6 X 10.5 Long Title.P65
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19282-8 - The Bank of England 1950s to 1979 Forrest Capie Index More information Index Abdullah, Bin Musaid Bin Abdul commodity traders, 324 Rahman, Prince, 565 FCI, 321 Abell, George, 49, 56, 366 Fairfields,325 –6 Abs, Herman, 379 foreign currency , 525 Accepting Houses, IRC, 324 accounts with Bank, 59 property, 527, 569 ARIEL, 666 relation to deposits, 80–1 Bank’s supervision of, 589 Rolls-Royce, 788–9 CCC, 492 secondary banking crisis, 534, 541, credit control, 296 543, 548, 552–3, 558, 564, 569, 581 inter-bank market, 481 other, 207, 795 Rolls-Royce, 787–90 Advisers secondary banking crisis, 536, 539, 548 Bank, 33, 37, 42, 50–1, 55, 58, 75n, 81, sterling brokers, 784–5 92, 129–31, 152, 207, 254, 337, 355, Accepting Houses Committee, 296, 492, 357, 380, 465, 529, 702, 720, 731, 598 744, 803, 824–6, 829 Accountant’s Department, ministerial, 109, 218, 244, 416, 645, location, 40, 68 651, 693, 745, 807 renamed Registrar’s, 826 Treasury, 84, 130, 155, 170, 199, 201, role, 39 213, 238, 490 staff numbers, 40, 61, 351, 361 other, 358, 373, 417, 443, 537, 567, 606, other, 37, 361 678, 698, 738 Administration Department, 361 Adviser(s) to the Governors, 35, 37, 43–4, Advances, 48–9, 50, 55, 196, 254, 335, 380, 439, Bank of England’s, 67, 102, 105, 305, 528, 558, 603, 609 347, 365, 479, 813 Africa, 3–4, 335, 338 Burmah Oil, 793 Agents, 41, 61, 802 cartel, 443 Agnelli, Gianni, 379 clearing banks, 82, 85, 89, 91, 93, 102, Agricultural Mortgage Corporation 109, 119, 252–5, 258, 263, 265, (AMC), 323 268–9, 271,
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