Xaecciey965521z ¶|Xacijedy916226z
Offerta CD di Arvo Pärt sconto 20% Etichetta: Ecm Records Abbreviazione: ECM PÄRT ARVO PÄRT ARVO Alina Tabula rasa Für Alina, Spiegel im Spiegel Fratres, Cantus in memory Benjamin Britten SPIVAKOV VLADIMIR vl V.Spivakov, violino; D.Schwalke, violoncello; S.Bezrodny e SONDECKIS VYTAUTAS vc A.Malter, pianoforte Gidon Kremer, violino; Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra e altri 1 CD ECM 1591 Alto Prezzo 1 CD ECM 1275 Alto Prezzo ¶|xACIJEEy995824z ¶|xAECCIBy776427z PÄRT ARVO PÄRT ARVO Litany Arbos Psalom, Trisagion An den Wassern zu Babel, Pari Intervallo, De SONDECKIS VYTAUTAS vc The Hilliard Ensemble, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, Estonian Profundis, Es sang vor langen Jahren, Summa, Arbos, Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Tõnu Kaljuste dir. Stabat Mater 1 CD ECM 1592 RUSSELL DAVIES DENNIS Dir Alto Prezzo The Hilliard Ensemble, Ensemble Staatsorchester Stuttgart 1 CD ECM 1325 Alto Prezzo ¶|xACIJEEy981025z ¶|xAECCIDy195929z PÄRT ARVO PÄRT ARVO Kanon Pokajanen Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi secundum Joannem KALJUSTE TÕNU Dir Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir HILLIER PAUL Dir 2 CD ECM 1654-55 The Hilliard Ensemble ed ensemble strumentale Alto Prezzo 1 CD ECM 1370 Alto Prezzo ¶|xACIJEFy783420z ¶|xAECCIDy710924z PÄRT ARVO PÄRT ARVO Orient & Occident, Wallfahrtslied, Comocierva Miserere sedienta Festina Lente, SArah was ninety years old HILLIER PAUL Dir The Hilliard Ensemble Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra & Choir Ventesimo titolo ECM New Series del compositore estone, che 1 CD ECM 1795 Alto Prezzo 1 CD ECM 1430 celebra un fruttuoso sodalizio fra la propria
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