
The Patriots

JORDAN ROSENBURG Plymouth State University, Communication and Media Studies

Introduction: Figure One Figure Three Three Recommendations:

With a fifth under their 1. Get rid of their YouTube channel belt, loved or hated, the Patriots are altogether. known by just about everyone. Social media is important for the Patriots 2. Post more stuff about fans on their because it gives the fans a chance to Twitter page. get more involved. Liking a page, 3. Post more memes on their Facebook retweeting, sharing, etc. can give page. anyone a chance to get something good. Maybe a shirt signed by Brady, Conclusions: tickets to a home game, or even a gift Figure One: Facebook Post Figure Three: Instagram Post card to Dunkin Donuts; these things Deflate Gate was probably their worst time can get people talking. Social media is • Official page has over 6 million likes. • Official page has over 2 million on social media, and gave other teams a important to the Patriots because it • This would give the audience the impression followers. chance to swoop in and grab more positive gives the team a chance to have a that Patriots care about others, and it is a • This simple post got over 112 attention. Just about every post from that voice, and stay current with their fans. reminder that a new banner will be raised in thousand likes. time was about , hearings, For example, a couple months back Stadium. lawyers, and all of the other messes that when the mannequin challenge was • They are giving their brand awareness while came with it. This is something, however, Figure Four popular, they were able to execute supporting others. that made them stronger in the end. Fans one on the field at showed their loyalty, and the Patriots went right before a game. The Patriots are Figure Two on to winning a fifth super bowl, with able to be more than just a team on Brady being suspended for four games at social media; they are able to build the beginning of the season. They are a their brand. Figure Four: Pinterest Post united front which gives them lots of

opportunities with their social media. They • Official page has over 30 can post millions of articles about how thousand followers. great their players are, and what the fans • They know these fans will buy do for them. The Patriots persevered merchandise to dress up their through a lot of bad publicity, and were dogs and babies. able to clear their name through social Figure Two: Twitter Post media by keeping their followers updated • Official page has over 3 million followers. with current information. The Patriots • This is a simple Tweet for fans to look at, and brand has been established, and they know yet they can get a lot of information just by how to work their audience. Their clicking on the link. presence is alive and well, and will not be going anywhere anytime soon.