One Man’s Guide to Climbing Mount McKinley (Denali) - and other high cold places - © Timothy Hult 2008 Text and Photos by Timothy Hult Revision 3, February 2009 ©Timothy Hult 2008. All text and Photos, except where noted, are copyrighted by Timothy Hult. All world wide rights reserved. Copyright © 2008 by Timothy Hult Notice: The text, photos, tables and diagrams (except where noted) are original material registered by the author with the US Copyright office in 2008 and are therefore copyright © protected by the copyright laws of the United States as the sole property of the author Timothy Hult in 2008. All worldwide rights reserved. All materials are provided to (the original web site offering this guide) for the sole use of its readers on an individual basis and may not be repurposed in any way for commercial or private use. Individuals may make single use copies, but no distribution is permitted. No general, repurposing, modification, or transfer rights are implied or granted by this individual reproduction right. All other worldwide electronic or mechanical reproduction rights are reserved by the author and must be granted through written permission by contacting the author at
[email protected]. Acknowledgements & Dedications: The people below through either their active participation in editing this text, or through sharing their stories, pictures and experience of climbing Denali and other high places through the years contributed to this article. Numbers in parenthesis are the dates these individuals were on the mountain the small “s” indicates the year they summated. Steve Eckert (1997s) – editing, web, and fact checking.