
HOME GROUNDS FACT SHEET Horticulture Center Cornell University Demonstration & Community Gardens at East Meadow Farm Cooperative Extension 832 Merrick Avenue East Meadow, NY 11554 Nassau County Phone: 516-565-5265 Bronze Borer anxius Glory

White birch is a short-lived in should always be monitored for the New York, all too often because of degree of infestation and a sensible attack. Any control measure considered. weakening of birch (drought stress * A pesticide is a substance that kills, or for example) attracts the borer. attempts to kill, a particular pest, e.g. of many kinds are attacked: insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, etc. European white birch, paper birch and gray birch are common orna- mentals affected. The white, legless, flat-headed IPM Considerations grubs, which are up to 3/4 of an inch long, mine The bronze birch borer seldom attacks in a in the cambium just under the bark. This often healthy, vigorous condition. Therefore, the best causes girdling. Dying branches, particularly on control is watering during dry seasons and provid- the crown, are the first noticeable signs. ing necessary fertilization, pruning and control of The grub winters in its tunnel under the bark. feeding such as birch leaf miner and In spring the pupa is formed in the tunnel and in aphid. Take particular care of newly transplanted late May or early June, the adult chews its birch, including adequate deep watering. Do not way out through a “D” shaped hole in the bark. dig around birches or any tree. This destroys The feed mainly on poplar foliage, but vital surface roots. Avoid trunk injuries by return to birch to lay eggs on the bark. The grub lawnmowers, wires, dog chains, knife wounds, etc. soon bores in and tunnels under the bark until winter. Controls Homeowners should have trees sprayed by a certified pesticide applicator. The materials should Management Options be directly sprayed to the bark of the trunk in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) June between 440-880 GDD when the Kousa Considerations dogwood and mock orange are in bloom. In new IPM is a common sense approach to pest control plantings, use resistant varieties: and care. It employs a number of mea-  'Heritage' is an upright 50' tree sures to prevent, control or reduce plant prob- with cream-pink-tan, peeling bark and lustrous, lems. These include using resistant plant variet- leathery . ies, proper plant selection and placement, good aftercare and biological and/or mechanical con-  Betula platyphylla japonica 'Whitespire' is a trols. As a last resort, after all other remedies large tree with chalk-white; non-peeling bark. have been explored, a pesticide* that is least  Monarch birch, Betula maximowicziana, toxic to people and natural predators, can be con- reaches 45' to 50', has white bark and a sidered. Prior to using any pesticides, graceful habit.

E-1-3 DWM reviewed RT 1/03

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