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❖❖ ❖❖ FairfaxFairfax StationStation CliftonClifton LortonLorton Just in time for Halloween, Haunted Cabaret comes to the Workhouse Arts Center this weekend as well as Thursday and Friday, Oct. 31 and Nov. 2. HauntedHaunted CabaretCabaret ComesComes toto thethe Follow on Twitter: @LFSCConnection on Twitter: Follow WorkhouseWorkhouse Entertainment, Page 10 Classified, Page 13 Classified, ❖ Sports, Page 18 ❖ Entertainment, Page 10 Denim Do-gooders Help Put Zip on Homelessness News, Page 4 FoltzFoltz vs.vs. HugoHugo InIn 37th37th DistrictDistrict News,News, PagePage 33 Photo by Theresa Le/ Workhouse Arts Center www.ConnectionNewspapers.comOctober 24–30, 2013 Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 24-30, 2013 ❖ 1 • Schools are our Community Centers for Vote ‘Yes’ for Our School Meeting, Recreation, and Learning Bond on November 5th! • We Need More Classrooms for our Increasing Student Population • We Need to Renovate Existing Classrooms • Renovated Buildings Enhance Student Safety • The Use of Bonds will NOT Raise Taxes! Fairfax County Federation of Teachers PTA, Fairfax County Council MISSING TEETH? HELP PROBLEM DENTURES? WANTED YOU ARE A CANDIDATE Part-time FOR DENTAL IMPLANTS graphic artist needed on Wednes- LEARN HOW DENTAL days to help with IMPLANTS CAN page layout, ad design and photo CHANGE YOUR LIFE! processing in small, The days of dentures and missing teeth are over! Now, when people lose permanent teeth very busy depart- for whatever reason, dental implants can give you your smile, and life, back. When a patient ment in Old Town suffers from the loss of a tooth or several teeth, the placement of dental implants creates a Alexandria, walking new smile as strong as nature’s original work. distance to King St. Metro. More hours Join us for a FREE Dental Implant Seminar available some ALTO PLAZA RESTAURANT weeks. Send 5800 Old Centreville Rd.• Centreville, VA 20121 Oral, Maxillofacial & Dental 703-266-8811 Implant Surgery letter, resume to November 7th, 5:30–7:30 FREE Consultation resumes@ & Raffle Drawing for Seating is Limited. Patient Testimonials, Featured Speaker a Complimentary Question & Answer Session. connectionnews Dr. Brenton W. Burger Dental Implant Call NOW for a reservation. papers.com Diplomate of the American Board of 703-444-2206 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons COMPLIMENTARY BEVERAGES & HORS D’OEUVRES WILL BE SERVED 2 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 24-30, 2013 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Lorton/Fairfax Station/Clifton Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic News 703-778-9414 or [email protected] Foltz vs. Hugo in 40th District Hugo runs for seventh term Jerry Foltz believes his views better in Virginia House. represent the community’s. By Bonnie Hobbs County.” By Bonnie Hobbs board, serving three years, including one Centre View He’s currently working on it with Del. Jim The Connection as president. LeMunyon (R-67th) and Sen. Dave Marsden “That’s where I learned about public bud- hen asked why he’s running (D-37th). “We’d like to see the preliminary erry Foltz may be a first-time po- geting,” he said. “I got involved in the de- for reelection to the General engineering starting this year,” said Hugo. litical candidate, but he has a life- tails of how that school system was spend- WAssembly, Del. Tim Hugo “I think we can work with the CTB [Com- Jtime of experience working with ing its money.” (R-40th) has a ready reply. monwealth Transportation Board] and the diverse groups of people on seri- In 1996, Foltz started Wellspring United “It’s an honor to serve,” he said. “We have next governor to push this project higher ous issues. And now, he’s running as the Church of Christ in Centreville and later did an opportunity to help people improve their on the priority list.” Democratic candidate for the 40th House regional ministry at 41 churches. In 2009, day-to-day lives and fix the problems in Hugo says his experience in the House is District. he retired to part-time pastoring until 2012. their neighborhoods and on their streets.” But ministry wasn’t his only profession. When Hugo first ran for the House, he In 1997, he became chaplain of the and wife Paula only had two children. The Centreville Volunteer Fire Department (Sta- Clifton residents now have four—Katie, 15; tion 17) and continues today. He’s also a Chris, 13; Matt, 8 and Jackie, 6—and he’s volunteer chaplain for the Fairfax County vying for his seventh term in office. He at- Fire and Rescue Department, coordinates tributes his political success to his focus on maintenance for the fire stations and drives quality-of-life issues where people live. the canteen. For example, he helped get Virginia Run’s roads re-lined and helped both Fairfax Sta- IN OCTOBER 2010, he and Alice founded tion and Centreville’s Gate Post Estates com- the Centreville Immigration Forum (CIF) munity get more reliable electricity. and Centreville Labor Resource Center, pro- “We also got $15 million for the George viding work for the community’s day labor- Mason [University] bypass to take traffic off ers and services for local residents. Now he’s the Braddock and Ox roads intersection,” running for state delegate. said Hugo. “Hopefully it’ll be done in De- “I want to improve transportation,” said cember or January. A constituent wrote me Foltz. “I’ve been on all the secondary roads about traffic backing up there and we had from Clifton to the [Manassas] Battlefield a town hall meeting.” and back to Fairfax County. Many don’t have shoulders or deceleration lanes so people REGARDING HIS ACCOMPLISH- can slow down and turn safely without get- MENTS during the last session, he’s proud ting hit from behind. And with shoulders, that he helped pass a law making human there could be bike lanes. Some of the trans- trafficking a felony. “Before, it was a mis- portation-bill money might be used for these demeanor to traffic a minor,” he said. “The clogged and hazardous roads.” penalties were low and the profits were Del. Tim Hugo Jerry Foltz He also wants more-accessible public high.” transportation, including more park-and- Hugo said gangs dealing drugs are now an asset in achieving his goals. Elections 2013 “I felt the need for our district ride areas “where people could meet, involved in human trafficking, so Virginia “I’m chairman of the Republican to be better represented in the carpool and reduce congestion.” And he said also passed a bill to make it an offense pun- caucus and am now number House of Delegates than by my more people might take the VRE train if ishable by prison time. “We’ve gone from three in leadership, and I can use that posi- opponent [incumbent Tim Hugo],” he said. roads leading to its stations were improved. some of the weakest laws in the nation to tion to help Northern Virginia and my dis- “The 10 years he’s been there, he’s voted Long term, Foltz says extending Metro to some of the toughest,” he said. “It was a trict in Fairfax and Prince William counties,” against all the transportation-improvement Centreville, Gainesville and Haymarket bipartisan effort and I’m pleased that we he said. “I’m also on the Commerce and proposals, including the bipartisan transpor- would also help reduce congestion. Mean- were able to do it. I’ve got young kids, and Labor, Finance and Transportation commit- tation-funding bill in the last session—and while, “They could increase the power on this is happening to young boys and girls. tees.” our district needs transportation improve- the lines so they could have longer trains We worked with national organizations on Commerce and Labor focuses on jobs and ments.” carrying more people.” this and we’ve made a big difference.” creating and fostering a good business en- Centreville residents for 17 years, Foltz Foltz said western Fairfax County isn’t He also helped pass a law dealing with vironment in the state. And just recently, and wife Alice live in Country Club Manor well served by buses. “If you don’t have a the test for Lyme disease. “Many times, the Forbes magazine called Virginia the best and have four, grown children, Jon, Greg, car, getting around is pretty hard,” he said. test produces false negatives,” said Hugo. state in the nation to do business. Maria and Carol, and nine grandchildren. “So the number of bus routes should be in- “So we made it a law that doctors have to “That’s because we take an evenhanded In 2011, they were honored as Centreville creased and they should adequately cover tell people this could happen, so they’ll keep approach to taxation and regulation to pro- Citizens of the Year, recognizing their many areas needing service.” monitoring it. GMU’s working on a better tect businesses and consumers,” explained years of service to the community. He said north-south routes especially test and we’re excited about it and will try Hugo. “We try to keep taxes reasonable, low Jerry obtained college degrees in history need more buses going from Centreville to to get them some money for it.” and evenly applied. [Doing so] creates pre- and religion. After graduating from Eden Reston, Herndon, Dulles Airport and the He said the number one transportation dictability and a stable environment. Over Theological Seminary, he was ordained as Dulles Town Center for employment, shop- project for Northern Virginia is to improve the past few years, McDonnell Douglas, a minister in the United Church of Christ ping and hospital visits. And, he added, the intersection of Route 28 and I-66, so Northrop Grumman and Hilton moved their and pastored churches in Maryland, New “Prince William County has five precincts he’s seeking more funding for this problem, headquarters here because of the tax struc- Jersey and Woodstock, Va.