Centre for Practiicall Quantiitatiive Fiinance CPQF Working Paper Series No. 20 FX Volatility Smile Construction Dimitri Reiswich and Uwe Wystup April 2010 Authors: Dimitri Reiswich Uwe Wystup PhD Student CPQF Professor of Quantitative Finance Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Frankfurt/Main Frankfurt/Main
[email protected] [email protected] Publisher: Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Phone: +49 (0) 69 154 008-0 Fax: +49 (0) 69 154 008-728 Sonnemannstr. 9-11 D-60314 Frankfurt/M. Germany FX Volatility Smile Construction Dimitri Reiswich, Uwe Wystup Version 1: September, 8th 2009 Version 2: March, 20th 2010 Abstract The foreign exchange options market is one of the largest and most liquid OTC derivative markets in the world. Surprisingly, very little is known in the aca- demic literature about the construction of the most important object in this market: The implied volatility smile. The smile construction procedure and the volatility quoting mechanisms are FX specific and differ significantly from other markets. We give a detailed overview of these quoting mechanisms and introduce the resulting smile construction problem. Furthermore, we provide a new formula which can be used for an efficient and robust FX smile construction. Keywords: FX Quotations, FX Smile Construction, Risk Reversal, Butterfly, Stran- gle, Delta Conventions, Malz Formula Dimitri Reiswich Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Centre for Practical Quantitative Finance, e-mail:
[email protected] Uwe Wystup Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Centre for Practical Quantitative Finance, e-mail:
[email protected] 1 2 Dimitri Reiswich, Uwe Wystup 1 Delta– and ATM–Conventions in FX-Markets 1.1 Introduction It is common market practice to summarize the information of the vanilla options market in the volatility smile table which includes Black-Scholes implied volatili- ties for different maturities and moneyness levels.