Group to protest 'Caligula' at Camera One by Greg Robertson said. "And it shouldn't be playing in a better than to play smut showing based on its X-rating. Pussycat Theater down the block," A group that says there is "no place neighborhood theater like Camera One." "Those adult theaters are already O'Kane said this attitude is ridiculous O'Kane said. "But they do come down for pornography in a neighborhood Joe O'Kane, manager of Camera One, known for their style," she said. "A local Without having seen the picture, he said, here." theater" is planning to picket the Camera said he has heard nothing from the group theater shouldn't be dragged in their the group has no basis for its argument. O'Kane said Camera One has to show One, just three blocks from campus, but said that didn't surprise him. level." "If they said, 'Don't go see this film films that will make money. This way, Thursday night at the San Jose premiere "Caligula is our most requested movie because Malcolm McDowell gives a "I know how they will be able to show things later, like of "Caligula." these groups work," in the last six months," O'Kane explained. horrible performance'," O'Kane said, the O'Kane said. their Shakespeare Festival, which Morality In The Arts, an organization "They always wait until the "We book what our clients want to see." group would at least have a reason for last minute to generally do poor business. based in Mountain View, plans to have 15 tell us, but they let the O'Kane explained Camera One has a protesting. media know ahead of members outside the theater at 366 S. First time," policy to never allow a group to have any "These groups never protest war films In February, Camera One played such O'Kane said he St. based this opinion on influence in the programming once it has or never protest hunger films," O'Kane films as "Citizen Kane," "The Great experience with "Caligula" is an X-rated film dealing these types of groups in been booked. said. "Sex is a part of life, too. Caligula is Dictator," "Casablanca" and Hitchcock the past. with the Roman . It stars Malcolm "We're not going to be dictated to by part of life." films. They also have a political film series McDowell, Peter O'Toole and John Camera One has been picketed four anyone," O'Kane said. "Each person has a Myerson said she hopes her effort will playing, but O'Kane said "Nobody comes Gielgud and was produced by Penthouse times, he said, the last time in 1977 when right to vote at the box office and people discourage people from seeing the movie out to say we're doings good job." Magazine publisher Bob Guccione at a cost "The Opening Of Misty Beethoven" was should be given a chance to decide for and hopes it will influence Camera One "We play everything we can afford," of $20 million. playing. themselves." from scheduling X-rated films in the O'Kane said. "If the protests were Caligula is a filthy picture," Yvonne Myerson said she has targeted Myerson said no one in her group has future. representative of the Camera One Myerson, head of Morality In The Arts, Camera One because, "They should know seen "Caligula," but oppose the film's "These groups have yet to picket the audience, maybe then I would listen." Spartan Daily Volume 76, Number 25 Serving the San Jose State Community Since 1934 Tuesday, March 3, 1981 Dietetics major puts best foot forward giving National Nutrition Month a hand by Ted Catanesi of Fourth and San Fernando streets, "I walk on my hands whenever I As he was coining back up San Equipped with gloves and Nakama said it got "harder and can," he said. "I also maintain a low Carlos Street in front of the Women's determination, dietetics major Jeff harder all the time" to keep going. sodium diet and take lots of vitamin Gym, Nakama said "My arms are Nakama trekked the perimeter of shot." "I've been going on SJSU on his hands yesterday in for an hour "There's a lot of stress in my three hours and five minutes. and a half, and my arms are burning Nakama said a low sodium diet lower back right now, too," he said. now," Nakama said. helps to keep his blood pressure low, Nakama, a 26-year-old senior at allowing him to take part in He was on the final stretch wher During the one or two-minute California State University at Chico strenuous physical activity. he began resting more and walking who will receive his degree in May, rests he took every 20 yards or so, less. said he did the stunt to promote Nakama stretched and waved his According to Nakama, this isn't National Nutrition Month. arms around, to get oxygen into the first time he's done something But he saw the end of his trip just two blocks away. So he pushed Nakama performed his walk at himself. SJSU instead of Chico because his involvement with the SJSU chapter 'There's a point where the mind "The pain is at its deepest level of CARP the Collegiate Association right now," Nakama said. "It feels for Research of Principles) put him says go and the body says stop' like it's down to the bone." on campus during nutrition month. While on his hands, Nakama's The group follows the teachings of blood vessels bulged as he gritted his Rev. Sun Myung Moon. them. like this. teeth with determination. "I emphasize total fitness, both "Lactic acid builds up in the "In 1979, I walked about a mile "There's a point when the mind cardiovascular and muscular," body when you use up your blood of the Golden Gate Bridge in 70 says go and the. body Nakama said. "And through the sugar faster than you take in minutes," he said. "But I was in says stop," Nakama said. application of exercise, physiology oxygen," Nakama said. "So I have better shape then." and nutrition, I want to show what But he didn't. to rest my arms and take a breather keeps his physical can be done." Nakama to get the oxygen flowing again." strength up now by running. And when his trek was finally Nakama's journey, which began over at 12:55 p.m., Nakama smiled at 9:50 a.m. at San Carlos and 10th Nakama, who moved to "I run about six days a week," California from Maui, Hawaii in Namaka said. "How far I run each and said he was glad it was over. His streets, took him north on 10th Street gloves were mangled. to San Fernando Street, then went to 1972, said he learned how to wall, on day varies, depending on how much his hands while involved with a time I have. I run anywhere from Fourth Street, then south to San The shirt Nakama was wearing gymnastics club in Maui. one to 20 miles each day." Carlos, then east back to 10th Street. throughout the event seemed to sum photo by Steve Maria,, The distance was more than one Nakama said he trained for Nakama may be in top physical up his feelings about nutrition. It had Jeff Nakama walks around campus on his hands to promote mile, according to Nakama. about a week in preparation for condition, but the journey still took printed on it "Go Bananas for nutrition. At the half way point, the corner yesterday's feat. its toll on him. Nutrition." Sleeping in style Opening buildings for four-day week in summer won't save, study says

by Russ Fang "Estimates vary, depending on An administrative study to whether it was to be a building that determine if SJSU could save energy had air conditioning in it," Coleman by keeping some buildings open four said. days a week this summer found it "A big part would come in being would be "minimally effective," able not to use lights and that type of Executive Vice President Jack thing. If it's an air conditioned Coleman said. building and the air conditioning is Coleman said some buildings on, then obviously you have to cut could not be closed because many down the whole building." departments within them must Coleman said the study con- remain open the entire week. cluded that a reduced schedule for These include daily SJSU many departments is not effective operations and departments such as or beneficial to SJSU as a whole. the cashier's office, admissions and "We surveyed this campus and records and accounting. found for many of our functions it He added, however, there are isn't really feasible to have a four- some select departments that could day week," Coleman said. take advantage of a four-day work "You need to be responsive to schedule. the students and staff and for a photo by Minn Bol Coleman said any department variety of things on a five-day The pressures of midterms seem to have overcome Mike at high noon, oblivious to passersby. Moral of the story? Don't opting for the reduced week could week." Forster and Tammy Edwards, who use each other as human pull those all night study sessions, unless you have a friend to submit its own plan. "There has been discussion of pillows in the Student Union. The couple was caught snoozing sleep on. "Each individual request would trying to get those that are teaching be considered on its merits," into select buildings rather than all buildings," Coleman said. Coleman said. University Police assure caller anonymity He said in the past some "That has turned out to be very departments have been able "to difficult also to do because there's a need for lavatories, figure out how they could go on a different-sized instruction rooms, seminar rooms Secret witness telephone line installed . four-day week." and that type of thing." by Cyndee Fontana "Something Coleman estimated the Coleman said a reduced machine as "a typical telephone that we need to telephone network. know about , university could save $30,000 to schedule for some buildings would Persons with information about answering device with a capability right away shouldn't be "We just could not do it with this called in $40,000 by closing some buildings not have any affect on those crimes in the SJSU area can call for recording a longer message." on this," he said. In an machinery." emergency, one day a week. scheduled to teach here for the anonymously to the University people should dial 181 or Wixom said the telephone Calls mount consecutively on the He added, however, that summer since their nine-month Police Department through a secret department at 277-3513, he said. recording device was "a piece of last the machine, he said. Wixom although the study will continue, the contracts have already been in- witness telephone line installed said the information equipment that the university obtained , findings have indicated a small cluded in the instructional needs of week. "Someone may call in first and from the line will be kept owned." amount of energy savings in com- By dialing 277-3900, the crime use 10 minutes, so the next person by the department "until we don't "We got it from property" at no need it any parison to the possible in- "It's difficult in many ways to confidential information recording, would only get 20 minutes," he said. more." cost, he said. convenience to students and staff. squeeze it down," Coleman said. a person can leave up to 30 minutes Wixom said someone will Tapes will be transcribed and The only cost incurred from the Coleman said the plan is "Some squeezing can take of recorded information with police monitor the machine and change filed with the case they relate to or witness line will be the expense of discussed every spring in an effort to place, but not to the extent that was without fear of being identified, cassettes when a tape is completely will be filed in a tape library, he tapes and the rental of a telephone save energy and money. originally thought. according to police crime prevention used. said. line, which will be about $2 a month, "Our officer Greg Wixom The department cannot trace a Wixom said. "It isn't a new idea," Coleman conclusion was it probably "We'd like you to give as much major would be call into the witness line, Wixom said. "The thrust behind the minimally effective for the Wixom said the department information as you can in the least The department hopes prank to try to save energy. campus in terms of energy and said. calls won't be a idea is con- would like to see the line used amount of time," he said. problem, Wixom "There is no ability for tracing a said. "To save energy suggests that servation," Coleman said. primarily to give information about an "But maybe The secret witness line should call," Wixom said. "It takes rather "We don't you can close entire building some select violent crimes. want to see the thing down or larger elements of the operations could take advantage of not be called in an emergency, sophisticated coordination and very abused and the time used up so that building. He described the recording Wixom said. successful integration with the we miss a call," he said. ,hewpornts expressed by cartonns, letters and columns are those of the authors Echtonals appear, page opinion represent the opinion of the Spartan DWI, Tuesday, March 3, 1981 Editorial Self-help groups are a rip-off Law threatens freedom of the press Working out personal problems happened to look like a result of erased. Because of a California law that gave the judge no by spilling your guts to the neigh- first-grade art class, I wouldn't If you've ever seen one of these alternative, the preliminary hearing of a former SJSU borhood bartender doesn't seem admit to anyone that the picture was recruiters in action, you know what I Not on your mean. It's no wonder Life Spring has student who is accused of murder and assault was closed good enough anymore. aesthetically worthless. It once was, that for the price of life, the costs were too high. been charged with brainwashing its to the press and to the public last week. five highballs and a taxi ride home, Jeff Davis It hurts more to admit failure followers. Its graduates are some of In our opinion, the law is a serious threat to the and maybe the price of a small Staff Writer when the mental or monetary costs the most closed-minded people freedom of the press guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. hangover the average American are high, so groups like EST, you'll ever meet. Judge Edwin B. Pearce had no choice when the at- could get all the psychiatry he Scientology and Life Spring will Seeking new members is its Cummings moved that the needed from a sympathetic bar- continue to grow and prosper. prime objective. torney for Donald James tender. But my major gripe with self- Until Americans see self- hearing be closed. Pearce was forced to hold the hearing in The price of mental security has help organizations isn't about the awareness organizations for what private. risen quite a bit since then. amount of money they make, they really are rackets we will The closing of preliminary hearings was reinforced by Not too long ago, opportunists are taking charge of our pocket- because after all this is the United continue pumping money into the a 1979 U.S. Supreme Court decision which allowed judges uncovered a certain quirk in the books. States and its people can choose to pockets of slick opportunists. states to close such proceedings. psyche of Americans on the whole, Membership in organizations invest money wisely, or light the And by the way, I'll be forming a in all and we have been paying for it ever like EST, Scientology and Life oven with it. There is such a thing as new organization called POOP In Gannett v. DePasquale, the Supreme Court ruled since. Spring cost thousands of dollars for freedom of choice in this country. (Positive Outlook On Problems I for that judges in murder trials had the right to close pre-trial More than any other people on less than a week of therapy. My major gripe concerns itself people interested in solving modern hearings because such hearings might unfairly jeopardize earth, Americans will pay for the A week of therapy on the with the propensity of these problems and analyzing why our the defendant's right to a fair trial. right to be sane or at least told they beaches of Hawaii would do me organizations to force themselves on lives are always so screwed up. One week of mind-blowing We feel that this ruling gives judges a carte blanche to are. more good than having someone prospective followers. First to see there were mega- preach the values of self-confidence Through unending proselytiza- therapy for only $500. keep the press out of their courtrooms. The rights of the bucks to be made in the mental for hours,without a bathroom break. tion, satisfied graduates prod and Make your checks payable to press and of the public to know and understand what is health game, psychiatrists have At least in Hawaii there's no one push unfortunate friends until all re- Jeff Davis, care of the Spartan Daily going on in a trial must be weighed against the defendant's been tapping this bottomless well to prevent me from relieving myself sistance wears down. Freedom of news room. right to a fair proceeding. since the turn of the century. in the Pacific after a six-pack of choice is effectively erased. Thank you. hearing will be closed without any Psychiatrists don't hold a beer. Too often, a monopoly, however. The logic behind these self-help evidence that a public hearing would infringe on a Starting in the early '70s, a new organizations is strictly Psychology defendant's rights. more exploitative animal appeared IA stuff. The reasons you seldom This was exactly the cast in the Cummings hearing. on the mental health scene the self- find a non-satisfied EST graduate There was no evidence that Cummings' chances for a fair awareness group. are; ( 1 ) After spending so much by keeping the hearing open. Opportunists like Erhard money for help, they won't admit to trial would be hurt Seminar Training founder Werner themselves or anyone else the In fact, the SJSU community would have benefitted Erhard have built multi-million therapy had no effect. (2) They're had the hearing been open. If it was, students and dollar organizations around telling too embarrassed at spending that residents of the area would have been able to hear the Americans to take charge of their much money on nothing to admit charges, evidence and prosecutor's plans against Cum- own lives. taking the therapy at all. While we are taking charge of After spending $1,000 on a mings. famous artist's painting which Although the real culprit in this case is the law that our lives, Erhard and his followers allowed Judge Pearce to close the ease without cause, the judge himself is open to criticism. Daily Policy "I don't see any value in the public right to know," The policy of the Spartan Daily Comments, columns and Pearce has said. For a municipal court judge, this is a regarding letters and material editorials will discuss local, state, submitted from individuals or national and international affairs. startling revelation and one that should make the public (IrlIME *We organizations outside of the Spartan reflect the position of ar rr, FUND 5:** Editorials '41015e,...11%. wary about what goes on in his court. Daily staff is as follows: the Daily. Opinion columns express Recently, a San Jose Mercury News lawsuit which the views of the writer or challenges the law in question was accepted by the organization and will appear with a California Supreme Court. We hope the court will see the Opinion byline attributing the article ac- light. The intent of the Spartan cordingly. We feel this is a bad law and one that should be Daily Opinion Page is to present a The Daily encourages reader variety of viewpoints on issues af- comments regarding editorials, changed. fecting the university community. opinions or news stories.

61 it

letters a fr Then, too, there is the factor', should be our first priority and all The San Jose Pea Center million people of the United States? easily obtained the information he rr Police, get off psychological stress caused by the facets should be employed in this believes that neither the United Or does communism just not exist in needed from AS. director of ethnic your 'fat duffs' constant mortal danger foot patrols effort. States, nor Cuba, USSR and your pretend-world? Or is it just a affairs Virgil Brown, a member of entail. Far better that unarmed 18- Just look at the declining Nicaragua should be introducing philosophy to you, with no concrete Alpha Phi Alpha. Furthermore, Editor: year-old girls should be subjected to enrollment at SJSU and tell me it's more weapons into the volatile actions backing it up? I'll promise Brown's explanation of the break in The issue of civil liberties this stress as they scurry about at not due to crime and I'll tell you situation in El Salvador, contrary to not to enter the history profession communication between Alpha Phi P1 notwithstanding, the idea of sur- night in terror. Worst of all, foot "cow chips." the statement of Richard Thatcher until I learn something about the Alpha and the printing company d( veillance cameras would on first patrol duty places far too much I suppose the first question I (Spartan Daily, letter 2/27/81). real world if you'll promise not to should have been all Mr. Fung NI viewing seem to be a bad one from distance between the Adam-12 types should be asking is where is Mike We favor a negotiated set- enter journalism until you learn needed to satisfy his curiosity as to of the standpoint of effectiveness. and their special life-support Medina coming from No! I don't tlement, hopefully along the lines of something about the real world. why the speech was postponed. After st An armed and uniformed officer systems hot coffee, admiring mean El Salvador for maybe the the peaceful settlement of the Also, I disagree with Mr. all, it was the plain and simple truth. of moving constantly through the area female clerical help, and lots of in- real problem stems from his guerilla war in Zimbabwe. Vaughn's view that conservatives Mr. Fung, if you really wanted to be scanned by the proposed group camaraderie. Cameras, on childhood. You see he grew up The problems of El Salvador have a monopoly on ignorance. An to do an article on Alpha Phi Alpha, to cameras would seem to be a more the other hand, cut down the work during the "Candid Camera" era come from more than Cuban arms, example would be some of Wiggsey the "black fraternity," or any event likely deterrent, especially since load, add to the mystique of the and so maybe he just doesn't want to as is claimed by the Reagan ad- Sivertsen's comments as reported during Black Awareness Month, you potential offenders might not even polireman and provide an excellent be a victim of circumstance. ministration. Further, we object to by the Spartan Daily. After reading blew your chance. The fourth annual know about the cameras; ex- oppi dimity to expand the jargon of Well, Mike, I don't want to be a the administration's emphasis on them, it's hard to decide whether to Black Greek Show, which drew a ai tensively trained, elaborately the joi.,, an essential aspect of true victim of assault. military solutions to the crisis. We laugh incredulously or have her standing-room-only crowd, went Is equipped policemen would seem to professionalism. Clark Meadows think it is impossible to indefinitely committed. unreported. You (or any other pi be of more use out where people I propose that we install the Engineering, maintain the ruling military group, Your definition, Mr. Vaughn, of Spartan Daily reporter) weren't need protecting than on their fat cameras but let students monitor senior which has increasingly narrow a real man being "one who doesn't there. The event didn't make the duffs in a building at a TV monitor; them to see if the police are walking support, with our military aid. Such feel threatened by equality with real Spartaguide, much less a front page CC and a frail coed struggling to escape their beats. After all, TV can always aid only prolongs the fighting, which women" is simplicity itself. How can article. We should ask why! from a homicidal assailant might use another good cop show. An easy solution: means more lives are lost and only you fail? For future references Mr. Fung, well be dead by the time the cop at Jerry Curtiss the most violent and extreme groups Janne's ideas are nobler and Alpha Phi Alpha is not one person or the tube radios the cop having coffee Political Science, restroom camera will win. much more realistic. Maybe you one house. We have several at El Grande Pizzeria and help and off campus senior Editor: James Babb should talk to her face to face, in- representatives on finally arrives on the scene. phone numbers. It seems to me that the San Jose Peace Center stead of about her at a distance. with serviceable More careful consideration, we'll call you. university is missing the solution to board member Dale Milne But don't call us, however, reveals several reasons What's wrong History Keith Stewart both the television camera which might cause police to favor Business Management, cameras over foot patrols. For one with cameras? placement and the women's senior restroom crime prevention Writer innocent thing, foot patrols would involve a Editor: Reporter's story Alpha Phi Alpha problems. lot of walking on hard surfaces, What's wrong with a couple of of 'naivete' claim Fraternity which can on campus? The location of television close to libelous lead to lower back surveillance cameras Editor: problems. Mail carriers, Why is Medina against such an open cameras in the womens' restrooms waitresses I know Janne Reid personally, Editor: and counter help can proposal? I understand civil would be both inexpensive and ef- Slot machine endure that and would like Daily readers to In response to Russ Fung's sort of thing, but cops liberties is a cause for distress but fective. Some will complain of lack wear know that Michael Vaughn's letter recent article "Mix-up causes uniforms, carry guns and have TV what about crime? Have we no of privacy, but they will be missing at garage entrance accusing her of naivete and Mc- speech cancellation," I'd like to programs made about them, and crime? I think so! the importance of law and order. Carthyism is tripe. clear up the most irresponsible and Editor: they deserve better Curtailing crime on campus Along with placement of cameras in bathroom stalls, I think I suppose I should mention that defamatory piece of journalism I've Every day, five days a week, I viewing screens should be located on fact that Mr. Vaughn totally missed ever read. put 50 cents of my hard-earned the outside hallways near the the purpose of Janne's letter, in his First of all, Alpha Phi Alpha money into a slot and get the un- bathroom doors. The value of this juvenile effort to ridicule her point of fraternity, in observance of Black mitigated thrill of watching the placement is obvious; women could view. Basically, it was that "real Awareness Month, contracted a black and white striped gate of the check out restrooms before entering equality and freedom come from an speaking engagement featuring Seventh Street parking garage lift to be sure no criminal types are understanding of yourself and California Assembly Speaker Willie and allow me to enter. present, prospective attackers respect for others." This is true Brown for Feb. 19. This was to be I like to feel I'm getting my would be deterred by the knowledge from the family level to the national funded by the Black Student Union. money's worth whenever possible, that someone outside may be wat- level, and among sexes, races or any Unfortunately, expenses were and the excitement I feel when I get ching. other artificial division you wish to greater than what was allocated. I to park is not worth two of my The placement of cameras in the impose on mankind. But Mr. Vaughn appealed to the Associated Students quarters. stalls would also cut down on toilet didn't deal with that. board of directors Feb. 11. The Now my proposal would add an paper and paper towel waste. Mr. Vaughn makes a simplistic request was approved unanimously. element of anticipation and chance Bathroom walls would be cleaner, as statement that backfires into his This left the fraternity five working equaled only by midterm and final's graffiti would definitely be own face. He said that Janne days to order and distribute week. discouraged by this system. "follows the doctrine of Joseph publicity. Much to our disap- I propose to place a slot machine Locks would no longer be needed McCarthy: if you don't like pointment, these items were not in the entrance of the school's on restroom doors. Bathroom users something (or someone), associate ready for distribution until Feb. 18, parking buildings. Then, when you could feel safe again. The problem of it with communism." As a personal the day before the engagement. place your money in the slot, you bathroom political activities being friend of Janne, I can vouch that she In spite of the fact that ad- will get the thrill of watching the observed by authorities remains. is not even slightly guilty of this. But mission was to be free, we felt one letters SJSU twirl and spin in the Again, this is minuscule compared I think Mr. Vaughn should inspect day of publicity would not be suf- tumblers. If the letters spell out to the need for additional security. his own perception of reality. How ficient enough to come close to SJSU, a month's worth of parking The word must get out; criminal could someone bring up the subject. filling Morris Dailey Auditorium. quarters would flow out. If they types, don't get caught with your of communist involvement without With a speaker of Willie Brown's came up JSSU or some other combi- pants down at SJSU. Mr. Vaughn accusing them of Mc- caliber, we also felt that uninformed nation, you could enter the garage Steve Sloan Carthyism? It seems that Mr. students and faculty who might be with the feeling that at least you had Photojournalism, Vaughn "follows the doctrine of interested would miss an event well had a chance. senior Michael Vaughn: If you don't like worth their presence. Therefore, we Don't you think the small rebate something, ( or someone), criticizing postponed the engagement. to the students, in the form of a communism, associate them with I question Mr. Fung's motives in jackpot, would be well worth it in Military aid McCarthyism." this story. His totally unprofessional terms of higher class attendance Isn't it possible, Mr. Vaughn, job of reporting bordered on pure and less student apathy? prolongs fighting that if we looked really hard we libel. If he had truly been interested Holly Fletcher might perhaps maybe find Just one in contacting a representative of Journalism, /MI illtor little tiny communist among the 200 Alpha Phi Alpha, he could have junior Tuesday March 3 1981 Page 3 Lack of current employment information slows presentation Missing statistics stymie SJSU Coors committee report by Jeffrey R. Smith Ala meeting Saturday, seniority. The companj 's major next meeting for March 15 have said that they will try board of directors. The must tze oiwit to the public Because of delays in the committee designated The committee is also contention is that it has at noon, at which time all of not to repeat the actions of dissenting members, if and the press must be responsibility for the receiving recent em- awaiting a graph of Equal changed its hiring prac- the groundwork of the a similar Coors committee any, would be able to at- notified of them in ad- of the ployment statistics from various sections Employment Opportunity tices since 1977, when the report is supposed to be at Stanford University, tach a written dissenting vance. report among committee Coors, the final report of Commission "family boycott was started, completed and the final which made a 265-page opinion to the report. members Andy Arias, Arias said it was the SJSU Coors fact-finding levels," which will show Campbell said. version will be outlined. report that contained no Alice Campbell, Bob Fu- Campbell said of the "really hard to say" committee will probably how many minority em- "While they don't deny Arias said he hoped the recommendation to its denna, Sharon final decisions and report whether or not the board of not be presented to the O'Connor ployees occupy various any wrongdoing, they don't report would be completed student council. and Bill Santi. management positions in of the committee, "I would directors would accept the Associated Students board admit any," she said. by a week after the next prefer that it wouldn't end Campbell said the the company, Campbell If the SJSU committee committee's recommen- of directors until the end of They say they've meeting, with another up in the Spartan Daily committee is waiting for said. cannot come up with a dation on the boycott. March. changed." week for typing and before we did it." Coors' new affirmative If these statistics and recommendation agreed on Santi complained copying it for the board "I hope they'll take The A.S. has been action guidelines, a map guidelines do not arrive by all five members, it will Under the state open into the about the slowness of the members. consideration all boycotting Coors in sym- showing the accessibility of from Coors by the com- probably make a majority meeting law covering AS., work that done," he work on the report. He said the committee we've pathy with the AFL-CIO the brewery to disabled mittee's March 10 recommendation to the the committee's meetings added. and other organizations and older workers and deadline, it will have to "We've got to make up might not even come up becuse of alleged unfair hiring statistics concerning make its report based for the lost time," he said. with a recommendation hiring practices and union- the permanently and tem- on information dating as "Tell us about it," agreed upon by the whole

busting activities since porarily disabled and the far back as 1975, Campbell Arias replied. group. 1978. promotion of workers with said. The committee set its Committee members WOMYN'S WEEK Grants available to faculty members 1981 to improve instructional techniques MARCH 9-13 by David Saracco mitted to the school dean 'rhe innovative grant for formal review and and mini-grant programs entertainment Faculty members who assessment. started eight years ago. 1981 want to try new approaches workshops womyn's week After a school com- English Composition as a to improve instruction may mittee then evaluates the program that stemmed be eligible for part of the $1 art exhibits san just state university dean's comment on the from the mini -grant million available in grants program. through the California proposal it is sent to the speakers State University and Academic Vice President Colleges arts & crafts fair I CSUC) In- and the university com- Crime novative Program. mittee to review the take back the night march The programs, for proposal and finally an- which the grants range nounce the awards. stopper from $5,000 to 850,000, must Being followed by McBeath said the i.LiS15 iNC L UDE deal with mathematics faculty members "usually someone on foot? Cross the skills and/or critical have a pretty good idea of street, change direction, FLO KENNEDY thinking, multidisciplinary what they want to do" and vary your pace. If he cross cultural studies, or persists, go to a lighted meeting the needs of it is just a matter of the store or home and call the ROBIN TYLER women, minorities, stu- instructor getting the police. In a car? Turn dents with disabilities and money to start the around and walk in the MARGIE ADAM reentry adult students. research. other direction. Go up a AU, ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND Funded by one-way street. Record his A review committee at McBeath cited the - FOR MORE INFORMATION CALI. 277-2865 Associated license number and call the the chancellor's office Writing Skills Program for rkt. EVENTS HELD IN THE STUDENT UNION 13/411.0001' Students police, awards the grants. The review committee consists of faculty and ad- ministrators from the CSUC system. Also offered is the "mini-grant" of $5,000 or less. These grants are photo by Norma Nbryares decided at SJSU by a university committee after Dr. Ron McBeath wants innovative instructors to a screening process by the apply for state grants. faculty member's depart- ment and school. The purpose of these Yaffinem /AZ programs is to help "im- prove instructional programs for the un- dergraduates," Dr. Ron McBeath said, the director of the Faculty and In- structional Development office. "It's a great op- portunity to get the money to do research." McBeath, along with Dr. Jerrold Kemp, advise MOAT MAN and assist faculty mem- bers in formulating the IS TALKING proposals. OPPORTUNITY!! Thorn McAn. leader in the field of footwear merchandising offers After the proposals are excellent opportunities for graduates interested in the field of YOUR completed, they are sub- retail management We've built an ever-expanding organization of over 1200 stores throughout the United Stales and Puerto Rico Our plans are to add 300 more stores over the next three years This Spartan Daily planned growth along with our present need for talented people Serving the San Jose State spells OPPORTUNITY University Community to enter our management training program COLLEGE RING Sire 934 to receive promotions based entire, on performance I UCPS 30-11101 to receive an excellent earnings and benefit package Second class portage paid at San To find out more about our nationwide opportunities to enter Jose, California Member of Cal- ifornia Newspaper Publishers out "Fast Tiack" management training program contact your Association and the Associated placement office or send resume to Press Published daily by San ANTHONY GERARGE FOR Jose State University, during JUST the college year. The opinions 822 HEATHER COURT expressed in the paper are not MILPITAS, CA 95035 necessarily those of the Depart- ment of Journalism and Mass A company representative will be interviewing on campus c,riuriunications, the University MARCH 10 1981 Administration or any student or faculty organization. Sub- scriptions accepted on a remain. A Division of Melville Corp der of semester basis Full aca- demic year. 315 Each semester, We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer $7.50. Oftrampus price per Lustnum 81 is Jostens Patented New Age copy, 15 centa Phone Editorial Alloy Beauty and durability are combined 277-3181, Advertising 277-3171 with Jostens traditional standards of design Printed by Independent Publica- tions. and workmanship Choose Lustrium 81 It's now, and forever. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION OF AZTLAN ANNOUNCES

SEE YOUR JOSTEN'S REPRESENTATIVE PMAA SCHOLARSHIPS Two scholarships of $700 March 2,3,4 10 am - 6 pm will be awarded to SJSU students 1571Spaitan PMAA Scholarship applications t))63irg may be obtained at the JOSTENS' COLLEGE RINGS OFFERED DAILY AT YOUR BOOKSTORE Financial Aid Office, DMH Bookstore 235 San Jose State University Deadline Date: "NIF March 6, 1981 'SERVICE IS OUR MAJOR

/MEV feature Tuesday March 3, 1981 'Real people' provides strange job for grad

by Mary Apanasewicz Ulene, the health adviser adventure in itself. people off the cuff because Sacrist Poses Editor on the Today Show. Heller said people have you can't always tell over What do a hermit, a 50- At that moment, Heller told her she has a "trusting the phone. Sometimes we year-old football player was launched into a voice" and it has helped flop, but not often." and seven monks have in television career. her reach people who Heller said slie's glad common? might normally shy away the show is getting into the They have all made She worked for Ulene from an interviewlike the more seriou, and sensitive their national television for two years before seven monks from features now as well as the the NBC changing jobs again. Still debuts on Oklahoma. crazies. magazine show "Real keeping true to her desire People," thanks to SJSU to help people and to stay "It was hysterical," "The real people are graduate Wendy Heller. down-to-earth, Heller -she recalled with a giggle. not just hermits and ec- As a researcher for the wrote, researched and "This little community had centrics, but heroes. The "Real People" show, it is produced the show no fire department so they most important part of the her job to find people with "America Alive" starring hired the monks to learn show is to give these unusual occupations or consumer advocate David fire-fighting techinques. forgotten people the chance to shine." hobbies, interview them Horowitz. "The town now has a and organize preliminaries "With each step I've volunteer fire department Heller said one of the before the camera begins taken I have grown," and the monks wear their show's most touching to roll. segments was when Rev. fkl Finding and in- Ike did a prayer for the terviewing unconventional It's important to give hostages lone of whom was ea people is a rather un- his son) on Thanksgiving. th common career but one these forgotten people Heller said she has that Heller enjoys im- been giving thanks ever mensely. since she landed her job "It's a very rewarding a chance to shine with "Real People." job," Heller said with a BY Cop battles crime and sexism She said she likes the smile. "It allows me to get se Heller philosophized. "I'm habits and bless behind -the -scenes work a feel for the people, the Un not disappointed with everything--the hose, and has no qualms about real people." She laughed Ca anything I've done. I'm machine, truck, talking with people but and said no pun was in- las glad I did the things I did; everything." never wants to be in front Dangers won't deter officer tended. Gy they brought me to where I of the camera. Heller, 31, said she Heller said it turned am now." out to be a "good, sensitive by Lauren Comstock One time she received Dispatchers show no look out for each other. thinks her education at Eventually, Heller said Sp the May piece." But she adds that it Sperlal to a call on a man who was partiality in assigning calls There is a lot of good will SJSU was rewarding also. And where sne is now, she'd like to try writing coa is not always that easy. Sharon Young likes her swinging a bat at people in and Young wouldn't want it and support among our "It helped me in the public isn't too bad, Heller said and/or producing the job. She works nights in a park. He left the scene in that way. "Most people group." sense, to talk to people and with a laugh. Heller said one of the television news, but for for downtown San Jose. a car. Young spotted it but want to be where the action Young's team works in think fast." She likes the chances most frustrating moments now she's content. to Although she realizes the couldn't get the man to pull is.. .even if it is dangerous," the downtown area where Heller, who was born she has to meet people and she had was setting up an "It's a very rewarding giv danger inherent in what over at first. When he she said. new recruits are trained. and raised in Oakland, said to get to know them. She on-camera interview with experience. I didn't know she does, she says it gives finally did, he put up no Her 20-year-old son, Young recently trained a she made a "conscientous" she doesn't have any the owner of a drive-in what I wanted to do, but per her a lot of personal resistance. He said he was Mike, might prefer a bit of female recruita first in decision to come to SJSU. special interview technique funeral home. when the opportunity came poi freedom. Besides that, the glad she was a woman. Had special treatment. "He San Jose Police Depart- "I really liked San Jose except to be "semi - "We had all the I for this job) I knew it was can money is good. she been a man, he would worries about me," Young ment history. State. It had a good ad- persuasive and honest." preliminaries done and the right." tots She looks much Young describes vertising department." bro have fought and he didn't said. Heller also admitted a lady changed her mind at younger than her 41 years. herself as a "pretty While she WAS on the want his young son in the And so do her parents person with her job has to the last minute." She said Yet, if her good looks fail to the person." advertising staff of the 8500.00 car to see that. and rest of the family. positive have dogged persistence. it was a costly cancellation catch a second glance, her The only women who paper, Heller wrote five because they had to SCHOLARSHIP outfit never goes. It is the A lot of the stories used ever give Young any guest editorials for the transport the camera AVAILABLE dark blue uniform worn by Daily. on the "Real People" show problem are usually drunk. equipment and crew for Sento, 15 omen all San Jose Police Of- determined to show that Heller said she sees are follow-ups to magazine Overall, she has never outside the L.A. area. Phone 2525)842 ficers. means of stories and news features, used her gun, used her college as a "It's best to get these When she began stick only once and never women could do a good job.' learning the fundamentals viewer suggestions, party patrolling in 1977, Young used her mace ( except to of a profession but geared conversations or leads was one of the first women routinely spray an old for "more social things." from network affiliates, A police officers in San Jose. mattress in a lean-to often Her father, brother and But even a very "You don't learn what according to Heller. REPRODUCE CAN "I was determined to show used by prostitutes and one of her two sisters have positive person cannot work is like until you go out She said it is not Our Xerox 9400 will allow you to reproduce that women could do a good vagrants). ridden along with her in her completely escape the and actually do it. It's just always easy to get in touch rates are just 31/2C job." she said. Yet, while women patrol car on occasion, but stresses and anxieties of not the same in the with the people who are for 4C a page. And our overnight According to Young's police officers have shown she said she has learned police work. classrooms." featured on the show Dissertations copied on thesis quality Cotton former patrol sergeant, that they can take care of not to tell her family a lot of "It's hard not to get In 1971 Heller because of their unusual rag for only 8C. We do all the work! Christopher Green, one of themselves, there remain things. emotionally involved," graduated with a B.A. in lifestyles. the greatest objections to some men who still don't Because many police Young said. "You go on a advertising and got a job No minimums Heller recalled the women officers was their want them on the force. officers have a similar call to a home where you with an ad agency. S T U time she had to interview a KINKO'S COPIES physical limitations. "Some guys, nothing desire to spare their find children that have But it wasn't what she 50-year-old man who Women are given a you do will change their families any worry, sup- been beaten or molested. expected it to be. 481 E SAN CARLOS ST. (408) 295-5511 played football for Mon- little extra attention in attitude about women portive relationships You do everything you can felt the need to do 123 SO. THIRD ST (408) 295-4336 terey Peninsula College. defensive tactics training cops," Young said. between team members to get them out of that some good. The war was but Young said that men Young's worst ex- are especially important. situation and to protect going on, I wanted to do "He lives out of the are generally better perience was with one As police work is a them. Then you go back more than just sell soap," trunk of his car and sleeps Get the edge' Prepare to take the WAN prepared in that area. She former team member who male-dominated professi- later only to find they've she said with frustration. in a laundromat. I had a feels they tend to fight was antagonistic to the on, it took a while for both been placed in the home So Heller began to sell difficult time lc:cating him. ,P more as kids and have a point of intentionally sexes to know how to treat again. It makes you sick." the politicians that she I had to call the coach to greater capacity for it placing her in danger. each other when women The calls she fears believed in, like George tell him to get ahold of me. GRE physically. "Whenever I requested a first came on the force. most are those involving McGovern and Alan "This kind of thing is A lii Generally, though, Graduate Record Exam fill unit ( extra help, I "There is no norm," children or death Cranston. not atypical for the people Young, who is one of 25 Marco 14, 21. 4. 11. 1981 hated to see him show up," Green said. But both he and Although dangerous She was on the we interview," Heller said. Saturcloys, 28. April female officers in the San she said. Young would agree that and unpleasant situations McGovern bandwagon 9 a m -12 30 p Business Classroom 110. Boger Ray is a hermit Jose Police Department, is Reactions from the women who are simply are a necessary part of her She did SJSU campus from the beginning. who lives in a shack with no Total cost is S70 including materials not concerned about the public vary. Young said themselves are most job. Young said it gives her the scheduling, organizing phone or other modern need to use force for a women are generally very successful. a "sense of ac- and choosing of the ST conveniences. Heller said For further information: .0 number of reasons. supportive. Of her own situation, complishment to help California delegates. that in order to interview Dftce of Continuing For one thing, she said An example of one Young speaks very people." Then she was on Education Ray, or people like him, Journalism Classroom Bldg 1368 she has found that most typical male reaction is the positively. "In the six She added with con- Cranston's re-election people respond to the she has to call the chamber Son Jose State University time she arrested a young months you work together, viction, "I'd much rather committee and worked on San Jose. CA 95192 uniform no matter who is of commerce or the local 10 man for armed robbery. team members get really die doing something I the campaign committee (408) 277-2182 wearing it. gas station. ch "Why did you have to be a close. Your life is on the really like doing than waste for a local councilperson. 29 Secondly. Young feeLs woman?" he asked Young. line a lot and you have to away in a boring job." It was at a party for the She said tracking down men approach situations latter that her good friend and researching the un- "expecting a little con- introduced her to Art common individual is an San Jose State University SIER frontation." Women, she it Its. IHRUSA I 'lit 1 11 II )6.00 I' r)1 at feels, are more diplomatic. KEN'S HUBB BARBER Sgt. Green said Young SHOP HAIM I I "can diffuse just about 'I WI anybody." FLAT) 11i1Nr. x SO « it K /41.1011 Most importantly, 31K SOUTH 1(111). ),A »,1 . Al It 279-.19 Young said, "It's just not NEXT TI) Hi )111111'N lir )1 51(1,1 SJSU WOMEN'S macho for men to fight us."


ne. tur lea SATURDAY, MARCH 7 ENTRY FEE $10.00 949 conclusion IS TN 7:00 p.m. 'til PS We Have con Low Prices On: IS C;Ji Fresh Produce Guaranteed 1 st Place bra Meat, without the hormones 214. Pasturized and Raw Daily Products Bulk goods, such as Flours, Beans, $75 Cereals, Nuts, Oils, Seeds and more .. Substantial Discounts on Books, Tools, SEER and Auto Supplies for 100% prize Members ’f- 512 Nice Folks and a Friendly Atmosphere fund return 104 2 Blocks Down From SJSU We

USED THE SAN JOSE FOOD CO-OP balance 1 for 4 SIC 518 So. 10th St. (near Williams) based on 16 entries C. Hours: Tues.-Fri. 11-7 Sat, 9-5 Ma 294-4836 maximum: 24 entries CT, as Ste. el I -4 Cs,' " 277-3226 COMP PP . ,r fold A.,42111b. %s mai ---" STUDENT UNION GAMES AREA bad sports I uttsday Ma, 11 I I 91.11 k'ssue Ladies lose; tourney bid uncertain by Billy Thomas Tigers 85-71 in their last ference play and still have tied at 51 with 12:41 throws. shots," Chatman said. "We After Friday night's regular season contest. The a chance to be selected for remaining in the game, UOP shot 43 free forced a lot of shots and we performance against the loss dropped the Spartans the Regionals, according to UOP took control of the throws Friday night and lacked consistency." University of the Pacific to 14-12 on the season and 8- head coach Sharon game as the Spartans lost made 33 of them. The fact that the Tigers, SJSU's women's 4 in NorCal play. Chatman. their composure. Committing fouls was Spartans committed a basketball team will have The Spartans were "At times we just don't not the only problem the shot fouls UOP is 20-7 overall and number of two to wait and see if they will 7-5 in NorCal action. ahead of the Tigers by play with a great deal of Spartans were having. late in the game was vital re be invited to the Western seven points with 3:28 intelligence," Chatman For the second week in to the UOP team, ac- Regionals on March 12 at Despite the loss, the remaining in the first half said. a row, they shot poorly cording to their head Pepperdine University. Spartans still finished before UOP closed the The Spartans com- from the field, making only coach, Mark French. The Spartans lost to the second in NorCal cola- margin and took a one mitted 11 fouls in the last 10 32 percent of their shots "We shot free throws re point lead into the locker minutes of the game. UOP Friday night. well and that kept us in the ie room, 43-42. responded to the fouls by "We didn't take good game," he said. Rugby club wins After the contest was scoring 17 points on free re c- The SJSU rugby team defeated the Palo Alto Rugby igteie Club 13-4 Saturday at the south campus field. oe Scorers for SJSU were Rick Voss and Brian Thomas FREE! WV-trag I four points each on tries) and Brian McSharry (two OIL CHANGE SPECIAL! points on conversion and three points on penalty kick).

photo by Brenda Flowers QUALITY MATERIALS v. SJSU's Wanda Thompson passes off in action FOR eadier this season. Thompson fouled out is late in the Lady Spartan's 85-71 loss to UOP. FINE ARTS as GRAPHICS er SJSU gymnasts take second CALLIGRAPHY cob The SJSU men's dismal 96.20 total. DRAFTING gymnastics team came in "We could have done a ,01 he second behind the lot better if we didn't have =IN rk University of Southern so many major breaks," out California in a quad meet Chew said. Almost all our GUARANTEED for 6 months or 6,000 miles whichever comes first out last Friday in the Spartan people fell off the pommel mt Gym. horse." ol0 MY BODYGUARD "We did okay," Injuries were one of the 5 MEI 015 Slirlon eltoULTTIONS PR(SENT, ANY 4 CYLINDER A TONY BILL FILM i id Spartan men's gymnastics reasons for the amount of IMPORT OR DOMESTIC ng coach Rich Chew said of major breaks that plagued MY BODYGUARD New Spade.* Compression Test Check [maw, n g their 230.75 point per- the Spartans. .uum.CHRIS MAKEPEACE RUTH GORDON New Points Set Proper Timing System MATT' DILLON JOHN HOUSEMAN for formance. "If I was going All-arounder Jamie Replace El Dwell Check Charging Susie, gv2. to give us a grade, I'd have Lord performed Condenser AdiuSt Carburetor Road Test yetei.e.. -DISiSIDIEBIW in all his TSANJOSE ART Cyril------e .ng given us a 'B'." events with his left leg in a // 87 Valley Fair Center 365 San Anton. Road ANY 6 CYLINDER $38.95 ANY 8 CYLINDER 639.96 )/ wzitii i.... (except Wel FREE Oil Change Also San Jose Call 95129 IN1 Vtew Call 94040 Specially Cars ineuron) $5999 ow USC turned in a fair cast from the knee down. Included Ford Chevy GM. C.-reeler. Dataun Honda. SW ANY 249.9700 941,3600 eit_t_r:4..100,- performance with 253.50 He scored a 29.15, a rather . !moor; Gf Domestic .)ut San Jose Art, Paint d Wallpaper point total. Portland State low score, but not bad 78,10pm. 41.50 rue STORE came in third HOURS COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE CENTER Morris Dailey fas with a 220.05 considering that he didn't Mon -Fri 9 to Auditorium Valley Fair 9. Sat 9 to 5:30/ Sun 1210/..5. 459 297-7511 total and Sonoma State do a floor exercise or any L _ _ Mountain View Mon- Sat 9 to 5:30 Auzerais, San Jose brought up the rear with a vaulting. aM FUNDED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS IIIII classifieds

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SeleCiroc II MSJ/Blossont Hill TYPING: FAST. Accurete and catholic,YSiCay's at their homes afternoons, on the ground llfror. Call 14151 Dan Derry, Sr. Joan Pane Ila, Area. Call Janet at 227-9525. Professional Theses, 'best...rm. p m Episcopal, first and third evenings, or weekends. No BEST PRICES 305-4446. Ms. Lynda DeManti, Rev. Norb FREE COUNSELING FOR Reports. Deadlines guaranteed. Sundays at 630 p.m., and experience needed We train. Best Machine Firnhaber, Rev. PeWr Keep Student Travel TYPING THAT'S Reasonable rates. IBM Selectric Lutheran, itierseays at 7 p.m. Call 964-2259 or 656-0111. OWN ROOMII Line in babysitter for Taps. Best Typist main. Europe, Asia. Mexico, Hawaii, Experienced in. call Jan, 723-1554. at the Campus Christian Center, working single inother. Room typist for term 60 N. 3rd, No. 127 Africa, USA, International Identity papers, theses, etc. Santo Clara 207-4315 alter 3000.10M St. MANDARIN CHINESE tutor and board oios bonus. Rene* 2 LOOKING FOR A Card, Ewell, Brihail, hostel card, area. Call Tony at 296-207. TYPING, EDITING, Prefer Long wanted. Write Jay Vocal at 1450 West 219-0114, after 3:00. wedding photographer? camping tours, job TYPING Protect, SUSAN, 11114-61174/904- STUDENT DENTAL Plan: Take Koll Circle, Suite 113, Son Jose, THESES, reports, etc COMPUTER SCIENCE Students - Images by placement, student ship, wide map LOS ALTOS/Palo Alto. Selectric II IBM Selectric SI per 6133. care of your mouth and teeth. CA115112. full double John Paulson Photography selection, books, backpacks and SAVE MONEY. ENROLL We are looking for help In typing in my office. 51.73 per spared, typed page. Live near documentation and software are expressions of love. Soft, elegant voltage converters. Trip and Travel, double-spaced page. 20 years Cambrian/ THE SECRETARY in Sunnyvale NOW!! Information and Medi 0000 Los Gatos area CRUISES: CLUB 140 W. development. Heavy emphasis and universally understood. For the San Carlos (next to Main Co perrence fOr SJSU students. Conscientious. has OX Electronic Typewriter. brochures at AS. Office Or Into sailing expeditions. Needed: Call Pat at 356 on Fortran IV. Call Mr finest award -winning photography, Public Library), 2 blocks from Call Irene 61941-7015. Also. dictaphone to transcribe desk, or call 371.6611. Sports Instructors, Ott ice 2065 Roseman at 915-1110 for ap- call 3050 at 441-13111. campus. Open 7 days, Mon . Fri , 9. tapes. Editing capability. Phan* Personnel, Counselors Europe, pointment. 6, Sat., 10-5. Sun noon S Call 792- TYPING. TOP quality end. EASYTYPE 737-1304 for quote. WANTED: BASEBALL Caribbean. Wor Idw ode! Som- TYPING Service. Fast. 1613. TAXES DONE while you wait for IBM Correcting Selectric II All accurate, professional, Yearbooks and World Series mer. Career Send 55 95 Plus SI word OPENINGS this summer at 1040A and 50A. Reliable, farmer work proofed and edited Or THESES, REPORTS. Manuscripts, programs, autographs, stahms, handling for application, processing available. A com Camp Kamaroff, camp for business student. Call 2116-1559. spelling Rates 51 50 for double etc.; IBM SC II. Cynthia/S.C., sports memorabilia. QUICK openings guide to plete typing service. Call 249- living Judaism, in Southern Page, 53 for single sp 0412. 247-11433, Mary/M.V.,163-2261. CASH. See Dr. Lapin, Business CRUISEWORLD, 2535 Watt oe Page. Calitornia. Call Jack Stein at HOLISTIC YOGA w/Swami 53 per page for letters, 55 per Tower 763,0r call 637.0191. Ann.. Sacramento, CA 91040. Personals 333-7161. Niranjan. M thru Th, 7-9 p.m. Page for resumes (Inc! help TYPING QUALITY hiPiog at PROF. TYPING services. IISM Lecture, satsang, discussion, 0/set up) Cash only No checks reasonable . IBM Selectric A THING of Manly is a MY SUMMER RAFTING Jobs! 51,20010 _ Selmtric correctable. 110 wpm SALESMAN WANTED: Part lime Sun. 7-9 p.m. 220S. 3rd, Suite C please Remember The bit- II Sell Correcting. Pickup and Give the gift only you can 53.6001 Training provided! SKY DIVE: Our complete first jump 10 years experience All typing OM lull time pay Eves and Sal 12nd floor). For information terness of poor quality remains delivery on campus 10 yrs. exp., give,. beautiful, award.winnong Grand Canyon, Hawaii, Africa. course is 555, group rate, SM. All accepted! Call Jane al 251-5942 regarding other Perfect for students. No ex activities and inshuc tors licensed. long alter the sweetness of a low 2464041, Diane COler portrait by JOHN worisooS for application, in- Falcon Icy time. S1.34 Per MM. perience needed Call Carton., workshops, call 21175163. prme is forgotten. Call. KITTY PAULSON PHOTOGRAPHY. formation guide (plus free lob Parachute School. Call (Mel 036- Club al 247 4214 between 1 and 5 230.309, between Sand 10 p.m. Call John at 4411-231111. guide to Lake Tahoe, CA) to I 544. AFFORDABLE, CUSTOM designed and on weekends. WHITEWATER 153S Watt Aire., invitations for weddings, parties ST. PAUL'S Methodist Church Sacramento. CA ISWO, GERI, 31/2 years of being together TRUCK TRANSFER: Drivers or business occasions. invites you to worship on Sun, with many more to follow. Love, TYPING, THESIS, Term Papers,

tended to drive vehicles from Calligraphy our specialty. In. etc. Experienced and fast days, C 30 a m next to the JOBS IN Alaska! Summer, year- Dove, various cities in California back vitations Ink -- Call Colleen or Reasonable 20,4674, campus at 405 5 10th St The round. High pay. WOO to 52,000 rates. Call to San Jose. 1-3 days a week. Terri at 296.3444 or 217.5019. Young Adult group meets on per month. All holds Does not require a special HAYMOND AND Tyson Sundays from p.m. at 435 S. Fisheries. Oil Industry and Secretarial license. Must be 21 for in FAST, PROFESSIONAL resumes Service. Fast, at rrrrr a. Ion SI For more info about morel For 1911 employer Typing surance. Must be reliable and design, phototype and print proofed. Tyding edited for church activities, call Steve at listings and info guide, send S4 to Day/evening and Saturday 297-3425, or the church Off Ke at have a good driving record. spelling. IBM felectric. Call Need cash? ALASCO, P.O. Box 9327, San Contact Clark al Ryder Truck service (Ad Writers). Call 295- TYPING. DONE in my home. Sharon at 9264724 ben.00n 214-4364. Jose, CA. 15261 Sobey Rd., 130 Rental, 362-7550. 9/92. Reasonable. Call Lynn at 730' and imssiv.m. Saratoga, CA 93079. It lc SIERRA CLUB Mtg Thurs , Feb it Get quick results... SA-Y. IT With Balloons The fun TYPING PAST, amoral, and at 720 pm in the S U. 0 AAAAAA JOSS: Summer or alternative to flowers! Two TYPING: I'LL typo anything. rrrrrr Ional. SI.SO/pg. Guadalupe Room Sten up for year-round. E . South Housing dozen long-stemmed balloons lensed, In, Day/Evs. Call KEY whale watching trip Feb II Ski America, Australia, Aso. All delivered for Valentine's Day, professional. Nardi Volley area. V/ACK RR 5,947.1433 or 272-4523. Advertise in the 22, 23 Newcomers frip March fields stnn to $1,200 per mo. SAN JOSE Residence Club end birthdays. or lust to say "I love Call Mary Least 141-9750. Welcome? Sightseeing For free into write Mother Olson's Lodging Houses: you!" Lofty Thoughts Balloon TYPING/ EXPERIENCED Met IJC. Box 51- CA36. Corona De! Great guys and Ws. Kitchen, Co. Calf 245-9106 TYPING BY professional. 20 years types Mil Reports, resumes, Mar, C 93625. Spartan Daily TV, linen, maid service, experience. Neat, accurate. All theses, low cost, accurate, fast, Itreplace, formats. Theses, resumes, Mgh quality. Pam 747 Mel, eves. Automotive SUMMER JOSS- Riding Camp for courtyard and 550 to NO reports, dissertations (Santa Clara or, San Tomas Girls, Shady Lawn Farm. 6255 Parking per week shared, 170 to 515 per week Travel Deadlines guaranteed. So. San Exp.) Classifieds River Rd Oakdale, CA 95361. '71 TOYOTA Corella Wagon 4 SPd, 4 11th Jose. Call Kathie at 576-1216. 1209-1147 19421 Camper ages EIS single. 202 S. St. Office, 122 Cyl, Exc. MPG. Looks and runs N. VII. St. Call 99110123. TYPING w/c weekday Skilled women in- WHITEWATER RAFT trips good 51,000 or best offer 792 TYPING: ONE letter IBM Electric 19/older. to large mail Si per page Ask tor structor/c Discount prices In Aprill IS 4,613. Tony or leave lists, reports, manuals editing, Non smoker Hor AMERICAN FAMILY would like to or phone 2761457. Interview percent off. For Ire* manta'', 72041331. rent room to a foreign student arocavre mentos. Quality work at seback vaulting instructors. aga-5551 or wife, Radiomen Berry rail reasonable prices Call THE ARC swimming canoeing, Boy or Gorl welcome Cali CUSTOM TYPING In my home '66 1 -BIRD' Gd body, interior and on., Rafting, 333 Painter Ave., after 4p.m. I1667255. E XECUTIVES ASSISTANT at IBM Setivetric, SI per page. Mr. wheels Runs only sailing, crafts, rous(4, gardening tires Special halos, CA MOM. 21101149. kitchen View. Call Swat 167-11323. lair. $4500, best offer Call 067 and help sle/wk salary ROOM TO per laundry share. S200 menft? 9497, alter 7 p.m. plus room board and Twnhse in E 10 min. 10-wk season. June 20- Aug. 30 IlMeleiMW1101=MMIBIMII to SJSU Call Gary 795-9690 r- IS THUNDERBIRD Very clean days. PS. Pk AC Perfect mechanical! Need 3 Condition Make otter 197 9349 Mir to set up leads for in- SPARTAN DAILY sulation company No exp., we Print YourAtklane train Flex Ms Salary plus DATSUN III. Etc Cend New Services CLASSIFIED AD RATES ICount approximately 30 letters and space, frn earn line! tires/brakes. Low mi. 52.200 bonus Also needed 7767741. Call Doree at 3624444 for ap (Effective: Fall 1980) poinfment. WEDDING SPECIAL Each 70 Color Prints add For Sale TRICHEM liquid mbroldery. Album. S hours of photography Ono Two Ms. Few Fly* boned Crafts Instructors wanted No Bride keeps the negatives 5250 plus day days days days days day TAX To rrrrr ve your wedding date Investment, we tram Hve tun 3 knos (280 53 50 53 85 141 05 04 20 d 70 SEER MAKING Mit. Makes 4 calls, while you earn Call Hazel at .11 30e 3749. Quality wedding dance 0350 ,I4 20 44 55 d4 75 54 90 d 70 511.05. Beer Makers of ArnerICIL 9464031 tor tree demonstration Photography ter 10 years by Print name Phone Open 540.0 04 20 54 90 *525 S545 0560 .1 70 16411 N. 4th Call 2111.1447. and information Douglas Addres. 6 knos $490 0500 55 95 56 /5 0030 070 LADIES? LET me entertain yowl City Enclowsd is for Daft USED FURNITURE Dinettes from STUDENT TO assist in teaching st910Mar for your next Earn addikonsd Sea add slat $O Sofa (chair sets from remedial reading 15 20 hrs per bridal shower or bacheiorehe $ 70 070 570 070 70 Silt SO Bedroom sets from week Must be ava dab* all S party. Call Rick at 240 0344 after silt SO Lamps horn 11010 days Mon thru Fri between 3 p.m. SEND CHECK. MONEY ORDER mattress and springs from and 7 pm Must be excellent Minimum Three lio One Dine OR CASH TO II, SO CORI FuRNITURE reader Will train. 94 per hr. CII DOES SOMEONE owe you money Sorniister Rea lel issueel SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS RENTAL CENTER. Ms Mrs Spencer, 25/ 1,09. who won't pay? You might try lines ISO 00 10 Ones 145 00 15 fines 660 00 Steven% Creek Blvd.. 1 blk, east the local small claims court For San Jose State University of Lawrence E spwy. Can Ma- more intormtion, call Andra San Jose, California 95192 C1asssficevon sse. PART.TIME WORK available the Hun School of Charm IChock 277-3175 delivering an Advertising (process servers) at 3791911, 11 COMP% E T BUSINESS Weekly. If vou have car, can to noon daily. DUKIlorly Iwo opportunity 51,000. Includes work independently and njoy I days Co. In Publication Announcements Help Wanted Personas folders, tools, instrument, 611e walking, you may be qualified to rrrrr TO Fly. Primary mid II Con.conve publocation dates only Automotive Housthg making cement barbeques far ear good money on Mon.. Tues., Instruction. C-132, 572 Srovires No refunds once/We/kid Olk backyards. For ond Weds Call San Jose per hour Wet Dual NM ground my, Salle lost fond Found Stereo I ynon, Mal 6314369. Marketing 213-0611 IS lhourly I. Call Dan, 203-4157. L NE Paw a Tuesday, March 3. 1981

) [Ai T THE STATION ITh 71-1E FiR.57 STUCK MY FiNGER Workshops offered Weather MANAGER TEu_ YOU 2 friE I'VE EVER HAD THE AUTOMATIC :r-1 TAKING OveI2 USE MY ALARM CUXK I PEWIL Si-vARRE kiER i-tE. SHIFT RIGHT T 1v1EARLY GAVE ME IFfy 54UT 11 OFF ATTACK exam i AFTER YOU, RAY A HEART for placement 7( Preparatory work- been in existence tor eight director of Educational shops for the graduate re- years throughout Test Prepa rational Ser- cord exam will be offered California, serving 22 vices, said. Partly cloudy with by SJSU on five consecu- colleges and universities. light winds from the tive Saturdays, beginning For further in- northwest. The high will March 14. "Over 40,000 students formation on the be 62 with a low of 48. have gone through the preparatory workshops, Forecast by the The function of the program so we must be call Continuing Education SJSU Meteorology workshops is to prepare doing something right," in Journalism Classrooms Department. students for the exam April Horowitz. at 277-2182. 25. The exam is a Howard regional placement test for students wishing to enter graduate .87" school. SUGA PRESENTS The workshops will be t. held from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Business .7tranit Classrooms, room 110. The program covers the study of quantitative Center to reopen language, algebra, geometry and graph reading. Other topics X-ray equipment 41 covered are verbal A Saturday analogies, reading com- by Ted Catanesi prehension and sentence X-rays, which play an integral part in many Student completion. Instructors at Special Health Service examinations, will be available again the workshop will assist within a couple of weeks, according to Margaret L. Birins, students with the strategies radiologist technologist. of the test. RENT-A- LANE The X-ray service has not been available since Dec. TN Registration fees for to make 19. The old machine was removed at that time the workshop are $70 and STUDENT UNION GAMES AREA room for the new machine. include all reference com- However, the new machine has not yet been materials. $2.00 per lane per hour pletely installed because the X-ray room had to be remodeled to accomodate the new equipment. Instructors conducting NOON - 5:00 p.m. The X-ray service is free to students. the workshops are from the "This new machine is part of our effort to bring up the Education Test Prepara- standards of health service offered to the student," Binns tional Services and are said. The new machine is more powerful and more working together with the flexible than the old one." Continuing Education pro- C'MON DOWN Binns said the new X-ray machine will minimize the gram at SJSU. time it takes to do X-rays. The graduate record The cost of the new equipment, $49,194, has been taken exam workshops have been out of the Student Health Service's equipment and held at SJSU for three remodeling funds, according to Raymond Miller, director photo by Bill Andrews of the Student Health Service. Chad Welburn, X-ray technician years. The program has Miller said the service has been allocated $376,000 by the university $116,000 for equipment and $260,000 for remodeling expenses. While without its X-ray machine, the health service has referred students who need X-rays to a private X-ray clinic at 25 N. Fourth St. Volun The Student Health Service still covers the cost of these X-rays. "As of Feb. 13, we have spent $1,554 on X-rays," Miller said. "And it will easily cost another $2,000 before 0 the new machine is in operation." According to Binns, X-rays are an expensive operation. "The cost of P.G. & E. is bad enough, not to mention 0 physicians' fees and the cost of film," Binns said. Binns said the price of X-rays really went up when the y Jeffrey price of silver, which X-ray films contain, rose. Coor.. presents Ors Do yartagt Give us ssociatec tin Felts presents Student Orientation S.U. Almp-Tee Felton Services will hold a bar- from 12:31, the Golc beque and orientation the corn leader sign-ups at the The Campus Ministry gage in Seventh Street barbeque will hold Ash Wednesda : nned S pit tomorrow from 11 a.m. Worship tomorrow at the excepti to 2 p.m. Call Janet Fox or Campus Christian Center. 'We w Andy Arias at 277-2971. 10th and San Carlos I debate,' streets, from noon to 12:30 "A les Escolade Samba p.m. 1 hour. :t these ( School of Samba ) will hold outing m an organizational meeting The Resident Hall Fellow at 5 p.m. tomorrow in Community Council is 'ally p Music Building, room 161. holding sign-ups for its scussion. Call (415) 322-9177 for Bear Valley Ski trip on We'll give you A.S. ho further information. March 13. Sign up in the nce 1978 housing office with Walter actices Phi Kappa Phi will Keenan ( 277-2126) before vities in hold its annual business March 6. 10 and ott meeting today from 12:30 to 1 p.m. in S127. All The Student California the way to higher members are invited to Teacher's Association will Fffo attend. present its Future Teacher Advisement Workshop ASCE will have a con- from 2:45 to 4 p.m. Wed- crete canoe progress nesday in Sweeney Hall grades and more report today at 12:30 p.m. ( formerly the Education on the lawn outside the Building), room 100. For Engineering Building. more information, call Jim John Mc LaTorre at 294-9212. An SJS The Chinese Christian ed during Fellowship will hold Bible ATTENTION: Spa r- free time. .ght. studies in English and taguide announcements Gary B Cantonese in the S.U. will run on a space- Pacheco Room tomorrow available basis. lanageme from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. ,al estate Would you like to: Evelyn Wood works over 1 million people, just keelt The Laughing Man O Raise your grade average without long hours including students, executives, senators, and even assmateJ Institute will have a free Crime The cot public presentation at An over texts. presidents have proven it. A free 1 hour demon- isterday State Savings and Loan O End all-night cramming sessions. stration will show you how to save hundreds of .rformed I Co., 2500 Pruneridege Ave . stoppers ,ath. Santa Clara, tomorrovy O Breeze through all your studying in as little as hours of drudgery this year (as well as how to night at 8. The University Police Department offers the 1/3 the time. increase your speed immediately with some simple San Jose Alumnae following tips for self- O Have more free time to enjoy yourself. new reading techniques). protection for women when Panhellenic announces its O Read 3 to 10 times faster, with better con- annual scholarship will be walking. It only takes an hour, and it's free. Don't miss it. available to undergraduate centration, understanding, and recall. sorority women, including Stay in well-lighted unaffiliated initiated areas. Evelyn Wood's new RD2 reading system makes it women on campus. Stay near the curb. Deadline is April 1. For Stay away from all possible. EvelynWood ME applications and in- alleys, entry ways and will open your eyes. formation call 252-11842. bushes. Walk with someone Most muggers and thugs "The Great Escape," will be discouraged if you an international travel Schedule of Free Introductory have company male or Lessons festival will be held female. LOCATION: San Jose -Student Union tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 4 Wear clothing and p.m. in the S.U. Ballroom. shoes that do not impede Tuesday March 3 2:00 and 4:00 P.M. Costanoan Room 292-1813 for further Call your movement. Wednesday March 4 6:30 and 8:30 P.M. Costanoan Room Information. Hold purse close. Don't dangle it. Never Thursday March 5 11 A.M., 1:30 and 4:00 P.M. Almaden Room The Model United leave it unattended on store Nations will meet in counters, restaurants or loch introductory lesson lasts approximately one hour. Classrooms, bus seats. Business Choose the day and time that best fits you, schedule. Off room 102 at 7 tonight. Stay near people Avoid short cuts through c +978 EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS A URS COMPANY fish) The Campus Ministry parks, vacant lots and will have Bible study in the other deserted places.
