TEACHER RESOURCE GUIDE Prepared for: Prepared by: Teacher Resource Guide The Solar Schools Teacher Resource Guide is designed to lay the groundwork for a series of activities that encourage learners to explore solar energy, energy conservation and the enmeshed topics of climate change and environmental stewardship. Please make use of the activities in this guide however you see fit. Adapt them, modify them, extend them as needed! If you have any feedback on how this resource can be improved, please let us know at
[email protected] or
[email protected]. About Solar Schools Canada Solar Schools Canada (“SSC”) is a registered charity that assists public schools to develop and fund solar energy projects in order to prevent emissions, reduce school operating costs, and enhance education by using the projects as a learning tool. For more information, please visit www.ssc-esc.ca. About Clean Foundation Clean Foundation (“Clean”) is a registered charity which provides the knowledge, tools and inspiration needed to encourage the individual actions that sun to a positive environmental shift, including through the provision of environmental education. For more information, please visit clean.ns.ca. Acknowledgement Clean and SSC wish to acknowledge the financial support of the Province of Nova Scotia, represented by the Department of Energy and Mines, in creating this Guide. TEACHER RESOURCE GUIDE 1 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Format 3 About Solar Photovoltaic Panels 4 How they Work Benefits Approach and Rationale 5 Curriculum Alignment 5