Ropormvtndnt;Up.^BAUM, 128 Market St., Newark

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Ropormvtndnt;Up.^BAUM, 128 Market St., Newark SEAL ESTATE.OUT OF CITY. FACTORIES FOR SALE OR RENT. APARTMENTS.FURNISHED. BOARDERS WANTED. ' SITUATIONS WANTED.FEMALE ! SITUATION8 WANTED.FEMALE SITUATIONS WANTED.MALE. 8NTH. 20 So. Sc. 2t», York Mate.Sule ur Kent. NEW FACTORIES. WKI.I. furnished corncr apartment. «ev«r of East..Large room, private bath; Chambermaids., \VaJtre«M», CHAUFFCUR, mechanic, single, vviafcs* large. outside rooms, elevator; piano; tUl Horuugli Brooklyn. second floor; Bouthern exposure. steady private post lion; 8 yearn* experien«t# COUNTRY HOME !n hean of the beautiful Two one story brick buildings, modern con October: $1SK. Circle 3808. 3>rrH, 37 Kast..Large room, second .floor; CHAMBERMAID. WAITRESS. English. married, thoroughly on ail make* of ears in private employ* a'. BRfiOKLTS HEIOHT8..Ten minutes from to chambermaid, clean, understands her neat: small Cunningham and Lancia on last position: Lakes in residential soctlo'i »truction, 75x314, Bound Brook. N. J.: ¦ private bath: southern exposure. Lady wishes pla.ce work; tall, Finger -»;{lon; 30TH ST.. 0 it 6 EAST Wall st 4 anil P room apartments: fire- 28 West adult Christian husband neat best go ariv- of Groton; home 01 Corona Typewriter: 40 four railroad*. all Improvement*, siding; re- Two rooms arid bath. (MPT. IS West..Beautiful large room, lava¬ honest, obliging; relercncea. Apply family; competent appearance; reference; minutes Cornel! Univ»r»itv, .SO minutes itrlcteri: aell or lease. Modem proof elevator building. H. W. Stelle. *0 Mai- 86tli Bt. (fardener; long experience; reference®: state ^Urt°n **' Cassell, Morningside 5200- fropi PIERCE N. J. apartment. de.i lane. New "York. tory; excellent meals; table guests; reason¬ full particulars by letters only. 8. H., 300 * from exprusa tmin to New York; acres ESTATES, BOUND BROOK. £10 Wast able. CHAMBERMAID, competent, German; tem¬ West 29th. 25^ fruit and 44TH, vWMtover Court)..Bach¬ or references. D. maple trees, brooks running £ ALE or Inie 25 cents elor apartment; high class; hotel service; New Jersey. porary permanent; city CllAUFFKUR, mechanic. 20, single, wishes through ground. 11 rooms, baths, tlre-plac- factory, warehouse, Borough of Brooklyn. I-.. 157 Eaut 47th. WAITRESS, experienced, private family, private position; 8 yearn' experience *uuare foot, located 30a, west side; prlnci- meals If desired. See Resident Manager. city. care 1384 3d av. steady 2 car parage, hardwood floors, white wood¬ ala only 135 Bryant M60. APARTMENTS. 4. B and 6 rooms, all «rn- CHAMBERMAID.Two girls wish positions Advertiser, Crowley, ',lalic8 of Mrs In private employ; work. range, screens, high altitude, excellent HECTOR DAVIS. Broadway. COSEY room and board, one or two refined and ?.?. i and Lancia on last 52 W. 55th room together or separate as chambermaid Miscellaneous. Cunningham position- water, sewer; price *:o,OCO; term* $10,000 St,BOO square feet frontage lor street Green- St..Newly furnished sunny 3 gentlemen; modern, up to date home; pri¬ waitress; references; call morning. Mooney, neat appearance; beat reference; go any¬ cash, balance In easy mortgage puyraents point section; Morgan nv., Bklyn. FAH- and hath apartment, kitchen; telephone; vate family; convenient to 4th av. express where. Burton 5200- I!IC Immediate roPormVTndnt;up.^BAUM, 128 Market St., Newark. references fit West 00th. COUPLE, with girl; friends; man, experi¬ F. Cusseil, Mornlngside FAlRCHll.H. Tel. Audi; 'it'.rtO. I'liV CLEANING MACHINERY CO. unusually quiet location; sublease; station; required. P. K. THEIS. enced Sti seen Phone Market 7950. .MO 04th Irish seeks biitler. drive car; wifa first class cook Bldg 47th st Ilklyn. Sunset 6217. possession; by appointment. Telephone st., Brooklyn. CHAMBERMAID, young girl, posi¬ and or chambor- 1.ANG Spring 6707. Evenings. CI rrle 1S33. STRATrORD COURT apartments, corner tion; can sew well: would consider cham¬ housekeeper; girl lady's years' shop SUMMER HOME IN THE 11 BART OF CUnton av. and Stratford place. Newark, bermaid-waitress Answer by card mald; best references: country preferred. V^V'^R-^^pANIC-Fouryears driving experience on high w. »> mm. Sublet h*. nncc. kitch¬ t position. rare st. THE AD!KONDACKS, rooms, «ix room apartment, second floor, or letter, Hreslln. 207 West 67th. Couple, Rehak, 325 E. 52d fiml. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. enette. bath; nicely furnished; with piano; rent month. The best BOARD AND LODGING WANTED. DAY'S WORK.Colored whole i.y. at Essex Mti: $125 month. KOTONPO. $150 built and up- CHAMBERMAID and help with children; woman, part, nSS^T'rcV.y^rcTuntry. VT beautiful Upper Jay. county. kept apartment house In Newark. and Call time: reference. Morn. 7054. Skinner, 102 04th ated on slight eminent. overlooking Au le From Buttery to 14th St., Inclusive. B7TII, 150 West.Attractive furnished apart¬ night elevator service. Apply to Il£>1TRANK. FRENCH married couple, arriving In Now young Irish girl wishes position. 10-12, W. 130th st. acre of fruit tre.s; 7 large York In 873 3d nr.. Healey's bell. .ssznjsijssrt River; land, ment, 2 rooms, kitchenette, bath and roof MARTIN. Supt. Phone 101- Waverly. June, seeks board and lodging DAY'S two ' obtain a rooms, hath, toilets, two fire places, hea' r, CABLE BUILDING. «21 BROADWAY. garden; *175. Telephone Htuyvusant 2047 for | , with respectable family. Write BRA VET, CHAMBERMAID, competent. K. M.. 253 W. workers, colored girls; laun¬ ^ wish to position hardwood floors: elocttkity; water Offices anil 9-10:30 A. M. and 0-7:30 P. M. S,"- Ave. I-.a Motto 24th st. dress, cleaning; take laundry* Uorae. Morn- good chauffeur and mechanic, who spring showrooms, 1,000 to 4.300 information, I'icquet, Paris. Ingslde 0822. h';r.a my ""ploy tor the last year. from side of mountain brcuclit to both floors __ square feet, from $1.50 to $2.50 per square r'.n h 24 West..3 rooms, YOUNG business man deslrea CHAMBERMAID, French woman; Sw»T^niInformation'I1 can be had either and to lawn and garage garage CdxIiS. poul¬ foot annum: full service. Including ST.. handsomely apartments wanted. board and competent, DAY'S work: care of bachelor's by per light; furnished; large living and bedroom, regu¬ lodgings; state terms. E 0 Herald, Herald wages <50; country only. Marie, 2086 7th a apartment. nwS or letter, B. *Block, -77 Broadway try 12xl»l, Ice house ltx'Ju: metal roofs to ail 100 per cent, sprlnklered; also several small¬ lar kitchen Bii'l bath. Matthews, 338 West 50th. Call after 7 or R''°n« IWTfl. buildings: a wonderful bargain at $7,500; er offlsas available; Immediate possession. Unfurnished. Dressmakers, Seamstresses & Milliners. write. Phr,mi_Worth_ terms owner a and distances (10TH ST.. 30 East,.Sublet $125 monthly. cash; Canadian Apply superintendent DAY'S work, young woman, private family. CHAUI'1'EUR-MEUHANIC. as well us loss In exchange reason for nale. furnished, with light and service, April t vtfiHT to ten room unfurnished apartment ccat msle¬ Rlordan. .111 W. 116th. experienced private box 3«H Albati.i N. Y DOWNTOWN OR UPTOWN SPACE. to October 1. THORNE, «0 Broadway. Phone COUNTRY BOARD. DRESSMAKER.Children's dress, fnmiul veUr;/hol'ol,shly care- OREGG, and 11573 wanted. East Side of «. er; formerly with Thurn; out; highest ref¬ DAY'S family chauffeur; exceptional mechanic. Desk room. $20: private office, $30 tip; Bowling Green. at a yearly rental of $3,000 to $4,UW. i ** work, colored girl. Brown, 147 West river; 8 years experience; highest. ref- Connecticut.sule or Rent. p.lso mall $5 monthly; telephone erence. Mrs. Williams, 180 East 47th. No 8!!d. Care privilege, "1ST ST.. 55 West..Handsomely furnished Heraid. 260 Broadway. Island. " Superintendent. Jfntlemanly, trustworthy; reason¬ attendant: excellent service; no lease re¬ entire second postals, please. able.iiin .1 W 344 Herald FINE OLD HOMES. 4th floor, private bath; excep¬ i?OTTR or five rooms, or upper part; lady. GIRL, experienced, honest, colored, wishes salary. P. Herald. sq. CONNECTICUT quired. For up town. BO av (opposite tionally desirable house and location; for re¬ DOUGLAS MANOR DRESSMAKER, experienced, colored, first. half time work; can furnish reference. 1 Reserved on outside, but charming' and Wr For down town, 206 Broad- exceptional references; Improvements; m d- HOTEL, class and new with J" references from nainaker'sl. fined couple or buchelors (can divide). Full *rMe pouglaston, L. I., In New York city; orer- romodeler entire gowns, Writo Emma Tarry, 231 W. 130th st. ^iUI! v. th. i'carH' as careful most lovable within; splendid old tree-, u ry. Telephone 250 Worth. rent. Phone Lafayette 1483-R. best no to mimi'n private families service supplied or light housekeeping per¬ looking L'ttlo Neck Hay; rates |2!S up; embroidery; reference; objection GIRD, colored, wants two half time places; dnfI? ?! an(1 Pleasant per- pretty water view, exclusive section, 1" RENT.10 third floor. 25 mitted; Immediate possession; UNFURNISHED apartment wanted, three or American plan; cxcollent country place. E 0 Herald, Herald sq. ».«iiK. iOUe ,lm't:ha"k: 3 FOR st., $200 monthly. four rooms: to table: golf; 34 AT reference. Elizabeth Barlow, 45 Oak American, 32; nettled; Pierce, rooms, baths, many porches, fully vllXI. Phone 10210 Columbus. willing pay trains daily; 22 minutes Penn. Station, DRESSMAKER.Clowns, wraps, remodelling, st., East Orange. N. J. y.' B"y Car: E Hcr- ¦creened; also outalele studio, garage, large ."A.,*. i"j phono E. ?3° Herald, 731"). 114 West..Select, sunny, back parlor, Bayside 14123. by day; finest work; reasonable. 112 GIRL and woman aid sq coal and wood house; water, electricity; bedroom, kitchen, bath; wish part time, mornings . and finest the LIGHT TOP LOFT NEAR BKEKMAN ST. electricity, linen, 32d._ and days. Call Main 4150, Thursday morn- CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, useful, Dane. 29: harming outlook uir In telephone; furnished; suitable four; $28.50 Westchester. like sit world. ARTIST, Westporr. Conn. Suitable for printer; also dry basement; weekly.
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    CITY PLANNING COMMISSION October 4, 2017/Calendar No. 12 C 170249 ZSM IN THE MATTER OF an application submitted by VNO 225 West 58th Street LLC pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter for the grant of a special permit pursuant to Section 13-45 (Special Permits for Additional Parking Spaces) and Section 13-451 (Additional parking spaces for residential growth) of the Zoning Resolution to allow an attended accessory off-street parking facility with a maximum capacity of 64 spaces on portions of the ground floor and subcellar level 2 of a proposed mixed use building on property located at 220 Central Park South (Block 1030, Lots 15, 16, 17, 19, 24, 25, 39, 46, 48 and 58), in R10H and C5-1 Districts, Borough of Manhattan, Community District 5. This application for a special permit was filed by VNO 225 West 58th Street LLC on January 25, 2017. The requested special permit, in conjunction with the related action, would facilitate the provision of 64 accessory residential parking spaces within a mixed-use development at 220 Central Park South in the Midtown neighborhood of Manhattan. RELATED ACTION In addition to the special permit that is the subject of this report, implementation of the proposed project also requires action by the City Planning Commission on the following application, which is being considered concurrently with this application: N 170250 ZCM Joint certification by the City Planning Commission and the Department of Transportation (DOT) to allow more than one curb cut on a narrow street BACKGROUND The proposed development at 220 Central Park South occupies a 27,608-square-foot “L”-shaped portion of a larger 91,704-square-foot zoning lot that encompasses the majority of the block bounded by Central Park South to the north, 7th Avenue to the east, West 58th Street to the south, and Broadway and Columbus Circle to the west.
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