WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1967 Atwac« IMIjr Net Pf«H Km PAGE IfiaBTf-SIX 'fv t Xhe Week Ended The Weather jHandif Btf r Iwpttitts If^ralii Inorenaing doudknw to­ Star S,1M7 night, foln developing^, low In More Families Mayor Honorary Chairman LIQUORS— WINES 70a; doudy w «h vain Mkaty to­ A bout ^O w n CORDIALS r 14,945 morrow, high 75-80. Host Students Minimum PrieM Mancherter— A CUy of VUlage Charm . rtte Mbnobater Xion’« GMi For Brotherhood Project wM M d a UMd took n le on Twelve Oomen Presbyterian An additional list of host fam­ ARTHUR DRUB VOL. LXXXVL NO. 240 (SUCTEEN PAGES—Tlb> SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1967^ (ClaMifled Advertteing «m Page IS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Tliumtaor, Jutjr 20, from nom CSiiirch, Rochester, N.T. was ilies who vriU entertain A m eri­ IMayor Hathan Agtotinelli for the retarded children at to 0 pjn. kt llie Awmor fibear- the scene Saturday .afternoon can STeld Service students this has been named honorary M ansfield. kon a n ) Hamsnia Stare. .. 913 of the wedding of MIm Shirley Funds from the ball and oth­ weekend has been relea^ by chairman for the iSept. 23 Char­ MV»ki S t Brooeeda w ill go to B. Taylor of Cambridge, Maas, er contributions will be used to various ctoritoa eponsoned by to Forbes S. Warren of Boston, Mrs. Charles S. House. ity Ball beli^ sponsored by the establiah the shop. The train­ W h a t’S F or D essert? Last Soke (to lion's OMb. formerly of Manchester. They'are Dr. and Mrs. Philip Brotherhood in Action commit­ ing school wri'll provide all The bride is the daughter of Sumner of 73 Princeton St. Mr. tee, composed of three Man­ clothing for It. Try Our Flavors HUDSWFLA,, F ngland Ito Jimiar Bar SecMion of Mr. and Mrs. Hart Taylor of and M rs. Charles B axter o f 84 chester fraternal organizations. One recent meeting of the Of The Month: (AP)— Joe Br^ee promis­ B52s Resume Raids Rochester. The bridegroom is a Olcott Dr., Mr. and Mrs. Those organizations are general committee was held at the OomsectdRut Bar Asoocia- i( Fresh Strawberry ed hlB friends that the last G eorge W alker o f 17 H arvard the training school, and the lUon w ill h ave (ta aiw iusl m eet- son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray War­ Charter Oak Chapter of B’nai Luscious red, ripe berries time he paissed thedr favor­ ini' and outtaB^ Friday starting: ren of 109 Princeton St. Rd., Mr. and Mrs. George B’rith, Ctunpbell Council of members were entertained by blended thru our delicious ite pub, he would buy them at noon at tto Hillandele Ooun-- The Rev. Dr. Carlton Allen Sandals o f 40 Steep Hollow Knights of Oolumibus, and Man­ retarded and blind students in vanlUa ice cream! all a drink and wait outside try Club, TrumlbulL of Twelve Comers Church per­ Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gay- chester and Friendship Lodges local selections. while they drank. formed the double-ring cere­ son of 44 Village St., Mr. and o f M asons. The committee heading the ir Strawberry Blpple Brohee, 76, died last week­ mony. The bride w as graven In M rs. Paul Phlnney o f 126 N. In accepting the honorary planning is made up o f the Vanilla ice cream with de­ Sfennlbera of tto W W Auxili'- licious strawberry ripple end. Ihe hearse waited out- Inside Viet’s DMZ aiy will meet at the HolmeB marriage by her father. Elm. St., Dr. and Mrs. Sedrich chairmanship. Mayor Agoeti- heads of the sponsoring or­ dte the George ■and Dragon Mrs. William P. Knoble of sauce throughout! Funeral Hoone, 400 Main St/ R aw lins o f 66 W aranoke R d., ganizations, including James Wednesday whlle'16 mourn­ tamoTTow at 7 pjm. to pay to- We^lake, Ohio was ziiatron of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harris of Holmes and Frank Liaraia of (In }/t GaBods) ers drank up. honor. Bridesm:alds were Mrs. spectB to Ailfred CMeek, whose 62 Cambridge St., Mr. and the K of C, Sidney Green of —A Royal dessert indeed! “He wae a happy man who Bruce B, Warren of Chicago, Mrs. Roderick MacLean of 34 B’nai -B’rlth, and Welter Per­ Available ^t yoor neigh­ looked on this as his last m other, (Mrs. A ugusta Boulet, borhood Royal loe Cream Dl., slsiter-in-law of the bride­ Hoffman Rd., • Mr. and Mrs. son and Raymond Bbgue of the joke,” said the dead man’s H eavy G un Is a memlber of (to wjit. — dealer store, or ask him groom; Miss Sara B. Mills of E van Thom as o f 30 Steep H ol­ M asons. son. Cam bridge, M ass., and (Mrs. low Lane, Mrs. James O’Toole to get It for yon. . Brohee left $14 to pay for Membesrs of (to ArmyOTavy Richard Brown of Belmont, of 62 S. Adams St., Mr. said Positions Are the drinks, but the bill came Ohih will meet tonight at 7 at Mass. Mrs. Robert H. Smith of 181 Animal Traps bo half that. The change the W . P. Quish Fimeral Home, Bruce B. Warren of Chicago, Hartford Rd., and Mr. and There are three general went to Brohee’s estate. Main Targets 225 IMjain St., to pay respects formerly of Manchester, served Mrs. Burton Smyth of 27 Hill­ ty p es o f Bivimal traps. The en­ to the late Chester R. Berk, a as his brother’s best man. Ush­ closing trap cartxiies the ani- top Dr. SAK30N (AP)—Waves memtoer. ers were Allen Martin of Ja­ mbl without hurting it; the ar­ A bus with 43 American Field of B62 bombers pounded maica Plain, Mass., formerly of Service students Is expected to resting trap grips the animal State News 'About 30 members of the Manchester; David H. Taylor and holds St, but does not kill North Vietnamese posi­ arrive In Manchester late Fri­ ICE CREAM COMPANY Manidhester Jaycees met fbr a of Rochester, brother of the day afternoon and depart Sun­ It; and the killlnig trap is made tions inside the demili­ steak, cookout (Monday night at bride; and James Pox of Syra­ to igrip the animal, then kill it Phone 649-5358 tarized zone today for the day. A total o f 37 fam ilies wlH 27 Warren St., Manchester P riv y Site the hcane of Richaird Warner, cuse, N .Y. entertain the young people. with a Mow from an extra first time in two mo(nths. (Bolton. Oraig Heston reported After a reception at the Mon­ lever. The giamt bombers, eaich on a nationail Jaycee conven­ roe GoU Club, Plttsford, N.Y.; D eterm in ed carrying 50,000 pounds o f explo­ tion he recently attended in the couple left for a plane trip sives, made three raids during (BaDUmore, (M!d. The n ext m eet­ to Bermuda. They wUl live at Little to Speak the day on the northern haUf of ing of 'the Jaycees is scheduled 89A Mt. Vernon St., Bostwi. By Chemicals the slx-mile-wlde zone between for (Monday, July 24 at 7 pxn. M rs. W arren Is a 1963 grad­ In Willimantic North and South Vietnaun. 3 in the Ctocuit Oourt Room at uate of Simmons College. Mr. WETHERSFIELD (AP) Their targets were the fortiri- the Police Station. W arren Is a 1957 graduate o f Wilber Little, president of the Mayor Nathan AgostInelU ► i T S y crossword puzzle Science marches on. catlons auid airtlllery' positions WilU^ton Academy and a 1961 Manchester Property Owners Through soil tests, it has from which the North Vletnaun- . Protective Association, has ac­ nelli raid, “I urge citizens of r ‘ “H ie Unighrts,” a w ell known graduate of Colgate University. \ determined the site where ese have been inflicting a hea'vy cepted an invitation to speak Manchester to fully support FAIRWAY magazines area dance (band, will play to­ He is a representative of the Debris .is piled outside Hartford's Westbar Super Market following fire dam­ toll on U.S. Marine auid South July 24 before the Willimantic this project for the benefit of F/RST a backyard privy stood in morrow from 7:30 to 10:30 S.D. Warren Co., Boston. age. Six business establishmen’ts were damaged last night and early today. Vietnamese units just below the Civic Association, an organiza­ the (Mansfield children which is reguloriy 25c to 39e ^ colonial times. zone. pm. at a (Rock and Rott Dance Who would want to know such tion similar to the one in Man­ being conducted ' through the This to ll wais reflected In at Mjanchester (High Schcxd a thing? The Connecticut Soci­ chester. efforts of B’nai B’rith, the weeky casuadty figures an­ perking lot, flor young people Breaks Reported ety of the Colonial Dames of He will discuss the activities K of C and the Masons of Man­ Rocks, Bombs Thrown in Newark nounced today which showed 282 21 end imder. .. Admission is A m erica. of his group and, will recom­ chester, a true Brotherhood Americans killed laist week, the firee. Refreshments will be At Store, Club Waleom* H#rs^ 1 each 2 The Dames rei^ration com­ MRS. FORBES S. WARREN mend that a statewide organiza­ p r o je c t.” third highest death count for a served. Bands or singers 'wish- mittee doing work at the coloni­ A Belgian woman breaks into tears when greeted by friends at Brussels Air­ Police are Investigating tion be formed, to include citi­ The benefactor is the Mans­ ► —fj ‘ 2 seven-day period this yeau:. But k ■ ingt to appear at these dances al SUas Deane House wanted to port after seeing her father gunned down by Congolese soldiers in their gar­ breaks into the Oxford 'Pack­ zen associations in Manchester, field Training School, and the open thurs. and fri. till 9 ^ Arrest Prompts Rioting the U.S. Com m and sadd 2,114 may call the Town Recreation place the privy in the precise age Store on Hartford Rd., in revealed that $73.40 worth of safe was imtouched and noth- Willimantic, Bolton and Water- effort is known as P'roject 67, main street—2 stores—east middle tpke. ^ den at Bukave. The woman and her husband were among the first group of Communist troops were killed Offitoe, 22 School St., sponsor ► spot where it had stood for the which more thmi $120 in liquor vhiskey was also missing, po­ ing else in the building ap­ bury, plus any others which may which is the creation of a com­ Europeans to return from the area where government forces have been bat­ last week, nearly double the 1,- of the events. longest period. and $26 in cash was taken, and lice said. peared missing or 'disturbed. want to join. pletely equipped clothing shop tling mercenaries. (AP Photofax) 331 reported killed the week be­ into the Zipser Club, 35 Brain- In Hartford’s North End The committee called on fore and the highest enemy (Members of the (Ladies of St. They said a box containing Henry C. De Roo, soil scien­ ard PI., where nothing appar­ weekly toll In a month. James will meet tonight at 8 store records was also rifled. tist with the Connecticut Ag;ri- ently was stolen. Violence appeared to (have been owner and “ several young peo- It was adso reported that 1,170 at the W. P. Quish (Funeral The Zipser Club break was HARTFORD (AP) cuUural Experiment Station. Both breaks were reported Unked to objections by some pie in the area.” U B . senvlcemein weme wounded Hom e, 225 Mialn. St., fo r a re ci­ discovered at 9 yesterday The arrest of a 24-year-old Testing aroimd the backyard, Mercenaries Take Hostages, yesterday and apparently oc­ rtf neacp P®rsons who Watched William Police said there was no loot- and one was missing lau9t week. tation of the (Rosary for the morning by Walter Lailey, 35 man on breach De Roostoiund a s|)ioit'wtieTeitto curred . late Monday or early Oi i^ ce. Negro, being hand-' ing and no Injuries South Vietnamese caisualUes late Chester Berk, 'whose wife' ■Harvard Rd., who reported It. soil was enriched with phospho­ yesterday, police said. charges ap^rently trig cuffed by officers and placed Hartford Police Chief John J. w ere 168 killed, 460 wounded is a member. rus, potassium, and Calcium. Police said a in the gered a hail of gasoline in the back seat of a cruiser. Kerrigan remained in the area and 29 m issing. They said at the pack­ The rest of the toll tested nor­ Quit Kisangani for Border age store was made by pr3ring front door had been ripped, al­ bombs, rocks and empty Some witnesses reported stern until the early morning hours. The U.S. Command reported -The (Rev. end Mrs. Stephen lowing the thief to reach m ally. an increaise of 1,000 men laist Price wil Ibe guests of honor the front door, that an unsuc­ bottles hurled at six North treatment by police was nec­ BUJUMBURA, Burundi (AP) The Congolese govermqent faded when the mercenaries through glass louvers and re­ essary to reduce the cursing, (See Page Eight) week in the number of Ameri­ at a reoeption in NeiU Hell af­ cessful attempt to get in by the End H'artford stores last Argument in Park — Radio Kinshasa said today announced thalt Its army had refused to allow the plane to rear door was also made, and lease a spring lock. night and early today. The struggling Toules. Before Toules regained full control of Klsanga- land. can troops in South Vietnam, ter the 10 am. service at St. HAMDEN (AP) — An argu­ that mutinous -whfte mercena­ that the thief or thieves An east door was found to area is predominantly Ne- was transfe^d to a wag- ries and Katangan troops have ni, apparently ^ending the mutl- Tto Red Cross team reported raising the totad of 466,000. The Mary's Fpisoopel Church. He ment between teen-agers from strength of other foreign adlled J smashed a three-foot plate have been pried unsuccessfully. on, a crowd had gathered. pulled out of Kisangani and ny by hired white soldiers and that their landing took place is the new curate at the North Haven and Hamden broke forces rem ained a t 64,000 and glass window. An inside window screen In the ^Uoe said tto outbreak of arrested on a headed for the Uganda border, Katangan troops who’ rebelled 'without incident. The officials church. Mrs, Havens Peck of rvuoe otuu ui« ouLoroyi complaint lodged by Adam Bat- W a n te d D u o out at Sleeping Giant State Preliminary inventory indi­ hall was also ripped, allowing taking their European “hos­ after ex-Premler Moise said they were proceeding to the the estimate of enemy strength St. Mary's Bishop Budlong also was unchanged at 296,000.. cated fifths of vodka taken and the window to be raised and ______:____ L__" 'tles, owner ot Battles luncheon­ tages" wiUi them., Tshombe 'was kidnaped and tak- center of the city to meet ,the Guild is in charge of refresh- (See Page' Sixteen) The B62 raids on the demili­ $26 in bills and coin stolen from entry made to the interior, po­ ette. Gone W h e n en to Algeria. Congolese military commander. menta The event is open to all tarized zone highlighted a day a cash register, but further lice' reported. Surveyor 41 Battles said Toules, sitting at Red Cross officials who land- Rebels had also occupied the members and friends of the of otherwise light action In checking of stocks yesterday They said money locked in a his luncheon counter, "used ed in Kisangani today reported to'wn of Bukairu, near the Con- parish. FBI Arrives South Vietnam. Gets All Clear some bad Imigu^e” to one of there was no sign of hostage go's eastern border 'with Rwan- In the meantime, U.8. his ’ waltr'esstis. He was asked whites. It said all the mercena- da, on July 5 but moved out into LOS ANOELBS_(AP) — Two Marines made a 10-day ground For Tomorrow to leave. es ritolutd muUhtora~appearad'to th~e bush the hm of the nation’s most-wanted sw eep iknaide the zone in taito According to Battles, Toules have left. The Belgian radio said the CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) criminals eluded law-enforce­ May and smadl tactioal bombers left the. restaurant and was — Trouble- technicians ment officers In a dramatic Radio Kinshasa said tto re- tnercenarlea and their white have pounded enemy artillery joined by five or six companions today successfully solved a . ^ ^ showdown and were the object Only 1 in 4 Applying bels fled In a column of 27 hoa/tages 'wlio left Kisangani positions inside and Just above rocket problem which grounded and reportedly cursed today of a widening search. trucks tow ard Bunda, 360 mUes were heading toward Punia, 180 miles south of Kisiangani. America’s Surveyor 4 launch for cattles again. The tw o m en, V ictor B ono, 27, HARTFORD (AP)—The Uni- asked the of Trustees for to the northeast near Lake Al­ (See Page El|^) 24 hours. An “ all cle a r’ ’ w as The store owner said he and Florencio Mationg,'33, were verslty of ConnecUcut and the Regional Community Colleges to bert amd the Ugauida border. reconsider the “first come-first flashed to send the spacecraft called police, but when the sur- gone when FBI agents Wednes­ four state coUegs wUl be able An estimated 20 Americans moonward Friday. resUng officer arrived, Toules, day stormed an apartment served” admissions policy at the and about 160 Europeans haul to accept only one out of every two-year insUtuUons. a summer sate of men'^s fashions... '"Hie problem has been had left. A person who knew building where they were re­ been reported held by rebel solved,” a National Aeronautics Toules gave police his home ad- ported living. four youngsters who have ap- "We are going to be crttl- forces In a Kisangani hotel. The Negotiators Ask UAW and Space Administration dress and within 10 minutes he Bono and Mationg were plied for admission in Septem- clzed if the date of a postmark Europeams included 22 touring ‘ WHEN YOU NEED THEM! ^ k e s m w said. “ Additional was apprehended and brought placed on” oie iT st of 10 Commission for is the' criterion for admission newsmen who by chance landed tests wlU « be run___ today,^ __ % but__A. ___we back to the store. ^m ost wanted m en adter tw o U,.S. . '®4^>®ation l■was u r n a told fA to ao community college,”*' $* re­a . in the town just before the muti­ . . J B ^ j - J B MEN'S FAMOUS NAME don’t anticipate any more trou­ At the time of Toules' arrest ISorder Patrolmen were found wemesday, marked John J. Driscoll, presi- ny. b le .” -----four ^persons------went------to -- police shot to death in IK remote moun- State Sen. Paul - Amenta, D- dent of the Connecticut State rm,- .u DETROIT (AP) —The top with AMO, who said, “we’re The Red <>oss plane , was the negotiator for American Motors wUling to grant consideration to Surveyor 4’s scheduled launch New Brltadn, told the CHE that Labor Council, AFL-CIO. DRESS SHIRTS headquairters to .object to the taUn cabin June iB. first to land at Kisangani since corp. called today for the Unit- ally p r p ^ the I I I. M \ . I S I t 1.1 - . -I l< IK I I I « \ I the five schools expect to re- For the first time, “we are today wais abandoned lade w;ay Toules was treated. A grand jury, indictment and seve^ hundred mutinous mer- ed Auto Workers Union to ap- m akes.^ FAMOUS NAME Wednesday nig^t aifter crews The rock and firebomb inci- warrants accused Bono and Ma- ceive 33,669 applications aill told worried that this year we might cenartes and K at^a ge^ proach labor contract talks "In "They haven't asked for any haul faUled to elim inate an elec- dents took place some three tiong of miu-derlng the officers, by September, but will accept not be able to accommodate trlcad short in the upper stage of hours later. George Azrak end '^eodore only 8,239 new students between them all,” community college .y, ?♦ realities” of an concessions so far, and we’re dtr^ntor Th«vior« P««v«ii told “ ® ^ *^® ®^y -^uly 6. absence Of profits. expecting them to match the MEN’S SUITS i Surveyor’s APas-Centaur rock­ One fire bomb landed on the Newton, apparently an a result the*n director Theodore Powell told Diplomatic sources said the Frank G. Armstrong, AMC wages and benefits of the rest of et. The trouble prevented a roof pf a packaige store on Main of a major dope-smuggling op­ Amenta' seild admission stand- the commission, t' (r 3for^0 plane IPft Kinshasa, the Congo vice president for adminlstra- the Industry,” Qreafhouse said, vadve In Centaur’s fuel-mixing Street. The blaze was put out ards may be too high at the Henry E. Fagan ot Stratford, eration. The officers disap­ capital, before dawn tor the 1,- tlon, reminded the union the. system from operating proper­ quickly. peared adter setting up a road­ uiiiverslty and the colleges. a member of the community col- ,, The two held a Joint news con- - \ i MEN'S “ I’m trying to plead the cause lege board, said he opposed set- 000-mile flight and landed safe' corporation, smaUest of tto ,*rence as they opened talks on $ 3 9 8 8 ; ly- Other stores damaged were block. / ' , / « FAMOUS NAME p i r . g ly. Several officials of the Inter The cause of the short was a After the apartment buUdlng ^® average student,” he ting a cut-off point for appll- main U.S. automaker8» had top floor of Detroit'^ 21-atory Rattles’ luncheonette, a Main national Red Cross com m ittee I'ERI^ANENT : . I looaie electrical connector in an Street restauremt, a meat mar­ tenants were evacuated “Standards have gone canU on the basis of their aca- failed to chalk up a profit last gort Shelby Hotel. The UAW were on board. year. $ 4 9 8 8 ; area which wan not accesrtble ket and two food stores. Wednesday, FBI agente shouted *»‘$*'er and some of demlc records. The existence of pact at AMC covers 17,760 em­ They radioed back they found “And we’ve had no profit so . j with Surveyor 4 attafttod to the The front part of one of the throuBh a buU-horn- "Tony and the students are being short- the community colleges, he said, ployes and expires Oct. 16. the Congolese in control of the far this year,” Armstrong said rocket. food iharkets, on Garden Street, Chi CM, come out bactorarda eh^se SPORT O f S moon’s Sinus Medil, Centrad Commission, sEiid a potential 'windows. Then the agents dent, already had-told AIK! offi­ MEN’S SPORT COATS SHIRTS 3 for ^ 1 0 Bay, In the middle of the lunar riot was contained largely stormed the apartment and cials privately that tbe corpora­ sui^ne ais It Is seen from eanth. through the efforts of State Rep. found a half-eaten meal and Fashion Forecast tion can expect conoesaions. It Is to relay thousands of televi- Leonard Frarier, Thom as Par- several half-filled beer cans, but Reuther, as usual, did not $1088 $24®® *35®® sioh pictures. rish, a neighborhood garage the fugitives were gone. j make a personal appearance at MEN'S FAMOUS NAME the start of talks with AliC, Psychedelic Ldok which completed the round of opening contract talks with the FAMOUS NAME U.S. manufaoturen.. SNEAKERS Right to the Skin American Motors, beside fall­ MEN’S SLACKS UN Council Seen Adopting ing to show a profit, owes near­ $ 3 4 9 ly $66 million to a group tor M By BHEA STEWART more startling then usual. banks. - , Special Herald Writer There was a pair of opaque $1088 $1488 $1088 Resolution Aaainst Israel green stockings on 'which stars NEW YORK—"Tto beat- and circles had been, pasted, 2;:*15 MEN'S FAMOUS NAME SHORT SLEEVE UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. pal measures” Israel took In Indicating that Israel had no toat-toat of tto tom-toms," and another glowtag 'with se­ (AP) — U.N. diplomats predict­ Jerusalem after the June war. Intention of dissolving the merg­ goes tto song of Cole Porter, quins and fluttering with tas­ ed today that the General As­ “Whatever be the euphem­ er, Eban said his government’s and now tiyere’s the beat-beat- sels. These decorations are ap­ News Tidbits sembly would adopt a PaWManl isms employed,” Shahl said, aim is to see the holy places beat of the music on tape that plied by the weeuer .and can be VELOURS resoluUon asking the Security “ the fact remains that Israel is “ integrated into the life of a Jer has toen sounding in the edl- switched about to suit the STRAW Council to force Israel to give attempting to absorb and inte­ usalem that shall survive in uni­ torai’ ears all during the shows m ood. IFlrench IPieEddent dSOauBs !Tn-MIAN -M IAN COLLAR p H B up the Old City of Jerbsalem. grate the Holy dty within its ty and in spiritual elevatln.’-' of tto American Designer Se­ This busineas of applying to hea 'uiged 'West OenDBnOfaBnr territory,” and “the holy places Soviet Ambassador Nikolai T, ries. They have had jungle tpm- ceJlor Ktaakoger to help keep 7IP TURTLE Some ddegates expected that one’s body the same burst of 7IP TURTLE For of Islam in Jerusalem'are not, I Fedorenko endorsed the Paki»‘ Great Britain out of the E u ro ­ HATS y severa l o f the 16 council m em ­ toms for lunch and a psyche­ design that one sees in fabric repeat not, open to those nearly tani resolution and charged Is­ pean Common Market In order bers might abstain or even vote delic kaleldoBoope at dinner is a condng thing. Earher the seven million Moslems of the rael with “insolent and provoca­ to anold (UjS. don iln atlon . . . against the proposal to avoid time, and It all adds'up to a fashion editors, during the committing themselves to sup­ world who are not living in the tive defiance of the United Na­ The .tobacco Industry hns dml- burst of color and pattern that Ooty Fashion Critics’ Awards $ 3 9 9 port such a strong measure. territory under Israel’s occupjf tions.” He also .said the assem­ lenged a new report by tto has the fcudiion editors ga-ga. show, had seen a model whose niie pniiasBl '*de- tlon .” bly must “take the moat ener­ KEIW Depeofmeht w h ich Is this how it feels to take arms were painted in / 7 / v 7 7 plores the failure of Israel to ^ban retorted that the Pakis­ getic mesLsures to ensure the g jo e n cdataKs addltikxnal ervidenco bass ■u L S D ? / and txrown swirls, and 'whose Implement” an earlier assem^ tani resolution was “ inspired by withdrawal of Israeli forces" Oolors of a kaleidoscope were atrengthened itto health-peril from territory they occupied in back bore a small flowed paint­ $ 0 9 9 ■ bly request and “ reiterates its the Arab'political interests.” He flashing on four walls when tadMment agntaat olgarettea call to Israel” to rescind its an­ recalled that Jordan had barred Egypt, Syria and Jordan. ed jUst tolow tor nape. A re­ . . . A u to iu du alsy rep orte salsa Jews from their shrines in thf The assembly failed to pass ^ American Printed Fabrics ^ of this Inaplred WllHam for ftrat 10 days ot July show nexation measures. Oounefl, along with the hosiery ^oew^ ^he make-up expert of BaUstani Ambassador Agha Old City while it held It, but he such a resolution in the voting an 8 per cent Increase over tto makers and the fur d r^ rs, ovaries of the RItz, to exclaim, Shahl, introducing the resolution said his government Had started July 4 because the niembers aamie period in 1006 . . . Oom- wero divided, over a nonalign^ tthowed their wares in a lower- this busineas of the Tat- Wednesday charged ,Jthat In “ the a move to place Jewish, Chris­ iHi'i mundst adna's ofttolal oswjgai- n flush of military success, Israel tian and Moslem holy places proposal calling for an uncondi­ le ^ Gieen'wlich Village ^ ^ t ^oed Lady! If you went to do per, Psc|te)i Baliy, ealto Ssa- FAMOUS NAME presumes to say to the assem­ “ under the religious interests of tional withdrawal and a Latin CU called Tto Village Gate, special oooaslon, as a rotary McNamara’s lecaatVlet I n s ^ o p the faiths which hold them sa­ American resolutioh calling also tour ”a complete flop” bly: “We will go ahead with t o BERMUDAS & BATHING SUITS whatever we mean to do: You cre d .” for an end to Arab belligerency the parody on the ^k^ ^ seriously! The trouble tto UJS. ’toning In I against Israel. Kennedy assassination. i« play^ ^ tn Oshkosh can aay what you Uka-'* ’’ Talks are already under way }|ei:4>ert Levine’s thigh>high boots o f stretch plas­ but weak in eapence, la at the 'wiih a Ifatican official, he poin­ Sponsors of the two raSolu- tag ta full houses, but no one about d U things and is end of , Ota rope" . . . Hebert Israeli Foreign Minister Abba tic vie for attention with Pauline Trigere’s ^ay $ 3 9 9 $ 4 9 9 5 5 9 9 Eban wrote Secretary-(3eneral ted out, dnd the discussions tions are trying to drsift a new was brave e iw ^ to offer UUs\^ overwhelmed with awe for Beiube of Newtagton ii arseat- U Thant Monday that the term “have Involved or will Involve one that could get the two-thirds and maize coat of' Asteriias tweed. It has a fitted ^trowrsW to editors ,,,ahion editors that ^e ed fo r la aaslaMgk tm SB a rs> annexation was out of place fort all the worid ^Ugious Inter- majority necessary for adop- silhouette with paneled back and is worn over a from aU parts of the country. suH of a fatal ■ (to. “administrative ^ munld- eats.” tlon* lightweight tweed of Asterias’ same yam. Even tto stocktags were (Bee Page Eight) isaif'afi taU m gl V :•.* ■» ' *« ■*' T.' < •4 4~«.« • M -j!»i -t"--- - >,-c'fcl^-k —»i'


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M^NCHESTEk EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1967 P A G E T H R E E P A G E ^ T W O MANCHESTjER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1967 »lc Vd«w HalghU, RockvlUe; CSyjte R d.; Mm. Nancy S!a|>e«4; **'^*y: profit, moderate-income apait- Large Sdeetkm of Troploal Vernon, J lO S p itfU i^ O teS Jaanne Oadoua, 22 Dogwood ffiaat St, Hdhrcn; Mrs. Ann Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Mary Ooilliw, nolds, 12 Kane I^ ; iMr*. Kath- Fish and SuppUra MIS AC Asks Fuller Report menbs. It had aocused the MRA 12th Circuit Sheinwold on Bridge FRANK’S CAFE , f.aT.> Wanplng: Mm. Janice Wbatman, 5 DBanne Dr.. V«r- 118 Autujnn St.; Mr*. Ange- ryn Martin, Thompsoi^le: of unfair treatment and had. MANCHESTER PET The , Vi*ltlng hour* an 2 to 8 p.m.. 14M Garden »»on: (Mra. Miaadoote Severance, line Zimo, 81 McGrath Rd., Mrs. Betty King, Rabbit Trail, CENTER asked the Board of Directors YOU HAVE THE RIGHT Sean Connery Is CORNER MAIN A PEARL In an area* excepting mater- JwMth Brooks and 118 Summer St.; Arthur South Windsor; Mrs. Stella Coventry: Ronald . iBertuasl, Court Cases JAMES BOND Planniiig G^mmission Sees 995 MAIN ST. On Housing Choice by MRA to cpll n. meeting of all inter­ TO IGNORE A Bast dealer tOBSTER SPECIAL nlty where they are 2:39 to 4 Stafford Springs; Ycang, St. AUbiars, N.Y.; Ste- Rich, Lebanon; L.eo PelleUer, Glastonbury; Cynthia Aneatle, MANCHES'HER, CONN. ested agencies, to air^ the Both sides vulnerable “YOU ONLY LIVE — For FritoyiB — p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. and private O’Hara and son, 59 ven iMerovanicIh. 22 Ridgefield 23 W. Middle Tl^ke,: -Mrs. Mar- 82 Riverside Dr., Vernon; Mrs. 649-4278~-Air-Ooadltioaed MISAC Corp., formed to con- A four-acre paicel at the charge. By ALFRED 8HE1NWOLD rooms where they are 19 a.m. ------— j j------— ROCKVILLE SESSION NORTH TWICE" Golf Land Expansion Plans Dougherty St.; Mrs._ Cathey_____ St. ion Davis, Kelly Rd.,. Vernon. Karen Heldman and daughter^ rtrucl modeitate-lncome hous­ northwest corner of the relo­ The board had asked the 2 -1 Lb. Maine Lobsters Robert Riley, 21. of Faith If you wake up some day and color - .. - *® • '*9’*“**^ oi

•t. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. JULY ^8, 1997 PAOfl SOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1967 PAGE I IV S cancies on the town’s Board of changes, to the khrecten no South Windsor CRC Okays^inor Changes, DirMtors end review of ap­ later than October. Choir Heard You Know Who! pointive powers of selectmen. The nine-anemiber camkniiislbn Ih* Town of Mancheirter Also, requiring newly elect­ w as forimea la st January to octir- Petition Filed At Festival is going ahead with plana Complex Items Lie Ahead ed town officials to take office slider: ' . The Baby Has for prooecuthig violators of immediately, axkling a capital 1— Broadening referewdutn In Bankruptcy TTle C harter R evision Com ­ The ' added sentence would the dtate’s Junked Cara improvements mill rate to the powers. Forreat AattiKdc a t 906 lialii m r aoBN cHRUBm mission last night revierwed a also except “funds received Statute. charter, and the right of the — Residency requkreinente St. has 16ed a v oh n ta ry potlUaEi list of 29 suggested changes, through federal or state grants H w Beikahire Boy Cliolr Television ^ AH of the violetora were town manager to combine or lor the town’s department heada. approving several minor chang­ for sp^al, educational pro­ in banhrupitcy. Hating 64,762 J.O. oukIb Its world debut last 6.00 ( 3) (UoWe (.10) UcHale's Navy dujy warned by leliter early consolidate departments. — Arid any other needed ( s o n StUce 'DouslBS (M) What’s NmT (R) es, and tabling complex Items gram s.” in debto. H e Hatekl no oaotAa. at mUard (Auditorium In an-^ (40) You AskM tor R Been N^med thW -year and proceedings changes to the town charter. (10) ^ r r y OQuron for further study. The suggested changes con­ The peUUon was Wad in UB. other oC the Hartford Feotlval (18) Merv CMOIn 7:30 1(84) XVenoh Chef have Eitarted to take to Another approved Change In (18) Hisliway nurol (18) X -4- X A suggeStifm- made by the cerning financing or bonding District Oourt in HanMord. of Music programs. iWlth court tnoee who liave not Section C 1-3 (69) concerns the (80) 'rhlB la the Life. > 8r40) (Batman (C) town’s present town-hired audi­ will be discussed at the com- ^Area credMoia iholud*, alt in George Guest as conductor, (SO) Riveiboat (18) Luoy-Desi Comedy Hour jsompHed. “Board of Assesors.” Because 1(10) Woody Woodpecker (1030S8W) Ckaniel Boone (C) ■.H Konrad, donathaa. laidwlg, ■non a t John and Jean FVied- tor to add a sentence In Section mlttes'e next meeting Aug. 9 Venion, W,T, OraittX 6UM>; they offered three short works 8:00 (84) Fourth Ek^te the town does • not have a 6:30 (20) Navy Film ; ;;rich Konrad, Tolland. He waa bom July 7 at Manchester Me- The actlone'are being In­ 5-12 of the charter was approv­ with Atty. Isaac D. Russell of Police Arrests R. J. N. Kerr, 680; Dr. Segmaur by Morley and Gibbons, but (10) Peter Jennlnga, -News ( 3) Branded (C) ...moriM Hospital. Hia maternal grandmother la Mra. Helen stituted by the MgUKhestw board, members agreed the i V (C). ( 8-40) F ’Troop (C) SPECIALS ed. the Day, B ^ y & Howard law I. Kummer, 64; Stockivne Oen- thdr feature woric was 8:30 ( 8-40) Bewitched (C) j Fnedrtch, Rlchmmd Hill, N.Y. His paternal grandparenta are BuHdlng Bupectlon'Depart­ section should be - changed to 6:00 (30) MoHale's Navy The suggestion concerns the firm of Hartford. Atty. Rus­ Catherine H. Jenkins of 418 eral Hospital, 610; Seam A Roe- Vaughan WilUams’ “Serenade ( 8) Newswlre ( 3-1^ U y Three &ns (C) THURS.-SAT. ment. tharged with ehfOrc- read, “by the assessor.” (18) Subscription TV ■ Btr. and Mrs. Ludwig Konrad, Glendale, N.Y, He haa a sister, lapse of appropriation at the sell is .the town’s bond counsel. buok, 660, and luCher White (18) Nowsbeat (O (84) TBA ; ILlsa Marie Konrad, 2. Ing rile towm’a zoning regu­ Members also voted to re­ Spring St., was arrested at W. to M u sic." ( 3-10) News (C) JULY 15-17 end of the fiscal year. Oommlttee ^airman Donald m e ., 632. (IS) Merv Griffin (10303830) Star TVek (C) , • •!*'*** lations. place the word "act” with Middle ft Tpke. and Adams St. A newly organized summer (30) Film 9:00 ■( 3-18) Movie (C) The existing section reads: Conrad said committee mem­ Shattueik to being t^EpraacntcNl ( 8-40) Love on Rooft(X> (C) • . . *»ia*ek, Edward Anihony, non.Of Edward Btaidey and “charter” throughout the char­ program for boys who are (38) Summer HlghlightB appropriations shall lapse bers would like to resolve the yesterday at 5:30 pm. and by Atty. (NOithan Aaron of Ver­ (86) What’s N e^ 9:30 ( M )) That Girl (C) ^ Linda C. SL Louis Tarasek, 69 Village St., BocfcviHe. He was "An ter. members o f various church and (40) News, Bronco (1030-28-30) Dragnet 1967 (C) HIOHWAT FATALITY at the end of the fiscal year to changes next month so that charged with failure to obey a non. (24) Sport of the Week , bom July l at Rockvine General HoepitaL Hia maternal Some of the more complex cathedral choirs in this coun­ 6:30 (108830) fluntley-Brinkiey 10:00 (10-20-82-30) Martin-Damone GRANBY (AP>—William Pat- the extent that they Shall not charter rewriting can start. traffic control signal. Police The petition haa been turned try and Canada, the gronQ> /I' • •••*!•, There was good attention to and Mrs. Richard D. McNamara ' Oidman, Matthew David, son of Peter and Cathy nuance, and general musical of 81 L,a\vton Rd. Radio Spalfbrd Oldman, Kelly Rd., Vernon. He waa bom July 8 at understanding of the works Miss Howe attended State (This listing inciudes oniy those news broadcasts of 10 or ^ Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother Is presented. Mr. Brawley had College, Framingham, Mass. minute iength. Some stations carry other short newscasts.) Mrs. Lorraine Spaffotd, Center St. His paternal grandparenta preomted the Williams work Mr. McNamara is a graduate are Mr. and Mra. Justin Gldman, Talcottvllle. He ha« a b roth ­ several seasons back at these WDBC—1366 U:30 Barry Farber Show of Manchester High School and 5:03 Dick Robinson 12:00 Comment er, JiDim Robert, 8%. concerts and displayed better the Universityio/ Hartford. He 6.00 Joey Reynolds 12:15 News. Sign Off «t * * « ft Summer Resort 9:00 Ken Griffin wnc—lOM control of the orchestra on that Is employed by First Hartford 1:05 News, Sign Si; Off 5:00 Afternoon Kditlon Haalt, William Michael, son of WllHam Jordan and Jtm- occasion than- Mr. Guest was WRCH—916 6:15 Americana Realty Corp. 5:00 Hartford Highlights 7:20 Chet Huntley s . Ice Sbheibenpflug Nash, 14M Garden Df. He was bom July 7 able to demonstrate last eve­ The wedding is planned for 7:00 News 7:25 Red Sox vs. Orioles USDA TOP CHOICE at Man(heSter Memorial .Hospital. His maternal grandparents ning. TTie latter is definitely 8:00 Gaslight 9:50 Nightbeat Sept. 9 at Hamilton, Mass. 12:00 Quiet Hours 11:00 News ore 1^. and Mrs. Frank Schienbenpflug, 275 School SL His better versed in choral con- ______WPOP—1410 ”//// paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James E: NaSh, Deep ducting than in the orchestral 5:00 Danny (Tlayton Show R iver. branch of the art. trom Canada. Germany Hol- 7:00 Lee "Babl” Simms Show BOTTOM ROUND It’s your CBT office. And it’s the first resort for all your summer 12:00 Gary Girard Show .**•»*,. . , jgr. Brawley conducted the land, Japan, and> Swlt- WINY—1230 lb •V • IVI N P W 4 Holt, Steven Mason, son of AHon Mason and -Velta financial needs. Why worry about bills. Or major expenses .. .for a trip, remainder of the program and zerland. ^ . 5:15 Speak Up Hartford YOU ALWAYS Nabisco Gdiiger Snap KnlsHa Holt, 42 Riverside Vernon. He was bom July 7 at presented a reading of Schu- UiUte serve the varied inter- 6:00 News Manchester Memorial Hospit^. His maternal grandmother is a"6oat, a cottage. When a low cost Personal Loan can tide you over. bert’s 5th Symphony which was of glrls^ 8 ttrough^ 6:15 Barr.v Farber Show SAVE AT THE Cookies 16 oz. pkg. 49c^ interest units are discov. 6:45 Lowell Thomas Mrs. Wilma Knlslis, Hartford. His paternal grandparents are really delightful. There 'Wbs a cial 7:00 The World Tonight Sunshine Applesauce ROAST Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hott Sr., 114 Campfleld Rd. Your CBT office is also the place to lock up your valuables In a erers, Intematlonai, arts, hiking 7:15 Frank Gifford ARTHUR DRUG diminuendo at the end of the 7:35 World of Religion Cookies 15 oz. pkg. 41c [ __ *\ * * * » expositiMi of the first move­ and campcraJt, aquatic, coun- 8:00 News Safe Deposit Box. Or get Travelers Checks for your vacation trip. selor-in-training, pioneer, back­ 8:10 Speak Up Hartford Wialser, Usa Ann, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth ment which was absolute per­ Keebler Club Crackers Ford Walzer, Tolland. She was born July 2 at Rockville Gen­ packing, stalking and perform­ fection and something for or­ 16 oz. pkg. 41cl eral Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Have a carbfree summer. Leave your money problems with us. chestras anywhere to strive to ing arts. William Ford, Lynn, Mass. Her paternal grandj)arenta are Those wishing further infor­ emulate, while the whole work Mr. and Mra. Peter Walzer, Lynn, Mass. She has a brother, was accorded a performance mation concerning the camps David, 3. notable for style and excellent may (xmtact the Connecticut P.A.C. ft ft • • • Valley Girl Scout office, 74 execution. Randall, Elliott Leroy HI, son Of Elliott Leroy and William Walton’s "Facade” Forest St., Hartford. Marjorie Ellen Lavallee RandaH, 152 Loomis St. He was bom Suite completed the program. July 5 at Manchester Memoriid Hospital. His maternal grand­ Very seldom performed be­ father is Raymond N. Lavallee, 166 E. Middle Y^ke. His pa­ cause of its Odd format and Rally Slated ternal grandmother is Mrs. DoroGiy Randall, 162 Loomis Bt. genre, this was a lot of fun, BINGO ft ft • ft * with Its strongly rhythmic ver­ By ’Cuda Club Hobba» BorlMm Ann, daughter of FhUip Normand and ses by Edith Sitwell and its gen­ EVERY MONDAY—8 P.M. Laura Karlson Hobbs, Coventry. She was bom July 6 at eral Impish gaiety. Central Connecticut ’Cuda 26 VILLAGE STREET, ROCKVILLE lb 8 9 * ^ Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents 1 had only encountered it once Club will sponsor an Americam P. A. C. BALLROOM KIno ROAST are Mr. and Mrs. Karl Karlson, East Hartford. Her paternal before, but on that occasion Sports Car Rally Sunday after­ grandmother is Mrs. Autis Hobbs, Cari^u, Maine. there seemed to be better bal­ noon at Mammoth Mart Shop­ ft .ft ft ft ft. ' ance between the voices and ping Center, Rt. 5, East Hart­ TOP Andrews, Patricia Ann, daughter of John and Helen instrumental ac(x>mpanlment. ford. Registration will 1 lb 9 9 * ^ White Andrews, 913 Pleasant Valley Rd., South Windsor. She Eleanor LaZarre Reinstein, p.m . SIRLOIN ROAST was bom July 6 at Manchester Memorial Ho^ittal. Her ma­ Bette Scott, Raymond Byrne Emphasis will be placed on Attention Voters Who Vote At The ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter White Jr,, Law­ and John Sinclair read the of­ safety and driving skill, not on rence, Masa Her paternal g^randparents are Mr. and V Ln . A n ­ ten nonsensical verse to the speed. More than one person YMCA or 'The Waddell School TOP thony Andrews, North AndOver, Mass. She has a idrter, Deb­ very evident amusement of an may enter for each car. ’Those ROUND lb 9 9 * orah Marie, 2. SRO audience. desiring more information about Special Election STEAKS the rally may contact Andre SWIFTS PREMIUM Myette, Burnside Motors, East WEDNESDAY, JULY 26 — Polls Close 7 P.M. 854 Registered H artford. SKINLESS FRANKFURTS lb. pRg. 5 9 ^ For Scout Camps Hoosier State ¥ Fresh Produce Closed for Vacation A total o f 854 G irl Scouts are It is not known how the CRISP, LARGE registered at seven day camps name Hoosier began to be used operated by the Connecticut os a nickname for Indiana It JULY 16- n Valley Girl Scout Council, it was "'oy have come from the old -K ICEBERG LEHUCE announced today by Mrs. J c^ Sexon word “hoozer,’’ meaning Rose, program-camp director “hili dweller.” SWEET BING OPEN SATURDAY JULY H of the council. She reported that registrations are ahead of last year, and Winding Brook Camp, CHERRIES CHastoabury, has the largest WINDOW SHADES registration in its seven-year BARREn PLUMBING existence. LONG WEARING SWEET SANTA ROSA It was also repented that more than 200 adult volunteers have INTERSTATE LAND-O-LAKES SUPPLY CO. signed for jobs as unit coun­ CLEANTEX PLUMS 331 mOAD ST., MANCHESTER selors, waterfront staff, nurses, Itll Made to Order site workers and administrative R ollerB aides. Mrs. Rose also said the BUTTER day camps could not operate FULL LINE OF CUSTOM without the services of the vol­ VENrriAN BUNDS unteers. VOTE FO R Camp Merrie-Wood on Gard­ lb. ner ^t. will operate for July and SWEET LIFE E . A. JOHNSON 4 qtra. 28-oz. the first twd weeks in August. DONALD S. GENOVESI BARTLETT PEARS VisitorB are admitted between ^ RepubUcan Candidate for State LegUla^ra 10 a,m . andj 3 ' p.m . M onday PAINT GO. > 723 Main St. Tel. 649-4501 HAWAIIAN through Thursday. 4 6 -0 2 . A capacity registration of 272 PUNCH PI. girts has been accepted for FRO JO Y resident camps Merritt, Vree- SKIPPY land and Woods, all In East Yes, Even In The "Good Old Summertime" Haiftland and sponsored by the PEANUT BUHER 18h u . Jar 55^ Oonnecticut Valley Council. WOODLAND GARDENS Is Here To Serve You! CREAM Among the staff ot unit counse­ GIANT SIZE lors at the camps are girls ALL FLAVORS fO H qVo Fun In A Clnon Pool! -T FAB 0 ALBAH CAMPBELL SOUP, CELATON Sp 60 Removes Algae! . 2 0 % OFF /roM lfF. Filter Agent! h t h p o o l 1-OaUon 64.50 Yi gal. CHICKEN RICE or NOODLE 50 lbs. 67-»5 CHLORINE AMMONIUM DOVE PRINT—JUMBO 36 lbs. 621-00 ON ALL SUMMER STOCK n o POTENT , Ph-PLU S BLOCKS ALUM TOWELS ! 2 5»« 10 Ibfc for 61-49 100 lbs. 633.46 R em oves CIoudIneSB Nitr Beoaijr Sctmit 10 IbB. 61.60 CONN. GRADE "A' recutbItoUtcJly 3^)^ 100 lbs. 610.50

toty. Almoil Frozen iImcg b6 tootcat at •rdiatry '^hotaionc SWANSON’ S FRIED cceaia. Oaly aevta EGGS 'N 4fopt doily atod*l. Left—and at a Good Price Too! CHICKEN DINNER 11-oz. pkg.4G f^ HORMONE Large 4V2" Plants Small HOWARD JOHNSON Reg. 89c - 61.13 ' Ideal fo r bedding Bedding Site FRIED CLAMS 7-oz. pkg. SERUM and window boxes do z. Reg. 35c. Now RICH’S CHOCOLATE Look Youngor— “ “" 5 9 c LARGE Pool Younger I 5 or more 4a. 4 for 95^ ECLAIRS pkg.- o f 4 f a d . i Awmy Dry-SklK WrtnHni BIRDSEYE Amuing new IIOKMONEX BEAUTY BEDDING PLANTS JUNIPERS VEGETABLE PLANTS .SERUM it to potent. 7 dropt dtily COOL WHIP ftdet tb«K wrinklct. When .vnoothed Petunias, Alyssum, Mari­ 12 to '1 5 " Plant some this weekend! see your on skin, luppliei maximum daily allot- mmt of female hormone*—hormonea golds, Snaps, Salvia, Calen­ Try some: Tomatoes, > . n / , > aeceaaary to .youthfulncax of practi- - ealiy ^1 female organa. Heavy with dulas, etc. Season Special! pers, Lettuce, Broccoli, Egg- penetrating Setame Oil and moiatnr- HEMLOCKS plant, etc. iitng lanolin. Skin feels softer, DRESSES — SKIRTS amoolher, fresher almost inatatitly. 12 ta 15" WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMIT QUANTITIES Acta so quickly beeauae it’s almost 5 Only 7 9 c time as powerful as standard )ior- only $2.35 BATHING SUITS — SLACKS mone cream—33.00U I.U. per ounce. Only 4 0 c It’a.economical, too—coat* leaa than 3 f o r g 2 ^ S 5 for $10.00 ’ JERSEYS -r BEACHWEAR 1I9*Oa( ‘ supply. UM’ it,»t night, bef«r« retiriPK—look for amacini? rc* HANDBAGS — PANT SUITS auUa in the niominir. or—try it as a 4aytiiuv make-up Imim*. it's frai^r^nt and irreaMlfiiii. too* So, for a frthher, SUMMER JEWELRY brlffhtrr. yo«n»r‘f'lo»ikinr wmplexion cet a botUe of 110n..l0NKX liKAUTV G A R D E N S 8CKI:M •today. Only $.150. 200 Day lO oodlaiuL 8«ll>|ily only $0.00. On Mle at Toiletry CeimterSa Department Stores and Clothes & Accessories for the ' Drug Ston^ Evxrywhere.. You^ Complete Garden Center! Let us help you with your lawn and garden problems! MANCHESTERFOOD Pre-Teen, Teen & Junior Girl CAHOOR JOHN & LEON ZAPADKA A 4 3 - 8 4 7 4 646 CENTER STREET FLENTY OF PRER PARKING THE CONNECTICUT BANK AND TRUST COMPANY IKANCHdMSia 168 WOODLAND STREET S93 TMCOnVIUl AVL PHONE S7S44U - lAlMbtr FikiiQli 11 4 6 TOUjjdnD m TPl u L OPEN WED., THURSh FRI. TILL 9 P.M. ~ SAT. TILL 6:30 P.M. GO TO A GllOWER FOR, HIS EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE! ROCKyUlt COHN. 06066 Am Code 203 ■ X i r 66 “FROM GROWER TO YOU!" OPEN DAILY TILL. 9:00 PAI. wlUNia oaoea p k v . ■ ■ ' -■ ■ .. ■ \ ■ “ ■' RIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1967 PAGE SEVEN

^AOB SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1967 through Satuittay 'it the Park Inside Plaaa Hotel in New Haven. Al­ ...... V ternates named are adjutaht 'M m T^saponaifale fo r our trier miliitery oonixniitr Connecticut Howard E. Porter, Louis Bel- ment In VMtnani. Thedr vMoti Report kme and Jos^h 'Behzinger. The post has endorsed first of the Amierilcan destiny in Aaia, not (Continued from Page 6) district pass commander John BROAD STREET the professional aeel of the generals, Yankee Sllvay of West Hartford for the if A ' ^ must be given main, credit for forming The Administration’s strat- TBDM^ r. FKRQUaON • egy is to reach that level by office of senior Adce commander Manchester.:. f d b u s h b d b y t o e ___ a policy coalition with the Texan heri­ By A.H .O . of the Deportment of Con­ wiTtAf f b in t in o cx>., m e . deferring construction Items U ataMU 8§«et tage of President Johnson. How are the necticut. IgfcwirtiQator until later years, while keeping ' v A jjn s s a . R. i^xatausoN great influential academic haiwks of the yftygo. we reoenHy wwariled., s i^ a l Avelfare spending in­ PobUsbMS Vietnam poUcy-^-the MicCleorge Bundys td 4tw New Hanran tact. For instance, offleiaU at Manchester Evening Herald ^ Open Doily 10 to 10 youndad October 1, 1881______Hebron correspondent, Mar­ SiLF-SERVICE DEPT STORE and the Walt Rostowa — taidng the to itbe MOT Houae odr tk M . the Department of Health, Ed­ m \ PublWiad Every Eyenlnx Except Sundays prize fM* a big city iWflgattoii ucation and Welfare believe jorie Porter, teL 228-9116. and Holidays. Entered at the Post Office ^ present stage of that commitment ? raw Hanchester, Oonn., as Second Qaas Mail Are they, perhaps, jtist a ahede sorry winiritifT ithe toaot oootrihuitlioii. they can avert reductions in M atter.______they had so much Influenoe ? recent togWatiJve mm-' Federal aid to education by Fairs SOaSCaEUFTIOM BATES ■toll, we m ay drastically holding doAvn on ex­ FaysUe to Advance penditures for new buildings. ’Ihe gol'den age of the state for Your family aoil |l« One T e a r ...... ^ S S some, mereiy to^ be ^tovlog. and local agricultural fair In Six MenWia ...... 11.00 acme ooJumnai Am. We iHi^m But any cuts in anti-poverty Three Montba ...... &g0 spending must' come out of the the United S tates Avas 1868, V' Black On Diplomacy And Business to easert that our eiward Avhen 1,367 state, county and in oU sobriety and that actual program. This means ____ MEMBER OF Bugene R. Black, the highly respected still further slashes in Job distriict fairs were held. To­ THE ASSOCIATED P R ^ our selectkm of the New Hhr day, more than 2,000 of these The Associated Press Is exclusively entiUed former president of the \^orid Bank, can Corps and Community Action to the use of republlcatlon of all news dl^ van delceetiton as ttm pciaB fairs are held each year. patches credited to It or not otherwise credit­ perhaps be accused of having become so negative quantity In the 1M7^ spending, already down as a re­ ed in this paper and also the local news pub- much a citizen of the worid that he sult of 'Vietnam. Itehftd here. . , .. House AiTOB made only alter 'ttie All rlghu o l repuUicatlon of special ais- himself has grown out of some of his Such reductions will mean meet prayerful examination, eMwed outcries from liberals patches Herein are also rcBerved, ______native Americanisms, and has begun to and oempariaon of ^ the other The Herald Printing Comply thatx^. Johnson Is starving sumes no financial reapon^bil^ mix a certain sophistication with his big city detogations in the n s i'. the Gn^a| Society to feed the VISIT OUR graphical errors appearing in advertisein^ts own basic instincts as.a businessmBn. ning. : „ Vietnam Wqr machine. But aiSTother reading matter in Tlie Manchester In recent public discussions, notably The tiAOuble with all the that AwUl be a-v^mall price to Evening Herald.______other Ug city deSegatioos Avas, FtiU aervloe client of N. E. A. SeiwlCc, Inc. at WeUealey College in June, Mr. Black pay, in the opinion of Admin­ Publishers Representatives — TOe J ii^ has displayed his instincts as a business­ iHhat each of them bed some istration strateg;l8t^“ o Avin the Mathews Special A g ^y — New York. Chl- man by recommending that we take fairly ohvtouo elenient of In- ta x increase they desj><^;ately cagD, Detroit and Boston.______eUgiMUty in th e ir memberablp. want and need. ■ COTTON CARNIVAL MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULA- more of our business of foreign aid out One could not got very far into TTONB.______of the hands of the diplomats, out of the. examination of the grou^ Display advertising clooii« hours; the present bilateral system which, he from Hartford, Bridgeport, on ...... B\)t Monday — 1 p-m. Hehron Ftor Tuesday — 1 p.m. Monday. concedes, has the weakness of putting Wateibury, [without encounters. IV)r Wednesday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. For Thursday — 1 p.m. Wetoesday. too much politics into our efforts to do lug something in the nature of For Friday — 1 p.m. Thureday. good abroad, and tum It over to the real talent and real servl^ For Saturday — 1 p.m. Frldaj^ Classified deadline — 6 p.m. day before hands of business. And he has express­ >noe one bumped into some­ School Panel 7 WEBB CHAISE publlcatlan. 6 p.m. Friday sfor Saturday thing Dike thia one hod to rate and Monday puMlcatlon. ed the theory that if we let business, 135 Sq. Ft. Double Side Room and hard-headed business principles, the delegation in question ten- Sets Meeting Hiureday, July 13 take over more of our doing-good ta.ti'veiy ineUglble for the Ug abroad, that would prodiice more of the prise, and go oh to the next The Hebron Board of Educa­ delegatloa. tion Avill meet tonight at 8 in a UMBRELLA 3 political result we are seeking than our The Criticism Escalates When ohe went into the classroom in the Hebron Ele­ present political methods. Hartford delegation, one found 6.97 mentary School. The board will TENT There is now in rather sudden, full­ But while Mr. Black thus seeks to a qtopper right away, 'in the fs blown evidence a new surge of feeling take away from the politicians and the mAmber for Aaaembly Distrtot act on the resignation of Mrs. of despair about and opinion against diplomats some of the functioning he No. 1, Jamea J. Kennelly. This Christine Wyngarden, speech King’s Deluxe double tubular arm'’rests. Polished the war in Vietnam. thinks might better be done by business young Hartford lawyer bad and hearing teacher, who is Low It discusses the war in Vietnam, from talents by business standards, he also Ahown his oompetenoe, iuleltt-: planning'to return to St. Joseph Price aluminum frame folds compactly, adjusts to various points of view. has had some advice for diplomats gaaoe, and his capacity both Mich. *58 every position. Comfortable contour back. But the one mein conclusion it seems which sounds almost counter-American. for maneuver and floor debate, The board aatUI also act on aa a delegate to tbe Consttlu.'* the appointments of Miss K. 9 X 15’ base AVltii 7-ft c ^ e r to dictate is this: that President John­ “What we need," said Mr. Black as I.I.I .... m .111.1.1. [ 1111 lau 11111. 11 m MIS 111 im w lyi 11.1 tional; Convention. It happens Ruth Phelan for Grade 2 and height, 5 sq. ft. eaves, 3-ft. ex>s, son la farther than ever from winning he described om* di|>lomatic effbrt in the Mrs. Marion Thomen for Grade terraion avbU height. HeaAry 7-oz. his war at home to persuade this na­ to be his rather mixed fortune tent tAVill. Canvas and nylon world, “is a little less enthusiasm, a lit­ to have a father-in-law named 1. The flnatl action on staff avUI tion’s political structure end its iieople be to act on the appointment screen door AWtth bzass zipper, tle less activism. We should cultivate John BoUey. We say “ mixed” 3 nylon screen AvlndOAVs, storm that we have been doing and axe doing diplomacy more as a profession, and because it seemed to us obvi­ of Mrs. Walma Taylor to the flaps. O ther ten ts to $119.00 the best we can with 'the problem of less as a business. ^ ous that just shout the only position of board-clerk and sec­ Vi G ALLON PICNIC JUG Vietnam. reason Kennelly was not glAxen retary of the new school. “Today the diplomat at home and The board Avill also act on The revulsion against the war—and abroad spends more time being a mana.- a much more prominent role in specifically against that conduct of the the bids received for roof re­ A-carnival of colors in the cutest Lightweight, Eesy-to-Hendle ger and an administrator than he the 1967 House Avas that be. pair, chalkboards, painting and cotton knits you ever rode around war which has kept escalating the mili­ spends nourishing the knowledge and and his family oonneotion' a mower. in. Mix ’n’ match separates—skirts tary side of it—is growing stronger— skills necessary to be a good poUtioal wanted to lean over backward FelloAvshlp Barbecue and shorts, pullovers and cardigans. to avoid any charge of nepo­ ALUMINUM BOATS and more “respectable”—at the precise analyst and adviser, and a good advo­ Robert Dixon and Mrs. James And anklets^ too—in ..the samq tism in the advancement of bin bright, lifetime colors. moment when if the President’s powers cate of our interests. . . . Derby are co-chairmen for the 12 Ft. Long of persuasion were being effective, it career. 33ut toward the end of Chicken Bar-B-Q being sponsor­ And for all the youngsters—tots would be ecoeptanoe of the war and of “Because our diplomacy has came to the aesston, Awhen things had ed by the Men’s and Women's to teens—see BUSTIER BROWN® 10 Ft. Long Polyethylene with molded styrofoam insula­ the manner in which it is being con­ embrace so much official bustoess, we a tendency to get themselvee Fellowship of the Gilead Con­ cotton knit underwear. Shrink- done by those most competent tion. Wide-mouthed, dripless spout for easy ducted whiidi would be in the ascen­ are too often surprised by events in the gregational Church on July 29. resistant and elasticizbd—treat the world which should not surprise us. We to do them, he loomed larger The barbecue avIU be held at kids to cotton comfort. Positive foam flotation encased In aluminum seats, ex­ dency. than any titular position ao- the church grounds Aviith set­ truded aluminum gunwales. 10-ft. model has 43” beam, pouring. Fart of the reason for this may be are too often forced to take action in Avelght ju st 65 pounds. W ith convenient carrying han­ haste.” oorded him. tings from 5 to 7 p.m. rain or Infants' cardigans and pullovers, sizes 1-4, found, peihaps, in reports of dead end shine. Tables avIU be located In­ $1.19-1.11 dle. Mr. Black’s ideas, on such examina­ Photographed. By WfliSam Bourn When we came to Bridgeport peasimism sweeping the thoughts end we found, of course, two big side and also outside. Infants' shorts, sizes 1-4, 12 Ft. Aluminum Semi-V Hull Jm feelingB of the Johnson Administration tion, prove not. to be very rd^lutionary GIRL AT THE BAD DURKHEIM FESTIVAL, WEST GERMANY: William Bourn, Son Of Mr. and Mrs. The cooks aatUI be Edward $1.00 after all. He is merely recommending city delegations, one headed by itself, as if it were . now beginning to Allan Bourn, 262 Ferguson Road, Is Serving With The Air Force In and consulting of the fipeaker Whitcomb, Douglas Porter and Children's shirts and cardigans, sizes 3-6x, 4 alumliuim seats wHth positive flotation, HD transom tlmt businessmen be businessmen and William Johnson. Publicity for $1.10- 1.00 discover end experience the realities of the House, end the other braces. 15", weighs approximately $129 the event is being handled by Boys' and Girls’ shorts, sizes 3-6x, Little Giant Cold Pack Chest wldch critics called the only inevitable diplomats try to learn to be diplomats. the nine other representativea 99 lbs. carried atop car. But even he must realize that, when James Derby, Alden Warner, $1.00 result of the stepped up involvement .from the Park City. Here Mrs. Wllbui* P orter, and Misses Shirts and pullovers, sizes 7-14, which began in February of 1966, with he aidvlses an American diplomat to Herald again, there was an obvious learn to manifest “a little less enthusi­ Christine and Constance Ellis. $1.00- 2.00 the orders to begin bombing North stopper in the delegation — a Tickets are available from Boys' and Girls’ shorts, sizes 7-14, asm, a little less activism,” he is per­ Inside By Rowland Evans Jr. Yesterdays K Vietnam character whese weight and chairman, Harvey Desruis- $2.00 haps a little ahead of the present stage promise, demeanor end quick­ And the inner peasimism reported in Robert D. Novak 25 Years Ago Seaux, Robert Dixon, James Infants to Teens anklets, Vinyl Cover the administration itself would seem to of development of the typical American ly-appreciated value made it Derby, Alden Warner and Ken­ < 35e-50c impossible to classify the dele­ be rooted in the actual course of the character. A diplomat who had succeed­ Report One of the oldest hardware neth Ellis. Phone reservations Underwear, 6 mos. to size 14, gation as any automatic kind vrill be accepted. Those Avishing war. ’Ihis is that it gets tougher, and ed in suppressing entirely his enthusl- stores in Connecticut, estab­ t0e-79e Molded 1-piece chest with metal carry handle. aam and his activism would have to is fu rth er ©vridence th at the lished in 1847, changes hands of washout. to have take-out orders are re­ more costly, both in lives and doUars, (WlABMINiGTaN—ah a secret tarisinesB of the F ederal gnvern- Young WiUiam J. Levery, a quested to call in advance so See Eska BOAT CUSHION carry the flag with him to convince peo­ mient to a wihdmperhig halt. Nor President wow dig deadly serious eis William E. Hibbard sells his Waterproof, rustproof, lightweight. Keeps as it goes along, and that, despite this, oiider pereooally delivered to his business' on N. Main S t. .to young laAvyer from th e quiet that they may be planned for. it seems to stay as far from any con­ ple of his nationality. Cabinet, President Johnson has trlt possible to finance any Avar aboAit higher taxes this year. v^^nszerRjolw: L Peter Galasso and Joseph Bar­ side of a Bridgeport family fa­ - The planning committee con­ directed spendiing reductions ol through cutbacks In non-de­ Although he dM not greet Oon- things cold or hot. clusion as ever. giessmeni reituming this week re tt. mous in poUtioB, came out of sisted of those already mention­ At any rate against such a back­ unprecedented aeverity tor all fense speniding, AVhether or not the sessian high in the affec­ ed and Mrs. Stuart Ross, th e Prealdertt decides on a troop from a 10-day recess Avlth a re­ The town’s desire to extend OUTBOARD ground we have such developments as Two New Yachts domestic programs because of sanitary sewers about 900 feet tion and esteem of ell Avho en­ Mrs. Bernice Hebert, Mrs. Vietnam. increase iln Vietnam. newed call for higher taxes, as C C C O N * Cotton Knitwear the following: further to the east in the Man­ countered his unstinted devo­ ' Ruth DeArlns, Mrs. Diane Dix­ ■ -■■Si. ___ yfeL.. Unless unexpected developments The order was isaued in the Yet, the directivie of June 28 his advisors had,recommended, Bight respected Republican Congress­ Mr. Johnson AviU make such a chester Green section is held up tion to the business of making on, Mrs. Alex Motyka. MOTORS come about, Intrepid and Dame Pattle, June 28 Oeibinet meeting. Mr. marks a tumiing point In the because of the inability to geit himself a tiioughtful, responsi­ Orange Ptenic 2.97 men join in a special statement urging . both newly built, are going to be the op­ Johnson directed his department PreaSaent’s pdrilosophy on how call soon—and for more than Members of Hebron Grange a phased attempt at joint de-escalation the old 6 percent request. the necessary pipe. ble, constructive legislator. posing yachts in September’s America’s bosses to prepare a whopping, to finance the Vietnam Avar, As for the remaining hig city |md their families 'will hold Full 6 Ft. Aluminum Folding Bed and negotiation. > Cup races. So far there is “every Indica­ ending the tacit aasumpUm that In preparation for the tax Waleem* Hara S H P USCG approved, ka­ 16 peircent, acroas-the-board battle, even the Pentagon is 10 Years Ago delegation, no one could serf- their annual picnic on Aug. 20' Senate Majority leader Mansfield tion that Intrepid will be this 'country’s slash ih spencUng for aubmlaelon the U.S. could afford both guns at Sperry’s Glen in Bolton. The undergoing a spending squeeze. John Wlet, executive vice msly nominate Wsiterbury for pok filled. White, blue, IV2” Thick Foam Mattress delivers the most forthright end pe^i- choice to defend against .the Australian to the IWhite House less than a and butter. (Even if never fuHy In remarks largely overlooked irst place in undlstingiilsh- day will begin at 10:30 and misUc speech he has yet made on the challenger in the international sailing month from then—on July 20. cairried out, the 16 percent cut- president of the Manchester .continue until dark. Each fam­ at his July 5 press briefing. Sec­ Chamber of Commerce, an­ ed futility after the zemarkoble or red. IV war, noting that IV^ense Secretary contests off Newport. Wtiait’s more, in a typically baric order ireveala that Mr. retary of Defense Robert S. performance given by Rep. ily will provide their own McNamara has been given reports of Both the new 12-meter boats already Johnsonian flourish, he forbade Johnson now feels a out in but­ nounces the activation of 10 iunch. McNamara asserted: “I firm­ committees “in order .to allow James T. Healey, Awhen, on the “progress” in Vietnam, and then charg­ have proved their swiftness. In the re­ any advance pulblicity cn his ter is an essential Ibackdrop for ly believe there must be water night the House was ooiudd^ At Legiion Convention FAIRWAY U.S.C.G. Approved cent round-robin preliminary trials, in economizing order covering the a tax increase needed to aAroid’' for greater community eichieve- Robert Cafazzo, commander FIRST ing that “the fact is that reports of someplace in our $73 billion ment and participation by the ing the Probate Court ref^nn the western part of Long Island Sound, fiscal y ear Bhat started July 1. a staggering budget d)eflicit. budget this fiscal year. I pro­ of the Jones-Keefe Poet 95, progress are strewn, like burned out bill, be had the role of ex­ —% S T O R E S — 10.94 only American Bagle compiled a won- iln fact, nobody seriously ex­ One reason Mr. Johnson’s call membership.” “senior vice commander Walter tanks, ah along the road which has led pose to Avrlng It and wring It pounding, and defending, the DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER lost record even close to Intrepid’s. pects a cut of ihot siize to mate­ last JonuBjy for a 6 percent out.” W. Donald and junior vice com­ LIFE VESTS 1 • this nation ever more deeply into Viet­ provlsioiis of the hill. The ex­ mander Richard Parker will be Handy extra bed for den or porch. Poly- ConsteOJatlon, the 1964 defender was rialize. Apart from destroying suiiitox on peraonal 'and coipor- What McNamara didn’t say tended period of the ilebete in EAST MIDDLE TURNPIKE nam and Southeast during the less successful and Weatherly, defender Great Society sooial welfore ate income taxes avos not tak­ was that he already has as­ Ithe delegates to the Connecti­ where the 16 per cent cutback Avhirii he took and ansAvered cut Legion Convention today foam mattress—vinyl covered on one side, , past decade and a half.” figainst England in 1962, was outclassed. programs, it would bring the en seriouriy on Capitol Hill was signed the unenAdable task, of applies. Although some bureau­ Senator Mansfield’s major, worry is that no real out in domestic the varioua questions of .the 3 HP ESKA Weatherly is not actually e candidate "Avringlng” |2 billion worth of crats privately doAvngrade the House stands as one of the fin­ OUTBOARD *79 ticking on the other. a simple one: World War m may be, anyway, filling in for the revamped Co- spending accompanied it. More­ "water”, from a budget con­ Jime 28 order as just a larger . ' over, such k'Cy Congressional est demonstrations of olear starting in Vietnam. lumWa untU the lattet’stei-’a arrival from A Thought for Today sidered bone dry by the mili­ version of the annual economy ttdnklng and clear statement 7 HP ESKA Child’s X . 9 7 Michigan’s Governor Romney, whose California. Ooluihbla, oldest of the five Sponsored by the Manchester conaervatilvea os Reprasentatlve tary, to Pentagon Comptroller "exercise,” most of the bureau­ sloops, defeated England’s Sceptre In John Byrnes of WSaconsin, sen- Ftobert N. Anthony. The first we have Avitnessed in decadeb. rMiMmber tlw OUTBOARD ▼ 129 presidential candidacy has been be­ Council of Churches cracy regards It with proper of covering Connecticut poU- 1958, when the cup comP«tltlon was re­ . lor RepUbUcen on the .tax-Avrit- victim; Ma^or Army ground seriotisneis-and anguish. These Youths’ • 57 lieved to be in trouble, suddenly revises Ing Ways and Means Goonmit- msuieuvers scheduled in the tlca. Precision air-cooled engine for longer life,, his Hartford speech stand on Vietnam, newed for the first time since before One of the strangest facts officials believe the 16 per cent Worid War H. Constellation also Is re­ tee, will net back a tax Increase North Carolina coastal region order may resolve itself into ac­ The award for least Ahstinc- WILLIAMS OIL CO. no danger of freezing or corrosion. Auto­ Kingsbury Brand Golf Balls in which he at least backed the John­ of our life is how many times of any size unless linked to sub- during August, now canceled. tion in the 1967 House couldn^t Aduits’ ^ .9 7 garded as a trial horse. we walk ^oimd cUnging to our tual reduction^ as higfi as 8 per son administration’s basic commitment Intrepid’s only loss in the eight early ttanUel retrenchment in spend­ IneArltably, however, real de­ cent. possibly, therefore, go t o H art- matic rewind starter. Lightweight. E’er fish­ iki Vietnam, toward a sharper criti­ “sins” of me past. We have ductions must come in non­ ford, Bridgeport, or Water- WILLIAMS OIL CQ. ing, trolling, hunting skiffs. Adjustable safety strap, chest ties. tests was due to a navigational error, been released from any respon­ ing. cism. - when thf wrong marker was turned and, ’Thus, the spending cutback defense spending, and that is (See Page Seven) bury. ' ; IC sibility for them, oftentimes 'Iliiig wwraq “The Administration,” Governor several minutes were lost in 1 rectifying WILLIAMS OIL CO: . years prior -to the present, but to!vm m m n m L tm . pkg. of 3 Romney now says, “has been guilty of the mistake. A second set of trials still we cling to them. We cling tiim Aiiiiii ‘over-reaction’ in military terms with known as the “observation” series, to them only because somehow .. .for tiM best In oil service! an accompanying and unfortunate starting this^eek and a final set in Au- the;^ meet some need that wb g^rowth of feeling among the American gu^ will decide tiie defender’s identity, ■have. Otherwise we would give Fisch eiti Lively centers for more action. Extra tough people that a purely miliitery solution but oiUy a reversal of form, or a sur­ them up and forget them. I 1‘iililMurx NfWHiwitcr SWIMMING in Vietnam is > possible. If continuance prise by still-untested Columbia, can re­ suppose that a good part of the SymliratC) 1])U7 cover. Distance proven. duce Intrepid’s chances. reason for our clinging to these of our policy of escalation triggers a Dame Pattie’s supremaxy in the wider war with major Soviet and Com­ “sins” is that they keep help­ Australian trials of Sydney was even ing us to feel guilty.. We need POOL munist bhinese participation, tiien the more convincing. Gretol, the 1962 chal­ to feel giillty because we have the Administration must be heldi ac­ lenger which captured one race in five never really forgiven ourselves. countable.’’ at Newport, was no match for the new­ We make a great error when Romney now asks de-eacalation of comer, skippered by “Jock” Sturrock, we put forgiveness all on the our bombing, and an increase in proof who steered Gretel five years ago. So shoulders of God or our fellow 10 ft Steel Wall Bar-B-Bowl that the troops of South Vietnam, are decisive was the margin that the origi­ man. When we see forgiveness carrying more of their share of the nal plan to send both boats to America In this way, it becomes a type fighting. for further tests was droppeill. of magic as well as a means of Thus Sturrock and IntrapiIdTS “Bus” avoiding our responsibilities in Pool — 24” Deep PORTABLE GRILL Such varied movements of d^sen7 Mosbacher are llkejy tb renew their ri­ ^hat we have done. It supports gagenvent from thoi^ concepts of the valry in September. Crews and helms­ our becoming more Irrespon­ // ' ./ ii war the President’s oratory has now men are cilmoet as important as the sible and adds to our living been trying to ei^ablish over a iietiod boats, maybe more so. Teamwork has to death. of two end a 'half years may be find­ be highly developed, end American In his love for us, God only Baked enamel finish. Rigid steel top rail ing parallels, for all we know,- within crews are sh€UT>^ned by the drilling they opens to us the power to foi> „ . , the r a n k s of the administratlioin. It may undergo in .the summer series of tune- 'g^ive ourselves of our sin ..mid King's 2.99 ^ for support, full pqly coping to securely - g n evui be poasible that Defense Secretary ups. That’s one advantage the home release ourselves from its liold. THURS., FBL and SAT. ‘ ' ICoNamaxa returns from bis ninith as- forces have. It is only Jn this loving rela­ King's Pet Dept Does It Agala! hold heavy gauge liner with scalloped Loy^ Sliding, chrome-plated grid, black and ■ aM m ent of conditiona in Vietoam in Famfliarity with prevailing weather tionship with God that we ever some mood of disafCectioii liinuMif. conditions is another. The America’s have the power to forgive our­ chrome firebox with r^ovable legs. Car^- selves. ’This redemptive love QERBILS edging. 1 Price ' But what one really wonders, as one Cup races are now held over a triangu­ lar Otympic course of 24.3 miles, with Gpd gives to us; He does not 'ing handle. awtebes the nation and thd edminlstrar ^Mve It down our throats. It etoewhere S1S.60 pr. - fUkOO pr. - ^ QR ^ four of the six legs being sailed on the ' 9AM prw-OUK LOW PWCE pr. coming to tboee reaUisatioas which long side of the triangle three of the comes About in our lives "as a mmm oemunentoton predicted tieck in four to windward. Downwind, into the . well springing up” only a^ we with tbei purchilee of ■ cage ••IMNflMH IMS, is whether any slight sense of wind, tacking or reariiing, both Dome will reach out to accept it. haivliig been, wrong, of bavi^ friayad Pottie with Its narrow l>eam and long C haplain Gene IMoce > too high stakes with too HbUe real waterline and Intrepid with its two rud­ r Manchester Council of ^BDwIedgie and quaUfloatipn, h a s begun ders have shown themselves to be ex­ Churches to; petmeate to those aosttemic power ceptionally fast and maneuverable. — t Manchester Memorial m i rm who were .pthnsrtDr SPRINgriBU) REPUBUBOAN Hoopttal. ilia memiTite tm)/* i PAOB EHffiT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 18,1967 THURSDAY, JULY ;8, 1967 THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1967 Home, WlnAod, !■ In dMargre of •muisremaifts. Pciice Want HillstOWn~W ether ell Site Ttrh^er FneeR Fashion Forecast Obituary There wfR be no calling hours. Ruddell for Okayed for College Campus Road Charge P sychadplic L ook hoard Acts on Personnel > - Ahaentee Ballota Mn. Banli Rtdi Benjamin Goldberg Directors Predict Winter Vote Year Ended in Black, Mna Saoali RBch. 87, ftxmer- r OCKIVIIXIE — Benjpnin The Commission for Higher eirell site, the Commission for ¥ n CCl d eU t Manchester Tou^ Oerk ly o f IMianoltestier, dtad y e ^ e r- Goldibeig, 81, of S2^ . Fark 8t., 1963 Break Education yesterday endorsed Higher Education also nsked EXlward Tomkiel issued a re­ day at a (RockviOa convales­ minder today that absentee husfcend of (Mrs. Otoa Rapoport Manchester Police De- a recent vote bybv tnethe State ^ vvhather to go ehead reoonsW w«h - An 18-ySar-oId East Hartford Right to the Skin Elliott to Resume Weiss Tells Board cent home. She was the widow Cfoldbeng, died yeatenday at a „ On Capital Works Bond Issue ballots for Ihe July 26 elec­ ot IFVank Btch. RockvUte convalescent hospital. Partmenfs DetecUve Bureau Board for Regional Community alltemtton of the Nike sMa girl was charged with reckleas lOMMM PW6 o«.> . . . w , . . tion must be in his office no Town Manager Robert Weiss informed the Board of IHreotordflPUbUo’Wlocfcs directors rtaiit preparing Afia. lUoh was bom April K, Mr. Goldberg was bom June will issue a w arrant charging Colleges authorizing an aJt- An attemBite raoommenda- driving, after a minor rear- It was the consensus of the later itosn 6 p.m. on July 25, Directors last night that Manchester wound up the thinks She has to do what they there’s a design, another twist, the Board of Directors last OINelll presented a proj- for additional land or for a sub All Cemetery Control 1860, in Ireland, a daughter 10, 1886 in New Yorit City, and Richard Ruddell, 28, of Man- tempt to purchase 160 acres of tlcn made by the study team end accident last night about the day l^ore the eleotion. 1966-67 fiscal year with a $21,247 estimated surplus, of WUUem and Mary Russell privately owned land in the that flfcrat selected the Hdlls- a* sa y.’ ” ^ . another design ected ittve-^eer, $794,000-caet, dtttulte mefthod of refuse dls- Apphcatldns for the absen­ had lived in Rockville toi' the cheater with larcen y in connec- Qeometry has even hit under­ night that February 1968 The Boird of Directors last night instructed the effected by $89,034 in transit June collections frenn the Dickaoii, and Uved in Manches­ west end of Manchester for a tcwn-Wethereai site was for the ' stomiiHseiwer priiority wM ch poeal, t o p rovide fo r to e tim e tee baUots are avalTable in past 10 years. He was a U.S. vvsae-wea Mav i CMAV 'VTOO i^ t to get back to the prints wear. Warner’s Sllmwear is the earliest date for coUeotor’s to the treasurer’s ------;---- ter most of heir life. tlon with a local service sta­ permanent campus for the Nuke campus to be renovated plenee the Sdioal St problem (toree years) v/toen the OlcOtt town manager to return Cemetery Superintendent his office. Army veteran of World War I, ing tangled with lone driven by for fall, 1967, They are big. shows a design for slip, bra, scheduling a referendum office t o toe fiscal year end- irecommiendflitlcn, adopted a Survivors indude a son, Ed­ tion break on Aug. 4. 1963, Det. Manchester Community Col­ as a second campus and used low on the (ttst and into 1970-71 9t. KaciHty to filled, George Elliott back to complete c o n ^ l o f his lie'part- and Was a retired office clerk. a Manchester teen-ager. All this talk about' mind-ex- ^ ______for a Bond Issue for Capi­ The special election will ing June 30. $100,000 revenue Item to the mund F. (Rich of Hertford; a lege. ' for occupational and oontinu- and all the works, that Is a tor aoluttcn. Director 'Wayne Manitz, at ment. Sur\dvors, besides his wife, Lt. Joseph Sartor sold today. Police said witnesses to the pending has led to print-ex- of triangles in wim be anocotsd to Veterans’ be conducted only in Voting He thus refuted reports that saAe of toiwm«iwned land in daughter, (Mirs, WilUaim J. The CHE by its vote second­ ing education pirognams. tal Improvements. OVtoOl goive top (priority to toe board’s August meeting, Th* action was on the iniolude two toothers, Meyer Ruddell whose last reported accident olalmed a third oar panding, and some of the old , . purple, and bright Fledd. Districts 1 and 2. The poll­ the town had wound up the fis- •various loaationa Only $10,000 Black Jr. of Saraaota, Fla.; ed a June 26 decision of the Fowedd said the survey team The dlrectons agreed also that condition on (Buto HUl Rd. will report on his sit-ins with recommendation of Director GoMfberg of Parkcheater, N.Y., address was at 571 Hartford was Involved In “harrasslng” fnmlllar motiffs have been __j i. are The 'board gave Wedas toe go ing pitaces •will 'be Waddell cal year with an estimated de- was 'realized in rervenua two brothers, Thomas DicKson State Board for Reg^lonal Col­ £iug,?ci3t'.on hais n o t com e b efore str^ with Elephantiasis. A “ J one date be set Cor aR reCeren- and predlrted that toe road W4U toe North Central Refuse Dla- Harold A. Turitington , who School for .District 1 and ficit of about $70,000. Democrat Mahoney blamed end Fred Oiclcson, and a sister, and Irving Gray of Ossining, Rd., was alledgedly implicated hdij board yet but that the mat­ the local gdrls, and sleft the posal dtotriot meetings In Vei^ said, “Ihe present setup has ahead to hire a new park super­ leges to place the college on. a yellow wool evening garni toy *^-rted on one side to lean quosttoua—to Inchide, pos- he fanpaosalMe next winter. Whtton Library Auditorium Weiss, backed up by Controll- the RepubUcan majority for iMrs.__ ___ Eknity _ Hratt, _ __ a ll o _ f M _an- N.Y.; and two sisters, Mrs. 81- in the 1963 theft of s e v e i^ g;uns ter di5 expected to be pCax^ed on scene after the cra^ gle inserted on non. Mantz was an informal ob- created a great deal of unrest intendent at a mintmum yearly tract of undeveloped • land Charged with reckless driv- Fogarty, long and narrow green triangle. sMy, a new Lincoln School; -Buah'Hin Rid. storm sewera, for District 2. er Joseph Clementlno, Assistant not selling 'the land. The Re- chester; five graH^children and Yohadem and Mrs. Julia from Conklin’s Garage on bounded by Hillstown Rd. on its aijeaida to the near future, server. The Dtotrict, comprised end complaints by 'townspeople. salary of $8,100, to a high of ar was Violet M. FVederlck- ®f sleeves and high of waist, is •■^th it” when they at on estimated $SO,000 cost, Controller Thomas Moore and publicans countered with the one great-ginait^ctrild. Jackson, both of . Bralnard PI. this week when the west. Wetherell St. on the He said he wffill take tenmedd- ing was Violet M. Frederick' renomatians to toe older schools; printed in the traditional seed- ~ head h b lirt for 1997-88 rrtsto, ■>' V— ^ ^ - 6 8 ,Insert had ^ Town Treasurer Mrs. Rosalind charge toat it is poor practice Funerad i^rvices wiU be hedd Funeral services w?re held one of the stolen weapons, a south, Bidwell St. on the east,^ ®tc action ooi tdie HdCIlBtown- son of 103 Maple St., East run on the bias, and Sannl Imipnitvenients to toe Municipca has invited Manchester to join has no autoority. I believe he minimum- ^ to Jm Hartford. Driver of the second pod of Paisley on a gigantic chooses comparatively muted Tihe others t o 1907-08 are E>o- Qulsh, said that the $89,034 to estimate revenue from that Saturday^ at 11 oxn. at the this afternoon at the Weinstein pistol, was discovered in Rud- and future Rt. 6 on the north. We'iherelJl site, by requesting BuUcfirig, toe Police Station, With them in a copperaitlve in- should be put 4 c k in charge W e i ® _ l ^ _ ^ e d _ t o J S s S John'^i'. Tiemey Funeral Home, Mortuary, 640 Farmington Ave., deCIl’s gO.d Ifiriend’s car. car was identified a s. Joyce scale, and the seed-pods Air- tones of pink and beige in diag­ •ver (Rd. at (W. (Middle Tpke., reached the treasurer’s office source. The state board. In picking the State Public Works De- ther enlarged by the applica­ Maiy Ohene(y library and the 145 000- (Bhrelaw (Brook at toe “*"****°'^ proposal. Manchea- and given complete authority.’’ ^ su^»totendent 18. 218 W. Center St. The Rev. H artford. Cantor Marshall The auto, which crashed Into Crawford, 18, of 188 (High 'Sit. onal stripes for a full tunic over on July 6 and that all of It was Agostlnellt end Sdhaller re- the site upon recom m endation partmeint to ibegdin negotflaitiioinB tion of fake ruby stones. What /G ary S. ComeQl. associate min- Press of Rockville officiated. a utility pole in the Pine Mea­ Police, in reconstructing the flowing pants. received by the tax collector in peaitedly asked Weiss to com­ Gary S. ComeHl, associate min­ of a professional study team it pinto^iase. has happened to the hound’s nawad; storm sewera; a aecond' ss Burial was in Ellington Jewish dows Section of New Hartford, accident, said Miss Craiwfo^’s The designer who heard the St at (Broad St, $46,000. consensuz has been to go it cemeterv department within month, after 39 m ail postm arked June 30. ment on 'the adequacy of the ister o f South Methodist employed, b-rned back a rec- Th« ^ repo^ty odm- tooth check is that each check any sewage trealment plant and Coventry Church, will officiate. Burial Cem etery. reportedly left the scene. Rud- cmmendatlon of the college posed of five parcels with five car was followed by Miss Fired- beat-beat-beat of the tom­ ln«lnera- toe pS deS rtL en t. All ceme- Director William Schaller 1966-67 budget, in iviiew of his dell is said to have been the erlckson’s and another car is six Inches wide. And you are ______tininhlineci^ en d oharter re\d- examinations will be in Bast Cemetery. cound'Vs own setectlon coon- separate owners. (None of Uie toms was Julian Tom chin, who a rere 9182,000; to 1069-70 they tor or by some other method of tervtery records had been moved ®®*<1 that questioned the $89,000 in tran­ statement that he had effected driver. from East Hartford. hit In the fa*e jrith a n e x ^ designs for Chardon-Marche, a siensL were given Tuesday to three There wiSU toe no cadling Vernon S. Cook owners has been contacted so are 9147,000; t o 1070-71 they (fiepOlBal. to toe Municipal BulkUng and sit.” He said that he and Mayor $61,144 in sanrlngs in the lest He was not injured and State They. said_ supply after of Miss the Craw- Hounds^-the- „^^'‘^uose brother in the Ger- lAR wRl Ibe consklerad in the applicants. He said that of sev­ Nathan Agostinelli spoke to hours until the time of the • V om on Stanley Cook, 58, o f The committee had submit- far regarding wilUngness to are $200,000; and to 1971-72 The 'boa'rd, by a 7 to 1 vote, ElMott’s prlmairy duties were Boy, 12, Held quarter. Police from the Caanan Troop ford turned north, onto Broad BaskervlUes teeth by Jacquea corporation is Cheney Broth- next two months to determine en original applicants, only four the collector of revenue at 3:30 service. 323 WoocHbridge St ted six sites to the state board sell, Powell said, they are $160,000. with Director David Odegard changed to dealing with the He parried the question wiito arrested him later, charging St. from Center- Center, Miss Miss (Frrf- IFred- Tiffeau who shows leggings of Beautiful color slides made which will appear on the voting OINeDl’a recomanendations voting "no,” allocated $20,500 appeared to have sufficient p.m . on June 30 and w ere told of Mrs. Marion Morse Cook, for consideration early in the He said purchase procedures public in the sale c t lots and in the reply, “I cooperate with- him with evading responsibil­ erl'Ckson p^tssed her on the the print. George l^lley showing the spirit machines. The directora gave no qualifications for the job. One In 12 Breaks that all 1966-67 receipts, with Amiand J. Tisdale died last night at his home. year. Along with the pro- must be handled by the public will (be diacusaed 'by the board for preparation of final engi- supeirviaion of funerals. any budget adapted by toe ity, drunken driving, and car­ right, pulled back into the a white dress with navy, plaid. and friendliness of the prople indloatton last night an toelr at a (future idate. aeering plans for an C^dcland- of |he four did not appear for the exception of a few small SOUTH WINDSOR — Ar- Mr. Cook was ibom Aug. 16, posaJs, it had sent an unof- works department, board and I ■dMi’t critlolze o r rying a weapon in a motor ve­ traffic lane, and slammed on and there are e^Uy four toM ^ delightful pat- cbotoes. Maintenance of toe ceme­ the ' exam inations. Police said today a 12-yeair- payments, had been deposited. mand J. Tisdale, 67. of East 1908 in Medford, (Mass., son of ficial recemmendatdon to place In another matter related to (Dtrector Phancls Mlalhoney P ^® r Sts- connector. question it. We lived 'within the hicle. her brakes. of navy across the entire front. decora- They agreed to iddBcuaB toem Town Manager Robert Weiss teries became the function of old (boy has admitted to break­ Schaller said that the collector Hartford, father of Mrs. Jean­ Morley and Edna Day Cook, and the college on its Nike site the college, Powell said a five- (xuitioned toe board to go rtow budget, bu t iwe cu rtailed som e Lt. Sartor said Ruddell would They said a witness to the in­ Even flora and fauna are so were flashed on the screen tntfonn'allty in Angiurt and to a r ­ urged immediate action, to the sexton (foreman), with su­ ing into about 12 Ihoonies in toe had told them that no substan­ ette Rancourt of South Wind­ lived in Mianchester for the past campus off Keeney St. and ex- year lease for the former in considering a $96,000 expend­ servl'Cea.’’ be questioned by local police cident, who was parked near outsize as to create the impres- models displayed outfits rive at some decision, costiwise, open the area to Industry. Ode­ pervision by the park sui>erin- tial further payments were ex­ sor, died Tuesday in East Hart­ 25 years. He was employed as HELCO building on Hartford iture to (Wert Si^ (Rec re- Car Windshield WatertOnd Heights and Oak iSchaller responded, “The as to his whereabouts earlier pand it by purchase of addi­ the crash point, stated that a Sion of being in a sclence-flc- „,ade from African-inspired in September or October. A date gard replied that the town has tendent and a park foreman. pected. ford after being struck by an a scheduler for the Emhairt Rd.' has been signed and is in palra. Grove over the part few months. basic question is—was the this week. Liquor found in the tional Globe Hollow watershed tlon movie. Butterflies bigger coatumes. for toe referendum will be set sufficient 'available land t o In- Weiss defended the consoli­ Mrs. Qulsh replied that the automobile. Mianuflacturing Co., Bloomfield. third car Involved took off aft­ (Hie said, ‘L et’s make sure the Swapped in Lot budget adequate or 'was the ad­ from the Town of Manches­ the hands of the state’s attor­ then. duatty and cited Pioneer Indus­ dation of the two departments Police said the boy limited collector, at that point, prob­ Surv'ivors also include his .jjg master of Hart- car he is said to have been er the accident. than eagles flutter across the Today’s urge for bigness hit buildiing •will (be lua^ again, be­ Would you believe your car ministration at fault?” ter. ney general awaiting final ap­ Tn tobltag nonaiideraUion of toe trial Park and Green Manor’s but agreed to follow the dic­ his take to Itiirtung gear and can ­ ably hadn’t got around to open- wife, a son, 3 other daughters, Lodge of Miasons. driving was similiir to the kind Mias Frederlckson was sum­ hem of a white satin coat and Julian Tomchln. When fore 'we epend that kin4 of mon­ windshield could be stolen and And Agostinelli Oonchided, stolen in a break into the Ox- Last fall, after months of proval. moned to appear in Maiwhes- white satin evening dress by jjg reproduced the tle-iand-dye items last night, litM hoard also Manchester Indurtrial Park %s tates.of the board. He said that 'ing substantial mail from the 3 brothers, 4 sisters, 18 grrand- Stitvivors, besides . his wife, ey. U nie» we are sure it 'will replaced with another In a weli- dy. After going fishing with a “If the budgiet was adequate, ford Package Store on Hartford centroversy rurroundi^ a Qwner of the three-story, ter Circuit Court July 31 to Burke-Amey, who also puts one fabrics of for a wool jer- tabled consideration 'Of a solu­ exam ples. toe consolidation had been smaller taxpayers, postmark­ 3 n^ly-acqulred reel, police sadd, children and 7 great-grandchil­ include three daughters, Miss tcntial site for the college, the 29,000 square-foot Structure, be utilized, and it isn’t being llghted parking lot while you ithen ithe eidministration erred.” Rd. sometime Monday night or answer the reckless driving butterfly all the way across ggy Qjat Leo Narduccl made tion to B iSIchool 8 t drainege Also by a 7 to 1 vote, but made at 'the (ecommendat^on the (boy would often discard it ed June 30 and turned over to dren. Joyce A. Cook of Manchester, Board of Directors voted to local developer Alexander Jar- used todaiy, we may las well tear were attending class? early Tuesday, Lt. Sartor said. ch a rg a the front and 'back of a blouse belied turtleneck tunic probitem. with Director John Garside vot- of Walter Fuss, former dliw- and steal oitother one. her on July 6. The funeral will be held to­ Mrs. Alexander H. Beard Jr., make available to the college vis. has begun alterations down toe 'buikUng now. Except Well, it happened to Stan­ Ruddell, being held under a Two teen-aged boys were un­ (it buttons on the shoulders so matching tights, the pat- Ing “no” this time, the board tor of public works. None off ithe hoones he entered Thie ddrectorB eppeeired dits- morrow at 8 am. f .om the (Ben­ of Cedar Grove, NJ., and Mrs. up to 115 of the Globe Hoi- which will make the building tor cleaning up toe exterior, I ley M. Fedynlak of Etast Hart­ $1,500 bond by Caanan State the back butterfly won’t be bl- ^^g such a scale that Allocated $25,000 for the de- Turkingtoji said that consoli- were occupied at toe time, po­ satiistflied wRlh thie exiplianatiiion, jamin J. Callahan Funeral James W. Giffin of Falls injured but th e ca r to wlWich dcnT ladvjae spending itiiat much ford, a summer school student Police for arraignment in Cir­ low acres. into supplementary temporary they were riding received ex- sected by a zipper) and 'lines ^he ladies in Africa would have velopment of topograiphical ^S00 neral home tomorroiw from 2 to an ce bond. Cards Hamilton J. Bickford, 67, of lege officials are currently monied to appear in. (Mianches- ^ gives a clue as to how shades, sewing them together. and iwamed toat, unleas it is im­ have been made and the maps after class, Fedynlak noticed a 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Pilanij for renovation off build- - ■ * /-« T„i»r Colebrook, formerly of Man­ Ruddell (has also posted a ^ +1^- rammiiis aro drawn working on a revised lease for ter Otocuiit Court July di. print designers may be work­ What a lot of work to be psy­ proved, the town wiU run out will be engineered from them (Weias so ld le s t ntgiht, ‘T>et crack in his iwlndshield, and Wetos said that It Is normal by contracted work. chester, died early this morn­ $1,500 band for arraignment in ^ (haH v^ begun. evening use by the college or PElilce ing these days. They twist ,a ch edelic ! o f OandfUl a re a in iSeptemIber. me lineke it crystal dear—toe close examination revealed it bookkeeping (procedure for all Garside’s objection was on Bids Invited receipts be defpooited when re­ ing at a Torrington convales­ (Mjancheoter Circuit~ ' Court~ 12 on Theodore PoweU. executive Manchester High School. wert 0^ the The monay wDl be used to town, and n ot itlie union, is run­ really wasn’t his windshield at the basis that other areas, such ceived. The praictllce. In toe cent home. He was formerly dharges of ibreaking and enter­ officer of the State Board for H has been estimated the «Eiad i^d sm as^ the diking liDop B rock , to ad d m ore ning the ideiparbment” all, police said. Funerals TIINK MOVT IT as in the 'vicinity of Manches­ On Rt. 6 Work bundling Inspeicfiion 'departBnent, W*leoln9 Kara employed at Cheney Bros. ing with criminal intent, theft RegdonaH Community Colleges, total foil enrollment at MCC ^ v ^ 75 fTOt^f area, and tor constructing an He said that the (poor main­ The replacement iwlndshield This it one way that bad aoces road. ter Memorial Hospital, were of has been to (hold fe e s In 4'Scirow Mr. Bickford was bom May o f a m otor ve(hiC!e and tam per- said today that in addition to will be equivalent to ^1,200 ^ ^ X ?to f s j ) In ^ S t y tenance problem arose because had pasted on It a red decal in Two homes and a garage Mrs. Mark Hewitt Jr. j^g -with a motor vehicle in drivara try to aave a min- higher priority and on the basis until (buUiding permllts 'were Is- 15, 1900, In Staten Island, N.Y., endorsang the HiMBtown-Weth- fuH-time students. Work on the improvements of the icutaitonent of overtime, the shape of a circle, on which Funeral services for Mins, connection with a break and ficDd. The oa r (hod t o b e tow ed, MANCHESTER uta and and up loaing a that the mappings would not will be removed from their sued. a son of Atty. Herbert J. and will start Immediately, under the idefermeht cf new persoratel was emblazoned the words, Eilvie T. Hewitt of 37 Adelaide car theft in Colchester last poTice said. Ufa, a limb or a Hcente. saive 'the town money in the presfent sites ■within the next •Wedas said tSvat a d e ficit was Elizabeth Judson Bfekmore. He Caralaaa driving ia cruel contracted labor. additian9, and toe exceptionally “1st Force Reconnaissance Co. Rd., wife of iMiari< Hewitt Jr., m onth. A Massaclhuseit/ts motorist cost of the Northeast Inter­ few months to make way tor everted ;by oinrtailing idepart- was a summer resident of Cole- PET CENTER and eoatly. Ifa not for O’Neill recommended that wet ispring, wliich, he said, FIMF FAC." The rubber mould­ Tak* Your were held yesterday afternoon It is poGErilble ail the charges Weiss Decides to Go Ahead was arrested after an accident ceptor Project. miental isipendlng In ittM sum of brook since 1910. 995 MAIN ST. TEL. 649-4273 — MANCHEiSTEiR you. Auto-Rita ia. Safa brought on a great growth of ing was split when the culprits the relocation of Rt. 6, State Cool Travtlin^ at (Eknanuel Lutheran Church. against Ruddell may be con­ yesterday .ait 6;45 pm . In wliicli drivara aava monay with O’Neill admitted that there $61,144, during the lairt quar­ He was a 1919 graduate of grass just 'before Memorial Day. made off iwlth the original, po­ Highway assistant engineer Latch OB to 'W’rirtey’s Lemon ETiillp E xeter Academ y, and a The R ev. C. H enry Anderson, solidated at one of bis court a ManOhester Tnotoroydist and DOG COLLAR low, "aafo driver” ratea of will be little cost saving. Most ter of the 1966-67 year. Twist “Travel Kit” . . . in Jamr With Exani for Fire Post (his passenger w ere Injured. an Auto-Rita policy. Think He said that overtime pay lice said. Harold Ginter today affirmed. 1923 graduate of Massachu- pastor, offitelatod. Mrs. E. Da- appeajrances (here' or in Wba- Guaranteed by Smith Worthington of the sa-viiig, he said, iwliU be As ion previous 'oocartions, he green with tw lst^. lemons. about it. Than call ua. the O LD again has 'been authorized and A 2%-frame and brick house attributed the 'town’s fiscal setts. Institute of Technology vid Hawkins was organist The sted, authorities said. Elxamitiations for the position existed for a decision and that HCto required emengemy Saddlery Co. We ore exclusive deal­ in time consumed. Packed with long gone THetion ptital itmeiajtment fo r ou ts and that seasonal personnel have at ll Overland St., the former problems ito ithe faRure (to ra^ with a degree in mechanical seflotet was Mrs. Barbara Peter- of deputy fire chieif will be con­ the one he made wlH serve as ers. O’Neill labeled maps “the Dies in Fire Lotion, madly fieih Soap, neat bruilses and were discharged. A L L M m Q been h ir ^ . W ATERBURY (AP) — M rs. property of John J. Joy, and a ceive $90,000 itn revenue from engineering. He was emirloyed son Nusadort Burial was in ducted' in September, Town the fire department's policy in ROBERT J. SMITH most complete office tool ian Body Lotion. Talk about cool— Theodore R. Tuieck, 43, of SIZES IT and up The (board -voteid a $21,900 a l- E m m a F erru ccl, 88, died of ap­ two-rtory frame house and two- the sale of town-owned land. at the Stanley Rule and, Level East Cemetery. Manager (Robert Wedse said to­ the future. INC. Weldon engineer can have to work it’i everywheiel And, grab Worcester, was charged ■with Training Leashes and Choke Collars liocaUon from lOapiitea Improve­ parent smoke inhalation after car frame garage at Tunxls He attrilbutod ithe non-sale to Wrlfley*t ipe«lal five cake bath Co., New Britain, imtll 1929 Bearers were Richard Hewitt, Heavy Gun day at ■the eanolusian of a meet­ The method of choosing a INSUBANfiUiinHS w ith ." faiifiune to g ra n t th e rig h t o f American Made. ment funds for improveiments to fire struck a section of her home Trail, iBolton, formerly owned the (feUure c f (the state to move and travel soap ensemble $3.00, when he came to Cheney Bros. WiUiam Hewitt (Wilbur Brown, ing with the Firemen's Union. deputy !fity chief was a topic of Director WlUiam ETtrtlerald ■vvay, a fte r hits car, turning, le ft 96$ MAIN ST. Drug Co. Elart Cemetery, expected to add late Wednesday night. by Elugene Hattin, ore the prop­ on Rt. 6 'reltocation. now only $2.00 at and Manchester and lived here discussion 'by the Board of Di­ was not 'Present last night. He Raymond (Smith, Josejh Kett- Positions Are The examinaKonis had been into Stock Pi., ooMlded with the 8 to 10 yeiars use there. ETre m arshal Thom as Scad- erties affected. Dtoeotor Francis (Mahioney, rectors last night. TROPICAL FISH ’nci^ 649-5241 Ill (Iicii addrfss is on vacation. CAUDOR until 1955. He moved to Broad- inger and Lewis FtiilUps. soheduled for July 29 'but was motorcycle traveling east on N. MANV VARIETIEJS t o CHOOSE The sum will be qpent forpip- den said ithe blaze w as confined Sealed bids for the removal iwflio 'W'as m ayor when ithe 1906- albln, N.Y. in 1956, and was re­ Weiss said that (he is oonsdd- Last night’s meeitng was MANCHESTER Watklnis-iWest (Funeral Hom e,. postponed by Weiss on July 23, Main St and being driven by FROM, ALWAYS SURE TO PLEASE split into a special session and ing toe brook, tor the clearance to ithe living room of the flvc- of the buildinge 'will be re­ 67 budget iwas laidopbed, te- tired, because of ill health, for Main Targets etin g the creabiion o f Meurtenants 767 MAIN ST. 1145 TOLLAND TPKE. 142 E. Center St., was in charge to conisider on objection made Lawrence J. F^nnl, 23, of 40 THE FISH FANCIEtt AQUARIUMS an informal session and the of about four acres, for earth room, one-{itory house at 188 ceived by the State Highway mdinded Weliias that ithe land In about five years. or more Captains for the de­ AND ACCESSORIES. of arrangements. in person and lin writing by Fire Ed^ierton S t I’lirlil'iK III III" li S(. public (about 40 were in at- work, and for the laying of Macauley Ave. Mrs. Femiccl Commissioner, 69 Newfleld question (toed no relatioo to Rt. E X IT 9S Survivors include his wife, (Continued from Page One) partm ent. Captain Joseph McCooe. FHnnl and his passenger, I’-irlili'n Li( Ave,, (Hartford, until 11 am. 6. WILBUR GROSS RKY. Mrs. Mary Valll Bickford; four “ Ba^icailly,” Wedlss said, "m y tendance) was not permitted to loam. was found by firemen in a bed- Chester J. Berk McCfooe had insi^ed that the Raymond J. Johnson, 27, of 413 July 20. The 1900-67 booird, at WeHaa’ the zone almost dally. In resuth- iplhiosoplhy in ffflKng vacancies SPECIAL SALE- speak at either. Fart lOf the aidded ifour acres room. sons, John H. Bickford of The funeral of Chesder J-r appointment rightfully (belongs E. Middle Tpke., thrown to the Middletown, Dudley V. Bick- Berk of 66 Florence St. was toe B52 strikes, U.S. corn- is to provide as much comipeU- to a ranking Officer and that pavement, were taken to (Mian- 10 GAL AQUARIUM % ford of Berlin, Thomas Bickford heij this morning from the manders apparently felt the risk tdon as .possiblle.’’ cheiter Memorial Hospital .by he is the only eligible man for The board voted unanimous­ With All Accessor­ of Baltimore, Md., and James p Qulsh Ftrneral Home, 225 of missiles had been removed or the 'Ppst James EVjgarty, the police ftor treadnent of leg $ ^ 0 . 9 5 ly to extend for three months ies, Including Grav­ Bickford of Colebrook; two Mjajn St., with a Mass of re- - greatly reduced, other captain, .is ou t with bruises. brothers, Atty. Albert C. Bick- quiem at St. James’ Church. just below the zone. South the retirement date for First el and Bulbs. ilinesH for an undetenmined Asgl^nt Turek is sliaited to appear in ford of Ardsley - on - Hudson, pjjg Rev. John J. O’Brien was Vietnamese infantrymen report- Fire Chief Ernest Mancihestor Olircuit Court on Sherman. OPEN 9-6 MON. - SAT„ THUBS. TILL 9 L NT. Y. and Joseph C. Bickford of celebrant. Mrs. Jane Maocarone gd killing 76 Communist troops Applications for the position July 31. Pelham, N. Y.; a sister, Miss organist anid soloist. Burial jn brisk fighting on Wednesday The action was taken because had 'been filed' (by 10 Town of New Law Elizabeth Bickford of Bronx- ^vas in Bt. James’ Cemetery. tiear"the forward allied outpost of the shortage of supervisory ville, N.Y., and seven g;randchil- father O’Brien read the com- at Gio Llnh. Mancheater (firemen, all with personnel in the Town Fire De- nine of more years of continuous partment. Sherman was to ■Iren. mittai service. The South Vietnamese report- Fhneral services will be held Bearers, all members of the ed their own casualties were service. k have retired July 1 at th^ Monday at 2 p.m. at Ctolebrook A.rmy and Navy Club of which light In the 4V4-hour fight about WeiiSB said that he has re­ mandatory retirement age of confidentially, Congregational Church. Burial deceased was a member, five miles below the demilitar- viewed McOoOe’s Objection and 66. will be, in South Cemetery, ^^^ere F^ed McCormick, Walter ized zone. has arrived^ at the conclusdcm T he Boaird o f Ddireatons w ill Smith Hill, Colebrook. Delise, Anthony WielH6zka, jn the U.S. air offensive that’ the town’s interests can 'be conduct a future infarmal The John J. Shea Funeral Wallace Viel, , Walter Oockett against North Vietnam, Air served best iby holding the com­ meeting with Weiss to review petitive examinations. and Michael Stephens. Force bombers returned to the all personnel masters of the MIG airbase at Hoa Lac 20 He said that no preq^edent fire department. LT.WOOD we love miles west of Hanoi Wednesday JOINS Public Records for the 11th time this year. Re­ LOCKER PLANT and MEAT MARKET connaissance photos showed no Property Deed Doesn’t Mean Warrantee Deeds planes on the field; Instead FRESH MEATS — RETAIL DEPARTMENT COLLI - WAGNER Howard T. Stackpole and dummy models were installed to loan! Marguerite B. Stackpole to in parking revetments, appar- Lake Privileges^ Court Told Raymond F. Hanley and Ger- ently as decoys to lure Ameri A former officer of the An- AjLiMA says p rop erty ow ners trade L. Hanley, property on can planes Into antlaricraft fire. „ , i,, . » have to be members of the An-' ALL OUR MEATS ARE FRESHLY GUT AND DISPUYED Bryan Dr. The photos also showed that •sociation testified today in dover Lake Property Owners Park Chestnut Cforp., to Elm the North Vietnamese had not Hartford to show that a per­ Association to use the lake. The Industries, Inc., apartments at repaired damages inflicted on son holding a property deed minister's application for mem­ NOT PRE-PACKAGED Park and Chestnut Sts. the MIG base in the last raid on does not automatically enjoy bership has 'been turned down HOME Joseph G. Beaulieu and Ber- June 29, leading U.S. command- rights to Andover Lake. three times. He has waded in­ tha M. Beaulieu to Donald P. ers to conclude that the field UP TO The Rev. William M. Philpot to the lake several times in Denley and Edward R. White, was no longer actively used by prote.i-t, setting off the court property at 1$2-184 Irving St. the North Vtetnam esei of Nerv Haven, a Negro pastor *>,0 PENOBSCOTr E r t W D a w i FANCYt m i m w i w GRADE r m w k "A"j- i LARGE AND MEATY David L. Gunas and Susan R. During their raids, on the field '-’ho owns a cott^e action. itnom eineid Gunas tq Daniel A. Moran and Wednesday, Air Force pilots >ake, contends that a d ^ to Today, John H. Yeomans, Donna M. Moran, property at claimed destruction or damage the property entitles him to use former officer of ALMA, and a ,Legs lb. 45c 235-237 School St. to a number of buildings and to ®f the lake. previous organization, the An­ Certificates of Taking two antiaircraft sites. Other Air The Andover Lake ^oup dover Lake Corp.,,testified that LOANS •Town of Manchester, Re- Force planes attacked a missile ( ALMA) i.s seeking an Jnjunc- the corporation used separate Breast lb. ^ development Agency, against site a mile from the base and tion in Hartford County »Su- deed after 1930 in grantirig estate of Albert Cohn, property pilots reported heavily damag- perior Ciourt to restrain the property ownership and ,ln from using CHICKEN on N. Main St. ing a radar van and some mis­ Rev. Mr. Philpot granting lake rights. » THESE ARE NOT SECTIONS OR QUARTERS Certificate of Descent siles. the lake. Yeomans, who is the clerk at Estate of John A. Anderson the. Tolland County Superior to Clifford Y. Anderson, prop­ Court, said that as secretary OUR OWN CURED BRISKET EXTRA LEAN—FRESHLY GROUND . . . LOANS for any 1 erty on Walnut St. and treasurer of the corpora­ NOT PRE-PACKAGED Quitclaim Deed Arrest Sets Off tion, he signed the deeds from ALBERT R. MARTIN Arthur J. McCarthy to Bar­ 1930 untU 1962 when the lak e’s Corned Beef lb. 79c worthwhile purpose!. bara L. McCarthy, property at bottom and rights of way were Chuck Giound lb. 79c 132 Falknor D r...... - ~ ------In Hartford North .sold to .ALMA,______H E A D C U T - Mr. Albert Martin Marriage License ALMA’S attorney, Peter Sul­ is now associated with Charles W. Kamerer, East (Continued from Page One) livan of Hartford, dlsplay- ...... _ holes, but police said no shots ed photographs of No T res- Colli-Wagner, 665 Bum- Hartford, and Sally Ann Aspin- wall of 3 Anderson St., July 22, There were reports that mat fourluui t^elr knowledge. passing”...... and "Private.. ' Proper- FOR OUTOO|OB OOOKINO POTATO S AU D lb.39e side Ave., East Hartford. men in a black car were throw- officers were Issued helmets ty" signs surrounding the lake St. Mary’s Church. DBUCIOUS LOW. LOW BANK RATES Mr. Martin was formerly ing toe fire bombs. during the selge but Police to show that warnings were During toe night, the Kre De- jjjj.gj.jQj. Dominick Spina kept well ported against trespassing, COLE SUW lkS9t employed a t . Pratt and Clean Water Grpnt partment was plagued vrith false pQj,ggj,jg,j Inside toe building which the minister is accused xy Take up to 5 years to repay Whitney for 11 years as alarms. while he and representatives of of doing. STEAKETTES lb. 89c ^ R T F O R D (AR) — Connec­ MACARONI SALAD lb. 35« w J toe city’s antifpoverty ageilcy Yerterday, a , former presl- // machine shop foreman ticu t’s' $150 m illion cam paign W i n d o w s a h a t t e r e a ^^Jjjj y^g env/A? dent of ALPOA, Maxwell D. and is a graduate of against water pollution got off NEWARK. N.J. (AP) — Ne- g jj^^^ ggjjgy (y j^g njogt seri- Hutchinson, testified that he Manchester High School to an official start Wednesday hurled rocks and fire- incident of his 26 years on resigned from the port ' when W * rent cold storogo lockon for your frouen meats and vogataMos with the allocation of $24.8 mill- i,o,nb3 at a police station and force. toe minister’s application was and the Univ. of Hart­ lion by the State Bond Com- demonstrated at City Hall About 80 persons later went to turned down, for w k littio os $1.25 a month. The locker holds about 250 pounds ford School of Business. m ission...... Wednesday night and early to- jjjjj jgjj gfjer police He was asked if he was CALLMR.C0 0 PE This was the first distribution after a Negro taxi driver igg^gd tickets to the double- aware of racial discrimination of moot. Comporo ^Is dod boforo you buy o homo fmoior. avings ank He resides at 37 Riga S B of funds authorized by tae 1967 arrested on a charge of as- pjjj-jjed taxicabs and cars the by toe organization. He replied Lane, Bolton, with his (fener^ Assembly to clean up ggyiung an officer. demonstrators rode there. "It's been common knowledge wife the fojrm^r Norma the states rivers, lakes and rampaging crowd, estl- -ewo policemen were treated,^in town for years.", IF YOU LIKE THE BEST GIVE US A TEST 649 - 5203 Dupont of MfJincheeter ■ •C"pr<«r™r.r±;““ municiDalUies and lax relief for shattered windows In 16 stores from flying objects. Spina said day to lle d that several white • • • and three children. B m iIh m CeM trt anchester to tike near the police staUort. During one will out for a month. .. people have atop been refused .OF M pianne to ^ outburst, two liquor jstores, ' Peace prevailed today without membership. , 51 BISSELL ST. ' REAR OF ICE PLANlf 643-B424 MAMOma lASTMAMCH WKr IIAIKH Mr. Martin will spe­ 923Meta8irM» RCiBhr$liW.C8r.UaeK Mandtiihr NHiiJi • The mmiiiiaalon also okaved luncheonettes and a super- any direct confrontation of ALMA is coriteiiding that It JW ter efIM iiaPawU »■■«««« SOUTH WRWiMt om er-$i*raA vim Si99ia e w i^ The commission also okayed were looted. pollcp and protesters. Helmeted and ALPOA are private organ- PUNTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE cialize in sales of resi­ a bond authorization of $5 mll- lunMM oma-iwaM u a m m M C M iirMft l o r M window had officers patrolled streets to en- Izatlons that have toe right to A\AIN OFFICE and PARKADE OFFICE OPEN SATURDAY A^ORNINCS! dential property. Uon to back up low-interest bank A supermarket three bullet force the calm. reject anyone they want to. loans to college students. what' looked like

/ ■' ■ ■ • ^ - -If' — > 'rt I • 'T a a FAOB TBB MANCHE^IER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN . THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN... THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1967 PAGE ELEVEN The Most Photgraphed.... California Has W on 25 of Last 33 Starts in American League ^ THE

Nktlonal Lm kim Herald Angle 13th Straight Mound Win for Schardt W. L. FoL O A . Red Hot Angels Set for White Sox St. Louis 50 32 .610 — v' By Chicago 46 86 .561 4 NEW YORK (AP) — A tw^ games over Brunet, who dropped nine out Tom McCraw and Tommie San Fran. 45 88 .042 OH PETE ZANARDI week ago Minnesota’s ram- nesota and four over California, straight after winning the sea- Agee for two of his eight strlke- Topple East Cincinnati 46 89 .041 5% . Aaslatant Sports Editor Clay Denied License - In the only National League son’s opener, is 6-2 during the outs. Atlanta 42 89 .510 *^"ehallCTge^ the P>*yed Wednesday, Mke hot streak and 7-11 over all. Joel Plttslnugh 40 89 .600 Indian rally In the first with a by Jerry May and Manny 8M Hartford, 2-1 Shannon cracked a two-run Horten, 10-2, opposes the An- Phila’phla 40 40 .500 0 Football Bids for Atten|tion VTlit® Sox’ American eigh^.inni^ homer that lifted gels. double and then cracked his io t a ’s fly. lios Angeles 34 47 .420 Temperatures and humidity continue to soar and the To Fight on Coast Lieague lead in a four-game orst-piace St. Louis to a 4-s vie- ^ » * * lltih home run pf the year In the But Orlando Oepeda opened 15H INTERNA’TIONAL LEAGUE Houston 33 SO .808 17%' ensp days of autumn seem many moons away. Foot­ For Revenge seriies. tory over Pittsburgh. INDIANS-WHIIT: SOX— second. the Cardinals’ eighth with a sln- SACRAMENTO, Calif. sentence if his appeal of the Strong pitohing and a num­ New 'York 31 47 .897 17 ball, however, is just around the corner and already do­ A split kept Eddie Stanky’s The Angels bring a six-game Stanky used six pitchers ’Tommy , John, 8-6 ., was _gle, . knocking out Steve Blass, conviction is denied. ber of defensive flaws were fea­ Wednesday’s Results ing its level best to fight baseball and golf for the’news By PETE ZANARDI (AP) — Heavyweight bok- crew on top, and now it’s Call- winning streak Into Chicago td- trying to beat the Indians knocked out In the first Inning the Pittsburgh starter. Juan California’s boxing rules deny tured as Ansaldi’s ibeait Nor­ St. Louis 4, Pittsburgh 8 Hurling his 13th conseo er Cassius Clay was denied fom la’s turn to. take a shot at nig^t and will have their new Wednesday, but Cleveland and took the loss. Pizarro retired ’Tim McCarver columns. Those who may find just watching it has a any fighter a license if he has man’s 4-2, last nogiht at Ver- Only game scheduled Wednesday a license to the leaders. ace, George Brunet, ready to scored five runs In the first * , • ♦ before Pete Mlkkelsen relieved cooling effect, don’t have to go very far. utive victory over a two- been convicted of a felony and planok Field. Bud Lelber and Today’s Games fight a bout in California Sam McDoweU softened the face the White Sox. three innings and that was CARDS-PIRATES— and Shannon cracked hU sixth The ’’season” got underway — ------uamnKyear span, curve balling even If he is out on bond pend- Skip Welch comlbined to limit Philadelphia (Wise 4-6) at At- to benefit poor children, ing an appeal. » White Sox up Wednesday night California spent much of May enough for McDowell, 6-7. Shannon’s elghth-innlhg shot home run ^ tw d a y night when the Oaks at Simsbury’s IVestmlnls- righthander Marc Schardt the losers to two hits. wlth a sU-hltter as Qeveland Ui the A m e r i^ League ceUar Sudden Sam, 6-7, threaded his brought the Cardinals from be- Shannon had singled across l a ^ V*® School on July 28. Carpen- .paced the Manchester Le- N e g ro and white, in the Oakland . boxing promoter .... Follow Through . . . Henry Wlnaton said he had Bill Lodge lost a heartbreak- stopped Chicago 8-S. It was the but since June 7, BUI FUgney’s way through trouble and relied hind and enabled St. Louis to St. Louis’ first run In the sixth «ew lo rx in. onaw aame In AoLt« several new faces gion to a 2-1 conquest of South. ’The California Athletic <3om- hoped to atag|« the fight In the er, giving up only one hit, a only g:ame scheduled In the team has spun off a 25-8 record on his strikeout pitch for the big open a four-gfame bulge over as the Cardinals snapped the „ t i ^ ™ f yoax. East Hartford last night in double to Pete Leber. Steve American League ahd shaved and zoomed six gpots In the out. He walked the bases-full In Chicago In the NaUonal League scoreless duel between Blass (E l»s ana maioney o-oj, s, Stiu srempd newcomers already East Hartford. It was the mission voted 4-0 against Clay’s Oakland Coliseum. Clay said he application for a taxing license, would pledge all his proceeds, Pryor and Lodge had the only the Sox’ lead to 1% games over standings. the fifth inning but then struck race. and Hughes. pift'5mrLE try to hold the fight outside Cal­ commission' deferred action on Lelber, Welch (3) and Leber; Francisco (Sadeckl 8-0) , ^^ocome big eomes Aug. 12 against the Manchester Halts Yanks lfomla. the license application of former Lodge and Brazdzionts. Friday’s Games a vla r at Dillon East Hartford Red Sox to Get Break Clay was stripped of his title heavyweight changplon Sonny Philadelphia at Atlanta, N ^ Stadium. They then travel to South Windsor Hitting Pitcher by the World Boxing Association Liston, AMERICAN LEAGUE In Exhibition New York at Cincinnati, N l^tsltLdL EXPO 67 to meet the Montreal Rockville and the powerful New York Commissioners said they Takiing advantage of 12 walks, 4 Pittsburgh at St. Louis, N last Saturday night are now pro- Beavers. )Vednesday night, Windsor Locks' Manchester Legion hurl- During Rest of Slati^ Chicago at Los Angeles, N fessionals—football pays the er Marc Sdiardt has sense State Athletic Commission after wanted to check Liston’s status Wlpco added seven hits and X • '''• NEW YORK (AP) — The an­ bUls. Aug. 16. Thompsonville Houston at San Francisco, N of humor as sharp as his he was convicted in a federal with the New York commission came out a 13-2 winner over BOSTON (AP) — The Boston Red Sox, who have nual mayor’s trophy exhibition turn rule 1-12 Giants’ use ast. ’The Oalcs have 16 veterans game Is placed for sandlot base­ and five rookies on the dotted talented right arm. ’Take court in Houston, on a charge of before deciding. Liston, 35, was Army & Navy at Waddell Field. play^ 20 of their last 23 games on the road, get a bet­ American League Dennis MacArdle’s two-out, NEW UNIFORM for ball, but the New York Mets’ line so far with several more fer instance this exchange refusing to be dratted into the denied a California permit in The winners wont right to work, ter brehk from the schedule-maker in the second half Yesterday, the New York GI opposite field B loop two-run Los Angeles outfield­ pitching staff also got quite a W. L. P o t G.B. during the ganie In East armed forces. 1962 on grounds of unsavory as- scoring 10 runs in the first in­ of the season. —rr ------— —- ants opened their training camp expected within the next two single in the second inning gave —— boost from It Wednesday night. Chicago 47 34 .580 — Hartford last night. Clay faces a five-year prison sociation by his managers er Lou Johnson who ning. / _ „ . „ „ .... After the seven-game trip, the at Fairfield University with 40 ® Schardt all the runs he need- The Red Sox, weU rested ^ t- Sox will return home for 12 Four Mets’ huriers blanked Detroit 46 35 .563 Seliardt, who worries plays the role of a Wipco hurler John Burger al­ % ' rookies said a handful of vet­ The state’s newest profes- ed. The Gettysburg College er the annu^ break for the All- 3 „ „ dates. the New York Yankees 4-0 on Minnesota 46 36 .566 2 few opposing huriers with Swahili in a TV pro­ lowed six hits, walked two and erans reporting to Coach /dlle sional football base is New sophomore, 8-0 last year, Star game, launch a bid to im- wuilams has his pitching five hits for the first shutout In California 45 40 .629 4 hts batting power, was at 70 Delighted Jones in 1930 struck out 13 in going the route. Sherman. Tw -a-day "^practice Bees, formally the struck out seven, didn’t walk a gram, “Cowboy in «P for the four games the five-game series that the Boston 41 39 .613 5^ Meriden Shamrocks, are al- man and retired the last 11 bat and East Hartford’s Africa.” Chuck Con­ Jon Squires and Paul Smith sessions commenced today at had two hits apiece for the -wln- 3 ^ vls on t ^ a y with a day-night 3 i„3t Baltimore. He planned Mets lead 3-2. Cleveland 41 42 .494 7 ready .sweating o ff a few batters he faced in a row. Paul Senatore was labor­ nors, a former Dodg­ doubleheader a p ^ t the B a lU -.^ use veteran Gary Bell (6-8) Baltimore 39 43 .476 8% 10:16 In the morning and 4 o’­ ing to find his suddenly ner.s while Dwight Peterson and 5 ( 0 - ^ First on the mound with the clock In the afternoon. pounds on an ‘‘informal and Manchester gained a half er, stars. Gary WaslewsW (2 36 45 .444 11 voluntary” basis at Willow game on Zone Four leader Wll- missing controL The count Nicklaus ‘Upset’ Steve Anderson turned in si'ml- mosteat was Don Cardwell, It continues this way until . In Baskhall. .. The schedule favors us the „) m the day-night twlnblll to- making his first appearance Wash n. 36 47 .434 2 Brook Park. llmantlc, idle last night. The was two balls and no liar perforanances in defeat. rest of the way,” Boston Man- night July 23 when the entire squad .417 18^ There is still nothing out o f ’Thread City nine treks to East strikes and Sehandt quip­ Kockville Legion Burger. Dave DdMerohant and since he was Injured May 31'and will be on hand. Sessions are _ - U® Atl iH,tv\xim trill' Afl ager W ck Williams said. "We Le^ gj^'nge, a hard-luck hurl- Wednesday’s Results New Britain, however, on new Hartford Friday night. Man- ped to the plate umpire, Ken Brown all contributed ' put on thie disabled list. ’The big then changed to 9:30 and 3:30. have « games at home and with a 3-6 record. Is due to II Cleveland 6, Chicago 3 “He sure doesn’t want to doubles in the winning cause. right-hander showed he is ready All the Giants’ workouts are talent sig;ned, training camp or Chester is, afforded a rest from By Opening Score Scores 2-1 Win only 35 away. We shijpld bene- p,t<.h Friday night, followed by Only game scheduled walk me.” to step back into a starting role open to the public. exhibition schedule. Zone Fo(ir competition, until Hard luck oontinues to 13-7-2 fit greatly. jjn^ i^onborg (11-3) on Saturday. Today’s Games ’The ump, knew of by cutting down the Yankees on First exhibition game for the Sunday in Thompsonville but is HOYLAKE, England (A P )—^Thirty-seven years ago plague Rockville Legion’s Joe A&N 000 200 2-6-2 Despite a rugged schedule be- The Orioles, in seventh place Kansas City (Nash 9-8) at Schardt's batting prowess two hits during his four inning Gismts will bie Aug. 12 against active in Torrington tomorrow Bobby Jones finished the first round of the Britisli Kayan. „ The righthander „ ______al- . Burger and Brown; DeUlcco, fore the All-SUr break, the Red 8% games behind Chicago In de- Minnesota (Merritt 6-1), n ig^ Busy Summer ( ? ) and also the fact he stint. the Atlanta Falcons at Cornell. night for an exhibition game Open Golf Championship here in wind and wet weather '.owed only four hits lost night, Wallen- Sox are In fifth place with a 41- fense of the pennant and the California (Brunet 7-11) at ripped a solid - single Dennis Bennett,' Bob Shaw ’The smnusd Albie Booth Memo­ So, ■with the All-Star'gam e under the lighta. and was delighted with his 70. He was equally deliglited 39 record. They are Just 6% World Series championship, al- Cihicago (Horten 10-2), night against Windsor Locks two and Jack Lamabe finished be­ rial Game, with the Giants just completed, the pennant Paul Senatore, who fashioned them in the fifth Inning and games behind the American so hope to make a mad dash Detroit (Sparma 9-1) and weeks ago (looked on by with a total of -291 for 72 holes which contributed to NA’nONAL LEAGUE fore the crowd of 31,852 at Yan­ meeting the Vikings is slated races in full swing and thp a two-hit, 1-0 win over Man­ reglstared a 2-1 Zon^ Four win League leading Chicago White toward first place. McLain 10-9) at Washhigton his teammates as a major his grand slam in 1930. - .------'.i T T ------(Picking up a win iin his first kee Stadium. Aug. 27 at Yale Bowl. World Series two months away, chester at Mt. Nebo, ran into Today Jack Nicklaus, 27-year- scoring would be hard to ac- (n Rockville, Sox In the tight pennant race. Baltimore Manager Hank (Pascual 7-6 and Coleman 4-6), miracle). So he needled, mound osBlgnment, Mark Wag­ Rookie Cecil Perkins was less m . . football has started. **i. control problems. ’Twice the old Columbus. Ohio profession- oomphsh. but he said that be- The 'vlotary brings South "This Is going to bb a hectic Bauer, plagued by sore pitching 2, twl-night big lefthander was balled out of “Maybe he heard about fore he went out for the first Windsor over .500 to 5-4 ■wihile ner turned in four innings of impressive for the Yankees as In fact, football is added to al, was somewhat disturbed race, the best In years,” Wil- arms and an Injury to slugger Cleveland (’Tlant 7-3) at New your hit.” Rockvrt'Jle falls below t o 4-5. shutout relieif as the Medics de­ he wild pitched one run home in a hut of a number of sports “ *'® round. After that, he soaked up Hams said. “ Every game means Frank Robinson,- Is looking for- York (Stottlemyre 7-9j, night Giants’ Camp “ Which one,” quipped about an opening round 71. feated Nassillf Arms, 12-2 at the third inning and set up an­ Across the state line in competiting for the spectators struck out seven and walked the sun, enjoyed the lack of Stan Slomoinsky doubled in something—and We’re going to ward to improved hurling and Baltimore (McNally 6-5 and Mare, “ this year’s or last It was not good enough. the tying run in the fifth and Buokley Field. Wagner also other run in the seventh with Feekskill, N.Y., the New York and newspace. Within the next five. wind, and worried only about win our share,” sounder hitting. Phoebus 7-3) at Boston (Was- year’s ? ” ” l ’m corning up with my put­ scored the ■wdninlng miaigin oontriibuted to hts own cause at MAYE-BE Lee Maye of Cleveland will hang on to two wild pitches. Jets also opened their camp lew months, on an area level, Steve Banas opened Manches- the finesse of the game. That’s The Red Sox, who have plenty The Orioles still treat the Red ter,” the blond tiomber said. why he wound up on a putting m/nutes lator on Gary Flynn’s the plate, coHlecting two doubles. Either the photographer or Jim Bunning of the the ball. Fortunately he did, preventing a costly Bud Harrelson singled In the lewski 2-0 and Stange 3-6) 2, yesterday at Peeksklll Military baseball will offer Littie ® inning with a Tex­ Phils is in a rut. Judging by Running’s record, you of power to wreck opposing Sox as kissin’ cousins. They won first run in the third after Jerry day-night as League single. Ray LaGace The U. S. Open Champion, green when others were on ithelr John RUbinow lhad the big hit, pitchers In chummy Fenway four of the first five meetings error. Academy. Workouts started to­ League and Legion playoffs Lion Grid Star a home run, for the winners would have to say the lensman seems to be fasci­ Grote singled and stole second. Friday’s Games day. plus an exciting race in the reached on a fielder’s choice. also defending his 1966 British way to dinner. iFlynn, who twice pdtohed Park, will meet the Orioles In this yeaT after posting a 1 2 -6 ------With two out, Rudl Wittke sin­ Open crown, went off Uie sun- "Putts I often make wouldn’t out o f bases loaded sltuatlcins, while Dennis McOonville had a nated by the pitcher’s follow through. These three John Sullivan homered for Kansas O ty at Minnesota, N The Jets, teamed ■with the Hartford Tivilight League. four games and then runnerup record against Boston last year. J T 1 . 0 #* another run iii the seventh be- Callfomla at Chicago, 2, twl- gled up the middle. Both moved Wants More struck out 11 and walked three double in two trips for the los­ pictures, taken within a year, show that familiar Boston Patriots, will present Stafford Speedway,.Thomp- f T T baked 6,995-yard par-72 Hoylake go down,” 'said Nicklaus. Detroit In two meetings before Bauer named southpaw. Dave \jrVtu, ijOUClUS LtCLUTtClt ifO C tlC e He figured out he was either to record the victory. Rock- ers. Running style, which is becoming ever more fore Jerry Buchek walked, night the first grid action in the son and Riverside continue to a pass­ DETROIT, (AP) — It’s con- links Wednesday and promptly hitting the road for three ap- McNally (8-6) and right-hander ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ------moved up on the wild pitches Detroit at Washington, N ed ball setting the stage for tract-sfcnlng time at the Detroit repaired to the putting green raising his putter or his head.- viCle left 10 men stranded. Kay- Tom ‘Pnattaroll turned in sev­ familiar. pearances In Baltimore and four Tom Phoebus (7-3) to open the state, Aug. 4 at Bridgeport's attract some of the top racing an allowed only five base run­ J and scored on an infield hit by Cleveland at New York, 2, MacArdle's nit aown the left- Lions Camp eral fine defensive plays at sec­ John F. Kennedy Stadium. drivers in New England. :’s hit down the left- Lions ^am p ahd at least one Nicklaus’ xn„i,in„a' 71 w.i«was three shotssh In Cleveland. Boston series. Tommy Reynolds, batting left- twl-night field line. veteran said he could be ner.?, fanning six and not walk­ ond base for the (Medics. ’Two-a-day workouts will get The GHO, formally the ICO, off the 68 shot by leader Lionel National League handed for the first time. , Baltimore at Boston, N Land Defensive End ing anybody. Medics 102 090-12-12-3 underway for all 77 Jets’ play- gives area folks a look at not holdout. Platts of England. Four players BOSTON (AP) — The Boston Rock-viUle scored first on Naisslff’s 020 000— 2- 4-3 M ajor League BatUng (200 at bats)—Ce'peda, ers under contract on July 18th only the country’s, but some o f w„i,. Honatore ^ t h Miiieot' *hi ^ Wnv*ne eight, including finally have landed Ed ^ 1 j o j blckl and Senatore both collect- thing I can, linebacker Wayne n„-u Rrauror Andy Oox’s single in the third MoKensie, Wagner and Frat- St. L., .355; Clemente, Pitt., at 10 in the mormng and 3 in the world’s finest golfers.golfers, The iiic „„ ^„ jj, Wednesday. ’ We’re champion Gay Brewer s=Leaders== Player of Month Award to Aaron JJead fOP N cW C a m p Phllpott, a defensive end from fraime. tanoU, OdeJl; T. (McConville, .350. the afternoon. of Dallas, Tex., shot 70s. Al 71 Miami (Ohio) University. American League rrrxr/’WTl^XT A mr fAT>\ . UnMtr o IT .’IA tViA RA RockvtUe v i s i t Windsor waickowskl and Gliha. Runs—Aaron, Atl., 69; R. Al­ CINCINNATI ’The Jets also invite the pub­ e S t T s l a S ^ l ^ g l e T h r S ^ ,■ a T wer“e"se";;n‘ oto;rs' besldes Nlck- Phllpott, the Potrloits’ second Locks Friday night and reitum ______Batting (200 at bats)—F. Rob­ - I t t.r -u 1J ^ *^°sts drew first blood, far enough apart for me to be , len, Phil., 60; Aaron of the Atlanta Braves baseball write;tp and sportscast NEW YORK (A P )— Jim Taylor and Paul H^rnung, lic to their practice sessions. 20 at the Wethersfield Country ^ holdout.” selection ‘in the draft, signed a home Sunday for East Hart- inson, Balt., .337; Kallne, De., * * * 32g Runs Batted in — .-W y n n, was named the National the twin trademarks of Green Bay greatness, headeo Club. to get the first two batters. Joe Russ Thomas general man- Altogether 22 players broke contract Wednesday after a Ion# ford alt 5 o’clock. Game time Peter Wolfendeq, 32-year-old It promises to be a busy sum ' Rims-McAuliffe, Det., .67; To- Houst., 66; Cepeda, St. L„ 59. League’s player of the month south instead of north as the Packers prepared to open Charter Oaks Ruggiero and Alubicki then sin- ager of the National Football ot 72 and seven more salary hassle. The 240 - pound was moved up so not to con- driver from Auckland, N.Z., mer for those folks who like to back-to-back Steve Berg- League club said the situation equaled it, a feat that has rev- uneman played in the J!>)aches’ flict with a Babe Ruth District has been driving trotting horses var, Minn., 55. Hits—Cepeda, St.L., 106; CJlC' for June—but he had a close training camp without them for the first time in 10 New Coach Ken Carpenter keep up with all si>orting ac- reached on an infield er- was^about the same as In pre- er happened to Hoylake. All-America game at Atlanta championslhip game at Henry since he was 16. He is credited Runs Batted In — Killebrew, mertte, Pitt., 104. contest with Ron Santo. BASEBALL HEROES years. DUS’TY SOFTBALL ducdmig a 12->11 victory over will greet the Hartford Charter tivities. ______ror, loading the bases. Schardt vlous years. Nicklaus said he thought low last Saturday. Park. ______vrith developing Cardigan Bay. Minn., 62; F. Robinson, Balt., Doubles—Cepeda, JSt.L., 23; "H. The Braves’ outfielder beat But quarterback Bart Starr, Both Taylor and Hornung, the Army & Navy B ’s. 59. Davis, N.Y., 22. the Chicago Cubs’ ^ird base- _. the most valuable player in the who helped the Packers to five Six runs in the final two in- then hit John Gionfriddo to BA’TTING — Mike Shannon, National Football League in division tiUes and four world "'ngs was enough to give Mid- McArdle had three hihs for force in a run. T«Cephcne as did Howie Ed- ^ d ln a ls , smashed a igeu, is back after signing his championships, will be wearing dletoiwn (Rug a 9-4 win over smiercriHept Marichal Delights Fans Aifber tlhe fiinst inning, East homer In the eighth Inning that j2th Green Bay contract the colors of the New Orleans Knock last night alt Rohertson Sauer coQlect- Hartford had only four base runners. Sdhardi pitched out of Wednesday. Saints, the NFL’s newest team. Park. ' " j c C M oaoud had thice hiu- With Kick and Mound Wins a two on, one out situation in Drills for 37 Packer rookies Taylor played out his option at Bob Duncan, Ron Gustafson, g’.es in defeat. the fourth with a strike out singled home the Irst St. u s today, with 38 veterans Green Bay to sign with the Bob Ooulomibe, MJanty Kristof, SAN FRANCISCO — (NEA) What Marichal hopes to do FARMOIL AUTO CENTER Telephone 720 Oil 1—'12 17 3 and infield grounder. is pitch the Giants into the THE MAIN HIGHWAY |NTO ROCKVILLE PHONE 875.3379 reporting by Saturday, as NFL Saints and Hornung, bothered with two hits apiece, paced the A & N 096 050 0—.11 l e 6 —^When Juan Marichal is pitch­ DIAMOND DUST: E a s t ROUTE 83 World Series, win recognition PI’TCHIN(3—Sam McDowell, and American Football League by a pinched nerve, was taken winners. Sauer and McArdle; Bcilso- ing for the San Francisco Gi­ Hartford receiver Gionfriddo as baseball’s best moundsman c : a .i ^ 1 3 0 i v Indians, won his sixth game clubs began preparing for a sea- In the expansion draft. Haimpfeon had three hits neau and Hoainom ants, wpuld-be hitters end up has to be the best in the area. vrtth a slx-hltter, whipping Chi- son that will run until the All Starr, who led th'e Packers to for the losers with Fran SaVino ALUMNI JUNIORS doing most of the kicking. and maintain his cool in the He made several great stops cago 5-3. Star games In late January. the world title last year, admits and George (McCann collecting 'Taking aidvantage o f 11 er- ’Thus despite the fact that clutch,__something he’s had emd turned lin a fine throw on the two will be missed, but said two apiece. Jcrs, the Dodgers needed only Marichal usually looks as if troubie ■with in thfe past. a doubleplay . . . LaGcuie’s hit­ the Packers still will have an Gustafson and Bimler; Hamp- siix hats to beat the Cards, 9-2, he’s about to punt the ball in As for his style, Juan doesn’t ting streak was stopped at nine effective blocking and running gon and Alberti, Oonvertino. at Gharter Oak Park. Tom the general direction of Giants’ plan any changes. games . . . MacArdle came up game with veterans Ben Wilson, CHURCH SOFTBALL Hapennygot the wi»n strSiking leftfielder. Jay AIou. "It seems to w o rk f he says, with a fine defensive move in Elijah Pitts and last year’s bo- Aibout as rare as hen’s teeth out 10 before giving way to As far as the denizens of “so why worry about it?” the second, (holding Senatore’s FREE Take an Jim Herdic*s nus twins, Donny Anderson and jg g. alow-pitoh Cutout. Bennie Doug Soruton in the fourth. Csmdlestick Park are concern------wrong field ihdt to a.pingle . . . Jim Grabowskl. Benevento came up with one Paul Pryor and Jim 'Wilson ed. Marichal’s leg action can Talk on the bench lias it that MICHELIN X TUBE Coach Joe Kuharich of the last night, pitching Army & each had two hits apiece for Kelleher Named Senatore throws as (hard as any CRAFT AND Philadelphia Eagles of the NFL Navy to a 3-0 conquest of Beal- losers while Bob Gorman step in the right direction. Last hurler in Zone Pour . . . Look said he assumed that he would test at Charter Oak Park. Bene- struck out 12 in relief o f start- year Juan posted a 25-6 record U C o iH l A s s is tB llt for a number o f pitchiers to see with every be without one of the Eagles’ vento helped liiB own cause with Ken ’Tomezuk. with a 2.23 earned run average. action tomorrow night against long-time backfield stars, Tim- a triple in the fourth. Dodgers 303 300—0 0 -1 ’The thing that delights San S’TORRS (AP) -William P. ’Torrington. Michelin Tire 20UFF HOBBY CENTER I Mancheater ( 2 ) my Brown. Marshall Itotter and Boh ^ards 000 000—0 6 11 Francisco fans is not only what Kelleher, track coach at East ab h po a e rbi ’’Until ’Timmy gets back here Moreau had two hits apiece for Hapenny, Scrutm and HoUk; Marichal does (which is quite Kind. 3b 3 0 0 1 0 0 Hartford High school since 1960, KawaJ, 2b 2 0 Our Regular liOw Prices af fhe Green and clarifies his position, we’re veterans while Steve Caspar Tomezuk, Gorman and Landry, , a lot;,^ in iteelf) but the way he Cobb, cf 0 0 going under the assumption hp-^tad a perfect three-for-three in does it. was named an assistant coach Bana-s. ss 3 1 * ’ 4 LaGacc, lb 0 0 won’t be with us,” Kuharich defeat. Wayne Reynolds had two ALUMNI LEAGUE “ People ask me why I pitch of track and field at the Unl- Ware, c 0 0 on. All New said. hits for the Dairylmen. Darknasa ended a mound duel the way I do,” says Marichal,'(.versity of Connecticut today_____ Gott. c 0 0 SUMMEB HOBBY BONANZA Unmoi- Wluke, rt 0 0 But Brown, who reportedly Benevento €ind Cuneo; Ar- betiweeti Green Manor’s li^ke who often appears to be totter- University President HornHomer jjacArdle. If 0 0 has been offered a television giiros and Brown, Kennedy and (Manor Oonstiw:- ing on the brink of falling flat D. Bdbbldge Jr. announced the Schaidt. p 2 0 H. O. TRAINS and motion picture contract, ertii*rR*i i tion’s John Goodrow after six on his back as he kicks his left naming of Kelleher as an as- Totals 26 2 6 ai 8 1 2 said ”I will report to training KEC SUFTBALL iniiings at Mt. Nabo____ ’Tuesday______foot high over his head during slstant to head coach Bob Ken- East Hartford (1) ROAD KING ab r h po a e rbl PASHENGER TRAIN SETS ...... 32.60 19.99 camp and play for the Eagles runs in the £ufth inning night with the scored tied at hls rocking chair delivery- “All nedy. ’The post has been vacant Kowalchlk. ss 4 0 0 0 0 this year,” when contacted cnahied Wym'an to withstand a 3-3. I caul say Is that that’s my since Kennedy moved up from Masiuk, 2b 4 0 0 0 0 OLD TIME TRAIN SET ...... 36.00 24.44 Ruggiero, 3b 3 1 1 0 0 ’Tuesday in Hawaii. He said if Telephone rally and record Mike Hayden and Rob Gati- style of pitching and' 'for me assistant coach in 1966—succeed­ AliUMcki, rf 3 0 2 0, 0 0 0 FREE DE1SEL TRAIN BET ...... 20.00 14.95 the television and movie plans * 'victa^ r t Mt. Nebo. dreau knocked in aU Manor’s it’s the only way. It might not ing Lloyd Duff. Bergren. lb 3 0 0 Gionfriddo, c 2 0 0 0 0 TIRES work out, the contract would not Telephone jiitcher Howie Ed- runs in the fourth. Kennedy cdl- work for somebody else, but for At East Hartford, Kellehe.r’s Hansen, cf 3 0 0 0 0 be effective until, next January. had iWmited the Oilmen lected' two singles. me it’s right.” track teams won 92 dual meets Harvey, If 3 0 1 0 0 40,000 miles Senatore, .p 3 0 2 ■ ■ - . ' ■ , z' . The Los Angeles Rams still ohly one hit through the Tom SulUvani paced Oanatruc- Juan watchers, a gfrowlng and lost 20. He also qoachied Totals 28 1 6 21 10 b 0 ALiGNMENT IN OUR INVENTORY expected quarterback Roman ^•’®t four frames, a second in- tion with a double and single. cross country since 1962, com- breed since Sandy Koufax hung Manchester ___.... OM 000 0—2 Gabriel to be on hand as they home run by Curt Far- .., ,— up his strikeout pitch, note that pUing a record of 47.23. East Hartford ...:. 100 000 0^1 guaranteed on opened camp today for rookies A 'blg”Six-run (fourth inning ' 8b — Senatore, Alubicki. Cobb; with every set of the mercurial Marichal must a 1955 UCoiin graduate, Kel- sac—Wittke; dp—^Masiuk. to Berg- and selected veterans. Gabriel’s . ^ and olutch relief woric (by Boh have a hard, time keeping sight leher was a sprinter on the Uni- ren; Senatore to Gionfriddo to return apparently hinges on dls- a homer. Conners gave the Elks a 7-6 Bergren; lob—Manchester 7, East of the plate eis he prepares to verslty track team. He earned Hartford 7; bb—Senatore 6: so .— 4 MICHELIN TIRES! ENGINES. missal of a $200,000 suit brought Pontlceiffi’s at ' ML let fly with one of the right or a masters degree from UConn Schardt 7. Senatore 7: hbp — MICHELIN X RADIAL I by him against the Rams and aipaece for the win- Schardt (Senatore); wp—Schardt; % 10 pitches (some hitters think in 1965. ------BIG BOY ...... 60.00 30.95 pb—Gionfriddo. PRESTONE O ^land Raideis of the AFU MacNamara led aU bat- Downham, Oonnors ^ he may have-as'V many as 12) ------^------^------CAB FORWARD .. 44.00 19.90 He contended the Raiders three hits while Hank ^^''^'’ontka came up with In his arsenal, but Marichal breached a contract he slpied gill Sheilds iLd w S ^ *<>“^ 11, driv- says it’s no problem. Yes • Guaranteed* for 40,000 miles of tread wear. HUDSON ...... SO.OO 18.88 ^Ith them last year and that the T^ephone. ^ \ "In golf,” he says, "they Autdmatic Transmission Trouble? Guaranteed* quality in workmanship and materials. CAR G .R U25C ...... 17-00 0.90 Rams interfered with his con- ^oske and Rutherfd^ and l^^rettl had a douiUe S tell you not to take your eye Guaranteed* against failure due to road hazards. tractual relations with Oakland. Oatzkiewiicz; Edwards and Me- ^ off the ball. If you watch films FAIRBANKS MORSE ...... 9.00 4.95 Z8A Z8A GABOR says - Prestige Phil Verieger, attorney for the Dowedl. Hassett also had a pair of RBIS' of a good golfer you see that That's what you get with MICHELIN "X" RADIAL Tires. WASH REMOTE SWITCHES ...'...... - 4.95 2.44 Rams, said he had been assured — while Tom Conran turned In he keeps his he^ down even Plus full grip . . . full traction In all weather. Op to 80% by Gabriel’s attorney, Edward TeJ^jhone turned the tables ^ome defensive gems. though his body is moving all SAVEMOKEYatAAMCO fewer punctures, extra long tread life and up to 10% Heavy Duty Auto Nats S’ FLEX TRACK ...... -.75 .47 Masry, that he would ask for in the second game, Jim (Me- x—7-5-8 around. It’s the same way irtth * 9f WOHMMMEn AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION savings on gas costs compared to standard conventionals. 0” STRAIGHT and CURVED ...... 26 , .13 dismissal of the suit. . Airdle’s seventh inning hit pro- PWiticelU’s 000 302 x—5-6-4 pitching. The leg goes up, the FREE I piece ------1,5------Rivers, Connors and Down- arm goes down,' but the head SPECIAUgTBi______Ask about MICHELIN "X" RADIALS for your car. (font 2.99 ham; Laureltt and Haesett. doesn’t move very much.” ALIGNMENT RECHECK SUMMER BA)SKEXBAU< COMPLETE iisKCTlOH SERWeE I pi«ce 1 Q Q ipieeel Q Q SLOT CAR SPECIALS Would-be batters have been With Jack Welch (16) and ‘Shaking their heads in dis­ Ntai „ar Irent M ICH ELIN X every 10,000 miles Rinses Driea cox 1/24 FORIMIILA CAR -KIT . . . , ...... 8.00 2.00 Len Yo^ (14) hi double figures, couragement ever since the the Bhellies dawned the Indian Heavy duty deluie rabbet auto mata in fast . . fo Streak* K&B 1/24 CAR KITS ...... 7.00 ' 1.08 Giants plucked Marichal’out of IncludMi RemovlM, OimuBUlag ■V. iiupectloe ledwwnmMt. with set of aaaorted colon to **■***»' tba i«**«4^ q{ io fl JIRS. 58-43 at Charter Oak Field. the Dominican Republic and ncuRiwwmiMMce any ear. REVELL 1/24 CAR KI’TS ...... 7.00 2.08 A height advantage made the ixilnted him in the direction o f R A D IA L D UFETIME nmUMUTEE difference. Boh Kiernan (14) greatness. He’s been winning Many other Slot Caro, H. O, Trains Mid H. O. M odel. Motor­ Free parts and lAor on W M l— . MIGHELIH TIRES! < ‘ and Bob- Hendic , 11) .were In '* games and making impressions custom rsbullt traosmlMloet asO Compact size costsdess than S 40 THE ORIGINAL RADIAL STEEL CORD TIRE U;-' ing Specials. • I torquo convtrtsra os loog at $wi OM double figures for the losers. on opponents (ask John Rose­ yoor o*m cir and ssrvlco I t ------SAtl; IHUIIS. tlirs SAT. A complete team etfort gave t t e about that) for seven sea- at a modsit seivleo chargo t ■ii-Guarantee given by MCHELIN TIR£ CORPORATION cavers repair, credit or refund. Credit or refund ; - th o 800 AAMCO ahopt coast 1____ An Aurora Home Race Set $40l00 value will be given the Indians a 54-37 win over * .eons in the 'majors and the best Ultra art no otbar lyarantiw based on consumer's original purchase price and proportion’ of mileage run. I MANCHESTER away on July SIst. Anyone making a purchase of $1.00 or the Hawks. Ray Kelly (0), Dick may be y«t come, accord­ this ana. m u t MMGO IM m A more will lie eligible to win this race set. ^ OaUb(8 ) and Bob (Stiotlf (7) pac­ ing to San Francisco manager Mort Milmagm — Mort Traction — Mora Sofnty ed the winning attack while the (Herman Prank^. FREE MOUNTING 1145 TOLLAND TPKE. Drop in to see the many bargains during this Summer ^ , V Mora Horsopowor with if 0. Vtmm STAFFORD SPEEDWAY Hawks’ Sweetwater GUfton was "Juan has lelght or more EXIT « , WILBUR CROSS NlGHW/Of Hobby Bonanza- pitches,” says Franks, “while %AMOO TBANSMIiSSlONS OF MANCHESTER THE FASFESI MIU (RACK IN THE EASl the only man In double figures 6S ToUmnd T urnpike B outo 8S Open every evening till 8:00 p.m. except Wednesday and with 1(2 points. The game was Sandy, as great as he w u, had MOST SIZES IN STOCK if)*' Phone 64S-S467 Saturday. close until the winners opened ■ only two—a fast ball and a Open 8 AJH. to 7 PJM. a gap in the last five minutes. curve. There’s no telling what RADIAL PLY TIRES Marichal could do during the BUDGET terms next.few years. -<'■ V

e , L

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1967 MANCHES'TER EVENING HERALD. AJANCHESTEE. CONN., 'THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1967 PAGE THIBTEBN; BUGGS ]BUNNT OUR BOARDING ROUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB Htra 9 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BT FAGALY and SHORTEN Holp in v tp w y horn\ / t h a t st u n t w l l co st you PK0E6TRIANS OUSHTA THE PWlCE OP A PWESH AW, UNC^E dAKE IS 30ST A BIS ^ 3 5 3 S J r .W hew IT COMES TD FOOD, THE ONE SURE TAKE TKEIR BANANA CWEA^A PlE^ S BA© OP ROT AIR/ HE TOLO /ME CLASSIFIED VACATION SPECIAL N o w BRACE TOUPSELF RDR SAD NEW S 1 HIQH SCHOOL g irt for houoe^ SALBSSPHRSON8 — ( fTIN\E CROSSIN' LOOK, LEANDBA -^U N C L^H E 'P ©IVE MB A OIWE TOOET THING THAT TURNS MIUSAPPON IS - wozk, several'days per week, lenced women's wearlny 3AKE HAS PONE ALL HIS// Hl/H A CI©AR/AN* YAH KNOW Antwr to Pfvloiw Punto (Blor a avaid ila lyVee V an ttan I P i NN e d d o w n TH AT SH IN ALLERGY ■ CaU 849-61j|8. ______parel, 8, 4, or 8 day waak. EXERCISE AN* UNCLE MWAT / THE O/ME WAS FOR Money Matters Beat n *07 mnd or Chevrolet RADISHES// OF VO U RS.M R. M IL L SA PP-'- iTiS Good setacy. AppRy JVrssdX 0 ^ AMOS HASN'T E V E ^ ^ U h b CISAR. NOT ME / 778 Main St. 6TARTEP /jir—— ADVERTISING r LOy/E’E M ! IC A N E A T R AO ISH C S.'*O U 'LL HAVE ACBOSS S/Urrowpolfon 649-6678 (R eRE'^ WHERE/WB 0 Speculum CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEH^. HOUBS A BUSH EL O F RADISH ES TD GIVE 'EM U Pr E VERY­ ^OET A NEW CHAMP/ IBidgtrUnedn 7 Et cetera (tb.) SAJLteSPJI. , EVER:/ D A /! IN FACT, TH IN G ELSE IS FIN E- PART-TIME 4 Tenuot« 8 Giver , AMOS 3A¥B m doUtr(U.S.) 9 EntliuiUtiUe TW O BUSHELS' BUT H O M O RE PART-TIME AMMW5 SMonejrowed ardor RAD ISH ES FOR OUNUM ISFemlntoe nwne loFeatdored COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Sto M ^ p a 10 statistical secntocy for «ITUr» IS Distinct part - • 5 PJK. DAT BBTOHE PUBUOAXiaN YOU! FIGURE ...... 14 Hodgepodge— iiniS^ings OARAOB for rm t, 65 Vl^nter new iabotatocy. WxirlhMtd, 15 Dry, ea wine 17 Epic poetry Deadline for Saturday and Monday la S pjn.;FHday. P typing and o th e r oOloa leDonescdelytor x9 Musical a t, MO. monthly. 247-4046, 1- eSt-7402. CLERK mBEMnea. mbereeUftg and EE' IB Bmtoe food fish ( irawanMtig poOMon. 20 Bodies ol water 24 Among 31 White 4SPftudoi»mo( _ PLEASE READ TOUR AD Port-tone days. Muat have AULT OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN 21 Poetic 25 Saturates 33 Vestige CbadetLamb OlaMilled or "Want Ada” are taken over tke phona aa a above average arithmetic contraction 26 Welcome' 38 Unruffled 44Jei Motoreyelt^— BibllUy end sk ill in oomp- COLONIAL BOARD CO. 22 Genus of swans 27 Make an 40 Banker's 48 Bn Ws ad Se nB8T r V E ALVUIM9 HELP 24 Continent agreement concern 47 Ireland MPOKT BBBOBS In time ft»r IlM Bteyelts 11 tometer or calcukubor. 616 Partaer SL, IMjanrhafttr IHERCW NO NEED 48 Dibbles neort laeertt^ The Herald la reanpaHUe for imly ONH taMr> FOR VIOLENCE IN 20autch . 28Ns^utlcalterm 41 Penetrate YAMAHA new dealership, E. S. LoAus 649-4S87 INIERNATIONAL 27 Diminutive of 29 Seas (Fr.) 42 Autumn 60 Cartograph feet or omitted Ineertlon for any iMverUeemeat and «*f» only Company offena exnettent RELATIONS/ Samuel extra* ot e 'teahe faiaertloB. Bnera wUdi do sales and service at Seymour v.f SOMMnstruck one 1 5“ i S“ r f 1“ IT rr not leaoen the valne the aidverl~erttaemeat wlU not be ooneeted Auto, 881 Main 8 t, Manchea- wages and working oondl- 32 stinging plant hy "make igood” hiaertioii. tiuna, oonvenlieat free 34 Disregard l3 14 ter. Open ‘Ihunday and Fitday wUlfully It evanbiga. parkiing, impllant oafoteria 35Wbirder IT IT and above average bene- Help Woeted— M d» 34 OjEANDEK to 3aJrheologicsl IB MOTORCYCLB3 1987 Triumph. UUtUBlB..iSm THE RESCUE » degreelab.) 9 M3-2711 875-3136 TIRB SERVIGB m an, 6M I 37 Disorder 1$ 880 oc, ipreen and white, M.* 39 Mimics LpJ (Bookvnie, Toll PYee) 178. 7^7104 after 4 p.m. hours per wick. MUat ba 40 Arachnid JT FIRST NATIONAL steady woijMk and mactled. 41 Small shield a 29 O/AHA GOTTSHALL Paid vaodlim and other bana- OUT OUR WAY BY J. B. WIUilANS 42 Criminal i t is ■ AUeNTOWN. I STORES 45 Caused a sore L i * ' 1086 HONDA M, white. 643-8098. ftta. Bxj^erianoa hdpful but not 49 Formation in s r Trouble Reaehing Our Advertiser? Park and Oakland Aves. easen^al. Apply in nemm, III THEM...... AMD. MOW line, as of troop (Elaisit Hariford Nlchok-Manobeoter TIra, Ibo., 51 ConstclUUon s r KkHeur Answering Senriee Painting— Papering 21 Schools and Classas 33 296 Brodd St. OOLIYM A, isemtyoordr ' 'I S E N T SOU FOR s o o p s o b h ; 52 Row 1988 HONDA 60, excellent con­ B uiM in9r~ 9 IW >T I . »f. U.t ><♦. OH. 53 Poker stake u THIS IS JIST AHAIRCLfTNOT La HAIRCUT. NOT TMISISTH* Free t o Herald Readers > dition. M80, Call 648-2048. Contracting 14 LATHE HANDS and gm w nl RIGHT A SHAVE/ VOU A TRIM/ S3UR 54 Overturn INSIDE-outside painting. Spe- W A Y ! LIKE 65 Marchioness, rated machinlsta, paid hoapUaUia- DAVY JONES BY LEFT and MeWILLIAMS F E R H O T ’ LOOK LIKE A HEAD STILL IT/YOU'P / Want Information on one of onr olaiwilfed adverttaementef OUtL’B 24" Columbia bicycle, QUALITY Carpentry—Rooms, cisil for people over 68. SUM M ER PLUCKED TURKEY/, LOOKS L IK E AM HAVE M Y ' for instance Call my competitors then caU HEAVY EQUIPMENT HAIRDRESSER full and part- tion, hoUdaya and vadatloB 56Fhiit 43 44 W No answer at the telephone Bated? Simply call the good condition, $28. 649-8781 af­ dormers, porches, basements, I H O P E ^ SEEMS KINDA CRAZY FOR LIKE THE MAN ONCE SAID. W EATHER OH.THATSTHE OVERSIZE MOP/ HEAPLOOKIM' 67 Abstract being me. Estimates given. 640-7863, tim e, C arriage House Beauty plan. Apply Metronlos, foe., YOUR ORDERS ARE y o o M AK E THE CHIEF TO GO To SUCH M A RCO .. OURS NOT TO REASON A N ALL... LASTTIMEILET OH.lSHOUiPM'TU^NT LIKE A KNOB Si ter 6 p.m. reflnlshed, cabinets, buUt-lns, OPERA'TORS NEEDED 640 HUUard St. TO RETURN HOME AND OUR SCENE EXTREMES GOST To CHECK WHY, OURS BUT.To DO.. ER, YOU GOTDTHE HAVE L E T you ON A DOWN 4$ formica, aluminum, vinyl, 878-8401. Salon 643-2401. ° ) AWAIT INSTRUCTIONS R E A L SOON, US OUT, EH, OAyV ? AS WE'RE TOLD • BARBER ALONE/, SO ALONE/ FLASPDLEl 1 Not as much Si Si EDWARDS BICYCLES—boy’s, 2 years old steel, ceramo siding. William SERVICE WRITER and oal6»- LAURIE ■> 2 Level.' St .4Uid convertible 8 years,-both Earn whiUe you leam. Siam 3 Respites from s/ Robbins Carpentry Service. Floor Finishing 24 man In service deportment work $6 N ANSWERINO SERVICE for |8 br beat offer. 648-6868. 649-8446. to 8300 weekly os a pro- TRAIN Contact Tony, Paul Dodge Fmi- 4 Cash (slang) .J l p/lO R SANDING and reitnlsh- fesstonal HEAVY EQUIP­ F O R T H E tiac, 878 Main St. NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. Bustnoss Sorvicas ADDITIONS, remodeling, gar­ ing (specializing In older MENT OPERATOR. For MMisoo ns-ists ages, rec rooms, bathrooms the first time in the USA, ELECTRICIANi full-tfoM, R- Offtrad 13 floors), cleaning, waxing Allstate Traiinlng Center “RNAST” >nd leave your meaaage. You'll hoar from onr advertiser tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ floors. Painting. Paperhanging. steady employment inouranea Ha Jly time without ependlny aU evenlny at the tdephone. LAVCIE BROTHERS—general ment work, cellar floors, pat- No Job too smaU. John Ver- offers qualified men 21 and LEARN TO USE benefits, paid hoUdaya and va­ 86. weeMy races AU concrete repalre AMESTTE - QuaUty workman- SECOND MOR' OE - On. ment screening. To (begin, inig blind box ads who Reasonably priced. 643-0851 ship on driveways, parking limited funds liable (or sec­ CLERK-TYPIST — exceUent op- you receive: BOURNE BUICK desire to protect their '62-iFocd oanvertfUe, automottc, ond mortgages, payments to potrunity for a position with an LEAVE LEAVE power steering 87. wericly ATTICS, CELLARS and yards areas, commercial and resi­ outstanding automobUe insur­ • PAY DURING TRAIN­ 649-4671 Identl^ can follow this cleaned, trash hauled to the dential Free estim ates, no ob­ suit your^^udget. Expedient WITH A WITH A PO 'rOU THINK. WEfeE JUST O F C O U R S E n o t : procedure: service,/j. D. Realty, 648-6129. ance company. Must have sev­ ING SMILE ta S/\AILE fVDPUClNS CHEAP IMITATIONS '61 Oomiet, 2 doov, d ean dump. Reasonable. CaU 643- ligations. CaU Eastern Paving eral years office work exper­ Bnoloee your reply to the 86 . weekly 5819 or 1-684-4624. Co., 828-8987. 'GAGE LOANS—Prim ary ience and a good telephone per- • raE OPPOR'TUNITY WE HAVE openings on our sec­ i„.L - OF AMEKiCAN PKOPUCTB. box in an envelope — 'TO LEARN A VALU­ addressed to the Clasai- '62 Rambler, 2-door, automatic YOU ARB A-1, truck Is A-1. AME3ITE — Driveways, park- secondary financing, all sonaUty. Starting salary. $07 ond and third eiuhs. Shift proi fled Manager, Manchester 85. weekly Cellars, attica, yards and small ing areas, commercial and re^ types of real estate. Quick, con­ per week plus above average ABLE SKILL mium paid. Apply In pereni. Evening Herald, together trucking done A-1 right. CaU Idential. Free estimates. fidential. Belflore Agency, 648- employe benefits. Call Mr. And When You BuncesafuUy Klook Co., 1273 Tolland T ^ ., wttk a memo Hating the '62 Chevrolet convertible, Tremanb Trucking Service toU National Paving Co., 64^ 6121. Soxby, 622-2379. CSomplete th e Course .... Maneheeter. BUZZ SAWYER oompanles you do NCT standard sbifo 87. weakly free. 742-9487. - . ■ HOUSEKEEPER tsJee fiS BY ROY CRANE want to see your letter. A PERMANENT-PULL- PLUMBERS AND halpen, aU Your letter wiU be de­ '62 IFord Hiundecblrd ATTICS, cellars cleaned, rub- Roofing c^o Business O pportunity 28 charge S chUdren, must have beneftte, year ’round wodk, top- THIS MAM/.~1 NEVER SAW HIM BEFORE I FIAMC^,\ ANOITELLYttUTHAT stroyed if the advertieer 814- weekly blah removed from backyard Chimndf^ 16>A ______* references, own transportation. 'OME CHALLENGING pay, remodeilag and repair. MY UFE>. PLEASE,KARL,TAKE Al£ home. MV NECK/ Y0lrt?E AWP.' WHARS is one you’ve meutioned. and lawns maintained. Reason- AUTO AGENCY, excellent loci- Write Box S. Herald. POSITION Gibbs PlumMnt «nd HsaUnt, SHE'S AN / TOUR GAME ANmy.** 478 Center SL, Manchester tion good financing, ’’’or an ap­ If not it will be handled atde, 649-1868. ROOFma—REPAIR of CAUL Ua at 289-1671 RookvUle, 8784880. WIFE, / MOW SET OUT AMP In the usual nuumer. 647-9997 The best In gutters and con­ pointment call Paul J. Corrrn- HAIRDRESSER — to cut and CHRISTY.y STOP ANNCryiN© HER tl Real Estate. 843-6363, 643- style wigs and hairpieces. 643- Or Come mto CUSTODIAN-part-ttma. OR I SHALL CALL .I96S CHEVROLEIT convertUUe, TREE EXPERT — Trees out, ductors. Repair of chimneys NOTHING AROUNO buttdlnil^ lobiicleafod, trees top­ too Call OouglU’ n. 648-7707 2125. 2461. in person. BoUdiW l© ras, i THE FyiLICE HERE IS CHEAP/ Lost and Found 1 V-8, automatic transmlaalon, ped. Ck>t a tree problem? Well —-.Z ------!------FIRST NA-nONAL oer St, Maneheeter. t ______power steering, power brakes, worth phone caU, 742-8282. ROOFma - Specializing re- PACKAGE STORE for sale. For '®®®^ HOME and some salary STORES IroUND -light gray part an- reasonable. CaU 647-9847 after ------, ' pairing rooiB of a ll kinds, non information caU Phllbrick to woman to Uve In and be P erk end O akland A,veB. SMALL GROWING company f 6. Agency, Realtors, 640-5847. companion to elderly lady loaded with work. Opettbiga ' gora eat with green eyes. Call LAWN MOWERS sharpened roofs: guttei work, chimneys alone, not bedridden, Park St. (East Hertford 1648A418. repaired. Picked iq> aniy-Ae- cleaned and repaired, 30 years’ for lathe, tracer lathe, tonet i\ near Main. Write Box B, Man­ iRtervtewB 8:80-3 PM:. lathe. Universal Machlna Oo., 1961 BUICK Special, Standard Uvered. Engines tuned igt: Call experience. Free estimates. 7 -rt LOST — Savings Passbook No. 649-7808. CaU Howley 643-6361, 644- Schools and CkKsos 33 chester Herald. Evening InterviewB 41 Chapel St., Manchester. Oea- 8108 Hartford National Bank shift, caU after 6:80, 843-1226. IZ______8333 By Appolntinent tact Mr, Pacheco. > no ij'NiA, Ik. m iH-'ua. rat, o#. SALES AND Service on Ariens, '______^______ACCOUimNO Clerks —high .an d Trust Co. F irst Manchea- 1968 FORD convertible, auto­ school graduate, salary based 7-/J I “We felt right at home In every country we vleited . . . 'ter Cfflce. Application made matic, power steering, power S HvotlngandPluniMnv 17 on experience, fringe benefits, O'lJiAL ; for payment. brakes, clean aa a whistle, A Tractor <^G> in every one we ran into a oemonetration or twol” taw s exceUent working conditions, vdiite with red Interior. CaU IntemhUonal Cub COMPLETE PLUM Bm a and 87^ hours, Manchester office, MICKY FINN BY LANK LEONARD Tommy Baker, 647-9907. Cadet Ti^u^ra. Rental equip- heating installation, repairs Anneuncanwnls 2 m attyvai sharpening service and remodeling. Service calls Trailer School caU C .R .J. 640-6861. , r / m j/ you MEAN RK5HT NOW, I Y THArS 1908 COMET 2-door sedw. Dark oaydll makes. L A M Equip- given immediate attention. HAIRDRESSER for facials, STENOGRAPHERS BUT VOU SAID I COULD ;/ /tyHY VM THE WILLETS BY WALT WETTERBERG 'j j LBCTRCLUX vacuum clean- blue with blue interior. Low Corp., Route 88, V e ^ n . CaU M A M Plumbing A Heat- In Hartford waxing and makeup. Carriage, THE DAY OFF—TO SH 'CALUN6 YOU era, Bales and service, bonded mileage. Must aeU due to 1U-; ^876-7000 Manchester Exchange inig. 649-2871. House Beauty Salon,- 643-2461- — THOSE IT WA6 REAL NICE OF representative. Alfred Amell, ness. Priced reasonable. —Enteiprisa 1946, CLERK TYPISTS EX-/MVESI •n^ERTAINL't'/ 110 Bryan Dr., Manchester. We train full or part-time THEODORE TO LET U© 7141. M illin a r y , students in the Hartford CLERICAL — General office PLAY IN HI© PRIVATE TOE WORLD ITH 6M-8141 or 618-4918. LAWN MOWER and tractor re­ area on many makes and work, fuU-time, knowledge of OCEAN, WA©N T IT ? ^ eETTIN6 THAAAU.ER I960 PONTIAC Vent ir pairs. Pick-up and delivered. Drassmaking 19 calcvtotor helpful. Gaer Bros., TOR EXPC ’67 reservations: luurdtop, V-8 automi c, power Ken and Bob, 742-7200 or 628- models of equipment No AWDT/UMALUER, ' Oan Montreal, Canada, Maile- EXPERT'iterations on all high school Aploma neces­ 146 Rye at., South Windsor. HOW DEEP ' /TO/Vr IT F BteerhU>> power ea, $860, 8847. EARN HIGH WAGES AT vUle Motel, 1-514-889-4662. Meu- 649-9164. clothes, zipper repairs, etc. sary. Local and long dis­ LEGAL secretary — part-tim e, 1©IT? nler Motel, 1-814-846-4401. Mon- RUSS’ Mower Service — lawn Reasonable prices. 643-0741. tance Jobs waiting. Guaran- 16-8, sm all pleasant office in nolr MOteL 1-014-880-7190. MUSTANG ^ n v ertlb le—1988, 6 mowers sharpened and repair­ ,«ed placement assistance Manchester, salary open, 648- cyUnder,ylfo h.p., $1,696. Call ed, engine tune-up, free pick­ M ovin^T rucking^ upon graduation, Train now 4163. up and deUvery in Manchester. —Pay when wpridng. Let Punonedt 3 Storaga 20 AmericanTractor TraUer P R A H & t ___ . ______. . - 196^/wHITB Plymouth, 4-door, . ______teach you this high paying JUDE WANTED to P ratt Ac itom atlc, 6 cylinder, good BACK HOB huUdoser work, MANCHESTER Delivery. Light profession that pays $260. > Whitney, third shift, from vl- running condition, $898. Call grading, and septic tanks, dry tracking and package deUvery. per week. School licensed COUNTER MAN W H IT N E Y ' olnlty Ashworth and Qlenwc 876-9448 after 8 p.m. wells, land olsaring, dhaln saw Refrigerators, washers and by the State of CMmecticuf. MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY ' 643-2628. work. Paul Schendel, 649-0M8. stove moving speciality. Fold­ Department of Motor Vehl Fart-tfme, AU day, Satur­ ©IWWNIA,I...TMuar*ow: 1962 —0 passenger Ford sta­ ing chairs for rent. 640-0752. cle. day and Frld^ Night AIRCRAFT r ’ MADAM J U ^ tion wagon, 8 cylinder, adiite, Apply In pereon at I'AA AFRAID SO, HAAAAM-FORTHIS THERE~NOW very clean. 1-228-9076. HooRtthoki SorvicaR Painting— Papering 21 AAR. ABERNATHY. JO B IT LOOKS I CAN SEE M._. WE TRAIN IN WILLAAY > MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLI • Chomober reader aod ad- OllMwd 13-A HARTFORD, CONN. MEATOWN TOOtH LIKE I'LL HAVE WHAT I'AA ' vtMT, wiU help you in aU 1989 CHEVROLET, 9 pasoen- JOSEPH P. I.«wl8 custom There are a number of exceUent openings tor HAVE TO USE BA©. DOING! ger station wagon, 8 cylinder, SPRING OLBANINa proUems? MlSKi SUver Lane IF •m eR E 'e > pvoMemo. Open a ll day, painting, Interior and exterior DONT DELAY stenographers and derk tjrpists. For ctmsiden- ID COME a E A T 'iT ; ; even'$ng:8 and Sundays, bydromatic, radio, heater, Call fluturbaa Cleaning Serv­ paperhanging, wallpaper re — ACT NOW — East Hartford, Coon. OUT, A N Y T H IN 0 good running condition, no ice At 64A9M today for tree moved. Wallpaper books, on re­ tion, applicants should have at least a hi|^ r C A N T « T A N O . 1 see 4418, 2878 Seclin DOC.P 5 7 I 3 P / 0 / / : Tk>ke., Newington^ body rust, $200. 646-0088. astlmata. Budget terms avaU quest. Fully Insured. Free es­ Phr and MlciObue wtth IN PHOTOGRAPHY 649-8886 after 6. 1966 engine. Laaylng for Eu­ To work in new photo engraving plant. Many fringe benefits includiUg pleasant peoide A I R C R i ^ 11060 RAMBLER American, rope, forced to aett ad knr LITTLB SPORTS pt4c& 8T6-U60. 37'/2-H0UR WfEK • PAID VACATIQN to work with. An excellent oppoiiunity for the right M J B m m L • etandard 6, radio, heater, good ______person. _ ^ Division of Uniteded Aircraft Corp. ' tram ^ortatloB, caU 649-S2T7. hhuliTB TENT trallar, PAID RETIREMENT PLAN 6, a ll aluminum txM^, near p er­ I- fect condition, whad, Apidy in person at the J960 CHEVROLET, good ran- J APPLY An Equal Oppmrtnntty Kmplsyic * nlng Boadltlon, $16. 6464161. qMwe tire 'a n d wbadl and re­ X- tractable doily wheSla. 644-1861. iianrI;FHtFr lEuTnlnr) l|FraUi' Start YOUR Futnra Todfy At PAWA i m OHBVRCKMT. 44oor Bdl Shmriirstrr Eoratni) 4|rraU> 'A ir wagon, radio,,power etoer- BISSELL ST. BIANCHESTER, CONN. :V tC-? V4 autamettc, $i.i46. 748- Herold Ads \ I - t 1 ■A'.,, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN;, THURSDAY, JULY iS, 1967 PAGE FIFTEEN

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1967 PAGE FOURTEEN Hornet For Sole 72 Heusdt For Sale 72 Heotet For Side 72 Houses For Sate 72 Suburban For Solo 75 Suburban For Sale 75 Suburban For Sole 75 SubuiiMn For Sde 75 ksTATE -14 PDomiTi FIVE ROOM Cap«, funiiuse Dogs— Birds— Pels 41 ‘ Household Goods 51 Apartments Hot^^ Business Locations Wontud To Rant 68 Houcf For Salt 72 7 MANCHESTESt — $16,600. 6 MANCHES’TER — 7 room Rais- ANDOVER —overlooking lake, COVENTRY LAKE — nice 4 VERNON: 7 room Split Level ANDOVBIA—WE offer this un- baths, 2 -oar garage, approx years (dd, oil hot water, new room Colonial, completely re­ ed Ranch, modem kitchen, 4 room home, exceUent condi- room year ’round home. A real In junior executive neighbor­ usual property oh Route 6 in SIX ROOM Split level, i ^ - imately 8 acres of land. By ap BEAUTIFUL setter, female, 7 CLEAN USED refrigerators. ______Tenements ______63 For Rent 64 WANTED — furnished twtn- guttera and down epota, ex­ decorated, central air-condi­ sliding glass doors to paUo Uon, treed lot,- arteslim well. good buy at $5,500. Call Mit­ hood. 1% bkths, fireplace, wall Andover for your Inspection. .washer, stove, 2-sone heat, widl • pointment. I>hllbr!ck Agency. months, ^ papers, inoculated, ranges bedroem^r two singles for old­ tremely flne neighboihood and tioning, near bus, " Hutchins and sundeck, aluminum sid­ Call now, only $10,500. Hayes ten Agency, Realtors, 643-6930. to wall carpeting, built-ins and Combine home and business automatic washers LO^KmO FOR anything in real STORE FOR RE:n t T Main St., to wall, beautiful finished fam­ .JKsaltors, S46-8847. CLASSIFIED excellent shooting' dog pros­ with guarantees. See them at er couple for -4 or, 6 months. heavily treed lot, $14,800. Wol­ Agency, Realtors, 64p-S824. ing, PhUbrick Agency, Real­ Agency, 646^131. garage.. $21,500.*' Barrows A and live happily In this coun­ c tate rentals — apartments, Manchester in State Theatre Call 643-7840 ily room with bar, 100x200 verton Agency, Realtors, MLS. v S lN O N Wallace Co., 649-5306. try atmosphere. Consists of a pect. CaU 649-2907. B. D. Pearl’s Api^lanres, 649- homes, multiple, dwellings, no building, reasonable rent. For 1^(ANCHE8TBR —just off Bast tors, 649-6847. treed and fenced in yard, xuiw’ 640-2818. BRAND NEW 4-bedroom Co­ VERNON —Gardner built 6% $14,900. 5% room ranch home vrith 1% Main St. Call 643-2171. fees. Call J D. Real Estate. Information please call theatre .dentsr St. Older 9 room Colon- WANTED — good homes for 3 ly painted. This is a truly olaata lonial, huge Mtchen, built-ins, MANCHiliSTER — .E x e cu tiv e room .Ranch, aU plaster, large F iv e, room Cape. Double ■VERNON—3 bedroom Ranch, 643-6129. manager at 643-7862. baths plus a country store op­ ADVERTISING kittens. Call 649-6480 after SEWING MACHINE -Singer Busiiwu Proparty and well kept home. Wblvertan tap condition. Now fur- HENRY ST.-Colonial 7 rooms. oven, range and diahwasher, neightortiood, spacious Garri­ wooded lot, 2-car garage, ther­ giarage, 1% baths. Large buUt-ins, close to church, eration. Two acres of land.' • •noces, siding, etc. Six bedroom 6:30 anyUme weekends, v*^automaUc zig-sag in cabinet, lyis HAVE customers waitlig WAREHOUSE lor rent, approx- For Sola 70 Agency, Realtors, MLS, 019- 1%. baths, extra large living formal dining room, 2 fire­ son ColiMilal, center entrance, mopane windows, 6 minutes to shade trees. schools and shopping center, For full details c ^ Nick Oon- possibility. Must be gold. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS button holes, embroliiers. hem-i for the rental of your apart­ imately 800 square feet, near 2813, and dining rcR>m, sun room, S places, ifamdOy room, 2-car flrepletces, porches, garages, Parkway, $17,760. Meyer Agen­ Situated on approximately 2. vertino, Jarvis M alty Oo., MANCHESTER — Restauranti Hayes Agency, 646-0131. etc. Like new condition. Orig­ ment or home. J. D. Real Es­ IMjaln a t OeU 643-9678. bedrooms, garage, $25,500. garage, 2-zcme beat, exxielient beautiful treed eetttng in the cy, 643-0600. PASEK acres of land with bam suit­ Realtors, Insurors, 643-1121. 8 AM. to 5 PAI. AKC BEA6l e , 3 months old, wgU established with good in­ inally over $300, balance now, tate. 643-6129. PhUbrick Agency, Realtors, neighborhood, $81,900. Wolver­ 80’s. PhUbrick Agency, 649- REAL/rORS 289-7475 able for horse or ponies. No male, $60. Call 649-7608. $58. Take over payments of 470 MAIN ST.—3 room ground come. By appointment, Mr. GLENDALE RD. 640-6847. ton Agency, Realtors, MLS, 6847. COVENTRY —newer 6 room ______agents. Cali 875-6867, for ap­ EAST HARTFORD—Immediate COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. home, exceUent condition, fire- VERNON — QUIET friendy GOOD HOME for Saint Ber- $10. monthly. 522-0476. 4V4 ROOMS, $13Q. 3% rooms, floor office, plenty of parking. Amedy. PhUbrick Agency, 640-2813. pointment. occupancy on 6 room, 1% tigth S PJW. DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION $120. Garden Apartments, Cam 643-2426, 9-6. Realtors, 649-5847. SIX ROOM Ranch, formal din­ place, garage, privacy, 3 acres, neighborhood, new custom Split Level. Beautifully land­ nard dog, male, 2 years old, ESTATE SALE — living room Now under constructioa — INVITATION parking, 16 Forest St. off Main ing room, living room with MANCHESTER — 4% room Lota For Sol* 73 pond. Call now. Only $16,500. built Raised Ranch, built-in BOLTON—8 n » m house with scaped, low taxes, priced low Deadline for Saturday and Monday Is 5 p.m. Friday. trained. $160. 643-7440. Ranches, Raised Ranches, furniture, artificial fireplace; St. No pets. 646-0000,643-6675. S’ JITE of offices presently BOLTON — six famUy apart­ 1 0 8 1 0 fireplace, 3 oversized bed­ Cape, small yard, near school, ------Hayes Agency, 646-0131. stove and oven, ceramic tile four acres of land and a barn, 20’s. Donald Smith Agency, suited for professional nurpose Colonials. Choose your BOLTON—NEAR center, beau- ______Winter piano; bedroom furni­ ment unit. ExceUent condition rooms, famUy size kitchen, shopping, centraUy located. bxth, landscaped wooded lot, Selling for $22,500. Now vacant. 528-4231. ture; round oak pedestal ta- ONE BEDROOM modem apart- is now available in the Stat^ throughout. All three room model. BuUdlngto) and/or tlful one acre ■wooded lot, 'VERNON—4-bedroom Oolonisil, YOUR COOPERATION WILL niA l 1 * Stmctare(s) to be Removed buUt-ins, enclosed sunporch, Asking $9,000. CaU Earl Elver- $22,000. Dlmock Realty, 649- ExceUent terms. T.J. Crockett Live Stock \42 ,ble and chairs; dressers; hos­ ment, available July 1st, $120. Theater B.iilding Can be sub units, aU rented. Close to four 1% baths, 2-car garage, $26,- ett, M-5120, 640-8638. J.D. choice location/ selling ■ for 3 baths, fireplace, garage, eX- 9823, 6:d-S245. Realtor, 643-1577. BOLTON—7 room Colonial, 2% BE APPRECIATED I I Sealed bide for the removal EIGHT YEAR old palomino pital bed; yard goods; man’s per month, including heat. Call divided if necessary. For tn- acres of land. Choice locaUon IXrections; FoUow Keeney,^ 500. Wolverton Agency, Real­ Real Estate Co. $4,500. For further informa- cellent location, low 20’s. CaU baths, 2 fireplaces, aluminum car poat, size 46; new lady’s formalicm Theati:: mana­ with luillmlted possibUitles. T. S t, turn right on Bush HW of the following bullding(s) tlon caU R.F. Dimock Co., now, won’t last long. Hayes BOL/TON—4 bedroom raised BOLTON LAKE — 4 room gelding, has been in shows. Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- ai«tl/or ntructure(B) aa more tors, MLS, 640-2813. siding, electric heat, paneled Continued From Preceding Page coat 20^-22%; man’s suits, ger 643-7M2. J. Crockett, Realtor, 648-1677. Rd. Glendale Rd., _ MANCHES’TER — 6 room Cape 649-5245. Agency, 646-0131. Ranch, fireplace, 1% baths. Ranch, oil heat, lakefront priv- Cali 876-1016, 68 Ellington Ave., 4536. fuUy described in Form No. n e w family room, one acre lot. Ear- . size 44. 649-6061. street on right. GARRISON Colonial, 3 plus sunporch, large rooms, ------Must sell. H. M. Frechette lieges, $10,900. Goodchlld-Bart- ly occupancy, low 30’s. Ap­ Rockville. THREE ROOM heated apart- 35 MADl sc|uare feet, TERRIFIC Investment Poten­ CON 119B wiU be recel^^ by treed lot, $18,900. PhUbrick VERNON — 12 scattered lots VERNON 6 room Cape, nice the State Highway Commis­ huge bedrooms, loads of closet IRealty, 647-^9993. lett. Realtors, 289-0939, 289- pointment, owner. 649-4364. ment with electric stove and first floorj adjacent to north, tial-one acre commercial site, space, formal dining room, 24’ Agency, Realtprs, 649-5347. with roads, some vrlth water location, one half acre lot, 4 9161. Hrip W a n fd -M ^ Hdp W...l.d-M cl. U a E . sioner, at 59 Newfteld Avenue, and sewer. Purchase sdl or bedrooms, kitchen and living ENJOY COUNTRY living at its refrigerator furnished. CaU end redevelopment, suitable on comer, opposite stop sign, WESLEY R. SMITH Hartford, Connecticut, until ll'ving room with fireplace, ELLINGTON — Orystal Lake, e x c e l l e n t 6 room Colon­ some, $2,500, $3,000, $4,000, $4,- room, city water and gas, prlc- best In this 5-ro6m Ranch, pan- t OLLAND -3-bedroom Ranch, OIL BURNER service man, no DESIGNER — experienced in ing and colts. ’Trained to ride ment, good working condition, 643-5118 between 8130-4:30 p.m. for beauty parlor, barber shop from exit ramp of new limited 11:00 a-m., July 20, 1067, then famUy size kitchen with all a little paint plus a few minor CONSTRUCTION CO. “ ial breezeway and garage, sun­ 500 and $5,000 each depending ed to sell at $17,900. R.J. Flagg eled kitchen and dining, one night work, year ’round em­ machine and product deslgm- and drive. Call 875-7643 Elling­ $50. 643-4201. or office. Available July 1. abcess highway (Rt. 2) 15 min­ at said oftlce or at eurit place buUt-ins, heated famUy room, on % acre lot, built 1963, fire­ repairs will make this 5 room NEW DUPLEX for rent, 6 porch, hot water oil heat, plas­ on size. Terms. Carriage Real-i^ Co., 875-0774. acre of land. Hurry at $13,900. ployment. Apply M.L. Gibbs Call for appointment, 876-3317. ton Center. CaU 649-2866. utes from Hartford, $10,000. 643-1567 at that time designated, pub­ attached garage, $28,500. Wol­ place, city water, near Park­ cottage an all year round G.E. WASHING machine, excel­ rooms, large picture window, CaU owner, 649-0822. licly opened and read aloud. tered wall, 1% baths, walk-out ty, 872-3308, 643-7782. Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- way, $17,600. Meyer Agency, Bumero Service, Inc., 875-0963. Contromatics Corp., 200 West verton Agency, Realtors, MLS, BOL*rON LAKE—100’ of water­ home. Only $8,000. R.J. Flagg lent condition inside and out, plenty of closet' space, birch WAREHOUSE AND storage Bids must be submitted on 640-2813. basement, lot approximately 4535. 643-0609. Main St., Rock-ville. ONE LEVEL wooded acre, 200’ front, modem 5 room y e a r ______— Co. 875-0774. WINDOW CLEANERS needed, fully automatic and in excel­ cabinet kitchen, stove, ceramic building, 4,800 square feet, Pfdiosal Form No. CON 114G 100x200 weU landscaped, good Articles For Sole 45 TWO-FAMILY close to on paved road. ExceUent well. 'round Ranch home, sun, shade VERNON—4 bedroom 7 room must be experienced, top wag­ lent running condition. CaU 875- tile bath, Venetian blinds, large yard, for outside storage in Bid Envetopes provided by MANCHES’TER — Immaculate location. Quick - occupancy. 4635. and parking. Ground level and Land For Safe Chester High School, one epat^ flA State Highway Department, custom buUt 6 room fireplaced SmaU brook, $3,500. Also 2 and privacy,. exceUent area. Colonial, $26,900. • Carriage es, paid holidays, vacation, DARK RICH, stone free loam. storm windows, hot water heat, ment has 3 rooms, one'5 rootni^ Priced at only $26,800. Charles NORTH COVENTRY Wanted— Real Estate 77 $16. Gravel, fill, stone, sand, lovely yard. $140. monthly. 649- truck level loading. CaU 522- whkih may be secured at 59 Ranch, 1% baths, garage, Lesperance, 049-7620. wooded acres, 300* frontage, Only $18,900. Hayes Agency, Realty, 872-3308, 643-7782. hospitalization, plenty of over­ CONCRETE NORGE refrigerator, full freez­ INDUSTRIAL LAND BY foot or one heating system, 2-car ga/- Newgeld Aveque, Hartford, $2,450. Terms. Owner, 742-8090. time work. Apply Rudder Win­ patio and pbol sand and ma­ 7885. 3114. acreage, raUroad siding, on walking distance to Main St. 646-01^______^ r NON—5% room Ranch in RANOH—3 bedrooms, 2-car go- er, $35. Gray wicker stroller, ______rage, g ood . lot. ExceUent iiE Connecticut. ’The telephone 5% roam Ranxih, buM 1958, dow Cleaning Co., 157 Charter LABORERS nure. 843-9504. ' Parker St., Manchester. CaU vestment. J. Crockett, Realy number Is 249-5211, extension and aU conveniences, St. MANCHES’TESt MANSFIELD — Approved lots SOUTH WINDOR — 6 room exceUent non-develop ment iragc. Prefer estabUshed neigh- padded, excellent condition. THREE ROOM apartment, un- 1.000-8,000 SQUARE feet, prime James Parish. Leonard Agen­ located 60 acres of (high Oak Ave., Hartford, second 649-3391, 643-1990. Ask for Dan- tor, 643-1677. 322, 282 or 283. CAPE COD with roads, $3,500 and up each. Spilt level exceUent location, neighborhood, one mile from •borhood. OalH 643-9477 otter 5. SOUP’S ON, the rug that Is, so $20. Playpen, $8. 649-4403. furnished, no pete or children, industrial space, new building cy, Realtors, 646-0469. dry land, 4-room cottage floor. in Vernon suitable for manu­ ny- : ______A CERTIFIED CHECK, Also one apartment site for 92 •near schools, shopping, garage, Parkway, exceptional condi­ clean the spot with Blue Lus­ 643-2068 before 7:30 p.m. and ctiicken coop aJso on HOUSES WANTED—In every NO EXPERIENCE RUMMAGE find garage sale, facturing or warehouse. 872- MANCHESTER — 3% acres Of BANK CASHIER’S CHECK, ^ Loaded with C olonial units and two commercial nice lot, swimming pool. Hayes tion inside and out. Garage, JOURNEYMAN electrician, im­ tre. Rent electric shampooer, b a n k T R E A S U R E R ’ S ^ N C H — 5 ROOMS, 3 bed- property. A irett buy at part of town, all price ranges. toys, clothing, furniture. Call FOUR ROOMS and bath, sec- 0528 days, 875-5745'evendngs. land surround this nice 8 bed! charm, 4 good sized bed­ sites., Carriage Realty, 872- Agency, 646-0131. built-in kitchen, fireplaces up­ $1. picott Variety Store. G91BCK, DRA'WN u p o n a rooms, one car garage, large $ 22,800. mediate steady employment. NECESSARY 649-5016 9-6 15 Mill St. ond floor, no yard for children. Houses For Sale 72 room Ranch for the enjoyment rooms, 2 fuU baths, 18x24’ 3308, 643-7782. stairs and in partially finished Buyers with cash waiting. Call Wilson Electrical Co., 649-4817. of privacy, gardening or that STATE BANK & ’TRUST lot, $16,900. PhUjirick Agency, living room with wall to COVENTRY l a k e ”— 6^TOm now Paul J. Oorrenti, Real Es. CB ”CX)NTACT23", 23 Channel one car parking. CaU 649-7882 THREE-CAR garage building, ’THREE BEDROOM Colonial, basement. $17,900. buys very new pony for the kids. Cal^ COMPANY or a NA’TIONAL Realtors, 049^5347. wall carpeting end fire­ LAKE HUNGGEE—large wood- executive custom built Colonial tate, 643-.5363, 643-2125. transiever with antenna, $100. after 6 p.m. 22x35, approximately 2,100 2% ceramic baths, closet space BANK localted in the STA’TE livable home. Please call own­ CALL 643-1984 FORAUCA kitchen table and ______!__!______square feet. Will renovate. now, $20,500. Paul W. Dougan place, screened porch over- ed lot, dug well, desirable lo­ on waterfront, 2-car- detached WARREN E. HOWLAND Also Halllcrafters Sx99, all galore, huge kitchen, buUt-lns, OF CONNECTICUT, or a U.S. MANCHES’TER vicinity—clean­ er for appointment, 875-8946. FITZGERALD FORD chairs, yellow. 649-6666. FIRST FLOOR modern 4 room 649-1919 after 6 p.m. Jr., Realtor, 649-4535. 'looldng wooded lot, many, caUon. Call 649-8825. heated garage and additional SELLING YOUR home? For 3 3 band leceivar, $40. 875-0286 utUity ■ room, formal dining POST OFFICE MONEY ORD­ er than new, 6% room Ranch, R e a lto r 643-1108 BETWEEN 7 -9 P.M. apartment, heat, hot water, many features offered at 2% acres of land. Selling for SOUTH WINDSOR—Woodland prompt, courteous service that Windsor Ave., Rbckville after 6. room, 2 fireplaces, 2-car at­ ER, to the order of ’TREAS- large treed lot, excellent value ■VERNON—4 acres in Tanker- disposal, yard, parking, stqr- TWO FAMILY, 6-3, cabinet tlRER, STATE OP CON­ $23,500. 15 per cent less than original Dr.—Garrison Colonial, mod­ gets results call Louis Dlmock KENMORE electric range^ tached garage. Wolverton at $17,900. Leonard Agency, hoosen Lake, Trees, artesian SUNBEAM electric hedge trim­ age, adults. 644-8169. Houses For Rent 65 kitchen, built-in vacuum syisn NECTICUT in an amount not cost and less than bank's ap­ ern kitchen with bullt-tns, for­ ReaUy, 649-9828. good condition, $30. 643-4887. Agency, Realtors, MLS, 649- Realtors, 646-0469. well. Pasek, Realtors, 289-7476. HELP NEEDED mer w ith '100’ cord; 8 gaUon tern, g;arage, 119x165 lot. gar-' less than $100.00 or 10% of L. C. GREENOUGH CO. praisal with mortgage com­ mal dining room, 3 large bed­ BOLTON — Hebron line —6% CLEAN 3 room apartment, SIX ROOM HOME for 2813. room Ranch, country setting, WANTED—LAND (or residen­ DRIVERS—6 a.m.-12:30 noon, crock; dress form, 'wire mesh, 25” DUAL SPEAKER Emer- den, trees, $21,900. Hutchina the base Wd, whichever is MANCHESTER —newly listed 647-9921 VERNON — 11 approved lots mitment. Ideal (or professional rooms, 1% baths, finished fam­ 'Two salesmen, new and third floor, convenient loca­ very clean, references requir­ acre treed lot, four years old, tial construction lots or acre­ good pay. Call 649-0305. used once; Mary Margaret son TV, good condition, con­ MANCHESTER is ilext door to Agency, Realtors, 649-5324.- • ' greater,^ mutt. acc(mq>any e ^ h 2-famUy, 6-6 duplex, one b lo c k ______■with roads, 90x150 each, man or business executive. ily room, garage, large wood­ used oars. Interested in tion, $100 monthly, including ed. PhUbrick Agency, Realtors, only $14,600. Hayes Agency, age. Write P.O. Box 28, Man­ McBride Encyclopedia of cook­ sole. Call 643-2327 before 2:30. this nice modem 4 room RIDGEWOOD STHEET—Here’s $2,500. each. Terms. Carriage Carriage Realty, 872-3308, 643-' ed lot, $24,900. PhUbrick Agen­ earning $15,000. per year heat, stove, refrigerator. Bel- 649-5347. RANCH — MODERN kitchen, shall have on rue with the i-,. cy, Realtors, 649-5347. 646-0131. chester, Conn. PART-’TIME package store ing, new. By appointment. 742- Ranch, has large lot and out­ Highway Deportment, a suf- Estate, 643- a listing with great possibili­ Realty, 872-3308. 643-7782. 7782. or more ’ Easily done ■with GARAGE SALE —9 a.m.-3 p.m. flore Agency, 643-5121. large ll'ving room with fire­ clerk, experience necessary, 2C 6631. building, $13,900. Mitten Agen­ ficlent Annual Bond for Pro- ties for present comfort and fu- a little effort and our pay July 15. Miscellaneous ar­ place, 3 bedrooms, VA baths, hours per week, Manchester TWO BEDROOM Garden apart­ cy, Realtors, 643-6930. poeal, (reference paragraph (2) t h r e e FAMILY one house off ® Cape BUILDING LOT llOxiSO scale, SBilejry, com m i^on, LOFTY PILE, free from soil is Suburban For Rent 66 finished rec room, beautiful area. Inquire 232-8726. ticles, rugs, draperies, kitchen ment, heat hot water, range of Proposal iTni-m Fonn fCON w v i114G) i . n i THREE FAMILY, one house off features inro’*.large iiWohonkitchen, Kvinvliving Citycity Waterwater and sewers. H.M. bonus, retkrement, ilemo, landscaped yard, $21,900. PhU­ East Center St., 6-5-4 room ( ' the carpet cleaned ■with Blue utensils. 54 Richmond Dr. and refrigerator, $125 month- CO'VENTRY 3 SEVEN ROOMS of beautiful It is understood the deposit room with fireplace, 4 bed­ Frechette Realty, 647-9993. 'vacation, .holidays, insur­ Lustre. Rent electric shampoo­ brick Agency, Realtors, 649- apartments, good income. By ly, conveniently located. Oc­ ment, stove, refrigerator, utU- Cape Cod living, kitchen, liv­ will be forfeited in the event rooms, 2 full baths, 1 car gar­ ance, excellent product. er, $1. The Sherwln-WUllams 8347.______-J appointment only. PhUbrick Help Wanted— cupancy Aug;ust 1. Adults. 643- Ities included, private lake ing room, fireplace, dining the successful Bidder faUs to age, lovely landscaped Co. Musical Instruments 53 execute the Cmitract. The Bid­ Agency, Realtors, 649-5347. WHILE Male or Female 37 0973. privileges, $80. monthly. room, 3 bedrooms, famUy MANCHESTER — Colonial, t grounds. An immaculate home Resort Property Call 742-9094. room, interior completely re­ der’s name shall appear on. the 2 MECHANICS bedrooms, 1^ baths, fanlUy MANCHESTER — 2-bedroom for only $21,600. Another prime For Sale 74 SALESPEOPLE for cosmetics, SCREENED LOAM for best finished from top to bottom. face o f the chec)c. New and Used Car Dept. lawns and gardens. Also sand, COMPLETE set of drums, $200. room, fenced in yard. H.M.‘ Ranch, new enclosed sun­ exclusive lisUng by Jarvis • > outstanding marketing plan. THREE ROOM apartment, par­ ’This is the one. Wolverton Deposits received in any form or best offer. CaU 643-9636. Frechette Realty, 647-9998. other than specified in the Pro­ porch nicely treed yard. H.M. ReaUy Co., 283 East Center f^^ATE REOTEA’nON area, ' ► THEY rs. Roth, 103 Steele Rd., West gravel and flU. George H. Grif- tially furnished. 649-9428. ROCKVILLE —4 and 6 room Agency Realtors, 649-2813. 3 level acres, 1,000’ rl'ver front­ posal “may be the cause of re­ Frechette Realty, 647-9993. St., 643-1121. < I 2 CLEAN-UP MEN u-tford, 233-3151. flng, Inc., Andover, '742-7886. apartmeht. 876-8322. MANdHES’TEUt—6 room Gape, age plus pond, 6 miles from New and Used Car Dept. ASHWOR’TH ST. -custom build­ jection o f the bid.” i > « FIVE ROOMS and garage, first baths, exceUent condition, NOTICE TO BIDDERS: The CONCORD RD. — Beautiful MANCHESTER: Manchester, % mile off Route PICNIC Tables—seve^ Styles Office and Store er will design and build your LAST! floor, oil heat, one or two chil­ large treed lot, near achexd,. bidders attention is called to Ranch, large living room, for­ Ranch, 2 blocks from school e, $2,600. Terms. Owner, 742- One price oflff I firom $15.50 up. AU bolted ta­ Equipment 54 dren accepted, available Sep­ Resort Property home on one of these nice level 1 LOT BOY Situations WanteNOTE: The disposal o f the Marion E. Robertson, Realtor, housework, $1.50 per hour plus carpets of soU but leaves pUe Square, Manchester, 11 a.m.- MANCHESTER — Handyman’s Manchester. storage and laundry. $130. J. and September. CaU Ellsworth real nice older three bedroom cious living room with waU td' debris and demolition material 643-5963. APPLY IN PERSON transportation. 649-6146. soft and lofty. Rent electric 12 noon daily. AU offers con­ colonial. ’Three rooms down -LCOVENTRY LAKE-Mtt^e. 3 D. Real Estate 643-5129. Mitten, 643-6930. wan carpet and Ureplooe.- sbaU be the responttblUty of city sewer, convenient loca­ shampooer, $1. Paul’s Paint & sidered. plus a sun roomi ’Two car gar­ the contractor, and he ivlU ...«_ — rooms, plus sleeping loft, J EXPERIENCED sitter availa­ WaUpaper. Landscaped tree shaded lot!,’ tion, structurally sound, only POUR ROOM ftet floor, stove SEABROOK, Hampton FITZGERALD FORD, Inc. ble, Forest St. area. CaU 649- age . Deep lot. T.J. Crockett, $19,700 Louis Dlmock, Realty; li^ e the necessary arrange­ BOULDER ROAD sleeps 8, large treed terraced included, $90. Centrally locat­ N.H. Waterfront 3-bedrooms, ments for disposal. In so doing $9,500. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. 3192 after 5. CANNING JARS, quarts and Realtor, 643-1677, lot. For appointment call own­ ’Windsor Ave. Rockville Antiques 56 ed, available July 15. CaU 647- all utilities, $80. weekly. Aug. he must be g^ded by aU local er, 876-3036. I pints, 60 cents dozen. Nine Oraoiioius and spsjcious. ore See XJoyd Odell 1510 after 4 p.m. 12 on. 644-8037. FOUR BEDROOM Ranch con­ ordinances and regulations. MANCHESTER TWO ambitious students desire window screens, 30x30, $2.50 WANTED TO BUY—antiques, just some o f the words that odd jobs. Cleaning, painting, veniently located near East General clemi up o f the areas complete. 649-8761. steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ HAMIL’TON LAKE—30 minutes dhd removal o f fences and can be used to describe this 5-5 DUPLEX digging, etc. $1.60 to $1.76 de- Hartford. Large living room Suburban For Sola 75 er lamps, art glass, primitives, LIGHT housekeeping rooms for from Manchester, famUy cot­ hedges as directed by the En- beautiful 5 year old custom I>ending on job. CaU 643-2516 ONE AN.SCO slide camera with with fireplace, 2 ceramic baths, CentnaH location, walking Ai any quanlty. 644-8962. tage, $65. weekly, sleeps 6. neer will be required for the built 7 room Ookmiial in ROLTON - 8 rooni house with CONTROL DESK operator, eve- or 649-9315. Manchester Bolton accessories. . Also Petri 2.8 rent. 801 Main St. unusual 14 x 20 family room. diittance to schools, shop­ CaU 643-7932 evenings. S(lowing property. . one o f Mianichester’s most ping. Very nice grounds. swimming pool, bar" and 80 I ning;8, HoUday Lanes, 643-2125. Notch area. slide camera. 742-7403. 2-car garage. Excellent value, < The State Highway Depart- 10 per cent down, 80 year mort­ desirabde areas. Features Aialdng dn the very low acres of land on Brandy P.d JANITORS — part-time, eve­ Wanted-^To Buy 58 ihbnt, in accordance with the Oairge lUiving room, forniol T. J Crockett. Realtor, 643- Furnished gage available Wesley R. pii^'Viaioiis o f Title 'VI o f the 20'a. nings, caU 643-4453, 3-6 p.m. Wanted To Rent 68 dtoiiing room, library, com- Doas— -Birds— Pets 41 BOY’S 20” bdicyclle;3 barstooOs. WE BUY AND sell antique and Smith, Realtor, 643-1567. ISinrU Rights A ct o f 1964 (78 1577. only. a.iQKKAii used furniture, china, glass, Apartments 63-A FAMILY OP FIVE dfesire 6 BLACK TOP ptetSly automatic kitchen, PETER F. GRADY 649-5506. M ut 252) and the Regulations RCXJKyiLLE—Two houses for AKC b l a c k miniature poodles, sliver, picture frames, old FURNISHED 5 room apart­ or 6 room single home. Phone MANCHESTER — 3 bedrtmm ofa the Deportment o f Com­ 3 huge bedrooms, 2% baths, Real Estate Co. PAINTERS and helpers, top 2-oar attached garage. Pro- the price of one, $19,900. Car­ puppy slhoite, wormed. $75. BM- coins, £mns, pewter, scra.p gold, ment, heat and hot water, cen­ 644-8213. Ranch, family room, fireplace, SEALER merce (15 C.FJL, Part 8) is- 643-2594 wages. CaU RockvlUe 876-8073 fesrionaHy landscaped end riage Realty, 872-3308, 643-7782. nanclng. Call 875-0337. Boats and Accessories 46 watches, old jewelry, hobby tral location in Manchester, no fenced In yard. H.M. Fre­ su^d pursuant to such. Act "Serving the Greater Hartford FAMILY OP 6 desires single shrubbed lawn surrounds from 4-6 p.m. coUectlons, paintings, attic con­ children, references required, chette Realty, 647-9993. hereby notifies aU bidders that Area” TOLLAND: "Clean as a whis­ ADORABLE puppies—Pedigree 16’ PENN YAN, 36 h.p. John- house to rent or with option to i t ' wlU afflnnatlvely insure this lovely home with flow­ tents or whole estates. Furni­ $126. per month. Write Box R, •Evenings, 649- Extra mileage • Track tested OAK inspection. Just off South addition to the Insurance re­ Tu/syn rubber • Discontinued (read design Diamonds— W atcher- quirements contained in para­ low price Jewelry 48 Main Street, 5 minutes graph eleven (11) of Proposal VILLAGE from Manchester Center on EVirm CON 114G the successful Plus Fed. Ex. Tax WA’TCH AND jewelry repair­ ^ tiidder shaU furnish a Cef- - Here Are Your Best Weekend Buys! GOODYEAR RANCH Slzef •nd old tire * ’ ing. Prompt service. Up to $20 emUTTER OAK STREET the Glastonbury town line. Uficate of Insurance for the oh your old watch in trade. MANCHESTER Open 1-9. tome stated minimum amounts AND COMMERCIAL 6 . 5 0 X 1 3 $ 1 .5 5 ; Closed Mondays. F.E. Bray, to cover Ebcploslon, Collapse or U. S. CHOICE! 1 and 2 BEDROOM 6 a 7 - 9 9 2 1 i TSELF Underground Damage Liabil­ Ciit from Eiye lor Pick-Up and 787 Main St„ State Theatre 7.75x14(7.50x14) $ 1 .8 8 ; BuUdlng, APARTMENTS LC.GREENOUGH CO ity (XCU). Choice Rib Panel Trucks . ITEM No. 1 2 story freme Del Monico Steaks » l s 9 9 • Tufsyn rubber and 3-T nylon cord! & TOWN HOUSES house w/a 2 car frame garage 8.25x14(8.00x14) $ 2 .0 5 ! JV/S Tunxis Trail, Bolton. • Get truck-tire strength at passengerj Garden— Farm - Whole, or Cut-up car tire prices! Former Property of: HATTIN, 7.75x15(6.70x15) $ 1 .8 9 Dairy Products 50 Rental Agent Eugene ttol. r 76-87-4 PLUMP. NATIVE CHICKENS eo. 99c Prieaa start at only ICEBERG lettuce, peas, beetk, J. D. REALTY m B • XCU 'LSize listed also replaces size shown in parenthesis < swisschard. 21 Angel St., Man­ * The above structure must be 643-5129 • 643-8779 chester. removed within thirty-five (35) Rath’s Black Hawk Lean, Meaty NO SOOT...NO SMOKE... daw from the starting date. SPARERIBS STRAWBERRIES — pick your ITEIM No. 2 1% story frame D A ISY HAMS 1 2 9 5 NO MONEY DOWN own, $.30. 406 Bumhanr St., 4k brick twuse. 11 Overland Memchester. ) it just makes HEAT Street, Manchester. Former 6.00 X IS tubs-bP* blackball, plus rad. Add comtort td your word^ Property of: JOY, John J. etal. Rath’s Black Hawk Ncpco' (Kielbasa) Es. Tax tZ.49 and tacappabla casln|. on our Easy Fay Plan! ; robe with this cool and cqsual PICK y OUR OWN strawberries, T A G S A L E 3 / 76-85-3 SLICED BACON POUSH KIELBASA Check our otter low-prlctd sliss today! approach to doyUme wear. At- faist picking, no weeds. Frank ■ XCU BARGAINS — BARGAINS — BARGAINS Guaranteed fuel saving. This new Iron Fireman furnace ■ NOTE: ITBM No. 2 — The tmeitve deitaUs include a sOimr a charming coverlet for the Paggioli, Rt. 85, Bolton. SWEET, JIGCY LARGE, FIRM has proved so exceptionally economical that we, as a dealer, above structure mutt be re- min(g yoke, scaUoped rteeves young lady’s room can be fun otrawrfrrtfs vmir SAT. AND SUN. JULY 15-16 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. fiioved within thirty (SO) days 545 NORTH MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER. CONN. can guarantee that it w ill cut your fu el oil hills by a substantial from the starting date. SANTA ROSA PLUMS ICEBERO LETTUCE GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE No. 8170 with PATT-O- as appealing as this .cute lit- A Performance Bond in the iv^ t _____ 4... «4M/ TT Ji. 4. Bolton. Flela locateQ acFoss uiG •H3IRECTIQNS: From Wilbur Cfeu P.rkw.y T.k. Exit 93 To Nerih RAMA ts in rizes 12% to 26%, tie Fkwer Girl! . . j g am ount. Phone for a free survey of your heating system and a amount o f 100% o f his bid, or Kelly Road l>> dlilMi, art glaw, cwnlv.1 glau to be submitted tor the’ above to: flue Burnett, Manchester ing, to: Anne Cabot, Manches------—^ ^ ------and muiy othw ralalwntam.. ZTB2M8 Bvenlng Herald, 1100 AVE. OF ter Evening Herald, 1150 Alfis. MODRRNt Fin. Ilka new, Norgt rafrlgm-ator, phileo alKtrlc (lav., living ^ NOTTCB TO BnSbERS: Housahold Goods 51, room dining tabl. and chair. (Formica), bruklut ut, living room foam AMERICAS NEW FORK, N.Y. OF AMERICAS, NEW YORK, rubbar loungt. (uml-circl. tvp«). B«1 Soalv with matching buruu, cor­ Liquidated damages o t twenty- N IC H O L S - MANCHESTER TIRE. Inc. 10666. N.Y. 10086. NORGE UPRIGHT freezeri nu cablne, O.E. mutgl*. TV .at, itarao, dlihaa, ruga, ahovala, .Rax pump, Ave ($25.00) per' day* will be HIGHLAND PARK MARKET loola, picnic aqulpmant, lumbar,.lunk ot all kindi and manv othar Itami. Frint Name, AOdra— with zip Print Name, Addirees with holds 500 lbs., used less than (ssesBed for etudi calendar day 295 Broad Street— Phone 643-1162— ^Manchester ' CAiH AND CARRY, NO CHILDREN. •f over-rim of Contract tim e. Phoiw 643-4278 i- 'i ^CkaSe, Slyto Number and Size. Zip Code and Style Number. a year. 643-6074. 317 Highland St..’ Montlitstar, Conn. lUILDINO LEASED EVERYTHIN& MUST 60. FOGARTY BROTHERS, i-a ; Howard S. Ives, Keep 'pane wMi ttie latest Have you the '67 Spring and 1667 Summer Album containing WESTINGHOUSE 10 cubic foot . State Highway to AMERICAN AUCTION CO. Oommisaioner and SuDgiiMr many lovely designs and items upright freezer, nearly new. t M Ngrth M«in St^ Manchoitar, Conn. Hiono Ev*. 443-M4I 319 fROAD STRECT — TEL 649-4539 80c « oepgr. to make? Only 50c a copy! $100. 742-6726.

l — l l L . ? ' k PAOB SIXTEEN HRanrlr^jeter lEtti^ning H | m U i THURSDAY, JUtYilS, 1967 K a t 1 ^ R o t The WeatfaeTi ..-.Ite. fha W(Nt[’ Hi m Membecs of Royal IBIaick Pre- Ofaance of wiaaiawa About Town ceptory, Washington IXXL and IMS av«nln(g, ban pattly ( both KxlgeB o f the Daughters of State News and cool, aow adiout 60; From Your Neighbor's Kitchen cknidy and warm tom m tw,: Munch« ter Lodge o f SSks liberty will meet Siuiday at 8 By DORIS BlELDINO 0^ 14,945 high atooUk 80, will have a family picnic 6(tm- 9:46 a^n. at the church grounds Roundup Mrs. Leonard (GrayceX. Green MmiekeStm^A City of VlfUtge Charm ./ ; day from noon to p.m. a t ’ of S t Mary’s Episcopal Church 6 of Loveland Hill, RockvlUe, la 85 Rast Center St. ' ’ ■ -» Wkskhiim Paric. to attend the 10 a.m. service. (Ourtinued from Pago Ono) constantly called upon to serve toia tx x in a No. 141 (SIXTEEN FAdBS-.'TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1967 (ClaaMfled AdvertMug oa Page l i ) PRICE SEVEN CENTS' on refreshments committees, Paiic, Wednesday night and two At Summit St. Cpt. ’WUIIdiBm Johnson, son o f and has built up quite a col- youngstom were hurt before it ...... - ...... ’.... NOTICE Louigtas Johnson o f 87 S, Mhfn lection of recipes, some original, waa over. WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIAL' S t, has (recently returned to for all seascms. Orapenut- About SO youths wore involved TOWN OF MANCHESTER hiis home base at Oamp Le- Raisin-Lemon Gelatin, one of in the ruckus, state ptdice said, Jeune, N.C., after sefrvning with her own concoctions, is, she and two of them—Dennis Ryder ' o r POSITION VACANCY ilhe 8th Engineering Battall(on said, "perfect for hot summer and Michael McOlynn, both of CARNATIONS $1.69| Ftoirce Tpoops of the UJS. Ma- days or evenings,” and Bird’s Hamden — were charged with New Violence in Hartford; rd«e Corps at Camp Garcia, Nest Cookies, "are good any breach of the peace and pos­ Town Engineer — Salary per doz. Off to Dig Range $8840 — $11,310. Grow­ Pueatb Rico. time or season." sessing dangerous weapons. ing town of . 48,000 — P.E. or Grayce’s Orapenut-Raisin- The weapons were baseball OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY bats and tire Irons, State police ability to qualify. Reaponaible Members of Daughters of ‘ Lemon -Gelatin package lemon gelatin said. Moon Iron ftor all engineering activities Liberty; Nto. 125, will meet to­ 1 including Water and Sewer morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the a cups grapenute CAPE KENNEDY, Pla. '/i cups raisins Mayor Declares Emergency utilities. Ftor details and appli­ Holrties FuneraJ Home, 400 (AP) .— Beaming back cations, contact General Mana­ Main St., to pay respects to Vi cup chopped nuts, walnuts or pecans "great" signals to earth, ger’s Office, 41 Center Street, Mrs. Archie Haugh. whose hus­ A m erica's Surveyor 4 Mandiester, Connecticut 06040. Prepare gelatin as directed band is an advisory member of winged moonward 'today to Closing date July 31, 1967. the lodge. on package and while still hot Mid-Summer Clearance add grapenuts and raisins, thm go prospecting for Iron on add chopped 'nuts, which will rugged lunar terrain with Three Hurt; float on top of the gelatin. Chill a magnet, shovel and re­ until firm. May be served top­ Reductions of 20% to 40% volving camera eye in a New England's Leading ped with whipped cream or study o£ how the moon’s 18 Arrested plain. ’This recipe serves six. ON craters are formed. Two-Year Professional Bird’s Nest Cookies ''Bveiything Icmka real good,” cup butter or margarine Last Night 1 project aMdala reported after School of Vi cup tmown sugar tracUng the mooncraft for sev-. Vi teaspoon vanilla DACRON and COTTON SHORTS HARTFORD (AP)—For eral boura. "the spacecraft la the second time' in 24 V4 teaspoon aalK great—Juat great.” 2 cups Qtour hours, a distui4)ance erupt­ ACCOUNTING 2 egg whites, utlbeatien) PEDAL PUSHERS and SLACKS Surveyor 4 sensors successful­ ed last night in the pre­ ly looked ontd the sun. The sun September 1967 admission. about IVi cups nuts meats, dominantly Negro North and star Canopus, to be ac- chopped, preferaibly walnuts HARTFORD INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTING qulred later In the flight, are to End, leading the mayor to or pecans SLEEVELESS BL USES 66 Forest St., Hartford— ^Tel. 247-1115 9 orient the craft during Its 68- declare a stste of emer­ ) Applications now being accepted for 2 egg whites, (unbeaten) hour, 324,780-mlle voyage to the gency today. Jam, JeBy or cherries moon. The disturbance ended early Cream taUtter; add sugar today after three persons, In­ SLEEVELESS COTTON JERSEYS The >rohot prospector blasted graduially and creeim; add un­ cluding a policeman, were 4 off at 7:5$ a.m. today aboard a treated for Injuries, and at least beaten egg ytolks (and mix well. fiery Atlas-Oentaiu: rocket, aim­ BEACHWEAR, COVER-UPS and TERRY ROBES 18 were arrested. A store waa Add vanitl^ aaJt and flour; mix ing to softly land Sunday at set afire and several store win­ weB. Ron dough in one-inch 10:80 p.m. on rought Sinus Me- dows were smashed. . CHICKEN balls; dip in unbeaten egg ONE LOT of SUMMER DRESSES dii, the central bay region, al- whites; roil in chopped nuts, nvoat equaneOy In the cenUpr a t Police said no shots were and press center wiMh thumb, Sales Final the moon’s ybrible face aa to ia fired and only one Instance of making an indentation to fiD aeen from earth. looting — a television set taken with jelly, jam or cherries. “Home of Beautiful from an appliance store — was BARBECUE The AUas-Centaur’s perform­ Pilaxie on ungneased cookie Ctothes” reported. SPORTSWEAR ance was "flawless,” said Rob­ sheet and bake in 350-degree VERNON CIRCLE SPONSORED BY ert H. Gray, director of int- Mayor George Kinsella said oven ftor J ito 15 miniites, until HOPE CHAPTER O.E.S. .2 Junction of Routes manned launch operations for. the dtate of emergency will al­ lightly browned. OF VERNON 30, 83 and the National Aeronautics and Young Victim of the Heat low him to protect ciUzem ’This recipe makes abtout 40 K a y e ’s AT THE MASONIC TEMPLE. ORCHARD ST. Cross Highway Space Administration’s Kenne­ and property In a “hUMr- cookies. (Herald photo by Satemls) Rickey Joe Woods, 3, of Del City, Okla., recuperat­ ELLINGTON, CONN. dy Space Center here. dous- position." It was under­ Mrs. Green, a longtime resi­ MRS. GRAYCE GREEN ing at his home from severe bums received when The launch of Surveyor 4— stood that he WUl have authority (AP Phototex) dent of RockvlUe, is a member he darted across a sun-heated metal d(X>r on a matron of -Hope Chapter, Order most complex' automation yet to order curfews and close li­ o f St. John’s Elpiscopal Church, storm cellar. It was his first experience with the Spectators Watch as Hartford Police Arrive at Main and Canton .Sts. TO BE HELD ON SAT., JULY 15 of Eastern Star of RockvUle built to scout a potential astro­ quor establishments, if the sit­ ■Vemon, and past "^president o f summer sun and he didn’t like it. Comforting him and has served in many ca­ naut landing space—originally uation warrants. its Silver Cross Society (Wom­ SERVING FROM 5 TO 6:30 P.M. pacities in the cheipter, a past was scheduled Thursday. It was is his sister, Cindy, 6. (AP Photofax) i Negro leaders blamed ’’out­ en’s Guild), chairman of its mother advisor of Rockville As­ postponed until today so techni- siders’! for the disturbance. Takeouts Available—-Adults $2.00 Children $1.00 mission supply committee, and sembly, Order of Rainbow for claiu could repair a minor rock­ 'Wh'en the first two busloa^ of For Tickets CaU 875-2788 or Any Officers past^ financial secretary. Girls. She is also a past lec­ et problem. helmeted police arrived at the She is a member and past turer of ’V^emon Grange. Twelve minutes sifter liftoff, Gal Truck Crashes; scene, they were greeted by Netvark Musters Muscle Her hobby is decorating the space agency saldd Survey­ cries of "Black power! Black tables and floral decorating, or 4 successfully separated from power!’’ and she says she “loves to swim PINEHURST Its Centaur upper stage. Its tri­ Groton Area Cleared A crowd of several htmdred at Martha’s ’Vineyard each pod Ismding gear deployed as persons gathered at the Inter- CARPET and summer, and bowl at Rockville pltmned, along with power GROTON, Conn.-(AP) f-Dan- Ics Liquid Carbonlcs Division BRINGS YOU GOOB THINGS TO EAT producing solar panels (See Page Eight) Against Negro ^Rebellion ’ Plaza, any time. A close PinehuTst features this ger of explosion or fire from an said he was Informed by the TEMPLE’S FLOOR COVERING friend said Mrs. Green’s rea\^ sodennae needed to keep overturned tractor-trailer truck Boston office that the cargo was hobby, and “one which keeps large 10-oz. jar of In­ spacecraft in communication gafrying liquid gas forced evac- liquid nitrogen. NEWARK, N.J. (AP) —Call: he was preparing legal steps to Negro taxi driver. They charged then the rioting flared as the with ground control her occupied most of the time, PLUS uation of an areU several blocks The spokesman said the nltro- Ine Newark a "city In open re- Impose a curfew tonight, police brutality. marauding negroes moved Into "Everything appears to be 28 Americans is helping others.’’ stant Maxwell House at wlde today. gen is not explosive but virill K..111 « " r> h rH T Hughes also ordered all sporting Bricks, rocks euid bottles the business district along SPRU(X UP YOUR HOME FOR SOMMER normal,’’ a NASA spokesman k c The truck, which overtiumed hum. Evacuated from belllon, oov. » ara . stores and pawn shops rained on the station and then Springfield Avenue. ssdd. on a highway exit ramp, was at officials said leaking gas Hughes today ordered the depl- dosed to stop the dispersal of club-swlngii)g police charged to It )s the major thoroughfare Inu . addition to tsddng thou- iwHeved to be carrvlnx ex- v a s detected. The decision was Congo Airport oyment of "ample numbers’’ of weapons. ' disperse the mob. One brick through the Negro tenement Personal Notices sands of pictures at the site with plosive liquid hvdm™nhydrogen. But a made to allow it to escape Into police and national guardsmen He told a news conference smashed liito a policeman’s district z mile est of downtown, the atmosphere whUe awaiting to stem the Negro rioting that that he personally saw looting head and the crowd cheered. When the roving bands ranged LOW PRICES (Bee Page Eight) spokesman for General Dynam- KINSHASA, The Congo (AP) left at least three persons dead, continuing a>s he (Uxired, and For a while the violence sub- ever further Into the city the the arrival of experts from Bos­ — TVo Red Cross planes In Memoriam Here's good news . The victims all Negroes, died said “The destmioUon Is unbe- sided, leading police to declare mayor called on the govermnr . vegetable prices are lower and here at Pine- ton, some 90 miles away. brought Americans and Eu In loving memory of Samuel from gunshot wounds. UevaMe.’’ iHugheB said he was the Bttnatfcn under oontrol, but for assistance from state units. hurst where vegetables are "fresher by far" we feature ICEBURG State and local police evacu- ropeans___ to Kinshasa _ __ Stevenson who passed away July Get Maxwell entery blank Hughes toured the city with upset at- the "hoUflay abnoe- i______^ 1 3 . 1 9 6 0 . ated a nearby m ^ r ^ and Kisangani Thursday night after „ ARMURONQ LETTUCE at 29c head and crisp fresh CUCUMBERS at 3 for 29c. Hugh Addonlzlo this pticre” wMdh he compared to ~ ! ARMSTRONQ Pa was the name everyo(ne called here for “Treasure Islfuid about 80 homes In the area mutinous mercenaries who had n you OUR MEAT MEN, TOO, HA’VE SPECIAL FEIATURES Strikes Staggering n o ^ of Route 96. controlled the northeast Congo “laughing at a ftoneraL” Pa -was the name that fit Sweepstakes.’’ You might SELEXTTED TO SAVE MONEY FOR YOU. More than 425 persona had Embosseil Linoleum Your humor and Ibve -will never be Fire companies were sta- ^Uy for eight days fled. ” exploded Into gun- Montina* Ifinyl Corlon*| forgotten. tioned sever^ hundred feet one American. Mrs. Ben fire. been arrested and jails were win $50,000. ' U.S. CHOICE SIMPLY WONDERFUL At least 20 persons were shot overflowing. The governor said It Can Happen Here/ Makes a beautiful, praetlonl Uoor in colorful A tantalizing different floor with a natural Sadly missed by the Dozens o f Industries a. -A Hobgood of Lexington, Ky.. said and another $00 received other federal Jails would be used If 8 dimensional design. design effect that flts practically every dec­ Leslie Jay Family The driver, William Blaherty, gj,* Oiought two or three Euro- 59, Melrose, Mass., was taken to oeans from Kisanrani had ac- •“1“ "*®- Among. the injured authorities found any federal orative theme. Use It with everything from violations. Its richly textured appearance makes It modem to feudal. Ideal for both home and EYE OF THE ROUND lp lB A C 0 H % An Associated Preis survey contract covering 3,800 General the hospital In nearby New Lon- companled the mercenaries. ^ police and fire Detective Realizes ideal for just about any room in the house riiows that dozens of industries Tire A Rubber Co. employes In jon suffering from cuts and m ,. _i-_ g-i,j thnnrhi four "**"> •*veral seriously. He said he had Instructed the business. Can be installed on floors in direct _ X . ______A._____ 11____ A nUlrx aM/l %_____ i ______^ OlIO UlVUglH, tVUS ______j _____ and the soft colors will give a lift to any contact with the ground. 19 beautiful colors. CHARGE YOUR across the nation are contending Akron, Ohio, and Waco, Tex. bnflses. Europeans had been killed after The governor ordered all 11-II- National Guardsmen and New HARTFORD (AP)—"1 always wasn’t a hs s s ^ decorative scheme. OVEN with strikes, with the rubber They been on strike since xhe truck was en route from ,u,g mercenaries and rebellious Tuor stores and bars closed in Jersey State PoMce brought In “ V U would never hap- “The difference between thu Customers tell us that this ------NOW ------PRESCRIPTION ROASTS industry hardest hit. June 22. . Boston to the Electric Boat sute. Katangan troops took over the ***• IndustrUl city of tOO.dOO at dawn to reinforce the city’s P*n 1.29 ROYAL ALASKAN Strike threats hang over the In the auto industry bargain- marine shipyards of the Oenered Kisangani alrpoit and part of persons—more than half of 1,400-mnn police foree and to SB> P<^loe Ileutenuit. people don’t cafe Who aMsttam head of three major industries Ing began tWs week and Louis Dynamic Qorp. at Groton. the city — formerly Stanlewtlle '*’*'om are Negro—and de- return fire If they were fired 14- Theodore Napper stood In pick up a brick, and thrdw 9. U.S. CHOICE CAREFULLY TRIMMED KING CRABMEAT railroads, autos and copper G. Seaton, vice presldent-per- The truck hit a guard rail on _ onon Julv July 6 5.. dared: ‘We'll dry this city upon. Police were ordered to front of a gas station early to- These people tonight mdn’t wand $ 4 ^ . 9 5 * seal off key aiteriee. day and looked acroes 4he In- anyone seeing them throw any* SQUARE Is better than higher priced __ while smaller strikes are in sonnel for General Motors, said, the ramp and then struck an out.” ' YARD SQUARE Wdleem* Geisha Brand. ’While stock progress involving building con- "some of these things (union embankment. (See Pege Eight) 'Atiy. (Gen. Arthur Sills said Hughes said he was shocked tern ^on . spafkllng with brok- U ^ . They w en at that eal^ tmetora, shipbuilders, garbage demands) are damned expen- ______• Guaranteed 1st Quality YARD BOTTOM ROUND ROASTS lasts (no rain checks) we to see a Negro couple, driving f " ■‘i S r offer It at collectors, plumbers and plpefit- slve.’’ Intersection had broken win- Napper was at Main and Pa- • Cut from Full Roflg • Regularly $9.95 an expensive car, stop in the *Preparatlon and Installation Extra AT ten , eleotriclans, brewery Seaton, head of GM’s bargain- _ , _ middle of a street, jump out and **ws. VUUon both nlghta when tha Can worken, teamsWs, smelting Ing team, commented Thursday P g ^ ln Q n F o re C B S t begin to grab shoes from toe "Then, whCn I realised It rock and botUele throwinguiroe bogaa. PINE PHARMACY 3 3 a workerit, brteklayen, textile after the United Auto Worken > / broken window of a shoe store, could happen Ih Hartford,” Nap- On Wednesday night he took TRUCKLOAD PRICES 664 Center St. 649-9814 worken« sugar worken, news- pnsented their fringe benefit Throughout the night and into per continued, “ 1 said ol) it youths down to police headquar- ROOM SIZE U.S. CH O H ^ TENDER pe^m-.Worken and hotel and demands. The UAW com[deted the day the looters brought would amount to was vandalism ters to register a complahtt of NABISCO restaurant employes. preliminaries with American Feminine Flare Returns shopping carts and sacks to and moat of itt wodld be done unnecessary roughness by a NS* ASBESTOS RUGS Many of the 21,000 Goodyear eeirller Thunday. haul but liquor, food and other by Wds,” gro policeman. Then he u M CHIPAHOY CUBE STEAKS lb >1.39 contneta merchandise from stores whose Napper grew up afid s ^ lives to talk toelr companlona into , '^ 9 ’ X 12’ Herculon or Nylon employes began a walkout at i^ ^ * * ^ * " By RHEA STEWART VINYL TILE NEED A COOKIES tnidni^ t) Joining 88,000 other ^roeial HeraM Writer windows had been smashed. In the North End neighbortiood going home without caueliig a Re-inforoed with double Jute back for U.S. CHOICE DELUXE LEAN UnReid R u b^*W orkers who VAV/ (tomand,^ a NEW YORK—"1 want to re­ The violence began Thursday in which violence had broken disturbance, added strength. Beautiful decorator SPECIAL have been striking Firestone, ------member------that we------have busts.------night at the 4th Precinct police out for the second night in a WtUi Napper toot nlgU wpa colors. 39c B.F. Goodrich and Uniroyal t® spaik bitter contro- ^alstb, and hips,” PauMne Trt- station which was first besieged row, and he olalms to know state Rep. Leonard G. Fnuder, $ Q .4 9 CAR Reg. 49c since April 21. Picketing at ^ ^ ^ sero said when ahe began to Wednesday by a rbck-throwlng most of the people who live and Negro Democrat who reprossnte box m VALUE ROUND STEAK Goodyear j^anto in Akron, Ohio, shoporaft u n i ^ Thurstoy collection, "and crowd riled by the arrest of a do business toere. too district where too vtolanca --z... announced to Senate and Houm ■ occurred, and Tom Fanlali, op­ ^ i n ^ ? ^ h e r coilferie. that they will strike There was applause from erator of toe gas Station at Mata 9’’ X 9’’ TUe»—12’’ x 12’’ TUes— 45 sq. COME ’TO PINEHURST The tin t break in the r u h g ^ ralliwids at mld- ft. per case. Very gfood selectioa in Freshly induatry Uetv came ThunMay fashion editors representing all and PavilUon and co-duhrman stock. FOR SHELL’S T-V ADV. when negotiators agreed on a (See Page Sigkt) parts of the country who are of toe (Bstrict’s 'Democratic or- here to see the American pe- ganisatlon. NO PEST STRIP Not one . . . But ’Two Big U.S. Air Strikes T: FOR A Ground Scott Specials this week at slgnet Series. They aU agree "Napper did an egeeUeta JCIK” 9 X 12 LINOLEUM RUG. REG. $9.95 ^INS(ECTIC1I>E Pinehurst that too ottMi in p ^ yean, do- Frasier said. "H e playad tt n id $5.98 SPECIAL signera have been forgetting cool.” LADY sc o n PRINTS N ear \Peak Fury OCCASION? “ The reappearance ofj black Nsvsrtoeleaa, when Choice Lean 89c Guns Duel velvet. Softer fabrics, walst- ^ want into toe gas. stafton for s Freshly Ground Facial Assorted or Unes, long sieevss and curie in SAIGON (AP) — U.S. pilots wounding lo dvlUaas la Genuine Charcoal Toilet Tissue Assorted fflmwnt, • Rent a hew Comet or the hair all prove the return to flew 170 missions against North attack. vj ^ ^ ______CERAMIC TILE BATHROOM Mercury. Low Rates . Aa WeU As 5-lb. lots 8 5 ^ lb. elegance and femininity,” said Vietnam Thursday, toelr fourth A O.S, spoktsman reported no the windmv at DaUy . . . Weekly . ,ur lUee ’Trigete. highest total of to# war, attack- planes lost during toe raids on Uiyhooneitts m m the Charcoal Briquets 4 Fi.oa 'Near Suez Canal Ing mlssUo sites around Hanoi North VIotnam Thursday and dtuatlon got out of hand, ■* J M onthly. PINEHURST FRESH The look of bias faibrte flow- scon OAIRO (A P )—Thak and ar- suffered i several casualties, jng softly over the body Is a and Haiphong, oil storags dS- said no Oommunist MIG Inter- “BatUsa had new tpaas pot ta HAMBURG lb. 69c JUMBO TOWELS tiUery fire betweoi Israel and 6!gypt claimed one Israeli tank look that many New York dsi- pots In toe Halj^ioiig area siM ceptors were sighted. ’Thursday,” said FraSlor this ______*«* two armored cars were de- aignere a n Cfferlng the Amer- (jommunlst army barracks. In South Vietnam, however, a morning. “Now look at the TELEPHONE 5-lb. lots G 5« lb. «gyp t Waaed ecroes wlte areea Icin woman this ttunbined Navy fllera reportod one BAM U.S. Air Force pnqieUer-driven place. All the wlndowe are lindl- COUITMNIM miaeUe fired at them went Wild Bkyralder wps ehot down neiy: en instead of Just one.” JTIIIM/ for U the Bues Csnal today andy»„nfirming ithat the firing with tong, tight Sleeves and a Free GENUINE SPRING LAMB the agyptlaas claimed they oontmued into the afternoon, high naokUne, as it usually la. and hit a vMlags 12 miles south‘d Khe Ssnh Ih the northwest —t----- > . 49c Bottles of Regina iwlked iSimelis launching rub* t]jc jsraeli opokeeman said this produces the medieval look weet of HalpSuig. They eal86*4 V(et Oong gusrrUlae overran a p l^ e reported loot in South Red or coastal bsimlet S42 miles north- ” *•**••*'}• .... NOW . . . CALL Gallic OTC They said the craft was ds* end « f the canal and UraeU’s of AMoUA. SHOP AT D O G FO O D stroye4- ■ forces returned the fire. Ironically, it Is part of on en- east of Saigon today, InflletlMf 1 ^ * MILK heavy casualtiea on the 26 mUl- whUe he w « m a ^ a bombing Oalro radio reported two A first Egyptian commu- diantmCnt with toe' medieval GAL. JUG m tlamen defending toe vlUagO. ^ Me was picked Ulsissg HOME A t Pinehurst Egyptian eivUians were UUed look that stmulteiteoMply hoa 0 Britain Joins 643-5135 contents 80c ----- nlsti* reported only one 46- wounding aU VIetnameae civil- «P •V Vletnameee hell- for *1.00 an4 two wou^ed new I s ^ t e . exchange ‘ during the women sbowiBg more df toelr against liraaFs Maxwell House midway on the the Israelis legs than ever before. Dreaaep ianp and kidnaping ^1. a Viet. to . Old City Of JetutaNta . . . DIAL Case of 48 § 6 .0 0 s e a l t e s t i c e c r e a m nameee epokeamoti reported. “ Y f»u lid lira aM five * Yi gallon 99o ' artillery fire contteuwitoto toe jg Q ^tara with got so (dwrt last yaar that they LEASING COFFEE began to resemMe toe tunics •lx of toe taldero were killed ill “ “ 643-6682 . Nothing Just like a fte r n ^ . artillery and machine guns and fire ellenedd Uie IsraSIl fUM- claimed that in roturn fire the worn by page boys in the mid­ toe attack on Guan Oo. on toe Noither toe Vletnameee One-Two-Three BLOCK ISLAND FRESH -HEINZ PICKLES... dle ages ahd deEgnem took ovtr gouto China Sea. helloDpter oiaw north Asneirl- ^ \ Special this week The Iwiteli Israeli tank was destroyed. Year Leasing Plans from there. • ...... can filer Was Injured. board o» uirsctoiK mS SWORDFISH KOSHER d i l l s S S secmal, Stfe graf. Little other g n ^ ocUtei m itamdons agalnat to. maema SasiSsB m " m to No Obligation All Makes and Models large Jar S9o Even a Jaguar is worked on T " ^ "ported. Tiwanty-foW protablyhbout Nunotton « FIULETS of HADDOCK or FLOUNDER of a crooslng attempt. It Israel said the firing between toe______Mas in a flared coat fey DILL'SANDWICH ^a rica n e wera w oiipM lA ggg ingiyiguiU atrika aorUaa and 00*i® ♦« kiosk m COMPLETELY INSTALLED PENOBSCOT FRESH CHICKENS AND reported one Egyptian boat waa Egyptians and Israelis contto- TrigeTO-n Jaguar Cfi the Was . OUT Of t o w n PARTS FOR BARBECUING CALL COLLECT CHIPS 880 hit. uod all morning with the main the otrlped petitrn la hlS MORIARTY » Israel reported there were action centered later ofi toe wUdi you ordinarily don’t "« o « > for tha war of ITS mU- •s«s*M y .. . J^sadlc attocka by Egyptian southern end of toe can^. The notice, naming dlagohally. A A fabric that mUrht have appeared ...... CMors. casualtloa to too troops and ______^