Ohaasa From: EDILBERTO L

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Ohaasa From: EDILBERTO L Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region X - Northern Mindanao DIVISION OF LANAO DEL NORTE AT 1ON Gov. A. Qulbranza Prov1. Govt. Compound DEPAR NOATE Pigcarangan, Tubod Lanao del Norte TICH (063)227 - 6633, (063)341- 5109 [email protected] RELEASED n24 019 DEC 2020 DATE ED NAME Division Memorandum SIGrATURE OER No. 481 s. 2020 To Assistant Schools Division Superintendent CID& SGOD Chief Education Supervisor OSDS Section Heads Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concermed This Division Ohaasa From: EDILBERTO L. oPLENARIA, CESO V Schools Division Superintendent Date: December 9, 2020 CEREMONIES SARIMANOK PARANGAL Subject: DIVISION VIRTUAL 2020 December 14, Virtual Sarimanok Parangal Ceremonies on 1. This is to inform the field of the 2020 at 9:00 am. of https://bit.ly/LDNSArimanok for the livestreaming 2. All are advised to access the event. Ceremonies 2020. Awardees for the Division Virtual Sarimanok Parangal 3. Attached is the list of desired. dissemination of this Memorandum is 4. Immediate and wide Mastgeent Syslem #G0100 A ISO S001.2015 TUVReirdarnd ERTIFIED a Department of Education N NG RegionX LANAO DEL NORTE DIVISION Gov. A. Quibranza Prov'l. Gov't. Compound Pigcarangan, Tubod Lanao del Norte (063)227 6633, (063)341 5109 [email protected] LIST OF OFFICIAL WINNERS CATEGORY: Elementary NAME SCHOOL/SCHOOL HEAD/coORDINATOR/INSTRUCTIONAL MANAGER/TEACHER (Distance Leaming) DESIGNATION SCHOOLIDISTRICT DIVISION CONTACT CATEGORY Grace M. Deloria NUMBER Principal Kapatagan East CES, Lanao del Norte 09176523033 Most Outstanding Elem. School Dennis Dozano Kapatagan Central D Principal Carusa IS, Kapatagan East Lanaodel Norte 09264194048 Most Outstanding Elem. School Head District Janice D. Málanog MT Malingao CES, Tubod East Lanao del Norte 09173201962 Most Outstanding Elem. School District Teacher Zyvil S. Clam Teacher Salong ES, Baroy South District Lanao del Norte 09556785477 Most Outstanding Elem. School Kinder Teacher The Division Screening and Selection Commitee cortifies thet, to the best of their knowledge, the information contained herein and the accompanying supporting documents ar true and comec Reviewed BRIDGETTE E. ABALORIO RICARDOs. ABALO MAMILAWAN S. CALI FATIMIA ASUM EMMA LABUNO Member Member Membér Member J Membk ANGELTOÝONA BARAZONA ERLC. AGONZALO Member Chairpersoh Approved: EDBERTOL.OFLENARIA,alNARIA, CESO V Schools Division Superintendent #GO100 Management Ey A ISO 0001:2015 TUVRHtono Uv.cn Department of Education Region X EDUA LANAO DEL NORTE DIVISION Gov. A. Quibranza Prov'l. Gov't. Compound Pigcarangan, Tubod Lanao del Norte (063)2276633, (063)341 5109 A NO P [email protected] LIST OF OFFICIAL WINNERS CATEGORY: JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL/SCHOOL HEADICOORDINATOR/INSTRUCTIONAL MANAGER/TEACHER (Distance Learning) NAME DESIGNATION SCHOOL DIVISIONN CONTACT NUMBER CATEGORY Superiano Maglangit Principal I Lanao Norte National Lanao del Norte 09177129193 Most Outstanding JUNIOR High Comprehensive HS School Superiano Maglangit Principal l Lanao Norte National Lanao del Norte 09177129193 Most Outstanding JUNIOR High Comprehensive HS School Head Welita C. Palma TeacherII Diosdado Yap Sr. Me] Lanao del Norte 09107699574 Most Outstanding JUNIOR High School Teacher morial NHS theDvision Screening end Selection Commitee aertifes that, to the best of their knowledge, thg infomation contalined herein and the acomparying supporting documents are true and aoreci Reviewedy BRIDGETTE E. ABALORIO RICARDOs ABALO MAMILAWAN S. CAL FATIMAASUM EMMA LABUNOG Member Member Member Member Membe ANGELTOBARAONA ERL C. VLAGONZALO Membér Chairpersh Approv ho EDILB RToL.OPLÈNARIA,ARIA, CESO Vv Schools Divislon SuperintendentCESO #GO100 Monogement System S0 90012015 ArovAhelnsand Department of Education RegionX ARAN NGEDUA LANAO DEL NORTE DIVISION Gov. A. Quibranza Prov'l. Gov't. Compound Pigcarangan, Tubod Lanao del Norte (063)2276633, (063)341 - 5109 [email protected] LIST OF OFFICIAL WINNERS CATEGORY: SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLUSCHOOL HEAD/COORDINATOR/INSTRUCTIONAL MANAGERTEACHER (Distance Learning) NAME DESIGNATION SCHOOL DIVISION CONTACT CATEGORY NUMBERR Richelle A. Tura Principal I! Diosdadp Yap Sr. Lanao del Norte 09989810224 Most Outstanding SENIOR HIGH School Memorial NHS Francisca S. Larin Principal Maigo NHS Lanao del Norte 09178002817 Most Outstanding SENIOR HIGH School Head Arrvic M. Villegas Teacher l Lanao Norte National Lanao del Norte 09770253932 Most Outstanding SENIOR HIGH School Comprehensive High Teacher The Division Screening and Selection Commitee certifiesSchool that,to the best oftheir knowiedge, the infomation conteined herein and the accompanying supporting documents are true and core Reviewed b BRIDGETE E. ABALORIO RICARDO . ABALO MAMILAWAN S. CALI FATIMA ASUM EMMA LABUNOG Member Merp Member Member Membar ANELb EARA}ONA ERL C. PLLAGONZALo Member/ Chairpefspn Approved faxhaa EDIBERTOL. OPLENARIA, CESO V Schools Dlvision Superintendent Monegement O 0 #G0100 System A 90012015 TOVRholniend. Republic of the Phiippines Department of Education Region X DIVISION OF LANAO DEL NORTE TAbod, Lanao del Norte RELEASEL Tel. No. 2274633 (PLOT emal add lanaodel.norte001pdeped gou ph Annex 8 UST OF OFFICIAL VINNERS CATEGORY: SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL/SCHOOL HEAD/coORDINATOR/INSTRUCTIoNAL MANAGER/TEACHER (Modular) NAME DESIGHATION SCHOOL DIVISION CONTACT CATEGOR vejma LouA Bontilao NUMBER Pladda Mequibas NHS Lanaodel Norte Most Outstanding SENIOR Royena E. Lontaya P1 HIGH School Marcela T. Mabanta NHS Lanao del Norte Most Outstanding SENIOR HIGH Schooi Head Keel Forcadilla T2 Diosdade Yap NHS Lanao del Norte Most Outstanding SENIOR HIGH Schood Teacher The Division Screening ond Selection Committee certifies that, to the best of their knowledge, he information contained herein and the accompenng supportir g documents are rue andayect ANA PMARA JUMAWANM 10%uTdCEPE SAMANRA NSARIPADA APOLONIO'M. NMAROHOM Craikman JES hairman/SEP Menter /EP Merrhe /P50 Mermper /hgps Member /PDS O MEv. vgCAYA MOMALAWAN L BALABAGAN aoY ACABAHUG hemter 1P-1 Merriter /P1 Merrper/EPSI Approved EDILBERTOLOPLENARIA, CESO V 0oL DIÝISION SUPERINTENDENT Republic of the Philippines Department of Education RegionX DIVISION OF LANAO DEL NORTE RELCASED Tubod, Laneo del Norte Tel. No. 227-6633 (PLDT)D oVTON or LANAO OEL NOArE o 9 DEC 020 emall add: lanaodel.norte001@deped. gov.ph DATE SIMA LE Annex B LIST OF OFFICIAL WINNERS CATEGORY: JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL/SCHOOL HEAD/COORDINATOR/INSTRUCTIONAL MANAGER/TEACHER (Modular) CATEGORY NAME DESIGNATION SCHOOL DIVISION cONTACT NUMBER Most Outstanding JUNIOR High heldaGerali PI Teofila C.Quibranza NHS Lanao del Norte School Most Outstanding JUNIOR High Dénnis Dozano P Carusa IS/ Kapatagan West Lanao del Norte 09264194048 School Head Most Outstanding JUNIOR High wilfredo A.Quizel Magsaysay NHS Lanao del Norte School Teacher Most Junior High School 9fmaima l. Ma-amor ALIVE Masibay 1S/Nunungun District Lansodel Norte 09553059084 Outstanding ALIVE Teacher_ Most Outstanding Junior High Michael Rey B. Repuesto Dalama IS/Kapatagan West Lanao del Norte School PED Teacher TheDivision Screening and Selection Commitee certifes that, to the best of their knowledge, the information contoined herein ond the accompanying supporting documents ore true anfkofect. AA MONIMABA WUMAWAN MARIFE WeoY JOSETO EPE SAMANIRANSARIPADA APOLONIOM, MAROHOM Chaiman /EPS Co-Chairman/SEPS Member /EPS Membar/pSDS Member /sb Member /PSDS n JOsHINE VViscAYA MONALAWAN'L BALABAGAN owCABAHuG Member /P-1 Member /P-1 Member/EPS-I Approved: EDILBERTOL OPLENARIA, CESO V SCHOOL DvisiON SUPERINTENDENT Republic of the Philippines Department of Education FDU RegionX DIVISION OF LANAO DEL NORTE Tubod, Lanao del Norte Tel. No. 227-6633 (PLDT) T S OVEEION Gr LANAO DEL. NDRTE email add: [email protected] 09 DEC Z020 DATE LIST OF OFFICIAL WINNERS xB MANAGER/TEACHER (Modular) HEAD/coORDINATOR/INSTRUCTIONAL CATEGORY: Elementary SCHOOL/SCHOOL CATEGORY DIVISION cONTACT NUMBER NAME DESIGN SCHOOL/Distict Elem. School Most Outstanding ATION Lanao del Norte 09274187913 Pl Magsaysay CS/Magsaysay Zanaida A. Omar Head Most Outstanding Elem. Schood Lanaodel Norte 092613069216 ElemSchool Teacher Pilingkingan IS/Tangcal ES/Somiorang Most Outstanding |P3 Lanao del Norte 09356297578 Mamilawan 5. Cali Dist Lourdes C. Kapatagan CS/ Kapatagan Marfa Carpentedo Elem.School Kinder Most Outstanding Lanao del Norte 09265531769 Dimayon ES/Tagoloan Dist. Fatima M. Salic T-1 Teacher School ALIVE Most Outstanding Elem. Lanao del Norte 09553059084 Datu Bebit Dalug ES Sittie Nor Casim ALIVE Teacher Teacher Most Outstanding SPED Lanao del Norte Maranding CS/Lala Central Rose Bloson A. Octavio Mary School IPED Most Outstanding Elem. Lanao del Norte Slide East Adrian Buasan Sitio ES/Kapatagan Teacher 09176218334 Most Outstanding ALS Coordinator Lanao del Norte documents are Bacolod IS contained herein and the accomponying supporting Charity Mae I. Tabar best their the information Committee certifies that, to the of knowledge, The Division Screening and Selection true onrect. SAMANIRA NAGÅRIPADA APOLONIO M. MAROHOM MJUMAWAN MARIFE 2IcoY dc.EPE Member /P$DS MONISAMABA Kember/EPS Menber $Ds Chairman /EPS Co-Chairman/SEPS Member SDF LADYAMN CABAHUG EPHINE VVisCAYA MONALAWAN L BALABAGAN Member /P-1 Member/EPS-II Member /P-1 Approved EDILBERTO L OPLENARIA, CESO V SL DVISION SUPERINTENDENT EDUCATIIN MENÍ OF OEFAR DEL NORT DMION OF LANAO RECOROSSEGTION Republic of the Philippines ARAN NG RELEASED Departmet of Education RegionX J cOTOLNO/SG DVISION OF LANAO DEL NORTE 00 Tubod,
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