1726 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. [SLATER's VOLUNTEERS. Fourth Volunteer Battalion Manchester Regiment, '7th Lancashire ltoyal Garrison Artillery Volunteers Burlingtun Street, Oxford Street, Con M. (The Manchester Artillery), Hon. Colonel-The Ea.rl of Ellesmere, v.n. Lieut.-Colonel Commandant-lion. Col. W. A. Lynde, v.n. Position Artillery. Hon. Lieut.-Colonel-J. B. Pollitt Hyde House, 28 & 30 Hyde Road, Ardwick. Major8-T. Gill and S. L. Mandleberg Hon. Colllne!--Ralph Peacock, V. D. Commanders of Companies:- Lieut.-Colonel Com'71anding-Colonel R. K. Birley, C.B., V.D. 1, Capt. H. Hawkins; 2, Hon. Major w, Lees; 3, Capt. H. E. Majors-J. Magnus V.D. and W. Walker Gresham; 4, Capt. T. Pa.rker; 5, Capt. V. Saha.l; 6, Capt. G. W. Captaim-(Hon. Major) F. H. Oogbill, S. G. Goldschmidt, H. Lowcock; 7, Hon. Major A. Furniss; 8, Capt. H. G. ThomiJl'on; 9, Bowler, J. H. Hall, Joshua Hall, 0. B. Goldschmidt, F. Sowler and Capt. H. Pollitt; 10, Lieut. A. E. Taylor; 11, Hon. Major J. C. C. J. Caulfiel<l. Nichol; 12, Capt. F. T. Prince and Mounted Company, Capt. W, Lieutenants-V. L. Bnrnett, T. H. Leigh, W. H. Holland, H. Pattooon, Hardwick. D. Heith, L. E. Walker, R. S. Lord, A. A. E. Hohr and T. Walker LieutwantJ-W. Mansfield, S. Pilk:ington, E. A, Cla.remont, .A.. ll. Second LieutenantJ-F. S. Ball & G. V. Clay Taylor, H. T. Moller, G. B. Hertz and C. J. Slade Adjutant- 2nd Lieu.tenant~-r. Henderson, W. C. Ponter, T. L. Needha.m & F.
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