Press Release

MYTILINEOS gives assistance to Greek hospitals

Athens, – 25 November 2020 – The country’s healthcare system is faced with increasing needs; this fact has activated the large enterprises to seek out the optimum ways to contribute.

When covid-19 reached our country, right from the outset MYTILINEOS contacted the relevant authorities, recorded the needs and promptly reacted. Already, the Intensive Care Units at Thessaloniki University General Hospital AHEPA are equipped with 15 special ventilators for severe cases. This was part of MYTILINEOS donation, granted during the first wave of the pandemic in Greece.

Unfortunately, however, the evolution of the pandemic is dynamic; the needs of hospitals are constantly changing and demands are pressing.

Therefore, although the Company’s initial planning, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, involved the procurement of additional 50 special ventilators for most of the hospitals, it was decided that in the current circumstances it would be more useful to purchase and donate a molecular screening device of SARS- CoV-2, along with its supplies to perform more than 5,000 tests.

This donation shall be destined directly to the General State Hospital Evangelismos to reinforce its screening capacity. It should be underlined that Evangelismos is the hospital carrying our the highest number of tests in the country on a monthly basis.

In addition, as healthcare data in Northern Greece unfortunately point to a soaring number of coronavirus infections, besides the contribution to AHEPA, MYTILINEOS ensured the supply of valuable medical equipment addressed to the General Hospital of Serres in order to equip the Intensive Care Units and facilitate the work of hospital doctors.

MYTILINEOS efforts to truly galvanise the healthcare system continue unabated. In the context of its sustained contribution to local communities where it operates, MYTILINEOS has already offered:

• 2 ventilators systems for ICUs and medical equipment to the General Hospital of Livadia and 500 rapid tests to the Municipality of Levadia

8 Artemidos Str, Maroussi, GR- 151 25 Τ: +30 210 6877 300 F: +30 210 6877 400 Ε. [email protected]

• 2 ventilators systems for ICUs to the General Hospital of • Rapid and molecular tests and healthcare assistance to the Municipality of -- and • Medical-technological equipment to the General Hospital of Volos

Hoping that we will be able to overcome this adventure soon, staying safe and sound, MYTILINEOS is steadfastly committed to standing by the State and the national healthcare system for as long as it shall be needed.

All together,we will pull through!

For further information, please contact: Ms. Antigoni Fakou: MYTILINEOS Press Office, Tel. 210-6877346 | Fax 210-6877400 | E- mail: [email protected].

MYTILINEOS S.A. MYTILINEOS S.A. is a leading Greek industry active in Metallurgy, Power & Gas, Renewables & Storage Development and Sustainable Engineering Solutions. Established in Greece in 1990, the Company is listed on the Athens Exchange, has a consolidated turnover of €2.3 billion and employs directly or indirectly more than 3,600 people in Greece and abroad. For more details, please visit | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

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