• , . • 10 The National Weekly of Programs and Personalities Week Ending August 24, 1935


Vol me IV Number 44

Virginia Verrill s... PaRe 15

It's the Gypsy in Him--\\You Can't Beat Radio" News and Views of the Week

Free Press, I he It:dl'T;11 CommUniCJlJ(JIl" Olln- Jlhertl"U t'>c "ure thai uukno\\n or r.utl) knU\\1l radiO mi tcHl i.. \t:..lul only with tht: I"(J\\- relll,nm'r.. r\\lth a fnl!{milllit) \\111 l"IC J prufitJcle m­ S~eech and er 10 ,,-pntrol ,lOll admlm",trate Iht.: \e!-tl1ll'nt:' ...... ot all ...:riph. muslcalt ... IIr re\ue..;. ..() ":;1 ... ( Radio 1l1t.:": h;J 111(;1] I.l":lhtlt.:' of broadGl')tlll~. :lre .. Ul,;t.:j·....(·... rhe only thlllg guar;mteed 10 the ,llher­ r(Jillh oul 1),1\ ill LJ\HenCe a~tuh: tl'cr h) .. Udl pro..::edure I~ ,1 ..Io\\er anti mtJre ramle"s I.."ilo( of the umll'd .\falt'! l\~l..:S, noted \\"~bhlllgtun c:-.tr:lCI10ll of funds Irom the r;ldlol adHrti'.ling budget. political (()ll1menlalor ;ll1d proponent of the Ne\\ DeJI. Iht' gamhll' i" .. Iill there, but the (hips are \\hite Mr L\\\rcn,e nnI-:" the loc ... in ;11-:.lln:o.1 a :"oy:ikm of broad­ \\·h;lt .. ill :1 name;> .-\ lot. be"::;lll ..e l\ery dial t\\i.. ter cl,lIng ... t.lt!(/ll:- \\11IhC C\l'TY 1IIlt'T;IOCC i ... controlled by lrum SOllthl'T11 C1Jifml1ia to No\., ~..::otia. and I--::Iorida lhl' 1;!00l'rnment in IxmCT. 10 Bllti .. h Columbia \\ill be IUlll'll in 10 hear th;11 n;lmc I h4." writer and editor 1:0. ,t!'lIllle-l o\er till' :Jddrt.:..... and "t't: \\h"l thc J.!,rcat ;trti.. 1 or puformer i'l goinJ.!, to dn. of I CC Ch.llrnWn Prall at the '.Illonal A.....ociJllllll It look.. like :l fifly-fifty pmpo-.illon from \\here. \\t ..it. d Broad":;l"!i.:r.. (om cntlllll durinK \\ l11d1 .\1 r. Prall ';;lld' "1 he n-'pon,ihility of the elhillf of the air (bTu:".I­ A Step up I he dedrk 91' •'If Itln i ..ion j~ be- Gl"tt:r) CH:ll lr.I11 ....:('1111-, th;" of his more experienced gllillillg 10 blink. brother (nc\\"pJI't:r l'dilnr), hl'clll ...e he mu ...1 comply Television I he ea..l' \\lIh \\hICh Ihe \I l'\ I \\ith th~ mandatl: of ~r\ iJl~ ·Iluhh..: intl'rC'.1. .:oO\('niencl: Ladder O\erC:Hne the flPl)().. illon of thl" tl'k- :md n.. .:e ...... ,t~ III t'\er) Ihlllg he ·puhh.. hc"· by me'lIl~ Ilf gr:lph (Olllll"nll·" ;ll1d \\on I;\l'r lht hi.. tr,ln.. mltter. IJu b,oaduul",.r.: /wllt-hue U cOlllw­ j;eJt:r:l1 C.,mmuni..::;tllolh Comm'..... lon In '1..·curm~ J't'r­ gt'" "pOll I/>ot mi ..... lon 10 11l'l1:l1J :l "::O:l:-.i.J1 l.;lhle hu\\l't n '\c\\ 'ur'" ,\tr. I ;l\\rt:n":l' ch:J1kn;':l'" th... ~t:lIl'ment; he a.."Crt ... and Phibtldphia for e:-.pernm:nl.ll lell\I"\I)f': \\;1 .. :ll­ Ihat hro:l~k.l.,lillg liccn..r .. ;lTI' ..olltingcnt upon nOlhing mo~t a pt:r..un:tl triumph for 1)0000Ior ,. Il jL\\ ('t! ,\ ICt­ 01 the "ort lie rder., 10 C1l1d .I11 ... 1i(c Ilughe..· deci..ion President 01 the Teleplwl1c Comp:Jny. Doctor Je\\en m the WIBO (;1 ... e to ... hO\\> tll:ll lhe Supreme COllrt III \\:lS the principal \\itness, hUI pmHt.l "0 (1)IWI11Clllg th:lt its llnalllllUlU-; lleci..:on lell Ihal ... upeT\'i:-.ion by Ihc nld hefore he had completed hi.. le.. llmon) Iht.: \\ e.. tern H;lt!Jo Commi"slon \\a~ Illlllted to alhx;lIlons and Ihele Union and Po:>tal \\Ithtlrew thl'ir Oppo:,ltlon. i.. "by no Il1C:l1l.. ;111)' ;lllthnrity over ".. hat was spoken I he Ctlmmission in granling ,Ill l·:-.penmenlal IJCl'll-l or hroadcl ... t dllring 1111' 1I"l' of tho,,(' facilities." for Ihe w:t ... i;11 cable nude il a (Ollthlion th;lt all P;l1lll:~ I he COll:-tltlltlfln of lilt L nllcd States of ,\men..:;! Dm'Ul Law/t'llu .. , tilt' Poltl NtT'rrf' ha\ill~ :In inll'ft':-.I in Ihe Iran.. ml....l0n of ttlt'\I"IOIl prohIbIts COllgle...... lrom lll:lhllll-\ any 1;1\\ :thridging thl of RfIIlj() Cl'1Horsltip's IJUlrt It im:lge~ .. hollid have 3.:ce:,>,\ 10 u .. t.· of the c:lble. freellom of the pre:'>:'> alhl the Irt.~dtllll of :'>pttdl II I" "'1 he Commision is of Ihe oplllIon th:ll Ih(' pdl­ I t)\J(lU'" th;1t thl::; pmte..::tlCln ;\pplte~ to broalt..:.a~tinJ.\ Any ahu"'l'" of Ihl·...l' pri\i1c~cs Me amply cOHred hy Ib ml:-.t:lke Jilli lllaklllg plans to leg:lln lh~ gruund lost titJllt'r:-. Glllnot monopolize thc l':-.pcnmental ;llh.mtagt:.. the la\\ .. of lihd. Il'gl..I;llion :lgain~t fraud ;mll mi~ 10 I he more pro~Ie""l\e nl'\\ "1';lpcr.. and 01 her llltete:-.ts fe:lturn anti use of Ihe coa:\ial c.lble to the di..;llh:lnt.ll!l. t':\du..ion :lntl delrimenl f)f olher paIlle....' thl' :lnnouncc­ lepre.,ent:ltllm 111 thl' ...;I:e of produ..::ts In inler.. t;lte com­ Says the moulh 01 lIC""p by thl'ir pbce in Ihe ('Immunity anJ The (;lhle \\ill Jt Ihe ..:tmc time 240 kIL­ eommuni':::Jtion~ phone me:o.:-.:Iges·in e3ch dH«tlon, or 2-11)) "Imultant.tlu:-. 11(\\ CopeJ:llld {()(kl ;md t.lrllg bill '\U more are needed. theIr knm\;edgc of pro..:c....c.. are better ,\lr. Ll\\ren"::t: l\l:tkc....cn.,e. \Vt: nced nol only free fitted to hi' hro;ld..::a .. ters th:Jn :lny ollll'r group \yhich telegraph llll""":lges. Tele\ 1.. 1011 images (:lll he Iran..· mitted \\hen the Glbles are not olherwi"e III lI'e. ::.pl.e(h ;1111..1 a Irfi' pre..". hut ~ free mi..::mphonc. ,"\'11 llluSt can be named. I he field is not yet do".'d 10 newsp:lper ::.tand or ~o llo\\n 11lgether p:lrti..:ip:ltion. and it is not :It :JII unlikely Ih;ll te..::hni"::lJ ;ldv:ll1..::es \\ill opcn new :lir ch:lnnels for hro:ldcasting. ~o, let it not he .. aid again that ne\\ .. p;lper'i 'missed Hepresent~ti\e • If Mr. Connery Connery, tlf 1\1:b::;J­ Radio Tourists I hirty per ..::ent more• people ;Ire visit- lhe hl);)t' in nOI ..,eolTing more st:llion fr'lllchi ..e... chusetts, recenlly IllserteJ ;[ ~tJnSllll-\ ing 1he NnC stutlio:» in Ibdio City 'Tor, Wh:l1t:vcr may be the leg:ll statu.., of the radio Would Make ..,pce..:h in the CuUglUWH/fl! Ravrd On the thi., YC:lr Ih:1Il last. allJ .llmo... l h;llf mClliulll. it i... c..,..,etlti;tlly :I means of c01ll111uniC:l1ion, :ll1d Changes bc..::allse of the rdus;ll of lhe Feder.11 Increase of the 'light-seers LOme in p:lrtie:> r.cilher Cl)mpelitot llor :dly. but adjLln.:t of thc d;llly r.olllmUlll,ation~ Commi:-'~Ion to ":,1n..:el from oul 01 tlJwn. Wh:lt is re:-.pon:>i­ new~paper inslrumt'llt." the li(ense:-. of all NBC network ;1 IIi It:lt t>tl station~ \vhieh ble for thl., une\.pe..::ted incrca:>e in oUH)f-towners vi:»lt­ c:lrril'd the hroadcast of an allegedly ob::;cene song dm• jng the~ .. Iudio.. \\hi..::h ;Ire ;J t\\O-yc;tr-oIJ attraction? What's Waller Wider. •suc.:e~:-.hl'l Chicago ing ;1 program :-.ponsoreJ by the Me:\iGIll gO\ernll1l'nt An;lly::'l:-. indi..::ates th:1t there are 1\\0 (;actors; first. r:ldio producer, a..::tor :llll.l \vrilt'r of I he Comgrt'..::-.rnan laUll(hCl.1 inlo a lir;ule :lgal1l .. 1 thl. ;1l1 incre:l"'lllg intert:..l in r;l,lio :In,1 ~\:onll, the improved In a ,Iramatic ..,hm\s, ..::ontend~ Ih.jl a R3dlO Tru:>l and ils arro~allce, Ihe ~uppo..ell Inllucn"::L CCllnl)lnlC situatlon. ~ponsor may be ull\\i~ in purch.a ...ing whl..::h the :'\;llional IlroaJ":::l ..ling Company h;l ... \\Ith the Iuuri.. t agencies \\111 tell you Ihal nlllety per cent Name? a name star of the ~t:lge. or ...creen FCC., ;llld the prescnl syslem l)f Il1Jl\idll:Jlly O\\Ilt:tl of the \\mld's Ir;l\elers are .\mcriGtnS. They \\111 ;J!'ltl 10 ~II hIS produ,"" He asserts Ihal the big-n:lme per­ ;md controllell bro:ltl..::a:-.ting. tell )OU Ih:tl \mt'ri':::llls :lh\a}s ~ \\h;tl they ,,:allt to formers anli :lrli... h ;lrC gol nephew or 01 ... orne \\111 bring a brge audience to ~ program'.., premier~ )el llumber lations for vlol;ulons of the l:l\\ .. nie..::e 01 l nell:: S:lm frum tr:l\fllllg c,(cpl by t;lking they mu..t win the friend .. hip anll loyally of the r:ldlo ...i,!ccn of the'>C complaint:-. \\ere l!lsmi..,ed on n(Jlhlng IllS money a\\:ly lrom him. audience :-.olcly by their ability to ple:l:-.e :1.., ;ur per· morc.' than Ihe prombe of thc licensees Ihat the} \\('IfIlll '1 hat <:0 m:lny more pl'oplc h:J\'e Ihe mOlley aV:lil­ formers before the adHrti:-.er will be :lhle to re:lhze nol put on such hroatlcasts ag:llll." able for :1 trip to HadlO Cily i.. illlkej gr;ltifyillg. 1 hu:-. on his in\e~(mcllt by the incre;l:>cd sale of good... Whal ebe does .\it. Connery \\;IOt;- doe ... r;ldio prO\'ille :lnother ):lrd.,li.:k for the improvell But in wn..::ludinJ.l his argument Mr. Wicker rccom­ Nlll conlt,mt to StOp Ihcre, the l{cpresent:lIl\'l' from pro~peTlty of the United St:ltcs. mcntls, "Build a ~how with e: ;lt!caslll1g :>Iation.,. rhe press now simply know microphone technique? Even J\ more th:lll ten per cenl of the thus admits the v;Jlue of :l following \\a .. ;IS olfen..l\C as the motion picture... of whIch :l\ail:lble r.ldlo tlmt: anJ ch:lIlnel~, And why is the gamble removeJ? limy can an people complallled 1"':-.1 ye CUOI;, Hilum" '" :XulIIber l~ \\ftk ~;IkJ,"~ \U,u-I : l. l!tn if ... he \\cre on the an I he la\\m;lker off u\ cr :JS many more sl:ltlon~. I,·ued \Oeell,. b, U... n,o f:lllJlI;. lne.. 13 I Pln_tl, (·w.t. f·hi...,u IIIll10b COIl.~resslolJtJl Fonh!",,", a~ ,~ ..1'1" ",.-1.. , .l lhe 1'01' Otllor-o! .'''ntlfl. ltIinnlt ~'irl roan cunlflhution 10 Ihe Rc.co"J b\ led,m­ I hi.. b :lS It ~h(Julti l'\'e\\:-,p:lper~ \\crc \\ell rep­ !.f. 1132. UI""''' lor (II AI ...." 3. 1 1"1. ('Ol))rl.ht lin br RUlI') GelD.. ~llbsldllCti be. In('. All II-.lll' It "n..11 J,;Uf"Ull\-t. ~:dil<.rilll. n,t"lIli..." .n" mcnc.hng gO\ernmClll ;lntl controlJe:1 radltl :I re~entell fO~lcring H".lnt. "tIlor-o!. 131 l·lrD.....'lh c.'oon ('hi""lU IIHnol~ AoJ~~rl..in, lleba:Sltl~ ;Jmong the early pioneers in Ihe and o~. ~atl...... 1 M~oJi •. In('.. I. E••t Unol Slr~1 ... ~. \(1111 ... ~'" \'o.rll: I:l Eng'anll Illstead of "Ihe pre:>enl type of Jc'\~ 11:'. l.allf' Vlt_ ''''~'OUt. I·hl....' IlllDllI~ :11 1_ A'ItI1!r'lbt'. P'hi,ltn' Iho~e he~r.'· t1c\'elopment of broaJca">llIlf.;. On the other h:lllll, .nd l'ublldM'r: Ht!'bt"1 I\~t. 1'1 \'. I' .nd (:~''$~: :;re J.~·';ra·r~·~~:o:Ubl[:'~i\I'I~y '~::i1II'~~~~'~~.,~:;~~~~, :lnd ... ponsor~ are gIving Ihe Amenc;ln public \\ hat it "I tlday the old gU:lrd of the r:ourth Estate i.., cunfes:>ing Ultlfltt)' ...d~r. O,lr tiledl d,.,ul 1(1 Qr\k!. ill n"n.... GU'Il. l·u""H.~ '''01 ., •u... ~u;lJer·1 Ildl w.anh 10 hC:lr. Otherwi..,e r:ldio woultln't pay.

.J u 3 No Place Weak Sisters • Adele Ronson Has Learned That Only After a Disappointment Can She Feel Reasonably Sure That Success Is Lurking In Wait for Her

By Lorraine Thomas the hIli:' hetter than allyone else she could hJVC the part. 10 III"UIC her~h aglin"r al1(,ther (!l'! quidd). and deltvered thl'm '0 lahonousl\' turn up with the pla.:ket (,n ( \\!th exu;llIrdil1ary illldligell(c lor hould kno\\ She"., used (hsappoilltments fidently! She vowed thai Ill'n'r J~Jin would for ~tt:ppillg :l[(Jne') "'0 long now that she would ~ht: :;.truggle su. If was 100 hl'arthrl'Jklllg to fad. be mortal!) al r':lId of allY OpportUlllt}' thaI prc- L::xactlv a week la[l'r the dram;J1 i..: c":l..:h ..cnleJ ltsell \\Ithout tht.: prelude of complt.:lc scnt lor nero lIe said that, a.. ;, rl"Ull of ht:r di:scolJ ragclllenl, ex(ellenl reading Jll the tryouts lor To look al Adele (llle would never Opheim, she hJ.d heen chfJ,en to play belle\'e thaI ... he had evel :.uflcred a set­ Ihe part of Llle lililc girl ill I he Servant hack or a di''''PPottltmenL in all her in I he 1Ioll'l', career. There i ... :t :-.CICIlC tranquility in It was lhl'll .. he Iwgall 10 form (I Ill'!" lu .... trous dark l'}'l·", a :'>oftness in her philosoph}l for di,:lppclinlllll·IlI .... llla!lnn, \dlich would indiCdtc that Iht: strugL\le for :-.ucce:'>" had not heen ton MA;,,\Y times," ... Ill: m:lIll(:llns, "we aim strenU0U" for thill~' for \\ Illl,:h \\t: rea!!v are 1t is something of a ..,llrllfl:,>e then, not ad;lpte,l Whl'n rill' di,":CI\'t:ry is ro learn that 'Jele attrihute, not only made, Wt: :-huuld nllt think we arc un· pre~nt hcr ...t'renity, but tll'r comfortahle suited lor al1~ thing. slInpl\' o':..:all ..e w(' illl'111011 III the radiO .... orlu, to a 'erzes cannot sUl:(et>d at e\er}"thlll~ we tr)'." 01' ''',·It-;h.:k, \\hlCh .11 tillle~ ::.eemed al­ 11ll' lhritl :Jlld ... u..:..:t:" of plJ.ylng 010"t eD,lIe" .\lld would h;l\e hroken the suhs{'qu('nl roll'''' ill ,dl(~ol and lo..::al ')pirit of any Ie', plucky peNH!. a111.lteur the:'ltri":<1I, cOll\'inced \clt-It: that "Of COUN':." ,,(1)':'> Adele, "if you're she \\Jllte.l to I'('.:ome a profe",ion<.ll a we.J.h si"ter right from the start. dIS' a(tre..... So she ht:;t,ted lor :'\~W York apprnntments \\111 prohanly filliSh you bdil'\ill~ lh;l( till' :-tru~~de, an,! small [jut if rou ha\"e anrthmg in you

Portrait "tudy uf Harry Horlick, di. rector of radio's oldest spon~ored show

Harry Horlick's Gypsies Keep Perennially Young By Violating All Accept­ ed Concepts for Success

By Jack Banner

lll: . oldest commercially !'ponsored show in radIo stays t:lcrnally }oung-by breal..ing all the rules. Five hundred ant.! forty-eight consecutive broadca:-.b.

r\~lJ\\'ICH[l) in hetween [he rich on:he,tral f::lllf:t.rc S ,lnJ Ihc :tppear:lncl' 'of Ill(' guest s[.:tr ~re the hrilliJt1t \'0.:.11 ~elC,;:t:'Hl" hy the G\p,it:..' new tenor, Jan P;:-..'rcl..'. Peer,;:C) i',\,;:l'!:cnt \'oice po~)t,....e.. a pre..:iou.. \\:Hlllth ::HI (halm that bkn.l... p~rfecrly with rhe :lrli.. tic i'U~iJl)"'i' of the Gyp...)" bro.ld':.J.. b. Then Crm~ ~lgJll1, wil;l In Il\tro­ ...IU'::liotl of :I. glll'.. t .. tar. ,\tore mclodlou" mu~:c, ;J:lOther ~ong hy Pt-el"CC, a ~olo by Ilorllck, ;111 irre~istlblc Rll~,i.1tl melody followed by a [lungarian folk :-Ol1g, a 11l0.ll'fll j:tZz number Jflanged~ytnphotlicJllv, and the progr<.l!l1 draws to :1 condu,ion ill :1 hur.. t of sllrpa~')jng mu"io! I'rdll:ln..:c. In the ~lu(Eo Ilorli.:k prt·...cnts a pictur..: of J~,;:ili~y ;lIul meekm·"'.... hut during [h<.: \\l'ek, in the oOl":l' ',\hi"re h ... rl'!,ear..ej hi ... mell, he be::omc, healtle~s, It::>..It the~e rt.:hl·Jr .. ~!s [hJt it he,;:ome, edJent that the "~c;:e.. ~ of th~ hail,1 lies in ih Il'auer,hip. EmotiollJlly Han.\" b,·­ comes ;t "l.:1ve-driH'r. lie doe,n't requc.. t. be demands ahsolut0 :Jlld unfailing cflicictlt:y from eH'f\' member of hi~ music:i1 org:.ltlization. A lllU ..iciall and an or~;ll1izer to hi" finger tip.. , Horlick !eaves nothing to ch3n..:c-not C\'Ctl after ell'n~1I ye.1!'s of doing the "ame thing '1 he musical \\Orkshop "ounds lil\c a hailer factory, thirty Illusici:t.ns hlare a\\av in :l sympho!l\ of ..ound tbat oc.::::t ..ioll:llly become.. di..cordant. Ijorlick ~haut .. a command and all is sil("nt ~a\'c far a bli~tering- r... bukc adtlle);)I~J to the offending pl.1Ycr. Meanwhile, three ar­ ranger:> work frantically and confcr \\ith Horli,;:k from Here the long-li\'ed G)'psy ensemble is dressed in its hp~l hih and tuckpr just to time to timc, show you. Yes, that's Frank Parker to the right of Harry Horlick in the center • 5 Dick Leibert, Superman

ICK lEIDERT pre-ents engaged him to give concerts at the the paradox of a man White Ilou..c. who must sit down to By Fred Kelly Eventuillly Dick \\as gr3duated \\ork. who ",arks from 8 from G(.'Orge W;I ..lllngton wilh a de­ ~I in Ihe morning until 2 gree of Ihchelor uf Arts. At about a, m" ;mll yet who is on Ihat time he g;ne up the org,iIl for his fect :dl day. bandleading. and conducted a gf{~UP For Dick is ;m org,mbt, Hadio Six evenings a week he plays for City Mu'lu;. llall contr;lct and hi~ ~atrons of the Rainbow Room in pre~{,1l1 ...erlt':... 01 broadcaq .... RadIO City. ;lIlJ if he i~ finished by DIck I ... nol Ju ... t an of/4 feet will be bll~Y po<;etl to spend "'olicitinJ.l ;md he(ame a r(,~lliar after­ ami although he nC\er has collected on the policy. he pu..,hing lhe accelerator or the bral..e pedals of hl3 noon custOmer (If the P;I!:Jccl heater in Wa'ihington. !--:elie\ e" it one of the Slllarte~t 1m eslmenb he ever ~\\ianl..y new road ... ter. There he hun~ :lround the organ pbyed by Ilans Iw ... made. lit: \\a.., chri... lcnl'd Hich;ml Winlhrop Leibert h:lck Roemer, until he became <;uch :I pc... L that II;1n5 under­ lie ~Ieeps in the Inude ... t pajamas he can im;-l/!,ine­ in Bt:thlehem, Penn..,yh;lIli;:a, in the Spflng of 19f16. took 10 teach hIm all he knew. One day Ilans became II:c} .. re de~lgned by Ihe ~('am~lre... :s at the Radio City hom the dav of hi ... fir ... 1 fight \\ith Ihe kid across the ill ~udd~nly. and Dick was the only available sub~ti· ~ll1 ... ic 11311. ~1fet:t until he 0lwned in the Hainhow Hoom. he \\as tUIl'. lIe filled III so \\ell that ~horlly :tlterward he was Onct: he fell :lsleep 1I1ldCi a ~un r;1y lamp, ;md for known a~ Dick. fiut the ell'g;mce of the night club aW;lf(lcd a :">.:hol.lrship at the PC;lhody Institute of ;1 111lHlIh he lay flat on his back, peeling one I;lycr uf atop a skyscr

.'-\LTEH SI"'CLAIR. Assisted by lames out wholly because of contradl(tion. inasmuch a<; it is prellllt::rt'd their Columbia series wilh a Ilelen I bye" C()nnors, Eaeh Week reV.lews Ne\\. and really a :">eries of books wrilten by many dilfer~nt ~kelCh. ~tlt they did equally well the second \\eek when Old Programs on the Air. J\lr. Sinclair's author~ who labored under different condition~ anti they ~i.'lect('d ~o popular a pl<:ly <1:-. !=r;ll1k l1acon's great Ibting System Is as Follow~: ****-Thc had variou:s viewpoints. :-ucee'!''i, Lightnin'. and ::ast :'10 ;Jhle a character man from PcrfeLt Program, Rare I-:\cn in I{ ..uho: the mo\'ie~ as Walla.;e Heery for the lille role. ra***-Excellent; **-Cood Averagc; *-Fair. No Shand Violinist The llet result \\tellar pcrform~nces of 'the pa~t Highlights of the Bible *** organist. III this popular dr:lmatic :">crics. Heard Sunda)', A t1~t1st 4, at 1 :30 p. m. EUT Shandor. Ilungari3n Illusician who first trained him­ bell Wallace Beery, inclincd to be critical of his (12,30 EST, 12,30 CDT; 11,30 a. m. CST, 10,30 self in the Gypsy ~chool ;md Ialer was polished by Feri wor\.:. mu ... l ha\c bcen \\ell Jllc;l~ed. for he bas ju~t l\1ST; 9:30 PST) over an NBC-WJZ network. Roth, has a new p;lrlner on his five-month-old NBC nalllt::u hI:' ne\\ airp13ne I.Jg/)lll/ll'. Doctor Fretii'ru.ll K. Stamm, spellker. flSmled by program-William Meeder, organist. Together they male qJwrtel Iwtier directlOll of Cbarles A. Bilker. offer organ-violin ducl:., and on the same bill each ha:-; Emery Deu1sch's Dance Rhythms *** Doctor Stamm's new series promi5es to be a most his solo' spots. A most pleasing combinatltm Ihey arc. Prt>miere hearrl Wednesday, Au~ust 7. at. 8:tii interesting discussion of hitherto unrevealed or little Smooth. ea~y flowing nocturnes. pacific and ~oothing, I'. m. EDT (H5 EST; 7,15 CDT; 6:15 CST: 5:1.; publicized facts concerning the Bible. In his lirst talk are ever the gift to lisleners from the 400-yem-old vio­ MST; 4:15 P&T) over the CBS-\'1AnC network. he brought out that despite tile truth that Ihe Bible lin of Shandor. lleard with the organ obbligato. their Talelll: Emery IJcutscl/s orcbl'stra; COlll/ie GallS, is the world's best selling book in every Chri .... tian coun­ beauty is greatly enhanced. vo(aluf. try, too many of the purch

Radio's Youngest Script Reader Has Had to Develop an Unique Defense Against the Tedium of Submitting to Interviews

By Chester Matthews

__...B\,IOLJSLY there is no rclation between the From the very incep­ nnu'! of responsibility and the weight of tion of his serial of .\"('.1r'l. At the <.lgc of four, Richard I braId Americ:1ll family life Svihus, radio's latest jU\"enile discovery, i\\or'le hns insi~ted that who is featured in Olle "'lan's Family, fintls C\'l:ry plavcr lu\'e some the cares of his dram:.!tic task;; unfitting kimhip with the role he him for the boring routine of interviews or she pla\'", ;Jnd he re­ and these devastating guest appearances which are in~­ fused to consider using posed upon an arti'lt and 'limply cannot be ignored If a child impersonator. one is to appear illlcrcslcd in hi'i public. Mrs. l\lorse. who R.ichard :drc:tdy has dc\'clopl~d it defense mechanism look.5 like a child herself a~ain.. t these intrusions on his privJ.tc life. It is a Garho­ like :.ilctlce. nut the San Francisco star diflers frol11 his contemporary further dOWIl the California coast in that home is the last place he wants to go. Richard':-. is quite a technique ill spite of his im­ maturity. I k haflles all infcn"iewcrs with a stock ans\\t:r to :lily and all questions, a line cribbed from a radio script. He sagel\' smiles and replies. "1 frow mud." "I fro\\' mud" i, the very flrst line Richard cver ut­ tered into a microphone, an~1 the portrayer of Pinkie in One ,\lan's F:tmily knows a gag when he has one handed to him. lie believes in getting the 1.1 .. t full measure of enjoyment out of it. and for weeks his hmil\', fellow actors and friends have heard it. It ne\'cr fjiLs to bring a bugh from Rkhard him'lclf, even if hi:. Richard Harold S\'ihu~, at four. has become mother i;, getting :I bit j:IJeJ. Ilowe\'er. it still goe, o\'er a microphone sensation, DO\lbt of his read· big with his hrolhl'r K.onaIJ. JgeJ thirteen months, ing ability may be dissipated by his picture shown at the lower left with Uernice Herwin o GIVE the Svihus firc~ide a re,t. pi.:lywright :\lorse T has promL..eJ to write another line which Richard will like h well just a;, soon as he can think one up. J\leantinu: he hclie\"es the YOUl1$ man's obsession is just gc .. tcd th'lt Richard actll:Illy llli~ht partlclpate in the one of Ihu... e idio'l)"ncra..ies Wllldl mlrk the artist. As pro~ram the)' gl.ldly g:J\'C (heir Clllhl:llt. K.ichard's long as Richard continue:. to read the right lines on the teacher set to work, anl! in Ie"" th:A1l t\\ll !nolltlh after air at the right momcnt, he's .... c1come to nil the eccen· hi.5 tirsllesson, he \\.1:; reading at ,ight higger and harder t:-icitie.5 he desires awar from the microphone. word~ than many primer class children C:An. I-or Richard. in .\lor~e'3 e:.tim:uioll, meets a long­ E:\Jctly two mOllths after ,\\rs. ,\lor:.e first heard fclt want in radio. The writer of One Man's I·":tmily (If him..\\orse arra.nged :til auditIon for the )"oung'lter. wi'lhe..1 to introduce one or both or Hcnry Barbour'S Ill- wrote .311 entire ~cene in which Pll1kie talked tu twill Ar~Hh"oll'" in the :.eri:tl before now. BUI Ihe [\\ins II.l/cl. hi~ muther, and P.1ul Barbour" his uncle. The lad are just a ~had~ over three ye;;,rs old. and it was impo,,­ read it .31 :li.!.ht without an error, :Jlltl \\ith such compre­ sible to find a chill! any\\here close to that age who ht'nsion of the line:. that he \\;.1, :\igneJ on the spot. could re:Id lines, E ,\IADE his debut Jul'!' 20 on the Sunday ni~ht pre­ H ..,entalion of One ,\lan's ramilv, which is heard in Ihe \\'e... t only. When the epi~ol!e W:IS repeated the fol­ lowing \\·ednc..,d;.l)' for the tralbcontinental audience, Richard \\J" Ihe .. uhje't of scores of Queries by mail. telephone and tcle~raph. t\ new radio star had risen on the Western horilon. be::.ide her big husband, C:trleton The young man is a sturdy, halcl·cycd little figure recently hegan :ltuJyingIhe p'lY­ \\ho:ie h:1ir is Just beginning to I{N_: the gold of bahy· chology of children to .11\.1 her in hood for n reddish·brown. Some of the poi..c he e\"i· the social service work she has dmce.. heron: the microphone is explained by the fact been doing in San Francisco. that bl'fore he was two ye.1l'.5 old I. C. Beringer, a San From one of her in,truc[or.5 she Francisw photographer. h"d discovered him and was learned that in Liltle Oxford. usin~ him occa~i{)n'lily for Jd\'enising work. one of the pri\'ate ::.chool .. ne:tr rile baby smiled so readily, :tlltl was so sweet-tem­ that city, was a four-year.old pered nbout taking poses requircd for the camera, that young::.ter who was ShOWlllg ... uch h..: ~oon was in demand for comrncn.:iJI work. , were re.1ched. To Ihem, as \·ear... The younger Mr. Svihus was just sixteen when tel '0 many mher young couplcs. he entered the company\ employ. He :ler\'ts as a special One .\1an', bundy 1.5 more than clerk in the office of the \'ice-pre... ident. jU'lt a radio l>fogram. It is a l\lr.... S\'ihus W.1S born in Carthagc••\1issouri, and family friend. \\'Ilt~n it was sug- educated in Kansas City. Her (Colltl1lued on Page 26) • 7 Reviewing Radio

By Martin J. Porter

URING the J'ast few day~ the sore :H1bJect liAht "cht'dules, Cla.:;sics and non-da....ic5. For the of radio an culture a~;Jin has mO\ed un- :-.ak...., of the .J7,fOJ.l))() who I belle\e do not at all sub­ lier the spotlight. "cnbc to thl'. , wish the broaJca~te", ",auld let loose Many epigrams on the subject mater­ regular protrJ.eteJ bro3t1sidc~ of _Hl'cthO\en, Brahms. i-dliLed in a periodical Circular, the regul.ar Haydn. ' ..chaikowsky, et cetera, If there \\ere enough ~I organ of the Womt.:n's National Radio of them to fill the year. Then I ;Im sure most of us Committee. Thi", C(fmmlttee, as 1" gener­ woulJ ht= ri~1 of our noisy neighbors' din, hecau~ I ("t1 in rJther :J ..nappy style, vast majority (Jf li~teners arc not really for It. it seems to me, is more blithe than inform;-lti\ " factual or constructive. I may be wrong about that, hut cer­ TilE .:uhurc damor come.. from a di..tinctly fa')tidiou5 talllly I can ~ay without fear that the critici"llls are a mlllonty. Of these, perhaps It would be a .... f~ bit unpractical. wager, the greater faclion if sohclted per')onally "'ould M",s Laudin comes right out and "1 in... ipill It i~ cultur:ll-but, to usc the de~cnptive words of events in radio hi ... tory-and it was never rcpcated! Americans who have studied it, it i~ also poor radio. "('..an Oubwomen Aid in Solving the R:ldio Prob­ PEAKING further as the Voice of 17,000,000, Miss lem?" i" the tltle of :l picce by Tracy F, Tyler, in that S I.;wdin delivers hcr~elf of tl1l5 mor"l.'I: foe of lhe present sy ... tcm of broadca.. ting, Education " I he future of AmeriC:J1l culture depends upon by RadIO, dated August 8. After describing the femme '" hal i.. done with radio." :tcti\"il,\-', JII based on the best IIltentJon'o. Mr. Tyler '1 hat fl.'<.tlt., well, but we know that radio is merely mention.. the new idea of the (;cneral lederatioll of one of m.my omlcr­ entirt hur.l~n 01 the nation·.. cultun: doe'!. not de\flhe lik~ nothing better than a day's fishing. And an..:.e ul Ii~ht progr

By Martin Lewis

GREAT many of the ether artists are air­ minded beyond their act.ivities in a broad- r.. ~ ,a;[lOg studio. Last week we reported the a f:l.et th"'t KLOY VALLI-:::E hoarded a plane from the 1':ewark airport immediately after his broadcJ:>t; but not until his arrival did we learn that the plane had to return lomthe airport because of :.torms ahead. They took off JAain early the following mornin~. arrivinf.: at the thea­ Escaping the torrid ter with "little time to "'par'"' befofe the first show was weather is easy for scheduled to g:o on. Conrad 1'hibault. ABE LY.\t.\'\! left hi, crew of musicians flat and NRC baritone-, He'd also flew to the Windy City, but it seems he came only j usl as soon swim for the ride. The lanky maestro is a rabid fight fan as sing and nothing could pre\'ent him from hoppin~ a plane to \Vitne:">" the 1.(H1i')-Levinsky fight. His dIsappoint­ ment at the length of the fight can be appreciated when same lui fro III Catalilla Isla lid 011 Wedne.5day alld SatzIT­ it is rcali/cd that he flew almost a thousand miles to day /lights . ., JACK H rJ.TO!'';'S balld is readyill}.! plalH see a little better than two minutes of fighting. Was to cross tbe ocean ilnd join up witb Nne. His EllglH/J he hurrwd up! cOli/rae. NA}" NOn I,l:', bas writtell allot/Jer song btt WAYNE KING is ,mother maestro who does quite wlJlclJ Will be featured ill joch Benny's pIcture. I(s a bit of flying. The Waltz King pilots his own pLlIlc fill/ed. Wby tbe Stars COllie G/lt at Night . LEON and goes Ltp every chance he gets. H/:'I-ASCO goes to tbe Coast 1/l.'xt 'Wuk fo !)!ay at a The late~t air enthusia;<;ts are none other than lIi~ht spot. CIIARLIcS COI(l{U.I. and FI{EI,Mi\N GOSDEN­ or would you know lhcm bcttcr if wc said Amos 'n' CONRAD TIIlI3AULT is not only a top·notch Andy? ,\ ncw Slin~on plane was delivered at the Muni­ singer but we have it from good authority thaI he lake" cipal airport in Chicago last week, consigned to Charlie to water just like a fish. [n other words. Conrad i'j an Corrcll; :.Ind now both of the boys are taking lessons excellent ~willlmer and just loves the water. When he on how to pilot a plane. from what we hear they are i.. n't rehearsing for his broadcasts. he can be found apt pupils. Which brings to mind the fact that for a either al a puol or :.l nearby beach. He is pktured abo\'e long time their contract prohihited the boys from doing ready to take onc of hi~ famous di\"es. any flying. hut apparently that ha:'> been lifted. ARMO;-':Y superimposed en a foundation of friction ACK BE:-..!~Y will return to the air sooner than cx­ H i.. a formula pretty apt to court collapse, so don't J pcctl·'1. but it will be for only a special broadcast­ be ~urpri""ed if the spol1\or doesn't take up the three­ a pre\'iew of his new MG.\1 picture. The Broadway year optio"" on the \'ox Pop of the Air pro$ram of .\1dod\' of 193/1, JERRY BELCI-IER anJ P.~RKS JOI-I'-:50". "I he hoy; I hl' Willi.:: \\ill ;JI~() h;J\"c with him FR \~CES are Joing a swell job on their comhineJ third-degreeillA L~0:GrOllD. l ,\ ~IEIlKrL. SID SIL\'EllS and of the man on the .. treet. but it i:. a pretty \\cll foundcd other 511pponing pJ;I\'Cr~ from thc pi.:ture. rumor that the\ do not c:\.::hange birthJay (;Jrd.., and The program i~ ".:hedull·d for Sun,!:1\'. \llgu"t 27. no olle "0 far hh hear...1 either hk the other where he p()n'orOlldriHtill~ H,}tl'i /II Ch,(,lf!O, m:er the ens nl'lii:orh, " pbnt and Bekher, it is out them. Old ,"lan Economy per:-.uaded me 10 wear /1.11\/) IJOH,lf), and TO:ll,ll), DOHSE)' are 01'" !'aid. liking to h'l\'e some them all the time I'm in the studio....-and I1m\ I can't fbl'Ir ma" (Illd b,1i:t IUSSi'd alld made up. The brolhrrs one at h,:lI1J whom he sing without them!" nrr 1",d, a~,1111 pl,1YII/~ al Ibe Glen Island Casillo, .. h.nO\\s can put ~ome var­ nlr/\ 111:',\".\ I:R mill bis orcbeslra are back 0/1 Ibe iety into the program KILOCYCLE CHAnER: JAMES WALLINGTON is joining ens Ifet~;'orh hroildcast­ With a hit 01 practical the RAY NOBLE cosmetic show, .lind they'lI start interviewing /!I~ trom a -'"ro;,.· jl'rSi'1'. le\·ity. five people chosen at random from the audience .I 1.1 VOl( Pop. T!"Sorl .. , II ""mt dl/II t Nothing like originality, . PHtL DUEY is .Iurlitioning .I new ~'et e'II01H!./J 01 tI't P,lUI, DO" \LD '-: °\' I ccsmetic show, ', And there is a birdie Whispering th.lt ROXY It'IIIT/:-.1/,t.\ 1I1I1S;C Oil and hi:-. frau . .Iuliett3, will m,e. a vuiety show on Sunday afternoons belore milny more Tlll/ndll)' I11~Ms. ~r01/ (all h;J\e come to a definite weeks roll by ,. _ MARGARET SULLAVAN is expected to .Inswer 1/(l'W ftl1le 1'1111 III lale p:lrlil1~ of Ihe wa}"~. In the invit.ltion to appear on one of the Radio Theater broadcasts Tlle~dal' alld ."'·atl/Tday ;"':('w York 1;1~1 \\l'ck a within a few weeks A network of Midwestern NBC st.ltions lIi~hts 1>ro<1dra~{1JI~ Oi:cr di\or..:e W;J .. ;.:r;'lIlted !\lrs. will inaugurate a new thrice a week series of programs on Septem­ fl't! I,"He 1I('f1.~:(lr'~ jrom ~O\'i.. , who dlMgcd she ber 2 featuring PAT BARNES, the one man show. and LARRY HCII Mardell's I?/i. ina ill found her hu .... b:md in a LARSEN, well known organist, •' The Court 01 Human Rela­ New jt'rII.'Y .. . FRINK room with another \\'0­ tions series switches from CBS to NBC starting September 6,., n.1 Ifl:"), holds the man. J\1r5. \'ods will re­ The MAJOR BOWES Amateur Hour will continue at least until IIlIiquf' dHtm(fioll 01 afl­ ceive a weekl\' alimonY" December 15 under the terms of a renewed contract,., VICTOR {It'flrhzg 01/ tbe /}{loks 01 che.:k for, [Ji,:;0. whi..:h YOUNG, the maestro of the AL JOLSON show. is disgusted ens m ')(1th a rlzt'lll ,llId ~houldn't he hard to take with Hollywood and would like to come back East. Vic is a arli'l. J)ailcy (/Jui the heart playing fiend, but he can't find anybody he can give the /}(Il'S 111 his lUllti (lIdl o,\i\: HI ,,\I"~i1; \\lJ~ black queen, ,RAYMOND KNIGHT, chief comedian of the ~o!a Da)'; She's going lIlId opera!e a !':C7;'" jn­ COOlin;.: out of the Cuckoos. has turned to the drama. He has ac\ually written a J places besides lhe eoa!'.Ls {(')'~P(lt ....:llb a CW;; -:...m' CBS .... aldin" in Chicago serious play, which was tried out last week by the Buck Hill :,I'ich iflil/,/'I lI.'t'l1I a the other t1a\". and was Falls players of Buck Hill Falls. Pennsylvania", JOE PENNER d,cIII: ami J)'I//n' IS ~urrnunJed h\" a moh of autogr3.ph seekers. One gal has bought a home in Beverly Hills, Olnd his mama Olnd papa 'if!IIt'd ...... ,ith 11,t" CH\ lrl­ ahout ;\li~s Blai!le'~ height approa.::hed the a.:tre:,s :mJ are westward bound from Detroit to join the duck salesman, ,. nfI BllrC',111 aud iistc'd a( .\nnette Hastings: She'!'. InI..l her ho\\ l1lu..:h she admire.! her Jrt=..". Of cour..e ELEANOR BLAKE, Oluthor of the new novel published by Put· n11£ nam, is the wife of BEN PRATI of the NBC New York press 01 fl'or IC<1turfJ ,HI· g-11l\'e-s u Ilerslit ious JOJIl Ihanke.l her hut the gJI \\3..n't through \\iLh her 1,15 " Ii ,,0,'1 h l )//r­ "l'l'{'... h. She ad,le,1 that .. he \\~l~ ~Iling to a p;ln\' that department, ,' ANN LESTER, cor.tr.llto, has signed with NBC pr;ti1l~ 11 I: J)J) J)U- ni~ht ;md di In t h;J\c J. ...In...... to wcar, and wouldn't .\li~.. OlInd will be heard several times a week from the Chicago studios rfIl.\ and {'H l"",J tlrt: lrJft,'d for S(l11le {hcker :::"rk Blaine giH Iwr the drl· he \\as wearing. L'na.:..:ustome,1 , .. A neNcomer who seems destined to go places in the radio :..bde h' 15 pi '.l ml;' ()lit Oll t!'c C,""Ht,. TFD WEE IH to earn'ing a ~pare ..\Ii Blaine h3.J to deny the reque::l[. world is attractive NOLA DAY. a young rhythm singer now H J10~.: hr(",dr(l(I;"~ o:''"r tI'" CBS Ii..t:... ork 011 T,u ,1,lY featured on Carefree Carnival coast·to-coast every Saturday night ni::Ms from 1\'I1"',H Cd)' ,,, BL DDl ROCERS bdS A~:"ETTE HA TI:\GS. heautiful auhurn·haireJ ,,, KATE SMITH has b~en signed to do a series of broadcasts r('!"ac~d j:l.\ GII\8£1\, alld will broadcast o~:t'r tbe soprano. hearJ frequently on .\lereJith WilJ:..on\ coa t for Harry Horlick's present sponsor. 6 9 SUNDAY. AUGUST 18 MONDAY. AUGUST 19 REARflA GEME T in The ROY CAMPBEI L flO\ .\1 ISIS. ..chedules brioI-:' a l.h:lllge in a group of Quaker trained \'(xJlist5 who lime III t\\O l\:BC-WrAI· f~a­ Sillg in the approved Harlem meter. make IlIrl''', As of texlOl} GOULD Coming Events Iheir debut in the lir.. l of a \\et:~h senes AND SIIl-:I~Tl:R. lwo·piano to be heard :It 2 P III I~S I (I cs i) oYer te:lm, y,ill be hCilfd Sundays an NBC-WJZ network. "' 8:15 a. m. 151 (7:15 CS n ,inti lh.., cighhoT ~ell .. erie.. fC~lur­ EST and CST Shown An outline of Ihe PARIS FASIII07\lS in~ NELLE RF\ I-II. will be broatlc~~t for Fall to be broatlcast Immediatdy after {' •• eh ~unllay at 9:4; 3. m ES r (8:4; the ccmclusion of the fir .. t ... ho\\ings to CST). Ill('mbers of th~ pres\. wiB he ht';lrd Ji· reclly from the I:rellch c:lpltal in ;In inler­ In an inlt.:'rnJtional broadc;l~t frnm the n:Jtional relay over an NBC- \\ E:\F nel­ ~l\.i('l CApi1;tl lhl' MOSCOW RADIO Ol{­ \\ork at J:j() p. m. l:.ST (2 ~) CST). (liE TRA will be fl';Jlured ()\er an l\BC­ Carmd Sno\\., Editor, will he Ihe com· \\ EAF netMrk at 8:30 a. m. I:sr (7:30 n~ent;.ltnr. CSI). \ new <;cries of weekly MllIltiay hroad­ FIOIlFNCE WIGIITMA , concert La ... 1('nl Odette M )'rtll. French and :\men­ Vienna PhilhJrmonic orchestra in :t pro­ Gill ... ta~e sl

A "pccl:d brn;ltlca ... t hy the Egyptian A CBS split network offere; EYMOllR Choral club, compo"c(1 of nwmhcrs of or­ SI.\10:'\S. to be heard at Q, m p. m. EST gani.lati ns from the principal citics in (~:m CST) and O'er CBS-W·\BC will Southern lllinoi::.. will be heard ovcr an hi' tlt':lTd DELL COON at II :30 p. m. NBC-W FAI' network at 12 :30 p. m. EST EST (IIUII CST). (II :311 :I. m. CS I). TUESDAY. AUr.UST 20 An intcTniltinnal hloadcast from Buda· CLYDE BARRIE. young leJ.;ro bari· rest, Illlnl-\ary, \\ill hrin,.; to American lis­ tone \\ bo is a ne\\wmer to the :lir. will teners for the fir't time. ,ound... ;lIld a de­ makl' hi .. debut in the fir-it of a ..('ries of scription of the ;1llnu;J! 51. Sll'phl'n':-. Week twic:c-wct'kly hro:J~ka ... h. 10 ht, he;lrdlues­ ceJebr:ltion, one of the mo\t colorful or d:>ys ;md Thur..day.. at 9: ,0 ;1. m. FS r the I.:uropean yearly p;lgeanh. It will be ff):30 CST) mer Ihe CBS-WABe net\\ork heard OHr the CUS-WABC network at beginning Ihis ,by. 1:45 p. m. I-S I (12.45 CST) relayed to thi::.; country hy .,hort W3ve. Dil. JOSEPII GRINNELL. University of Cahlornia zoolOKY profe...... or. \\ ill talk SALON J\10DFI~NE. a new program on thl' Tleed for wilt! bird.. anti mamm:Jls which \\-ill originate in the ... lUdios of as a fl',lture of Ihe Scienct' Sl'rvicl' pro­ k.H{C, San Fr;lncic;co. will ha\c ib pre­ gram hl':lH\ on'r the CIlS-WABC network mien:: over the CHS-WA BC network at Patti. Jane and Hclen Piekens mcet to di~cuss their new contract that at 3:30 p. m. ES r (2:30 CST). If) p. m. ES r (9 CS r). resulted in their appearing 011 Evening in Paris, which sfarts Monday (Collllllued 0" Page 1]) Music In• the Air

NTERNATIO AL broa'lcasts will ment. Mis"i Thom:ls will he the n:lrrator, rllie the 3IrW3\CS on Sunday, Augu::.t and music will be furni..hetl by a {judlc­ 18_ I he mml import:mt of these By Carleton Smith guit;u·hanjo-accorlllon combinat ion. pickup"-. mll ... icaUy spe;lking. comes I I rom Ihe celebr;lted Salzburg Festi- What do you think of JOHN C1IAR­ val o\'er an I\BC-WjZ net\\ork at II a. m. Listen in Sunday and enjoy a stay-at­ ~enled over an NBC net\\-ork on Saturday. LES TIIOMAS' new program on \\'ctlnc.... 1·1l1 <10 EST; IOClJI;9CSI;HMST; home tour of the Europeiln continent. August 24 :II 4 p. m. I,ll I (3 EST; 3 day evenings (NBC at 9 p. m. I DT; 8 7 PST). It is the ..ccond in a ..cries of COT; 2 CST; I MS I; 12 ooon I'S I). EST; H COT; 7 CSI; 6 MST: 5 PST)? three "ponsored proArams from the festi­ FRANK BLACK "nd the NBC String Written ;lnd compo"l'd by :lon ulltrainl'd Rcplacing Our Ilome on the Range pro­ val in the picture"'1ue AU\lrian town. Symphony ale back with us again thi::. Kentucky mountaineer, the oper.a i\ laid gram. this show cre~teS :In atl11o.. phere of At 9:30 EDT (8.311 FST: 8:30 CD f; Sunday at B p. m. EDT (7 J,ST; 7 COT; in the hills of Kentucky alll.! tells the song among rhomas' rural nl'ighbors 7:30 CST; 6:30 MSI; 5:30 PST) the 6 CSI; S MSI; 4 PST) in a program of story of a yOllng moullt;rincer \I, ho haJ aloll/.\ the E,1 music and folk tunes country, the Call of the He batonned for anoU1cr hills, voc:lI music \\ ill he There can't pos~ibly be too many good played on native instruments. Cumberland'), \l,ill be pre- maestro for thirteen years sung Without accompani- programs. 10 4 "you Can't Beat Radio" Calling All Cars Even with All This Expert's Inside Knowledge of Radio in Police Work-He Had to Make the Inevitable Error That Leads to Ruin By Arthur Kent

Inspectors .lndl'ew Box and Eugene J, IUmphy, of the squad car division, Oakland. California, police. Tlwr had their hands full of troubll?' from a holdu» man-until they stumbled upon a green car

"No," said Joan coolly, ",\nd lhe make of the car," added joan softly. "A "\\'hat?" the irrepres"ible \Vise continucd incrcdll· green ,\uhum ~cdJn, \\a:-'Il't it? And don't you drive lously, "Romance-ad\'enture-happening right under a gll:ell .\uhurn ~edill1, SallllllY?" your very ear~, "0 to speak. Actual, true .. litis time the former poli-:e ofJicial laughed h~lP­ "Romance to me meJlb more than a po!i(eman\ pily. "Yes," he ..,ai,l "I do. Perhaps 1 wa~ the !>tick­ mice," the girl cut in, Charlie's grin slowly widcned, up arti~t. ch?" Suddcnly hi.., face ..,ohered. lie shot "Ye:;,:' he agreed. "I know it doe..," AnJ hc ~l quick glance ,II hi., brorhcr, "S~IY, at Ih~lt:' ht: adJed reached hi.., arms toward:;, lJer-onlv to ,,-ithJraw thcm l'e(kcti\·c1y, "we'd bcllcr hc C;lreful :.thout drivin~ around a.., a sound (JIllt= from the drlve\\'ay beside the bun· town, if there'.., a bandit ()p('r~t1illg a car JU"l like galow-the ~oulld of a car's wheels, ours. ,\s a pol icc oflicer I have stopped in[lo({'nt motor... "There's Brother Sall1uC'!!" he cried, The girl iqs for les~ rea::'Oll than that when I was arter a ..,us­ sighed, pea," "I think it's wonderful." JO~l1J ~aid, "the WilY the l:l:,\lS like my life is just one policeman after an· police are u'iing radio these day" to calch crook..,." S other," ~hc ~aid mi:-,chic\·ously. Hut in spite of the "Thcn why do yOll ah\:J)" make me tllrn ofT the interruption hi.., arrival h:Jd pro\-ided. :;he ::.till smile~1 polie-e calls?" gibed Charlie. Joan colored a little, She a greeting when Samuel \\'i~e, former police chief of didn't answer, the town of Imperial. C.diforllicl\'c.., ill the theoreticJI aspects at drug store 2SSZ TelL'}.:rapb Avelllle ,,, 2SRZ Tell"· J broke in. "You'd ha\·e got a kick out of it." or police radio work, Inspeclor I:ugene J. ,\lurphy of graph A .. 'cIIlfe, a drug store" Look lor large grenl "I heard it," the elder brother said. "Got it over the Oakland robbery detail wa~ working nut a purely AubllrH H'dall IIsed ill getaway ;1ll cars, a boldlfP the car...... ,horl-wave set ju)t J few minutes ago. A practical problem, at " guy in a green \uburn sed::tn held up a drug store at "Take that gag out of his mOllth. Andv," he ..,aid to "'I here!" cried young Wise triumphantly, For ten 2~.s2 T elcgr;lph \\ enue." Impector ,\ndrew 130:\. his radio buddy, as togcther thcy minutc'> he had listened pJticl1tly to routine police "Hot dog!" ejaculated Charlie boyishly. lie turned bent owr thc pro~trate form of the young drug clerk in broadca~h, He felt rewarded by thi ... announcement to the girl. "\\'hat do you

12 7 5 Short Wave .Co min 9 'E ve n t Numerals (Conlil/lled from Page 10) PI{IOSIDI:NT ROOSEVELT, in ob­ Representative WRIGIIT PATMAN of RADIO GUIDE now carries the stake. will be heard at 12:15 p. m. lSI' (11:15 3. m. SliKe the \\'orld \\'ar, will he the settinH or 6.12. and \I'HXK by described by Clem ~1cCarlh)', racing au­ CST). Doctor Peter Ifving. ilttending New for spe.:ial oroad.:asts to originate at 21.54. 15.21, 11.87 or 6.14. thority, over an NRC-WE\r: network at York hospital ph\·si..::ian. will speak on The Pinc Camp, ~e\\ York. and to be heard Listeners remore from large stations 4 p. m. EST (3 CST). Clinician Looks at P:;ychiatry. {j\'cr Ilh' :\'BC-\\'E.\I; nelwork at 10:30 will find reception on the short-\\3\'e a. Ill. EST (9:30 CS I') and again Sat· channel often better than on the regu· U1da\' o\'er Ihe cns·\\'\I\<: network at lar hroadcast waves. Of course. you 3 p. ~ m. EST (2 CST) and twice O\'er need 3 short-wave set. :\'HC-\\'jZ network at 10 a. m. EST (9 Sunday - Continued CST) and 5:45 p. 111. EST (4:45 CST). 'I ht: featured speaker of lhe day will be CBS--~r\\'s; SATURDAY. AUGUST 24 7 :30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST 9:(10 p.m. EST 8=00 CST Johnny Hamp's Or Sccrc~arv of War George II. Oem. Fol­ * CBS-Musical Headliners; * NBC-Sunday Evening at Seth chestra: W,\lJC WSi\lK WII,\,S James Meltun, tenor; J(e~'den l'ark{'r'~ \\ IZ WIKY \\'11.\.\1 WKRe K.\IOX lowing the secrelary's lalk, nOB TROUT. r:inals of the men's nation:il douhlt"s Quartet; Iiallie Stiles. soprano; KDKA WS;o,I WAVE (sw·6.14) WHBM-News; Dell Coon's Ot·· special events announcer, will (k~crihc the championship TEi\!i\IS l\L\TCHES will I'ickens Si~tcrs; Frank Tours' * NBC-Uncle Charlie's Tent che~tra (CIIS> event in general from one of the I31ue bt' described from the courts of the Long­ On:;.. · WABC WKRC \VilAS Sho\\"; Lois Bennett, Conrad IVEXR-LeulIi.lrd I{ellrr's Orch. A rllly's hombing planes. wood Cricket Club, I3rookline, i\lassachu· WWVA WS~IK (sw 6.12) Thibault. Jack and Lorl'lta WGN-Wayne l(ilLg'~ Orchc~tra ;.,('tts. over an l\!HC·\\'I:,\I; network at Clemens. Charles Winnillger; MBS-Band Box Rpltue' WGN IVTAM-;\"elv,: Land nf ]]el{lII The STROLLI NG SON(;STERS 10­ 3 p. m. EST (2 CST) with John I{. Tunis Don \,(lorhp('~' On:h.: WEAF WSAI 111111' Al!:nin ~erics a" commentator KMOX-The Courier WL\\,' \VTA.\! WGY (sw·9,53) IO:4fi p.m. EST 9:45 CST augurate a new weekly to be heard WnB~I-Ne\\is; ~(')muur Simons' * CBS-Wayne King's Orch.: KI\-IUX-I'iano Recital Fridays over an N BC-\\T \ F net \\ ork at Orchestra (COS) WABe WHAS WKRC KMOX \\'E1\R-HI'r-m Crone's Orchestra 4:30 p. m. F.ST (3:30 CST). The pro­ Thc Call of the Cumberlands. an opera WFOE-Hart} Hartman's Sporl \\'B13\1 (~w 6.12) \\'GN -Dance Oro:hc~tra gram feature...; Ilan'ey llindermeyer :tnd of the Kentucky Ilills, written and com­ Review \\'E~I{--Grallt Park Concerl WL\V-Xel\) Earl Tuckerman, widely koown to Ameri­ posed by an untrJincd mountaineer of the WGRF-Wood's German Band WFBE.-Lero) Thoml)SOn II =00 t).fn. E~T 10:00 CST can radio listeners a<.; GOLDY A:--JD Blue Grass state. will he prc..cnted in a \\'GN-Nells; Sport Shots CBS-Frankie ;\I"~tl"rs' Orch€'s- OLSTY broadcast ovcr an :'\RC·\\' IZ network at 7:45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST \\'SAl-Dance Orchestra Ira: W.\Hr \\'H-\5 \\'KRC 3 p. m. EST (2 CST). NBC-Helldrik \\illem Van Loon. 9:]5 p.m. EST 8:15 CST \VS.\tK K:'IIOX WBB;\t author W.JZ WCKY WLS WFBE-Dance Parade Nltr-I)"ncin~ in the Tllin LOIS HAVEL. a radio newcomer with KDKA WIIA;\I (511'·11.871 \\"G~-Concert Orche~tra Cilie~: \\.IZ KDKA WH'\':'II a pleasing cor.!ralto \'oice, makes her air Hunning of the Whitney Stakes ilt Sara­ Kl\IOX-Aftl'r Sundolln (5011 ·6.141 debut with I eith St('\'cn,' ordlestra o\'er toga, !"Jew York. will he de... .:rihed bv 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST ~Hr-J)kk Fidler's Orche~tra: WHB:'I1-:'Ilelooies of Yesterday lIaa~' (;~'ll") Ihe CBS-WARe network at 9:30 p. m. BI' \\G\' W~.\I hI'> 9.53) WII-\S-)Iusicill :'Ilomenb 731 Plymouth Court. Chicago. Ill. ~BC-Silken Strinc-s; Charlie WKRC-Red Bird's Orchpstra ("I'> 6.14) enS-Fl(. Orche~tr:c !'re\'in's Orch. j Hl'If)' n"nnNt. WLS-Burter Lorke's Of('h Waller's W:;~iK f~;;;;;;;;;'----:;.I contr..tho: WJZ \\E~H WlW WSAI-C1assical Varieties \\\IU' \\ KIt(· WII.\:5 torA:'\:\'OL:\CER:for e\err purse."-,\nnc"There is a refngera-Stewart. KDK..\ WH"\\I (s>\·1J.87: \\BB.\1 K:'IIO:\: Ckule.,ton. W \·a. (August 2: \\'LW: 9 :45 V.ID. EST 8 :4;; CST ;\:BC-~..tmm~ Ka~e'~ Orchc~tra. Jo'Ilinlt nown to Rio CB:;-rongre~~ional 0 pill ion. IO:I~ i) m.) LuhClIlI;rill Prelll'le Act I WE-\F \\'CKY WGY WTA;\1 \\'AB(' WKRC WHAS \\"S:'IIK WS_\I WESR (sw.9.53) Wa":l:ntl (sw·6.12) \\a~hhoard WA \·E...... D.n Pedro', Orchestra A:'\:'\OL :'\CER: "- and he called up "'uc ... 1\.\10:-':_"""11 Pa~.. ,I Ihl' .\11 WG\;-Joe ~alldtr, Orcheslr3 the state prison and a ... kc,1 the warden for SIJillllill\i: ~Olllo: ;\lcndel,,~ohn \\"\-£-Bluc B~rt K€,nney Poor Butterf!)' WS:'\I-Danl:c Orchl'''ra a hun..lred t rustees.'·-J a..:k L. Huber, \\ fBE-Joe Ulrich I J: ':i f).m. EST 10=45 CST Japanc,"€, Sun"l't Deppen WG'-""-V€'lol & Yuland..t'!j Orch Soulh \\,lIIiamspoft. Pa C\ugust 6: KEN·RAD Chille~e lul1ab~' K:'IIOX-F..th Wotller's Orche~tra \I·I!\](. (10:47 p. m.) Po Lin,! and \lin1/; Toy 10:00 p.m. EST 9:60 eS'1 ((BS) UNSOLVED -Jo-ire~idr Ne"~ Chinp~" SI'rl'r-:lllc Ilcrh"n SBC .,ineen: \\A\T-Sammy Kare's Orch. CBS--u.\menca ... Hour": \\'ABC WJZ 1'01',\ \\'H \ \1 (~W 6.14) (roonn BE:-'" GRAL!EH: "\\'alter Aarons will MYSTERIES WHAS K;\IOS WKRC WS;\IK CB~S:3~ p. m) Gus Harn.. chell·~ Orche~tri.l: WAVE W1''\'\1 WE~R W:;)I WHB;\j K~IOX learn atHome-Halte6ood Money (~W WEAF WTAM WSM WG\' 953) '\BC-Arlil' ~irnmond'~ O:ch.: TO\\':-'" CK II-:R: "There will be PflZt=~. .\1;111 lhe roup"u :lIJIIJ' ll.o~D I l"I.lIl~U II u"w~ In Itl..~ WSAl WAYE (50\\"·9.531 ~ BC-Shandor dorini~I' W.JZ \':.\\'1 W:-\I :IUI. walle 'HI. '~Il, ,,~ IlI'l'ell. )hn)- walle'S. $1'. and admi...... ion i... free. Refre"hments will ~ I \I"~k spire IIwo lieu NBC-Cornelia Otl5 Skinner WIIAJ\I Orch€'st~a II In lI'hlle learnin,. GOlf. * \\'1:\11-.\1 Kva,e's be served on Ihe Aroun~t."-Roberlil JlootJt Hadlo'l Ofl()~rtllnHles In<.l W)' IWaLI,,!:I, purrI I artrl'~~: "Sehoul for Actin1/;" KUK\-Slumher Hour \\G:\-·Joe Sandrr~' Orchestra SO·~O wethod of trllnlna:. H,.we utlerlw"IllJI toUlOn 111111"0 W,JZ KDKA WEXR WH.\:'\I WBB:'II-Salon ~Ioderne (CBS) \\"IJ.\,S-o~car Ko~€'r~ Orchestra )'O""g. Peoria. Ill. (July j]; II'.IIBD: ~:~~i~~o~::{; :~~t1I'~l~,:I~~,~nf~r f~~:ell.b:::. I~~ WLW (~1'>·1I.87' \\ FBE-;\lusical Selrctions \\'U\'--{'l'Orge Duff) 's Orchestra 12:06 p. m.) WCKY-Baseb,,11 Hr~\Im"j Xews WGN-Joe Sandpr~' Orchestra WT\\I-:';131\ Wood's Orchp<.lra ~ ;-S;;;H-:-;re:;;;n;-ne;-aRt6.- -l WFUE-Bill \Iandell W\\'L-Dance Orchestra 12=15 a.m. ES 11:45 p.m. CS CUIEIl TL ]{~ER: "I don't kncm I Ndional Radio Institute. Wubiarton. D. C. I WGS-Horace Heidt's Concert IU:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST IOIOX-\\'hen Da~' is Done what I've done to get a cud from Sail)' !

6:00 a.m. EST 5:00 CST W'-~J1oo~ier sot! Buqer!; 2:t5 p.m. EST 1:15 CST \\LW-OrraM" in the Aftenocn Kflk.A-~lu~iral Clock Wl-oltherj Arti~t Booki(l~~ ; Star Indicates High Spot Selections ~Br--The \\j,t \Iiln~ WJZ 4:30 p.rn EST 3:30 CST \\LS-Slllil(·a·Whil~; Mark£t~ &0 ~.f'''''~ * \\A\I-. \\"::711 WCKY NBC-AIll'" III OrChl'~lr:llia: \\"~\I \\ ulhu \\LW-Little En Cantte N8C-MorninQ: Parade: WSAJ ~BC:-Thc Xilll,f~ fa mil)'. dr... - 1'8C-\ ic and Soide. coml'Jy WEAF WA\'E \\U\\ W 1.o\I\f-Slim Eberhardt ~kelch WE U WGY WLW WTAl\1 \\GY 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST KMOX-The Happy Hunters m,lIic ~ketch 7 WJZ NDt:-Jolly Hill &0 Jane: WEAF WF BE-uttle Blollk Joe KDK,\-S... lt and V. WJZ tCllor: WEAF WS;\I WSAI 10:45 a.m. EST 9:45 CST \\ F~I:-:-Ooon·time Tunes KMOX-Jlcme Folks' Hour WrA~1 WAYE G~-l.lIncheon Mu~ic I,r.mo \VENR-Mucic ;md Comments CBS-Just 1)lain Bill: WABe \\ \\iCY-Early Bird MU"icoll Clock l'iHr-:'\E'"sj "Ihf' '-ialel1: WJZ WKRC-Mdulll(;lI' Mea~ures \\ \\ \'A-Den\ H D.Hlinl WfB[-Wlu'f( Ttl Go \l'L5--F.llln Bulletin Board KDK.\ (sw-15,21) KMOX hw-1527) WGBF-Ne\\s MBS-Mountain Morninls: WGN \\ I.S----CeOree Sjlllon~, tenor; WLW-Top 0' the MOTninl CBS--Ne\\~; Harmonies in C(ln­ 2:30 p.m. EST I :30 CST WII.\S-LlWeek·day Dnotions \\LW Orchfctra ~ongs' WlIlM-~un Up tra"t: WABC WKRC WIIAS WL\\,-Wl'atheri Markets 1'B(-\auRhn de Lealh, WXRC-BortJ\\~k) &: Ru~~i ... n WWVIl-The E}e OpenH \VENR-Variely Prol:ram \\JZ \\n~y \\'S\l WAVE Gyp!ies W\\ VA J1arrj~ WWVA-Ntws Nl\v~ WFBE-Jtan CBS- :'ol':IJJlliJttilll :'olatin£" WABC WSA I-Dealers Salute EST 5:45 CST KI\fOX-Views on WGBF-) ollr Hllllle 6:45 a.m. WCKY-Ne\\s; Hollywood News- W$\II{ WHAS W' NBC-!'parelibs: WEAF WTAM 11:00 EST 10:00 CST ~)hia WUA!:j WSI\1K \l'KRC (sw· I..tts a.m. CBS-The MI'Jr)makers: WABC CBS-Dalton Brothers, harmony ~ h\l( ,(-\ledical :;',ciety 15.m \\1 "-To be announced CBS-Fred Feibel, organist WHA"i WKRC WWVA (sw· trio: WABC \\ KRC WW\'A WS~lK \\ FBE-\llJ~ic.a1 :o.la~tfCpieces De\'otion~: 15.27> NIK-Littll' Orphan AnOlI': WJZ NBC-Ml"Jrning WJZ NBC-lIuth Lyon, soprano. WSA1-Todol}'~ :\'n\s lVCKY KDKA (sw·15.21) KDKA WCKY (sw-2154) 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST KBC-Ru Batlle's Concert En· WEAr WSA( WLW WTAM \\\\ ,"A-Mil Perkins WE"NIl-Footli~ht MelodiES KMOX-Undf' Lum NBC-Girl Alone: WEAF WGY ~embll"; WEAF WSAI WTAM CU::r-The LamplightH, Jacob WFBE-~Ion MU"ic WGN-Good Morning Tar~hi~h: WADC (sw-15.27J K:\lUX-MaQIC KlIchl'n 2 :45 p.nt. EST 1:45 CST WG8F-Mu~I(CI1 \lJ'Ih:q:il'ce W(;Y-\1u~ieal Clock N BC-Ro~a leI', soprano; AI and WFBE-Lunc:h(ln Melodies Loe Re;ser. pi ... no duo: WJZ XMOX-Fascinating Ml'lodies NH{·-\lorj· Sbtl'rs. vocal trio: WLW-Que~tiol1s ... nd Ans\\ers ''''KRC-{).Sunrise Worship \\CKY-No'S WCX-Markets • .o.Mid·day Ser· W,I/ WCKY WAVE \\'5:-'1 WTAM-Don Jt)~~ WL~Ne\\!; PrO~TiIm SUllimary WCXY WAVE WSM KDKA vice (~w,15.2l) NBC-Grern Br(;~: OTCht~tra: 5:00 EST 4:00 CST \\ LW-LlFamily Prap:r Puiod WFBE-Annl'tte Patton Cornl'lI WGY-F... rm Pr~~ram p.m. WEAF WT.UI WGY WSAI NHC-ll. S Army B ... nd· WJZ KMOX-Mu~ical Je\HI Bolt \\(iHF-!'Ilr. ;and Mrs. WL~Wf"alher. M... rkets & News Wc;.AI-Tlmdy Tips W{.N-u-n S... lvo, organist (~" 1533: W(KY WLW WAVE WSM \\ \\ \'A-.a.Go~pel Tabern;ade W"-BF.-Ila\\aii... n Echoes WTAM-Dick "idlE'r's Orchrstra \\GBF-C'ily Court \V(;Y-~Iu~ical Prot'r... m !\nK.\-Charm CBf.-Be... tnc. O~~ood. piaOlst· WGN-M.arjorie Graham WHA5--Koch anJ Ricurdi K'IUX-W'I,t1f.'\Y Sh(;ppen WSMK WKRC \\ HAS 7:J5 a.m. EST 6:15 CST 12 ~45 n.m. ES II :45 a.m. CS Ft~tiul '.\ IIAs--nob Atcher WLS--Ono's Tune Twislers WLS-Fun NBC-H)i~ Tillie.; WEAF NBC-P... ls: WJZ KDKA (tW' CBS-Merrymakers. WSMX WL\\'-Duitl r~ of ~lt·lody WENR WGY WSAJ 11.5-1) WL~\\m, O'C(lIInor. tenor '.\ HA~1I,1,llkcl IlqIOTlS; I)iano WLW-Aunt ;\lary \\ WYA-:\1anhilll,l1l :\fatwu CB!;-Budl Racers. tkeuh' CBSo-uon Goldman. violinist: 11 :15 a.m. EST 10:15 CST J"ll"rllJdl' (CnS) WSAI-Traffic Court Casel WAUt: (sw 11.831 WABe NBC-Honeyboy alld Sassafras, WL5-Dinnl'rbell PH)~raUl HOK \-NplVs.Rle).er NBC-Morning Glory: WEAl" comedy team: WEAF WIAM \\ T:A:'oI-NuUluJ;ty Il('sume 3:00 D.m. EST 2:00 CST Mu~ic WSAI W.. DE-Gf:orgl' Olsen's WTAM WLW 9:30 a.m. EST 8:30 CST WWVA-LUlldll'(ln Music NBC-Woman's Radio Revil'w: W·II\M-Tt"o'ilight Tunes CH!r-Thc CUlllOS: WARC WHAS KMOX-l'lckanJ Family NBC-Be'een & de R.os,,: WEAF WE,u· \\ICKY WAVE WTAM WWVA_Thc K"nlollen Wt:KY-Bert Layne Fiddlers WSM KMOX WKIlC Is", 15.27) J :00 p.m. ES 12:00 m CS WS1"1 \\'5AI MBS---Hou~ewanlll'rs: WGN 5:15 n.m. EST 4:15 CST WLS-Morning Roundup CIlS-Hllytlllll B... nd B(lx: WABC NI:K-Ilt'volvillc:" SllI'le. variety CB~\'isitint: AmE'rica's Little NBC-Ed,lle Suulh's Ordl,,~lra: WKRC WLW show: WEAF WTAM Ht"J~": \'~n(' \\IIAS W~MK '7:30 a.m. EST 6:30 CST WCKY-:"i'avy Blind (NBC) WEAF WENR WTAM WSAI NDC-Today's Chililren. drama: CB~M;lric. lillie Frl'nch Prin. WWVA \\KIlC (~\V 15.27) CB5--World T'aHler. WKRC NBC-Cit)' Voices: WJZ KD1hion NBC-Army Band: KDKA (!w· WCKY-Yodelling TYiins WFBE-To be announcl'd 11:30 a.m. EST 16:30 CST WFOE-Musical t:lock WIIAS-Collcge of Agriculture 11 87) Wc.;y-.o.\lil! 1ll0!lllllll: Devolions NBC-Ml'rry Moillcalls: \\lEAF W~AI-P(lliee \\IHAS-D.Cull~l!e 0(\,ot;on5 flashes 3:15 p.rn.. EST 2:15 CST WrBF:-Trl'a~ure TunE!' WHAS----:-'Irs. HandolJih, shopping WTAM WGY WSAI NBC-Sr,nes and Stllr;e~: WJZ W5AI-Today's News WGY-'\rlhur Lane. tenor cuide CB-----"'Mary ~1arllll:' skdch: V ... \0\ ~~1-l'aul ;and Bert 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST CB"--('hicae:o ril'ty Hour: \\ l W-Danre Orrhf"lra WTAM-lIe'alth ... nd HOlne WABC \\ Knc KMOX WHAS \\ABC \\ "''''K \\'IIA~ K:\10X WSMK-GOSSIP CLUB W\'A-F1~'in' (sw 15.27) CB5--Homancl' of H"If'n Trf'nt: * 7 :45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST \\ X Hound Up \\ABC KMOX WKRC WGN WKIIC b\\ 15.27) WWVA-Ec(lnomy Nutl"~ NBC-illelmly Milgram WTAl'Il- CBs----Mr~, Wiee;s of th(' Cahhage Wfi \VGr-Wl"Jll1an·~ WKRC-Fiddlin' Farmers I:W-l3abv ShOD RJdio Revi(w CUS-.\lu~ic P \V~l\l-.a.l\lorning Dl:votions :\'{ir:hbor NBC-Ne\\~; KIlKA \VCKY ($w.15,21> WLS---The Hilltlll'J1('rs Three X Sisters, 1~ cont::s; WJZ WrKY 8:00 a.m. EST 7:00 CST MBS-Backstage Wife; WGN WI.W~Chandler Chats 1:30 p.m. EST :30 CST ,~:~f1 n.m. EST 2:~O CST NBC-William Meeder. organist: WLW WWVA-Patterns in Organdy NBC-AI Pe"m"s Gang; WEAI'­ J: WGN K:\lOX-:\ews WAVE W5:\1 bw-21.54) 10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST WLW WLW WI W-Jack AnnStrOllg. drama WF.:'>: Il-:'olme, de Sylvara WSM-Newsj Financial News .o.Morning Devotions: WLS NBC-l\1ornine: Paradl': WEAF WFI3E-Fril1id Fach KDKA-Home forum WFBE-Piwl Whiteman's Orch. WLW WCY WTAI\1 \V(~BIi"-Hoosier Philos(lpher K.\IOX-N(ws TIlTough a WOol' WWVA-News Reporter E\'l'~ WGY-Bo<:k :\'e'''s KMDX-News; Home Folks Hour NHC-The 1I0neymoonecs; WJZ WGY-l:Jag i1nd n:l(!;~:l~e an'. WI\V-:\'E'\'~ Note~ .5 :45 p.m. EST 4 :45 CST \"E-i.ive~lock Report~ & Financial WCKY-News WCKY WAVE W5\1 WLW WHA5--BEnny FOCtI'~ Travcll"rs WA W\\ .... A-Jol}·in· X Roundop CBS-C(lnurt Mlnialllre~; Nl'ws: WGBF-J\East Side Tabernacle (BS-Famous Babie~; Dialogue WLS-Cornhuskuc & Chore Hoy \\'''"BE-Coll'er\'awry of Music WAIlC \\WVA W""K (sw­ W~AI-McCormick's Old lime allli talk; Dr. Louis I. Harris; WWVA-Gertrudl' Miller WG:\-Ba~eb... lI; Philatfl'lphia vs. 11.83) Chicago Whitl' SOl( 3'4;; n.m. EST 2:45 CST NBC-Billy and Betty. skl'tch. Fiddlers GUEst: WABC WKIlC KMOX NBC-Bert Stn'en's Orche~tra: WTAM-Sourcc of Power of WIIAS (~w·1S.27) \VIlAS-Lo!! Clibin Boys WEAF Famous Li\Cs WLS--:-'larkets WEAF WTA.\1 WEXR WS'\I NBC-Lowell Thomas. new,,: KDKA-Uncle Tom and Betty CBS--Nin... Tara·ova. ~on~s; WWVA-N(ws WFBE-Lone Guitari~t W!'AI-TrE'adwells on T(lllr WJZ KDKA WLW (sw-1Ui7· WABr \\H/\~ K\lOX WSMK WGN-Your Friendl)' Nl'iJ;:hbor Afternoon WSM-Oept. of A~riculture 15.2ll WKRC h\\ 15.27) 8,15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST WLS-Hou~ehold WWVA-Mu~ical I'ros:ram NBC-Qrphan Anni.e: WAVE WCKY-Bre;iiklasl Cluh 1NBC) P"rade KIJKA-Fc:d. Hou~inC" Ass'n WSAI-Ilou~hold \\15.\1 WGN WFBE-Broadw...y Hillbillies Hints WFBE-Sullg of thl' Strin(!;s WWVA-Eloise Boffo, longs ES 1:45 p.m. EST 12:45 CST Wt:KY-(i\,ic Club; Jane & Bob WKRC-Metropolitan Par a de 12:00 m 1]:00 a.m. CS WCY-Stock Rcports WENH-Deserl Kid (NBC' (CBS) NBC-Market ami Wellth"r Re­ CBS-Happy Hollow. drall\alic WLW-Dorothn Poncl'. voulist 10:15 3.m. EST 9:15 CST sketch: WAMC WKRC \VIlAS WI'BE-Dinner Music WLS-Jolly Joe &: His Pet Pals ports; WEAF W(;UF-Spol't Fact!; WLW-WiJliam Meeder, organist NBC-Tony Wons, poetry and CBS---CllrlloJl and Shaw, piano WSMK KMOX (sw·15.27) 4 :00 p.m. EST 3 :QO CST philosllphy; WJZ KDKA WSM MBS-George Duffy's Orchestra: WG V-Race Re~u1ts i Baseball (NBC) Iluo: WAI:JC WHAS WKRC CB5--Do. Re. Mi. trio: WABC SC(lru . WCXY (sw-1S.11) WWVA WSMK (sw-15.21) WLW WIIAS WSI\1K W\VVA WKRC WTAM-Organ Melodies \\'1\ HC-Baseball Scores WWVA-Denver Darling CB5-manche Sweet, beauty NIJC-Iierm Clone's Orch.: WJZ WAVE-Music GuiljJ (NBC) (sw 15,27) tHlk: WABC (sw-1S.27) WLW W(KY WGBF-Curbslone Reporter KDKA-Plou~h Boys WSAJ-Baseball Resuml' 8:30 a.m. EST 7:30 CST KMOX-Let's C()mpHre Notes NBC~Oleanders: WTAM WGY WLS-Hllm.'m:lkers' Pro.e;ram KMOX-Basfball; Browns vs. WTAM-Piano ,Recital NBC-Fields and Hall: WEAF WAVE-!\DevotioJl WHAS-Univ. of Kentucky shires! WHAM-SflOricast The Remainder of Monday's Programs Are Continued on Page 16 14 7 The Cover Going Away? Mr. Fairfax Knows All F YOl.' \\ i ... h your mail ~uh...((iJl­ I tion cop" of HAlllO GCIDE to accomparlY ·you on your v:Ie.Hion, WAYNE h':ING was born in S,lxan- player. and ha\ hcen pl

Hits of Week

LL :"eHr Say i'e\er Again, "hich has I he;;hletl the R.!'1l10 (jL:JDt 50ng poll in the P;l$t. wa.. Oi~;Iin counted the week's most popular network "ong hy \ lTtue of the {

tContinued from Page 14) r-;OC-D a n ~ I' r 0 U s Paradi~e, K;\IOX-liarmonettes (CBS) 8:45 p.m, EST 7:45 CST WHAS-Da~ebil!J Scores: Moon· WGN-Vell)7 &. Yolanda's Orch. loketch; Elsir Hitz & Nick Daw· WFIlE-Sport Review WFHE-Amntrur Night Program lill;hl Serenade WIIAi\I-JohnllY Schwab's Orch, WIIAS-Terry and Ted son: WJZ WS;\I WE~f{ KDI\A WGBf-HbloriO: (s\\ 11.81) WC,:\-i\hNCOII 1\10mrnts \\TA:\I-Grne Uaker's Ilhrtllm KIlC-oliver Na)'lor's Orell.: CBS-Land 0' Dreams: WSMK WLW-Vil'j;inians, male quartet WJo;AF WGY WTA;\I WSAI * NBC-Tony & Gus, sketch: 8:00 p.m. EST 7:01) CST '0:30 p.m, EST 9:30 CST WJZ KDKA \VENR WCKY K\1OX NBC-Harry Horlick's Gyp. tllB5-Horace Heidt's Orchestra: r-;nC-Dorsey's Orch.: Wl-:AF * ~nC-I.CQnard K('lIl'r's Orch.: WGN WLW WHAl\1 ortr'" Orch.: NBC-Jolly Couurn's Orchestra: WA\'E-Uon Po?r1to'~ Orche~tra WSAI-lleaolifwJI ill the News Daly's Orch.: WEAl-' WTAM WEAl-' \\'"1'.\1\1 WGY WAVE WEAF WGY (sw 9,53) WEAF WGY WSH WE:'iR-Hell Pollack's Orchestra WTAM-Hot Dates in History W5M \VA VE WLW WGY WSAI (.. \\-953> * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WSM NBC-Shalldor, \'ilJ1if·i~t: GriH C:o;U() (s\\"·9.53> NnC-Princess P;lt Players; WTAM William's Or('II.: WJZ WCKY 6:t5 p,m, EST 5 :45 CST t\RC-E,·ellin(,! in I'ads; 50lobt: "Lord Jes~e Jall\e~"; WJZ W::\\'E-Tom G('Il(ry's Orchestra KDKA WII \;\1 WSM (~w·6.14) ) :00 3.m, ES 12:00 p,m. CS NBC-GGuld and Shefter, piano WJZ KDKA \\'HA~1 WCKY KDK\ WENR WCKY W!lAM WBDM-I'rallkie Masters' Orch CBS-Uert Block's OrchE'stra: WBBM-;\Iaurice Stein's Orch. duo' WLAF WTAM WSAI ( (sw 11.87> (CB~) WAMC WIIAS WS;\IK WHBM WLW-J_uhnny Courtney's Orch. * CBS-Boake Carter, news; * CBS-One Night Stands; Pick MBS-The Follie~: WLW WSM WF.NH-filobe Trotter' K:\lOX-N('w~: Ha~eb:lll Scores WABC WIIAS WKHC Kl\lOX and Pat: WABC W8B:\1 WKR( WG'I WI' liE-Parade o£ Dallce llil.s WA\·E-Tom Gentr}"~ Orche"lra 1:30 a,m, EST 12:30 CST WBRM (sw-I1.83) (liw·6.12) Wf'HE-Alice Stuenmberg WCN-liornc~ Heidt's Orchestra WENH-Bell Pollack's Orche~tra WL\\-:\Ioon River

I~rograms Shown For Da}!/igh/ Tim!' /" EST nml CST Programs for Tuesday, August 20 Add O"e Hour 6 :00 a,m, EST 5:00 CST WSA I Timely Tip" WFBE-;\Iusical Program CB5-"Mar} fllarlin," sketch KDKA-;\lu~ical Clock WSM-[).:'I10rnini; Devotions Star Indicates High Spot Selections WGN-Harold Turner, pianist WABC WKRC KMOX WIIA~ WL5--Smile ;) While 8:lHt a.m. EST 7:U1I CST * WKRC-Tunill~ Arotlad (sw·15.27/ NBC-Organ Rhapsody; Itichard NBC-Words and Music: \VJZ 6:30 a.,m. EST 5:30 CST WLW-Little Eva Gaulte 9:45 a,m. EST 8:45 liST \\'S!\1-Leull Cole, organist r\BC-Jolly Bill & Jane: WEAF Lei be r 1. orgilnist: WEAl' WWVA-Your Helpful lIelper WCKY WS:\I W~.\"E KDI"-l\1arkets: Good Healtll &. Hoys: WGN WLW Training WGY-:\Iusical Clock Odell, contralto; Ranch NBC-News: ,Iohnny Marvin duo: WJZ WCKY ~Ielodies WL5-Henry Burr's Book of WLW-Top 0' the l\1orllinr: WJZ WAVE KDKA WSM lel'or: WEAF WS;\I WSAI MBS-Uacksta~e Wife: WGN WFBE-r'lIl'ular Piano WTA~l-Sun Un (sw·21.54) WT,,·;\I WAVE WG'\-To be allllllUnCf'd Ballads .o.;\lotlling De\'otions; WL\\' WLW WLW-Chandler Chats WWVA-The Eye (}pener CDS-New.· Homan)' Trail: KDKA-Tht'ater of Romance WHAS-Dre.un Train WI"'-~:\ ,,~ WSAI-L~lle Pope, soprano 6:45 a.m, EST 5:45 CST WLS WKHC \V\VVA WFHE-West Virginia Fiddlers .. lInd i\brkelS NBC-Yoil"hi lIiraoka, xylophon' KMOX-Ne\\'~; !lome Folks Houl NHC-N(-'ws; Smack Out: W,JZ WS~t-Geul"ge Ilessberger's Band WWVA-I'atterns ill On:allu)" WKHC-L1God's Bible SchOOl (NBC) Lucill~ ist: WEAF WCKY-news Wel\Y KDKA (5w·15.20 with Jackson WLS--Grace Wilson; Ralph Em- W\\'VA-Fred Craddock's Corn· NHC-Rise and Shine: WJZ \\'GBF-f\East Sirle Tabernaclt' !'Il BS-lIymn" of All Church"s: erSOn 11 :45 a,m, EST 10 :45 CS'I 7:fl.J) 6:00 WCY-Hymll" of All Churches hu~kef'i a.m. EST CST \\'G'I WLW WSAI-March Kin~ CHS-F'i\'{-' Stilr Jones, sketch: NBC-Spareribs: WEAF WTAM WSAI-McCormick's Old Tim' 11 :00 a.m, EST 10:00 CST WABC KMOX WKHC (sw· Kl\JOX-\'iews on News 10:00 a.m, EST 9:00 CST CI)::'-;\1adl~on Singers: WAHC Fiddlers WFBE-Hay Noble's Orchestra t\HC-Thrf'1' Scamps: WEAF 15.271 NOC-;\Iol"ning Del·utiull~: W,IZ WWVA-l';ews NIlC-Morning Parade: WEAF WSAI WS;\\ WTA~I MUS-Painled Drcams: WGN WGY-XC\\,; Market Oasket WTAi\1 WGY KIJKA WCKY (sw·21.54) 8:15 a,m, EST 7:15 CST WLS-l.ivestock Estimates; Mor· CBS-The Lamplighter, Jacob WLW CBS-The Cilptivators: WABC Tnrshish: WABC (sw-15.27> KMUX-Unc1e Lum NBC-Richard Leibert, organist: ning l\Iin"trels WFliE-Frie:id Facts WGf\-Goud Morning WLW WGY WIIAS WWVA "'1\He (sw· KBC-Sim;lson Boys of Spruce· Wr.IlF-Hoo~i~r PhllosOI)her a,m, 15.27) Wt;:;Y-Musical Clock WCKY-BINkf.. ~t Club (NBC) 9:15 EST 8:15 CST head Bay: WJL KDKA Csw· WGY-Ra~ and Hagga!:e NMC-Girl Alone: WEAF WTAM NBC-TIll' Huncymooners: WJZ WI\UC-I'.Sunrise Worshio WFBE-Alkansas Fiddlers 15.21 ) \VI-lAS-!\rkall~a~ WCY Trilveler:; Wl.S-News WKRC-A,II lIanas on Deck WLW KDKA "'CKY WAVE CBS-Waltz Time: WKHC WSMK WLS-Chllrk and Ray WLW-.o.Family Prayer Period (CBS) CeS-The Romany Trail: WABe WSi\1 (sw-15.2]) WWVA WSAI-:'olerry i\!;lllcaps (NBC) Ki\lOX KMOX-NcW5 Thru a Woman's WSAI-Timrly Tips WI.S-Joll)· Joe and His Pab K'IOX-Three I.\rown Bean W\V\A-l.ierlrude Mlilel \\ WV A-!\Go"n{-'l Tabernacl~ WWVA-Denver Darlint; NBC-Edward Macllugh, bari· E\"I's WA\'E-Texas Longhorns a,m. R:30 7:30 tone: W,IL KDKA "'CKV WFiiE-To be announced \\"CKY-:'\e\\~ 7:15 EST 6:15 CST a.m. EST CST WS~I t\HC-:'I10rning Glory; WEAF NBC-Doc Schneider'" Yodeling \VA \'E (Sw·15.21) WGN-Yuur !'rie-ndl)' Neil!hbor WF13E-Jerry Jordan Afternoon WTAM WLW Co\\boys: WEAF WTAM WFUE-Vocal Variety WLS-HousellUld Parade W(iHF-J\lr. and fllrs. CBS-City Consumer's Guide· 1 CST WGHF-HIlII~ehold Houl NBC-:'\Ierry Macs: \VJZ WAVE WTAi\I NBC-Ross Graham, b.uitone; \\'\\'VA-:-'Iornin~ Dance Tunes NBC-Gyp"y Trail: WEAF WSM WGN-.lune Haker, home man- \\"CKY WSM CBS-HerdaII and Hughes, piano William Meeder, orranist, 8:45 :l.m_ EST 7:45 CST CeS-CI}de Barrie, baritone: agelilllut" CHS-Hhvthm Bandbox: WABC duo: WASe WHAS W~MI( WJZ KDKA (sw·21.54) NBC-The Wifr Saver: WEAF WABC WKRC \\'I{IlC-Woman's Hour WHAS 'K~IOX WKRC WS;\IK (sw-15.27) CBS-Salon I\Iusicale: WABC CDS-Brad & AI. songs & piano; NHC-Tnllny's Children: \VJZ WLW-Livestock Reports; News (sw·15.27) f(nKA-C~' King, nrws-reeler NllC-eheerio: WEAF WTAM \\'ABC KDKA WLS WCKY (sw·15.20 WWVA-Ranid Ad Sl'rviCl! NBC-Huneyuoy and Sassafras: Ki\lOX-Fa~l·inating Melodies WLW WGY enS-Fred Feiuel, organbt: l\IRS-Antonio's Continentals: 10:30 a,m, EST 9::l0 CST WEAF WTAM WSAI WFBE-Musical Program KJI,IOX-V:lri('ty Program WSi\1K WKRC WGN WLW CnS-Waltz Time: WABC (sw· MUS-The lIouselVarml'fS: WGN WGBF-Wl'ddinl!: Anniversaries WCKY-Yodelling TwillS KDKA-Style & Shopping Serv­ K;\10X-The Corn Huskers 15.27> WLW WGN-Frall{'i~ X. DU"hmali WFBE-Musical Clock iCl' WA\'E-fllusical Clock NBC-George Ilessberger's Ba· I{UKA-;'-'.'!ac and Bob WI{J{C-,lane Grey \VIlA <;;-.o.College Devotion~ WCKY-llousehold Hints; Vari· WFBE-()lrl Favorites varian Orchestra; Reinhold WFHE-To lie announced WL5--Perl'onality Inten'ielV WSAI-Today's ~,'ws et\' Program WGY-llanjoleers and Radio Schmidt. basso; I!ichard Denz­ WGY-Doc Schneider's Cowboys WWV A-Tony and Dominic W""1 l'ell1lofE-' Brotlu'rs WGBF-Timely Topics Sweethearts ler rodlrr: WJZ \\ICKY KDKA WI.S-Hilltoppers 12: 15 p.m, ES 11:15 a..m, CS 7 :45 a.m. EST 6 :45 CST WGY-:\Iusical I'ro~ram WHAS-l\Irs, Randolph, shoppinl WAVE WLW (sw·15.2D WW\'A-Amer. Family Robinson NBC-Sammy Kaye's Orche!>tra: NBC-Landt Trio & Whit.. : \VIlAS-Georgia Wildcats ~!"Uide CBS-Mary Lee Taylor: WHAS 11 ::m a,m, EST 10:~1) CST WEAF WCII. Y W,IZ KDKA WCKY (sw,21.5~) WL5--Tommy Tanner and Sod· WTAr-.l-Heallh and Home Kl\1QX ' NBC-Merry Madcaps: WEAF CBS-Rambles in Bhythm. WKRC-FidJliu' Farmers busters WWVA-Flyill' X Round-Up NBC-Mornin! Parade: WSAl WGY WTAM WABC (5w.15.27l 16 7 Tuesday - Continued Cincinnati With Go~s.ip In CB5--Radio Club; Eddie 2:30 p.m. EST 1:30 CST WGY-Lang Sister!! &: Fannie Cavanaugh: WHAS NnC-Ma Perkins: WEAl' WGY '" HA<.,-f\ \\rrk·dav Df'votions KMOX WTA~I WLW WLS ('SI\ 15,33) \"'KRC-Hawaiian Sunlight NBC-The Kilmer Family. dra· (B5--0klahoma Bob: WABC \\'SAI-Oe«lers 5011ute Orville Revelle IIldtlt skNch: WJZ \\IIAS WS;"lK WKRC hw· \\'\\ \'A-~hovl,ilU( ~l'l1t:opations KDKA-Salt and Punuts 1527) WGN-Luncheoll Mu«ic NBC-~eJlie Rrnll at Lar~e: 4:45 p,m. EST 3 :45 CST 'IE Sl·,\lMl;H. has brought two new BL'RI.E \\ho ~ll'JlPl'd to the plate at Crmlcy Field WWVA-New5 '\'(;:-;-~I; only n.:ci'tllly lh<:ll a Lm inquired of Casey At The Bat and thought il (5w-15.27) t\ BC-Dreams COlIle True i Barry WENR-"Tll'lt l'Ntaln Four" v:hether or nOl Mix50H (Timcs-Sl:lr) f)1'1I~ sounded hdlcr whcll called KjttY~;ll-lhc­ NBC-Nal'l Farm & Home Huur: \\'F13E-Poeb ColJ Md{inley, baritone; Orch.: fOil, \\;l>i DafTy P;llJl lelling WJZ WAVE KDKA WCKY publicity agent for FH \NI< Hat! Dean is still WEAF WGY WTAM WSM IVI;PJ·--l\lu ... u:al I\l,btl'rllict:e ZWYCART 'mel II.\RRY IIARTMAN! about how she socked one of his lmv ones WSM WLW (sw-1S.211 WLW (sw-15.33) WGY-!o'Jicrovhonl' Di~coveries KMOX-Ma~ic That's what happens when a columni;:,t Kit<;hcli KUKA-Charm WLW-Questions alld Answ('n for a ba ... e hit. WflsE-Noon time Tunes KMOX-Window Shoppers slalts printing letters he receives from WGN-Markehj l\Mid-day Set- WAVE-Your Navy 5~no n.m. EST 4:no CST his ;Hlmircr... !! ! HORATIO ALGI:R anti his <;ll((e~'S VICU WI-BE:-Moods in Iilue NBC-Plying Time: WEAF Wey ~Iories of young Illell \\ill fintl in MARY \VGY-Farm I'IOl'ram WSAI WG~-nas('h-all; Philadelphia V5. U-:CLE .JOliN of IVCAU i, rcally SHILFORTII of WSAI, a competitor. WL5-Weather; Malkl'l" j News ~('r ~k('tch; Chicago Whit(' Sox CBS---Buck R...... , LOnr-I~T, co:lch ;Ind of J:! '45 p.m. ES 11 :45 3.m. CS WAMe (s1\.I1.83> HA:":S capl;lin .\liss Schilforth, a ..opr:mo and local resi­ WIS--lIome To.... n Bo)'s; Belter the Philly Nati(Jn:l1 Le;tgue baseb;'\11 te:cm! lIent. so imprcs"ed Ihe officials of the, oJganist WJZ KOKA WENR Wr.:-l-Armchalr Melodies (CBS) WGY \\'LW (sw·15.2]) WHItS------llerbert Km:h, organist ncws Ih;lt the Ilil1top oullet m:IY incrc;I'c GRACE CI.AlIVE IIAINE ,,"l in the CB!:i--Doll'k :\ll1",ira!(': WABC WTAM-Noonday R{'~ume WL \V-Mary Alcotl, :>ollgs its power threefold!, .. 13013 1 WI \\'-t\P.... ~: I-'inant'i,11 Notes pl".uro: WEAF WAVE \\'T,\\1 rjl~~ack IIOW ,\1ANY Or:: vou rememhrr the NBC-Thrl'e Flats, trio: WJZ WWVA-fl)in' X Itoundup CBS-Kuhan ChOII. Ur .,in~er, chr",tr,l: W,\BC (!iw·6.12) former \\THE tock and GrOlIllS I,w 15.27) Eveniulo:" Brevities WI:iAI-Trrath"ells on Tour WIIA'.-I\I"lmlv f'rtll'r Air Contests NS(-(har!('s Srar"" t{'lIor: WJ7. \\KRC-This ical Progr WLW-Dorolhea Ponce, song' Rhlthm S)llll'hol1) pro~r..m. N.lhlr(', \\'ritin~ NtK-Vlelinese Sc-.tel: WJZ ~ln~OIn 211d answrrin~ 011 Gan~: W~M 5 :45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST 15 \\ord qu""1Ioo eiven NBC-AI I'rar(l"S bloolllra"'!. E/ltr) blank nr".I"d. Priz('s: l('n ndOlIi WAVE 4:nll n.m. EST 3 :00 CST NIlC-Bill) &I Bell)'. WEAF (:B~Kuban rn~"'ark ;,u-lolIJobiles. Clo",p", September 7. Spousor. MB~Ulru Duff}'.!; Qf£bhlra NBC-Stanlf'}' Hkh. talk: WlAP Chc.ir; ~('\\s: t;llit~d Drug (UIII,'.")'. WLW WGN W!'>\l \\AYE WSAI WAHl' W\V"" WS'IK WFBE-I).lllce Rhltbms (B~Thf Merrymakers' \YARe /1.14' --ur"han Allnl~ ~\t;N WSM WAVE WEDNESDAY WGBf-Curh..lolle R"f)Ortel \VilAS \VWVA \YS~lK \VKlle WL5--HomemClker<;' Hour (sw·15.27) NBC-Lo\\('11 TllUmas, news: 7:30 p. m. EST t6:30 CST), NBC·WJZ net· NHe-Walbert!: Bro.... n Strine: En· WJZ KDKA WLW (loW 11,87· .... ork 110u~e of GI;\,~ procram. Rrhroatlca~t for WWVA-I)., Wheellne Gospel Tab· i\ll(t\\{'~t "rnClele ~l'lnhle: W.JZ WCKY \VENit 1J2ll the ;111<1 We!il es f"l1o .... ing HI)~jnn WGY-Ra('r IIcsults; B.as('Il;I)1 btoad('n~t. SJlOIl~OJ', Colcale·Palmohv(!,Pl'ct Co tllpidly inCte'Uin9 in popula,ity. FREE. CUS-I).lltoU BroThrrs, h;lrmClIlY QYf ClitlIlog lind lllmplet: 0' enclose t'IV: WAUl" WSMK WI\RC WJ'BI~-lhlJ'Y Oe;dcn Scores \\ h,lle-Baseball Stores FRIDAY 10e for bltginnen' in1huction booUet, KMOX (,w 15.27) wr;IU-'-ulI~hllle HO\l1 c>lt..109, 6nd tClmplu. Edu(;..tion"l. P,.e.. WGY-MucLall n('~lIme 8 p. m. EST 17 csn, NBC \\'.IZ Iletwork. NBC-The Silvcr F!ute: WJZ Beauty DOl( Thentrr prugr.l1l1. RebrO ('1\ ·15.27) * NeC-oI\mos 'n° Andy: WEAF 2. SSW a Har for liff' or ~E.OOO ca~h; 3, $100 a i"U, rash at tbe 11' tnt hllh flrl,.. GI' ~oldr jo:~nd UI )uU• .,11l ..old ,:0.:'" Illalf'd je_dr,1 ria Insurf'd purel KMOX-E"ch..nee (Iub NDC-Vin"f"nt Vork'!; Orche~tra: \\LW we' (,w-9.S3) )'ur for lile or SI.2CO uol1~or. Procter }<>1I. orllcr "ill b" I~ld fnr 10 Illl)"~ ",.fore Ihe tnnt­ arllpn Is romplt,lt". If IOU are nnL Utioflrd II "ill b. WGN-llaroid TUlntt. piani~1 W~\I W(KY WAVE and Gall1hlc CUll1,.an)'. '''''limed. Seud us )'our fjjrlOllen LrinkeU lodarl \\ I."-Holll('m.keu' Program WE:\'r-!llu",ic .arlll rOIl1I1l(nt~ KMtlX-Haw

(Continued from Page 17) WGBF-Seroeo CIIlIi WWVA-Waring;'s Pennsylvan. NBC-To be ;lllnounced: \\EAF KDKA-The Texan,> Wr.X-Velol & Yolanda's Orch. WGX-P~Imer WHAI\I-'lIlortcast Huuse Ensemb[e iallS WT\\I WAVE \\'L\\ W5:'<1 \\ HB:'..tu WlW-Bob Nolan's Music Kl\10X-To be p.m. EST 7:(}() CST 9:30 p,m, EST 8:30 CST JfI:;~O p.m, ...... '1' !l::~tI'::'\T I\KC-Jo{' Rinl"S' Orch.· WJZ 6=15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST Body in fhe Box," drama: ~"iHC-~ils T. Granlund & IllS NBC-lIun l11Tuus of the Hills: NBC-Pau[ Whiteman's Orch.: KDKA WCK Y WHA,\1 WENR N!iC-Hall & Gnll'll, piano duo: WJZ KOK,\ WLW WHAM Girl-: WJZ WHA:\I KDKA W.fZ WHAM KDI(A WCKY WJZ WHAM WCI\. Y \\'L\\' «\\'6.14) WEAF \VS:\1 WT.4.M WLS (~w·ll,87) \\"LS WS:, WI{RC WHAS I 1f)'00 n.m. EST 9;00 CST KJ\10X-Edche UUlIsteuter and MBS-Continenta[ Gypsies: WeN NBC-Galp Pa~e, songs: \\'EAF WSM-Grady Moore's Pupils WFBE-,Jimmy Ward NBC-~Ianny Laporl{"s Orch.: Tllm Baker, lenor \\IL\\' WSAI WGY "(:;\\"·9.53) WWVA-.Jack alld V('lma 8:10 n.m. EST 7:30 CST WEAF Wlj-Y (~\\·9.53) WEjI;R-Herm Cr01\("S Orchestra \\T:\'H-Girnn Lee's Orch{'slra CBS-Singin' Sam: WABe (sw­ 7:30 p_m, EST 6:30 CST NnC-Russian Symphony Choir; CBS-r. 1O=1!j u,m EST 9:15 CST \\'\\'VA-ArcadiJns' Orchestra 1 :00 a.m. ES 12 :01} l\Iid. CST .. CBS-Boake Carter, news; \\'CKY-I}('11 Leonard's Orch, WFI3E-lhve and Kenny r.. OC-I [arT} Meyer's Ordle~lr11 Facts \\'H.\i\I-l\Iusical Monu-nts * NBC-Tony and Gus: WAVE .WII..\:\1 1 :15 a.m. EST 12:·15 CST NnC-:\l..ll'io Cow" baritone: \\'GN-Ve[uz & Yoland:!'s Orch. 9=t'Nl n.m. ER.'T' R:OO CST WS:'r-Wompn's Symphony Orch.· NI1C-.J('~~e Crilwfnrrl. orll;anist: Orch.' WWV,\ \\':-'~IK 1:30

Programs Shown For Day/i.fl/I! Time In 1'.81' and CST Programs for Wednesday, August 21 Add Olle Hour

6:00 a.m. EST 5:00 CST 7:45 a,m. EST 6:45 CS'j WLS Hou~chlJ[d I'arade .'\BC-Holl,"',Lu\ ,md ~assafras: KDKA-:'0 CST W\v\ ,l,-Fhiu' X noulld-Up i\11i -\1I'" Band \\,,)1. KllK,.\ Bill Vid;[and; Chuck and Ray: Ki\lOX-Horne Folks' Hour ~BC-Ore:all Rhapsody: Hil:hard ,-",:00 ~Lm, EST 8:00 CST \\,S;\I WCKY WLW <,w 15.2\) Ralph En,el·~o[l CBS---~aundra \IlGY-:\lusical Cluck or~an: :'>IIlC-Xews; Smark Out: WJZ 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST Urown, songs: W\\lVA-Amer. Family Jlohinson Leibert, WEAl" WTAi\! ~'BC-Betlv WL\\'-TDP 0' the Morning CBS-Dear Audiencl:, vanety KDKA (sw.15.21) Crocker: WEAF' WAI)( \\'HAS W\\,VA WI\RC 11:30 a.m. EST 11):30 t:ST WTA~I-~ulI Up show: WABC W5MK WIIAS !'iBC-:\ell';; ,Juhnny :\lar\'in. WTAJ\1 \VGY \\'5:\11< bw-15.271 (nS-":'-(ookIllQ Co,e·Ups: WABC WLS-New~; J\brkets \VASC WI\HC K:\10X (sw· W\IlVA-fj.Gospel Tabernacle \\ KRC-Dear Audience (cns) \VJZ \VCKY WAVE WLW \\'Kf1C 10'10:\ (s\\'·15.27) \\'\\,VA-Your helpful Helper }5.27> j'l"llC~The lIoneymflonrrs: WJ7. 7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST WLS-Jolly Joe & I1is Pet Pals WSM MBS-PainTed Dreams: WGN KIJKA-WhiJe the City Sleeps \\'9,,1 \\ICKY WAVE \VL\V 11 :00 a.m. EST 11>:00 CST WLW NBC-I\1(Jrlling Glor}': \\'EAF WWVA-Uenver Darling CBS-The Lamplighter, Jacob KMOX-~lusica[ Jewe[ (lox KDKA-lJJlcJe Tom and Betty WFBE-Frigid Facts WTM.l WL\\' Tar~hi "SAI-Pl!!ar of Fire I'ro£:ralll ~Br-Advelltur('s of Dick and Cral~'s W(;N-Wa}lle King's Or(hf'o;tra WKRC-Melodious Mea~\Ire, NBC-MOl Pl!rkins: WEAF WTAM WA\'[-World Rl'vue WSM-Francis Orcheslra Sam' WEAr WGY W.-\VE \','B8M-Pat Flann~s: WFBE-Jimmy \\ arcl WCKY WCY WTAM WSAI WEAF WTA;\I WSAI WE~ H-Footli!:ht Ml!loxIies NBC-Gale WEAr WG~-Joe 5ander~' CB~-C()nrrrl \1mlalllrf'~: KDKA-Dall alit! :::>vlvla Orchestra (sw-9.53) WADe WFBE-Mu-Milri.., Little FTl':'Ich Prin hDKA \\'E:\R \\I"'r" WFUE-Bo~in!: :\I;ltche~ \\lAM \\"i..\1 \\'~\i \\,GY ".':t(l nom. F.ST 4 :30 CST WTAM-Sarnmy KJye's Orch. WGY-To be announcrd 7:00 p.m. EST 6:00 CST WG~- .\"I\~. CBS-Bud.l) ROPler<;' Orc:hl'<;lra L\\-"'in~mg NBC-N"...... ; H•• rry \l"~"r'.. Or· Dance Orchestra EST CST W !'o:ell.:hbor • NBC-Ont M.n's F.mll)', \\II-\"-There'~ :\ll,I~ic \\ ~b, ,\ hRC \\~Mh \\,HA"; 1:15 p.m. 12:15 chestra WEAF \\ITA \1 \\IS.\I u: tile Au CBS-Romance of Hclen Trent ~keteh \\"E.1r· \\'5:\1 WT\M \\'L\\'--(oOon Qu,,('n \lin<;trel< WBB~1 }\ \lOX 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 CST CB""'-\llI I'OK-Edith \"'arren. sungs' CB~.'ohnn} and thf FoursoffilE \\'JZ KDKA WHAM WLW NBC-N"".. ; TIm'(' X Si~pHal WKllC-Pol'ular Varielies W(;"-The Lone Rancer WA8C W~:\lK \\'KRC (sw­ WSAt-Johnn)' COllttu('y'<; Orch. NBC-"':(lr~I''' of Hi~t\lr} \\JZ \lB"-Cnnllt,rnIOlI GYP~r I';MOX-When Day is Done WWVA-/j,Tabernacle (s\\"·9.53) WIIA5--Ba<;rilall Scor('<; WAVE-Don Pedro's Orch. 2:00 p.m, EST 1:00 CgT 4:)5 p.m. EST 3:15 CST Mu .. ical \lomtnt<; \\'S1\1 WWVA \\'L\\-Xe\ll~ Room NBC-Vocal ~oloi"I' WJZ WSM NBC-"Grandpa Burton," Bill 6:00 p.m. EST 5:{)O CST WAVE-Berl Krnney WS.-\I-Rheiny Gau, songs 1:00 :l.rn. ES 12:00 p.m. CS WCKY WAVE KDKA (tW­ llaar: WEAF WGY WSAI * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WEAF WCK\'-Danc(' Hnur WB8M-MauriCf Siein's Orch. 1521) \\TA'l WLW WGY hw·9.53) \\'FBE-c;,..urt Re\'I('\II' 10:15 f).1n EST 9:15 CST WGN-Velol & Yolanda's Orch. (Bs---Jack BrOClk.; Orc-h.: WABC CB5-\leIGdic MOmi!nls: WABC CBS-Jusl Entertainment, vati- WGSF-Hi@ts KDKA WENR (s....I1.87·15.21> WAVE-Summer Sertnadf 9.53) WL\\-MtJOn Ri\fr 7 19 frogronlJ Shown J' or lJO)'llghl Tlnu fn EST and CST Programs for Thursday, August 22 Add Ont HUlIr 6:00 a,m. FST 5:00 CST WIU5-Gl"org:l3 Wildcats WLS--Hullll'llliJk,'u' Hour \\ H,\S-J:). WPi'k ,d~~· I)~\·otions KDKA-~fusical Clock WI.S--\nllouncemenu and News Star Indicates High Spot Selecti"ns W~.\I-[)Jtlce 'lusic WKRC-HJ\\Jii III Stlllhght \\'LS-~mll~ iI While WI.\\'-I.itlle E\·a GUC'tte * W\\'VA-Denver DiJrline WS\f-Deal,'r~ S-Ilute WT,UI-S1im Ebl1'rhardt CB5--~l.Jrl LtI! Ta)'lor: WHAS 12:15 p,m, ES 11:15 a.m. CS W\\' ,\-Sh"ppinll S)·nc:opation 6:30 a.m, EST 5:30 CST KMOX NBC-Hex B:itllc's Concert ED­ 2::::0 p.m. EST I :30 CST NBC~~I)' 9:00 a.m. EST 8:00 CST HIli & Ja.nC': WEAF NBC-Savy Band' \\'JZ WSM semlM~ WE.\F WCK\' :-;IlC-\'au~hn de LeJlh. con- 4:45 p.m. EST 3:45 CST cn:)--()rl;an Reveille: \\'ABC NBC-Xews; Johnn)' Mar\"in, WS~f WS~1 WCKY WAVE KDKA (sw· CB5-RiJdio Gossip Club; Eddie tr;al!o \\'JZ WCKY NOC-Betty M:.rJoVoe and lIer !'.IIC-Pollock '1In.1 LaVonhuut Unor WE\F WSAI W.\\-E Californians: Guuf Soloist: \\Tnt WAVE 15.21> & Fannie Ca\'3n3U2h WHAS \\'Jz \\'FRE-.\lu~iul CllS- Do You HCIllf'mber!: \\"T,\'1 CBS--~eM: ~lelod)' Quintuplets: PrOll'ram KMOX KMOX-Holme Folks' Hour WG .... -II.lrold Turner, pianist NBC-Tht Kilm ...r Family: WJZ \\ \IK \\':-\11\ WHAS KMOX NBC-orphan Anni. WJZ \\G\'-~IIIo;ical WABC Clock CBS-Academy 01 Merliclne (~\\" 15,271 WCK\" h:OKA ("y,15.21) WL~Bulietin ~B\-~ews: Smack Out~ WJZ WKRC-Alonl: Melody L3ne Hoard \\'L\\-\.!.~' .•alls' qu:ulet \\'ABC c."w 15_21) ~B(-~b Perkin~; WF\F WLS CBS-Tito Guiur. tenor: WABC ~lorninl WCKY KDKA ("10'0-15_21> WLW-Top 0' the WFBE--~(tt1n WTA\1 WLW WGY (:ow-IS33) W~~IK CB~\l'w~; WSAI-D)"ce Interlude lime Tunes \\IIA WKlfC bw· WTAM-~un Up CiJjlti\'ators: WKRC WG:-:-l.unrhf'O~ ~lus.ic KDhA-I),n ar,II ~l"'\"Ia 1527) WW\' \ \\ \\ \ .\-\vur Hel~lul Ilrl~r WWVA-lhe E)oe OPener WKRC-'Ila§ic Melooies \'.-GBF-Blllhoard WE~R--'nut Certain Four" MB~H\mns of All Churches: WG'I/-The MJil BOil: (NOC) WLW ·WG~ 10,45 a.m. EST 9,45 CST WI.S-Little Germa' lIalld Con· 6:45 a.m. EST 5:45 CST CB5--Just Plain Bill; W\BC ccrt W"AI-ToI.by·s ~ews wrUE-The Harm'Illy Pals NBC-YOlC:hi Hiraoka, x)·lophon­ h:\IO\-\-II'\\'i 011 ~eVo" K~IOX hw.15.27> W\\ \A-'''' Perkllls \\,r,nF- \Iusic:al M3o;trrfJIPC:' io;t: WEAf \\to UE-PiJul Whilelllilll's Music: Wl\\'-Weath{'r; Marketl M8 -Cordoba Sisters: WGN W\\VA-Z\~\\,. WGY-\!.itinee :llu_ic:lle (~BrI NBC-Rise and Shine: WJZ \\G\-:'\e.... ~; Market Baske' WLW WLW--Questions and Answen WLS-Smlle-a \\ hile WL5--Li\"estoc:k E.stirnate~; Mor. 12:30 p.m. ES II :30 3.m. CS \\'FBE-Ple;(~3nt WeekEnds NBC-Alrbreaks, no\'clty musi- 2,45 p.m. EST 1,45 CST WSAI-Ann·r. Famil)' Ilubin$on ninit ~lm""tr"ls WHAS-Drum Tnin ~RC-Drpams Comt True: WE.\f 7:~1} a.m. ET 6:00 CST cale: \\"[.\F W:-o.\1 \\'LS-- .... rvo"". Julian Bentley CBS-Conc:ert Miniatures: WABC \YT.\\l WGY \\'SM WLW (sw· 5,00 p.m. EST 4,00 CST NBC-Spareribs: WEAf WTAM W.:..\I-Lil:ht Classics 15.3) l\OC-FI)"ing Timf' WEr\F WG\'" cn~-The 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WKRe W\\'\'A (s\\·15_271 81ucLirds: WADC WW\"A-Fred Craddock's Cotn- ~B(" Imperial Grenadirrs· WJZ \\"S.\I (0;10'0' 9.531 NIIC-Morning Devotions WJZ NBC-Edward MacHugh, the N8("-.... "n Farm & JI,.me H,tur: Go,pel Sin~rr: WJZ KDKA hu~kers WCKY KIlKA hw-I5".2l> CB~:llaurie Sherman's Orc:h.: WeKY KDKA hVo 21.5") \YJZ WCKY W,WE KDKA K~IOX-\Ylll(I,,,, WCKY WAVE WSM (sw· \YS~I WLl\' (sw.IS.2J) ShoPI>ero; \\'S.\IK WKRC KMOX-UnclC' Lum 15.21l 11:00 a.m. EST 10,00 CST WA VE-Loui~ville T. R_ Talk tu~nuck Itoepr~ ~ketch: WG:"1-Good Mornins NBC-~liJrie K\IOX-'Ia<::ic Kilchen NI\C-Girl Alone: WEAF WTAM df' Ville. liQnls: WG"-B.lsl:'hall, Wa~hin~ton vs. W,\BC (o;Vo 11.831 \Vr:Y-~lusical Clock WS~t \\'FBE-lly C. Grl WGY WEAr WS.\! WTAM WGBF-~Ir. rhical(1I While SIIIl: NBC-~Iartha ~Iean, sones- n'JZ WKI(C-L.\._unri~e Worship CB~;'3Ion H. A. Wood, CB~The Captivaton: WABC 'luslC:'lIlp WKRC WL,>-Ho/lle To... n Boys; John \\ CK Y \VA VE WS~1 WtS-NpVo WS~tl\ WG ..... -Marken; J:).a.lld·day Suv· KJ\lOX WWVA icp~ Brown KI)K~\-News WLW-.C\.Family Prayer Period NIIC-~imp~on WFlU::-\'ocal V.Tiety Boys of Spruce­ WGY-Farm Program WS.\I-D;ull:e Music WFBE-\'3ril.'t)- I'r"I;rJIIl W:,Al-Tlmel) Tips hud BJ): WJZ KDKA (sw­ WWV,\-Do You Remembl1'r? WGV-Armchair ~te1odln WWVA-.a,Gospel Tabernacle WGBF-<.:itv Court WHAS-·Lull Cahin Ho~'! WG;.I-Marjorie Graham 1521> \VI.S-\Vpafh"r; Markets; News (CBS) WHAS-Hcrhcrt Koch, organist WII,.\5-Uob AI<:ht>r cn '-TnI' I.amilliihter, Jacob WTAM-Dlck Fidlcr'lI Orchestra \\'LW-~lary AIe'}II, hlut'''" Sillger 7:15 a.m.. EST 6:15 CST WI.S-WllI O'Connor. tenor; Sue TiJuhbh: WABC (sw·15.21) 3:00 p.m. EST 2:00 CST WTA:lI-T\\iliir;ht Tunell NUC-Morllin¢ Glor)': WEAF Roberts KMOX-Thrre Brown Dears \\"\\'\·A-TI1I.' KeYltoners WTAM WLW 12'45 p.m. ES 1I:45 a.m. CS t\B(-Beth- &: 8ob. \\'JZ KDKA WLW-Audemy of Ml'dicine W·\ \ t-Smok)' Mountain Trio WGBF-Bulletin Board WF~H WGV (s\\'·lS.21) COS-Sidney Raphael, pianist: WCKY-:"1ev.~ ~ST WSA1-Traffic Court Cases WIIAS-:\I.ukel Reports; Pi"nn rB~"-("urn",t QUhlions Odore 5:15 n.m. 4:15 CST WABC WFBE-To be announced Inl"rhl(le Concre~s; Sen. Arthur (alllter: NIW-Winllir the Pooh: WJZ NBC-Pals: WJZ KOKA (IW' WGBf-Mr. lind Mrs 9:30 3.m, EST 8::«> CST WI C::-Dinnerbell PrOerlim WABC WSMK \\ I-lAS \\'WVA WCKY Wr...... R 21.5") \VCN-~hl~ical frolic CRS-Bullklwll~e Follie~: NBC-Tod"Y's Children: W.JZ WS.\11<--( 0 II C e r t Minialures (o;w 15,27) Carson KMOX-I'ICk:ud Familv Hobio;oll~ KOKA wCKY WLS (sw 15.21> WCY-:llusical Proltram (CBS) NBC-\\'om3n', RadiO fie\·icw. WABC "\\·11.83) WCKY-Bert Layne Fiddlrti \\"IIAS-lIertx.ort KliCh, organist CU5-Clh'(' Barrie, haritone: WIA \I-,'\oonday Resullle Guest ~peakers; Claudine Mac' NBC-I.I'I' Gordon' Orchestra: WLS-Murlling Roundup WS~I WLS-OUu's Tune Twisters; donald: .lo\l'ph I.ittau's Ordt.: WEAr \VA \'1-: WTAM WAIlC WKRC WLW-Song 01 the City (NRC) W\\'VA-Luncheon Music: NBC-Blfen & de Rose: WEAF WEAf WSM WAVE WCKY WLW WS:l1 C8S-Nu!hin~ 7:30 a.m. EST 6:30 CST WSJ\I I :00 p.m. ES 12 :00 m CS \\'TAM WSAl But the Truth: NBC-Walter Cassel. baritone; 11,15 a.lU. EST 10,15 CST WS~II( WIL\S M05-Antonio's Continentlls: CnS-The \I"rr)'makers: WABC CB5--Marit>, Little Frenc:h Prln. K~IOX-~la J)erkins William Mp{'dl'r, orunist: WI.\\' WGN c:ess: WAOC KMOX WKIlC KI>K·\-To hI' i1l1l1ounrpd WJZ WJH KOKA (51'0'·21.54) WHAS 1\,\IOX WKRC WSMK WI BE-Orcall Inlelluue KMOX-The Corn HuskC'n bw 15.27> (5\\'·15,21) 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST CBS-Salon )Iu~lcale WAHC WAVE-Mu~ical Clock NnC-:->u·hob ~1atha)"1 Orch.: N8C-EbY Aces: WJl KDKA WGY-Roerr Swt>et. tenor NBC-ChrNio: WEAF wTAM NIiC-llonf'yboy :lnd Sasufras: WCKY WENR (sw.15.21> WKRC-Cily 1l:lIJ "rotram \\'Flll':-GliJu\s Catron W[,W \\T\~t WSAl WEAF WTAM WL\\' \\,GY \\,GY-B:lnjoll'Crs Ind Radio WF8E-(onsen'atory of \1u~ic CHS--~fl'P' I-'ipr H;lVoaiians: WW\ A-El;Ollomy NOlet J{MOX-\·ariet)· Pro~am NBC-Thl' .\Iprn- Mac:!> WIZ \\' \Be WS\tK KMOX WWVA Sv.epthearls WAVE WCKY WSM KOKA WGUF-fhurch and Sch()ol NeVoi WCKY-Yodrlling TVoins WH,\:,-~tr~. (,... 15.27> !l :30 n,m. EST 4 :31) CST R:lndol"h, shopping bw·15.21) \VG;.I-Garden Club WFB£-~1.I~lcal CI/)c:k l!:uide WGY-Household Musical Revue \\'GY-\\'oman's Ra'lio Ite\'lew; NBC-NI'\\'o;; Frances Adair, vo­ WHAS-.a,Colle~e ~lBS-\lorninll: Housewarmen: D"'otions \\'TA't-Health and Home with WH'\S--Colle~e Talk; Or.h. (~BCI I'alist: WE.\F WTA.\l WSAI WS~I-TOr. Famil)· Itobinson n.m. EST CST or: n-JZ WCKY NBC-Laudt Trio and Whitt>: l\BC-Herman and Banta, piano \\',\nc WG'/ K:'\IOX \\KIlC N8C-DI!l:a Vernon, soprano: WJZ WCKY KDKA (sw·21.5") duo: \\'JZ W~~I WCKY 1l:30 a.nt. EST 10:30 CST ("w·15,27) \\,[AF WT"f WS\I KDKA-Plolle.h 8"ys \\'KRC-fol,ldlin' Farmers (8S--)lr!>. Wigg,. of the Cabbao:e NHC-.\Ierry Madcaps: WEAF WHA5-Georcia Wildcats CB;,--{'reelllllb from Old "Ken­ WENR-What's The Npws WSAI-Tinlt>l)" Tips Patc:h, ~ketch: WA8C K\tOX \\T\:l1 WGY WSAI-Woman's Club Forum WFBE-;'Ilerchant~ 111111et1ll5 tucky' WABC WHAS WS:llK (~Bn W~I\[-D.~lornlll1:: Devotion 1\""BC-:llorninl'; Parade: WEAF CB5-";'II:uy Marlin," sketch: WWVA-Musicalr (s\'o 15.27) WC'\-Thf' !'intinz Lallv WT,\~l WGY-Sel\.,; E\eninl!: Brnities W5.\1 WABt WKRC K:llOX WHAS 1,30 p.m. EST 12,30 CST ~or-.\ Garde'l Parh': WJZ Ctui~e 8:00 a.m. Esr 7,00 CST MB:r-n3ck~tage Wife: WGN (svo·15.27> CeS-Laz\" DiJll, the Millstr,,1 \\'S~l WHAS-:'\It>lod)' WCKY WE'l/R WAVE WKRC-Swt>et a/O,I liot t\nr-Drl1;a,t Hh:lpsody; Richard WLW KBC-Words and Music: \\'JZ )l3n: WABC WKHC WHAS KOK.\ (sw 15.2D Ll'ihc-n, oqpni\t WEAF KDKA-Th~atl'r of Romance W(KY WS:\1 KDKA WAVE K.\fOX (<;w-1S_271 K\lOX-~eI\"S \\'LW-Jac:k ArmSllOnt. drallla WFUE-We~t W~M-;.Il"I\~: FllIanclal News WTA'oI Virginia Fiddlers (s\\15,21) NBr-:llu~ic: (;uild· WJZ \\'GBF-Ho~pital Sunshinr Hour WGY-J:).\tid-~Iornillg WWVA-z..'t>ws CB::i-Re,il'" of Re,ub: WABC Dl!'votions WFBE-Homespun Philosopher ~BC-.\l Pearcc·~ ColJl~' WE.\F \\(iY-Lim~) Bill Ws\lK WHAS WKRC-J:).Goo's HiLI" SChOClI \\'GBF-H:lbv ShloP Man \\'TA~I WGY WCKY \\"I.W- .... I'\~~: Financi:ll Nrlte5 WLS--Grac~ !') :45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST * NBC-Breakfast Club; Edna Wilson; Ralph Em- WGN-~Iarkl'ts: Good Health & MBS-Gene nurchell'~ Orchestra. W\\'\-.\-FI)'in· X Roundup ero;on Trainine WG...- WLW NIlC-Qrrthan Anlllt> WAVE Odell. ronlralt,,; Hanch Bo)'s: \\'!'~I WSAI-~Iarch King WL5-Henr)" Burr's Book of KOK~-Holl1~ WGN WJZ \b\l KDKA WAVE Forum CO'~3 (0;\\"·21.54) B111ads W\\-E-S.l\"iIl2 Talk 3 :45 p.m. EST 2 :45 CST C">;-Kuhan .. k Choir ..... rv.s~ WS\lK W\\'VA lJ.~lurning De, olions: WLW-('handlt>r Chah WFHE-\Iu~ic:al l'rOJ:ram l\8C-,\l!\·o;. in KIIlIt Arthur WLS 10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST NBr-Lowell Th"m3s, n('w.: WLW r;BC-lllt' lIonrymoOl\er~: WJZ WSAI-Ll'na Pope, soprano WLS-LI\·P~IO.. k alld Grains 1.1nd: WEAr WS_H WJZ KDKA \\ I.W pt. or Agriculture .... BC--Hillv & 8t>tty: \\'EAF WGBr-.CI.Ca~t WC\ - W\\'VA-Homf News \\LW-Dorothea Ponce. sones Eidc Tabernacle II :45 a.m. EST 10 :45 CST WCKY-Rocco \\'(;'-Il~nl',~ of All Churrht>s Cns-poetic Strill!!"~' WAOC WTA:lI-~lu~ical C,Jcktaii CBS-Fi\"e Star Jones: WABC 1:45 p.m. EST 12:45 CST WE~R-The Charillll'prs (NBC) WKItC-D.Chri\tian Scit>lIce WHAS WKHC (sw 15.20 WKHC KMOX (sw·15.27> MB5--{;l'oree Duff)··s Orchestra: 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST WFRE-Hel1ryl'tla SChalll'1 WS.\I-Qld fUllt' r.ddlt>n KDKA-To be announced MHC-Pilinted OrC'am!>. WGN WGN WI.W WGy-n;t.ce Ilp~u:t~, Baseball W\\'\'A-~ews l\BC-.\ler"dith \\'ill!>on's Orch.: I\)IOX-i\cws Thru A Woman's WI.W W.\ n:-~Iu~ic Guild C\'Brl Scoreo; E~'es WEAF \\'S1\1 WAVE \\'TA1\1 WFUI':-Fri<:dd Fads WFBE-Treasurl' TlInh WLW \\'5.\1 WGY WI\ RC-Btlo;phall Scores WFBE-To be annoullc:N1 R:15 3_m, EST 7:15 CST WGRr-Huo~icr Philosopher WGBF-fllrh$tone Reporter cn~-Bol\"dls & Wri~hl WABC \\'S\I-BJ~eb;:lll Rc,ume \n;:'\"-Your Fm'ndly Neighhor NBr-Or~an Hhapsotly: WLW WGY-Ba!!" and Baggage WL:-,-Ilomemakl'rs' Ilour; Fan· WW\A \\~~IK (51'0'·15.27) WTAi\I-Doc \Vhipple WGY WLS-llousehold I'arade WIIAS-H..!nn,' Fvtd s Arkansas fare WS~l-Leon r\Bl-Tedd\· Bill's Orch.: WJZ Wll';:\"-Hr":tkfaq Cluh (KilC> Colt' organist Tr,,"rlers WS~t-AI I'earce's Can!!: {XBC> Wf.z\ R \\;CKY WW\'A-Freddie and Blaine WFIlE-Albno;as Fi(ll11ers WLS'-Chuck and Ray W\\'\ A-/\ Tilberndcl~ KIIIC\-;'IIarket Rrport WLS-Jolly JOt: and lIis Pet Pals 10:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST WS.\I-.\lprry i\I3MC;lJlS U,BCl 2,00 p.m. EST I ,00 CST 1\\IO:X Ba~eh;lll; Browns n. W\\'VA-Uen\'er Oarling WWVA-Gertrude Miller ~,,\\" NBr.-WPlldell Hall, son~s: WJZ ,,,"BC-Ilr,me SWI'PI Ilollll!· WEAF York Night KDKA WCKY (sw·15.21) \\'1'\:\1 \\'LW WGY (sll·15.33) WFBE-\\·here to Go 8:30 a,m. EST 7:30 CST NB(·-lloll~e Detective· WEAF ,I1S-0>l11(,n Blotlll:r '. harmOll,!, WIlAS-D lo'ty Ilrozram WABC W03M Hour W,,'" I\iddic~' WGY-Lill!r J.:ick Llltll'; Orch. \\'G:\-June B3ker. !tt>mC' man- ,,"S\t WTA~I WAYE WSAI j-;IlJ\.\-~ \\llAS-l',.i,:~r.iIY of J{cntuck) WCKY \\'_\\"1: WW\'.\-~lornil'~ Dance Tunes WSAI-HnUW'hold Hints l\~C-~hrke.t and Weather Re· WI\Hr-.\,'\\~Cast 4:30 n.m. EST 3:30 CST :<\IO:\-Tu ],l ;)~r:ounced \\'\\'\'A-RapiJ Ad SI'l"ice port: WEAF \\'LS-Lilth: lIc.me TIle>lter Play XBC-\hli"ler ~iu: WEAF ;o.;nC-Fountain of Song: WEAF 1\1)1\.\-S311 al,,1 Peanuts XH(-\"IC & SJdp- WE\f WLW ~H(-5ineinlt lady: WJZ WLW \VH ~S-Tfrrr and Ted CBS-Brad al,,1 AL W.\Be \\GY K~IO;"-13scinatll'£ :llelodies \\Tnl WGY" 15.331 KDI\ \ .$\\.15.20 WKRC-"rr,ilil" D:ln l H~5Idlle\ Haphael. piaOl~l; CBS-Rh\·llim Bandbox:: WABC WFI\E--GI\l"n Willialll~ and Fa}e C8S-i\"il-on J::lme~. t:tlk \\ \BC (B~-J"ck Allfl~lrur..~ WABe WS-\l-Knolholc, Club WS~IK WKRC (o;\\-lS.~1) .<\lhfoa \\ ~"II, (~\ .. 15.27 (,.", 15_271 WS:ll-\·rw~; PJn Amtncan nDK.\-~I~·le Ii ~hOI,pillli!: Sl'rv. :\Br-The Cunhal; Gale Pa~e, WGBF-WeddinJ Anni,·er~ariu :'\"BC-'"Thp Wlo;e \1311 ,- ,~·plf!-, \"T\"fi-\Iu~i. and CommC'I,ls Rroadl·w~ Uroadost SI 'Jre~ \\'GY-~Iu~lcal Pro~ram r.ieln, m,c.: WTAM WWVA-Dominic and Too)' WG:i-H3rold Turner, pianist \\ t.\" --Jane L.l:Jd~r, ~ollrano WW\"A~Sports. Flllal 20 7 Thursday - Continued 6:J5 p.m. EST 5:15 CST 8:00 p,m. EST 7:00 CST * NBC-Tony & Gus, dramatic * NBC-Tony & Gus. sketch: NBC-Death Valley Days: WJZ sktltth: WSM WAVE \\iJZ WCKY WHAM WENR KDKA WLW WLS WHAM KOKA-Arm Chair Driver KDKA (sw.l1.87.JS.2l) fsw-ll.87l WHBM-Frankie M:l!>ter~' Orch. CB~Buddy CIIJaIJrr Boys Band WAVE.--World Revue tenor; Murjel Wilson. 50­ WLW-!.um alld Abner, comedy WOAM-Pat Flanagan's Sporh IJr:IllO; Conrad Thibault, bari· WTAM-Cenl.' 11;lkl'r's Hhythm WFBE-Dinner MuIC WF8E-The Harmony Masters NBC-Joe Rine's Orch.: WJZ WCN-Grilnt Park Band Concert WHAM W('KY Mikeroscope Album and Log Book WIIA5--Mu!>ical Moments KIJKA-Dance Orchestra 6:38 p.m. EST 5:30 CST WWVA-News; Five Minute WENR-Leonard Kellt'l's On:b. NBC-Dorsey's Orch.: WEAF Drama WGMF-NelVs is beautifuJJy bound in brown WGN-Wayne Kin~'s Orchestra More than FIFTEEN THOU· WTAM \\IGY WSAI (sw-9.53) SAND readers of Radio Guide suede limp cover and embossed KBC-Dot & Will: WJL WCK Y WLW-J)llrklolVo Meeting Time 8,15 p.m. EST 7:15 CST now an' proudly exhibiting their in gold. It is printed in St"pia. WSM E\'erything possible was put CB>-Buo;k Rogers: WHAS CB5--Charles Hanson Towne: 10:45 I•.m. EST 9:45 CST new 1935 Mikeruscope Albums KMOX WDEM W.... BC WKRC WHAS W8BM KMOX-Eddie Dunsledter, or· and Log Books to their friends. into this volume to make it a CnS-"rals" Waller's Orchestra: (sw·6.12) !l"anist; Tom Baker, tenor Hundreds of enthusiastic let~ worthwhile, ar(istic, convenient \\ ABC (sw-lI.83) KMOX-lIol Dates in History \\'ENR-Herm (rollt"s Orchestra ters have been received te!5tify. and n('('essary adjunct to your HDKA-Suw;lIlee Singers WCKY-Harry Resor's Orch. WGBF-Colonial Club ing to the beauty. completeness radio enjoyment. In it you'll W~NR-Song a Day Men WFBE-Jimmy Ward WGN-Tu hl' announced and usefulness of this first aid find the complete Jife stories of "" FUE-Star Serenaders l1 :01) p.m. EST 10:00 CS'I' to radio listening. fifty-two leading stars together WGN-tum and Abner, sketch i~ limited-~et WHAM-Nl'wS 8:30 p.m. EST 7:30 CST NIlC-Shandor, violilli:'l; HallllY Th.. supply with their pictures reproduce-d WHRC-Evening Serenade CB~-Marty May, romedian; WI'f'k<;' Orch.: WJZ KDKA your ('opy now. The third print­ in large size. Then tOtl there is WLW-Bob Newhall ,Iohnny Augustine's Orchl'~lra: WSM WH,\M \Vrl\Y (sw·6,14) jn~ nearly has been exhausted, the most complete list of brnad­ WABC WKRC KMOX WHAS NnC-Dell Pollack's Orchc~lra: If you have delayed orderin~ cas(ing stations in Norlh Amer­ Wt'HM (!>w-6.12) WEAr WGY \VENR WTAM CB5--Sall Frlln('i~l'O Symphony your COP}'. be sure to writc TO­ ica eyer published-and this list 6:45 p.m. EST 5:45 CST NHC-Civic Opera Orch.: WJZ DAY. U!'iC the coupon below. is eross indexed three ways. NBC-Rep. Wridlt Patman of \vCKY WENR WIIAM ](IJKA Orch.· WAsr WKHC WI3Bfll KMOX WIIAS This huok, 5 He by 8 ~2 inches Radio Guide's New ]935 Mike­ Texas, "Prospect:. for Pay· (w 11.87) WF8E-DilrtCC Parade \VA \'E-Tom G~!ltrv'~ Orch. in size and containin~ 134 pages. roscope Album and Log Book nlPnt (Jf Adjusted Service (('r· WGIlF-Hotel l\l,.(·llrtly t.ifjc~ti's N('xt Sc~sion of Con WGN-W:lyne Kinl\'s Orchestra is as important to your radio \\ J.\\·-.lohlltlj' (oUl'llley's On;h gl'ess": WEAF WSi\1 WTAI\'I WLW-To be announced as the tube itself. Avail your­ WS ..\I-Today·s News WGY bw 9.53) self of this opportunity today! WWVA-Arfll(ljan~' Or(he5tra CBS-Bo.ke C.rter, news: * -S:45 p.m. EST ;:45 CST WABe WHAS KM0X WKRC 11:]5 p.m. EST 10:15 CST WHBM (sw·1I.83) WFHE-Dave and Kl'nny Wr..>';-T., 110' anrHHITH'l'd WA\'E-Ilarr\ Diekluao NBC-TIIC Thrt'(' SramllS: WJ I. WG'\'-\ellJl -,\ 'oland:l's Orch. WAVE WHAI\I-I\]Iltra * NBC-V.llee's Vanety Hour: WFBE-~Iu,ical PrugCJm WG1\'-Hor;Il'f' II(idt's Orche!lra \\oEA'" WTAM WLW WCY WliX-:';C\\s; Sports Revue WI \V-Dance OrrhcSlra \\"::A I-B3rn Danct' WSM-Oaut:e Or(he-stra • CBS-Kate Smith's Hour: WABC \\ KRC \\'S~IK WHAS 9:];; p.m. EST 8:15 CST 11 :45 p.m. EST 10:45 CS1 (5\\-6.12) \\fBE-Tu Le allnounn',1 WA VE--(hall".. Dornbt>rc:er's NBf-:\jck"loofon: WJ/. W~M \\GOF-Xational Battety O,c1I1'trd (~nc) KDKA \\'H\\I \\A\l \\lKY \~t,'\-The ~'Il'l!hont'tte WGS-JGe Sanden' Orchestra WlS ("\0\,·11.87) K'IOX-Jones & Oavid, piano !J~30 o.m. EST 8:30 CST ]2:00 n,m. EST J 1:00 CST d"" nl"'--I~ham JOllf'~' Orch.· WABC W8BM-Se\ mour Si,WIIl,' Orch K\IOX \\"BB\l (,,\\6_12) C!JS--41 Dien's Orch.: K MOX \\ FBE-(di, allo A,. ("nel \\IFBE-Ra\ :-';oble's 'Iu~ic WBB\I \VilAS ~Bl--t;lu.1l LtI"s Orc:h.: WSM WGBF-'lu~ical :\Iomrnl'; 1I0rf- \\liMF-thl ~"'Ifln;" I:hllk m;lII· ... Birlhday CluJ, \VENR WAVE WH'\-'-Y/lIcl' ul M,UIIIlIOth Cave ~IB~ronlinenlal WGN-Dance Orchestra WhRC-Red Blrd's Orchestra Gypsies: WGN \VLW \\ l;iAJ-G('lle Burchell'!> Oreh W:o./\I-Uallce Orche!>lla WWV,\-Dizzy Fingrrs anll Bud WKIlC-R((j Rird's Orcll(1stl3 Taylor WTA"-Dick Fidll'l"s Orchl'~tra !'l:45 p.m. EST 8 :45 CST \vWVA-I'.pe Drf'ams ;:]5 p.m. EST 6:]5 CST COS-Louis Prima'~ Orchestra: r~ An encyclopedia of informa­ KMOX-Frank llauard, tenor, WAOr WBBM WIIAS WKBC J2'15 a.m, ES 11:]5 n,m. tion about radio's leading Ort:he~tra f'lw-6.12J MBS-n,utre Orcll.: WGN WLW All This for stars, pictured and described WHBM-Ell'na Mllllr:lk's En'lelll' K:'IlO;\-:-llolts Page of the Air to the last detail-Also replete hIe WCJ\Y-News J2:~O a.m. ES 11 :30 I).m. C~ CBS-Seymour SililUtI~' On·h.· with a log section never be­ WFOE-Tommy Ryan WFHF-[\'pnmt; ConCf'rt fore equaled, inclUding lists WGBF-Bas('ball He'lulls WI.S--V;lri"IY I'rogr;lm KMQX \VilAS WBtiM WWVA-Jack and Velma MB~-JOl' ~;lIIllers Orchuuw WGN WLW KDKA-Sports. Ed Sprngue KM(,X-When Dav is Don. WGBF-Historical Facts WAVE-Amn. Lilx'rty Lem Van Loon, WIlUI-Johnny Sch\\ab's Orth. WLW-JohnI\Y Courtney's Orch. author. talk: ,\n KOKA \\ H'\'=:t-Ba~cb:l11 !-coru Street and add.-ess ••••.•...... •••••••••••••...... ••• WCKY \\LS (,,",IUi]) \\'l\\-New~ Room 1:]5 a.m, EST 12:]5 CST City and State .....•...•...... •...... •...... CBs-('rah'lIlan's GuilO; Talk: WSAI-Rheiny Gau, vocalist '" LW-erorr;e DuHy's Orchestra WABC WKRC WIIAS KMOX Please make remittance either by money ordt::r or check. Not respon­ AII·Star Revue: \\ \\ \A WS" 10:15 p.m EST 9:]5 CST sible for cash. WAVE-Bcrt Kenney NBC-Jf!Se Cra\\ford, oreamst: J :30 a.m. EST 12:30 CST WJoBE-To be announced WFAF ,\rKY Wl:;NR WSAI WBBM-Flol'd Town's Or(b. WGN-Joe sanders' Orchestra WC;Y (5W 9.53> WLW-Moon River 7 21 • I'rogrOIll! Show" For Daylight Time III EST alld CST Programs for Friday, August 23 Add O"r Huur 5:45 a.m. EST 4:45 CST WGY- ·~Iu~ical Prog'lm ?:15 p.m, EST 1:15 CST WEXR- :'\tu~ic autl Comments 1';~IOX-TeJo;a~ Blue Donnell \VIIAS- Geord;:t Wildcats Star Indicates High Spot Selections 'Ut --\'IC rh;udt \nor W.,'IK (~w 15.27> WII.\5 .a.We... k·d,,\ Dp\,otion.. WI.~-:--!TIii ,1,Whlle \\ 'II(' \\H,\S \\S)IK WW\'A " 15.271 PeanUI~ K \I0.\-l:xchanr.:e Club WKItC-l1om'll Ii)" & Ill, Rus \\KUC 1",,·15.27) KOK.\-Salt and pi3ni~t G~I""iM 9,00 a.m. £ST 8:00 CST K:-'IOX-TIle llapp)' Hunteu \\TI\Y-\'aril"l\" Progt,:I111 \\'Co \-H lrllld Turner. 1<111 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST NBC-Xews; Johnny :\1:Ir\i~, WhHC-U.. f'h~1I Game \\'~.\I-Dcalel~ Salute ~nC-Jolly Wtlll::-1.1tlle l:JIack Joe \\'(i\'- Luncheon ~llI<'IC Bill & Janf'. WEAF tenor; WE,n \\'~:\l W~.-\I \\" W\ ..\-Dp.1l \ cr narline \\ \\ \ .\-~h""pjllo:. ~I ncOp.lthn n3... U'l!:011 1!f'\"Cll1e: \\',\UC \\'(i.\-Tu 1)(' amI< uuced \\·KR('-\1<·I..."iuu~ \I asurf'I WT.\'II W.\\E WLS.--(kr!le~lra; 'l'~, SBC-I'olluc alld Lawnhunt; Ge",nl:e Sim 2:30 p.m. F.ST 1:30 CST 4 :45 p.m. EST :1 :4;; CST CBS- Xe\\s; )Ielody Quintuplets: 10 :45 a.m. EST !I :45 CST leU1"l1 WJI. WABC r\BC \'w' '" Jl: Ll"Jth rOlllnl XBC-\r.henturh uf S3m and Ii'l -H"me Folks' Hour CB~ ·JuH l'lai" Bill: ",..'BC WL\\-\\'eather; ~lJrkeh to, WJZ weh\" \\:-.\1 X C8-'\,'\\: T: I' BlueLirds Dick ,ketch· WE.\F ",\\'E -\Iu~ical h:\IOX t"", 15.271 \\ WVA-~e\\s l"b:--I' ""ll UUll~tetJ(\:1 Enlt'r- \\ G' Clock \\KUC WH."'" W\\T\ \\(i\ W:--\t \\:--\1 MB. ~1,)Ulltain :\Iornings: WGN 1;111, \\ ,\B(" WIIAS W~\1K WLW-T"II 0' the "ornin&: ~~I.-.\~" • \!-:.II.C the Y·,ice CH~! a ,,::lIIo \\ T.\ 'I -~un 1·'1 \\LW 1:!:30 p.m. ES 11 :30 a.m. CS I\\IOX ( \1>27' • ~ n· Il, .•r.n'· \\JI duo; \\.\Br \\Hb \\":I)IK ""HE-Tu In announced r.BC-~,H'1 F;trm &,. Home Hour: -~1.l WWVA-The E)'e O!X!ner SBC-Xe\-\~; Smack Out: KOK.\ r\Of l'erkill'; WE.\F \\'LS WKF:C t,,\.15,27J WGBF-Youl IIllme "'JZ WA\'E \VS~I KDKA .\'1 \\"LW WG\' \" ,15.331 :'\' .15.21 J \n 'HI -{I ph \Rl1ip WJZ Wir -\ ...-Ore- III Tr.. 111 \\CKY WLW /liBC-Helald of Sanity: Jos. Tillie: WEAF WGY CBS-Dalton Urothc:u Harmony WLW-Tht' :'tlnrnin; Sintt CU...... -Frf'ti reibel, organist; \\"1\1: \\""\1 WLS-Ll\·t',.tock :lIJrkl!'t; Mor· ". JJ)tro WEAF WGY \\':;;\1 Trio w'lle \\KRf W\n,\ \\S:\IK \\,GY-Fdrm Prol:ram (~\\.15.33 CB:--ll1tC'rrollMt:ialf' C fl un (i I nillg :\Iill;,treh ~brkrts NU(-~parf'nh:.: WEAF \\ T,\'t 1\Br-\l.HllJ,I and Hal WE.\F WL5-Wl'athl'r, &. News tl:B('-\lorln Sj~tl'rs; WJZ \\'S~1 Sl!'rie~ \\'\BC \\'KRC WS\lK (,\\,.11531 K \IUX-Untle Lum 9:15 a,m, EST 8:15 CST \\"~.-\.I W.-\\'E W:>" \\T'~l \\( t\ \' \\ \\E \\'GN-Good Morning KBC-Girl Alont': \\E.\F WGY CB:>- ·Tht' Lalllpllghter, Jacob 12 :45 p.m. ES 11 :45 a.m, CS KOIo;.,\- (II ,nn NHr-l.ifl'p Old ;\lan; WJZ WGY-Musical (jock WTA\I Tarchi.. h: \\\IIC (:.",,·15.27) CBS-)Ien of :\1anh:aH.ln. \\ \HC WG:" na~t'bJII; Wa~hin!:loll vs. \\"\\1 \\':'\1 \\'KRC-Ji~unrisc: K)IOX-Fa~clnalinl; Wonhip fBS-TIle Capli\'ators: WABC Melodies \\ KRC W::-~IK Csw-15,271 {,h"':lS;;o \\'huf' ~ox: hUh \_\,'\\C !teell'r WLS-News WKRC WW\'A WCI{Y-Xell's \\'FI.H:-Parisil!'n En~('mhle \\"L~-FIlIl Fe'llldl; Arkie; 11111 WeKY <,;hillito', 7.00 Culb WI.W-.o.Family Pra}'er Period X9C ·H31f'1 -\rlh, contullo \\THE-G;Jrdt'n of Vl!rSl! \\GBF-Bulll'tin Soard topper",; Pat Bullram \\·HU:-\I,:>o!i\ in Blue WSAI-lirnel)' Til)J \\.IZ \\O.;.Y WA\'E KOKA \\GBF-Mr. and Mr~. WHAS- 'farkel RepOrts; Pldno Wl.\\-I)orlnr~ c,f )Ielody WI,\ \,' .d.;l1r M~lodl1'5 WW\A-l\.Cospel Tahrrnacl. (~\\·15.2\) WG;';'-Len SJIVO, organist Inlprll1l11' WI\ \I-E\'f;·r)·null'~ Treasure WI US-Herbert Kuch, or(!ani t WS" ~ l"ict~ K:\IOX-~Iu~ic;'ll Jp\\el BOlC \\ (i' -~IIl"lcal PrOl=-ram \VLS-DllInerbdl Program Huu~e ;'Inri ... 7:1j a,m. EST 6:15 CST WI' BE-lIa\\ KDKA-\Iac 311d Bob W~AI-I'olice Flashes ~:15 NBC-Tod;,y's Children: WJZ p.m. EST 2:15 CST (w 11.'17·15.211 CB~Sunn) M,lod'es. WABC Le~ter, KDKA WLS WCKY (sw15,2tl \\f HI· BIll ,t .lIm r\BC-,\nlL SOl)rano: \\',IZ WFBE-"'lu~I(31 Pruilfam NBC-(heprio' WEAF WTAM WCY-Doc Schncider's Cowboys 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST KDK.-\ W(iy-.-\:,,,etle ~lcCullou~h \\LW WGY KllIOX-The Corn Huskers \\TS-"Illllf' Hit:. from Lif," i WA \'I::-)lucical Clock CB5-ROlll:lnce of IIplen Trent: XBC Woman's Radio Rt\iew' \\ \\ \·'-\-[c"n ,111\ ~ott", KMOX-Variely Program Bill Vid..IJud; Chuck allii HI)'; \\,(:y Wt'IU~-:\lu:.ical PrO!tram \\'ABC WKRC KMOX WGN WCKY-Yo,h'lIing Twins Ralph Emerson <';hopper~ ~:30 WG~-~Iarkets; Contine-nt3!J <:'1'0'-15.21) J":\I0\-Window p.m. EC,T 1:30 CST \\FnF-\lu.u'al (lock WW\·-\-.\m'r, Family Robino~n WE:'- It-Foolli~hl 'lelodies XHC-\'e\\,.; -\n; Ll'~tpr, songs: \\'II.\~-lJ,College Devotions WIIAS-Mrs. Randolpb, sboppinl \\GBF- F:Ulllel Purcell guide WCY-Hou'('hold Ch:lts WL\\'-Sin!ting ~f'i~hbor \\"EAF WT,\'I WAVE WSAI-To"a)', ~e\\s U :30 lI.m. EST 10:30 CST CB:---.\111n le.. rl'r·~ Orche..lr3i WLW-Belt)· Crockpr NI:JC-~lerry ~ WHAS-Georgi3 Wildcat' \\:-:\I-P;lu' and Bert :\Iadcaps WEAF 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 CST Xe\\~ \\" .\UC (C\\ .11 ,831 WTA\I-lIf'ahh and Home with \\ rA\1 \\'SAI WCOY WSAI-Woman's Club Forum WW\'A-Varie::;' ProgrJm NBC-~lad!te Marle\'. ~one:s: :-\HC-Xl!lh; Robert Weed!': 7:45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST Vaughn King NBC-Words and Music: WJZ WE\!" \\,TA)I \\:">;\1 \\'W\A-Flyin' X Round Up \\,IZ WCKY NBC-Landt Trio &. While; WJZ WCIiY W1\Y[ KDKA WSM 1,30 p.m. EST 12,30 CST cn~-Arm\' Hanti WABC \\'HAS NBr-"'ln::ill!; bd): WCN KDKA WCKY <5\\-21.54) (sw-15.21) NBC-"The Kitchen Part)'''; W5\1 K (w-15.27l KDK.\-'h·IO'ly \lillionJire, 9 :45 a.m. EST 8 :45 CST CB5-"\lary Marlin," sketch: rU:5-The Bluebird: WABC (B>-~Irs. Ciibha~f FranCh Barton: AI &: Lee \'BC-Viennesl! SP1(I(.. t: WJZ WE7\ R-\\"h3t':. tit, '\e\\",! \\'i!!;t:s 01 the \\'ABr WKRC K~toX WHAS ve \\ KRr-Fiddlin' Farmers PlItch ckplch \\'ABC K\ll)X R... i~cr, piano cluo; Jimm)· Wil· WCKY WAVE W::;~I WtBE-!llf'rchJnt~' Hulletins ~;,w 15.27) W;,.\I-Timel} Tips NBC-Hl!rlllan and Oanta. WJZ kilL,;un. haritone: Warren lIull. KDK,\-~lark~1 Iteport WGY-~e\\,; r\·enin.: Ore\'ltil's W~.'\I-D.:\lorning WFBE-Home<.pun Philosopher De\'otions KDKA \\TK \ (sw·15.2\) m_ c.; :\brlhJ Men",. conlral· K:'\m'(-'l:ew:. \\'H .\5-:\lelod) Cruisl!' WGBF -83h~· Shoo Man tu: \\'EAF \\T,\'\I WCY WSAl wr'\II-\hrb.mr M Sylvan \\'1< RC-I'opular Van..lies 8:00 3.m, EST '7 :00 CST NBC-Bett\ Crocker: WEAF \\'GX-Mark,ts; Interlude WTAM WaY .. CBS-Between the Bookends: WGY-Stock Reports WLW-Jack Armslronl, dram• * NBC-Breakfa.st Club: Edna \\'L5-111e IlilltopPl!f5 WABC \\ KRC WS:\IK (S\\'· WI W -:-,p"c Financi;,1 Notes \\'SAI-~ews: Cror!te El1i~!on. Odell. contralto; June. Joan & !\IUS-Backstage Wife: WGX WLW-Chal\dlc:r Chats WLW 15.2)) \\'W\'-\-F1}in' X Roundup I'O'm, Jeri: WJZ KDKA WS:\I WWVA-Panerns III Organdy WFBE-Hlue Sirings NHr-Ro~3 Linda, pianist: WJZ W:--:\I-Newc ; Financiill News \VA \'E (sw 21.54) "'CKY 3 :45 p.m_ EST 2 :45 CST W\\'VA-Sews rB.:--D,,:u fOlumbia' WABC WKRC-,O.God·s Bible School 11 :45 3.m, EST 10:45 CST WlS-Phil Kalar, Old Music MBs--Gl'ne Burchell', Orch.: KBC-G("n. Fed. Women's Clubs: \\'S:\U, \\'IIAS CB5-·Five Slar JOIlPS: WABC WJl WCKY \\[;>.,Il KDKA Chest \\'KRC KMOX (sw-1527> WCX WLW 5:45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST NOC-Qrg"n Rhap5ody: Richard ;-P"lmer lJouse Ensemblf \\TKY WA\'E \\'TA\I WS'I \\'SAI-Knot Hole Club ice * NBC-U. S. Army .. nd Nat'l &: Fannie Cavanaul;b: WHAS \\'H,\S-~. or Kentut::ky CBS-Jack Armstrong: \\-ABC \VS:\l-:-\l'ws \\TKY-Hou~ehold Hints; Vari· GUilrd :\hneu\ \\T;\'I-Spoortsman; B3~ebJII ety Pr1"lgram \\'A\'[ WSAI WTAM WCY KBC-The Kilmer Family, dra· \\'I.:;-l,ois Sche(lk. talk NBC-TIle Singin( L3dy: WJZ Scures \\GHF-lundY Topics WS~I ma: WJZ WSAI-Lilbt Classics KDKA WLW (5w-15.21) \\'WVA-Spoorh final 22 7 Friday - Continued On Sh 0 r t Waves 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST 8:00 p.m. EST 7:0U (;8'1' J\'l;K-Oliver Na",lor's Orchestra: * NBC-AlKA-SELTZER PRE­ * NBC-COLGATE·PALMOLlVE· \VJZ \\'IIA;\1 WCKY KDKA ~ellts Uncle Ezra's R'l(Jjo Sta­ PEET CO. PRESENTS THE WAVE b\\ 6.14) tion: WEAF WSAI WTA.'J Beauty nox Theater; Guest C8S-LuiSi Romanelli's Orch.: By Charles A. Morrison WCy (~\\·9.53) Arlis(s; John Barclay, bari· \\AOC \\'S~IK "'HAS KMOX CBS-Jerry (oollCr, SGn~s; WABC tone, and Others; AI Goutl W8B'\1 WKRC (EST and CST Shown. Figues in 6:30 p. m.-EAQ (9.87>. Madrid-Talk by Lopez \VilAS WKRC K~;OX (loW­ miln's Orrh.: WJZ KDKA * NBC-COLGATE-PALMOLIVE· 11.83) \\I-IAM WE:'IIR \\ICKY WAVE PEET CO. PRESENTS THE Parentheses Denote Megacycles.) M:lril\. * NBC-Tony & Gus, sketch; \\'5;\1 (s\\"·11.87> Beauty 80x 'rhl.'at('r; G\l('"t 10 p. m., GSC (9.58), CSO Cl1.7s). London­ WJZ \Vl::~11 WCKY \vIIA)1 * CaS-Hollywood Hotel; Dick Anicu; John Barclay, bari· ADIO f\-IAROC, Rabat, J\loro((o. in GtJ-.sip hour. KDKA (sw-1l87.15.2D POVlell, Anne Jami~on, Fran· lone, i1nd Qlher"; AI Good­ Monday, August 19. 2 p. m., GSB (9.Sn, GSD Norlh Africa (12.825 and 8.0-t) al· (JUS), GSI 05.26), London--\i1ricty ilt WAVE-World n('vuc ces Langford, Ralmond PaIge's man's Orch.: WLW ways ha~ been one of the lesser WOOM-P;lI Flan3!l'an's Sports Orchestra; Igor Gorin, bari· \\ E/Ii H-Leonard Keller', Orcb. R ll'lIhf",lynJpiil. kno\\n shorl-\\;J\c ~tations, and persons \\'}'HE-DJIICC Ilh)lhms ttJIw: Gue~t: WAHC \\ 8B'\1 WGBF-News 6 p. m., DJD Cl1.77). Berlin-Selections from Koeni~skinder, WGN-I'atmt'r Ilou,.. En!:>cmble \\ \\ \'A WHAS \\ KRC K~IOX WC-:\-Wayne Kin!::'s O!"chestra holding vcr,ific;lIions from thi'> station can opera by lIulllperdinck. WLW-Old Fa~hiOllcJ Girl (-\\,-6.12) \\'SAI-Juhllny Courtney's Orch. consider them~ches \cry lucky. I\ot long Werner Richltr·He1chhrlm, C'IO.-111rl"r. WSM-SlriIlU NBC-Waltz Time; Frank Munn, \\ S\t-Danu Orchestra ago Hadlo ,\l:HOC incrc.,,,t'L! liS power to 6 p. m.. 2RD (9.64), Rome-Ollf'r.! E1Ig.Jr. Ly \\ \\ \A-Uinl1('r Music tf'llor; \'i\'ienne Srgal, ~OllraIlO: WT,\:'\I-Auctin Wyli("s Orch. 2;,000 W.1tt5. \\hid should make it much Puccini; Ugo Tan"lIli, tOmhH:tor. WEAf WTAM WLW wGY more .1udible in North America. Rahat Tuesday. August 20. 9:05 a. m.-PSJ (15.22), Eindhoyen, Holland-Special talk f~r hclf'nf'rs 6:30 D.m. EST 5:30 CST (sw·9.53> programs .:Ire given in Ar.:lbic. French. and r..BC-Dot :"Iud \\'111: "'JZ WS:-'J "'m':-~Gah'ano In lll(lustriill tnt..rpricf'S ill the ('{h"r!;lIIds \\ & Cortez 10:45 p.m, EST 9:45 CST Engli.. h HaJlO ~taroc bro:1dc;J~t'i 01\ WCKY WGX-The l\!;ltIli Gra~ NBC-Thr Op!"n Ro..d. sketch: India. Sunil:I)' onl} from 1 :30 t(l () a. m. EST lOS-Oer! B!ock'! Orch.: WAlK \\SAI-B;lvariOlIl Amateur 9101\ \\'E.~F WG' \\'''.-\1 WTA~I 2 p. m., GS8 (9.5D. GSD 01.7Sl, London­ h)10X \\ HAS \\ KHe W~:\It, (~\\·9 53} (G:3(h~ CST) 011 12.:-"~; IllCf;!." and fwm !'r<>mena(!E" tOIl{('rt. (~\\·11.83) 8:15 p_m_ EST 7:15 CST i\ EXIl-lJcrm CrOlle's Orche"lra 3 tl\ 5:30 p. m. I:SI (2-4'JO csn on 4 p. ·m.. GSB (9.5D, GSF 115.14>, London­ ,'oHC-Rhythm Octet i Gould and WFBE-JiIllIllY Ward \\FOE-.lmllln' Ward 80-1 megs. ED Purkn of Inglcwood. In thl' Shil.-Ifm of the T.lj, 1,1.,)". Shehrr; Thr('(' X ~ic;t('r!\; Three \\(;nF-Boxin'l:! )Ialches Callfofllla. has fl'.:ently rl'crm:'d a norifi­ 9:15 p. m., DJD 01.77). Berlin-Berlin phil· S(alllp~: \\ EAF \\GY (s\\-9.53) 8:30 p.m. EST 7:30 CST \\[,:\-'1'0 he announn:d calion from Rab':H, and 'i:1VS r{'ports harlllllllit orchestra. Ne"~: WHA,\I WSAI :\BC-EIHif' :\I:ldtlgurra's Oreh.· Wednesday. August 21, 2 p. m., Gsa 19.50, GSD KUKA-The Sine-illt: Seven WEAf WG'J \\'5AI WT"'I II :00 n.m. 'E';T 10:{l0 CS1 should be addres"ed to the Director Gl-..­ 01.75), London-Br'llIm,,' IHehl ,11 Ih" prf1111. WBB'\!-I)anrr Orchl''''lra WL\\' (,;1131.48) NBC-Brn I'ollC' allllOUIII.:t:,1 to WKRC WWVA W5)IK WII \S (,,"·6.14> WCBF-Cololliill (5·7 CST). K\lOX MH""-ThfO \Iu"if' Box Hour: WeN-Joe Sandus' Orchestra WBB:\I-8n'f'rly SlIIlIf'r. \\ LW WG:'\' \\OR WXYZ Stalion RTZ. be)ie\-ed to he in Irku­ \\FliE-Roy Wil!>Oll. pianist \\CBF-Fretl \\"armg - Orch t~k (Siheria) U.S.S.H.• mav be lestint!' WGOf-StOC'k Markets \\ KRC-R('d Bird's Orchestra 12:00 p.m. EST 11:00 CST nn 11.79 megs around 10:30 p. m. EST \'wGN-Lul\e Ranl:!l!l \\TA\T-Auctin Wyli{'s Orch. CBS-Floyd TOVln'~ Orchestra: WLW-Jlol Dal('< in Ili"torv \\ JlI1'\1 K\lOX WIIAS (9:30 CST) according to H. S. Brad­ ';Immolld'~ ley of Hamilton. New Yurk. 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST ~:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST NB('-,\r1ir Orch.: K'-tOX-Sport Page of the Air \\AYE \\!-.'\I NBC-Lucilll' ;\lanners. 'oprano: MIl"-(;ontlllental Gypsies: WGN WJZ WIIA \1 KDKA WS;\I WCKY-Ne\\s The new Genrral Elrclric all-wave re­ (~I\ \VENit-Jack Randolph. baritone \\LW ceivers, in addition to utili/ing Ihe novel RADIO GUIDE WLS WAVE 11.87) \\'E:\R-r.lenn I.f'(,'" Orchestra KMOX-Fr;lllk Hau:llu, tenor & \\ KRC-Ldth Sten.'lb' Orchestra metal tubes \vhi..:h reccntlv were cleveloped Presents (CBS) WCBF-Coral R'lOm OrcheHra in the House of !\ta2ic. will ;II\() feature \\'KRt-Red Bird'~ Orchestra radic:t.II~' WH8M-Elen:! MOIll.'Olk's Ensem· \\ TAM-Stan WtJ(lll"s Or{h£5tril: ::l liimple but difTrrent t\'pe of The Century Players b!! 10:00 p_m. EST 9:00 r.~T dial re.. elllblin~ in a..:tion and accuracy a NBC-Ink Spot<: WJZ W(KY ;D WCKY-Variely Prol!tam ~Iitle rule! l IiS-C.. rl Holls Ilrch.: \\'ABC WfBE-Smoky MOllnlOllll 80ys 1~:15 Nl\\-~; Ba~(ball Wh.lle \\B8~1 Ki\lOX a.m. ES 11:15 n.m. CS Calling All Cars WGur-zoo Re· MBS-D.lIlCl' Orch.: WGX WlW sults JI:OC-Geor!lt: R. Ilorllle~. nellS: WA\'E-Doll Pedro's Orcheslra COMMERCIAL (A Rodio Thriller) WHAS-Hot Dates in History WEAF WGY hw.9.53) STATIONS-PART VIII WLW-C - WS1tI-5port~; SonjOl Yergio allll * NBC-Tony il:nd Cus: WAVE KMOX-When Day ls Done lOOK a.nd 18DX 11.17 $1900 Railway Postal Clerks I!obby Tudler WSM . 1:00 a,m. ES 12:00 p.m. CS W\\'VA-Musical Moments KDKA-T('x,lIlrem_llt j(obl 1:15 a.m. EST 12:15 CST ~:In:i.:;~:-C&. WGBF-Ree:ular ff'lIoYos WLW-George Duffy's Orchestra Coupon c (31 StIl4l "lalla. WGN-V~loz & Yolanda's Orc:b. 10:30 p_m. EST 9:30 CST SPECIAL EVENTS Today /, W5M-Musiul Mom{nls NBC-Glf'nn Lee's Orc:h.: WEAr I :30 a.m. EST 12:30 CST Sunday, AUIust 18, 5:10 p. m.• DJD 01.77), / )'1:_ . WWVA-Newl WGY WLW \'ir.:illiJlh, m..lll' ttuJltet 6 :30 a.m. EST 5 :30 CST QuintUlllet~ Loll~"}' CB:r-Orient;all": WABC WS:'olK 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 C T :\~r-I'I 'fl & :-i'1l'fI1Un, piano \\ ~\I-I\~UIiJ:l\ "'ch" .. l. n ,', ~I WG:-';-Wa\'e~ of Mrlody KOKA-.\ 11 '(reo; Bili JlId NBC---Ol,er;atic (; .. m<; I.ro "fill ~ BC-Pollock and Lawilhurst: :'olother Gwud Collins W\\"\'.\-:'o1u)ical Pro,:um 15.211 (~\\ 11.83) wr..,-Annr'lI"" ,'ml'lIb alld News :\RC JJlUb)rf' WCY bw·9.S3J \','T,\M-':ll.ln Uti \\ (au· \1r an..J 'In 1:30 I).m. EST 1'!:30 CST to;~<.- \1 ~Ii" Wylie') Orche:.tra: WW\'A-lhc E,'e Ovenel \\'T\!\I-~' 1.!M"r1I..1"lt \\GX -1},IH'e Olt'l.t,tu WG\- Thrt>e Trns SBC-\\ I'~ I.: End RHU~ WLU \'.EH WI.\\' \\"T.U1 WAVE -\llI~iral W8B.\I-H"lbcll Fit ,tt.', Ilr":ilni~t 6:15 a.m. EST 5: (5 CST '1:0(1 a.m. LST "S:on CST \\(. \ Pru!\:r3m \\'Tnl \\'l,;Y \\" ... \1 \\"'\1 \\CY L~llt,,'~ \\ I-f:U:-Trt t}f' aonounced 1\UC-Yoichi Hirauk3, x)lopt,on. :'\BC ~t\\~; Suac\.. 0111' \YJZ \\ I ulle T\'I)ters CE.~-I eBS E~~i( Tllumlh"o. n",:ani~t; In IIPI W.\HI,.. \\ '-·Cf-:-toXk \1. d,l"~ i~t WI'AI KIlK.\ \\TK\ 'I 1).2 \\ \\"\'.\ KidJI. "r~ram \\ Kilt" WIIAS \b\lt\ I\\IJX 1", ,1. (Gr .,:or, c: >Iltr;aItO: CB_'\;",,~: ~hlllltillS \\'LW-Bob ~,.. ,\hall sporU o \t' I~ \Iltl'll B 'II y;amaJ;a \;. 11:15 a.m. EST 10:15 CST 1527, \\ .\0 "' ... \1:": WHA~ WW",\ ~:l))alrh (~\, \\"'\I-B,,·,h\ l",k,'r G,,:,I.!I, :'ce"lce U\'f'rluce \\',\Bf' \\hRC \\'\\T.\ :-';OL-Hol, ')0...) ;anti 1\"'tu.: I\.,twr", Bro\\n Strinlt En· \·;r.;P.C li271 \\'~AI \\'\\'\'.\ Whtlf' To 1;(0 T,") (I, [/cb :,chrt>IK'!:rel "'bl-.'\e\\~, JOhllll) Marvin. WEU \\T\M ~. Illhl.. \\'JZ I":OK \ \\'CI\. \' WiBE Tt..l lUll TUMS La B"lIr P~n~~e lrldl~ 1"1"'1 \\ 1,.\1 \\G\' \\'~:'o1 1\1\( Gf'n13 1'0Ililrio\'a. 50pt3no; (,w I:; 21) l\:-- \ I-O"JIE'r" tl..tluh.' 6:-15 p.m. EST 5:13 CST ~\"\I W~:'ol xar-:-j .rr~ I'r If' "I \If. Irtdl:lll ~lI;ake O;an(f' nurwu~h W"I'\\\ \\,WE \\JI \\TKY WLW W.\\·t-(;rPllf'r Lnul'llI S;t\·· \\ :: \J t Itl, ~,chf'r Tanl IJltl~I~J,)1f of All Curd h01\ \-\1 ,,- Jnrl Il.tb il'~~ 4:15 p.l))_ EST 3:U CST -Tp.\J~ lalk 1\ :-,\1 WT\\I Wli\ \\~~I 1\B(- HI f' an I ;"nllle, \\Jl \\'GX WlW \\ \\"1;; Lttll.:,!lOrllS ~\TH.-. GlaJ.I~ KDK.\-rtl\ll"k Wnne and 'Ill)' \',-,\\1.. ,9531 hnt :11,,1 031ldy h,:'oHI),.-\I"W~ 011 Xtl\~ \\ Itlr [Ihd Khal'I' Bf'hrmann \\'(;HI---\uT') (luh WFBE-\""-.I1 \'m',..y ~\C;.. ~al\o :-.;'aC-{), ..lIlt· (;, III \\ lI.n! E\l!ry Lillie MOlllrllt \\'f8E-Jan G3r!wr's \1U)IC '._0 1t".lIllQ \\"G~-B.I,..h.lllj \\'a,hill;toll \S \\ "AI Dale :'01";,, lrl~) ~I"t E~lUllJte:!>, we\'-Doc: Schneider's Co\\OO)'s "n \i (\ ,II I He; :'01 II Hi:'\" :'tly \'f'T)' Good I'flelld Ihe \\'L:-r---Li\·.. k \Ior (hiu~" \\ IlIlt, ~~){ ;,:11 p.m, t::T 4:00 CST ~iel ~oJuu~ter~ WI.W :'ohlkm..lu nilll; Mill~lrels WI.:t Ho ,1I'd \\L,,-I.,\t)l<.t~k Idrh{lIt'f;I'~ ,1Ild Grain Mar· :'\Sr-I-:lIt ~nt"-Thf-' ·:~: 11:30 a.m. EST 10:30 CST ~ \':"'~1 WL\\ WGY Ihnj"l... WEAF \\TW-(; BurdiI'll· Or('h \\("KY- Ba'fball "core., \to\·s I'm (III ..I ~l!e)3W \\GY \\'L\\ \',TUI :-.; Ht"-~Ie:rr) lIIJduP$: \\'1..\1-" H. (il-i-TilO Guinr. tenor: WARC \\"\\"\'..\-Or. L..IlI1onl, mu,ic WlnE-"ll~ical \I.t'll'rpll'.c 7:')1 :l.m. t:~.r 6:00 CST WG\ \\IW \\'1\M W:..\1 \\ H h WKRr W~MK WWVA CB!-o-C3rllotl 3111.1 Shaw, plano 1:Jj p.m. EST 12:15 CST WGHf-rtul> 'Iwlf' NBC-:'tIOTninct l)~vllllOlI), WJZ duo: WABC W\\,V,\ \\'Klte \tlC-Wonh anti MUSIc: \\ JZ ('w 11.83) ~IBS-(;~'orge OuH)",- Orclte~trl, \\'\\'\'A-S}lllpho 1\' Orc!•. ,( !J:,J KOK\ \\lKY h,w21.541 ""lOX \\tKr KOKA \\>\VE \\'~\f \\I,W NOC-Utlu Thurn':!> Onarian CH:r--OIl the Aic TooJ)'; Lyric ("I\ 15,211 i:O p.m. EST G:UO C'T :.rsl-Ldl\. :\I..lcHu'th, bJlilt'ne \\ ~ lH':-\ltI~ical I'rogram Orc:h. WJZ wCKY NB{'-Th.. tin I'u;toll'. LCl1l1ir ..... If''''''.'' 1\ 1\ til \\'JZ \\'CKY KOKA \\\\L CB;,-,\I Itoth'~ !-.ync0l'"tor): KDhA-'''\\~ Ifef'ltr NBC-:-i'..Ir1'lih~: \\'(; III· -(. urb~Tone t1(-'I> to Thl'e \\ (al! ho:.t ~killjlcr' Gall~: ;;:15 p.m. EST t:15 CST WKHr-l)..~ullri)e 1\BC-O:l/ .. Hallio l!ue~t \\(\1' \\LW \\1.\1\1 Worship ~a'(IIU'c WGN \hrkets CBS-Dallun Bru). Tlio: WAOC WflU:.-U:\J \\'JZ Wl\V KDKA WeKY \V -\ \'E wey W"~l u ,9,)31 \\ l~-:-1ews \\ I Ir-1If'lIIY BlIrr's Llook or WWV,\ \\,,,,\1;( \VilAS (s\\'· i\'GHF-f'il\ (,ourt \\":),\1 (s\\'·15.21) ("Blr-To bt allllOUIlCtd \\'lIA~ WLW-.o.Fiunily Prayer Ptrioct \\'C~-Marjori 8..111",1, 11.!BI ... Grah:trn (B:---.()n the Villa§l:e Green; (~W 6.121 WSAI-Timel)' TIps II :4~ a.m. EST 10 :45 CST to; BC-OtIf. Thllrn'~ Bavarian WIIA5---Botl Atcher w:\l:jr \\ I-IAS W~~IJ( ()\\'. I("'OX-Tbi, ~lId ThaI WTAM-~llll\ Eb~rhllrdt WL~-llarmnllY \lB!r-I'lIl11tl'd Dr(-':HlIS: weN UI'hl!~tl'a; (sw-11.87· H'Hlth 15.27> KIJKA \\ IHJI\I-Elen) :'olonuk'\ Ensem IVWVA-f\C;u~oel Tahernarle W!:"I!J-TrcHIic (ourl rases WL\\ 1':211 1:15 a,m, EST 6:15 CST WfBE-fri,nss: WKlt( -Junior ttambrr or Com Wenf-:'olu~ical :\\"I1I(~JltS WJ7 KOKA (sll.'_21.54) Fulk .. t'ulk Tillie F'lelchel \VJZ WCIo Orc:he)tra: Oa.tha:l. l{e'l~ \"'0 1'IlIIIdpiphia \\'1 [If -TO;lUl1) Ihlll WilliJm \1l'eller. orca'll'll: 1\UC-\PI\". :'olofin Sislers WII \\'JZ KOKA (~\\21.541 \\'r.N-~li!rkeh: SerenJ.de WEAf WTAM WLW \\SAl \\TOE h'KR( I\"GBF-/l'lo \t\\\' B"-f'bJII nt \\ L~-Joll) Jot's JUnior Stan CBS-J a (k ~hannon, tenor; IOIO\-\"lh; 1'111111 '1d WI'llE-\lercllJnl W'.\:-{;f'1l1' Bucrhl'il c Orch K\10X-\ Ifld)' Prol,trllll \\'GY-:-1{'\\~; [nnio~ Urpvities W( KY-\ II 1l·1I1ll1 Twills t\: Ilr---Ori::inalities; Jack O'\I'II~, \\'5'1 WW\'A-ntnnr OallinK 1:':tn I),m. F. T 6:~O CST I~DK\ \\11 \5-'I·!,wh· C~U!'f' WF8E-:'olu"iul CI"ck tenor; Orch.: \\JI :';11 '=t""~ Hl"f'lu 2:30 o.m. EST I :311 CST :-';Hr-WV·len', "Y llh<)1 \ 01.:11.· (~w \\'.\ \·E-~nlt.lk)' \1ountain Trio XRl'-:'oIo~ic Orche~tra; WL\\'-R F 0 119ur W11-\:::- .lU~Le~e Ucvolloni \\(KY 15.21 r>h'!ic, Wf! \\11,\\1 1\])1{\ WCKY £: ~\ \\~-\I-Sllorl~ Rt\ie.... \\'llO;-ArkJ,n"J) Wo<),lch0l'l)('r K\lOX-Rln thm Re\ ue .. Bl-J.uncheoll :'olclUJu) Hlith L)on; ~"i'r:lno; Cyril r ~I' II 371 Pro~rilm WW\'A-Nel\- \\:,\I-Today's ~ews \\FHE-\ll1;ical \\'G:-1-Uoring Si;,ters Pill", lenor: \\,11 KI>KA CBS-To !It :lOnO'1 cl'd W\BC ~tock R~llOrt 5:45 n.m. EST 4:'5 CST ~\ :J:IoI-Dotllllure bruthers W'"' \/-)Iarch 1\.11'2 \\ t.., - s WCKY (sw-15.211 \\ \\T.\ WKRr' \VlIA~ KW1X WTA!\l--Cor50Ie (i1!'ers WWVA-Dnmini,. Ihd TOil) C05-Buff:tl0 Pre~",nh \\'ABC XDC-U. S..\rmy anrl "'Jlionill W".\I ()\\ (i.12 1:45 a.m. EST 6:15 CST Guar.1 :'o1'(l("l1\'{-'r~: W.II KI}K-\ H :'0 a.In. EST 9 :00 CST 1":15 n.m. ES 11:15 3.m. CS W\\T\ \\'~~IK \\Il\~ fOIOX \IB~\'tl\' \"or1( I'hilhlfnlOlllC: CDS-Waltz TIllie WABC \\1"\'1: WCh,\' (sw·15.21·1UJ71 ~BC-~10rllll'~ P,:trau~: \\'E.\F CP.S-J.lcJ.. ilnd G,I: WABC (~\\·15.271 Olch.~ \\'G'\ WSAI NBC-L3ndt Trio tmd ''''hitI': NBC-\I.. r" :'ol.lr~ WE\f \\':oi~1 WJZ KUK,\ WlKY (sw.21 ;4\ WTAM WGY \\ II b K:'oIOX (cw 15.27) XBr-\I11,ic Guil~l: \\F.\F \\~\I WnU!\I-Tcll l'I"rito', OrChl'Clr;ll O:ch~,II;.I~ WT.UI WGY (".1\' 953, WKRC-FuJdll11' F~rmen (B~-Erlr;l" IloU5P. or~anist: :\R' -H r", ("rOllp·So \\'GY \\T.\\I WAVE WtW WI'UI:-IIJlr) Illflnnn', SllUrh WAHC WIIAS WW\·,\ (S\\'· WJ7 W\\'E WrKY WS~l W:'AI (~W 15.33) \\ \\'F.-Wrorlr! R""ur Re\ll'l\ WtS-Xt\\ , Juliau Bentley \VFeE-Dillll~r \1usic \\'S\I-Tlmtl)' TIps 15,21) KOK-\-~alt ;Iud I'".)uuts Quintel Ol'u" ~u. I in C \\GnF-HI~lnri,.al Facl! :-i'Ht"-l". S. Arm\ :lllU :O;J,'iOllal \\ \"r':"':'olu:>icJ.I Alh ..nluri':> \11110r Dohn~h)"1 ..... -\. .. ,- \\ I.S-B3r, Oancl' Part) W"\l-('o ,\iOlllln>t. Dt\'otionc \\ r;\- \lu~lcal \I<-'mone, Guard :'olaneu\e·r): \\'JZ WLW <\IIIF-'\\)'IL lllllt' I, ,.", WL5-Pcrconalitr Inleniew 1:-'5 n.m. EST 6:,{S (''iT 8:00 a.m, EST 7 :00 CST we Y--R"c(-' Hl'~!Jlts, 8:t,(-'hall NHC-RicharJ lel~rt. orcanist: WA\ E WCK\ WeS-Luncheon Music ~:"S r. m. EST I :45 CST rn.. - Thl' Troollel- \\ \ HC KOKA...... f\.ludles Klub \\'GY-Lee Gordon'~ Orch.INBC> K:'oIOX-Willdol' !'lhnl'Pt'rs ~corts W\\\',\ WKIlt" WH\S (!>I\. \\'E\F WTAM -Ha~eb;all KMOX-Xel\') Thru a Woman's WI\IIC-1\13~ic ~h·lotlie~ WGHf-llilhoppen \\ Kl:f Scorl!S 6121 * NBC-Breakfast Club: Edn;a \\', \1-BJ"pball Re~ume Odrll, contralto: Three Flab; E)'es WLW-~I'ws; Marktt Reports :-::0" n.In. EST ':!:oo CST KI\!OX-life on Iht Red tfor~, \-Xf'w~ W~\IK-:\II~n L'?afer's Orch. ~Ic:\ WFHE- fwo Wild Deuce' W\\'\' .\'OC-FiuJI \Itn's Doublh at R3nch Dun ..ill, m c. j Jack (CBSl OWell), teuor: "'JI W~M WCS-Your Fri\"lI,II\' :-';\"is::hbor 1'!:30 p.m. ES 11 :30 a.m. CS Lon(l.l\'(llttl Cricktl Club: WE,\f WFRE-Slllrtio Sel('ctioll! Orclll?~tra: W\\ \ A-t r"nl Pae:i' Dralna KUKA. \\'A\'E (sw 21.511 WKRC-God's Blhl..· Schuol XBC-I)itk Fidltr'$ WSAI WLW W(iRF'-SC.)llnllle Ih(-' PhI (8S-1oIJ 0 IIh Mornlllg; WJ.~-1l0115eh'''''' "11~ 'l,"·hall ,""" \\CBf-FJlIl'th S1. ~\llrket ~:I:i p.m. E"=T 7:1:1 CSl NBC-Ilirhard Leibert. ol"!;,iIli~l: WSAI-Mornin<:: Parau~ (NBr:) it:es sun: \V/lIlC \VS;\\J{ \VilAS WeN-Bob Elsun's ~poru Re, WfBE-,llllllll)' Ward WLW WGY WI\ \'A-BJllld '\ll ~cr'ICC \\'1; \'- F''lIJIl PIOc.l'am (;'1\·15.27) viI'\\' w\\ \' \-li "1I11flil\ ~cI\Cool L'!~ W"KY-Bl'e..lkL!~t ('Iuh (NIlC) 10'31) a.m. EST 9:~O CS'l WLS-Weather; l\1at'l.:ets; News I(MOX-n,I'eb:lll; Bmwns n. WGY-Vilrlelv Plo!!ram !Oh ~\ fBE-Arkans:t~ F'lddler~ NBC-\Vt-oilnev Enstmble: WJZ W\\\'A-I,uncheon folu)ic 1\{'\\ \\lrk \\ H \ \I-'Wlrll"aSl 8::J1I n,m EST 1:30 CST WKRC-Top 0' the: Morning WC!,Pl. EST 2:45 <,::;:'T W!:"AI-Knot Holf' Club VIC lor VOlln!:'s Orch, WE"F WLS--Jolly Joe and His Pet Pals KMOX \VilAS WKRC (~\\'­ WWVA rB!-.-Thf' Whitne) fWIIl Sara· WSM-New~, I'~n American \\'GY \V'I \\1 WLW ('1\ ~,)3J WWVA-OtIlVN Darlin~ 15.27) Wfl:H:-Varlety Pl"o~ram lu,::..I: W.\IlC WHAS \\'~\IK nroadcast ... NBC-ALKA·SELTZER PRE 8:30 a,m. EST': :30 CST NBC-.\Iorning I'aradf': WlW r,\Giji _ l\[Il1etin H w r/ll\l-S.)()rl~man; Ba~eball "f'nts Nat'l BJfll O..lrlCf'; lIf'nr)' S HC-Junior Radio Journal: WAVE-.Q,De\'otio1l31 en'in WLS-Pouhry Service Time 4:00 n.m. EST 3:00 CST Scure~ HlIrr, ~onR:'; Hoo'I'" 1101 WEAF \\TA\1 WGY \\'FBE-Smile C1uh IVTA~I-~OOlllla\' Hesume .\'BC-Tl'tilly llill's Orch.: WJZ WWVA-Sporls, Ba)ehilll Scores Shols; TIH' WI' .. tNlIer'; \l-,ple KMOX-Ti~k Tock Htvue WGN-Earl Harc:er's Orchestra 1:00 Il.m. ES 12 :tlO m CS \\'(KY bw·15.21) 6:15 p,rn, EST 5:15 CST Cll \' Four; liu,b I'.lrktr, WF~E-:"o\orninlt (onurl W(;Y-Children's Thealer or the NBC-Rex 8aHle's Ensemble: il'Bl"-Hlue Uoum Echoes: WEAF' t\Br-.I..llltllllrl'l', \·1ri(-'I\· \n;iIlll Kl>KA \\'IlA\1 (sw- • CBS-C3hfornl3 Melodle;: 8:4il a.m. EST 7:45 CST MK-Simpso!l Bo)'s of Sjlfur... WGX-Palm..r Ilou~e Eusemble 4:1'; n.m. I.;Sl' 3:15 CST 11.87 15.21l \\'rooc "'KRC K\lOX WFB" CHIr-\ltn o( M,whiltliln WABC head B.!y: WJ.l KIJK.\ (sw \\ HAS-Markets; PI3no Ilf'cital NBC-Blue R()()f'Il Echoh: WLW \VGX-Palmer House Eosemble WH\:- \\BB\I WW\'\ b\\ \\S!\IK WKRC 15.1\) \\'SAI-Police F1i1shes WTA\1 \Ii,.\ \'E-Greater Louisville 6.12) Numerals In Program Listings Indicate Short Wave Rebroadcasts. See Page 13 24 7 On 5h0 r t Waves Uncle Ezra

(Colltwlled from Page 23) 1 p. m.-C4mlral Lillld of His ~-1:ljesty's Hoyal ROME, ITALY. 2RO (9.601',6 P. M. The Old Jumping Jenny Wren Air Force. MondilY. August 19-Nev. York-Home and Re· -Himself- 8:30 p. m., OJO <11.77>. Berlin-From Micro­ turn, Talk by Oeniamini de Hili" journalist; plume 10 Aerial, decrnfllllHI of (irrmJIl ra.lio Oper3, Edg"r. by Glaeome Puccini; I\ngrhl stations. BERLIN, GERMANY, DJC (11.11) no~iIJlli. soprano. Frid.ay. Augu\t 13. 2:40 p. m., GSB 19.51), GSD Daily. 8:15 p. m.-Nf\\S in English. Wednesday. August 21-Prul.'Tllm dl'dicaled to 01.75), l.ondon-Thc Siher ':-rOQII, mUCin! SundilY, August 18, 5:10 p. m.-The Frog King, Inletll3tioll.l1 Fl'derCltion of Profb'iun31 \\'om· comedy. (;rinun r.lIr)' 1;.le. fn; COflurt r,olll HJ .. ilita di :\I .. ~~enzlo; 6:30 p. m., GSD n1.7Sl. GSC (958). Gsa 1:15 p. m.-AroIlJl Knab. ~oloisl. fr;!nfJ nardelli. ~opr.lllu. (9.51), GSA 16.051, london-Gr;lIld PriX 1 :30 p. m,-Lii;ht (>1l1(>rtaillml'llt. Friday, August 23-TJlk by' In Al1lrri('iln \"i'ilin~ Illlllorqdr ral'''. 9:15 p. m.-\'aril'l) concerL Home; OPl"ra, :\lll 19. 6 p. m.-Selcclioll" rrnm ltJha'l uedi('ah,d 10 Ihe Julian! in Ihe Eindhoven. Holl.and-Ilt'hind the scenes of op.?rlk 3 p. m., GSB 19.51). GSD 01.75), london­ 8:30 p. m.-H.ll'fl)' ('rarlo;. 6~55 iI. m.-PI"hll'> H,uml: 1) c"nurL "';tlurdJ\ 1,I1:hl :11 R."h... l)ml'ia Tuesday. Augu!ot 20, 5:10 p. m.-Rffit.ll by I",e 7 :30 a. m.-\e\\:.. 10:15 p. m., Gsa <11.751, GSC (9.58). GSL Eh,..Lclh KU~I'H "<1111\1'" ch\'ir 8:10 a. m.-B('IllJn Colll\(lI~t: I3t()adc,,~til1g ..h ('ntE:rtaint'r~ (6.11), London-Slr",... l of Lon- 6 p. m.-Grarlfl (OI"l<:4'r: (,f Iidlt m:l')lc, ~O<:'.llJon. don. 7:15 p. m.-The .'0\ German Po,it·)' In An, MondilY, Augu!>t 19, 6:30 a. m.-C'Jllccrt. tal1.. hy Dr. Rich,ml B,r OlJld Gunther ~I.I"". 6:55 a. m.-:'o!eelim: ,,( 1'11I ehb LONDON, E:NGLAND, GSD <11.75>, CSC (9.581 7:30 p. m.-f'onl"mfl' olliE~, m"". I! /".lu~erie 7'20 a. m.-IGuis lillllllt:llln:,n. \iolillist D.illily, 7:45 p. m.-Nt'''''~' by Gerlrude RUIl1:. 7:30 a. m.-\;fIH. Sundily, August 18. S p. m.-BBC orf"h('sln. 8:30 p. m.-(Jrt:.. ll ~cl-itoll. 7'50 a. m -"I!\irt< talk 6:45 p. m.-The GanJl'n~, talk by Eric I'arku. 9:15 p, m.-Hrrlin IlhllhJrmellll flrch(~tra. Thursd~y, Augu!>t 22, 6:010 a. m.-Pi:lIlo sole Menday, August 19. 6 p. m.-I-innel;;m Again. W«:dnesdilY. August 21, 6 p. m.-~"cll ,: pr(lt:rlm 7~10 a. m.-T-i,~ Orul..l.... r romedy Ililh Gerden Harker. for W(.. tern WorM \\.1\1' duh 7·30~. m.-\l'I\< 6:45 p. m.-Eri..: furl ...oloisl. 1:15 p. m.-Trll 10 the Hvm~I.lI"I, talk. Frlday. August 23, 6:<15 a. m.-T.alk by Ur. n, The Old Man with the Young Ideas Tuesday. August 20, 6:15 p. m.-BOC ercheslra. 7:30 p. m,-Cl,lliul't quintet. lI')rn~tr:l 7 :15 p. m.-FUrl'll'm affair:. 1day, August 20. 9:30 p. m.-Tlli~ Is I'ari~, Thursday, August 22, 9:30 p. m.-:-IIi1 COAST-to-COAST url lhe Air. O~-er 40 RadIO 11 r/nls jncludil1~ the Cum· Fllday, Augu!>t 9:30 p. m.-SinrOllieUJ, string WAVE-Bert Kf'nnpy KI>KA-SpUrI~, 23, berl:tnd Ridr;c Runners, Linda Parker. Ed Spra;ue 4'll~eIllLlc. \\OT"Y-Frolll Page I)r;lma< WCKY-NellS .\laple City '~our. Lulu Belle, Iloosier Hot • WFBE-RADIO GUIDE PRE· \\ .. BE-Jimmy Ward CARACAS, VENEZUElA, vV2RC (6.11) Shots, Uncle Ezr.:l, Dean Brolhers, Louise -£"h Th(' Ccntur;y Pla}eh in \\(;"\-Hor3cP IIl'idl'S Orchesl'a Sunday, August 18, 8:30 p, m.-Oolr.d cuuc('r! \lJS'icy and the \Veliterncrs. A Rollicking 'Calling All (';.,~., \\'LS-B;.rn I)allce Van<.ltu 11'110 PIJlJ B"Ii\;,r. progr:lm of old time singing, d.:lncing and \\G,'i-Wa~n(' Kin~ ~ Crch('r" Olchc~tra' WE\F \\'CY 01l'eu 'll"rilHI 1001)" I IlfUIU '~Ih .. ml.k" Ih.n n,r I r· lO'" ~e\lIICJur ~itlloll'~ Orch.: III \\'IlA~ (B!ol-I~ham PIlIL and I EOPOI D SPITALNY iOl·C. OUt I"lfW illlillulhf DOOKI.•;'1 f,plllll! ''''lulr,· WAOe W\"\-" I\MOX JOtlh' OrdlPstra: \VIlBM KMOX Illl'nu neftJell .,,,1 oJ~.t'rlbtl tht lIWol c,,,nvlt'lt' IIHI (lrlr\lni W8BM WI(I/C (,w 6.121 are hr«)lller..;.., ED rrOI~ITO was born "11"1« eftl "If,rcll Iltall lh, "'tIMII,,,, lla,klllllWld or our WABC \VilAS K.MQX WKRC \V1~'lJR-Ol'n Pollaek's Orrhntra WF8E-Elcnil\'( COllcert ;\ Bf -~h'llltIO)r. nollllijl; Bob nllll' or nll101ll1 'Qfl~ hil '11'tler, "llll \loLII ItIIL(f )'11' \\(;III-"-('t)r.ll I!ntolll [Jee.mbc, 30. 1901. CLAL DE HOPKINS' mllttili. bm:rocl'l Hlu' :mne In'" <1I111l1l1 10,) IIlllkrlS, Thll \VL TUM TI\i~tfJ' ,\ EI'eh·n ('he·ter·~ Otch.. WJI. Wrk. \' orch('~1 r;t is composed 01 i':egro mUSICians, uJulble booll:Ltt Il)oolulelJ FIt.;~; Send lor II tOOl I Or£hf~tra \\G:'\-' dOl & Yolanda'! Orch. WSAI-GMrl(" Ol"en·" \VIIA)1 KOKA WLW ("w6.1<1) \\ J1A"'-O~('ar Ko~rl'. Orrhestr3 (IV. lolly. Elmblln/, Ill.) U:NIVERSAL SONG SERVICE. \V~~I-·Arll,ur 1.I111lh anll 1IIXI" WA\E-Tom (;,,"In s Or£h. h9 ;llt'lt" lU"'x .. "rturn it< .:ll~"a \'1&11 1I(11)I\ood, ell \\ L\\-Gu 1(;(' Dufh'. Orche.. tra l\Ia~tt'rs' l.wpr' \\ B8!11-Fr;1l1kie Orch. QTchr~lr3 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST \VTAM-lJi('k Fittlcr'.. Current "MOS 'N' ANDY licripts do CrOSl \\\\ \·A-\lIdml.'hl J.lmbnree KMOX-"flOlI 1';II.'l' el till' '\Ir \\ 1."'-\"'I:hl Time In Dixie not call for a "om:m ch;lfilcter, bllt in WL Chuck I\; Ray; 1I11esiu \"~AI-Torla\"~ N"'I\~ 12:45 a.m. ES II :45 p.m. CS the eHnl that Ihev \\ill in the fUllIre. Sodbustcr! \\ SM-frlllt' Jar Dnnkers WGBF-Colc.nial Uub IiAlmlETTE IVllj~\I·R probably again \VS\I-'11"t.>llri \lountaillur, \\iTA)I-Sport~/llan \\ L\\-Johnu) r"urlnt'y'~ Or['h. "ill be U5etl. (lJcrllard lJlock, Los Angdts, lb. Mill Coli: ( ) POSTMASTER 1(1:00 p.m. EST 9:00 eS'l \\"\\ \'A--On:all P.olo~ul' 1:(10 :t.m. F.S 12:00 p.m. rs \1H"""--,I O((II"lr" 11: 15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST n. P, O. C...,l,er (Audit.... \\1. n· \\'TA" WGY ('II S53' WArE-Harr) Dicklll.ln \\ L\\ I'lpeeial Ac_at (f1t,.nl'IP.J)ber l\ HH"'-\laurif' !'oIClh' .. Orch personall~' Cuetom.I...pWtcr u.s. Rctd~, ",uo­ NBC-AlKA·SELTZER PRE· 1\(~Hf-\'PII~ Mr. Fairfax answers COl)r Alailc.n.... T.loopboaw Opt. * ~1('Curd,.· I WGHF-t1vtel 'I nt~ Nat'l Barn Ibnu l"'lcle \\'GS-\'elllz .t Yol3nda's Ouh. nnly those intluiries which are ac­ 1"•.0. C1er1t !W.t..b.... 1\I.UOQ N.'IIlO'_tu E4:n; Y('rnl I ('j aLl! \br); \\ I,"""--Bam Dance 1:15 a..m, EST 12:15 CST coml>anied by addressed return en· halluc',-l~ a~"'''"... ICktIt lknry BUH, ",,,t:~; ~loll;l (II) \\'-AI-Jt IInll} ('ollrtne)'s Orch. \\ tiHF-Gr(en LanltTll velopt' and postaj,te. Mr. Fairfax ( T'nI..' Fi~ CI«o It h'llr. WLW \\'A\'E W~'I-.\rlhur ~Iltilh 1:30 :l.lH. EST 12:30 CST can R"uarantee 10 answer only INSTRUCTION BURElU.o.,a.lf3.St, LMb.Il(.. M8~Hl,1lilCe H£iilt' Orcht'5.lta: ~ _ P'RJ:£ ~ "11... M o-tt~ 'm NBC-£1 Chi", "',.Ol/li,1e I!(\"U( \\"'1'\ '1-Grl1l' B..krr's Or('hf"lu queo;:tions (oncerninl! perJ;onalities \YJZ \\'IIA:'I1 \\ \\ \' ..\-~IItIIlI:..I,t J.HnLou·l' WI\\ \\GX ~7~::mEbrt~· ('Bs--Abto billa" s Or('he'lra, 11 :30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST \\B8\1-Fl Hi TI .. Onb heard on the network.;. Addre!o

This dtpartment is solely for the use of the readers as a place in which to voice Recommended opinions and exchange views about radio, Address your letters, which MUST NOT 'Bout This and That Dcar VOL: Cincillnati, Ohio exceed 100 words, to VOL, RADIO GUIDE, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois Deal' VOL: Whitm:lI1, Ma's. It is illtl'rc~tillg to know thilt. there are good· RADIO GUIDE plays ~\1ch a part ill our l"!,lily llH1Sic lovers sud! :IS C. Guild Reading, .Jr., who Ijvl'~ that ihe members of our {;mily feel at a is c!amorillg for Inore c1as"ical lllusic on the f;tdio The Starry Banner He Loves It Truly lu,,, when a CUllY is mislaid or loalled. (in your last \\E'ck's columrd. It is a certainly As E. J. n, said, I think VOL could be en­ Ikar VOL; l1'lrr{', VL Denr VOL; Ha,!;erstowll, ;\ld. II1.lt' hc will feel less bored, if he will make It 111 reed to advantng"", The Ill')re I ~e(! of RADIO GUIDE the more I ac.H:e very much with D. J. Bendle when he a point III li~teH ill on IlUIit0 i\Ltrialli's Con­ We <.ll;reC Ilith I.. H. Try~ll'tt that Major Ho\\es (!e:i:::,llt I l<.lkl.! ill Ihe ~turics wrillell by your says th"t W<.l)"l1e King could lie vcr play I Love till~ntal Varieties jJI'ogram at 6:30 p. m. EDT i~ impcrtincnt 011 times and by Ihl" p~yrholngi{"at :'olr. ,l<.l(,k H,IllI1(-r. H{' s{','ms 10 11(' <.lulc 10 gel You Truly TOO "ften. I dun't ll('lie\"l~ th .. t La (5:30 ESTj 5:30 ('DT; 4:30 CSTj 3:30 I\l~T; rl"at:ltull ill the siudio, I feel that I ~m not jll"l thE> ri-.:hl ~'ant on what''' going un in tI,{, Nill'-1 ('n (Jlico "lJprl'ri~t.." good mu~ir if she 2:30 PST) on Sundays over the NBC-WEAF net. ll1i~"kf'n in ~;,)'ing hi~ ililpertinence smack,; of sl ul"!io~ and man.'<:!.es to write il ill a sl \Ie kick .. ai)tJut Wayne Kinll;'s orchestra. lie ha~, Ane;elita, Lolita and Anita Curduln snohhishness, We are mi"ill\; Nellie Revell. \\hidl enab!t'~ readers to sense it, too. While ill nly e~tilllation, radio's leadin'!, orchestra. I H. Jo"cphille fisk I knOll your 1)E'riodicill ha~ many ab!e authors, believE' 1I1"t WdYlIe King'~ melodies I,ill appeal I ~liII <.lHl Ili£llly in LllOI" of Mr. B.. llllcr '-llld to am THlJE mu"it' Ift\·l'r. Hub ,I. Colemdll I hOlle IllilL hc I,rile~ nl:JIlY rlmrr ~Iuril's nf The Flavor Lasts 111l! ~l<.lr~ :.tnd Ihl' thi"!:,, Ihat go 011 in rarlio, Ele:trIor Whitholr Dcaf \,OL' .Iamaira, N. Y. Time and Jerry .Iu.,t di,:,covered RADIO GumE tooay, alltl itR~IE~N~r~A~L-:~ Dl'-lr \'Ol.: l.ondon, Ontario thank you for a nice weekty periodical. Whf men's siu. Mooll ot and Ahller'~ ~\\eel. (lc'-1r uld voir{'s every Ili~ht. mllllllp "pol« and they'd be doin'!, a big. favor bllwti(uldamask..en waN;'! with lovely Orie.ntlll lots of luck and success to OUI' Master of ern'· $1 40 tl h a hil:.h d'-1'" t'onPlly I'ro,!caln. I al~o fl'~ fan~, Phylli~ designl of inlKid Il:old effect. Very pract..::a1. _ thp radio Ashley Illonies, Dick Powell. II. P, \Y. Sells reluh.rly (Of $2.00. •..••, •• t'njoy 111l! anlluull('(,l" with hi" dear p'ea,ant \·oice. PURE SILK PONGEE PAJAMAS-Smarttwo g~er'=l :i~f:: r..aJ~~~'::'t~:JI~rc:::;:~~~:~~:d:d~ Mrs. W, I.owe Trouseunatunl pong,,*, trimmedi n aame print.$2 Into Jaws of Death Tents Moments Most comfortable either for Ileepinil" or loung' 80 IIp,,r VOL' Ft. Worth, TCK,t" Ini.Launder beautifully.Sellregularly Cor$-l.OO. ­ Dear VOL: Holvoke. :'olJ.ss; Send currency, stamps or check with .this a~ That Dllet Again I ~lIl'l)o.,e it is like facing a ll'-l(;k n[ w(Jh'I'~ Cono;:ralulation~ \0 Lucille Y:I,~i11t' rOf gi\'ill!!:' aspe:'~ioll~ Edll~' and mail back today. Money r-efunded unmed.l­ Vr'ilr \'01.: l\1illlJurn, N. J. tl ca"t 1;r"ln !;ives DOROTHY BOYD ART STUDIO illlllll'n~('!v. Iwml' hut wc alre,',!;' pn;ov it l'.J.te 3, hh:h .. ., hc d'Jl'~ if WI' rould only' '!;el to Conr'-1d Thil,<.lu1t :JI1 l':uelll'nt npporlullity 10 76 Minna Ave. at Fit'Sr~ San Fr.tnciscD wi .. h 10 sccolHI the nl'",tj'")II> of the IHiler· hsl hC'-11 thcm llWrl' frN"jIl"rtlly. Possibly it':; be· shol\' hi" ;,hiltty Itl ~inll: and arl. \\eel.:. who stated th~ir bome I\Oalll Ii!':r 10 henr cau«.. hr In« h..rl. lioni7ed Chat I am sort of Am I a Thibault f'ln! Vi'{ure it out your \\'il~oll "ill~ \Iuriel allt' L.1Il1t.v no.." 1ll0re of Slr!( of il-h'll I'h\' rall't we hear more of "elf. I h ll:tyt,1n's 1'(' uftpil O',r f;JnliJy lJl'oO;:l:1m ,111(1 matte it a IMrI of Ihf' contract that ulher f<.lll> 10 ~ay re(:,Hdilll:1. tlli~ Tent Show i'len" to :-ihltw Unat. III pI-I,\' ;It lc .. ~l t,IO Sttlus durine: the hrO:ld· lll'-1llcr! The Lc~t of IUl·k to Cnnr"d Thihaull i~ For Immediate Consideration Mrs. C. G. Bl'U\\ lIing t','st? Verne D"ltell IIi- 1'-1le~t \eullll"l.!! Elaine' Taft M,M,l\1. M.usic Publishers, Dept. R. G. Studio Buihling, l~ortland, Oregon

(Col1ftlllled fram Page 7) lines indicated by his own name, later I could haw' kick('d liard luck ha:-. ~{()pped pestering ,\dele night. myself tor ali the h~';Htbreak I had under­ now. ,·'01' lhree years she has played Toys of a mechanical nature, particular­ gone nee~lle:-.:-.I\. ror the same director the S3-me role on the air. something rare ly trains. are his delight <11 present.. II~ calleJ Ille up a-nd gk!Ve me the Icad in the enough in radio. And Adele believes that has se\·eral trains \\ ilh tracks, en:-:ineo., ~how 1" her ~ucce~s is due, at least in part. to the W~~I "'~"'l" pow..... did Ill.. Mei. ."" po.....? WIl.,.. we. Ill. ,ouree switches and other fa"cinaling details, and \\'hen radio came along. with its op­ fact thin she learned to profit hy her 01 ~no ..l.d'le th.1 m~de jt po"ible lor tll.m 10 he spend:-. hour" di"parching them from purtunities for dramatic actre,~~e:-.,.,\dele (Iisappnintments rather lhall oeing de­ pO'form m'rdcl".? W.r.lh••• p,olo~"d ."cr,,11 hesitated to ha\'e a try at it for fear of feated by them. bur""d with .. nd"nl libr.r;"., 0' .r" Ih"y buri"d one point of the Ii\'ing room to another. b.."....th (r~mbl,"g Tcmple ....II. ? Crown-ups IlU.\" haH decided that he is the new disappuintllle;lh thaI might lie She has gailled so much jloi"e ;llld con­ r~e,. wi•• m"n of Ill" put '""W Ih" my.t"rie. to be a - radio star but Richard knows in store for !ler. hn:dl.Y she took courage fidence that :-.ht.:: !las taken up her singing of Iii", dnd p.no"~1 po...,. TIt, ...,.dom i. "01 start~~! lo.t._it ,...ithheld Irom the ·m.... II i. oH.red better. lie's going to be "a great big elec­ ,llld 01lt to make the rounds of lbsons again. She is going to learn to Ireely TO YOU ,I "'th en open mind, you tric train engineer" the agl:ncics, Through Bill Sweets, writer sing no\\" or know the reason why. And ....1> to .tep ,,01 "f Ihe ,01 "f monolo""". H.ichanl talked when he was tel1l. , Ile:ldquarter~, .md t:lppetl him on Ihc )et, Skipper," .I~e. :::.aid, "nux ;md. I have Reports of ho:dup) poured .10. 1\\ L1rph~ ~ knee. spent hours VIS1~lllg gan.lg.l''i, rep;llr shops Iron nerves nC:lrly cr:lCkctl \\1111 the ~.tr~1Il vi fast, furiou~, yct (;Ircful llrlvlllg ''I'm sorry 10 see :J copper go wTOng," and :::.ervice st"UOI1:::., looklllj.!: for ;I green he said. "Your kid brother's all cul up Auhurn sedan. So far, no dice." through crowded city. streets.. Ilts ears lang with the hypnotic scre.mllng of the about iI, 100. And so\ that girl, loan "We've got to J.\el him," ordered Agne,,:: );Irdley. We're holding h011l of them. siren. But alw3ys the lllall III the green "This ~llV i:,> :111 old hand at t!~e ~ame. TheY'll !:10 to j~.il wuh you." "Right!" Murphy agreed. Ilell re- s(:dan kept one jump aheJd of even the Sam Wise bUAhed :lhruplly. IIi .. stocky. all thcm:::.clvc:'>. .' peat, right. So bre.:lk pU,t­ r'lt'dium-~iled body s;J1 ;tS erect :IS ever. ting the next holdup on Ihe r;l(l1o. III Passing limc brought the c.nd of thell v)atch and relief for the Iwo tired officers. There was no rCM in his inscrul:lble eyt.':'>. burn Ihe tires olf. lrying"t0 I!et there "Lei Ihose kids go," he s the l"wo d:ly:'> p:ls",ed. hvo d;lYS of nerve- modern. scientilic eyes ilnd ears of the 'To hell with quitting!" Murphy l.'X· r'pens(~ for M ll~phy l'cm that the "Them's my agreed Box. u~e And so tllc chi:,:,e ~ellt on-al.though by crooked, I.e figured out a way to Ihe fT'y~leri0l:ls dnver of the green sel.lan .had police sign;)!:::. to his own aJvant;lge-~s RUSH YOUR ORDER TODAYl pointed ~~s nose toW:lfl!:::. (:the: ltdds of now it h:.ld narro\\cd oncc ;Ig;lln to ':llere Iho~e que~tluning. well as to beat same :'>lgn;ds on hIS crime. I hen came ten a clock on fhe routine The green raider, geta\\ays. the jng coupon the spoons you desirt'o They will be ~~lCe "I think I aw the c;lr )OU re looking J\\urphy drOH th:1I '>Crt:OJnung .. aT rolice them-.cl\cs would. All I'd do Ihen sent by milll prepilid. a~ if on .3 deserted ~JX.'C(lwa): I hrough for" this man volunteered, as he c:tme The~ spoons now .are n.ailable by milil only. 10r~;)f(1 to meet them. "I S:1W j~st such \\ould he to go to .3no~hcr diqri"." red lights-<.I!1 the wrong 'Ide of the Wi~ boasted that Ihl' ~y~tem hnd en­ Milll money order or cheCk ilnd .J(companying street-careeninr around cmners. Once a (;u parked around the corner III front coupon to Radio Guide, Souvenir. S~o(ln Bureau ou~ abled him [0 pull ov("r 100 successful Ihev scrnped fenders \\ilh :l rire-plug. of ;I bungalow. /\ fellow got and 731 Plymouth Court, ChlcilgO, tlllnOls. \\:llked into the hou-.e, ju... t a few Illlllutes holdups in Lo~ Angeles before coming OUI when they got to the I{TOCery ,tOTe. to Oakl.and. In these, he h:ld had a SPECIAL OFFER! U they fountl \\:1S a clerk-William Park­ ago." 3 Spoons for only 50 cents Postpilid or 6 Spoons Murphy and Bm. eyNI each other \..e.m­ p:1rtner. the nOlOriollS John Da\ is. po­ ;ler \\ ho had been g:l~ed. bound an".! -..:~_ fer enl)' S1.00 Postpaid. Send (oupon. ~un-and II)'. E:l.:h man looked the ... :lIne (IUe~t!On hceman sl::Jver, who now IS ..eninf,! rohbed at the point of a a Fol"'(J~ ;11 the other: should they bother checkmg lences tolaling 9;0 yeOirs at PCl1J­ crowd of gaping citizens. Of Ihe. green 1l'ntiary. Furthermore. a:,> an :l\I:11or­ 't'dan, and Ihe m.all \\ho drove It, not Ihis "clew?" . "Oh. come on." urged Murphy. "Mlghl \Vise has 4,CXX> hours in the air-he ha~l "I a trace. 'led one lime Oown Chine-.e ;lcrO~S the MexKan [COIJPON] "What did he look like?' :\Iurphy a~" :IS \\e11 t[,y just this once more, then call rorder. obtaining 'leX) for c:lch nhen lttuc; I I I he clerk. It ;I day. I smugglell into thc llniled St:ltes. RADIO GUIDE, Souvenir Spoon BlJlUU, "Oh-just ordin:lTv," was fhe reply: ~nd "Suils me," said Box. :lnd they (rove around the corner anti parked behind the "A clever fcll"h," Murphy ndmined. 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. . I Ihe policemen nodded ;IS t.he descnptlOn \\hen \Vi~c hat! been sentenced 10 :-.ern Pleilse milil me Originill Rogers AA QUl-ilty ran on. The m:1n was neither very t;lll green Auburn s{,(IOJn they found there. A 1 nlan unobtru:::.ively on that "Wonder 'lhy he ditl it?" Box ::.pecu­ I ihc~·. ~~i~. :t;;,~~vH. fr~~' I green sed:IIl!" growl~(1 Ol."~. as he and The two officers walked up the steps § lated. I )fell:. 1 Tt'x Ark. N. Vt. Mllrphy resumed their CflllSJng Murphy and r:mg the hell It opened. ;1l1c1 they "Oh all crook..; h:lve a 10llch of the D C Colo. N. C. Wash, didn't answer for a minute. Then: . entered • ostrid~ Wis.' Idaho N. nak. Wyo. I in 'cm," .\-lurphy :,>;litl philosophi­ Iowa Okla. "I Ie's got the devil's own head on hiS ~ P. B cOJHy. 'They all hury thl'ir heads in the Nebr. Xan, Ore... ,houlders. rather, Andy." he s.aid. I "Xl' s;,nd, so 10 spe:lk, at ::.ome poiln or HI her." 'iee this lad fiJaures Ihat he's got our radiO A Wrong Cop 0 Send me the six spoons i1S checked I-boye I ~vsiem lided.'· He sighed. "I sure do hale to see a for S1.00 postpilid. Sam Wise, furmer Police Chief of Im­ cop go wrong," he adclcd. "But vou "\ low so?" forme~ I or, send me six spoons of the one stilt~. perial, Californ!". and Deputy cnn', beill radio, regardless." o 'Well, he always hinds anI.' gags IllS Sheriff of Impcflal COUl~ty, ~vas III a ,room for S1.00 postPilJd'l "iclims. Th;ll me4lns bv !he tlm:.:- \,,'e gel jll~t ofT the h;111. . But Judging by. hIS ~c­ o ~~:. ~;nd me the three spoons i1S checked a flash on the hol(lup. he S h~d ~ chanc,e tions as the policeman \\alked l.n, ~'r. I for SOc postpilid. 10 slip right

Y Til f: 1l3rrCm margin of three ballot">. from helore \"IIU rt'~li/e It. and unles.. you ~I\C \"{lur candIdate amoll~ the IIHlu....lnJ~ C.1:.1 tor her, .k.... i..:a the (ulle't ",upp)f[ pU"lhlc, ... hl' \\ilI ... {anJ huh: ..:hanl.t' _ I)ra.~(lIlc..,t('. ralho':, prima donna. l:hll~" tll J. 01 winlllng JlrccJriou~ I['ad 111 the ele..:lloll for the Qutcn All) \\OI1l:t1l \\ho I.. hro:Hh:~'lin;,:. or \\110 ha.. hl'cn hro.ld..:~ i~ ~ [;]• of IbdiO. 1935. .. lllH.t, OJ candi"L!tl·, \\ hether ... he ... I1l'lwllrk Three vOle.., and (lilly three \'otes. sep­ ~tar 01 IOl1g·,tJndlllg fame or wh~ther ~hc i.. pl'riuflning arate .\tb:) DrJ~olU'lIl' (rclm her neare:-[ ri\JI. (m a loul ... tJtlun ,lnJ Ju ... l begllllllllg her ... truggle to JUJll I\Iaine. III the tahulatlon (If halloh C.l~t up to J:lte. the top. So c1o':>c has been the \'(llill~ Ibis week that the hac­ On tbe ll10rlllng of the day whcn the lahubuoli J"L'd anJ o\erworkcd :.(aO' of Ele..:tioll reller... rl'­ plillled on thi ... IMgt: had to he 'Ollll11IL·,I. t\\t'IH)'-four dH:d\e~1 theIr loub twice before this .. malle..t of I1lHl-;ins !lour, hefolt' Ihi.. is,ue 01 1("010 (~1;1lI1: \\.1S due Oil th~ collld be n:rific,l. It I:' no\\' declared orlid:.d. pn·...... !e..... h::t nrilgonett~ Jud ~ 1l':ld of threl:: hundled t"e\'er fwforc in allY 1:1c..:ti(1lI (onducted lw the ;Hld lort.\-fi\l: \'U[~... 1I\\'r ;\L1ry I i\'ing,tullc. (hell III I\JllllllJI 1-lt'..:lrical and Radlt' !-"I'l"itioll. (IT b" H"DIO ...t'c(IIIlI ll!a..l· JUJn BlallH' \\~ .. thir,,!. lllort: thJIl "1\ GLIOI"', ha .. lhe CJuestion 01 a (ClllporM\, leaJ been de­ hundrc,! h"lI"r.. bdlllhi \\1..... Dr:lgtllletrc CIJcJ hy ;'.ll1ylhing less thJll Olll' hUlldreJ \'ores: :\e\er -I he lir~t lew dcli\l:rlC' of mall ~a\\ balloh for hl'lorc in the 111~[Ory 01 all Radio Queen I-:Ie~tlllll" ha ... .\\i,s I)r:Jl.:oneue predollllnalillR Jnd ,he graJIl;Jllv 111­ the fin;J1 ..cle.:tiol1 of thl' IWo,,:[' hf the L mtt=J Stalc) ..:rca'l'\.l hl'r le.tJ to l1lorl' tlun lour hUlIJre,! \otl'" But alld of Can.l...1a heen ..n rnll~h In JuUbL the alh'rnoon IlIJII \Idivl'ric'" hrought :J \J'( .::hJIl',;c 1~"'Dlo GL'lDE: <:.nJ thl' N.llional E1e..:tri.:al alld H~Hlio Hallol :titer bJ!lot for .\11"'s Blallh: \\h ":0l1ll1l',1 Tht~\ ,. \fl()~ition again are 3.. klll.lot the publl..: to .:h{)(I'l~ Ihe all 'l'l'meJ to dml.:lIn n()thln~ ~ut \Oll"~ lur her Out'en of RadiO for JlJJi hom amung. thc thuu'.ln is (;raduaU\ ... he ..:ut ,'o\\n the 1t:J...1. pa'.....,1 .\Lirv LI\IIl~­ (II \\omen hru;'h.l..:a .. ling, 'he radIO Ihtellt'f:-. an: rl"IUl',teJ ,Iolle IIlto "e.:on,1 P:,lCl', a1hi 11t'areJ Ih l• lop oi the 11-; to \li .. k thl'lr fa\,(Ifil{'~, the one they ht:lieH' mo't merib 1·\..:;t~Illelltlll tlil' H\1)1 r ..,!Ilori:I!llfll.:e, moullt~',1 )U": 1 a grcJ.t honor. She \\ ill be feteJ at the LXpo,ltioll 10 le\c/ plt~h ~l' .\li:-~ UIJlnc .. toul gre\\ hlsht:r ~1I.1

nelly Winldcr. of Li~hts Out. Grand Hotel and We!l'Ome \"alh~)

Ka) Thonlllson adds mueh In the popu­ l~uth Elting's sinKing "ith Colle!;c l'rorn larity or the lIit P:Hade ma) carr) hc:r lu thl' thrulle

II'elf. to be held from St'!!lt'mher 18 to 28, III the Grand Your \'ote will nol be di ...qualtfic,1 if HIli do not 11lj:,her, But the day W:1S not quite lono enough' the Cl'lItral PJIa..:e, :'\ew York City. liN ":oronatlon \\111 chouse to fill out the tullol in 1\111. hut till' I htm.. 01 1it .. 1 hallot wunted len~aled ,\lIS:> Dr'lt; ,neue ~t:l1 III h~ hruJJ~~bt o\'er a C03.)t·to·..:oa ... t Ilt't\\ofk. and. honor I{\DIO (ll:lDl:. are reque... ttng thi, :..I.lition:t! 1Il1orm:Hlun the Il'J"i. although by only tlHe~ \'Ok" ,\lllfl' thJn one upon hunur will be heaped upon her heJJ. R\OlO l;t·lDF. Irom ,"ou. ;!.nJ tnbt V(IU \\"ill (("l'[ frl'l' til .. lIp!)I" It. tholl"~lIIJ \ll[t'~ lor Joan Blume \\t'IC rl'.:or{It'J III thilt \\ill u.... ume all expen:.es 11h:ldell(~il 10 Ihe IC:ltl\itle.. at l;urni:-hl1lg the inlt,rlllJtion will entail nil Oh.lgillllHl rem,lrk:lh:e ... purL Ihe I \posltion, SUdl as tr:lll .. porlalloll to anJ Irol1l \\hal:;,\er, I he ne':6.. I{Y of ":bI1l1~ your \ole 1111m,·d/· '1111.' ....11111..' Ouny of vote" thJt brought .\\ i~j [Lame l\l'\\ York. hotel bi[ls. et Cell'f~l aidy, lIlu .. l be cmpl1.\.. iLeJ. Till' l;le..:tion will be o\'cr to :>t:':tlnJ pl.l,r: .anJ Lixe~j the Ue,:uoll '11;;Il'r~ to Ihell III LI contest where W Illuch i~ Lli Ilmlt~. CJu~d L1IJ~th: ..:h;,jngc, tblOU"hllut ~take. no "'10;,111, partial glOllp of judJ..\I.''' tht: entIre It:'!t 01 the ,1 ...1\ Jcat1ch JIl 1 Live At .. , .. , !lude "\ic..en mo\t:.! up 10 HIIJ t'l'i'l;r"IUllltr prtsenleJ [0 the radio li,­ (~(r(oet 1I.n1 :'\lln'....r' .\\ar~ Li\lllg... WllC \\-,1'" ..,upp!'.1"1 1':Jlt' Smith 10.. 1 her Mrilllg[e·/ml.i lin fore the fillal dl':i:-ioll \\111 h: 1113.de. All Vote~ afe ~'i.id with.. ut the following informAtion. No cb:igafon will be imposed If you fourth p!a~~. f~lIing to fifth, ;,tnd Gra:l(" ballob mu.. 1 lx' pmllllJ.fkt-J nut I:Her supply it. The pUblishers. of RADIO GUIDE wi:1 appreciate the information if you send it in. \lIm ... tumhll'd from SI>.lh to eighth '1Ilt: than mi Inight Sunday, Sl'plcmht:r 8. to h·~;.!t·,t JI'3J1poilllment of the wt.'ek \\.1~ bt: (ounte I. Theft Art in Our Fami:y. of Whom Ate in Ga:nful Occupa:icns. Ht"Il'll Jl'ihon. the choice of the Ib,lIb ·i:-., I There are no rull'" in Ihi.. J-:le..:tioll. " I dllor... \'. ho ItII into 30th place llUlll ~illlrly write in your choi':l' 011 thl' hallot We Own (or) Rent, ., Our Home, We Own a Cat 20th Il'l\ ... tep:> lurther dowlI the laddl'r prinleJ on thi:> page, ... iAn ynur naille. tllot'l)"J Otllt'f ~Ub:-t:111tlal gallh dUring Iht: and mail it to Queen n(Xlion -1l'liL·r ... p~,st "·ITk... \\ere re~l..lcrcli 11\' :"l':lil' I{c\­ VIe Own a ", ...... Radio .. Years Old, I{\DIO Gl·lDl:. i'JI Plymouth COllrt Chi­ (.\1.11>," t:'il I' h~Ll" wed; t'lldlul(" .\Ull;ll.t :!I tIl. ,\1ar)" Small. \i\'i:m I)l·!la Chle'J ;'lIld I ralKiJ \\'hlte. I -thel ,\h·r:Hi.lll. I,oui..c cago, Illinois. The ballot is shaped :-0 Mail Your Ballot to Queen Election Tellers. Radio Guide, 731 plymouth Court. ChicaQo, III, that it can be pasted on the back of a This Convenient Size Will Allow the Ballot to be Pasted on a Post·Card for Mailing. .\las:-ev. Btnay \'cnula and \"t..'ra \',111 Iml pl'llll)' posh:ard. coll:.idcrable ground dUring the baJ[otlnH This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival purposes only. This file may be freely distributed, but not sold on ebay, electronically or in reproduced form. Please support the preservation of old time radio.