Ahmadi Anonymous Diane & Bob Koory Mr. Raymond C. George Ann & Frank Sanchez* Rosalie Bagenski Diane L. Blischak Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Jadick St George Orthodox Christian Church, Trenton, NJ Mr. Richard M. Ajalat The Rev. Protodeacon Steven & Janet Korach Col. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Olga Bahleda Matthew P. Blischak Steven Kenoyer* Cathedral, Wichita, KS* Archpriest John W. John B. Grinstead, Jr. Alexander Sawchuk Albanian Orthodox & Mrs. Peter Danilchick Jim & Mary Koulogeorge & Denise Stefero Lillian Baida Paul & Pat Blischak Peter & Nancy St John of the Ladder Church, Gregory & Helen Grudinoff Daniel Schlafly Archdiocese in America Estate of Frank & Piedmont, SC Estate of Michael G. Kovach† The Very Rev. & Helen R. Bailey Ms. Lillian M. Blome Edna† Asper Elkouri Kohudic Giving Fund Louise Hagerty Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schulte Father Kenneth St Nicholas Orthodox Church, John M. Koziol Mrs. Yaroslav Sudick & Sharon Aldrich Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bailey The Very Rev. Ted Bobosh* Estate of Eugenia Kribales Mark & Karen Koulogeorge Ms. Kathleen Haverlack Serbian Orthodox Diocese Mogadore, OH Archpriest Sergius Dr. & Mrs. John Aldridge Bishop Wilbert & Nicholas & Marina Bobrovsky Estate of Anne & Sabry Mackoul & Faith Kuharsky Gregory T. Swenson Holy Cross Church, of Western America Lady Barbara Bailey Drs. Don & Archpriest Vladimir Maria A. Boiko Georgia B. Toumbakis The Plato Monica Thompson* James H. & Nike D. Lagos Mr. Dave Tax Cape Coral, FL Thomas & Pamala Shakun Helen G. Bair Malozemoff Foundation & Suzanne Aleandro Miron & Mildred E. Bonca Rod & Valerie Learned The Chase & Stephanie Holy Nativity of the Lord Metropolitan-bishop Eugene Baker PILLARS $50,000+ Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Namee Mission, Shreveport, LA EMANUEL (Silva) Mr. Vivek Alex Ms. Eileen M. Bondor STEWARDS $1,000+ Bishop Basil H. Losten, Coleman Foundation The Rev. Richard Baker* Brian & Marilyn Gerich* George & Mary Alexandrovich Alexander Borey Estate of Olga Opalak Anonymous (15) D.D., S.T.L. The Kidney Group Inc. Holy Trinity Eastern Sisterhood of St Helen, Orthodox Church, East Lansing, MI Mrs. Jeanne Alexandrovich William A. Baker Dr. J. Boscarino Orthodox Christian Laity The Rev. Hierodeacon Herman WITNESSES $25,000+ Deacon & Mrs. George Dr. & Mrs. Leonidas Stroudsburg, PA Andreea N. Balan Dorothy Delich Bossert Orthodox Church in America Aburdeineh (Majkrzak)* Vassilaros Mrs. Ellen Konon Skowronek* Dr. Julia Alissandratos Anonymous Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Marve & Valeri Balazki Father John Bostwick Papamarkou Wellner Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Andrews Matrix Asset Advisors Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Kory W. Warr Charles R. Smith The Rev. & Mrs. Theodore & Church, New Rochelle, NY Arakel Aljalian Irina Y. Baldycheva Asset Management Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Paul Meyendorff The Rev. Archdeacon Drs. Peter & Patricia Bouteneff Elizabeth Fedora The Very Rev. Archpriest Dimah & Delia Yanovsky Gene & Joan Homyak The Rev. Protodeacon John M. Peregrim & Mrs. Gabriel Ashie* & Mrs. Seraphim Solof* All County Heating Magdaline Bovis John G. Rangos Sr. Major Barry Migyanko V. Rev. Michael & Protopresbyter Daniel & A/C Systems Inc. Joseph Balkunowa Saba & Shirley Saba Dr. & Mrs. John A. Barnet, III Matushka Valerie Zahirsky* Dr. Sam Solomon, Karen, Raymond & Christine Boyd Charitable Foundation Ms. Stephanie Migyanko & Dunia Hubiak Danielle & Rachael All Saints of America Ms. Olga Baloueff Very Rev. & Mrs. Paul Shafran Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Zakka Brian & Rebecca Boyle Paul Koronchik Dr. & Mrs. Fredrick Milkie Michael & Marcella Hydock Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Soroka* Orthodox Christian Church, Ms. Barbara Ann Banosky St Steven’s Serbian Orthodox George R. Bunn, Jr. Ms. Anthoula Bozios Alexis V. Lukianov, Lewis & Mary Nescott The Family of Very Reverend Irene Itina* Salisbury, CT Mile & Darinka Barbir Cathedral, Alhambra, CA* Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Busscher Michael & Matushka Annette SS Cyril & Methodius Church, Dr. & Mrs. David Bradshaw NuVasive Inc. Elsie Skvir Nierle Howard R. Jett Terryville, CT Miss Janine Alpaugh Mr. & Mrs. Tony Barkett TD Bank Mr. & Mrs. Charles Calomiris Zaparyniuk, Jr. Claire Brandenburg Nicholas & Lisa Pandelidis Mrs. Elizabeth Nosal Nourhan Kailian SS Sahag-Mesrob Armenian James Aman Ellen Barlit Rev. & Popadija John Vitko John & Helen Cap Mrs. Madeline Braverman Ivan & Kathy Robert M. Speranza, BENEFACTORS $500+ Dr. & Mrs. Church, Reedly, CA Nettie C. Amason Irene Barna Rudolph-Shabinsky Katherine Waluschka Kathie & Frank Cerra Nouveau Elevator Archbishop Peter P. Brennan Anonymous (12) Constantine H. Kallaur St Elijah Orthodox Christian Mr. Tony Anastas Serge Barna The Bridge of Thomas & The Rev. & Mrs. Mark Doku* Mr. & Mrs. Eugene N. Nowik Mr. Walter V. Kallaur Church, Oklahoma City, OK George & Ann Anastos The Very Rev. Archpriest Alexandra Zedlovich Mr. Gregory Abdalah* Pauline Barnowsky Allen Foundation Julianna Dranichak Orthodox Christian St Gregory of Nyssa Church, & Mrs. Gary Breton The Rev. & Mrs. Ann Kandratino Ancient Faith Radio John R. Barns The Henry Luce Fr. Michael & Laila Ellias* Mission Center Columbus, OH Mr. George Brown $2,000+ David Alexander Mr. Kal E. & The Rev. & Mrs. Very Rev. Fr. David Foundation, Inc. Jennie C. Everson His Eminence, St Herman Orthodox Church, Mrs. K. C. Brown Anonymous (8) The Rev. & Mrs. Dr. Marie Kardous Nicholas Anctil & Luanne Barr* Mrs. Patricia M. Fedorko The Most Reverend * Lake Worth, FL Mat. Nadine Eskoff Brown ADVOCATES Mr. & Mrs. James G. Bach Angelo Artemas Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Karras The Very Rev. Archpriest Marvin & Maria Bartleson Estate of Mary Fedoronko† Dr. & Mrs. Steven Pandelidis St Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral, John Anderson Ms. Laura Brumbaugh $10,000+ Theodore & Claudia Bazil Johanna Babiak Andrew Kartalis Minneapolis, MN* Allen C. Basala Fellowship of Orthodox Mr. Paul H. Pangrace* Vladislav & Olga Andrejev Michael Brunda Anonymous The Behrs* Nicholas & Caryn Balamaci Mr. Paul Kavchok St Nicholas Church, Mr. & Mrs. John D. Basil Christians in America (FOCA) Lois Pappademos Barbara Andrews Mrs. Eleanor B. Bryan Bob & Connie Abodeely Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bullard* Francis & Marjorie Barrett Georgios Kokonas* Cedarburg, WI Angelina S. Batillas, M.D. Dr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Ferris John & Marisa Payiavlas, AVI The Rev. Richard Andrews Raymond & Judith Budoi Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ajalat Thomas & Cynthia Chiatalas Lindy E. Bayouth* Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Kozlov St Steven’s Religious Cultural Harold & Patricia Baum Terrence M. Flaherty Foodsystems Mr. Richard Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bulakowski Estate of Sophie Datz† Dr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Chila Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Becker Mrs. Tanya J. Kwoka Assoc., Alhambra, CA Jean Baxter FOS Travel & Tours Inc. Dr. George & Elaine Pazin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Andruchow Mary Ann & Richard Bulko Estate of Eva Fedash Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Bellack Ms. Margo Langenberg Mr. & Mrs. Joel Statkevicus Drew Bazil & Sara Hale Steven & Missy Cohlmia Estate of Anna Petelchuk The Rev. & Mrs. Silviu Bunta Agnes P. Fryntzko The Very Rev. Steven J. Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Larson The Bernhill Fund Dr. & Mrs. Chester Mr. Peter Giorgi Mary L. Cory The Rev. & Mrs. John Pirozzi Andrzejewski The Rev. David Bebawy Antoinette Guerrini-Maraldi & Deborah Belonick* Paul Laskovich Mr. & Mrs. Martin Tich Burke Memorial Mai V. Hallingby Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Peter Derby The Very Rev. Annunciation Church, George Bebawy Sunshine Fund Paul & Maureen Gurghigian Vicki Bowerman* Mrs. Jean K. Lebedeff Mary Tierney Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Hoff Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dr. Stephen Plumlee Lancaster, PA Mrs. Lois S. Bedder The Rev. & Mrs. Tracy & Nicholas Gustilo* Andrew A. Boyd* Dr. Razvan Vaida Hope for Depression & Therese Domanick Gregory & Beth Poe Mr. David A. Lee Antiochian Orthodox Betty Bednarik Robert Butcher* Prof. Anthony P.† Mr. & Mrs. David H. Brown* Mr. & Mrs. Nick J. Lesnick The Right Rev. Bishop Maxim The Rev. Deacon Very Rev. James L. Doyle & Dana Gythiel The Rados Family Christian Women Vera Beecroft Ronald & Jean Butterworth & Mrs. Michael Hyatt Mr. & Mrs. Nassim H. Elias The Reverend Father Vera & Nigel Bullock In Memory of Barbara B. Versa Press of North America Evelyn P. Bekish Peter & Natalia Buttner* McKeel Hagerty Malyak Susan Jones Dr. & Mrs. John Eliopoulos Alexander & Nancy Rentel* Carl Puma Agency Kathy J. Vetter Mary R. Antoniotti The Rev. Deacon Nicholas Gregory Buzi Mr. James W. Harvey Cedar Graphics Inc. Annabelle Mariaca Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kasmer Fr. Jon & Kh. Barbara Fate & Dr. Susan A. Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ringa* Mr. & Mrs. George Vlandis The Very Rev. & Belcher Gary & Laura Bynon, Mrs. Thomas L. Chase Dr. & Mrs. Steven Maynard Mrs. Joseph Antypas Prof. Michael & Thomas A. Galioto Dr. & Mrs. Jason T. Hatfield* Very Rev. & Mrs. Daniel Carston R. Wagner* Mr. & Mrs. William Belko Goode Volleyball LLC Marianna† Klimenko Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Ghiz Rohan (Alumnus 72) John & Carrie Colis William & Denise McKinney* Dr. Eugene Waluschka The Very Rev. & Lioudmila & Alexander Henry Calcanes Deacon Gregory & Mrs. Nicholas Apostola Dr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Kubina The Very Rev. & Matushka Robyn Hatrak* Mr. & Mrs. Adib H. Roumie* Gabriel & Irene Damascus Mrs. Martha B. McLanahan Maryann West Fr. Christopher & The Very Rev. Dr. Mr. & Mrs. Alex Machaskee Mrs. Chad Hatfield* The Rev. & Mrs. Gregory Rubis D’Arcangelo & Co., LLP Marie Meyendorff The Rev. & Mrs. Presv. Filitsa & Mrs. Alki Calivas Steven Holl The Rev. Dcn. Dr. Kevork Arakelian Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. & Paula S. Herzak Joseph Russian* Mr. & Mrs. William De Fotis Father David Mezynski* & Mrs. Michael Wusylko Wilson Benejan Mrs. James Camarata Holy Apostles Mission, Ms. Mary J. Ardan William H. Mann Holy Trinity Church, Mechanicsburg, PA Mr. Simon S. Russin Mary Dibs Louis & Marya Milicich Paul & Mary Yovovich Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bennett Cameron Family Clifford & Theodora Argue Estate of Irene Rozvaliaeff Overland Park, KS Holy Myrrhbearers Monastery, Mrs. Juliana Schmemann Mr. & Mrs. Alan Dickerman Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Mitsakos Bernard & Ann Zablocki Paul & Kay Benos Ms. Ann Campbell John & Linda Argyrakis Katherine Strakes Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral, Otego, NY Prof. & Mrs. Richard Archpriest Bogdan Mr. & Mrs. Basil Moschowsky Yelena Zamiatina Scott & Elizabeth Benton Leroy & Helen Campbell The Rev. Dr. Wesley Ariarajah Dr. & Mrs. Donald J. Los Angeles, CA Holy Resurrection Orthodox Schneider & Peggy Djurdjulov Mr. & Mrs. Evangeline Zarras, Ms. Noreen Berardino Peggy Campbell Tamulonis, Jr. Fr. Robert J. Armato Vera J. Hubiak* Church, Claremont, NH Ruth & Brian Sencio Mr. Jonathan R. Douglas Frank Namisnak, Jr. in loving memory of Gregory & Karen Berezniak Mr. Thomas Campbell The Trustees of Ivan V. my husband Deacon John Carlos Arribas John E. & Caron G. Mr. & Mrs. David Homyak Michael & Teresa Shannon & Mrs. Joanne S. Zhang New Roc Foods Kerolos Bernaba Dr. & Mrs. Isa Canavati Koulaieff Education Fund Avery, Jr. Foundation The Most Rev. Mr. & Mrs. George Artemoff Protopresbyter Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Shesko* Pauline Driscoll Harry & Sandra Nick Nicholas & Judy Beskid Seraphima Carl Dr. & Mrs. Egerton The Reverend Dr. Philip & Anne Hopko Metropolitan Savas Shaun Asbury Ms. Paula Solima Very Rev. H. Gregory Dudash Louis & Helen Nicozisis Charles Best Kristofer Carlson van den Berg* & Dr. Paige LeMasters Drs. Robert & Olga Hughes* & Linda Dudash* John & Cynthia Mitchell & Violet M. Zunich St Alexander Nevsky Christopher & Suzanne Nolan DONORS UP TO $500 The Rev. Daniel & Renie Carr Estate of Vladimir Markov Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hvizd Cathedral, Allison Park, PA Protodeacon John Eby Asimakopoulos OCA Archdiocese Anonymous (199) Pres. Maria Bethancourt Dr. & Mrs. James A. Carratt Ms. Evelyn Milan Mr. Charles Iragui & St Joseph’s Seminary, Fr. John & Helen Erickson of Western PA Yolla Assaf PATRONS $5,000+ Abdallah & Juliette Abdayem Dr. & Mrs. James Bezreh Mary Carter Mr. & Mrs. William Nassir, Mrs. Amber Schley-Iragui Yonkers, NY & Family James Orphanides Assumption of Holy Virgin Anonymous Phone Ware Inc. Walter Abick Orthodox Church, Clifton, NJ Dr. Ann & Dr. Garson & Vicki Caruso Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jacobson St Justin Martyr Orthodox Bishop BASIL of Wichita Dr. & Mrs. Philip J. Overby Vassilios Bezzerides Antiochian Orthodox Tim & Ginny Nieuwsma* The Very Rev. & Church, Jacksonville, FL Warren & Chris Farha, Mr. Arthur Abig Athens Printing Company Inc. The Rev. Deacon & Christian Archdiocese Ms. Lilly Pappas Mrs. Olga Bibicoff Dr. Paul & Nadia Pappademos Mrs. John Jillions St Luke the Evangelist Church, Eighth Day Books James & Marilyn Ablan Olga Atzhorn Mrs. Matthew Casey of North America Mr. & Mrs. Katherine & John Bicknese Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Petkas Janet M. Kalenish Palos Hills, IL Mr. & Mrs. Natale Fasciani, Dr. & Mrs. Very Rev. & Mrs. Don Augusta Charles & Lillian Castley Dr. Maha K. Bassila* George D. Patterson The Rev. & Mrs. Peter J. Petkas Dr. Lila J. Kalinich St Michael Church, Adriano Catering Inc. Yohannan Abraham Mr. & Mrs. Theodore V. Awad Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Elizabeth Bezzerides The Very Rev. Ezra Pickup, Jr. Stephen Bigham Protection, New York, NY Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas & Vivian Ketz Louisville, KY Fredric & Edna Fetkowitz* The Very Rev. Ms. Loraine Babaian Mrs. Walter Cadwell St Nersess Armenian The Very Rev. & & Mrs. Joe Abud Ms. Joyce Bittle Ms. Diana Cerritos Alexander Popoff, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Elias Khouri, Gail Fischer Mrs. Rauno Pietarinen* Dr. & Mrs. Genci Babameto Ernest & Denice Collazo Seminary, New Rochelle, NY Dr. P. Mark Achtemeier James & Lora Bitzes Mr. Michael Cervenak Mrs. Valerie Protopapas in memory of Ms. Margaret Z. Foxx Olga Babichev Gregory & Lauraine Drillock St Nicholas Albanian Very Rev. & Mrs. Reader Jon & Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rozdilski Alexander Frank Ruggieri Deacon Evan & Vadim Pogrebniak Don & Deborah Ackerly Rose Marie Chabay Bronson & Kathleen Eden Orthodox Church, Jamaica Mr. & Mrs. Michael Baca Anna Marie Black Reiner & Anca Sailer* Kimisis Tis Theotokou Robin Freeman* Richmar Controls Carl B. Adams Nadia Chaber Mr. & Mrs. David S. Elkouri Church, Southampton, NY Estates, NY The Very Rev. & Mrs. John & Jean Blair Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Sak Fr. Malek & Dina Rihani The Rev. & Mrs. Basil Aden Nicholas G. Bacalis The Rev. & Mrs. Abi Chacko

19 *Indicates St. John Chrysostom Society members † Indicates donors who reposed in FY14 20 continued

Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Chan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Daskivich Dr. Herman T. Engelhardt Vladimir & Karen Gavrilovic Nicholas & Sylvia Hanna Mrs. Anna Hudak & Frederick F. Foy Frank & Karen Kowalik Mr. Michael Ledesma George Manzuk, Jr. Mr. Jack W. I. Chandler Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Alexander & Mr. & Mrs. John T. Generale Christ & Joanna Haritos Mr. Ian K. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Dottie Kowar Terry & Anna Lee Father Myron & Reader Pia Chaudhari Dauenhauer Margild Ercklentz Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd George Eric Harkna & Dr. Karen Relucio Christopher Kasmer Bessie G. Kozaitis Sookie LeeKim Daniel Manzuk Michael & Joanne Chemorov Lydia Daugherty S.T.D. Matthew A. Ernest Sarah H. George Very Rev. Andrew Sophie K. Hull Dr. Demetrios Katos Kenneth & Jeanine Kozak John Leferovich, Jr. George & Bertha Maragakes Jean Cherniavsky Daughters of St Nicholas, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Esau Susanna George & Patricia Harrison Sarah Humphries Bishop Ilia of Philomelion William Kozak Leibert’s Royal Green Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Maragos Jamaica Estates, NY Irina Chevtchenko Mr. & Mrs. Aurelia Georgopoulos Dr. & Mrs. Edward L. Hartley The Rev. Harvey Huntley, Jr. Ms. Lois Kauffman Protopresbyter Elias & Appliances Mr. Paul Marcantonatos Nicholas V. Davidovich Andrew Evancho, Jr. Mr. Wai-Sing Chew Marge German Rev. K. Brewster Hastings Irene Hutchison Dr. Joseph Jr. Matushka Anna Kozar Lawrence J. Leitzel Michael & Nada Marcetich John A. Davis* Martha M. Evanoff & Margaret Kavchok Aftan & Karen Chowansky Nancy Gerzonich Séan & Maggie Hatfield Mr. Paul W. Hutsko Miss Annie Kozuch Andrew & Angeliki Lekos Charles & Arlene Marge Terri L. De Ment Ms. Carol Evans Very Rev. Thomas Kazich Christ the Saviour Orthodox George Ghitsa Diana Haverlack Natasha Lutov Donald & Marlene Kral Ms. Elizabeth Leo The Rev. & Mrs. Father Robert de Wolfe Nellie & Jan Eyerman Demetra Nicolau Keane Alessandro Margheritino Church, Harrisburg, PA Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Ghiz Ms. Katherine Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. John Ihnat Blake C. Krammes Irene Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Christo Miss Abigail Dean Ludmila Faber Ms. Joanne M. Hawley Katherine Ilachinski Dr. Michael J. Keenan Donald & Dorothy Kraniak Thomas Leonard Mr. & Mrs. André & Donna Gib Stephen J. Maricich Theodore & Bessie Edward & Florence Deeb Ron & Helen Facchini Philip Hawriluk Salma Isaac Frank Keffas Nina Kraus Kuzma† & Irene Leschak Joseph F. Gido Oleg G. Marinich Christopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Feridun Delale Doug & Janice Fadel Robert Heacock John & Lauren Ivanchenko Mr. & Mrs. Frank Krautcuk John & Barbara Leschisin Mrs. Marilyn G. Gillquist Diogenes P. Kekatos Mamie Marinkov Thomas Christy John & Katherine Demakis Fr. Harold C. Fait Mr. Joyce Heitman Mark Jabara Alexander W. Krieger Betty (Elizabeth) Leshok Dr. & Mrs. George J. Giokas Alex & Kerry Keklak Barbara Marino James Z. Chrones, Ph.D. The Very Rev. Archimandrite Walter & Sharon Fall Dr. Donald C. Henderson Janice Sorokin Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Alex Krill, Sr. Tamara Lesnick Andreas Desypris Christine Gipson Natanael Mr. Michael Kelly Sharon Marshall Christina Chukalas The Rev. & Mrs. Peter Henein George & Angela Jacobi Dr. John A. Krynitsky Mr. Jacques Leviant Ms. Helen Detke† Athanasius Farag Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Girko Mr. & Mrs. George Kent Miss Florita Martin Dr. John & Eva Chupinsky Mr. John Herbert & Ms. Jack & Marion Jacobs Helen Ksenyak CAPT & Mrs. Kirk T. Lewis, Mrs. Mary A. Detrana Mrs. Rosemarie Farenga Father Seraphim Gisetti Rick Kent Archpriest Joseph & Edward & Marylyn Chuprinko Cheryl H. Lyons Mrs. & Mr. Marilyn Jaeger Miss Mary Ksenyak U.S.N. (Ret) Ms. Anzhelika Devis Mr. Nicholas W. Farha Mr. Vasel Gjonlekaj Mr. Arthur & Matushka Gloria Martin Church of the Nativity, Ms. Mary Herelick Mr. & Mrs. Iwan Jakimtschuk Misha & Anita Kucherov Mrs. Martha Lewis Erie, PA The Rev. Deacon Dr. S. Jim Farha Mr. & Mrs. William Glenn Dr. Mary Kentros Dr. & Mrs. Albert F. Maruskin Elsie Herman Mary E. James* Archpriest Alexander Alexis & Zinaida Liberovsky Richard Chutoransky & Mrs. John Dibs William & Shirley Farha Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James Kessenides Gregory J. Mason William Glovinsky Ms. Cynthia Herzegovitch John L. Jance & Mrs. Natalie Kuchta Dr. Anthony & Ms. Lidia Ciamarra Howard & Carol Dierking Joanna Farragher* George & Joanna Khoury Dr. Maria Limberakis Michael Masso Annie Glowa Lucille A. Herzegovitch* Mike & Cathy Jankovich Ms. Nelliana Kuh Mr. & Mrs. Ms. Elizabeth B. Dille Rev. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Kiechel Dr. Alexander Lingas Fr. Michael & Bill Glushko, U.S.A.F. Jim Hicks Mr. Sam Jankovich Celia & Sergei Kuharsky Kh. Virginia Massouh Stephen W. Cimbolic The Rev. & Mrs. C.T. Dean Alexander Fecanin Richard Kiegler* Mark & Barbara Linnehan Dimas Prof. Aaron W. Godfrey Mary Elizabeth & David Hicks William Jannace Jeanne Kun Charles T. Masterpolis George & Julia Cipu Dr. & Mrs. Rodney Fedorchak Dr. Bruce W. Kieler Mrs. Martha Linski Leonard & Darlene Gregory G. Godun Mr. John D. Hill & Mrs. The Very Rev. & Mrs. Albina R. Kunsaw Mr. & Mrs. John T. Circle of Serbian Sisters, Msgr. Steven Ferrari Dianne J. Storheim-Hill Albert & Carol Kinan Peter & Martha Linski Schererville, IN Dimitrijevs Roger & Nancy Goedtel Mrs. Paul Jannakos* Thomas Kurdonik Masterson, Jr. In Memory of Ms. Dorothy Hillis Tony & Peggy Kireopoulos The Very Rev. Protopresbyter City Carting Inc. James Dimoff Irene Kushner-Fiacco Mr. & Mrs. Walter O. George Janus Jim Kurtz Gail Mastroberte John A. Hockin John & Susan Kirwan & Mrs. Arthur Liolin Mrs. Jean Clark Mr. & Mrs. Steven Dimos Andrea L. Filak Goehring, III Antoinette Jasinski The Rev. Theodore Kyritsis Ann Matiuk Loretta Hoffmann Mark & Barbara Kiryluk Mr. & Mrs. James E. Liolin, Mr. John Cleary Dean & Nikki Dinas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Filak Valentina Gogol John & Virginia Jerosh Dr. Michael La Villa Lion Advertising Dr. John Matolyak Nancy Holloway Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Kivell Hanna Cochran Fr. Meinrad Dindorf, OSB The Very Rev. Maria Marinkov Golden Dan Jewett, Paul & Patricia Ladas Associates Inc. Dr. Alan E. Matook & Mr. Walter J. Golden Larry Holmes Jewett Roofing Company Ms. Joan Kjelleren Paul & Helen Cocotos Mr. Peter Disbrey Radoslav Filipovich Ladies Philoptochos of Holy Bernard Liptock Jo Ann Matsko Catherine Golitzin Zena Holovach William Joachim Mr. & Mrs. Trinity Westfield, NJ Mark & Patricia Colangelo Mrs. Sofija Djurdjulov Tracy Fink Donald W. Klischer Ms. Margaret Little Nancy Matsukis Ms. Inna Golubovych Larissa Holowaty Mr. & Mrs. Eliot Ladies Philoptochos Society, Drs. Edward & Christine Cole Ms. Tanya Dmitruk Maria Fiori Pastor Mike Knudson Mr. S. Philip Livanis The Very Rev. Archpriest Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gondring Mr. & Mrs. John Holowiak & Tamara Johnson Columbia, MO & Mrs. John Matusiak Milo & Dolores Colich Olga Dmytryck Mr. Michael Fisher Nicholas & Kathryn Kobbs George D. Liwen Fr. Ramon J. Gonzalez, O.P. Holy Apostles Eastern Frank & Patricia Johnson Ladies Philoptochos Society, The Rev. Protodeacon James & Christine Colitsas Dia Dobos Thomas E. Fisher Mrs. Mary Kobluskie Niles, IL Michael & Nadia Lobko Mr. & Mrs. Orthodox Church, Mr. Geoffrey Johnson & Mrs. Joseph Matusiak* Mr. William S. Colman The Right Rev. Bishop Irinej Rev. Raymond Flores Saddle Brook, NJ Mrs. Nina Kobrinetz Ladies Philoptochos Society, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Joseph H. Goodman Ken Johnson & Brenda Longa Subdeacon & Mr. Thomas Colyandro Ms. Carol J. Dockham Brendon G. Floyd Holy Myrrhbearers Ladies’ Archpriest Garabed & Trenton, NJ Mrs. Paul T. Maty Mrs. Anfisa Gousseff Kevin Johnson Charles & Ilona Longway Community of Poor Clares, Katherine Dodson Robert & Debra Forster Altar Society, Canonsburg, PA Yeretzgin Roberta Kochakian Ladies Philoptochos Society, Thomas A. Maty Mr. & Mrs. Lois Johnson New York, NY Joseph V. Loposky Alexandria, VA Mr. Charles Donahoe John† & Jean Foss Frederick J. Graboske Holy Resurrection Cathedral, Metro Kochan Mr. & Mrs. George Matyczyk Chicago, IL Kathy & Phil Johnson Ladies Philoptochos Society, Nicholas & Valeria Lovich Peter & Philippa Condakes Matushka Mary Donahue Father Jason & Philip & Norka Grameno The Very Rev. & Paul Matzko Matushka Ashley Foster Holy Resurrection Serbian Courtney J. Jones Mrs. Mark W. Koczak Jamestown, NY Mr. Kenneth S. Loya Rev. Anthony M. Coniaris Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Constance & Orlando A. Donato Athanasios & Lilian Fotiou , Mary S. Jordan Alexandra Koerte Ladies Philoptochos Society, Mr. William Lucas Connecticut Deanery Richard J. Gramkow Steubenville, OH Redondo Beach, CA Georgeann Mavrovitis Lawrence B. Donnelly Vincent Frattaruolo Fr. James & Andrea Koerte H. Christopher Luce Hon. Francesca Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Graycar Holy Resurrection Matushka Pat Jorgenson Ladies Philoptochos Society of Anna Mayberry Mr. Ara Dostourian John & Marian Freeman Christina Koerte & Tina Liu (Rev. Dr.) Demetrios Philip & Elena Green Serbian Orthodox Church, Constantine Joseph St. Paraskevi, Greenlawn, NY Ghislaine Mayer J. Constantelos Damian A. Drasher Mrs. Ann M Freije Ms. Helena Kolenda Harold & JoAnn Lucs George & Valerie Grega Lebanon, PA Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Joseph Ladies Philoptochos Society of The Very Rev. & Ramon Contreras Kathy Dreisbach George F. Freije John & Norma Komar Mr. David Luhrssen Nicholas & Berthanna Holy Transfiguration Church, Mrs. Florence Junda St. Nektarios, Charlotte, NC Mrs. R.W. McCandless* Mr. Walter Cook Dr. & Mrs. David Drillock Cynthia Friedman Gregoriades Livonia, MI Mrs. Olga Komenko Ms. Mary Lusko Maureen A. Jury The Rev. Archpriest & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. John A. McClung John & Alena Coon Ms. Irene Drivas Michael Friends Ms. Kathy Grieb Holy Trinity Church, Ms. Mary Kompass Michael Laffoon Victoria Lustig* Shawn & Agata McCutcheon Rahway, NJ Matushka Elizabeth Kachur Collin Dr. & Mrs. George B. Droubie & Victoria Deyeaux Mrs. Marjorie M. Grinko Mrs. Mary S. Koncak Lamb, Britt, Gilmer Mr. Gerald S. Lutes The Rev. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Kaim & Mrs. Marsha Zellem Irene Cooper Serge & Tatiana Droujinsky Russell Futchko Walter & Karen Grivna Holy Trinity Church, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kondakoff & Associates Inc. Joel McEachen Ironia, NJ The Very Rev. Zivko Kajevic Paul & Andrea Lutov Father George S. Corey* Mr. Gregory Dudack Dr. Christine N. Gabrielides* Ms. Heather Grosz Metro & Joan Kondratick Mr. & Mrs. George Lambros Kathleen McElroy Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Peter Kalandiak Ms. Svitlana Lymar Bishop Dimitrios Couchell The Rev. Deacon Constance Galanis William Gruner Mary Ann Kopcha Helen Lapchuk Mrs. Irene P. McGregor Church, Canton, OH Mrs. Kathleen S. Kalina Mrs. Mary A. Lynch The Reverend & Mrs. Peery Duderstadt Prince Piotr Galitzine Loretta Grushecky The Very Rev. & Mrs. Stephen Michael Lapko Christopher McVoy Holy Trinity Orthodox Xenia & Eugene Kalinin Robert & Victoria Lynch David S. Cowan Oleg & Genevieve Dudkin The Very Rev. Archpriest Boris Guleff Church, Parma, OH Kopestonsky Mr. & Mrs. Michael Larionov Larry & Dawn Medaglia & Mrs. Thomas Gallaway The Rev. & Mrs. Fr. Dustin & Pres. Nicki Lyon Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cronk The Very Rev. Archpriest Olga Gwyer Holy Trinity Orthodox Lydia Korchow - Chena Robert & Nancy Larkin Monsignor John Meehan & Mrs. Basil Duesenberry Ms. Mary Gallegos Michael Kallaur The Very Rev. & Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Cross, Jr. Dr. Robert M. Haddad Church, East Meadow, NY Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kormos Miss Dorothy P. Laskovich Ted & Katherine Mellides Kevin & Sinead Duffy Fotios Ganias Mr. & Mrs. Chris G. Kalogeras Mrs. Ian MacKinnon Brother Luis Cruz Ms. Joan Hagan Holy Trinity Russian Mrs. Nickolas Kornilieff Daniel & Carol Ann Philip & Kim Melnik Mike & Joann Dupay Bruce & Diane Garber Pauline Kalogeras Latinovich Mrs. Martha MacLellan Paul & Janet Culton Dr. & Mrs. Harry Hajedemos Orthodox Church, Mr. & Mrs. Pete G. Koronis Mr. Michael Meloni Ms. Jean C. Dupree Deacon George M. Garber Yonkers, NY Joel & Collette Kalvesmaki Mr. & Mrs. Paul Laushell Ms. Anna Maerean Subdeacon Gregory Jonathan Hale, Dr. & Mrs. William B. Kory Ann Melvin Holy Virgin Mary Sisterhood, Nancy Val Kambouroglos The Rev. Gary E. A. Lawler Michael & Mary Maistros & Mary Ann Curran Dennis & Betty Dziamba Gerald Garbis* The Care of Trees Thomas Kosmo Mr. John A. Memorich Rev. Jerome & Mrs. Cwiklinski Marianne Easton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gardner Los Angeles, CA Mary Ellen Kandratino & Dr. Bruce A. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. The Halvorsen Family William Hedson Ms. Athena Kotsinos Velimir Maksimovic Very Rev. & Mrs. Rade Merick William & Catherine Dach Ms. Sally Eckert Ms. Rosemarie Garipoli Daniel & Dominique Homiak Jeanne Lawrence The Rev. Deacon Maria Kane Rev. Fr. Elias & Ms. Yovanka Malkovich Merit Service Company Inc. Radovan & Slavka Dajkovich John & Tamara Economou Very Rev. & Mrs. Eugene Hamilton Olga Homich Pres. Ellen Koucos Joseph & Sophia Laychak Protodeacon Sergei & Suzanne Mesalam Alexander Garklavs William & Luba Honan The Very Rev. & Mr. Bartholomew Mallio Dr. John D. Dalack Dr. Daniel Ehnbom Ms. Suzanne Hammill Matushka Victoria Kapral* Igor Koulichkov Metro Airport Matthew Garklavs The Rev. & Mrs. John Hopko Mrs. Laurence Lazar Bettye Freeman Malone Christine Dalapas Georgia A. Ehrich Ms. Christine Mr. Dimitrios Karakoutas Mrs. Angela Koulomzine & Limousine Inc. The Very Rev. Sergei Garklavs Hammill-Cregan Alexander Horelik† Stella Lazaridis Mr. Patrick Malone Ilir & Brizida Danga Ronald R. Eisner, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karapelou Mr. & Mrs. John Kouloumbis* Kyra & Krzysztof Michalski Steven & Stamatia Garris Frank & Lorraine Hamouz Mrs. Sonia R. Howard The Very Rev. & Ronald & Dorothy John & Julie Daniels Isabel C. Elac Mr. & Mrs. John A. Karas Dr. John A. Koumoulides Mr. Daniel Miclau Ms. Maureen Garvey Alexander & Linda Hanchar Elizabeth Stefero-Howe Mrs. Paul Lazor Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Malyak Serge & Carolyn Daniels Mrs. Mary Eliades Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas V. Karas Anna Kovalycsik Joseph Mico Mr. & Mrs. John G. Gatsis Mrs. Leila Hanna Rt. Rev. Mitred Archpriest Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lazoran Al & Marlene Mamary Eugene & Barbara Danko Archimandrite Gerasim Mr. & Mrs. John D. Kariouk Mr. & Mrs. Anna D. Mighell The Rev. & Mrs. The Very Rev. & Dennis M. Hrubiak Nicholas G. Kovalycsik Archpriest Vladimir Ms. Bette D. Maniatis Mary Dann Karen Ellis Martha Karras-Coughlin & Virginia Lecko Ana & Adrian Mihail Lawrence Gaudreau Mrs. Nabil Hanna Matushka Eva Hubiak John Kowalczyk D.O. Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Shirley Daschuk Roger & Sandra Ellis Gilda M. Karu Larry & Patricia Milburn

21 *Indicates St. John Chrysostom Society members † Indicates donors who reposed in FY14 22 continued

Mr. Chris Miliotes The Rev. Deacon & Mrs. Alan & Nancy Pcsolyar James & Tina Reduto Miss Juanita Salamie Mr. & Mrs. Neil Simmons St John Chrysostom Church, Olga Stefero Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Dorothy & Harry Westermeier Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Miller Clement Nicoloff* Clemente & Lubov Penco Archpriest John & Khouria Mary Salamy Dr. & Mrs. David Simon Littleton, CO Lore Stefy M. Triantafilou Carol Wetmore Mr. Gregory Miller Nicolas & Elinore Nicoloff Mrs. Tatiana Penkrat Christina Reimann The Very Rev. & Eli & Rose Simon St John Church, Memphis, TN Beverly & Jack Stentz Gregory Trimble Jeffery & Michelle Wieder Matushka Helen H. Miller Donald & Julie Nikchevich Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Peponis Reimund Family Mrs. John Salem Matthew & Margaret Simon St John of Damascus Mission, David & Karen Stephens Nadia Trimmer Nancy Williams Tyler, TX Kathy & John Miller Ms. Larisa Nikitina Ms. Rocio Perez Father Daniel & Matushka Dr. Robert Saler H. Lynn Siry Doug & Joann Stevens Irina Trioufanova Nikki & David Williams Theodora Ressetar St John the Baptist Church, Mark E. Mills Tanya Nikituk Father Nikolin Pergjini Sales Group South Sisterhood of St Barbara, Mr. Gerald S. Stevens Dr. & Mrs. Sam Williams Nicholas D. Ressetar Alpha, NJ Eugene Troubetzkoy Ronald & Paula Mindzak Deacon Paul & Patty Nimchek Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Perlegis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Saliba Clifton, NJ Pande & Rita Stevens Brother Benito Williamson Mrs. Alice Reta* St John the Baptist Russian Natalia Truschew Mr. Victor Miroshnikov George R. Nimmer Dr. Vitalijs Permjakovs Mr. & Mrs. Victor S. Samaha Sisters of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Passaic, NJ Theophilos Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Wilson Jillian & William Rettig Orthodox Church, Alex & Mary Trush Mirko & Mildred Misic Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Nodes Mr. & Mrs. L. William Peters Nicholas & Julia Sandru St John the Evangelist Arthur & Melinda Stika Mr. James Wilson Paul & Susan Reynolds Clayton, WI Ms. Virginia A. Tschanz Ms. Nicoletta Mitchell Elizabeth Nolan Ms. Elaine M. Petouhoff Rev. Joseph D. Santos, Jr. Orthodox Mission, Tempe, AZ Ms. Carol Stoddard Richard & Marlana Wilson Mrs. Arlene Riasanovsky Joan Sitaras-Pantelis Gregory Tucker & Alexander & Deacon Gregory Norris Milovan & Jelena Petric Evelyn A. Sasko St John’s Ladies Auxiliary, V. Reverend & Protopresbyter Dr.Gregory Mr. David C. Rick Olga Sivinski Christopher Sprecher Margaret Mitchko Andrew & Olga Nosal Dr. & Mrs. Dimitri M. Petro Shane Sauer San Diego, CA Mrs. S. Stojsavljevich C. Wingenbach & Presbytera The Rev. Dr. & Drs. David & Karen Skaff Elena Tudor MaryAnn Wingenbach Archpriest Catalin & Mr. Adolfo Novio Pauline Petronek Eleanor Saunders St Katherine Orthodox Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Streche Preoteasa Nicole Mitescu Mrs. Bruce Rigdon Paul & Phyllis Skiba Mission Church, Father Steve & Mr. George Wislocki Nuns of New Skete, The Rev. Fr. Radovan Petrovic Nick & Mira Savich Dr. & Mrs. Popadija Betsy Tumbas Sonya Mobilio Cambridge, NY Marie V. Rinehart Eugenia Skibitsky Woodinville, WA Charles M. Strouthides Viola Wittersheim Mr. & Mrs. George Petrow Mrs. Nancy K. Savisky Patricia Tutoki Mr. & Mrs. Jack Moga Mr. & Mrs. Michael Obmascik Mr. Daniel F. Ring Mr. John L. Sklarsky St Mark Church, Rev. Dr. Milan & Leah Sturgis Daniel & Dolores Mrs. Raymond J. Pezzuto Father Paul & Matushka Youngstown, OH Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tymus Mary Ann Moga Ohio District FOCA Inc. Mrs. Mary L. Riordan Patty Schellbach Stella Sklias Ms. Phyllis Sturtevant Wojciechowicz Laura Picone St Mary Eastern Orthodox Mrs. Karen C. Tzeneff Herbert & Janet Moltzan Billie Oldziey The Very Rev. & Ernest & MaryAnn Schmidt John & Joan Skrobat Ms. Olga H. Suholet Mr. Thaddeus Wojcik Wesley Pierce Mrs. Martin Ritsi Church, Falls Church, VA Stephanie A. Urban The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Paul Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Oliphant Bernadeen Scholl Mrs. Mildred Skubanicz Rose Sulima Ms. Marvelyn J. Wolfkill John Pikos Mrs. Wm. Rittman St Mary Holy Assumption Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Vaga Monkowski The Rev. Aaron Oliver Dr. & Mrs. Allan H. Scholl Fr. Daniel & Tamara Skvir Russian Orthodox Church, Dr. Martha Adams Sullivan Elizabeth Wolgamott-Brodd Mrs. Alexander Pikulik Rafael & Cristina Rivera* Father A.J. van den Blink, Monks of New Skete, Nicholas & Natalie Orloff The Rev. & Mrs. John Larry & Connie Skvir Stamford, CT V.Rev. Basil Summer Christopher Wolt Rev. Nicholas & Ph.D. Cambridge, NY* The Rev. Domadious Rizk Schroedel, Orthodox Mrs. Natalea Skvir St Mary Indian Orthodox Mrs. Ann Worobey Mr. & Mrs. Presb. Argie Pilavas Mr. & Mrs. John D. Sutko Mrs. Michael Van Ms. Biljana N. Monsky Joseph Orlovich, Jr. Carol Ann & Michael Roach* Internet Services Elizabeth & John Slanta Church, Syosset, NY David Wytko Ann Marie Piotrowski Mr. Norm Sutterer Leeuwen-Slota Mr. & Mrs. Demetrius G. Orphanos James & Susan Robinson Karen Schwebach* Ms. Concetta Smarius St Mary’s Altar Guild, Mary Ann Xanthos Douglas J. Monsour Ms. K A Piotrowski William Swor Edward & Irene Vangeloff Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Orr, III Ms. Sylva Robinson* Ms. Helen Schweizer Miss Eleanor A. Smarko Harrisburg, PA Chris Xeros Helen Moore The Rev. Robert Pipta Mark Sydlo Ms. Mariam C. Varghese Orthodox Church of the The Rev. & Mrs. Yang Sciscent Paul E. Smith* St Mary’s Antiochian Amanda Yan Mr. William D. Moore Tatyana Pishenina Christopher Rocknage Orthodox Church, Marie Sysock George Vasil Holy Cross, Medford, NJ Archpriest Olof & Dr. Robert D. Smith Sister Yoojin (Catalina) Yang Constantina Dudek Morgan Henry Pishko Jane F. Rockwell Kh. Eva Scott Brooklyn, NY Ms. Shirley M. Tabor Dr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Orthodox Council of Nikolai & Waleria Sniezko C. Vasilomanolakis George Yanock Mrs. Eleanora C. Moricz Churches of South Central PA, Bob Piwinski Andy & Mary Jane Rodgers Marlene J. Scovel St Mary’s O Club Chapter 94, Joanne Takarchek Roy W. Snyder, Jr. Minneapolis, MN Mark & Nancy Vassilakis Nicholas Yanowsky Mrs. Rosemary Morrash Lancaster, PA Maria Plakakis Vassily & Diana Rodionov Anthony & Joan Sedor Drs. Dana & Sue Talley Mrs. Julia Sobarnia St Matthew Church, Ovidiu Vatamanu The Very Rev. & The Very Rev. James Morton Orthodox Fellowship Mrs. Victoria Pluta Anita Rogers Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sedor Phil & Artie Tamoush, of Transfiguration, The Rev. Protodeacon & Mrs. Green Bay, WI Festal Creations The Rev. Deacon & Mrs. Anthony Yazge The Rev. Deacon Gury Poletajev 15th Sgt Mr. Christopher Rohrecker Miss Kathleen Sedor Santa Rosa, CA Michael Sochka St Michael Antiochian Dr. & Mrs. Michael Taptykoff Mrs. Basil Vazquez The Rev. & Mrs. Paul Yerger & Mrs. Gregory Moser Ms. Anna C. Polk Mr. Lance Rohrecker Dr. Alexander Sedov Orthodox Monastery Tatiana Sochurek Orthodox Church, Olga Tarasuk The Very Rev. & Mrs. Mrs. Daria A. W. York Priest Joshua & Jenny Mosher Miss Teresa A. Polychronis Mr. S. W. Rolph, III Mrs. Nadya L. Seifert Monessen, PA of the Transfiguration, Society of the Transfiguration Andrew Tarbay David Vernak Stephan & Janice Yost Louis Mosnier Ellwood City, PA Diane & Alex Polzun Mr. & Mrs. Ms. Mary Seiss St Nicholas Church, Mr. Louis E. Sokach The Archpriest Eugene Tarris The Very Rev. & Mrs. Emad & Suzanne Youssef Mr. & Mrs. John Motichka Mrs. Julia Osipenko Eugenia Pomerantzeff Michael Romanchik Dean J. Selimos Whitestone, NY Alexander Veronis Mrs. Olga Sokich Susan E. Taylor Mrs. Nadia Yovanovitch Joan Mott Mr. & Mrs. Peter Osipenko Chris & Lesa Potos Rebecca Romanchik Mr. & Mrs. Peter Senio* St Nicholas Church, Alex & Laura Veros Christine Sokol Auburn, NY Ms. Jocelyn Te Barbara J. Yurchuk Peter & Barbara Mrgich Mr. & Mrs. Dimitri Ossipov Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Potter V. Rev. Michael G. Roshak Nicholas Senopoulos Mr. Eduardo Vianna Lenore Solak St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Mr. Alan Teder Miss Genevieve Zabaneh Millie Mrja George & Gerry Ostich, Fifi Poulos Hon. Magdalen Ross The Very Rev. & Mrs. Michael Mr. & Mrs. Alexis P. Victors Mr. & Mrs. Ted Solomon, Church, Salem, MA The Very Rev. & George & Lida Zabierowski Dr. David & Peggy Mukai Akron Foundry Company Lewis Preddy Mr. Timothy Rossi Senyo Advanced Imaging Systems St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Mrs. John Teebagy Dr. Alexis Vien & Mr. Kathryn Zahirsky Ryan Muldoon Charles & Minka Owens The Rev. Nathan Preston JoAnn Rossman Michael & Agnes Serko Stefanie Sonico Church, Philadelphia, PA John Bradley Vien & Family Nicholas Terebey Ph.D. The Very Rev. & Glen & Helen Mules Mr. & Mrs. A. Michael Previte Cookie & Larry Rossy Roxanne Serletis Mr. Andrew Sopchak St Nicholas Society, Ms. Carol Vien Mrs. Thomas Zain Mrs. Sophie Ozerov Ms. Mildred Terzic The Rev. Gerard Mulvey James & Dorothy Prifti Ms. Lorraine Roum The Rev. Dr. Federico Serra- Dr. Michael & Ellen Soroka Donora, PA V. Rev. Fr. Dimitrie Vincent Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Zaine Ms. Gerda Padukow Lima Dr. & Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. Kent Murray Margaret H. Prisuta Prof. John C. Rouman Penelope Spanos St Paul Ladies Philoptochos Theodore S. Thamel The Very Rev. & Leonard Zangas Virginia Page* Ms. Barbara Seyfarth Mrs. Alexis Vinogradov Mrs. Jeannette Mynett Marian Prodes The Rev. Deacon & Mrs. Gregory & Jane Speros Society, North Royalton, OH Ms. Maureen Thoman Marie Zarr Mr. Jacob Palamattam Andrew Rubis Gerald W. Shade* Michael & Dr. Lidia Vlachos Mr. Thomas M. Nadavallil Mrs. Julia Pronevich SS Constantine & Helen St Philip Orthodox Church, Subdeacon Anoop Thomas Mrs. Ann Zastany Ms. Tania Paler Dennis & Christine Rudy The Rev. Donald Shadid Souderton, PA Peter & Angie Vossos Mr. George Naff Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Psaltis Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Dr. Carla N. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Russell Zawoysky Dr. Matthew W. Panagiotu Jeanette Rudy Mr. & Mrs. James N. Shadid Richmond, VA St Raphael Orthodox Mission, The Rev. Archpriest Barbara Nafranowicz Mr. & Mrs. Gus Psomadakis The Rev. Deacon Sujit Thomas Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Zdrale Michael & Joan Panek* Shirley Ruedy* Shakers Family SS Martha & Mary Altar Quincy, IL & Mrs. Steven Voytovich Mr. & Mrs. Olga Ptach Three Saints Orthodox Mrs. Aristea Zekios Nicholas A. Nagorny Dr. Aristeides Papadakis Mr. & Mrs. John Rusinak Mitchell & Linda Shanbour Society, Paramus, NJ St Sava Circle of Serbian Rose & Martin Vronick Mr. William Puccio Sisters, Milwaukee, WI Church, Ansonia, CT Mr. & Mrs. Peter Zekios Mrs. Eva Naidanovich Harriet Papadopoulos William & Mary Jo Rusinak Olga Shaneff St Andrew’s Orthodox Fr. Alex Vukovich “72”* Julia & Yuri Pugachev Church, Baltimore, MD St Sava Serbian Orthodox Timberline Sales Alexander Zemcov Anna Nakulak Dr. Aristotle Papanikolaou* Mr. Michael Rusinko The Reverend & Service Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Bogdan Vunovich Ms. Helen E. Purdes Church, South Saint Paul, MN Richard & Elizabeth Ziats Leandros Papathanasiou Stephen Sharman St Barbara Ladies Ms. Norma Wakefield Victor & Anne Nastu Oleg Pushchin Dr. & Mrs. Walter Rusnak* Philoptochos Society, St Sergius of Radonezh Chapel, Alexandria Tirpak Vadim & Sarina Shcheglov The Very Rev. & Mrs. Susanne Zientarski Nativity of the Virgin Mary Fr. Harry & Kerry Pappas Boris & Iraida Pushkarev Paul & Sara Russell Piscataway, NJ Syosset, NY Barbara Tkach Church, Madison, IL Yuri & Taisja Shcherbakov* Mrs. Stephen Walinski Dorothea K. Zikos Nick & Dorothy Pappas William & Orietta Pysh Russian Brotherhood St Catherine Orthodox St Stephen Orthodox Dianne Tkach Bogdan Neacsiu Organization of the USA Dr. & Mrs. Leon Sheean Mrs. Elaine B. Walker Prof. & Mrs. George Zimmar Athanasia N. Parlapanides Nicholas Quartarano Church, Hagerstown, MD Cathedral, Philadelphia, PA Archpriest John & Matushka Avaline Nebesnak Mr. & Mrs. Basil G. Larissa Shepard* Mary Tkachuk Michael & Fania Wanenchak Irine Denis Zinter The Rev. Thomas & Mr. John Quinn St Elias Cathedral, St Stephen the Protomartyr Archpriest John Presbytera Cathy Parthenakis Russin, Esq. Karen & Michael Sheppo Ottawa, ON Church, Longwood, FL Ms. Mary N. Todoroff Mr. & Mrs. John A. Wanko The Very Rev. Archpriest Ronald & Mildred Radakovich & Mrs. Elias Ziton & Eugenia Nehrebecki Mr. Paul Paserba Harrison & Gabrielle Russin* Olga Sheremeta St Elizabeth Sisterhood, St Stephen’s Orthodox Dr. & Mrs. Michael Todosow Samuel Warbel† George & Lena Radanovic Mark & Eileen Zivkovich Mr. Vladimir Nehrebecki Leo & Despina Pashos Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Rusynyk Margarita Sheremeteff Menlo Park, CA Catholic Fellowship, Frank E. Tolbert Mr. & Mrs. Eric Waser Ms. Sophia Radinsky Swarthmore, PA Mr. & Mrs. Greg Zrake David & Ulli Nelson Nicholas & Lillian Patellis Richard W. Ruyle Dr. & Mrs. Larry R. Sherman St George Church, Michael Tomko Craig & Duffy Wash & Family Mr. Leo Radionoff Mrs. Donna Ryan Norwood, MA St Stephen’s Women’s Society, Reader Stephen Wasilewski Sophie Paterakis Susan Shermock Philadelphia, PA Dr. Salem Toney Victor Nemitz Branko & Patricia Radulovic Norman Ryan St George Church, Mrs. Maria Frederick G. Paul Victoria Sherry Montreal, QC St Tikhon’s Orthodox Mission, Father Rodney Torbic* Walter & Ina Nemitz Ms. Nikandra K. Rafferty Eugenia Ryniejska Soukhanova Watson Patricia Ann Pavelchak Fr. John & Barbara Shimchick St George Ladies Society, Chattanooga, TN* Paul & Lee Torick Gregory & Larice Nescott The Right Rev. Mr. & Mrs. Wade E. Saadi, Jr. Norman & Yvonne Weber The Rev. & Mrs. Bishop Christoforos Gail Shlanta Arling ton, VA Mrs. Vivian J. Stansbury Michael E. Toth Justin Nescott Aleksa Pavichevich Dr. Michael Sabat Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Weger, The Rev. & Mrs. John Rallis Mary & Richard Shoemaker St George Serbian Orthodox Paul V. Staszewsky The Rev. Deacon Family Dental Care New Skete Farms Inc. Robert & Ann Pavlik Marwan Sabbouh* Church, North Canton, OH & Mrs. Joshua Trant John N. Rallis, II A. Robert Shott, Esquire Helen Stathis Mr. Arthur Weiner Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Newey Mrs. Tatiana Pavlova Michael & Astrid Sady St Gregory the Theologian The Rev. & Mrs. Mr. Lembit Rauk Mr. & Mrs. David A. Sichik Andrew & Katherina Staursky Archimandrite Vladimir Sophia Niarchos John & Rosemary Pawlik Carole Sagan Church, Wappingers Falls, NY Rastko Trbuhovich* Dr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Razook Peter & Deborah Silowka Peter & Helen Stavisky (Wendling) Laura & Leon Nicholas St Herman Church, The Rev. & Mrs. The Very Rev. & Mrs. Leo Saidnawey Jim Silvestri Juliann Steck Eleanor West Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nichols Lewis Payne, S.S.C. Jerome & Janet Rea Oxnard, CA Demetrios Treantafeles Mr. Val Sakovich Angelo A. Simaku Ray & Claudia Steeb The Rev. Timothy Mr. & Mrs. George Nickson John & Carol Pazin Mr. Mark Readle Mr. Stanley Sakowych Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Simaku & Rebecca West

23 *Indicates St. John Chrysostom Society members † Indicates donors who reposed in FY14 24 20 CONSECUTIVE YEARS OF ANNUAL GIVING

Galina Abolins Anna Gregory Anastasia Romanoff The Most Rev. Archbishop Anastasia Grudinoff Olga N. Rosselet-De Douanne Gregory (Afonsky) Annie Y. Guba Irene Rozvaliaeff Alexander Alexandrovich Anna M. Guba-Boruch John Rusin St. Vladimir’s alumnus Father Maximus Paul B. Anderson Olga Hanigan Walter Scarloss Cabey, who now pastors St. Matthew Anne Androshuk The Rev. Peter Haskell Protopresbyter Olga Antonuk George A. Hatab Alexander Schmemann Orthodox Church, Green Bay, Wisconsin Dorothy D. Antosh Mary Herbut Ann D. Sencen Susie Sevak (Image courtesy of Dn. Gregory Hatrak) Demitry Aristarhoff Robert C. Hunsicker The Rt. Rev. Bishop Vera & Olga Hyra Margaret L. Shimmel Peter (Bankerovich) Metropolitan Macarius Paul Skopic Prof. Georges Barrois (Iliinsky) Michael & Olga Skordinski Michael P. Behuniak Michael Irvin Maria Snehovsky Metropolitan Ireney (Bekish) Anastasia S. Ivanoff Olga Sosenko Paul Belogradsky Frank Jabara Anna Sousa D. Berejekoff Edith Kaplan Joseph Spratly Dimitri Birkin Veselin Kesich Olga V. Stadnik Nona Bissland Bessie Kibbey Anna Stankevich Nicholas I. Bobil Lillian C. Kiddon Peter Stosech Prof. Alexander A. Bogolepov Mitred Archpriest John Kivko Julia Pawchyk Stuppin Anonymous (16) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ken Johnson Philip & Kim Melnik Matthew & Margaret Simon Helen Bokach Julian Klecan Michael Sushko The Rev. & Mrs. Basil Aden & Therese Domanick Mrs. Florence Junda Mr. John A. Memorich H. Lynn Siry Fred Boldusoff Mary S. Klein Rose Tarasar Archpriest Gabriel & Damian A. Drasher Dr. Lila J. Kalinich Matushka Marie Meyendorff Sisters of Holy Trinity Fred S. Helen Klemash Elizabeth Taton Matushka Helen Ashie Dr. & Mrs. David Drillock Dr. & Mrs. Constantine Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Milkie Orthodox Church, John Boojamra Andrew Klimkosky Olga Taton Clayton, WI Mr. & Mrs. Theodore V. Awad Pauline Driscoll H. Kallaur Anna Nakulak Emil Boyko Alexandra Kopacz Leo M. Telep Joan Sitaras-Pantelis Ms. Johanna Babiak Dr. & Mrs. George B. Droubie Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kasmer Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Namee Alexandra Budaeff Anna Kopestonsky Olga M. Telep Mr. John L. Sklarsky Mr. & Mrs. Michael Baca Mr. Gregory Dudack Mrs. Martha A. Kasovac Gregory & Larice Nescott Olga Buly Stephen P. Kopestonsky Boris V. Timchenko Mrs. Mildred Skubanicz The Very Rev. & Very Rev. H. Gregory Dudash Nicholas & Vivian Ketz Mr. & Mrs. George Nickson Paul Burns Nikola Kostich Joseph Tich Mrs. Nicholas G. Bacalis & Linda Dudash Larry & Connie Skvir Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Kivell Elsie Skvir Nierle David Buss Archpriest Michael G. Kovach Georgia B. Toumbakis Olga Bahleda Oleg & Genevieve Dudkin Prof. Michael & The Rev. Archdeacon John Chase Eugenia Kribales Sergei E. Tulinoff George R. Nimmer & Mrs. Seraphim Solof Eugene & Maryann Baker John & Tamara Economou Marianna† Klimenko Helen Chaykovsky Nathalie S. Krueger Sophia Ushakoff Deacon Paul & Patty Nimchek St John the Baptist Russian The Rev. Protodeacon Fr. Michael & Laila Ellias Mrs. Olga Komenko Michael A. Cherwick Rudolph P. Kunett Katherine Vanysheff Joseph Balkunowa Mrs. Elizabeth Nosal Orthodox Church, Passaic, NJ Jennie C. Everson Mrs. Mary Koncak John B. Chismark Mary Kush Prof. Serge Verhovskoy Mrs. Irene Barna Nicholas & Natalie Orloff St Nicholas Orthodox Church, Warren & Chris Farha Dr. Demos Kontos & Dr. Mogadore, OH Joseph D. Chwan Susanne G. Kushner Victor M. Visotsky Serge Barna Christine Kontos-Gabrielides Orthodox Council of Dr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Ferris Churches of South Central PA Archpriest John W. Kenneth John Conant Thomas Labock Mary Walendzik Pauline Barnowsky Mr. & Mrs. Fredric Fetkowitz The Very Rev. & Mrs. & Denise Stefero Stephen Kopestonsky Michael & Joan Panek Anne Cornett Mary Lambrinos Tatiana U. Weiser Dr. Maha K. Bassila Mr. Anthony J. Fiacco, Ms. Sara Stephenson Protopresbyter Elias & Mr. & Mrs. Eva Afton Czap Clarice J. Laushkin Howard Albert Welch Lindy E. Bayouth in memory of George D. Patterson Mr. Gerald S. Stevens Irene Kushner-Fiacco Matushka Anna Kozar Ivan Michaelson Czap George Levchuk Marianna T. Wieland Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Bazil Patricia Ann Pavelchak Katherine Strakes Dr. Albert Foundos John M. Koziol The Rev. Michael Czap Ann Lewis Maria N. Yastreboff The Very Rev. Steven J. Mrs. Alexander Pikulik Mr. William Swor & Deborah Belonick George F. Freije Donald & Marlene Kral Helen Daderko Rose Lewis Alex I. Yazikov Dr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Kubina George & Lena Radanovic Dr. & Mrs. Donald J. Sophie Datz Anna Nicholaevna Lielmesh Anna Zedlovich Nicholas & Marina Bobrovsky Agnes P. Fryntzko Tamulonis, Jr. Charles J. Kudlik Mr. Leo Radionoff Julia Dorosh Sarah D. Lutge Peter Zouboff Maria A. Boiko Thomas A. Galioto Mr. & Mrs. Martin Tich Archpriest Sergius Father Daniel & Matushka Archimandrite Alexander Archpriest Paul Lutov Michael Zuk Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Bress Very Rev. & Mrs. Theodora Ressetar Ms. Barbara Tkach Alexander Garklavs & Faith Kuharsky (Doumoras) Mary Maddalozzo Mat. Nadine Eskoff Brown Mrs. Alice Reta The Trustees of Ivan V Brian & Marilyn Gerich Drs. Frank & Alcides Kulik Michael Drake Mary E. Marron LIVING Michael Brunda Mrs. Wm. Rittman Koulaieff Education Fund Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann, Mrs. Tanya J. Kwoka Theodore J. Dran Konstantine P. Mashevsky MEMBERS Robert & Sharon Butchko Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Ghiz Very Rev. Stephen & Paul Laskovich Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Roach Barbara Dubivsky Anonymous (3) Dean of St. Vladimir’s Seminary 1962–1983 Mr. Henry Calcanes Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Girko Matushka Betsy Tumbas Sophie Masko Very Rev. Daniel & Virginia H. Farah Margaret Branch Annie Glowa The Very Rev. & Mrs. Laurence Mr. & Mrs. Protopresbyter John Cameron Family Lazar Mrs. Kaliope Rohan Michael E. & Grace Bress (Image courtesy of SVOTS archives) Gregory G. Godun Edmund Unneland Eva Fedash Meyendorff Mrs. Luisa A. Chernyshov Rod & Valerie Learned Mr. & Mrs. Maria E. Contos Boris Guleff Michael Romanchik Dr. & Mrs. Egerton K. Archpriest Alexander J. & Zoran & Annette Milkovich Dr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Chila Archpriest Vladimir Matushka Mary D. Fedoronko The Rev. Pdn. & Frank & Michelle Guydan Nina K. Roshetar van den Berg, Jr. Zena Miron Christ the Saviour Orthodox & Virginia Lecko Paul Fekula Mrs. Peter Danilchick Church, Harrisburg, PA Alexander & Linda Hanchar William & Mary Jo Rusinak Edward & Irene Vangeloff Sophia Noska John & Barbara Leschisin Mrs. M. Voynovich Mary Fletcher Anthony Opalak Mary N. Dibs Dr. John & Eva Chupinsky Mr. James W. Harvey Dr. & Mrs. John Lingas Miss Juanita Salamie The Right Rev. Paul Doyle & Dr. Susan A. Harvey Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Weger Mitred Archpriest Georges Olga Opalak George & Julia Cipu Natasha Lutov Mary Salamy Florovsky Martha W. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Maryann West Helen N. Ostapeck Ernest & Denice Collazo Mr. & Mrs. Victor S. Samaha Sam Fritskey Norman L. Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Alex Machaskee Mrs. Ann Worobey Nicholas Panko Albert Foundos Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Cross, Jr. Karen Schwebach John Gamble Support St. Vladimir’s Seminary Gene & Joan Homyak Michael Malyak, in memory Mr. & Mrs. Andrew York Catherine Paulasack Brian & Marilyn Gerich Robert Y. Csernica of Barbara B. Malyak Archpriest Olof & Everett Gardner Anthony Kasmer Fr Thomas & Anne Hopko Kh. Eva Scott Mrs. Evangeline Zarras, George Pazin with a bequest in your will. Paul & Janet Culton Al & Marlene Mamary Vera Garin Glenn R. & Nancy Kubina Mrs. Anna Hudak Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sedor in loving memory of my Anna Petelchuk Serge & Carolyn Daniels Barbara Marino The Rt. Rev. Bishop Boris Dr. Robert & Dr. Olga Hughes husband Deacon John Margaret Tooker Peterson Leon & Pamela Lysaght The Rev. Protodeacon & Mr. Gregory J. Mason Nicholas Senopoulos (Geeza) CONTACT Theodore Bazil, CFRM, Senior Advisor Irene Hutchison Richard & Elizabeth Ziats Alexander Piankoff Mr. & Mrs. Alex Machaskee Mrs. Peter Danilchick Dr. John Matolyak Very Rev. Paul Hooda Germack Michael & Marcella Hydock & Mary Shafran Mitchell & Violet M. Zunich Joseph Pistey Alexander Popoff, Jr. 914.961.8313 x329 Eugene & Barbara Danko Dr. Alan E. Matook Albert Gessner Mr. & Mrs. John Ihnat Thomas & Pamala Shakun Eugenia Pomazneff Dr. & Mrs. Egerton [email protected] Mrs. Shirley Daschuk Subdeacon & Mrs. Sergei A. Gladilin den Berg Ms. Irina Itina Mitchell & Linda Shanbour Constantine C. Popoff Mr. & Mrs. Alexander E. Deeb Paul T. Maty Oleg Grabar Rev. Dn. John (+2012) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Simaku Mary N. Dibs Dr. & Mrs. John A. McClung Nina Gramowich Vladimir & Ethel Prokofieff & Evangeline Zarras Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Jadick Angelo A. Simaku Mrs. Sofija Djurdjulov William & Denise McKinney Catherine Grishkovsky Gregg Feodor Remiga

25 26 BOARD TRUSTEES Frank B. Cerra, M.D. James T. Perry, JD, LL.M. Former Senior Vice President of Health Sciences, Academic Attorney Health Center; Emeritus Professor, Department of Surgery, Parishioner, Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Yonkers, University of Minnesota New York (OCA) Parishioner, Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, St. Paul, Donald J. Tamulonis, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.P. Minnesota (OCA) Director of Neurology and Director of the Stroke Center and The Reverend Protodeacon Peter M. Danilchick Dean Martin Neuromuscular MDA Clinic, St. Elizabeth’s Retired Executive, Exxon Mobil Corporation Hospital, Youngstown, Ohio Member, Secretariat, Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Associate Professor of Medicine, Northeast Ohio Medical Bishops of the USA University, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, and Attached, Protection of the Holy Mother of God Church, Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine Falls Church, Virginia (Romanian Episcopate, OCA) Subdeacon, St. John the Baptist Church, Campbell, Ohio (OCA) Gregory Drillock Melody M. Thompson, D.Ed. CIO, Freepoint Commodities Associate Professor of Education, The Pennsylvania Member, Three Hierarchs Chapel, St. Vladimir’s Seminary State University (OCA) Parishioner, Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, State College, Albert Foundos, Hon. D.H.L. Pennsylvania (OCA) Retired Executive, Fluid Data, Inc. Anne van den Berg, JD SEMINARY PRESIDENT & BOARD CHAIRMAN BOARD OFFICERS Chairman, International Orthodox Christian Charities Attorney, Marchena and Graham, P.A. His Beatitude, The Most Blessed TIKHON (Mollard) Alex Machaskee, Hon. D.H.L., Executive Chair (IOCC) Foundation Board Board Member, The Ephraim Project Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada President of Alex Machaskee & Associates Parishioner, St. Nicholas Church, Jamaica Estates, New York Parishioner, St. Stephen the Protomartyr Church, Orlando, of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) Retired President and Publisher, The Plain Dealer, (Albanian Diocese, OCA) Florida (OCA) Cleveland, Ohio BOARD VICE CHAIRMAN Anne Glynn Mackoul, JD, Hon. D.H.L. EMERITI TRUSTEES His Eminence, The Most Reverend Metropolitan JOSEPH Communications Consultant, Assembly of Canonical Attorney Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America Michael Bress, JD (Al-Zehlaoui) Board of Directors, International Orthodox Christian Brian Gerich, Hon. D.H.L. Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of all North America, Executive Committee, Musical Arts Association of Charities (IOCC) the Cleveland Orchestra Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America World Council of Churches Central Committee Glenn R. Kubina, M.D. (AOCANA) Lifetime Director, United Way Services (Representative of the Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East) Alexander Popoff, Jr., P.E. Board Member: University Circle Inc.; Orthodox APPOINTED BOARD MEMBERS Parishioner, St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church, The Very Reverend Paul Shafran Christian Network; Orthodox Christian Fellowship; Brooklyn, New York (AOCANA) His Eminence, The Most Reverend HILARION (Alfeyev) Crime Stoppers of Cleveland; Dean’s Executive Elsie Skvir Nierle Metropolitan of Volokolamsk and Chairman of the Moscow Council, Cleveland State University Tatiana L. Hoff Thomas S. Zedlovich Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations, Russian Honorary Consul of the Republic of Serbia Director of Professional Services, HighRoads, Inc. Mitchell Zunich Orthodox Church Parishioner, St. Theodosius Cathedral, Cleveland, Trustee, St. Andrew’s Camp His Eminence, The Most Reverend SAVAS (Zembillas) Ohio (OCA) Trustee, Holy Myrrhbearers Monastery Metropolitan of the Metropolis of Pittsburgh, Greek Orthodox Member, St. Sava Cathedral, Cleveland, Ohio (SOC) Parishioner, Ss. Peter and Paul Church, Jersey City, New Jersey (OCA) Archdiocese of North America Anthony Kasmer, Treasurer His Grace, The Right Reverend MAXIM (Vasiljevic) Chairman of the Board, LTL Color Compounders, Deacon Michael Hyatt Bishop of the Western American Diocese, Serbian Orthodox Church Morrisville, Pennsylvania Former Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers of North and South America Parishioner, St. Vladimir Church, Trenton, Best-selling author and leadership consultant, His Grace, Metropolitan ZACHARIAH Mar Nicholovos New Jersey (OCA) michaelhyatt.com (Poothiyottu) The Reverend Philip LeMasters, Ph.D., Chairman, Ancient Faith Ministries Board Metropolitan of the Northeast American Diocese, Malankara Corporate Secretary Board Member, Bookshout Orthodox Syrian Church Professor of Religion, Director of the Honors Deacon, St. Ignatius Orthodox Church, Franklin, Tennessee (AOCANA) EX OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS Program, and Dean, School of Social Sciences and Religion, McMurry University Theodore Jadick The Very Reverend John Behr, D.Phil. Rector, St. Luke Orthodox Church, Abilene, Vice Chairman, Heidrick & Struggles, New York City Dean, St. Vladimir’s Seminary Texas (AOCANA) Board Director, Calvary Hospital Fund, Bronx, New York The Very Reverend Chad Hatfield, D.Min., Hon. D.D. Parishioner, Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church, Yonkers, Chancellor/CEO, St. Vladimir’s Seminary New York (OCA) The Very Reverend John A. Jillions, D.Min., Ph.D. Nicholas Pandelidis, M.D. Chancellor, Orthodox Church in America (OCA); Board member, Orthopaedic Surgeon at Orthopaedic and Spine Specialists, Saints Cosmas and Damian Human Services, Inc. ABOVE Commencement 2014 | The Board of Trustees, York, Pennsylvania Mr. Gregory Abdalah with faculty, graduates, and honored guests Board member, FOCUS North America Chair, St. Vladimir’s Alumni Association Board; Youth Pastor (Images courtesy of Leanne Parrott Photography) Parishioner, St. John Chrysostom Church, York, Pennsylvania at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Phoenix, Arizona (AOCANA) 27 28 CORE FACULTY ADVANCEMENT STAFF The Very Rev. Dr. John Behr ext 326 Names are active email links Travel schedule of our Dean, The Very Reverend Dr. John Behr, for upcoming half year Dean, Professor of Patristics The Very Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield ext 339 6–8 FEBRUARY ◆ Cambridge, United Kingdom ◆ Presentation: The Very Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield ext 339 Chancellor/CEO “Patristic Text as Icons,” in Madingley Hall at the Friends of Mount Chancellor/CEO, Sessional Professor of Missiology Melanie Ringa ext 316 Athos Symposium titled ‘Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth’: A Dr. John Barnet ext 313 Associate Chancellor for Finance Symposium in Honour of Metropolitan Kallistos Associate Professor of New Testament, Associate Dean Theodore C. Bazil ext 329 ◆ ◆ for Academic Affairs/Registrar, Director of the Master of Senior Advisor for Advancement, CFRM 28 FEBRUARY Milan, Italy Presentation: “Life’s Beginning Arts Program Robin Freeman ext 317 and End, and the Way to Approach Illness,” at a conference Dr. Peter C. Bouteneff ext 371 Director for Annual Giving sponsored by the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy, Archdiocese Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Director of Tim Nieuwsma ext 342 of Milan, in collaboration with 13 other theological schools and Institutional Assessment, Director of the Master of themed Jesus Christ and the New Humanism Theology Program Director for Philanthropy The Rev. Dr. J. Sergius Halvorsen ext 367 Deborah Belonick ext 363 7–11 MARCH ◆ Manton, CA ◆ Lenten Retreat: Monastery of Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Rhetoric, Director Director of Communications St. John of San Francisco of the Doctor of Ministry Program Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak ext 328 14 MARCH ◆ Shirley, NY ◆ Lenten Retreat: St. John the Theologian Director of Alumni Relations Dr. Paul Meyendorff ext 314 Church, Archpriest Jonathan Ivanoff, rector The Father Alexander Schmemann Professor of Liturgical Dn. Gregory Hatrak ext 345 Theology, Director of Continuing Education Marketing and Operations Manager, 19–20 MARCH ◆ Wheaton, IL ◆ Presentation: “Divine Simplicity,” Dr. Nicholas Reeves ext 353 SVS Press and Bookstore at a conference at Wheaton Center for Early Christian Studies, Assistant Professor of Liturgical Music Michael Soroka ext 374 Wheaton College The Very Rev. Dr. Alexander Rentel ext 369 SVS Press Production Manager 26–29 MARCH ◆ Waco, TX ◆ Lenten Retreat: St. Andrew Orthodox Assistant Professor of Law and Byzantine Studies and Ginny Nieuwsma ext 330 Church, Priest John Ballard, rector The John and Paraskeva Skvir Lecturer in Practical Theology, Managing Web Editor ◆ ◆ Ecclesiarch, Director of the Master of Divinity Program Ann K. Sanchez ext 323 14–19 APRIL Vienna, Austria Presentation at the University Advancement Assistant to the Chancellor of Vienna, and meetings with Orthodox Christian communities and Maria Kouloumbis ext 360 leaders Advancement Assistant 1–5 MAY ◆ Colchester, United Kingdom ◆ Presentation: Mat. Thekla Hatfield ext 340 “Forgiveness and Healing in the Face of Moral Injury,” at a Advancement Assistant symposium at Wivenhoe House, University of Essex, sponsored by The John Templeton Foundation Contact our Advancement Staff at 21–24 MAY ◆ Prague, Czech Republic ◆ Presentation: “From 914-961-8313 or email [email protected] Synchronic Mind to Diachronic Symphony: Returning to the Fathers after a Neo-Patristic Detour,” at the International Scientific LEFT Dr. Paul Meyendorff Doctoral and Post-doctoral Conference, Ecumenical Reception and ABOVE TOP Father John Behr (right), dean of St. Vladimir’s receiving the “St. Macrina the Critique of 20th Century Orthodox Theology in Exile and Diaspora Seminary, with Pope Tawadros II (middle), the 118th and Great Award” from the Student 3–10 JUNE ◆ St. Petersburg, Russia ◆ Lecture Series, co-sponsored current Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Council President, Father Mark of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, Egypt, Alessandro Margheritino, in by the Postgraduate School of the Russian Orthodox Church and the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN and His Grace Suriel (left), bishop of the Diocese of Melbourne recognition of his dedication and and Affiliated Areas, of the Coptic Orthodox Church in achievements as a teacher, at 28 JUNE–2 JULY ◆ Madrid, Spain ◆ Presentation at The Bare Australia (Bishop Suriel is featured on page 5 of this Annual Commencement 2014 Life and the Moral Life Symposium, St. Louis University’s Report). Father John is presenting the Pope with his translation RIGHT Famed Orthodox Madrid campus of a work by St. Athanasius of Alexandria, On the Incarnation Christian composer Arvo Pärt (SVS Press, 2012). Father John visited Egypt in June 2013, ◆ ◆ being presented with a Doctor of 20–24 JULY Atlanta, Georgia Representative of St. Vladimir’s and in 2016 Father John will teach a summer program at Divinity degree, honoris causa, Seminary at The All-American Council, Orthodox Church Bishop Suriel’s school in Australia, the St. Athanasius Coptic by the President of the Board in America Orthodox Theological College in Donvale, Victoria. of Trustees of St. Vladimir’s 10–14 AUGUST ◆ Oxford, UK ◆ The XVII International Conference ABOVE BOTTOM Father John Behr presents an icon of St. Seminary, His Beatitude on Patristic Studies Vladimir to His Beatitude Daniel, archbishop of Bucharest Metropolitan Tikhon, primate of and patriarch of Romania, who has blessed a cooperative the Orthodox Church in America, agreement between St. Vladimir’s Seminary and the Faculty of at Commencement 2014 Orthodox Theology, University of Bucharest (Images courtesy of Father John Behr’s lecture, “Orthodox Theological Leanne Parrott Photography) Education in the Twenty-First Century”

29 30 Orthodox Theological Seminary

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