Gazzetta Tal-Gvern Ta' Malta
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Nru./No. 20,465 Prezz/Price €1.98 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta The Malta Government Gazette L-Erbgħa, 19 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 Pubblikata b’Awtorità Wednesday, 19th August, 2020 Published by Authority SOMMARJU — SUMMARY Avviżi tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar ....................................................................................... 7165 - 7204 Planning Authority Notices .............................................................................................. 7165 - 7204 Id-19 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 7165 PROĊESS SĦIĦ FULL PROCESS Applikazzjonijiet għal Żvilupp Sħiħ Full Development Applications Din hija lista sħiħa ta’ applikazzjonijiet li waslu għand This is a list of complete applications received by the l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar. L-applikazzjonijiet huma mqassmin Planning Authority. The applications are set out by locality. bil-lokalità. Rappreżentazzjonijiet fuq dawn l-applikazzjonijiet Any representations on these applications should be sent in għandhom isiru bil-miktub u jintbagħtu fl-uffiċini tal-Awtorità writing and received at the Planning Authority offices or tal-Ippjanar jew fl-indirizz elettroniku ([email protected]. through e-mail address ([email protected]) within mt) fil-perjodu ta’ żmien speċifikat hawn taħt, u għandu the period specified below, quoting the reference number. jiġi kkwotat in-numru ta’ referenza. Rappreżentazzjonijiet Representations may also be submitted anonymously. jistgħu jkunu sottomessi anonimament. Is-sottomissjonijiet kollha lill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar, All submissions to the Planning Authority, submitted sottomessi fiż-żmien speċifikat, jiġu kkunsidrati u magħmula within the specified period, will be taken into consideration pubbliċi. and will be made public. L-avviżi li ġejjin qed jiġu ppubblikati skont Regolamenti The following notices are being published in accordance 6(1), 11(1), 11(2)(a) u 11(3) tar-Regolamenti dwar l-Ippjanar with Regulations 6(1), 11(1), 11(2)(a), and 11(3) of the tal-Iżvilupp, 2016 (Proċedura ta’ Applikazzjonijiet u Development Planning (Procedure for Applications and d-Deċiżjoni Relattiva) (A.L.162 tal-2016). their Determination) Regulations, 2016 (L.N.162 of 2016). Rappreżentazzjonijiet fuq l-applikazzjonijiet li ġejjin Any representations on the following applications should għandhom isiru sat-22 ta’ Settembru, 2020. be made by the 22nd September, 2020. Wieħed jista’ jara online dettalji u pjanti ta’ dawn Details and drawings of these applications can be viewed l-applikazzjonijiet fuq ( (għal min online at ( (available to eID users), juża l-eID) u fl-uffiċini tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar fil-Furjana or at the offices of the Planning Authority in Floriana (St. (St. Francis Ravelin) jew Ir-Rabat (Għawdex - Citybel, Triq Francis Ravelin) or Victoria (Gozo - Citybel, Triq Santa Santa Marta). Marta). *Applikazzjonijiet b’tipa grassa/korsiva huma għal Site *Applications typed in bold/italics are for re-issued Site Notices li jinħarġu mill-ġdid. Notices. ATTARD PA/05524/20 Demolition of existing structure, to sanction removal of existing niche, relocation of niche and construction of ground floor Class 4C coffee shop and overlying floors Class 4A offices. Minor excavation to create level at ground floor Graham Borg, 29, Triq l-Imdina, Attard ATTARD PA/05540/20 To sanction height of property as built from approved PA/01033/17 Aldo Bajada, ‘Tal-Mirakli Court’ 4, Triq il-Kappella tal-Mirakli, Attard BALZAN PA/05491/20 To sanction internal alterations to shop approved in PB4374/78 Portelli David, 98, Wied Hal Balzan, Buontempo Estate, Balzan BELT VALLETTA PA/04226/20 To raise the dividing wall at roof level to 7 courses above the higher roof for privacy. Joseph Bonello Bianco, 24, 25, Triq il-Batterija, Belt Valletta BELT VALLETTA PA/05402/20 Proposed change of use from an unknown Class to Class 4B offering beautician services and changing of door. Chiara Giglio, 129, Triq San Duminku, Belt Valletta 7166 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,465 BIRKIRKARA PA/05340/20 Addition of an apartment at second floor, internal alterations to create a studio apartment at first floor and a common entrance and the separation of an existing basement previously used as a shop for use as an office Class 4A Roger Zammit, 442, Waterloo, Triq Fleur-De-Lys, Birkirkara BIRKIRKARA PA/05449/20 Change of use of an office into a maisonette. Alex Falzon, Tower Apartments, Apt. No.1, Triq tas-Sisla, Is-Swatar, Birkirkara BIRKIRKARA PA/05480/20 Change of use from garage to public service garage. Emanuel Cachia, Binja tal-Ftieh, Blokk A, Garage No.7, Triq il-Ftieh, Birkirkara BIRKIRKARA PA/05486/20 Excavation of existing vacant site. Construction of 3 garages at basement floor level, maisonette at ground floor level, 3 apartments and penthouse at receded floor level. Alan Aquilina, Vacant Plot, Triq Giovanni Mamo, Birkirkara BIRŻEBBUĠA PA/01957/20 To sanction an existing sheep farm including fodder stores, garages for agricultural machinery, sheep sheds, manure clamp, paddock and all ancillary facilities, as well as hard landscaping. To propose the demolition of part of the existing building, cesspit, hard landscaping as well as proposed construction of cheeselet production and ancillary facilities, minor internal and external alterations including replacement of steel apertures with timber apertures as indicated. John Bartolo, No 27, Santa Rita, Triq tar-Ranzija, Benghajsa, Birzebbuga Proposal changed from original submission BIRŻEBBUĠA PA/04831/20 To sanction the change of use from garage to Class 4B interconnected with the approved Class 4B shop PA 5786/01, sanctioning of existing advertisement sign and to sanction as built. Joe Ellul, Sweet Angels, Triq id-Duluri, Birzebbuga BIRŻEBBUĠA PA/05366/20 Change of use from garage (Class 1) to public service garage Alfred Cachia, Garage No.1 (Basement Court), accessed from 97 Triq L-Ghannejja underlying nos.132a and 134b, Triq il-Merzuq, Birzebbuga DINGLI PA/05367/20 Outline application - Proposed construction of a residential unit overlying basement garage/agricultural store. Matthew Abela, Plot, Triq l-Imnarja, Dingli FGURA PA/05374/20 To sanction alterations from approved permits PA/07731/05 and DN/00437/11, including changes to layout of penthouse and semi-basement garage, spiral staircase to roof level and increase in height of opramorta at roof level. Proposed construction of domestic store at roof level. Olinger Scerri, Aristea, Penthouse 5, Triq Louis Schikluna, Fgura FGURA PA/05436/20 Change of use to approved shops covered by PA/04416/16 to ground floor maisonette Mark Carabott, 84 & 86, Cospicua Road c/w, Triq Lorry Sant, Fgura FGURA PA/05471/20 To sanction variations from previous approved permit PB 1804/84/3437/83 including balcony and internal room layout Vincent Debattista, 174, Fatima, Vjal Kottoner, Fgura FLORIANA PA/05606/20 Minor sanctioning, alterations as built from approved PA 07958/17 retaining first floor as existing and minor internal alterations and change of room uses to upper floors Philip Mifsud, Balzunetta Court 50, Triq il-Konservatorju, Floriana Id-19 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 7167 FONTANA PA/05476/20 To change use of garage to public service garage Allison Marie Grima, Saqwi, Triq John Gaspard Le Marchant, Fontana, Triq Santa Dminka, Rabat (Gozo) GĦARB PA/05337/20 To propose construction of reservoir, agricultural store and culvert. Paul Buttigieg, Site at, Triq San Katald, Gharb GĦARB PA/05344/20 Construction of two stables including underlying reservoir and pump room. Reinstatement of dry stone walls and fixing a timber gate. Daniel Grima, Land at, Triq Neigu, Gharb GĦARB PA/05443/20 To excavate basement, to carry out alterations and additions to dwelling approved in PA/08250/19, and to construct a washroom Ruth Scerri, Site at, Triq Birbuba, Gharb GĦARB PA/05518/20 Additions and alterations to existing terraced house, namely internal and external additions and alterations and to construct swimming pool, and to construct 2 terraced houses with swimming pools. Mr. George Camilleri, 11, Triq Frangisk Portelli c/w, Triq Frangisk Portelli Sqaq Nru. 4, Gharb GĦARGĦUR PA/05352/20 Additions and alterations to existing villa approved in PAPB/2829/69, sanctioning of minor changes from those as approved in PAPB/2829/69, sanctioning of additions (pre-1988), and replacement of dangerous structural elements and other upgrading works. Thomas Millward, Villa Reverie, Triq Ghaxqet l-Ghajn, Gharghur GĦARGĦUR PA/05379/20 To demolish existing dwelling and to construct a garage at ground floor level and four residential units at first to receded floor levels. Architectural Investments Ltd Attn: Matthew Grech, 87 & 87A, Triq il-Kbira, Gharghur GĦARGĦUR PA/05401/20 Change of use from part of quarry to Class 6B; boat storage. Works to include the introduction of a reservoir. Peter Sammut, Part of Quarry No.10, Tal-Balal, Triq tal-Balal, Gharghur GĦASRI PA/05466/20 To construct agricultural store and reservoir Joseph Farrugia, Site at, Ta’ L-Imdawra, Ghasri GĦASRI PA/05502/20 To demolish part of existing wall and roof and to sanction existing agricultural store with a reservoir underneath Stephen Portelli, Site off, Dahla ta’ Kangla, Ghasri GUDJA PA/05406/20 To sanction changes from approved permit PA 6703/06. Sanctioning of internal changes to existing residential dwelling, change in configuration of swimming pool, construction of agricultural tool room, pump room, gazebo, car port and landscaping. Louis Pace, Il-Palma, Triq Hal Safi, Gudja GUDJA PA/05427/20 To sanction minor alterations