Seed and Plant Recommendations

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Seed and Plant Recommendations May 6, 2020 Recommended Modifications to Proposed Seed Mixes, Seeding Schedule and Plant List to Benefit At-Risk Pollinator Species Project Location: Reuben Hoar Public Library Littleton, Massachusetts Prepared by: Evan Abramson, M.S.E.D. Principal, Landscape Interactions Pollinator species at risk in eastern Massachusetts that are supported by the following recommendations: Bees: • Bombus fervidus Golden northern bumblebee • Bombus vagans Half-black bumblebee Lepidoptera: • Callophrys gryneus Juniper hairstreak • Callophrys irus Frosted elfin • Euphyes conspicua Black dash • Hesperia leonardus Leonard’s skipper • Hesperia metea Cobweb skipper • Hesperia sassacus Indian skipper • Poanes massasoit Mulberry wing • Satyrium acadica Acadian hairstreak • Satyrium favonius Oak hairstreak • Speyeria aphrodite Aphrodite fritillary FOR ALL SEEDS AND PLANTS TO BE SOURCED: 1. All seeds and plants shall be supplied by Prairie Moon Nursery, New England Wetland Plants, Ernst Seed or another nursery/seed supplier that is verified to be neonicotinoid and pesticide-free. 2. With regards to certain species, recommended source and contact information are included. Recommended Changes to Proposed Turf Grass Seed Mix: Landscape Interactions | 16 Center Street #426 Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 | 1 20% Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis). 20% Common selfheal (Prunella vulgaris ssp. lanceolata) | Source: Pacific NW Natives 20% Common wood sedge (Carex blanda) | Source: Prairie Moon Nursery 20% Little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) | Source: New England Wetland Plants, Ernst Seed, or Prairie Moon Nursery 5% Violet (Viola ssp.) | Source: Prairie Moon Nursery 5% Chewings Red fescue (Festuca rubra variety). 5% Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne). 5% Redtop (Agrostis alba). Proposed Flower/Grass Mix (NOTE: percentage by seed count not weight) Source: Prairie Moon Nursery Andropogon gerardii Big bluestem 8% Asclepias syriaca Common milkweed 4% Baptisia tinctoria Yellow wild indigo 8% Cirsium pumilum var. pumilum (sub: Cirsium discolor) Pasture thistle (sub: Field thistle) 6% Desmodium canadense Showy tick-trefoil 8% Diervilla lonicera Northern bush-honeysuckle 8% Doellingeria (Aster) umbellata var. umbellata Tall white-aster 6% Eutrochium dubium Coastal plain Joe-Pye weed 4% Eutrochium maculatum Spotted Joe-Pye Weed 4% Hypericum punctatum (sub: H. prolificum) Spotted St. John’s-wort (sub: Shrubby St. John’s-wort) 4% Hypericum ascyron (H. pyramidatum) Great St. John’s-wort Landscape Interactions | 16 Center Street #426 Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 | 2 4% Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 5% Pedicularis canadensis ssp. canadensis Canadian lousewort 4% Penstemon hirsutus Northeastern Beardtounge 8% Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium Little bluestem 8% Solidago caesia var. caesia (sub: S. flexicaulis) Axillary goldenrod, Blue-stem goldenrod (sub: Zig-zag goldenrod) 2% Solidago juncea Early goldenrod 2% Solidago puberula var. puberula Downy goldenrod 2% Spiraea alba White meadowsweet 5% NOTES: A) Spring Planting: Feb 1 through April 15 only B) Fall Planting: September 15 through November 15 only Recommended Changes to Proposed Plant List (original plant list included below for reference) Acer saccharum Sugar maple Quantity: 3 Notes: KEEP as originally proposed Amelanchier canadensis Canada serviceberry Quantity: 3 Notes: KEEP as originally proposed Quercus illicifolia Landscape Interactions | 16 Center Street #426 Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 | 3 Scrub oak Quantity: 2 Notes: SUB for Betula nigra Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana Eastern red cedar Quantity: 1 Notes: SUB for Betula nigra Cercis canadensis Red Bud Quantity: 1 Notes: KEEP as originally proposed Salix petiolaris Meadow willow Quantity: 4 Notes: SUB for Clethra alnifolia | Source: Vermont Willow Nursery Salix lucida ssp. lucida Shining willow Quantity: 4 Notes: SUB for Clethra alnifolia | Source: Vermont Willow Nursery Salix humilis Prairie willow Quantity: 4 Notes: SUB for Clethra alnifolia | Source: Vermont Willow Nursery Swida sericea Red osier dogwood (native species not cultivar) Quantity: 6 Notes: SUB for Cornus alba ‘Ivory Halo’ Dennstaedtia punctilobata Hay scented fern Quantity: 57 Notes: KEEP as originally proposed Hamamelis virginiana American witch-hazel (native species not cultivar) Quantity: 1 Notes: SUB for Hamamelis virg. x ‘Arnold’s Promise’ Rosa carolina Carolina rose Quantity: 3 Notes: SUB for Hydrangea arborenscens Prunus maritima var. maritima (sub: P. maritima var. gravesii) Beach plum Quantity: 2 Notes: SUB for Ilex opaca Landscape Interactions | 16 Center Street #426 Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 | 4 Rhododendron periclymenoides Pink azalea Quantity: 5 Notes: SUB for Ilex glabra Rhododendron viscosum Swamp azalea Quantity: 5 Notes: SUB for Ilex glabra Rosa palustris Swamp rose Quantity: 12 Notes: SUB for Iris versicolor Vaccinium macrocarpon American cranberry Quantity: 12 Notes: SUB for Iris versicolor Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush blueberry Quantity: 12 Notes: SUB for Iris versicolor Salix discolor Pussy willow Quantity: 6 Notes: SUB for Iris versicolor Rubus flagellaris Northern blackberry Quantity: 9 Notes: SUB for Juniperus x ‘Blue Chip’ Vaccinium pallidum (sub: V. angustifolium) Hillside blueberry (sub: Common lowbush blueberry) Quantity: 10 Notes: SUB for Juniperus x ‘Blue Chip’ Desmodium canadense Showy tick-trefoil Quantity: 24 Notes: SUB for Leucothoe fontanesiana Salix discolor Pussy willow Quantity: 3 Notes: KEEP as originally proposed Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium Little bluestem (native species not cultivar) Landscape Interactions | 16 Center Street #426 Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 | 5 Quantity: 12 Notes: KEEP as originally proposed Spirea alba var. alba (sub: S. alba var. latifolia) White meadowsweet Quantity: 3 Notes: SUB for Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Diablo’ Diervella lonicera Northern bush-honeysuckle Quantity: 1 Notes: SUB for Viburnum trilobum ‘Bailey’s Compact’ Original plant list follows: Landscape Interactions | 16 Center Street #426 Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 | 6.
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